path: root/tools
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2009-02-01 00:54:40 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2009-02-01 00:54:40 +0100
commitcfbfe13f5b515ae2e3c6cdd97e2ccee03bc26e56 (patch)
treeb7832bd5d412a5a5d69cb36ae2ded62c71124c22 /tools
parent113b703a695acbe31ac6dd6a8c4aa94f6fda7545 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~rc2+dfsgupstream/8.2.rc2+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
12 files changed, 837 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/tools/beautify-archive b/tools/beautify-archive
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..aac6f3e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/beautify-archive
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#This script compiles and beautifies an archive, check the correctness
+#of beautified files, then replace the original files by the
+#beautified ones, keeping a copy of original files in $OLDARCHIVE.
+#The script assumes:
+#- that the archive provides a Makefile built by coq_makefile,
+#- that coqc is in the path or that variables COQTOP and COQBIN are set.
+if [ -e $OLDARCHIVE ]; then
+ echo "Warning: $OLDARCHIVE directory found, the files are maybe already beautified";
+ sleep 5;
+echo ---- Producing beautified files in the beautification directory -------
+if [ -e $NEWARCHIVE ]; then rm -r $NEWARCHIVE; fi
+if [ -e /tmp/$OLDARCHIVE.$$ ]; then rm -r /tmp/$OLDARCHIVE.$$; fi
+cp -pr . /tmp/$OLDARCHIVE.$$
+rm description || true
+make clean
+make COQFLAGS='-beautify -q $(OPT) $(COQLIBS) $(OTHERFLAGS) $(COQ_XML)' || \
+ { echo ---- Failed to beautify; exit 1; }
+echo -------- Upgrading files in the beautification directory --------------
+beaufiles=`find . -name \*.v$BEAUTIFYSUFFIX`
+for i in $beaufiles; do
+ j=`dirname $i`/`basename $i .v$BEAUTIFYSUFFIX`.v
+ echo Upgrading $j in the beautification directory
+ mv -u -f $i $j
+echo ---- Recompiling beautified files in the beautification directory -----
+make clean
+make || { echo ---- Failed to recompile; exit 1; }
+echo ----- Saving old files in directory $OLDARCHIVE -------------------------
+/bin/rm -r ../$OLDARCHIVE
+echo Saving $OLDARCHIVE files done
+echo --------- Upgrading files in current directory ------------------------
+vfiles=`find . -name \*.v`
+cd ..
+for i in $vfiles; do
+ echo Upgrading $i in current directory
+ mv -u -f $NEWARCHIVE/$i $i
+echo -------- Beautification completed -------------------------------------
+echo Old files are in directory '"$OLDARCHIVE"'
+echo New files are in current directory
+echo You can now remove the beautification directory '"$NEWARCHIVE"'
diff --git a/tools/coq_makefile.ml4 b/tools/coq_makefile.ml4
index d1d0d854..3fbf71dd 100644
--- a/tools/coq_makefile.ml4
+++ b/tools/coq_makefile.ml4
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: coq_makefile.ml4 11255 2008-07-24 16:57:13Z notin $ *)
+(* $Id: coq_makefile.ml4 11771 2009-01-09 18:00:56Z notin $ *)
(* créer un Makefile pour un développement Coq automatiquement *)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ let some_mlfile = ref false
let opt = ref "-opt"
let impredicative_set = ref false
+let no_install = ref false
let print x = output_string !output_channel x
let printf x = Printf.fprintf !output_channel x
@@ -38,6 +39,14 @@ let rec print_list sep = function
| x :: l -> print x; print sep; print_list sep l
| [] -> ()
+let list_iter_i f =
+ let rec aux i = function [] -> () | a::l -> f i a; aux (i+1) l in aux 1
+let best_ocamlc =
+ if = "opt" then "ocamlc.opt" else "ocamlc"
+let best_ocamlopt =
+ if = "opt" then "ocamlopt.opt" else "ocamlopt"
let section s =
let l = String.length s in
let sep = String.make (l+5) '#'
@@ -58,10 +67,11 @@ let usage () =
coq_makefile [subdirectory] .... [file.v] ... [] ... [-custom
command dependencies file] ... [-I dir] ... [-R physicalpath logicalpath]
- ... [VARIABLE = value] ... [-opt|-byte] [-f file] [-o file] [-h] [--help]
+ ... [VARIABLE = value] ... [-opt|-byte] [-impredicative-set] [-no-install]
+ [-f file] [-o file] [-h] [--help]
[file.v]: Coq file to be compiled
-[]: ML file to be compiled
+[]: Objective Caml file to be compiled
[subdirectory] : subdirectory that should be \"made\"
[-custom command dependencies file]: add target \"file\" with command
\"command\" and dependencies \"dependencies\"
@@ -73,26 +83,118 @@ coq_makefile [subdirectory] .... [file.v] ... [] ... [-custom
[-byte]: compile with byte-code version of coq
[-opt]: compile with native-code version of coq
[-impredicative-set]: compile with option -impredicative-set of coq
+[-no-install]: build a makefile with no install target
[-f file]: take the contents of file as arguments
[-o file]: output should go in file file
[-h]: print this usage summary
[--help]: equivalent to [-h]\n";
exit 1
-let standard sds sps =
+let is_genrule r =
+ let genrule = Str.regexp("%") in
+ Str.string_match genrule r 0
+let absolute_dir dir =
+ let current = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Sys.chdir dir;
+ let dir' = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Sys.chdir current;
+ dir'
+let is_prefix dir1 dir2 =
+ let l1 = String.length dir1 in
+ let l2 = String.length dir2 in
+ dir1 = dir2 or (l1 < l2 & String.sub dir2 0 l1 = dir1 & dir2.[l1] = '/')
+let canonize f =
+ let l = String.length f in
+ if l > 2 && f.[0] = '.' && f.[1] = '/' then
+ let n = let i = ref 2 in while !i < l && f.[!i] = '/' do incr i done; !i in
+ String.sub f n (l-n)
+ else f
+let is_absolute_prefix dir dir' =
+ is_prefix (absolute_dir dir) (absolute_dir dir')
+let is_included dir = function
+ | RInclude (dir',_) -> is_absolute_prefix dir' dir
+ | Include dir' -> absolute_dir dir = absolute_dir dir'
+ | _ -> false
+let has_top_file = function
+ | ML s | V s -> s = Filename.basename s
+ | _ -> false
+let physical_dir_of_logical_dir ldir =
+ let pdir = String.copy ldir in
+ for i = 0 to String.length ldir - 1 do
+ if pdir.[i] = '.' then pdir.[i] <- '/';
+ done;
+ pdir
+let standard ()=
print "byte:\n";
print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT:=-byte\"\n\n";
print "opt:\n";
if !opt = "" then print "\t@echo \"WARNING: opt is disabled\"\n";
- print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT:="; print !opt; print "\"\n\n";
+ print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT:="; print !opt; print "\"\n\n"
+let is_prefix_of_file dir f =
+ is_prefix dir (absolute_dir (Filename.dirname f))
+let classify_files_by_root var files (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ if not (List.exists (fun (pdir,_,_) -> pdir = ".") inc_r) then
+ begin
+ (* Files in the scope of a -R option (assuming they are disjoint) *)
+ list_iter_i (fun i (pdir,ldir,abspdir) ->
+ if List.exists (is_prefix_of_file abspdir) files then
+ printf "%s%d:=$(patsubst %s/%%,%%,$(filter %s/%%,$(%s)))\n"
+ var i pdir pdir var)
+ inc_r;
+ (* Files not in the scope of a -R option *)
+ let pat_of_dir (pdir,_,_) = pdir^"/%" in
+ let pdir_patterns = String.concat " " ( pat_of_dir inc_r) in
+ printf "%s0:=$(filter-out %s,$(%s))\n" var pdir_patterns var
+ end
+let install_include_by_root var files (_,inc_r) =
+ try
+ (* All files caught by a -R . option (assuming it is the only one) *)
+ let ldir = List.assoc "." ( (fun (p,l,_) -> (p,l)) inc_r) in
+ let pdir = physical_dir_of_logical_dir ldir in
+ printf "\t(for i in $(%s); do \\\n" var;
+ printf "\t install -D $$i $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/%s/$$i; \\\n" pdir;
+ printf "\t done)\n"
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Files in the scope of a -R option (assuming they are disjoint) *)
+ list_iter_i (fun i (pdir,ldir,abspdir) ->
+ if List.exists (is_prefix_of_file abspdir) files then
+ begin
+ let pdir' = physical_dir_of_logical_dir ldir in
+ printf "\t(cd %s; for i in $(%s%d); do \\\n" pdir var i;
+ printf "\t install -D $$i $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/%s/$$i; \\\n" pdir';
+ printf "\t done)\n"
+ end) inc_r;
+ (* Files not in the scope of a -R option *)
+ printf "\t(for i in $(%s0); do \\\n" var;
+ printf "\t install -D $$i $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)/$$i; \\\n";
+ printf "\t done)\n"
+let install (vfiles,mlfiles,_,sds) inc =
print "install:\n";
- print "\tmkdir -p `$(COQC) -where`/user-contrib\n";
- if !some_vfile then print "\tcp -f $(VOFILES) `$(COQC) -where`/user-contrib\n";
- if !some_mlfile then print "\tcp -f *.cmo `$(COQC) -where`/user-contrib\n";
+ print "\tmkdir -p $(COQLIB)/user-contrib\n";
+ if !some_vfile then install_include_by_root "VOFILES" vfiles inc;
+ if !some_mlfile then install_include_by_root "CMOFILES" mlfiles inc;
+ if !some_mlfile then install_include_by_root "CMIFILES" mlfiles inc;
+ if Coq_config.has_natdynlink && !some_mlfile then
+ install_include_by_root "CMXSFILES" mlfiles inc;
- (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) install)\n")
+ (fun x ->
+ printf "\t(cd %s; $(MAKE) INSTALLDEFAULTROOT=$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)/%s install)\n" x x)
- print "\n";
+ print "\n"
+let make_makefile sds =
if !make_name <> "" then begin
printf "%s: %s\n" !makefile_name !make_name;
printf "\tmv -f %s %s.bak\n" !makefile_name !makefile_name;
@@ -102,16 +204,22 @@ let standard sds sps =
(fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) Makefile)\n")
print "\n";
- end;
+ end
+let clean sds sps =
print "clean:\n";
- print "\trm -f *.cmo *.cmi *.cmx *.o $(VOFILES) $(VIFILES) $(GFILES) *~\n";
- print "\trm -f all.glob $(VFILES:.v=.glob) $(HTMLFILES) \
+ print "\trm -f $(VOFILES) $(VIFILES) $(GFILES) *~\n";
