path: root/tools/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:02:20 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:02:20 +0100
commit97fefe1fcca363a1317e066e7f4b99b9c1e9987b (patch)
tree97ec6b7d831cc5fb66328b0c63a11db1cbb2f158 /tools/
parent300293c119981054c95182a90c829058530a6b6f (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.4~betaupstream/8.4_beta
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/')
1 files changed, 714 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a685d6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* créer un Makefile pour un développement Coq automatiquement *)
+let output_channel = ref stdout
+let makefile_name = ref "Makefile"
+let make_name = ref ""
+let some_vfile = ref false
+let some_mlfile = ref false
+let some_mlifile = ref false
+let some_ml4file = ref false
+let some_mllibfile = ref false
+let some_mlpackfile = ref false
+let print x = output_string !output_channel x
+let printf x = Printf.fprintf !output_channel x
+let rec print_list sep = function
+ | [ x ] -> print x
+ | x :: l -> print x; print sep; print_list sep l
+ | [] -> ()
+let list_iter_i f =
+ let rec aux i = function [] -> () | a::l -> f i a; aux (i+1) l in aux 1
+let section s =
+ let l = String.length s in
+ let sep = String.make (l+5) '#'
+ and sep2 = String.make (l+5) ' ' in
+ String.set sep (l+4) '\n';
+ String.set sep2 0 '#';
+ String.set sep2 (l+3) '#';
+ String.set sep2 (l+4) '\n';
+ print sep;
+ print sep2;
+ print "# "; print s; print " #\n";
+ print sep2;
+ print sep;
+ print "\n"
+let usage () =
+ output_string stderr "Usage summary:
+coq_makefile [subdirectory] .... [file.v] ... [[i4]?] ... [file.mllib]
+ ... [-custom command dependencies file] ... [-I dir] ... [-R physicalpath
+ logicalpath] ... [VARIABLE = value] ... [-arg opt] ... [-opt|-byte]
+ [-no-install] [-f file] [-o file] [-h] [--help]
+[file.v]: Coq file to be compiled
+[[i4]?]: Objective Caml file to be compiled
+[file.mllib]: ocamlbuild file that describes a Objective Caml library
+[subdirectory] : subdirectory that should be \"made\" and has a
+ Makefile itself to do so.
+[-custom command dependencies file]: add target \"file\" with command
+ \"command\" and dependencies \"dependencies\"
+[-I dir]: look for Objective Caml dependencies in \"dir\"
+[-R physicalpath logicalpath]: look for Coq dependencies resursively
+ starting from \"physicalpath\". The logical path associated to the
+ physical path is \"logicalpath\".
+[VARIABLE = value]: Add the variable definition \"VARIABLE=value\"
+[-byte]: compile with byte-code version of coq
+[-opt]: compile with native-code version of coq
+[-arg opt]: send option \"opt\" to coqc
+[-install opt]: where opt is \"user\" to force install into user directory,
+ \"none\" to build a makefile with no install target or
+ \"global\" to force install in $COQLIB directory
+[-f file]: take the contents of file as arguments
+[-o file]: output should go in file file
+ Output file outside the current directory is forbidden.
