path: root/toplevel/mltop.ml4
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2009-02-01 00:54:43 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2009-02-01 00:54:43 +0100
commit9c775561f67ac558c2c408cfa873544e2fea7b0a (patch)
tree375ac16822f815477b36d50e49bb3cd9633aaa84 /toplevel/mltop.ml4
parent3e6a1167fd397f2c72b48315e5d82f6c7e24703f (diff)
parentcfbfe13f5b515ae2e3c6cdd97e2ccee03bc26e56 (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/8.2.rc2+dfsg'
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/mltop.ml4')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/mltop.ml4 b/toplevel/mltop.ml4
index ac30f890..176f336b 100644
--- a/toplevel/mltop.ml4
+++ b/toplevel/mltop.ml4
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* camlp4deps will not work for this file unless Makefile system enhanced.
-(* $Id: mltop.ml4 11309 2008-08-06 10:30:35Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: mltop.ml4 11801 2009-01-18 20:11:41Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ open Vernacinterp
(* This path is where we look for .cmo *)
let coq_mlpath_copy = ref ["."]
-let keep_copy_mlpath path =
- coq_mlpath_copy := path :: !coq_mlpath_copy
+let keep_copy_mlpath path =
+ let cpath = canonical_path_name path in
+ let filter path' = (cpath <> canonical_path_name path') in
+ coq_mlpath_copy := path :: List.filter filter !coq_mlpath_copy
(* If there is a toplevel under Coq *)
type toplevel = {
@@ -62,17 +64,18 @@ type toplevel = {
type kind_load =
| WithTop of toplevel
| WithoutTop
- | Native
(* Must be always initialized *)
-let load = ref Native
+let load = ref WithoutTop
-(* Sets and initializes the kind of loading *)
-let set kload = load := kload
-let get () = !load
+(* Are we in a native version of Coq? *)
+let is_native = IFDEF Byte THEN false ELSE true END
-(* Resets load *)
-let remove ()= load := Native
+(* Sets and initializes a toplevel (if any) *)
+let set_top toplevel = load := WithTop toplevel
+(* Removes the toplevel (if any) *)
+let remove ()= load := WithoutTop
(* Tests if an Ocaml toplevel runs under Coq *)
let is_ocaml_top () =
@@ -81,10 +84,7 @@ let is_ocaml_top () =
|_ -> false
(* Tests if we can load ML files *)
-let enable_load () =
- match !load with
- | WithTop _ | WithoutTop -> true
- |_ -> false
+let has_dynlink = IFDEF HasDynlink THEN true ELSE false END
(* Runs the toplevel loop of Ocaml *)
let ocaml_toploop () =
@@ -103,24 +103,21 @@ let dir_ml_load s =
str s ++ str" to Coq code."))
(* TO DO: .cma loading without toplevel *)
| WithoutTop ->
+ IFDEF HasDynlink THEN
* if this code section starts to use a module not used elsewhere
* in this file, the Makefile dependency logic needs to be updated.
- let _,gname = where_in_path true !coq_mlpath_copy s in
+ let warn = Flags.is_verbose() in
+ let _,gname = where_in_path ~warn !coq_mlpath_copy s in
Dynlink.loadfile gname;
- Dynlink.add_interfaces
- [(String.capitalize (Filename.chop_suffix
- (Filename.basename gname) ".cmo"))]
- [Filename.dirname gname]
with | Dynlink.Error a ->
errorlabstrm "Mltop.load_object" (str (Dynlink.error_message a))
- | Native ->
- errorlabstrm "Mltop.no_load_object"
- (str"Loading of ML object file forbidden in a native Coq.")
+ errorlabstrm "Mltop.no_load_object"
+ (str"Loading of ML object file forbidden in a native Coq.")
(* Dynamic interpretation of .ml *)
let dir_ml_use s =
@@ -132,7 +129,7 @@ let dir_ml_use s =
let add_ml_dir s =
match !load with
| WithTop t -> t.add_dir s; keep_copy_mlpath s
- | WithoutTop -> keep_copy_mlpath s
+ | WithoutTop when has_dynlink -> keep_copy_mlpath s
| _ -> ()
(* For Rec Add ML Path *)
@@ -182,15 +179,44 @@ let mod_of_name name =
String.capitalize base
-let file_of_name name =
- let bname = String.uncapitalize name in
- let fname = make_suffix bname ".cmo" in
- if (is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy fname) then fname
- else let fname=make_suffix bname ".cma" in
- if (is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy fname) then fname
+let get_ml_object_suffix name =
+ if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo" then
+ Some ".cmo"
+ else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cma" then
+ Some ".cma"
+ else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxs" then
+ Some ".cmxs"
+ None
+let file_of_name name =
+ let name = String.uncapitalize name in
+ let suffix = get_ml_object_suffix name in
+ let fail s =
errorlabstrm "Mltop.load_object"
- (str"File not found on loadpath : " ++ str (bname^".cm[oa]"))
+ (str"File not found on loadpath : " ++ str s) in
+ if is_native then
+ let name = match suffix with
+ | Some ((".cmo"|".cma") as suffix) ->
+ (Filename.chop_suffix name suffix) ^ ".cmxs"
+ | Some ".cmxs" -> name
+ | _ -> name ^ ".cmxs"
+ in
+ if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else fail name
+ else
+ let (full, base) = match suffix with
+ | Some ".cmo" | Some ".cma" -> true, name
+ | Some ".cmxs" -> false, Filename.chop_suffix name ".cmxs"
+ | _ -> false, name
+ in
+ if full then
+ if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy base then base else fail base
+ else
+ let name = base ^ ".cmo" in
+ if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else
+ let name = base ^ ".cma" in
+ if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else
+ fail (base ^ ".cm[oa]")
(* TODO: supprimer ce hack, si possible *)
(* Initialisation of ML modules that need the state (ex: tactics like
@@ -242,7 +268,7 @@ let unfreeze_ml_modules x =
(fun name ->
let mname = mod_of_name name in
if not (module_is_known mname) then
- if enable_load() then
+ if has_dynlink then
let fname = file_of_name mname in
load_object mname fname
@@ -272,9 +298,9 @@ let cache_ml_module_object (_,{mnames=mnames}) =
msg (str"[Loading ML file " ++ str fname ++ str" ...");
load_object mname fname;
- if_verbose msgnl (str"done]")
+ if_verbose msgnl (str" done]")
with e ->
- if_verbose msgnl (str"failed]");
+ if_verbose msgnl (str" failed]");
raise e
add_loaded_module mname)
@@ -286,7 +312,9 @@ let (inMLModule,outMLModule) =
declare_object {(default_object "ML-MODULE") with
load_function = (fun _ -> cache_ml_module_object);
cache_function = cache_ml_module_object;
- export_function = export_ml_module_object }
+ export_function = export_ml_module_object;
+ subst_function = (fun (_,_,o) -> o);
+ classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o) }
let declare_ml_modules l =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inMLModule {mnames=l})