+ print "\trm -f all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob $(VFILES:.v=.glob) $(HTMLFILES) \
$(GHTMLFILES) $(VFILES:.v=.tex) $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex) $(VFILES:.v=.v.d)\n";
if !some_mlfile then
print "\trm -f $(CMOFILES) $( $(\n";
+ if Coq_config.has_natdynlink && !some_mlfile then
+ print "\trm -f $(CMXSFILES) $(CMXSFILES:.cmxs=.o)\n";
print "\t- rm -rf html\n";
- (fun (file,_,_) -> print "\t- rm -f "; print file; print "\n")
+ (fun (file,_,_) ->
+ if not (is_genrule file) then
+ (print "\t- rm -f "; print file; print "\n"))
(fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) clean)\n")
@@ -122,19 +230,26 @@ let standard sds sps =
(fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) archclean)\n")
- print "\n\n"
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "printenv: \n\t@echo CAMLC =\t$(CAMLC)\n\t@echo CAMLOPTC =\t$(CAMLOPTC)\n";
+ print "\t@echo CAMLP4LIB =\t$(CAMLP4LIB)\n\n"
-let includes () =
+let header_includes () = ()
+let footer_includes () =
if !some_vfile then print "-include $(VFILES:.v=.v.d)\n.SECONDARY: $(VFILES:.v=.v.d)\n\n";
if !some_mlfile then print "-include $(\n.SECONDARY: $(\n\n"
let implicit () =
let ml_rules () =
print "%.cmi: %.mli\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n";
- print "%.cmo:\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) $<\n\n";
- print "%.cmx:\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) $<\n\n";
+ print "%.cmo:\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -c $(PP) $<\n\n";
+ print "%.cmx:\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -c $(PP) $<\n\n";
+ print "%.cmxs:\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $(PP) $<\n\n";
+ print "%.cmo: %.ml4\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) -impl $<\n\n";
+ print "%.cmx: %.ml4\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) -impl $<\n\n";
print "\n";
- print "\t$(CAMLBIN)ocamldep -slash $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) \"$<\" > \"$@\"\n\n"
+ print "\t$(CAMLBIN)ocamldep -slash $(COQSRCLIBS) $(PP) \"$<\" > \"$@\"\n\n"
and v_rule () =
print "%.vo %.glob: %.v\n\t$(COQC) -dump-glob $*.glob $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n";
print " %.v\n\t$(COQC) -i $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n";
@@ -149,34 +264,10 @@ let implicit () =
if !some_mlfile then ml_rules ();
if !some_vfile then v_rule ()
-let variables l =
- let rec var_aux = function
- | [] -> ()
- | Def(v,def) :: r -> print v; print "="; print def; print "\n"; var_aux r
- | _ :: r -> var_aux r
- in
+let variables defs =
+ let var_aux (v,def) = print v; print "="; print def; print "\n" in
section "Variables definitions.";
- print "CAMLP4:=$(notdir $(CAMLP4LIB))\n";
- if Coq_config.local then
- (print "COQSRC:=$(COQTOP)\n";
- print "COQSRCLIBS:=-I $(COQTOP)/kernel -I $(COQTOP)/lib \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/library -I $(COQTOP)/parsing \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/pretyping -I $(COQTOP)/interp \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/proofs -I $(COQTOP)/tactics \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/toplevel -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/cc \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/dp -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/extraction \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/field -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/firstorder \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/fourier -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/funind \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/interface -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/jprover \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/micromega -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/omega \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/ring -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/romega \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/rtauto -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/setoid_ring \\
- -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/subtac -I $(COQTOP)/contrib/xml \\
- -I $(CAMLP4LIB)\n")
- else
- (print "COQSRC:=$(shell $(COQBIN)coqc -where)\n";
- print "COQSRCLIBS:=-I $(COQSRC)\n");
if !opt = "-byte" then
print "override OPT:=-byte\n"
@@ -184,81 +275,62 @@ let variables l =
if !impredicative_set = true then print "OTHERFLAGS=-impredicative-set\n";
(* Coq executables and relative variables *)
+ print "ifdef CAMLBIN\n COQMKTOPFLAGS:=-camlbin $(CAMLBIN) -camlp4bin $(CAMLP4BIN)\nendif\n";
print "COQC:=$(COQBIN)coqc\n";
print "COQDEP:=$(COQBIN)coqdep -c\n";
print "GALLINA:=$(COQBIN)gallina\n";
print "COQDOC:=$(COQBIN)coqdoc\n";
+ print "COQMKTOP:=$(COQBIN)coqmktop\n";
(* Caml executables and relative variables *)
- printf "CAMLC:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlc -rectypes -c\n";
- printf "CAMLOPTC:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlopt -rectypes -c\n";
- printf "CAMLLINK:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlc -rectypes\n";
- printf "CAMLOPTLINK:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlopt -rectypes\n";
+ printf "CAMLC:=$(CAMLBIN)%s -rectypes\n" best_ocamlc;
+ printf "CAMLOPTC:=$(CAMLBIN)%s -rectypes\n" best_ocamlopt;
+ printf "CAMLLINK:=$(CAMLBIN)%s -rectypes\n" best_ocamlc;
+ printf "CAMLOPTLINK:=$(CAMLBIN)%s -rectypes\n" best_ocamlopt;
print "GRAMMARS:=grammar.cma\n";
print "CAMLP4EXTEND:=pa_extend.cmo pa_macro.cmo q_MLast.cmo\n";
- (if Coq_config.local then
- print "PP:=-pp \"$(CAMLBIN)$(CAMLP4)o -I . -I $(COQTOP)/parsing $(CAMLP4EXTEND) $(GRAMMARS) -impl\"\n"
- else
- print "PP:=-pp \"$(CAMLBIN)$(CAMLP4)o -I . -I $(COQSRC) $(CAMLP4EXTEND) $(GRAMMARS) -impl\"\n");
- var_aux l;
+ print "CAMLP4OPTIONS:=\n";
+ List.iter var_aux defs;
+ print "PP:=-pp \"$(CAMLP4BIN)$(CAMLP4)o -I . $(COQSRCLIBS) $(CAMLP4EXTEND) $(GRAMMARS) $(CAMLP4OPTIONS) -impl\"\n";
print "\n"
-let absolute_dir dir =
- let current = Sys.getcwd () in
- Sys.chdir dir;
- let dir' = Sys.getcwd () in
- Sys.chdir current;
- dir'
-let is_prefix dir1 dir2 =
- let l1 = String.length dir1 in
- let l2 = String.length dir2 in
- dir1 = dir2 or (l1 < l2 & String.sub dir2 0 l1 = dir1 & dir2.[l1] = '/')
+let parameters () =
+ print "# \n";
+ print "# This Makefile may take 3 arguments passed as environment variables:\n";
+ print "# - COQBIN to specify the directory where Coq binaries resides;\n";
+ print "# - CAMLBIN and CAMLP4BIN to give the path for the OCaml and Camlp4/5 binaries.\n";
+ print "COQLIB:=$(shell $(COQBIN)coqtop -where | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g')\n";
+ print "CAMLP4:=\"$(shell $(COQBIN)coqtop -config | awk -F = '/CAMLP4=/{print $$2}')\"\n";
+ print "ifndef CAMLP4BIN\n CAMLP4BIN:=$(CAMLBIN)\nendif\n\n";
+ print "CAMLP4LIB:=$(shell $(CAMLP4BIN)$(CAMLP4) -where)\n\n"
-let is_included dir = function
- | RInclude (dir',_) -> is_prefix (absolute_dir dir') (absolute_dir dir)
- | Include dir' -> absolute_dir dir = absolute_dir dir'
- | _ -> false
-let dir_of_target t =
- match t with
- | RInclude (dir,_) -> dir
- | Include dir -> dir
- | _ -> assert false
-let include_dirs l =
- let rec split_includes l =
- match l with
- | [] -> [], []
- | Include _ as i :: rem ->
- let ri, rr = split_includes rem in
- (i :: ri), rr
- | RInclude _ as r :: rem ->
- let ri, rr = split_includes rem in
- ri, (r :: rr)
- | _ :: rem -> split_includes rem
- in
- let rec parse_includes l =
- match l with
- | [] -> []
- | Include x :: rem -> ("-I " ^ x) :: parse_includes rem
- | RInclude (p,l) :: rem ->
- let l' = if l = "" then "\"\"" else l in
- ("-R " ^ p ^ " " ^ l') :: parse_includes rem
- | _ :: rem -> parse_includes rem
- in
- let l' = if List.exists (is_included ".") l then l else Include "." :: l in
- let inc_i, inc_r = split_includes l' in
- let inc_i' = List.filter (fun i -> not (List.exists (fun i' -> is_included (dir_of_target i) i') inc_r)) inc_i in
+let include_dirs (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ let parse_includes l = (fun (x,_) -> "-I " ^ x) l in
+ let parse_rec_includes l =
+ (fun (p,l,_) ->
+ let l' = if l = "" then "\"\"" else l in "-R " ^ p ^ " " ^ l')
+ l in
+ let inc_i' = List.filter (fun (i,_) -> not (List.exists (fun (i',_,_) -> is_absolute_prefix i' i) inc_r)) inc_i in
let str_i = parse_includes inc_i in
let str_i' = parse_includes inc_i' in
- let str_r = parse_includes inc_r in
- section "Libraries definition.";
- print "CAMLP4LIB:=$(shell $(CAMLBIN)camlp5 -where 2> /dev/null || $(CAMLBIN)camlp4 -where)\n";
+ let str_r = parse_rec_includes inc_r in
+ section "Libraries definitions.";
print "OCAMLLIBS:=-I $(CAMLP4LIB) "; print_list "\\\n " str_i; print "\n";
+ print "COQSRCLIBS:=-I $(COQLIB)/kernel -I $(COQLIB)/lib \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/library -I $(COQLIB)/parsing \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/pretyping -I $(COQLIB)/interp \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/proofs -I $(COQLIB)/tactics \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/toplevel -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/cc -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/dp \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/extraction -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/field \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/firstorder -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/fourier \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/funind -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/interface \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/micromega -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/omega \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/ring -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/romega \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/rtauto -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/setoid_ring \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/subtac -I $(COQLIB)/contrib/xml\n";