+[-h]: print this usage summary
+[--help]: equivalent to [-h]\n";
+ exit 1
+let is_genrule r =
+ let genrule = Str.regexp("%") in
+ Str.string_match genrule r 0
+let string_prefix a b =
+ let rec aux i = try if a.[i] = b.[i] then aux (i+1) else i with |Invalid_argument _ -> i in
+ String.sub a 0 (aux 0)
+let is_prefix dir1 dir2 =
+ let l1 = String.length dir1 in
+ let l2 = String.length dir2 in
+ dir1 = dir2 or (l1 < l2 & String.sub dir2 0 l1 = dir1 & dir2.[l1] = '/')
+let physical_dir_of_logical_dir ldir =
+ let le = String.length ldir - 1 in
+ let pdir = if ldir.[le] = '.' then String.sub ldir 0 (le - 1) else String.copy ldir in
+ for i = 0 to le - 1 do
+ if pdir.[i] = '.' then pdir.[i] <- '/';
+ done;
+ pdir
+let standard opt =
+ print "byte:\n";
+ print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT:=-byte\"\n\n";
+ print "opt:\n";
+ if not opt then print "\t@echo \"WARNING: opt is disabled\"\n";
+ print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT:="; print (if opt then "-opt" else "-byte");
+ print "\"\n\n"
+let classify_files_by_root var files (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ if not (List.exists (fun (pdir,_,_) -> pdir = ".") inc_r) then
+ begin
+ let absdir_of_files = List.rev_map
+ (fun x -> Minilib.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname x))
+ files in
+ (* files in scope of a -I option (assuming they are no overlapping) *)
+ let has_inc_i = List.exists (fun (_,a) -> List.mem a absdir_of_files) inc_i in
+ if has_inc_i then
+ begin
+ printf "%sINC=" var;
+ List.iter (fun (pdir,absdir) ->
+ if List.mem absdir absdir_of_files
+ then printf
+ "$(filter $(wildcard %s/*),$(%s)) "
+ pdir var
+ ) inc_i;
+ printf "\n";
+ end;
+ (* Files in the scope of a -R option (assuming they are disjoint) *)
+ list_iter_i (fun i (pdir,ldir,abspdir) ->
+ if List.exists (is_prefix abspdir) absdir_of_files then
+ printf "%s%d=$(patsubst %s/%%,%%,$(filter %s/%%,$(%s)))\n"
+ var i pdir pdir var)
+ inc_r;
+ end
+let install_include_by_root files_var files (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ try
+ (* All files caught by a -R . option (assuming it is the only one) *)
+ let ldir = match inc_r with
+ |[(".",t,_)] -> t
+ |l -> let out = List.assoc "." ( (fun (p,l,_) -> (p,l)) inc_r) in
+ let () = prerr_string "Warning: install rule assumes that -R . _ is the only -R option" in
+ out in
+ let pdir = physical_dir_of_logical_dir ldir in
+ printf "\tfor i in $(%s); do \\\n" files_var;
+ printf "\t install -d `dirname $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/%s/$$i`; \\\n" pdir;
+ printf "\t install -m 0644 $$i $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/%s/$$i; \\\n" pdir;
+ printf "\tdone\n"
+ with Not_found ->
+ let absdir_of_files = List.rev_map
+ (fun x -> Minilib.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname x))
+ files in
+ let has_inc_i_files =
+ List.exists (fun (_,a) -> List.mem a absdir_of_files) inc_i in
+ let install_inc_i d =
+ printf "\tinstall -d $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/%s; \\\n" d;
+ printf "\tfor i in $(%sINC); do \\\n" files_var;
+ printf "\t install -m 0644 $$i $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/%s/`basename $$i`; \\\n" d;
+ printf "\tdone\n"
+ in
+ if inc_r = [] then
+ if has_inc_i_files then
+ begin
+ (* Files in the scope of a -I option *)
+ install_inc_i "$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)";
+ end else ()
+ else
+ (* Files in the scope of a -R option (assuming they are disjoint) *)
+ list_iter_i (fun i (pdir,ldir,abspdir) ->
+ let has_inc_r_files = List.exists (is_prefix abspdir) absdir_of_files in
+ let pdir' = physical_dir_of_logical_dir ldir in
+ if has_inc_r_files then
+ begin
+ printf "\tcd %s; for i in $(%s%d); do \\\n" pdir files_var i;
+ printf "\t install -d `dirname $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/%s/$$i`; \\\n" pdir';
+ printf "\t install -m 0644 $$i $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/%s/$$i; \\\n" pdir';
+ printf "\tdone\n";
+ end;
+ if has_inc_i_files then install_inc_i pdir'
+ ) inc_r
+let install_doc some_vfiles some_mlifiles (_,inc_r) =
+ let install_one_kind kind dir =
+ printf "\tinstall -d $(DSTROOT)$(COQDOCINSTALL)/%s/%s\n" dir kind;
+ printf "\tfor i in %s/*; do \\\n" kind;
+ printf "\t install -m 0644 $$i $(DSTROOT)$(COQDOCINSTALL)/%s/$$i;\\\n" dir;
+ print "\tdone\n" in
+ print "install-doc:\n";
+ let () = match inc_r with
+ |[] ->
+ if some_vfiles then install_one_kind "html" "$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)";
+ if some_mlifiles then install_one_kind "mlihtml" "$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)";
+ |(_,lp,_)::q ->
+ let pr = List.fold_left (fun a (_,b,_) -> string_prefix a b) lp q in
+ if (pr <> "") &&
+ ((List.exists (fun(_,b,_) -> b = pr) inc_r) || pr.[String.length pr - 1] = '.')
