path: root/theories7/Reals/RList.v
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (patch)
treead89c6bb57ceee608fcba2bb3435b74e0f57919e /theories7/Reals/RList.v
parent018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3+8.1alphaupstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'theories7/Reals/RList.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/theories7/Reals/RList.v b/theories7/Reals/RList.v
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index b89296fb..00000000
--- a/theories7/Reals/RList.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: RList.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:33 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-Require Rbase.
-Require Rfunctions.
-V7only [ Import nat_scope. Import Z_scope. Import R_scope. ].
-Open Local Scope R_scope.
-Inductive Rlist : Type :=
-| nil : Rlist
-| cons : R -> Rlist -> Rlist.
-Fixpoint In [x:R;l:Rlist] : Prop :=
-Cases l of
-| nil => False
-| (cons a l') => ``x==a``\/(In x l') end.
-Fixpoint Rlength [l:Rlist] : nat :=
-Cases l of
-| nil => O
-| (cons a l') => (S (Rlength l')) end.
-Fixpoint MaxRlist [l:Rlist] : R :=
- Cases l of
- | nil => R0
- | (cons a l1) =>
- Cases l1 of
- | nil => a
- | (cons a' l2) => (Rmax a (MaxRlist l1))
- end
-Fixpoint MinRlist [l:Rlist] : R :=
-Cases l of
- | nil => R1
- | (cons a l1) =>
- Cases l1 of
- | nil => a
- | (cons a' l2) => (Rmin a (MinRlist l1))
- end
-Lemma MaxRlist_P1 : (l:Rlist;x:R) (In x l)->``x<=(MaxRlist l)``.
-Intros; Induction l.
-Simpl in H; Elim H.
-Induction l.
-Simpl in H; Elim H; Intro.
-Simpl; Right; Assumption.
-Elim H0.
-Replace (MaxRlist (cons r (cons r0 l))) with (Rmax r (MaxRlist (cons r0 l))).
-Simpl in H; Decompose [or] H.
-Rewrite H0; Apply RmaxLess1.
-Unfold Rmax; Case (total_order_Rle r (MaxRlist (cons r0 l))); Intro.
-Apply Hrecl; Simpl; Tauto.
-Apply Rle_trans with (MaxRlist (cons r0 l)); [Apply Hrecl; Simpl; Tauto | Left; Auto with real].
-Unfold Rmax; Case (total_order_Rle r (MaxRlist (cons r0 l))); Intro.
-Apply Hrecl; Simpl; Tauto.
-Apply Rle_trans with (MaxRlist (cons r0 l)); [Apply Hrecl; Simpl; Tauto | Left; Auto with real].
-Fixpoint AbsList [l:Rlist] : R->Rlist :=
-[x:R] Cases l of
-| nil => nil
-| (cons a l') => (cons ``(Rabsolu (a-x))/2`` (AbsList l' x))
-Lemma MinRlist_P1 : (l:Rlist;x:R) (In x l)->``(MinRlist l)<=x``.
-Intros; Induction l.
-Simpl in H; Elim H.
-Induction l.
-Simpl in H; Elim H; Intro.
-Simpl; Right; Symmetry; Assumption.
-Elim H0.
-Replace (MinRlist (cons r (cons r0 l))) with (Rmin r (MinRlist (cons r0 l))).
-Simpl in H; Decompose [or] H.
-Rewrite H0; Apply Rmin_l.
-Unfold Rmin; Case (total_order_Rle r (MinRlist (cons r0 l))); Intro.
-Apply Rle_trans with (MinRlist (cons r0 l)).
-Apply Hrecl; Simpl; Tauto.
-Apply Hrecl; Simpl; Tauto.
-Apply Rle_trans with (MinRlist (cons r0 l)).
-Apply Rmin_r.
-Apply Hrecl; Simpl; Tauto.
-Lemma AbsList_P1 : (l:Rlist;x,y:R) (In y l) -> (In ``(Rabsolu (y-x))/2`` (AbsList l x)).