print "COQLIBS:="; print_list "\\\n " str_i'; print " "; print_list "\\\n " str_r; print "\n";
print "COQDOCLIBS:="; print_list "\\\n " str_r; print "\n\n"
let rec special = function
| [] -> []
| Special (file,deps,com) :: r -> (file,deps,com) :: (special r)
@@ -272,15 +344,10 @@ let custom sps =
if sps <> [] then section "Custom targets.";
List.iter pr_sp sps
-let subdirs l =
- let rec subdirs_aux = function
- | [] -> []
- | Subdir x :: r -> x :: (subdirs_aux r)
- | _ :: r -> subdirs_aux r
- and pr_subdir s =
+let subdirs sds =
+ let pr_subdir s =
print s; print ":\n\tcd "; print s; print " ; $(MAKE) all\n\n"
- let sds = subdirs_aux l in
if sds <> [] then section "Subdirectories.";
List.iter pr_subdir sds;
section "Special targets.";
@@ -288,30 +355,31 @@ let subdirs l =
print_list " "
("all" :: "opt" :: "byte" :: "archclean" :: "clean" :: "install"
:: "depend" :: "html" :: sds);
- print "\n\n";
- sds
-let all_target l =
- let rec parse_arguments l =
- match l with
- | ML n :: r -> let v,m,o = parse_arguments r in (v,n::m,o)
- | Subdir n :: r -> let v,m,o = parse_arguments r in (v,m,n::o)
- | V n :: r -> let v,m,o = parse_arguments r in (n::v,m,o)
- | Special (n,_,_) :: r -> let v,m,o = parse_arguments r in (v,m,n::o)
- | Include _ :: r -> parse_arguments r
- | RInclude _ :: r -> parse_arguments r
- | Def _ :: r -> parse_arguments r
- | [] -> [],[],[]
- in
- let
- vfiles, mlfiles, other_targets = parse_arguments l
- in
- section "Definition of the \"all\" target.";
+ print "\n\n"
+let rec split_arguments = function
+ | V n :: r ->
+ let (v,m,o,s),i,d = split_arguments r in ((canonize n::v,m,o,s),i,d)
+ | ML n :: r ->
+ let (v,m,o,s),i,d = split_arguments r in ((v,canonize n::m,o,s),i,d)
+ | Special (n,dep,c) :: r ->
+ let (v,m,o,s),i,d = split_arguments r in ((v,m,(n,dep,c)::o,s),i,d)
+ | Subdir n :: r ->
+ let (v,m,o,s),i,d = split_arguments r in ((v,m,o,n::s),i,d)
+ | Include p :: r ->
+ let t,(i,r),d = split_arguments r in (t,((p,absolute_dir p)::i,r),d)
+ | RInclude (p,l) :: r ->
+ let t,(i,r),d = split_arguments r in (t,(i,(p,l,absolute_dir p)::r),d)
+ | Def (v,def) :: r ->
+ let t,i,d = split_arguments r in (t,i,(v,def)::d)
+ | [] -> ([],[],[],[]),([],[]),[]
+let main_targets vfiles mlfiles other_targets inc =
if !some_vfile then
print "VFILES:="; print_list "\\\n " vfiles; print "\n";
print "VOFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.vo)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "VOFILES" vfiles inc;
print "GLOBFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.glob)\n";
print "VIFILES:=$(\n";
print "GFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.g)\n";
@@ -322,10 +390,18 @@ let all_target l =
print "MLFILES:="; print_list "\\\n " mlfiles; print "\n";
print "CMOFILES:=$(\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMOFILES" mlfiles inc;
+ print "CMIFILES:=$(\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMIFILES" mlfiles inc;
+ print "CMXFILES:=$(\n";
+ print "CMXSFILES:=$(\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMXSFILES" mlfiles inc;
+ print "OFILES:=$(\n";
print "\nall: ";
if !some_vfile then print "$(VOFILES) ";
if !some_mlfile then print "$(CMOFILES) ";
+ if Coq_config.has_natdynlink && !some_mlfile then print "$(CMXSFILES) ";
print_list "\\\n " other_targets; print "\n";
if !some_vfile then
@@ -341,8 +417,20 @@ let all_target l =
print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -ps $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`\n\n";
print " $(VFILES)\n";
print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -ps -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`\n\n";
+ print "all.pdf: $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -pdf $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`\n\n";
+ print "all-gal.pdf: $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -pdf -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`\n\n";
print "\n\n"
+let all_target (vfiles, mlfiles, sps, sds) inc =
+ let special_targets = List.filter (fun (n,_,_) -> not (is_genrule n)) sps in
+ let other_targets = (fun x,_,_ -> x) special_targets @ sds in
+ section "Definition of the \"all\" target.";
+ main_targets vfiles mlfiles other_targets inc;
+ custom sps;
+ subdirs sds
let parse f =
let rec string = parser
@@ -379,14 +467,14 @@ let rec process_cmd_line = function
opt := "-opt"; process_cmd_line r
| "-impredicative-set" :: r ->
impredicative_set := true; process_cmd_line r
+ | "-no-install" :: r ->
+ no_install := true; process_cmd_line r
| "-custom" :: com :: dependencies :: file :: r ->
let check_dep f =
if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then
some_vfile := true
- else if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" then
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml") || (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml4") then
some_mlfile := true
- else
- ()
List.iter check_dep (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") dependencies);
Special (file,dependencies,com) :: (process_cmd_line r)
@@ -411,11 +499,14 @@ let rec process_cmd_line = function
if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then begin
some_vfile := true;
V f :: (process_cmd_line r)
- end else if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" then begin
- some_mlfile := true;
- ML f :: (process_cmd_line r)
- end else
- Subdir f :: (process_cmd_line r)
+ end else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml") || (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml4") then begin
+ some_mlfile := true;
+ ML f :: (process_cmd_line r)
+ end else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".mli") then begin
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: no need for .mli files, skipped %s\n" f;
+ process_cmd_line r
+ end else
+ Subdir f :: (process_cmd_line r)
let banner () =
@@ -462,24 +553,61 @@ let directories_deps l =
iter ([],[]) l
+let ensure_root_dir l =
+ if List.exists (is_included ".") l or not (List.exists has_top_file l) then
+ l
+ else
+ Include "." :: l
+let warn_install_at_root_directory (vfiles,mlfiles,_,_) (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ let inc_r_top = List.filter (fun (_,ldir,_) -> ldir = "") inc_r in
+ let inc_top = (fun (p,_,a) -> (p,a)) inc_r_top @ inc_i in
+ let files = vfiles @ mlfiles in
+ if not !no_install &&
+ List.exists (fun f -> List.mem_assoc (Filename.dirname f) inc_top) files
+ then
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: install target will copy files at the first level of the coq contributions installation directory; option -R %sis recommended\n"
+ (if inc_r_top = [] then "" else "with non trivial logical root ")
+let check_overlapping_include (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (pdir,_,abspdir)::l ->
+ if not (is_prefix pwd abspdir) then
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: in option -R, %s is not a subdirectoty of the current directory\n" pdir;
+ List.iter (fun (pdir',_,abspdir') ->
+ if is_prefix abspdir abspdir' or is_prefix abspdir' abspdir then
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: in options -R, %s and %s overlap\n" pdir pdir') l;
+ List.iter (fun (pdir',abspdir') ->
+ if is_prefix abspdir abspdir' or is_prefix abspdir' abspdir then
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: in option -I, %s overlap with %s in option -R\n" pdir' pdir) inc_i
+ in aux inc_r
let do_makefile args =
let l = process_cmd_line args in
- banner ();
- warning ();
- command_line args;
- include_dirs l;
- variables l;
- all_target l;
- let sps = special l in
- custom sps;
- let sds = subdirs l in
- implicit ();
- standard sds sps;
- (* TEST directories_deps l; *)
- includes ();
- warning ();
- if not (!output_channel == stdout) then close_out !output_channel;
- exit 0
+ let l = ensure_root_dir l in
+ let (_,_,sps,sds as targets), inc, defs = split_arguments l in
+ warn_install_at_root_directory targets inc;
+ check_overlapping_include inc;
+ banner ();
+ header_includes ();
+ warning ();
+ command_line args;
+ parameters ();
+ include_dirs inc;
+ variables defs;
+ all_target targets inc;
+ implicit ();
+ standard ();
+ if not !no_install then install targets inc;
+ clean sds sps;
+ make_makefile sds;
+ (* TEST directories_deps l; *)
+ footer_includes ();
+ warning ();
+ if not (!output_channel == stdout) then close_out !output_channel;
+ exit 0
let main () =
let args =
@@ -489,4 +617,3 @@ let main () =
do_makefile args
let _ = Printexc.catch main ()
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index b4b161f5..4febe9d1 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11282 2008-07-28 11:51:53Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 11749 2009-01-05 14:01:04Z notin $ *)
open Printf
open Coqdep_lexer
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ open Unix
let stderr = Pervasives.stderr
let stdout = Pervasives.stdout
-let coqlib = ref Coq_config.coqlib
let option_c = ref false
let option_D = ref false
let option_w = ref false
@@ -24,7 +22,6 @@ let option_i = ref false