+ then begin
+ let rt = physical_dir_of_logical_dir pr in
+ if some_vfiles then install_one_kind "html" rt;
+ if some_mlifiles then install_one_kind "mlihtml" rt;
+ end else begin
+ prerr_string "Warning: -R options don't have a correct common prefix,
+ install-doc will put anything in $INSTALLDEFAULTROOT";
+ if some_vfiles then install_one_kind "html" "$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)";
+ if some_mlifiles then install_one_kind "mlihtml" "$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)";
+ end in
+ print "\n"
+let install (vfiles,(mlifiles,ml4files,mlfiles,mllibfiles,mlpackfiles),_,sds) inc = function
+ |Project_file.NoInstall -> ()
+ |is_install ->
+ let () = if is_install = Project_file.UnspecInstall then
+ print "userinstall:\n\t+$(MAKE) USERINSTALL=true install\n\n" in
+ let not_empty = function |[] -> false |_::_ -> true in
+ let cmofiles = mlpackfiles@mlfiles@ml4files in
+ let cmifiles = mlifiles@cmofiles in
+ let cmxsfiles = cmofiles@mllibfiles in
+ if (not_empty cmxsfiles) then begin
+ print "install-natdynlink:\n";
+ install_include_by_root "CMXSFILES" cmxsfiles inc;
+ print "\n";
+ end;
+ print "install:";
+ if (not_empty cmxsfiles) then print "$(if ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true',install-natdynlink)";
+ print "\n";
+ if not_empty vfiles then install_include_by_root "VOFILES" vfiles inc;
+ if (not_empty cmofiles) then
+ install_include_by_root "CMOFILES" cmofiles inc;
+ if (not_empty cmifiles) then
+ install_include_by_root "CMIFILES" cmifiles inc;
+ if (not_empty mllibfiles) then
+ install_include_by_root "CMAFILES" mllibfiles inc;
+ List.iter
+ (fun x ->
+ sds;
+ print "\n";
+ install_doc (not_empty vfiles) (not_empty mlifiles) inc
+let make_makefile sds =
+ if !make_name <> "" then begin
+ printf "%s: %s\n" !makefile_name !make_name;
+ print "\tmv -f $@ $@.bak\n";
+ print "\t$(COQBIN)coq_makefile -f $< -o $@\n\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) Makefile)\n")
+ sds;
+ print "\n";
+ end
+let clean sds sps =
+ print "clean:\n";
+ if !some_mlfile || !some_mlifile || !some_ml4file || !some_mllibfile || !some_mlpackfile then begin
+ print "\trm -f $(ALLCMOFILES) $(CMIFILES) $(CMAFILES)\n";
+ print "\trm -f $(ALLCMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx) $(CMXAFILES) $(CMXSFILES) $(ALLCMOFILES:.cmo=.o) $(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.a)\n";
+ print "\trm -f $(addsuffix .d,$(MLFILES) $(MLIFILES) $(ML4FILES) $(MLLIBFILES) $(MLPACKFILES))\n";
+ end;
+ if !some_vfile then
+ print "\trm -f $(VOFILES) $(VIFILES) $(GFILES) $(VFILES:.v=.v.d) $(VFILES:=.beautified) $(VFILES:=.old)\n";
+ print "\trm -f all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob $(VFILES:.v=.glob) $(VFILES:.v=.tex) $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex) all-mli.tex\n";
+ print "\t- rm -rf html mlihtml\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun (file,_,_) ->
+ if not (is_genrule file) then
+ (print "\t- rm -rf "; print file; print "\n"))
+ sps;
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) clean)\n")
+ sds;
+ print "\n";
+ print "archclean:\n";
+ print "\trm -f *.cmx *.o\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) archclean)\n")
+ sds;
+ print "\n";
+ print "printenv:\n\t@$(COQBIN)coqtop -config\n";
+ print "\t@echo CAMLC =\t$(CAMLC)\n\t@echo CAMLOPTC =\t$(CAMLOPTC)\n\t@echo PP =\t$(PP)\n\t@echo COQFLAGS =\t$(COQFLAGS)\n";
+let header_includes () = ()
+let implicit () =
+ section "Implicit rules.";
+ let mli_rules () =
+ print "%.cmi: %.mli\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n";
+ print "%.mli.d: %.mli\n";
+ print "\t$(OCAMLDEP) -slash $(OCAMLLIBS) \"$<\" > \"$@\" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f \"$@\"; exit $${RV} )\n\n" in
+ let ml4_rules () =