-Intros; Induction l.
-Elim H.
-Simpl; Simpl in H; Elim H; Intro.
-Left; Rewrite H0; Reflexivity.
-Right; Apply Hrecl; Assumption.
-Lemma MinRlist_P2 : (l:Rlist) ((y:R)(In y l)->``0<y``)->``0<(MinRlist l)``.
-Intros; Induction l.
-Apply Rlt_R0_R1.
-Induction l.
-Simpl; Apply H; Simpl; Tauto.
-Replace (MinRlist (cons r (cons r0 l))) with (Rmin r (MinRlist (cons r0 l))).
-Unfold Rmin; Case (total_order_Rle r (MinRlist (cons r0 l))); Intro.
-Apply H; Simpl; Tauto.
-Apply Hrecl; Intros; Apply H; Simpl; Simpl in H0; Tauto.
-Lemma AbsList_P2 : (l:Rlist;x,y:R) (In y (AbsList l x)) -> (EXT z : R | (In z l)/\``y==(Rabsolu (z-x))/2``).
-Intros; Induction l.
-Elim H.
-Elim H; Intro.
-Exists r; Split.
-Simpl; Tauto.
-Assert H1 := (Hrecl H0); Elim H1; Intros; Elim H2; Clear H2; Intros; Exists x0; Simpl; Simpl in H2; Tauto.
-Lemma MaxRlist_P2 : (l:Rlist) (EXT y:R | (In y l)) -> (In (MaxRlist l) l).
-Intros; Induction l.
-Simpl in H; Elim H; Trivial.
-Induction l.
-Simpl; Left; Reflexivity.
-Change (In (Rmax r (MaxRlist (cons r0 l))) (cons r (cons r0 l))); Unfold Rmax; Case (total_order_Rle r (MaxRlist (cons r0 l))); Intro.
-Right; Apply Hrecl; Exists r0; Left; Reflexivity.
-Left; Reflexivity.
-Fixpoint pos_Rl [l:Rlist] : nat->R :=
-[i:nat] Cases l of
-| nil => R0
-| (cons a l') =>
- Cases i of
- | O => a
- | (S i') => (pos_Rl l' i')
- end
-Lemma pos_Rl_P1 : (l:Rlist;a:R) (lt O (Rlength l)) -> (pos_Rl (cons a l) (Rlength l))==(pos_Rl l (pred (Rlength l))).
-Intros; Induction l; [Elim (lt_n_O ? H) | Simpl; Case (Rlength l); [Reflexivity | Intro; Reflexivity]].
-Lemma pos_Rl_P2 : (l:Rlist;x:R) (In x l)<->(EX i:nat | (lt i (Rlength l))/\x==(pos_Rl l i)).
-Intros; Induction l.
-Split; Intro; [Elim H | Elim H; Intros; Elim H0; Intros; Elim (lt_n_O ? H1)].
-Split; Intro.
-Elim H; Intro.
-Exists O; Split; [Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn | Simpl; Apply H0].
-Elim Hrecl; Intros; Assert H3 := (H1 H0); Elim H3; Intros; Elim H4; Intros; Exists (S x0); Split; [Simpl; Apply lt_n_S; Assumption | Simpl; Assumption].
-Elim H; Intros; Elim H0; Intros; Elim (zerop x0); Intro.
-Rewrite a in H2; Simpl in H2; Left; Assumption.
-Right; Elim Hrecl; Intros; Apply H4; Assert H5 : (S (pred x0))=x0.
-Symmetry; Apply S_pred with O; Assumption.
-Exists (pred x0); Split; [Simpl in H1; Apply lt_S_n; Rewrite H5; Assumption | Rewrite <- H5 in H2; Simpl in H2; Assumption].
-Lemma Rlist_P1 : (l:Rlist;P:R->R->Prop) ((x:R)(In x l)->(EXT y:R | (P x y))) -> (EXT l':Rlist | (Rlength l)=(Rlength l')/\(i:nat) (lt i (Rlength l))->(P (pos_Rl l i) (pos_Rl l' i))).