let option_sort = ref false
let option_glob = ref false
let option_slash = ref false
-let option_boot = ref false
let suffixe = ref ".vo"
let suffixe_spec = ref ".vi"
@@ -245,7 +242,11 @@ let traite_fichier_Coq verbose f =
addQueue deja_vu_ml s;
let mldir = Hashtbl.find mlKnown s in
- printf " %s.cmo" (file_name ([String.uncapitalize s],mldir))
+ let filename = file_name ([String.uncapitalize s],mldir) in
+ if Coq_config.has_natdynlink then
+ printf " %s.cmo %s.cmxs" filename filename
+ else
+ printf " %s.cmo" filename
with Not_found -> ()
@@ -501,14 +502,14 @@ let rec parse = function
| "-D" :: ll -> option_D := true; parse ll
| "-w" :: ll -> option_w := true; parse ll
| "-i" :: ll -> option_i := true; parse ll
- | "-boot" :: ll -> option_boot := true; parse ll
+ | "-boot" :: ll -> Flags.boot := true; parse ll
| "-sort" :: ll -> option_sort := true; parse ll
| "-glob" :: ll -> option_glob := true; parse ll
| "-I" :: r :: ll -> add_dir add_known r []; parse ll
| "-I" :: [] -> usage ()
| "-R" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_rec_dir add_known r [ln]; parse ll
| "-R" :: ([] | [_]) -> usage ()
- | "-coqlib" :: (r :: ll) -> coqlib := r; parse ll
+ | "-coqlib" :: (r :: ll) -> Flags.coqlib_spec := true; Flags.coqlib := r; parse ll
| "-coqlib" :: [] -> usage ()
| "-suffix" :: (s :: ll) -> suffixe := s ; suffixe_spec := s; parse ll
| "-suffix" :: [] -> usage ()
@@ -519,13 +520,14 @@ let rec parse = function
let coqdep () =
if Array.length Sys.argv < 2 then usage ();
parse ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
- if !option_boot then begin
+ if !Flags.boot then begin
add_rec_dir add_known "theories" ["Coq"];
add_rec_dir add_known "contrib" ["Coq"]
- end else begin
- add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (!coqlib//"theories") ["Coq"];
- add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (!coqlib//"contrib") ["Coq"];
- add_dir add_coqlib_known (!coqlib//"user-contrib") []
+ end else begin
+ let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
+ add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"theories") ["Coq"];
+ add_rec_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"contrib") ["Coq"];
+ add_dir add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"user-contrib") []
List.iter (fun (f,_,d) -> Hashtbl.add mliKnown f d) !mliAccu;
List.iter (fun (f,_,d) -> Hashtbl.add mlKnown f d) !mlAccu;
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/ b/tools/coqdoc/
index 3339b1db..5bcbed64 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(*s Output options *)
-type target_language = LaTeX | HTML | TeXmacs
+type target_language = LaTeX | HTML | TeXmacs | Raw
let target_language = ref HTML
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ let externals = ref true
let coqlib = ref ""
let coqlib_path = ref Coq_config.coqlib
let raw_comments = ref false
+let interpolate = ref false
let charset = ref "iso-8859-1"
let inputenc = ref ""
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.css b/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.css
index 65c39b7a..a9a99706 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.css
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.css
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ body { padding: 0px 0px;
padding: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 100%;
- line-height: 80% }
+ line-height: 100% }
#main a.idref:visited {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none; }
#main a.idref:link {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none; }
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ body { padding: 0px 0px;
#main .section { background-color:#90bdff;
font-size : 175% }
-#main code { font-family: monospace }
#main .doc { margin: 0px;
padding: 10px;
font-family: sans-serif;
@@ -55,7 +53,13 @@ body { padding: 0px 0px;
background-color: #90bdff;
border-style: plain}
-#main .doc code { font-family: monospace}
+.inlinecode {
+ display: inline;
+ font-family: monospace }
+.code {
+ display: block;
+ font-family: monospace }
/* Pied de page */
@@ -66,3 +70,29 @@ body { padding: 0px 0px;
#footer a:link { text-decoration: none;
color: #888888; } { display: inline; }
+[type="constructor"] {
+ color: rgb(60%,0%,0%);
+[type="var"] {
+ color: rgb(40%,0%,40%);
+[type="definition"] {
+ color: rgb(0%,40%,0%);
+[type="lemma"] {
+ color: rgb(0%,40%,0%);
+[type="inductive"] {
+ color: rgb(0%,0%,80%);
+[type="keyword"] {
+ color : #cf1d1d;
+/* color: black; */
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty b/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty
index d31314c5..ef4f4119 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
% own name
@@ -39,7 +44,7 @@
% macro for typesetting variable identifiers
% macro for typesetting constant identifiers
@@ -57,52 +62,93 @@
% macro for typesetting constructor identifiers
+% macro for typesetting tactic identifiers
+% Environment encompassing code fragments
+% !!! CAUTION: This environment may have empty contents
% newline and indentation
+% Base indentation length
+% Beginning of a line without any Coq indentation
+% Beginning of a line with a given Coq indentation
+% End-of-the-line
+% Empty lines (in code only)
+\newcommand{\coqdocemptyline}{\vskip 0.4em plus 0.1em minus 0.1em}
% macro for typesetting the title of a module implementation
\newcommand{\coqdocmodule}[1]{\chapter{Module #1}\markboth{Module #1}{}
- \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}
+ \RequirePackage{hyperref}
- \usepackage[all]{hypcap}
+ % To do indexing, use something like:
+ % \usepackage{multind}
+ % \newcommand{\coqdef}[3]{\hypertarget{coq:#1}{\index{coq}{#1@#2|hyperpage}#3}}
\newcommand{\identref}[2]{\hyperlink{coq:#1}{\textsf {#2}}}
- \hypertarget{coq:#1}{\chapter{Library \coqdoccst{#2}}}}
+ \hypertarget{coq:#1}{\chapter{Library \texorpdfstring{\coqdoccst}{}{#2}}}}
- \newcommand{\identref}[2]{\textsf {#2}}
+ \newcommand{\texorpdfstring}[2]{#1}
+ \newcommand{\identref}[2]{\textsf{#2}}
\newcommand{\coqlibrary}[2]{\cleardoublepage\chapter{Library \coqdoccst{#2}}}
+ \@coqdoccolorsfalse
@@ -133,8 +179,8 @@
%\newcommand{\coqlibrary}[2]{\chapter{Library \coqdoccst{#2}}\label{coq:#1}}
@@ -145,11 +191,7 @@
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/index.mli b/tools/coqdoc/index.mli
index 1da8ebd7..56a3cd11 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/index.mli
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/index.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: index.mli 11065 2008-06-06 22:39:43Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id: index.mli 11576 2008-11-10 19:13:15Z msozeau $ i*)
open Cdglobals
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ type index_entry =
val find : coq_module -> loc -> index_entry
+val find_string : coq_module -> string -> index_entry
val add_module : coq_module -> unit
type module_kind = Local | Coqlib | Unknown
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/index.mll b/tools/coqdoc/index.mll
index fc2090dc..f8adb52b 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/index.mll
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/index.mll
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: index.mll 11065 2008-06-06 22:39:43Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id: index.mll 11790 2009-01-15 20:19:58Z msozeau $ i*)
@@ -47,9 +47,14 @@ let current_type = ref Library
let current_library = ref ""
(** refers to the file being parsed *)
-let table = Hashtbl.create 97
- (** [table] is used to store references and definitions *)
+(** [deftable] stores only definitions and is used to interpolate idents
+ inside comments, which are not globalized otherwise. *)
+let deftable = Hashtbl.create 97
+(** [reftable] stores references and definitions *)
+let reftable = Hashtbl.create 97
let full_ident sp id =
if sp <> "<>" then
if id <> "<>" then
@@ -60,15 +65,24 @@ let full_ident sp id =
else ""
let add_def loc ty sp id =
- Hashtbl.add table (!current_library, loc) (Def (full_ident sp id, ty))
+ Hashtbl.add reftable (!current_library, loc) (Def (full_ident sp id, ty));
+ Hashtbl.add deftable id (Ref (!current_library, full_ident sp id, ty))
let add_ref m loc m' sp id ty =
- Hashtbl.add table (m, loc) (Ref (m', full_ident sp id, ty))
+ if Hashtbl.mem reftable (m, loc) then ()
+ else Hashtbl.add reftable (m, loc) (Ref (m', full_ident sp id, ty));
+ let idx = if id = "<>" then m' else id in
+ if Hashtbl.mem deftable idx then ()
+ else Hashtbl.add deftable idx (Ref (m', full_ident sp id, ty))
-let add_mod m loc m' id = Hashtbl.add table (m, loc) (Mod (m', id))
-let find m l = Hashtbl.find table (m, l)
+let add_mod m loc m' id =
+ Hashtbl.add reftable (m, loc) (Mod (m', id));
+ Hashtbl.add deftable m (Mod (m', id))
+let find m l = Hashtbl.find reftable (m, l)
+let find_string m s = Hashtbl.find deftable s
(*s Manipulating path prefixes *)
type stack = string list
@@ -216,7 +230,7 @@ let all_entries () =
| Def (s,t) -> add_g s m t; add_bt t s m
| Ref _ | Mod _ -> ()
- Hashtbl.iter classify table;
+ Hashtbl.iter classify reftable;
Hashtbl.iter (fun id m -> add_g id m Library; add_bt Library id m) modules;
{ idx_name = "global";
idx_entries = sort_entries !gl;
@@ -238,7 +252,9 @@ let firstchar =
let identchar =
['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255'
'\'' '0'-'9']
-let ident = firstchar identchar*
+let id = firstchar identchar*
+let pfx_id = (id '.')*
+let ident = id | pfx_id id
let begin_hide = "(*" space* "begin" space+ "hide" space* "*)"
let end_hide = "(*" space* "end" space+ "hide" space* "*)"