+ print "%.cmo: %.ml4\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) -impl $<\n\n";
+ print "%.cmx: %.ml4\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) -impl $<\n\n";
+ print "%.ml4.d: %.ml4\n";
+ print "\t$(OCAMLDEP) -slash $(OCAMLLIBS) $(PP) -impl \"$<\" > \"$@\" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f \"$@\"; exit $${RV} )\n\n" in
+ let ml_rules () =
+ print "%.cmo:\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n";
+ print "%.cmx:\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\t$(OCAMLDEP) -slash $(OCAMLLIBS) \"$<\" > \"$@\" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f \"$@\"; exit $${RV} )\n\n" in
+ let cmxs_rules () =
+ print "%.cmxs: %.cmx\n\t$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $<\n\n" in
+ let mllib_rules () =
+ print "%.cma: | %.mllib\n\t$(CAMLLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -a -o $@ $^\n\n";
+ print "%.cmxa: | %.mllib\n\t$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -a -o $@ $^\n\n";
+ print "%.cmxs: %.cmxa\n\t$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -linkall -shared -o $@ $<\n\n";
+ print "%.mllib.d: %.mllib\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDEP) -slash $(COQLIBS) -c \"$<\" > \"$@\" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f \"$@\"; exit $${RV} )\n\n" in
+ let mlpack_rules () =
+ print "%.cmo: | %.mlpack\n\t$(CAMLLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -pack -o $@ $^\n\n";
+ print "%.cmx: | %.mlpack\n\t$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -pack -o $@ $^\n\n";
+ print "%.mlpack.d: %.mlpack\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDEP) -slash $(COQLIBS) -c \"$<\" > \"$@\" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f \"$@\"; exit $${RV} )\n\n";
+ let v_rules () =
+ print "%.vo %.glob: %.v\n\t$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n";
+ print " %.v\n\t$(COQC) -i $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n";
+ print "%.g: %.v\n\t$(GALLINA) $<\n\n";
+ print "%.tex: %.v\n\t$(COQDOC) -latex $< -o $@\n\n";
+ print "%.html: %.v %.glob\n\t$(COQDOC) -html $< -o $@\n\n";
+ print "%.g.tex: %.v\n\t$(COQDOC) -latex -g $< -o $@\n\n";
+ print "%.g.html: %.v %.glob\n\t$(COQDOC) -html -g $< -o $@\n\n";
+ print "%.v.d: %.v\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDEP) -slash $(COQLIBS) \"$<\" > \"$@\" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f \"$@\"; exit $${RV} )\n\n";
+ print "%.v.beautified:\n\t$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) -beautify $*\n\n"
+ in
+ if !some_mlifile then mli_rules ();
+ if !some_ml4file then ml4_rules ();
+ if !some_mlfile then ml_rules ();
+ if !some_mlfile || !some_ml4file then cmxs_rules ();
+ if !some_mllibfile then mllib_rules ();
+ if !some_mlpackfile then mlpack_rules ();
+ if !some_vfile then v_rules ()
+let variables is_install opt (args,defs) =
+ let var_aux (v,def) = print v; print "="; print def; print "\n" in
+ section "Variables definitions.";
+ List.iter var_aux defs;
+ print "\n";
+ if not opt then
+ print "override OPT:=-byte\n"
+ else
+ print "OPT?=\n";
+ begin
+ match args with
+ |[] -> ()
+ |h::t -> print "OTHERFLAGS=";
+ print h;
+ List.iter (fun s -> print " ";print s) t;
+ print "\n";
+ end;
+ (* Coq executables and relative variables *)
+ if !some_vfile then begin
+ print "COQFLAGS?=-q $(OPT) $(COQLIBS) $(OTHERFLAGS) $(COQ_XML)\n";
+ print "COQCHKFLAGS?=-silent -o\n";
+ print "COQC?=$(COQBIN)coqc\n";
+ print "COQDEP?=$(COQBIN)coqdep -c\n";
+ print "GALLINA?=$(COQBIN)gallina\n";
+ print "COQDOC?=$(COQBIN)coqdoc\n";
+ print "COQCHK?=$(COQBIN)coqchk\n\n";
+ end;
+ (* Caml executables and relative variables *)
+ if !some_ml4file || !some_mlfile || !some_mlifile then begin
