path: root/theories7/ZArith/Zpower.v
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (patch)
treead89c6bb57ceee608fcba2bb3435b74e0f57919e /theories7/ZArith/Zpower.v
parent018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3+8.1alphaupstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'theories7/ZArith/Zpower.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/theories7/ZArith/Zpower.v b/theories7/ZArith/Zpower.v
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index 97c2b3c9..00000000
--- a/theories7/ZArith/Zpower.v
+++ /dev/null
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Zpower.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:44 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-Require ZArith_base.
-Require Omega.
-Require Zcomplements.
-V7only [Import Z_scope.].
-Open Local Scope Z_scope.
-Section section1.
-(** [Zpower_nat z n] is the n-th power of [z] when [n] is an unary
- integer (type [nat]) and [z] a signed integer (type [Z]) *)
-Definition Zpower_nat :=
- [z:Z][n:nat] (iter_nat n Z ([x:Z]` z * x `) `1`).
-(** [Zpower_nat_is_exp] says [Zpower_nat] is a morphism for
- [plus : nat->nat] and [Zmult : Z->Z] *)
-Lemma Zpower_nat_is_exp :
- (n,m:nat)(z:Z)
- `(Zpower_nat z (plus n m)) = (Zpower_nat z n)*(Zpower_nat z m)`.
-Intros; Elim n;
-[ Simpl; Elim (Zpower_nat z m); Auto with zarith
-| Unfold Zpower_nat; Intros; Simpl; Rewrite H;
- Apply Zmult_assoc].
-(** [Zpower_pos z n] is the n-th power of [z] when [n] is an binary
- integer (type [positive]) and [z] a signed integer (type [Z]) *)
-Definition Zpower_pos :=
- [z:Z][n:positive] (iter_pos n Z ([x:Z]`z * x`) `1`).
-(** This theorem shows that powers of unary and binary integers
- are the same thing, modulo the function convert : [positive -> nat] *)
-Theorem Zpower_pos_nat :
- (z:Z)(p:positive)(Zpower_pos z p) = (Zpower_nat z (convert p)).
-Intros; Unfold Zpower_pos; Unfold Zpower_nat; Apply iter_convert.
-(** Using the theorem [Zpower_pos_nat] and the lemma [Zpower_nat_is_exp] we
- deduce that the function [[n:positive](Zpower_pos z n)] is a morphism
- for [add : positive->positive] and [Zmult : Z->Z] *)
-Theorem Zpower_pos_is_exp :
- (n,m:positive)(z:Z)
- ` (Zpower_pos z (add n m)) = (Zpower_pos z n)*(Zpower_pos z m)`.
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat z n).
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat z m).
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat z (add n m)).
-Rewrite -> (convert_add n m).
-Apply Zpower_nat_is_exp.
-Definition Zpower :=
- [x,y:Z]Cases y of
- (POS p) => (Zpower_pos x p)
- | ZERO => `1`
- | (NEG p) => `0`
- end.
-V8Infix "^" Zpower : Z_scope.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_nat_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_pos_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_pos : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_nat : zarith.
-Lemma Zpower_exp : (x:Z)(n,m:Z)
- `n >= 0` -> `m >= 0` -> `(Zpower x (n+m))=(Zpower x n)*(Zpower x m)`.
-NewDestruct n; NewDestruct m; Auto with zarith.
-Simpl; Intros; Apply Zred_factor0.
-Simpl; Auto with zarith.
-Intros; Compute in H0; Absurd INFERIEUR=INFERIEUR; Auto with zarith.
-Intros; Compute in H0; Absurd INFERIEUR=INFERIEUR; Auto with zarith.
-End section1.
-(* Exporting notation "^" *)
-V8Infix "^" Zpower : Z_scope.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_nat_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Immediate Zpower_pos_is_exp : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_pos : zarith.
-Hints Unfold Zpower_nat : zarith.
-Section Powers_of_2.