@@ -406,9 +422,9 @@ and module_refs = parse
| ident
{ let id = lexeme lexbuf in
- add_mod !current_library (lexeme_start lexbuf) (Hashtbl.find modules id) id
- with
- Not_found -> ()
+ add_mod !current_library (lexeme_start lexbuf) (Hashtbl.find modules id) id
+ with
+ Not_found -> ()
module_refs lexbuf }
| eof
@@ -418,7 +434,7 @@ and module_refs = parse
let type_of_string = function
- | "def" | "coe" | "subclass" | "canonstruc"
+ | "def" | "coe" | "subclass" | "canonstruc" | "fix" | "cofix"
| "ex" | "scheme" -> Definition
| "prf" | "thm" -> Lemma
| "ind" | "coind" -> Inductive
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/ b/tools/coqdoc/
index 81560259..2e97618b 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 11236 2008-07-18 15:58:12Z notin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 11828 2009-01-22 06:44:11Z notin $ i*)
(* Modified by Lionel Elie Mamane <> on 9 & 10 Mar 2004:
* - handling of absolute filenames (function coq_module)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ let usage () =
prerr_endline " --html produce a HTML document (default)";
prerr_endline " --latex produce a LaTeX document";
prerr_endline " --texmacs produce a TeXmacs document";
+ prerr_endline " --raw produce a text document";
prerr_endline " --dvi output the DVI";
prerr_endline " --ps output the PostScript";
prerr_endline " --pdf output the Pdf";
@@ -56,12 +57,14 @@ let usage () =
prerr_endline " --no-externals no links to Coq standard library";
prerr_endline " --coqlib <url> set URL for Coq standard library";
prerr_endline " (default is";
+ prerr_endline " --boot run in boot mode";
prerr_endline " --coqlib_path <dir> set the path where Coq files are installed";
prerr_endline " -R <dir> <coqdir> map physical dir to Coq dir";
prerr_endline " --latin1 set ISO-8859-1 input language";
prerr_endline " --utf8 set UTF-8 input language";
prerr_endline " --charset <string> set HTML charset";
prerr_endline " --inputenc <string> set LaTeX input encoding";
+ prerr_endline " --interpolate try to typeset identifiers in comments using definitions in the same module";
prerr_endline "";
exit 1
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ let banner () =
let target_full_name f =
match !Cdglobals.target_language with
| HTML -> f ^ ".html"
+ | Raw -> f ^ ".txt"
| _ -> f ^ ".tex"
(*s \textbf{Separation of files.} Files given on the command line are
@@ -257,6 +261,8 @@ let parse () =
Cdglobals.target_language := HTML; parse_rec rem
| ("-texmacs" | "--texmacs") :: rem ->
Cdglobals.target_language := TeXmacs; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-raw" | "--raw") :: rem ->
+ Cdglobals.target_language := Raw; parse_rec rem
| ("-charset" | "--charset") :: s :: rem ->
Cdglobals.charset := s; parse_rec rem
| ("-charset" | "--charset") :: [] ->
@@ -267,6 +273,9 @@ let parse () =
usage ()
| ("-raw-comments" | "--raw-comments") :: rem ->
Cdglobals.raw_comments := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-interpolate" | "--interpolate") :: rem ->
+ Cdglobals.interpolate := true; parse_rec rem
| ("-latin1" | "--latin1") :: rem ->
Cdglobals.set_latin1 (); parse_rec rem
| ("-utf8" | "--utf8") :: rem ->
@@ -310,6 +319,8 @@ let parse () =
Cdglobals.coqlib := u; parse_rec rem
| ("--coqlib" | "-coqlib") :: [] ->
usage ()
+ | ("--boot" | "-boot") :: rem ->
+ Cdglobals.coqlib_path := Coq_config.coqsrc; parse_rec rem
| ("--coqlib_path" | "-coqlib_path") :: d :: rem ->
Cdglobals.coqlib_path := d; parse_rec rem
| ("--coqlib_path" | "-coqlib_path") :: [] ->
@@ -318,6 +329,7 @@ let parse () =
add_file (what_file f); parse_rec rem
parse_rec ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
+ Output.initialize ();
List.rev !files
@@ -414,10 +426,10 @@ let read_glob x =
match x with
| Vernac_file (f,m) ->
let glob = (Filename.chop_extension f) ^ ".glob" in
- (try
+ (try
Vernac_file (f, Index.read_glob glob)
- with _ ->
- eprintf "Warning: file %s cannot be opened; links will not be available\n" glob;
+ with e ->
+ eprintf "Warning: file %s cannot be used; links will not be available: %s\n" glob (Printexc.to_string e);
| Latex_file _ -> x
@@ -430,13 +442,13 @@ let produce_document l =
(if !target_language=HTML then
let src = (Filename.concat !Cdglobals.coqlib_path "/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.css") in
let dst = if !output_dir <> "" then Filename.concat !output_dir "coqdoc.css" else "coqdoc.css" in
- copy src dst);
+ if (Sys.file_exists src) then (copy src dst) else eprintf "Warning: file %s does not exist\n" src);
(if !target_language=LaTeX then
let src = (Filename.concat !Cdglobals.coqlib_path "/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty") in
let dst = if !output_dir <> "" then
Filename.concat !output_dir "coqdoc.sty"
else "coqdoc.sty" in
- copy src dst);
+ if Sys.file_exists src then copy src dst else eprintf "Warning: file %s does not exist\n" src);
(match !Cdglobals.glob_source with
| NoGlob -> ()
| DotGlob -> ignore ( read_glob l)
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/ b/tools/coqdoc/
index 93414f22..c146150c 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 11154 2008-06-19 18:42:19Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 11823 2009-01-21 15:32:37Z msozeau $ i*)
open Cdglobals
open Index
@@ -32,43 +32,48 @@ let build_table l =
let is_keyword =
- [ "AddPath"; "Axiom"; "Chapter"; "Check"; "CoFixpoint";
- "CoInductive"; "Defined"; "Definition"; "End"; "Eval"; "Example";
+ [ "AddPath"; "Axiom"; "Abort"; "Boxed"; "Chapter"; "Check"; "Coercion"; "CoFixpoint";
+ "CoInductive"; "Corollary"; "Defined"; "Definition"; "End"; "Eval"; "Example";
"Export"; "Fact"; "Fix"; "Fixpoint"; "Global"; "Grammar"; "Goal"; "Hint";
"Hypothesis"; "Hypotheses";
"Resolve"; "Unfold"; "Immediate"; "Extern"; "Implicit"; "Import"; "Inductive";
"Infix"; "Lemma"; "Let"; "Load"; "Local"; "Ltac";
"Module"; "Module Type"; "Declare Module"; "Include";
- "Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Parameters"; "Print"; "Proof"; "Qed";
+ "Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Parameters"; "Print"; "Proof"; "Proof with"; "Qed";
"Record"; "Recursive"; "Remark"; "Require"; "Save"; "Scheme";
"Induction"; "for"; "Sort"; "Section"; "Show"; "Structure"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem";
- "Set"; "Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables"; "Context";
+ "Set"; "Types"; "Undo"; "Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables"; "Context";
"Notation"; "Reserved Notation"; "Tactic Notation";
"Delimit"; "Bind"; "Open"; "Scope";
"Boxed"; "Unboxed"; "Inline";
- "Arguments"; "Add"; "Strict";
- "Typeclasses"; "Instance"; "Class"; "Instantiation";
+ "Implicit Arguments"; "Add"; "Strict";
+ "Typeclasses"; "Instance"; "Global Instance"; "Class"; "Instantiation";
+ "subgoal";
(* Program *)
"Program Definition"; "Program Example"; "Program Fixpoint"; "Program Lemma";
"Obligation"; "Obligations"; "Solve"; "using"; "Next Obligation"; "Next";
- "Program Instance";
+ "Program Instance"; "Equations"; "Equations_nocomp";
(*i (* coq terms *) *)
- "match"; "as"; "in"; "return"; "with"; "end"; "let"; "dest"; "fun";
- "if"; "then"; "else"; "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; ":="; "where"
+ "forall"; "match"; "as"; "in"; "return"; "with"; "end"; "let"; "dest"; "fun";
+ "if"; "then"; "else"; "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; ":="; "where"; "struct"; "wf"; "measure";
+ (* Ltac *)
+ "before"; "after"
let is_tactic =
- [ "intro"; "intros"; "apply"; "rewrite"; "setoid_rewrite";
- "destruct"; "induction"; "elim"; "dependent";
- "generalize"; "clear"; "rename"; "move"; "set"; "assert";
- "cut"; "assumption"; "exact"; "split"; "try"; "discriminate";
+ [ "intro"; "intros"; "apply"; "rewrite"; "refine"; "case"; "clear"; "injection";
+ "elimtype"; "progress"; "setoid_rewrite";
+ "destruct"; "destruction"; "destruct_call"; "dependent"; "elim"; "extensionality";
+ "f_equal"; "generalize"; "generalize_eqs"; "generalize_eqs_vars"; "induction"; "rename"; "move"; "omega";
+ "set"; "assert"; "do"; "repeat";
+ "cut"; "assumption"; "exact"; "split"; "subst"; "try"; "discriminate";
"simpl"; "unfold"; "red"; "compute"; "at"; "in"; "by";
"reflexivity"; "symmetry"; "transitivity";
"replace"; "setoid_replace"; "inversion"; "inversion_clear";
- "pattern"; "intuition"; "congruence";
+ "pattern"; "intuition"; "congruence"; "fail"; "fresh";
"trivial"; "exact"; "tauto"; "firstorder"; "ring";
- "clapply"; "program_simpl"; "eapply"; "auto"; "eauto" ]
+ "clapply"; "program_simpl"; "program_simplify"; "eapply"; "auto"; "eauto" ]
(*s Current Coq module *)
@@ -92,27 +97,31 @@ let find_printing_token tok =
let remove_printing_token = Hashtbl.remove token_pp
(* predefined pretty-prints *)
-let _ = List.iter
- (fun (s,l) -> Hashtbl.add token_pp s (Some l, None))
- [ "*" , "\\ensuremath{\\times}";
- "|", "\\ensuremath{|}";
- "->", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow}";
- "->~", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow\\lnot}";
- "->~~", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow\\lnot\\lnot}";
- "<-", "\\ensuremath{\\leftarrow}";
- "<->", "\\ensuremath{\\leftrightarrow}";
- "=>", "\\ensuremath{\\Rightarrow}";
- "<=", "\\ensuremath{\\le}";
- ">=", "\\ensuremath{\\ge}";
- "<>", "\\ensuremath{\\not=}";
- "~", "\\ensuremath{\\lnot}";
- "/\\", "\\ensuremath{\\land}";
- "\\/", "\\ensuremath{\\lor}";
- "|-", "\\ensuremath{\\vdash}";
- "forall", "\\ensuremath{\\forall}";
- "exists", "\\ensuremath{\\exists}";
- (* "fun", "\\ensuremath{\\lambda}" ? *)
- ]
+let initialize () =