+ print "COQSRCLIBS?=-I $(COQLIB)kernel -I $(COQLIB)lib \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)library -I $(COQLIB)parsing \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)pretyping -I $(COQLIB)interp \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)proofs -I $(COQLIB)tactics \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)toplevel";
+ List.iter (fun c -> print " \\
+ -I $(COQLIB)plugins/"; print c) Coq_config.plugins_dirs; print "\n";
+ print "CAMLC?=$(OCAMLC) -c -rectypes\n";
+ print "CAMLOPTC?=$(OCAMLOPT) -c -rectypes\n";
+ print "CAMLLINK?=$(OCAMLC) -rectypes\n";
+ print "CAMLOPTLINK?=$(OCAMLOPT) -rectypes\n";
+ print "GRAMMARS?=grammar.cma\n";
+ print "CAMLP4EXTEND?=pa_extend.cmo pa_macro.cmo q_MLast.cmo\n";
+ print "CAMLP4OPTIONS?=\n";
+ print "PP?=-pp \"$(CAMLP4BIN)$(CAMLP4)o -I $(CAMLLIB) -I . $(COQSRCLIBS) $(CAMLP4EXTEND) $(GRAMMARS) $(CAMLP4OPTIONS) -impl\"\n\n";
+ end;
+ match is_install with
+ | Project_file.NoInstall -> ()
+ | Project_file.UnspecInstall ->
+ section "Install Paths.";
+ print "ifdef USERINSTALL\n";
+ print "XDG_DATA_HOME?=$(HOME)/.local/share\n";
+ print "COQDOCINSTALL=$(XDG_DATA_HOME)/doc/coq\n";
+ print "else\n";
+ print "COQLIBINSTALL=${COQLIB}user-contrib\n";
+ print "COQDOCINSTALL=${DOCDIR}user-contrib\n";
+ print "endif\n\n"
+ | Project_file.TraditionalInstall ->
+ section "Install Paths.";
+ print "COQLIBINSTALL=${COQLIB}user-contrib\n";
+ print "COQDOCINSTALL=${DOCDIR}user-contrib\n";
+ print "\n"
+ | Project_file.UserInstall ->
+ section "Install Paths.";
+ print "XDG_DATA_HOME?=$(HOME)/.local/share\n";
+ print "COQDOCINSTALL=$(XDG_DATA_HOME)/doc/coq\n";
+ print "\n"
+let parameters () =
+ print ".DEFAULT_GOAL := all\n\n# \n";
+ print "# This Makefile may take arguments passed as environment variables:\n";
+ print "# COQBIN to specify the directory where Coq binaries resides;\n";
+ print "# ZDEBUG/COQDEBUG to specify debug flags for ocamlc&ocamlopt/coqc;\n";
+ print "# DSTROOT to specify a prefix to install path.\n\n";
+ print "# Here is a hack to make $(eval $(shell works:\n";
+ print "define donewline\n\n\nendef\n";
+ print "includecmdwithout@ = $(eval $(subst @,$(donewline),$(shell { $(1) | tr '\\n' '@'; })))\n";
+ print "$(call includecmdwithout@,$(COQBIN)coqtop -config)\n\n"
+let include_dirs (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ let parse_includes l = (fun (x,_) -> "-I " ^ x) l in
+ let parse_rec_includes l =
+ (fun (p,l,_) ->
+ let l' = if l = "" then "\"\"" else l in "-R " ^ p ^ " " ^ l')
+ l in
+ let inc_i' = List.filter (fun (_,i) -> not (List.exists (fun (_,_,i') -> is_prefix i' i) inc_r)) inc_i in
+ let str_i = parse_includes inc_i in
+ let str_i' = parse_includes inc_i' in
+ let str_r = parse_rec_includes inc_r in
+ section "Libraries definitions.";
+ if !some_ml4file || !some_mlfile || !some_mlifile then begin
+ print "OCAMLLIBS?="; print_list "\\\n " str_i; print "\n";
+ end;
+ if !some_vfile then begin
+ print "COQLIBS?="; print_list "\\\n " str_i'; print " "; print_list "\\\n " str_r; print "\n";
+ print "COQDOCLIBS?="; print_list "\\\n " str_r; print "\n\n";
+ end
+let custom sps =
+ let pr_path (file,dependencies,com) =
+ print file; print ": "; print dependencies; print "\n";
+ if com <> "" then (print "\t"; print com); print "\n\n"
+ in
+ if sps <> [] then section "Custom targets.";
+ List.iter pr_path sps
+let subdirs sds =
+ let pr_subdir s =
+ print s; print ":\n\tcd "; print s; print " ; $(MAKE) all\n\n"
+ in
+ if sds <> [] then section "Subdirectories.";
+ List.iter pr_subdir sds
+let forpacks l =
+ let () = if l <> [] then section "Ad-hoc implicit rules for mlpack." in
+ List.iter (fun it ->
+ let h = Filename.chop_extension it in
+ printf "$(addsuffix .cmx,$(filter $(basename $(MLFILES)),$(%s_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES))): %%.cmx:\n" h;
+ printf "\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -for-pack %s $<\n\n" (String.capitalize (Filename.basename h));