-(** For the powers of two, that will be widely used, a more direct
- calculus is possible. We will also prove some properties such
- as [(x:positive) x < 2^x] that are true for all integers bigger
- than 2 but more difficult to prove and useless. *)
-(** [shift n m] computes [2^n * m], or [m] shifted by [n] positions *)
-Definition shift_nat :=
- [n:nat][z:positive](iter_nat n positive xO z).
-Definition shift_pos :=
- [n:positive][z:positive](iter_pos n positive xO z).
-Definition shift :=
- [n:Z][z:positive]
- Cases n of
- ZERO => z
- | (POS p) => (iter_pos p positive xO z)
- | (NEG p) => z
- end.
-Definition two_power_nat := [n:nat] (POS (shift_nat n xH)).
-Definition two_power_pos := [x:positive] (POS (shift_pos x xH)).
-Lemma two_power_nat_S :
- (n:nat)` (two_power_nat (S n)) = 2*(two_power_nat n)`.
-Intro; Simpl; Apply refl_equal.
-Lemma shift_nat_plus :
- (n,m:nat)(x:positive)
- (shift_nat (plus n m) x)=(shift_nat n (shift_nat m x)).
-Intros; Unfold shift_nat; Apply iter_nat_plus.
-Theorem shift_nat_correct :
- (n:nat)(x:positive)(POS (shift_nat n x))=`(Zpower_nat 2 n)*(POS x)`.
-Unfold shift_nat; Induction n;
-[ Simpl; Trivial with zarith
-| Intros; Replace (Zpower_nat `2` (S n0)) with `2 * (Zpower_nat 2 n0)`;
-[ Rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; Rewrite <- (H x); Simpl; Reflexivity
-| Auto with zarith ]
-Theorem two_power_nat_correct :
- (n:nat)(two_power_nat n)=(Zpower_nat `2` n).
-Intro n.
-Unfold two_power_nat.
-Rewrite -> (shift_nat_correct n).
-(** Second we show that [two_power_pos] and [two_power_nat] are the same *)
-Lemma shift_pos_nat : (p:positive)(x:positive)
- (shift_pos p x)=(shift_nat (convert p) x).
-Unfold shift_pos.
-Unfold shift_nat.
-Intros; Apply iter_convert.
-Lemma two_power_pos_nat :
- (p:positive) (two_power_pos p)=(two_power_nat (convert p)).
-Intro; Unfold two_power_pos; Unfold two_power_nat.
-Apply f_equal with f:=POS.
-Apply shift_pos_nat.
-(** Then we deduce that [two_power_pos] is also correct *)
-Theorem shift_pos_correct :
- (p,x:positive) ` (POS (shift_pos p x)) = (Zpower_pos 2 p) * (POS x)`.
-Rewrite -> (shift_pos_nat p x).
-Rewrite -> (Zpower_pos_nat `2` p).
-Apply shift_nat_correct.
-Theorem two_power_pos_correct :
- (x:positive) (two_power_pos x)=(Zpower_pos `2` x).
-Rewrite -> two_power_pos_nat.
-Rewrite -> Zpower_pos_nat.
-Apply two_power_nat_correct.
-(** Some consequences *)
-Theorem two_power_pos_is_exp :
- (x,y:positive) (two_power_pos (add x y))
- =(Zmult (two_power_pos x) (two_power_pos y)).
-Rewrite -> (two_power_pos_correct (add x y)).
-Rewrite -> (two_power_pos_correct x).
-Rewrite -> (two_power_pos_correct y).
-Apply Zpower_pos_is_exp.
-(** The exponentiation [z -> 2^z] for [z] a signed integer.
- For convenience, we assume that [2^z = 0] for all [z < 0]
- We could also define a inductive type [Log_result] with
- 3 contructors [ Zero | Pos positive -> | minus_infty]
- but it's more complexe and not so useful. *)
-Definition two_p :=
- [x:Z]Cases x of
- ZERO => `1`
- | (POS y) => (two_power_pos y)
- | (NEG y) => `0`
- end.