+ let if_utf8 = if !Cdglobals.utf8 then fun x -> Some x else fun _ -> None in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (s,l,l') -> Hashtbl.add token_pp s (Some l, l'))
+ [ "*" , "\\ensuremath{\\times}", if_utf8 "×";
+ "|", "\\ensuremath{|}", None;
+ "->", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow}", if_utf8 "→";
+ "->~", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow\\lnot}", None;
+ "->~~", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow\\lnot\\lnot}", None;
+ "<-", "\\ensuremath{\\leftarrow}", None;
+ "<->", "\\ensuremath{\\leftrightarrow}", if_utf8 "↔";
+ "=>", "\\ensuremath{\\Rightarrow}", if_utf8 "⇒";
+ "<=", "\\ensuremath{\\le}", if_utf8 "≤";
+ ">=", "\\ensuremath{\\ge}", if_utf8 "≥";
+ "<>", "\\ensuremath{\\not=}", if_utf8 "≠";
+ "~", "\\ensuremath{\\lnot}", if_utf8 "¬";
+ "/\\", "\\ensuremath{\\land}", if_utf8 "∧";
+ "\\/", "\\ensuremath{\\lor}", if_utf8 "∨";
+ "|-", "\\ensuremath{\\vdash}", None;
+ "forall", "\\ensuremath{\\forall}", if_utf8 "∀";
+ "exists", "\\ensuremath{\\exists}", if_utf8 "∃";
+ "Π", "\\ensuremath{\\Pi}", if_utf8 "Π";
+ "λ", "\\ensuremath{\\lambda}", if_utf8 "λ"
+ (* "fun", "\\ensuremath{\\lambda}" ? *)
+ ]
(*s Table of contents *)
@@ -130,6 +139,9 @@ let new_label = let r = ref 0 in fun () -> incr r; "lab" ^ string_of_int !r
module Latex = struct
+ let in_title = ref false
+ let in_doc = ref false
(*s Latex preamble *)
let (preamble : string Queue.t) = Queue.create ()
@@ -208,7 +220,7 @@ module Latex = struct
let indentation n =
if n == 0 then
- printf "\\noindent\n"
+ printf "\\coqdocnoindent\n"
let space = 0.5 *. (float n) in
printf "\\coqdocindent{%2.2fem}\n" space
@@ -243,35 +255,49 @@ module Latex = struct
let _m = Filename.concat !coqlib m in
printf "\\coq%sref{" (type_name typ); label_ident id; printf "}{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
| Coqlib | Unknown ->
- raw_ident s
+ printf "\\coq%sref{" (type_name typ); label_ident id; printf "}{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
let defref m id ty s =
printf "\\coq%s{" (type_name ty); label_ident (m ^ "." ^ id); printf "}{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
+ let reference s = function
+ | Def (fullid,typ) ->
+ defref !current_module fullid typ s
+ | Mod (m,s') when s = s' ->
+ module_ref m s
+ | Ref (m,fullid,typ) ->
+ ident_ref m fullid typ s
+ | Mod _ ->
+ printf "\\coqdocvar{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
let ident s loc =
if is_keyword s then begin
printf "\\coqdockw{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
end else begin
- (match Index.find !current_module loc with
- | Def (fullid,typ) ->
- defref !current_module fullid typ s
- | Mod (m,s') when s = s' ->
- module_ref m s
- | Ref (m,fullid,typ) ->
- ident_ref m fullid typ s
- | Mod _ ->
- printf "\\coqdocid{"; raw_ident s; printf "}")
+ reference s (Index.find !current_module loc)
with Not_found ->
if is_tactic s then begin
printf "\\coqdoctac{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
- end else begin printf "\\coqdocvar{"; raw_ident s; printf "}" end
+ end else begin
+ if !Cdglobals.interpolate && !in_doc (* always a var otherwise *)
+ then
+ try reference s (Index.find_string !current_module s)
+ with _ -> (printf "\\coqdocvar{"; raw_ident s; printf "}")
+ else (printf "\\coqdocvar{"; raw_ident s; printf "}")
+ end
- let ident s l = with_latex_printing (fun s -> ident s l) s
+ let ident s l =
+ if !in_title then (
+ printf "\\texorpdfstring{";
+ with_latex_printing (fun s -> ident s l) s;
+ printf "}{"; raw_ident s; printf "}")
+ else
+ with_latex_printing (fun s -> ident s l) s
let symbol = with_latex_printing raw_ident
let rec reach_item_level n =
@@ -290,13 +316,13 @@ module Latex = struct
let stop_item () = reach_item_level 0
- let start_doc () = printf "\n\n\n\\noindent\n"
+ let start_doc () = in_doc := true
- let end_doc () = stop_item (); printf "\n\n\n"
+ let end_doc () = in_doc := false; stop_item ()
- let start_coq () = ()
+ let start_coq () = printf "\\begin{coqdoccode}\n"
- let end_coq () = ()
+ let end_coq () = printf "\\end{coqdoccode}\n"
let start_code () = end_doc (); start_coq ()
@@ -312,17 +338,17 @@ module Latex = struct
let section lev f =
stop_item ();
output_string (section_kind lev);
- f ();
+ in_title := true; f (); in_title := false;
printf "}\n\n"
let rule () =
printf "\\par\n\\noindent\\hrulefill\\par\n\\noindent{}"
- let paragraph () = stop_item (); printf "\n\n\\medskip\n"
+ let paragraph () = stop_item (); printf "\n\n"
let line_break () = printf "\\coqdoceol\n"
- let empty_line_of_code () = printf "\n\n\\medskip\n"
+ let empty_line_of_code () = printf "\\coqdocemptyline\n"
let start_inline_coq () = ()
@@ -394,7 +420,8 @@ module Html = struct
let line_break () = printf "<br/>\n"
- let empty_line_of_code () = printf "\n<br/>\n"
+ let empty_line_of_code () =
+ printf "\n<br/>\n"
let char = function
| '<' -> printf "&lt;"
@@ -417,49 +444,54 @@ module Html = struct
let stop_verbatim () = printf "</pre>\n"
let module_ref m s =
- printf "<a class=\"modref\" href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
- (*i
- match find_module m with
- | Local ->
- printf "<a href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
- | Coqlib when !externals ->
- let m = Filename.concat !coqlib m in
- printf "<a href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
- | Coqlib | Unknown ->
- raw_ident s
- i*)
- let ident_ref m fid s =
match find_module m with
| Local ->
- printf "<a class=\"idref\" href=\"%s.html#%s\">" m fid; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
+ printf "<a class=\"modref\" href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
| Coqlib when !externals ->
let m = Filename.concat !coqlib m in
- printf "<a class=\"idref\" href=\"%s.html#%s\">" m fid; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
+ printf "<a class=\"modref\" href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
| Coqlib | Unknown ->
raw_ident s
+ let ident_ref m fid typ s =
+ match find_module m with
+ | Local ->
+ printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"%s\">" typ;
+ printf "<a class=\"idref\" href=\"%s.html#%s\">" m fid; raw_ident s;
+ printf "</a></span>"
+ | Coqlib when !externals ->
+ let m = Filename.concat !coqlib m in
+ printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"%s\">" typ;
+ printf "<a class=\"idref\" href=\"%s.html#%s\">" m fid;
+ raw_ident s; printf "</a></span>"
+ | Coqlib | Unknown ->
+ printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"%s\">" typ; raw_ident s; printf "</span>"
let ident s loc =
if is_keyword s then begin
- printf "<span class=\"keyword\">";
+ printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"keyword\">";
raw_ident s;
printf "</span>"
end else
(match Index.find !current_module loc with
- | Def (fullid,_) ->
- printf "<a name=\"%s\"></a>" fullid; raw_ident s
+ | Def (fullid,ty) ->
+ printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"%s\">" (type_name ty);
+ printf "<a name=\"%s\">" fullid; raw_ident s; printf "</a></span>"
| Mod (m,s') when s = s' ->
module_ref m s
| Ref (m,fullid,ty) ->
- ident_ref m fullid s
+ ident_ref m fullid (type_name ty) s
| Mod _ ->
- raw_ident s)
+ printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"mod\">"; raw_ident s ; printf "</span>")
with Not_found ->
- raw_ident s
+ if is_tactic s then
+ (printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"tactic\">"; raw_ident s; printf "</span>")
+ else
+ (printf "<span class=\"id\" type=\"var\">"; raw_ident s ; printf "</span>")
let with_html_printing f tok =
(match Hashtbl.find token_pp tok with
@@ -488,9 +520,9 @@ module Html = struct
let stop_item () = reach_item_level 0
- let start_coq () = if not !raw_comments then printf "<code>\n"
+ let start_coq () = if not !raw_comments then printf "<div class=\"code\">\n"
- let end_coq () = if not !raw_comments then printf "</code>\n"
+ let end_coq () = if not !raw_comments then printf "</div>\n"
let start_doc () =
if not !raw_comments then
@@ -504,9 +536,9 @@ module Html = struct
let end_code () = end_coq (); start_doc ()
- let start_inline_coq () = printf "<code>"
+ let start_inline_coq () = printf "<span class=\"inlinecode\">"
- let end_inline_coq () = printf "</code>"
+ let end_inline_coq () = printf "</span>"
let paragraph () = stop_item (); printf "\n<br/><br/>\n"
@@ -539,7 +571,7 @@ module Html = struct
let all_letters i = List.iter (letter_index false i.idx_name) i.idx_entries
(* Construction d'une liste des index (1 index global, puis 1
- index par catégorie) *)
+ index par catégorie) *)
let format_global_index =
(fun s (m,t) ->
@@ -578,7 +610,7 @@ module Html = struct
printf "</table>\n"
let make_one_multi_index prt_tbl i =
- (* Attn: make_one_multi_index créé un nouveau fichier... *)
+ (* Attn: make_one_multi_index créé un nouveau fichier... *)
let idx = i.idx_name in
let one_letter ((c,l) as cl) =
open_out_file (sprintf "index_%s_%c.html" idx c);
@@ -776,68 +808,155 @@ module TeXmacs = struct
+(*s LaTeX output *)
+module Raw = struct
+ let header () = ()
+ let trailer () = ()
+ let char = output_char
+ let label_char c = match c with
+ | '\\' | '$' | '#' | '%' | '&' | '{' | '}' | '_'
+ | '^' | '~' -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ output_char c
+ let latex_char = output_char
+ let latex_string = output_string
+ let html_char _ = ()
+ let html_string _ = ()
+ let raw_ident s =
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do char s.[i] done
+ let start_module () = ()
+ let end_module () = ()
+ let start_latex_math () = ()