+ printf "$(addsuffix .cmx,$(filter $(basename $(ML4FILES)),$(%s_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES))): %%.cmx: %%.ml4\n" h;
+ printf "\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -for-pack %s $(PP) -impl $<\n\n" (String.capitalize (Filename.basename h))
+ ) l
+let main_targets vfiles (mlifiles,ml4files,mlfiles,mllibfiles,mlpackfiles) other_targets inc =
+ let decl_var var = function
+ |[] -> ()
+ |l ->
+ printf "%s:=" var; print_list "\\\n " l; print "\n";
+ printf "\n-include $(addsuffix .d,$(%s))\n.SECONDARY: $(addsuffix .d,$(%s))\n\n" var var
+ in
+ section "Files dispatching.";
+ decl_var "VFILES" vfiles;
+ begin match vfiles with
+ |[] -> ()
+ |l ->
+ print "VOFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.vo)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "VOFILES" l inc;
+ print "GLOBFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.glob)\n";
+ print "VIFILES:=$(\n";
+ print "GFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.g)\n";
+ print "HTMLFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.html)\n";
+ print "GHTMLFILES:=$(VFILES:.v=.g.html)\n"
+ end;
+ decl_var "ML4FILES" ml4files;
+ decl_var "MLFILES" mlfiles;
+ decl_var "MLPACKFILES" mlpackfiles;
+ decl_var "MLLIBFILES" mllibfiles;
+ decl_var "MLIFILES" mlifiles;
+ let mlsfiles = match ml4files,mlfiles,mlpackfiles with
+ |[],[],[] -> []
+ |[],[],_ -> Printf.eprintf "Mlpack cannot work without ml[4]?"; []
+ |[],ml,[] ->
+ print "ALLCMOFILES:=$(\n";
+ ml
+ |ml4,[],[] ->
+ print "ALLCMOFILES:=$(ML4FILES:.ml4=.cmo)\n";
+ ml4
+ |ml4,ml,[] ->
+ print "ALLCMOFILES:=$(ML4FILES:.ml4=.cmo) $(\n";
+ List.rev_append ml ml4
+ |[],ml,mlpack ->
+ print "ALLCMOFILES:=$( $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo)\n";
+ List.rev_append mlpack ml
+ |ml4,[],mlpack ->
+ print "ALLCMOFILES:=$(ML4FILES:.ml4=.cmo) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo)\n";
+ List.rev_append mlpack ml4
+ |ml4,ml,mlpack ->
+ print "ALLCMOFILES:=$(ML4FILES:.ml4=.cmo) $( $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo)\n";
+ List.rev_append mlpack (List.rev_append ml ml4) in
+ begin match mlsfiles with
+ |[] -> ()
+ |l ->
+ print "CMOFILES=$(filter-out $(addsuffix .cmo,$(foreach lib,$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES),$($(lib)))),$(ALLCMOFILES))\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMOFILES" l inc;
+ print "CMXFILES=$(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx)\n";
+ print "OFILES=$(CMXFILES:.cmx=.o)\n";
+ end;
+ begin match mllibfiles with
+ |[] -> ()
+ |l ->
+ print "CMAFILES:=$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cma)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMAFILES" l inc;
+ print "CMXAFILES:=$(CMAFILES:.cma=.cmxa)\n";
+ end;
+ begin match mlifiles,mlsfiles with
+ |[],[] -> ()
+ |l,[] ->
+ print "CMIFILES:=$(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMIFILES" l inc;
+ |[],l ->
+ print "CMIFILES=$(ALLCMOFILES:.cmo=.cmi)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMIFILES" l inc;
+ |l1,l2 ->
+ print "CMIFILES=$(sort $(ALLCMOFILES:.cmo=.cmi) $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi))\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMIFILES" (l1@l2) inc;
+ end;
+ begin match mllibfiles,mlsfiles with
+ |[],[] -> ()
+ |l,[] ->
+ print "CMXSFILES:=$(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.cmxs)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMXSFILES" l inc;
+ |[],l ->
+ print "CMXSFILES=$(CMXFILES:.cmx=.cmxs)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMXSFILES" l inc;
+ |l1,l2 ->
+ print "CMXSFILES=$(CMXFILES:.cmx=.cmxs) $(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.cmxs)\n";
+ classify_files_by_root "CMXSFILES" (l1@l2) inc;
+ end;