-Intros; Induction l.
-Exists nil; Intros; Split; [Reflexivity | Intros; Simpl in H0; Elim (lt_n_O ? H0)].
-Assert H0 : (In r (cons r l)).
-Simpl; Left; Reflexivity.
-Assert H1 := (H ? H0); Assert H2 : (x:R)(In x l)->(EXT y:R | (P x y)).
-Intros; Apply H; Simpl; Right; Assumption.
-Assert H3 := (Hrecl H2); Elim H1; Intros; Elim H3; Intros; Exists (cons x x0); Intros; Elim H5; Clear H5; Intros; Split.
-Simpl; Rewrite H5; Reflexivity.
-Intros; Elim (zerop i); Intro.
-Rewrite a; Simpl; Assumption.
-Assert H8 : i=(S (pred i)).
-Apply S_pred with O; Assumption.
-Rewrite H8; Simpl; Apply H6; Simpl in H7; Apply lt_S_n; Rewrite <- H8; Assumption.
-Definition ordered_Rlist [l:Rlist] : Prop := (i:nat) (lt i (pred (Rlength l))) -> (Rle (pos_Rl l i) (pos_Rl l (S i))).
-Fixpoint insert [l:Rlist] : R->Rlist :=
-[x:R] Cases l of
-| nil => (cons x nil)
-| (cons a l') =>
- Cases (total_order_Rle a x) of
- | (leftT _) => (cons a (insert l' x))
- | (rightT _) => (cons x l)
- end
-Fixpoint cons_Rlist [l:Rlist] : Rlist->Rlist :=
-[k:Rlist] Cases l of
-| nil => k
-| (cons a l') => (cons a (cons_Rlist l' k)) end.
-Fixpoint cons_ORlist [k:Rlist] : Rlist->Rlist :=
-[l:Rlist] Cases k of
-| nil => l
-| (cons a k') => (cons_ORlist k' (insert l a))
-Fixpoint app_Rlist [l:Rlist] : (R->R)->Rlist :=
-[f:R->R] Cases l of
-| nil => nil
-| (cons a l') => (cons (f a) (app_Rlist l' f))
-Fixpoint mid_Rlist [l:Rlist] : R->Rlist :=
-[x:R] Cases l of
-| nil => nil
-| (cons a l') => (cons ``(x+a)/2`` (mid_Rlist l' a))
-Definition Rtail [l:Rlist] : Rlist :=
-Cases l of
-| nil => nil
-| (cons a l') => l'
-Definition FF [l:Rlist;f:R->R] : Rlist :=
-Cases l of
-| nil => nil
-| (cons a l') => (app_Rlist (mid_Rlist l' a) f)
-Lemma RList_P0 : (l:Rlist;a:R) ``(pos_Rl (insert l a) O) == a`` \/ ``(pos_Rl (insert l a) O) == (pos_Rl l O)``.
-Intros; Induction l; [Left; Reflexivity | Simpl; Case (total_order_Rle r a); Intro; [Right; Reflexivity | Left; Reflexivity]].
-Lemma RList_P1 : (l:Rlist;a:R) (ordered_Rlist l) -> (ordered_Rlist (insert l a)).
-Intros; Induction l.
-Simpl; Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Simpl in H0; Elim (lt_n_O ? H0).
-Simpl; Case (total_order_Rle r a); Intro.
-Assert H1 : (ordered_Rlist l).
-Unfold ordered_Rlist; Unfold ordered_Rlist in H; Intros; Assert H1 : (lt (S i) (pred (Rlength (cons r l)))); [Simpl; Replace (Rlength l) with (S (pred (Rlength l))); [Apply lt_n_S; Assumption | Symmetry; Apply S_pred with O; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H1 in H0; Simpl in H0; Elim (lt_n_O ? H0)] | Apply (H ? H1)].
-Assert H2 := (Hrecl H1); Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Induction i.