+ let stop_latex_math () = ()
+ let start_verbatim () = ()
+ let stop_verbatim () = ()
+ let indentation n =
+ for i = 1 to n do printf " " done
+ let ident s loc = raw_ident s
+ let symbol = raw_ident
+ let item n = printf "- "
+ let stop_item () = ()
+ let start_doc () = printf "(** "
+ let end_doc () = printf " *)\n"
+ let start_coq () = ()
+ let end_coq () = ()
+ let start_code () = end_doc (); start_coq ()
+ let end_code () = end_coq (); start_doc ()
+ let section_kind =
+ function
+ | 1 -> "*"
+ | 2 -> "**"
+ | 3 -> "***"
+ | 4 -> "****"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let section lev f =
+ output_string (section_kind lev);
+ f ()
+ let rule () = ()
+ let paragraph () = printf "\n\n"
+ let line_break () = printf "\n"
+ let empty_line_of_code () = printf "\n"
+ let start_inline_coq () = ()
+ let end_inline_coq () = ()
+ let make_multi_index () = ()
+ let make_index () = ()
+ let make_toc () = ()
(*s Generic output *)
-let select f1 f2 f3 x =
- match !target_language with LaTeX -> f1 x | HTML -> f2 x | TeXmacs -> f3 x
+let select f1 f2 f3 f4 x =
+ match !target_language with LaTeX -> f1 x | HTML -> f2 x | TeXmacs -> f3 x | Raw -> f4 x
let push_in_preamble = Latex.push_in_preamble
-let header = select Latex.header Html.header TeXmacs.header
-let trailer = select Latex.trailer Html.trailer TeXmacs.trailer
+let header = select Latex.header Html.header TeXmacs.header Raw.header
+let trailer = select Latex.trailer Html.trailer TeXmacs.trailer Raw.trailer
let start_module =
- select Latex.start_module Html.start_module TeXmacs.start_module
+ select Latex.start_module Html.start_module TeXmacs.start_module Raw.start_module
-let start_doc = select Latex.start_doc Html.start_doc TeXmacs.start_doc
-let end_doc = select Latex.end_doc Html.end_doc TeXmacs.end_doc
+let start_doc = select Latex.start_doc Html.start_doc TeXmacs.start_doc Raw.start_doc
+let end_doc = select Latex.end_doc Html.end_doc TeXmacs.end_doc Raw.end_doc
-let start_coq = select Latex.start_coq Html.start_coq TeXmacs.start_coq
-let end_coq = select Latex.end_coq Html.end_coq TeXmacs.end_coq
+let start_coq = select Latex.start_coq Html.start_coq TeXmacs.start_coq Raw.start_coq
+let end_coq = select Latex.end_coq Html.end_coq TeXmacs.end_coq Raw.end_coq
-let start_code = select Latex.start_code Html.start_code TeXmacs.start_code
-let end_code = select Latex.end_code Html.end_code TeXmacs.end_code
+let start_code = select Latex.start_code Html.start_code TeXmacs.start_code Raw.start_code
+let end_code = select Latex.end_code Html.end_code TeXmacs.end_code Raw.end_code
let start_inline_coq =
- select Latex.start_inline_coq Html.start_inline_coq TeXmacs.start_inline_coq
+ select Latex.start_inline_coq Html.start_inline_coq TeXmacs.start_inline_coq Raw.start_inline_coq
let end_inline_coq =
- select Latex.end_inline_coq Html.end_inline_coq TeXmacs.end_inline_coq
+ select Latex.end_inline_coq Html.end_inline_coq TeXmacs.end_inline_coq Raw.end_inline_coq
-let indentation = select Latex.indentation Html.indentation TeXmacs.indentation
-let paragraph = select Latex.paragraph Html.paragraph TeXmacs.paragraph
-let line_break = select Latex.line_break Html.line_break TeXmacs.line_break
+let indentation = select Latex.indentation Html.indentation TeXmacs.indentation Raw.indentation
+let paragraph = select Latex.paragraph Html.paragraph TeXmacs.paragraph Raw.paragraph
+let line_break = select Latex.line_break Html.line_break TeXmacs.line_break Raw.line_break
let empty_line_of_code = select
- Latex.empty_line_of_code Html.empty_line_of_code TeXmacs.empty_line_of_code
+ Latex.empty_line_of_code Html.empty_line_of_code TeXmacs.empty_line_of_code Raw.empty_line_of_code
-let section = select Latex.section Html.section TeXmacs.section
-let item = select Latex.item Html.item TeXmacs.item
-let stop_item = select Latex.stop_item Html.stop_item TeXmacs.stop_item
-let rule = select Latex.rule Html.rule TeXmacs.rule
+let section = select Latex.section Html.section TeXmacs.section Raw.section
+let item = select Latex.item Html.item TeXmacs.item Raw.item
+let stop_item = select Latex.stop_item Html.stop_item TeXmacs.stop_item Raw.stop_item
+let rule = select Latex.rule Html.rule TeXmacs.rule Raw.rule
-let char = select Latex.char Html.char TeXmacs.char
-let ident = select Latex.ident Html.ident TeXmacs.ident
-let symbol = select Latex.symbol Html.symbol TeXmacs.symbol
+let char = select Latex.char Html.char TeXmacs.char Raw.char
+let ident = select Latex.ident Html.ident TeXmacs.ident Raw.ident
+let symbol = select Latex.symbol Html.symbol TeXmacs.symbol Raw.symbol
-let latex_char = select Latex.latex_char Html.latex_char TeXmacs.latex_char
+let latex_char = select Latex.latex_char Html.latex_char TeXmacs.latex_char Raw.latex_char
let latex_string =
- select Latex.latex_string Html.latex_string TeXmacs.latex_string
-let html_char = select Latex.html_char Html.html_char TeXmacs.html_char
+ select Latex.latex_string Html.latex_string TeXmacs.latex_string Raw.latex_string
+let html_char = select Latex.html_char Html.html_char TeXmacs.html_char Raw.html_char
let html_string =
- select Latex.html_string Html.html_string TeXmacs.html_string
+ select Latex.html_string Html.html_string TeXmacs.html_string Raw.html_string
let start_latex_math =
- select Latex.start_latex_math Html.start_latex_math TeXmacs.start_latex_math
+ select Latex.start_latex_math Html.start_latex_math TeXmacs.start_latex_math Raw.start_latex_math
let stop_latex_math =
- select Latex.stop_latex_math Html.stop_latex_math TeXmacs.stop_latex_math
+ select Latex.stop_latex_math Html.stop_latex_math TeXmacs.stop_latex_math Raw.stop_latex_math
let start_verbatim =
- select Latex.start_verbatim Html.start_verbatim TeXmacs.start_verbatim
+ select Latex.start_verbatim Html.start_verbatim TeXmacs.start_verbatim Raw.start_verbatim
let stop_verbatim =
- select Latex.stop_verbatim Html.stop_verbatim TeXmacs.stop_verbatim
+ select Latex.stop_verbatim Html.stop_verbatim TeXmacs.stop_verbatim Raw.stop_verbatim
let verbatim_char =
- select output_char Html.char TeXmacs.char
+ select output_char Html.char TeXmacs.char Raw.char
let hard_verbatim_char = output_char
-let make_multi_index = select Latex.make_multi_index Html.make_multi_index TeXmacs.make_multi_index
-let make_index = select Latex.make_index Html.make_index TeXmacs.make_index
-let make_toc = select Latex.make_toc Html.make_toc TeXmacs.make_toc
+let make_multi_index = select Latex.make_multi_index Html.make_multi_index TeXmacs.make_multi_index Raw.make_multi_index
+let make_index = select Latex.make_index Html.make_index TeXmacs.make_index Raw.make_index
+let make_toc = select Latex.make_toc Html.make_toc TeXmacs.make_toc Raw.make_toc
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/output.mli b/tools/coqdoc/output.mli
index 87b311f3..3da80335 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/output.mli
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/output.mli
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: output.mli 8669 2006-03-28 17:34:15Z notin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: output.mli 11576 2008-11-10 19:13:15Z msozeau $ i*)
open Cdglobals
open Index
+val initialize : unit -> unit
val add_printing_token : string -> string option * string option -> unit
val remove_printing_token : string -> unit
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
index baace5ba..3ae5cbed 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: pretty.mll 11255 2008-07-24 16:57:13Z notin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: pretty.mll 11823 2009-01-21 15:32:37Z msozeau $ i*)
(*s Utility functions for the scanners *)
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
let formatted = ref false
let brackets = ref 0
let comment_level = ref 0
+ let in_proof = ref false
let backtrack lexbuf = lexbuf.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.lex_start_pos
@@ -173,11 +174,12 @@ let firstchar =
['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_'
(* iso 8859-1 accents *)
'\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' ] |
+ (* *)
'\194' '\185' |
(* utf-8 latin 1 supplement *)
'\195' ['\128'-'\191'] |
(* utf-8 letterlike symbols *)
- '\206' ['\177'-'\183'] |
+ '\206' ('\160' | [ '\177'-'\183'] | '\187') |
'\226' ('\130' [ '\128'-'\137' ] (* subscripts *)
| '\129' [ '\176'-'\187' ] (* superscripts *)
| '\132' ['\128'-'\191'] | '\133' ['\128'-'\143'])
@@ -188,17 +190,24 @@ let pfx_id = (id '.')*
let identifier =
id | pfx_id id
-let symbolchar_no_brackets =
- ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' ',' '@' '^' '#'
- '\\' '/' '-' '<' '>' '|' ':' '?' '=' '~'
- '{' '}' '(' ')'] |
+let symbolchar_symbol_no_brackets =
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' ',' '^' '#'
+ '\\' '/' '-' '<' '>' '|' ':' '?' '=' '~' ] |
(* utf-8 symbols *)
'\226' ['\134'-'\143' '\152'-'\155' '\164'-'\165' '\168'-'\171'] _
+let symbolchar_no_brackets = symbolchar_symbol_no_brackets |
+ [ '@' '{' '}' '(' ')' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_']
let symbolchar = symbolchar_no_brackets | '[' | ']'
-let token_no_brackets = symbolchar_no_brackets+
-let token = symbolchar+ | '[' [^ '[' ']' ':']* ']'
+let token_no_brackets = symbolchar_symbol_no_brackets symbolchar_no_brackets*
+let token = symbolchar_symbol_no_brackets symbolchar* | '[' [^ '[' ']' ':']* ']'
let printing_token = (token | id)+
+(* tokens with balanced brackets *)
+let token_brackets =
+ ( token_no_brackets ('[' token_no_brackets? ']')*
+ | token_no_brackets? ('[' token_no_brackets? ']')+ )
+ token_no_brackets?