-Theorem two_p_is_exp :
- (x,y:Z) ` 0 <= x` -> ` 0 <= y` ->
- ` (two_p (x+y)) = (two_p x)*(two_p y)`.
-Induction x;
-[ Induction y; Simpl; Auto with zarith
-| Induction y;
- [ Unfold two_p; Rewrite -> (Zmult_sym (two_power_pos p) `1`);
- Rewrite -> (Zmult_one (two_power_pos p)); Auto with zarith
- | Unfold Zplus; Unfold two_p;
- Intros; Apply two_power_pos_is_exp
- | Intros; Unfold Zle in H0; Unfold Zcompare in H0;
- Absurd SUPERIEUR=SUPERIEUR; Trivial with zarith
- ]
-| Induction y;
- [ Simpl; Auto with zarith
- | Intros; Unfold Zle in H; Unfold Zcompare in H;
- Absurd (SUPERIEUR=SUPERIEUR); Trivial with zarith
- | Intros; Unfold Zle in H; Unfold Zcompare in H;
- Absurd (SUPERIEUR=SUPERIEUR); Trivial with zarith
- ]
-Lemma two_p_gt_ZERO : (x:Z) ` 0 <= x` -> ` (two_p x) > 0`.
-Induction x; Intros;
-[ Simpl; Omega
-| Simpl; Unfold two_power_pos; Apply POS_gt_ZERO
-| Absurd ` 0 <= (NEG p)`;
- [ Simpl; Unfold Zle; Unfold Zcompare;
- Do 2 Unfold not; Auto with zarith
- | Assumption ]
-Lemma two_p_S : (x:Z) ` 0 <= x` ->
- `(two_p (Zs x)) = 2 * (two_p x)`.
-Intros; Unfold Zs.
-Rewrite (two_p_is_exp x `1` H (ZERO_le_POS xH)).
-Apply Zmult_sym.
-Lemma two_p_pred :
- (x:Z)` 0 <= x` -> ` (two_p (Zpred x)) < (two_p x)`.
-Intros; Apply natlike_ind
-with P:=[x:Z]` (two_p (Zpred x)) < (two_p x)`;
-[ Simpl; Unfold Zlt; Auto with zarith
-| Intros; Elim (Zle_lt_or_eq `0` x0 H0);
- [ Intros;
- Replace (two_p (Zpred (Zs x0)))
- with (two_p (Zs (Zpred x0)));
- [ Rewrite -> (two_p_S (Zpred x0));
- [ Rewrite -> (two_p_S x0);
- [ Omega
- | Assumption]
- | Apply Zlt_ZERO_pred_le_ZERO; Assumption]
- | Rewrite <- (Zs_pred x0); Rewrite <- (Zpred_Sn x0); Trivial with zarith]
- | Intro Hx0; Rewrite <- Hx0; Simpl; Unfold Zlt; Auto with zarith]
-| Assumption].
-Lemma Zlt_lt_double : (x,y:Z) ` 0 <= x < y` -> ` x < 2*y`.
-Intros; Omega. Qed.
-End Powers_of_2.
-Hints Resolve two_p_gt_ZERO : zarith.
-Hints Immediate two_p_pred two_p_S : zarith.
-Section power_div_with_rest.
-(** Division by a power of two.
- To [n:Z] and [p:positive], [q],[r] are associated such that
- [n = 2^p.q + r] and [0 <= r < 2^p] *)
-(** Invariant: [d*q + r = d'*q + r /\ d' = 2*d /\ 0<= r < d /\ 0 <= r' < d'] *)
-Definition Zdiv_rest_aux :=
- [qrd:(Z*Z)*Z]
- let (qr,d)=qrd in let (q,r)=qr in
- (Cases q of
- ZERO => ` (0, r)`
- | (POS xH) => ` (0, d + r)`
- | (POS (xI n)) => ` ((POS n), d + r)`
- | (POS (xO n)) => ` ((POS n), r)`
- | (NEG xH) => ` (-1, d + r)`
- | (NEG (xI n)) => ` ((NEG n) - 1, d + r)`
- | (NEG (xO n)) => ` ((NEG n), r)`
- end, ` 2*d`).