+ print "\n";
+ section "Definition of the toplevel targets.";
+ print "all: ";
+ if !some_vfile then print "$(VOFILES) ";
+ if !some_mlfile || !some_ml4file || !some_mlpackfile then print "$(CMOFILES) ";
+ if !some_mllibfile then print "$(CMAFILES) ";
+ if !some_mlfile || !some_ml4file || !some_mllibfile || !some_mlpackfile
+ then print "$(if ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true',$(CMXSFILES)) ";
+ print_list "\\\n " other_targets; print "\n\n";
+ if !some_mlifile then
+ begin
+ print "mlihtml: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)\n";
+ print "\t mkdir $@ || rm -rf $@/*\n";
+ print "\t$(OCAMLDOC) -html -rectypes -d $@ -m A $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(^:.cmi=.mli)\n\n";
+ print "all-mli.tex: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)\n";
+ print "\t$(OCAMLDOC) -latex -rectypes -o $@ -m A $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(^:.cmi=.mli)\n\n";
+ end;
+ if !some_vfile then
+ begin
+ print "spec: $(VIFILES)\n\n";
+ print "gallina: $(GFILES)\n\n";
+ print "html: $(GLOBFILES) $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t- mkdir -p html\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -html $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)\n\n";
+ print "gallinahtml: $(GLOBFILES) $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t- mkdir -p html\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -html -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)\n\n";
+ print " $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -ps $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`\n\n";
+ print " $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -ps -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`\n\n";
+ print "all.pdf: $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -pdf $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`\n\n";
+ print "all-gal.pdf: $(VFILES)\n";
+ print "\t$(COQDOC) -toc -pdf -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`\n\n";
+ print "validate: $(VOFILES)\n";
+ print "\t$(COQCHK) $(COQCHKFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $(notdir $(^:.vo=))\n\n";
+ print "beautify: $(VFILES:=.beautified)\n";
+ print "\tfor file in $^; do mv $${file%.beautified} $${file%beautified}old && mv $${file} $${file%.beautified}; done\n";
+ print "\t@echo \'Do not do \"make clean\" until you are sure that everything went well!\'\n";
+ print "\t@echo \'If there were a problem, execute \"for file in $$(find . -name \\*.v.old -print); do mv $${file} $${file%.old}; done\" in your shell/'\n\n"
+ end
+let all_target (vfiles, (_,_,_,_,mlpackfiles as mlfiles), sps, sds) inc =
+ let special_targets = List.filter (fun (n,_,_) -> not (is_genrule n)) sps in
+ let other_targets = (function x,_,_ -> x) special_targets @ sds in
+ main_targets vfiles mlfiles other_targets inc;
+ print ".PHONY: ";
+ print_list " "
+ ("all" :: "opt" :: "byte" :: "archclean" :: "clean" :: "install"
+ :: "userinstall" :: "depend" :: "html" :: "validate" :: sds);
+ print "\n\n";
+ custom sps;
+ subdirs sds;
+ forpacks mlpackfiles
+let banner () =
+ print (Printf.sprintf
+## v # The Coq Proof Assistant ##
+## <O___,, # INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS ##
+## \\VV/ # ##
+## // # Makefile automagically generated by coq_makefile V%s ##
+" (Coq_config.version ^ String.make (10 - String.length Coq_config.version) ' '))
+let warning () =
+ print "# WARNING\n#\n";
+ print "# This Makefile has been automagically generated\n";
+ print "# Edit at your own risks !\n";
+ print "#\n# END OF WARNING\n\n"
+let print_list l = List.iter (fun x -> print x; print " ") l
+let command_line args =
+ print "#\n# This Makefile was generated by the command line :\n";
+ print "# coq_makefile ";
+ print_list args;
+ print "\n#\n\n"