let thm_token =
| "Lemma"
@@ -208,22 +217,26 @@ let thm_token =
| "Proposition"
| "Property"
| "Goal"
+ | "Next" space+ "Obligation"
let def_token =
| "Let"
| "Class"
- | "SubClass"
+ | "SubClass"
| "Example"
| "Local"
| "Fixpoint"
+ | "Boxed"
| "CoFixpoint"
| "Record"
| "Structure"
- | "Instance"
| "Scheme"
| "Inductive"
| "CoInductive"
+ | "Equations"
+ | "Instance"
+ | "Global" space+ "Instance"
let decl_token =
@@ -277,6 +290,8 @@ let commands =
| ("Hypothesis" | "Hypotheses")
| "End"
+let end_kw = "Proof" | "Qed" | "Defined" | "Save" | "Admitted" | "Abort"
let extraction =
| "Recursive" space+ "Extraction"
@@ -291,7 +306,8 @@ let prog_kw =
| "Solve"
let gallina_kw_to_hide =
- "Implicit"
+ "Implicit" space+ "Arguments"
+ | "Next" "Obligation"
| "Ltac"
| "Require"
| "Import"
@@ -308,12 +324,6 @@ let gallina_kw_to_hide =
| "Declare" space+ ("Left" | "Right") space+ "Step"
-(* tokens with balanced brackets *)
-let token_brackets =
- ( symbolchar_no_brackets+ ('[' symbolchar_no_brackets* ']')*
- | symbolchar_no_brackets* ('[' symbolchar_no_brackets* ']')+ )
- symbolchar_no_brackets*
let section = "*" | "**" | "***" | "****"
let item_space = " "
@@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ let end_verb = "(*" space* "end" space+ "verb" space* "*)"
rule coq_bol = parse
| space* nl+
- { Output.empty_line_of_code (); coq_bol lexbuf }
+ { if not (!in_proof && !Cdglobals.gallina) then Output.empty_line_of_code (); coq_bol lexbuf }
| space* "(**" space_nl
{ Output.end_coq (); Output.start_doc ();
let eol = doc_bol lexbuf in
@@ -352,7 +362,7 @@ rule coq_bol = parse
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
if !Cdglobals.light && section_or_end s then
let eol = skip_to_dot lexbuf in
- if eol then (Output.line_break (); coq_bol lexbuf) else coq lexbuf
+ if eol then (coq_bol lexbuf) else coq lexbuf
let nbsp,isp = count_spaces s in
@@ -362,16 +372,45 @@ rule coq_bol = parse
let eol = body lexbuf in
if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf
end }
- | space* gallina_kw
+ | space* thm_token
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
let nbsp,isp = count_spaces s in
let s = String.sub s isp (String.length s - isp) in
Output.indentation nbsp;
Output.ident s (lexeme_start lexbuf + isp);
+ let eol = body lexbuf in
+ in_proof := true;
+ if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
+ | space* "Proof" (space* "." | space+ "with")
+ { in_proof := true;
+ let eol =
+ if not !Cdglobals.gallina then
+ begin backtrack lexbuf; body_bol lexbuf end
+ else true
+ in if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
+ | space* end_kw {
+ let eol =
+ if not (!in_proof && !Cdglobals.gallina) then
+ begin backtrack lexbuf; body_bol lexbuf end
+ else
+ skip_to_dot lexbuf
+ in
+ in_proof := false;
+ if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
+ | space* gallina_kw
+ {
+ in_proof := false;
+ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
+ let nbsp,isp = count_spaces s in
+ let s = String.sub s isp (String.length s - isp) in
+ Output.indentation nbsp;
+ Output.ident s (lexeme_start lexbuf + isp);
let eol= body lexbuf in
if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
| space* prog_kw
- { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
+ {
+ in_proof := false;
+ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
let nbsp,isp = count_spaces s in
Output.indentation nbsp;
let s = String.sub s isp (String.length s - isp) in
@@ -409,7 +448,7 @@ rule coq_bol = parse
| _
{ let eol =
if not !Cdglobals.gallina then
- begin backtrack lexbuf; Output.indentation 0; body_bol lexbuf end
+ begin backtrack lexbuf; body_bol lexbuf end
skip_to_dot lexbuf
@@ -419,7 +458,7 @@ rule coq_bol = parse
and coq = parse
| nl
- { Output.line_break(); coq_bol lexbuf }
+ { if not (!in_proof && !Cdglobals.gallina) then Output.line_break(); coq_bol lexbuf }
| "(**" space_nl
{ Output.end_coq (); Output.start_doc ();
let eol = doc_bol lexbuf in
@@ -448,6 +487,15 @@ and coq = parse
let eol=body lexbuf in
if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf
end }
+ | end_kw {
+ let eol =
+ if not (!in_proof && !Cdglobals.gallina) then
+ begin backtrack lexbuf; body lexbuf end
+ else
+ skip_to_dot lexbuf
+ in
+ in_proof := false;
+ if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
| gallina_kw
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
Output.ident s (lexeme_start lexbuf);
@@ -463,7 +511,7 @@ and coq = parse
{ () }
| _ { let eol =
if not !Cdglobals.gallina then
- begin backtrack lexbuf; Output.indentation 0; body lexbuf end
+ begin backtrack lexbuf; body lexbuf end
let eol = skip_to_dot lexbuf in
if eol then Output.line_break (); eol
@@ -496,16 +544,15 @@ and doc_bol = parse
and doc = parse
| nl
{ Output.char '\n'; doc_bol lexbuf }
- | "["
- { brackets := 1;
- Output.start_inline_coq (); escaped_coq lexbuf; Output.end_inline_coq ();
- doc lexbuf }
- | "[[" nl space*
+ | "[[" nl
{ formatted := true; Output.line_break (); Output.start_inline_coq ();
- Output.indentation (fst (count_spaces (lexeme lexbuf)));
let eol = body_bol lexbuf in
Output.end_inline_coq (); formatted := false;
if eol then doc_bol lexbuf else doc lexbuf}
+ | "["
+ { brackets := 1;
+ Output.start_inline_coq (); escaped_coq lexbuf; Output.end_inline_coq ();
+ doc lexbuf }
| '*'* "*)" space* nl
{ true }
| '*'* "*)"
@@ -612,7 +659,7 @@ and skip_to_dot = parse
and body_bol = parse
| space+
{ Output.indentation (fst (count_spaces (lexeme lexbuf))); body lexbuf }
- | _ { backtrack lexbuf; body lexbuf }
+ | _ { backtrack lexbuf; Output.indentation 0; body lexbuf }
and body = parse
| nl {Output.line_break(); body_bol lexbuf}
@@ -645,7 +692,7 @@ and notation_bol = parse
and notation = parse
| nl { Output.line_break(); notation_bol lexbuf }
- | '"' { Output.char '"'; false }
+ | '"' { Output.char '"'}
| token
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
Output.symbol s; notation lexbuf }
@@ -660,7 +707,7 @@ and skip_hide = parse
(*s Reading token pretty-print *)
and printing_token_body = parse
- | "*)" | eof
+ | "*)" nl? | eof
{ let s = Buffer.contents token_buffer in
Buffer.clear token_buffer;
s }