-Definition Zdiv_rest :=
- [x:Z][p:positive]let (qr,d)=(iter_pos p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)) in qr.
-Lemma Zdiv_rest_correct1 :
- (x:Z)(p:positive)
- let (qr,d)=(iter_pos p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)) in d=(two_power_pos p).
-Intros x p;
-Rewrite (iter_convert p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`));
-Rewrite (two_power_pos_nat p);
-Elim (convert p); Simpl;
-[ Trivial with zarith
-| Intro n; Rewrite (two_power_nat_S n);
- Unfold 2 Zdiv_rest_aux;
- Elim (iter_nat n (Z*Z)*Z Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`));
- NewDestruct a; Intros; Apply f_equal with f:=[z:Z]`2*z`; Assumption ].
-Lemma Zdiv_rest_correct2 :
- (x:Z)(p:positive)
- let (qr,d)=(iter_pos p ? Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)) in
- let (q,r)=qr in
- ` x=q*d + r` /\ ` 0 <= r < d`.
-Intros; Apply iter_pos_invariant with
- f:=Zdiv_rest_aux
- Inv:=[qrd:(Z*Z)*Z]let (qr,d)=qrd in let (q,r)=qr in
- ` x=q*d + r` /\ ` 0 <= r < d`;
-[ Intro x0; Elim x0; Intro y0; Elim y0;
- Intros q r d; Unfold Zdiv_rest_aux;
- Elim q;
- [ Omega
- | NewDestruct p0;
- [ Rewrite POS_xI; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0; Rewrite Zplus_assoc;
- Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l;
- Rewrite Zmult_1_n; Rewrite Zmult_assoc;
- Rewrite (Zmult_sym (POS p0) `2`); Apply refl_equal
- | Omega ]
- | Rewrite POS_xO; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0;
- Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Rewrite (Zmult_sym (POS p0) `2`);
- Apply refl_equal
- | Omega ]
- | Omega ]
- | NewDestruct p0;
- [ Rewrite NEG_xI; Unfold Zminus; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0; Rewrite Zplus_assoc;
- Apply f_equal with f:=[z:Z]`z+r`;
- Do 2 (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l);
- Rewrite Zmult_assoc;
- Rewrite (Zmult_sym (NEG p0) `2`);
- Rewrite <- Zplus_assoc;
- Apply f_equal with f:=[z:Z]`2 * (NEG p0) * d + z`;
- Omega
- | Omega ]
- | Rewrite NEG_xO; Unfold Zminus; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Split;
- [ Rewrite H0;
- Rewrite Zmult_assoc; Rewrite (Zmult_sym (NEG p0) `2`);
- Apply refl_equal
- | Omega ]
- | Omega ] ]
-| Omega].
-Inductive Set Zdiv_rest_proofs[x:Z; p:positive] :=
- Zdiv_rest_proof : (q:Z)(r:Z)
- `x = q * (two_power_pos p) + r`
- -> `0 <= r`
- -> `r < (two_power_pos p)`
- -> (Zdiv_rest_proofs x p).
-Lemma Zdiv_rest_correct :
- (x:Z)(p:positive)(Zdiv_rest_proofs x p).
-Intros x p.
-Generalize (Zdiv_rest_correct1 x p); Generalize (Zdiv_rest_correct2 x p).
-Elim (iter_pos p (Z*Z)*Z Zdiv_rest_aux ((x,`0`),`1`)).
-Induction a.
-Elim H; Intros H1 H2; Clear H.
-Rewrite -> H0 in H1; Rewrite -> H0 in H2;
-Elim H2; Intros;
-Apply Zdiv_rest_proof with q:=a0 r:=b; Assumption.
-End power_div_with_rest.