-Simpl; Assert H3 := (RList_P0 l a); Elim H3; Intro.
-Rewrite H4; Assumption.
-Induction l; [Simpl; Assumption | Rewrite H4; Apply (H O); Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn].
-Simpl; Apply H2; Simpl in H0; Apply lt_S_n; Replace (S (pred (Rlength (insert l a)))) with (Rlength (insert l a)); [Assumption | Apply S_pred with O; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H3 in H0; Elim (lt_n_O ? H0)].
-Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Induction i; [Simpl; Auto with real | Change ``(pos_Rl (cons r l) i)<=(pos_Rl (cons r l) (S i))``; Apply H; Simpl in H0; Simpl; Apply (lt_S_n ? ? H0)].
-Lemma RList_P2 : (l1,l2:Rlist) (ordered_Rlist l2) ->(ordered_Rlist (cons_ORlist l1 l2)).
-Induction l1; [Intros; Simpl; Apply H | Intros; Simpl; Apply H; Apply RList_P1; Assumption].
-Lemma RList_P3 : (l:Rlist;x:R) (In x l) <-> (EX i:nat | x==(pos_Rl l i)/\(lt i (Rlength l))).
-Intros; Split; Intro; Induction l.
-Elim H.
-Elim H; Intro; [Exists O; Split; [Apply H0 | Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn] | Elim (Hrecl H0); Intros; Elim H1; Clear H1; Intros; Exists (S x0); Split; [Apply H1 | Simpl; Apply lt_n_S; Assumption]].
-Elim H; Intros; Elim H0; Intros; Elim (lt_n_O ? H2).
-Simpl; Elim H; Intros; Elim H0; Clear H0; Intros; Induction x0; [Left; Apply H0 | Right; Apply Hrecl; Exists x0; Split; [Apply H0 | Simpl in H1; Apply lt_S_n; Assumption]].
-Lemma RList_P4 : (l1:Rlist;a:R) (ordered_Rlist (cons a l1)) -> (ordered_Rlist l1).
-Intros; Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Apply (H (S i)); Simpl; Replace (Rlength l1) with (S (pred (Rlength l1))); [Apply lt_n_S; Assumption | Symmetry; Apply S_pred with O; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H1 in H0; Elim (lt_n_O ? H0)].
-Lemma RList_P5 : (l:Rlist;x:R) (ordered_Rlist l) -> (In x l) -> ``(pos_Rl l O)<=x``.
-Intros; Induction l; [Elim H0 | Simpl; Elim H0; Intro; [Rewrite H1; Right; Reflexivity | Apply Rle_trans with (pos_Rl l O); [Apply (H O); Simpl; Induction l; [Elim H1 | Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn] | Apply Hrecl; [EApply RList_P4; Apply H | Assumption]]]].
-Lemma RList_P6 : (l:Rlist) (ordered_Rlist l)<->((i,j:nat)(le i j)->(lt j (Rlength l))->``(pos_Rl l i)<=(pos_Rl l j)``).
-Induction l; Split; Intro.
-Intros; Right; Reflexivity.
-Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Simpl in H0; Elim (lt_n_O ? H0).
-Intros; Induction i; [Induction j; [Right; Reflexivity | Simpl; Apply Rle_trans with (pos_Rl r0 O); [Apply (H0 O); Simpl; Simpl in H2; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H3 in H2; Assert H4 := (lt_S_n ? ? H2); Elim (lt_n_O ? H4) | Elim H; Intros; Apply H3; [Apply RList_P4 with r; Assumption | Apply le_O_n | Simpl in H2; Apply lt_S_n; Assumption]]] | Induction j; [Elim (le_Sn_O ? H1) | Simpl; Elim H; Intros; Apply H3; [Apply RList_P4 with r; Assumption | Apply le_S_n; Assumption | Simpl in H2; Apply lt_S_n; Assumption]]].
-Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Apply H0; [Apply le_n_Sn | Simpl; Simpl in H1; Apply lt_n_S; Assumption].