+let ensure_root_dir (v,(mli,ml4,ml,mllib,mlpack),_,_) ((i_inc,r_inc) as l) =
+ let here = Sys.getcwd () in
+ let not_tops =List.for_all (fun s -> s <> Filename.basename s) in
+ if List.exists (fun (_,x) -> x = here) i_inc
+ or List.exists (fun (_,_,x) -> is_prefix x here) r_inc
+ or (not_tops v && not_tops mli && not_tops ml4 && not_tops ml
+ && not_tops mllib && not_tops mlpack) then
+ l
+ else
+ ((".",here)::i_inc,r_inc)
+let warn_install_at_root_directory
+ (vfiles,(mlifiles,ml4files,mlfiles,mllibfiles,mlpackfiles),_,_) (inc_i,inc_r) =
+ let inc_r_top = List.filter (fun (_,ldir,_) -> ldir = "") inc_r in
+ let inc_top = (fun (p,_,_) -> p) inc_r_top in
+ let files = vfiles @ mlifiles @ ml4files @ mlfiles @ mllibfiles @ mlpackfiles in
+ if inc_r = [] || List.exists (fun f -> List.mem (Filename.dirname f) inc_top) files
+ then
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: install target will copy files at the first level of the coq contributions installation directory; option -R %sis recommended\n"
+ (if inc_r_top = [] then "" else "with non trivial logical root ")
+let check_overlapping_include (_,inc_r) =
+ let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (pdir,_,abspdir)::l ->
+ if not (is_prefix pwd abspdir) then
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: in option -R, %s is not a subdirectory of the current directory\n" pdir;
+ List.iter (fun (pdir',_,abspdir') ->
+ if is_prefix abspdir abspdir' or is_prefix abspdir' abspdir then
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: in options -R, %s and %s overlap\n" pdir pdir') l;
+ in aux inc_r
+let do_makefile args =
+ let has_file var = function
+ |[] -> var := false
+ |_::_ -> var := true in
+ let (project_file,makefile,is_install,opt),l =
+ try Project_file.process_cmd_line Filename.current_dir_name (None,None,Project_file.UnspecInstall,true) [] args
+ with Project_file.Parsing_error -> usage () in
+ let (v_f,(mli_f,ml4_f,ml_f,mllib_f,mlpack_f),sps,sds as targets), inc, defs =
+ Project_file.split_arguments l in
+ let () = match project_file with |None -> () |Some f -> make_name := f in
+ let () = match makefile with
+ |None -> ()
+ |Some f -> makefile_name := f; output_channel := open_out f in
+ has_file some_vfile v_f; has_file some_mlifile mli_f;
+ has_file some_mlfile ml_f; has_file some_ml4file ml4_f;
+ has_file some_mllibfile mllib_f; has_file some_mlpackfile mlpack_f;
+ let check_dep f =
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then some_vfile := true
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".mli") then some_mlifile := true
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml4") then some_ml4file := true
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml") then some_mlfile := true
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".mllib") then some_mllibfile := true
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".mlpack") then some_mlpackfile := true
+ in
+ List.iter (fun (_,dependencies,_) ->
+ List.iter check_dep (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") dependencies)) sps;
+ let inc = ensure_root_dir targets inc in
+ if is_install <> Project_file.NoInstall then warn_install_at_root_directory targets inc;
+ check_overlapping_include inc;
+ banner ();
+ header_includes ();
+ warning ();
+ command_line args;
+ parameters ();
+ include_dirs inc;
+ variables is_install opt defs;
+ all_target targets inc;
+ section "Special targets.";
+ standard opt;
+ install targets inc is_install;
+ clean sds sps;
+ make_makefile sds;
+ implicit ();
+ warning ();
+ if not (makefile = None) then close_out !output_channel;
+ exit 0
+let main () =
+ let args =
+ if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then usage ();
+ (Array.to_list Sys.argv)
+ in
+ do_makefile args
+let _ = Printexc.catch main ()