-Lemma RList_P7 : (l:Rlist;x:R) (ordered_Rlist l) -> (In x l) -> ``x<=(pos_Rl l (pred (Rlength l)))``.
-Intros; Assert H1 := (RList_P6 l); Elim H1; Intros H2 _; Assert H3 := (H2 H); Clear H1 H2; Assert H1 := (RList_P3 l x); Elim H1; Clear H1; Intros; Assert H4 := (H1 H0); Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros; Rewrite H4; Assert H6 : (Rlength l)=(S (pred (Rlength l))).
-Apply S_pred with O; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H6 in H5; Elim (lt_n_O ? H5).
-Apply H3; [Rewrite H6 in H5; Apply lt_n_Sm_le; Assumption | Apply lt_pred_n_n; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H7 in H5; Elim (lt_n_O ? H5)].
-Lemma RList_P8 : (l:Rlist;a,x:R) (In x (insert l a)) <-> x==a\/(In x l).
-Induction l.
-Intros; Split; Intro; Simpl in H; Apply H.
-Intros; Split; Intro; [Simpl in H0; Generalize H0; Case (total_order_Rle r a); Intros; [Simpl in H1; Elim H1; Intro; [Right; Left; Assumption |Elim (H a x); Intros; Elim (H3 H2); Intro; [Left; Assumption | Right; Right; Assumption]] | Simpl in H1; Decompose [or] H1; [Left; Assumption | Right; Left; Assumption | Right; Right; Assumption]] | Simpl; Case (total_order_Rle r a); Intro; [Simpl in H0; Decompose [or] H0; [Right; Elim (H a x); Intros; Apply H3; Left | Left | Right; Elim (H a x); Intros; Apply H3; Right] | Simpl in H0; Decompose [or] H0; [Left | Right; Left | Right; Right]]; Assumption].
-Lemma RList_P9 : (l1,l2:Rlist;x:R) (In x (cons_ORlist l1 l2)) <-> (In x l1)\/(In x l2).
-Induction l1.
-Intros; Split; Intro; [Simpl in H; Right; Assumption | Simpl; Elim H; Intro; [Elim H0 | Assumption]].
-Intros; Split.
-Simpl; Intros; Elim (H (insert l2 r) x); Intros; Assert H3 := (H1 H0); Elim H3; Intro; [Left; Right; Assumption | Elim (RList_P8 l2 r x); Intros H5 _; Assert H6 := (H5 H4); Elim H6; Intro; [Left; Left; Assumption | Right; Assumption]].
-Intro; Simpl; Elim (H (insert l2 r) x); Intros _ H1; Apply H1; Elim H0; Intro; [Elim H2; Intro; [Right; Elim (RList_P8 l2 r x); Intros _ H4; Apply H4; Left; Assumption | Left; Assumption] | Right; Elim (RList_P8 l2 r x); Intros _ H3; Apply H3; Right; Assumption].
-Lemma RList_P10 : (l:Rlist;a:R) (Rlength (insert l a))==(S (Rlength l)).
-Intros; Induction l; [Reflexivity | Simpl; Case (total_order_Rle r a); Intro; [Simpl; Rewrite Hrecl; Reflexivity | Reflexivity]].
-Lemma RList_P11 : (l1,l2:Rlist) (Rlength (cons_ORlist l1 l2))=(plus (Rlength l1) (Rlength l2)).
-Induction l1; [Intro; Reflexivity | Intros; Simpl; Rewrite (H (insert l2 r)); Rewrite RList_P10; Apply INR_eq; Rewrite S_INR; Do 2 Rewrite plus_INR; Rewrite S_INR; Ring].
-Lemma RList_P12 : (l:Rlist;i:nat;f:R->R) (lt i (Rlength l)) -> (pos_Rl (app_Rlist l f) i)==(f (pos_Rl l i)).
-Induction l; [Intros; Elim (lt_n_O ? H) | Intros; Induction i; [Reflexivity | Simpl; Apply H; Apply lt_S_n; Apply H0]].
-Lemma RList_P13 : (l:Rlist;i:nat;a:R) (lt i (pred (Rlength l))) -> ``(pos_Rl (mid_Rlist l a) (S i)) == ((pos_Rl l i)+(pos_Rl l (S i)))/2``.
-Induction l.
-Intros; Simpl in H; Elim (lt_n_O ? H).
-Induction r0.
-Intros; Simpl in H0; Elim (lt_n_O ? H0).
-Intros; Simpl in H1; Induction i.
-Change ``(pos_Rl (mid_Rlist (cons r1 r2) r) (S i)) == ((pos_Rl (cons r1 r2) i)+(pos_Rl (cons r1 r2) (S i)))/2``; Apply H0; Simpl; Apply lt_S_n; Assumption.
-Lemma RList_P14 : (l:Rlist;a:R) (Rlength (mid_Rlist l a))=(Rlength l).
-Induction l; Intros; [Reflexivity | Simpl; Rewrite (H r); Reflexivity].
-Lemma RList_P15 : (l1,l2:Rlist) (ordered_Rlist l1) -> (ordered_Rlist l2) -> (pos_Rl l1 O)==(pos_Rl l2 O) -> (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist l1 l2) O)==(pos_Rl l1 O).
-Intros; Apply Rle_antisym.
-Induction l1; [Simpl; Simpl in H1; Right; Symmetry; Assumption | Elim (RList_P9 (cons r l1) l2 (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (0))); Intros; Assert H4 : (In (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (0)) (cons r l1))\/(In (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (0)) l2); [Left; Left; Reflexivity | Assert H5 := (H3 H4); Apply RList_P5; [Apply RList_P2; Assumption | Assumption]]].
-Induction l1; [Simpl; Simpl in H1; Right; Assumption | Assert H2 : (In (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (0)) (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2)); [Elim (RList_P3 (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (0))); Intros; Apply H3; Exists O; Split; [Reflexivity | Rewrite RList_P11; Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn] | Elim (RList_P9 (cons r l1) l2 (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (0))); Intros; Assert H5 := (H3 H2); Elim H5; Intro; [Apply RList_P5; Assumption | Rewrite H1; Apply RList_P5; Assumption]]].
-Lemma RList_P16 : (l1,l2:Rlist) (ordered_Rlist l1) -> (ordered_Rlist l2) -> (pos_Rl l1 (pred (Rlength l1)))==(pos_Rl l2 (pred (Rlength l2))) -> (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist l1 l2) (pred (Rlength (cons_ORlist l1 l2))))==(pos_Rl l1 (pred (Rlength l1))).
-Intros; Apply Rle_antisym.
-Induction l1.
-Simpl; Simpl in H1; Right; Symmetry; Assumption.
-Assert H2 : (In (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (pred (Rlength (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2)))) (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2)); [Elim (RList_P3 (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (pred (Rlength (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2))))); Intros; Apply H3; Exists (pred (Rlength (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2))); Split; [Reflexivity | Rewrite RList_P11; Simpl; Apply lt_n_Sn] | Elim (RList_P9 (cons r l1) l2 (pos_Rl (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2) (pred (Rlength (cons_ORlist (cons r l1) l2))))); Intros; Assert H5 := (H3 H2); Elim H5; Intro; [Apply RList_P7; Assumption | Rewrite H1; Apply RList_P7; Assumption]].
-Induction l1.
-Simpl; Simpl in H1; Right; Assumption.
-Elim (RList_P9 (cons r l1) l2 (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (pred (Rlength (cons r l1))))); Intros; Assert H4 : (In (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (pred (Rlength (cons r l1)))) (cons r l1))\/(In (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (pred (Rlength (cons r l1)))) l2); [Left; Change (In (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (Rlength l1)) (cons r l1)); Elim (RList_P3 (cons r l1) (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (Rlength l1))); Intros; Apply H5; Exists (Rlength l1); Split; [Reflexivity | Simpl; Apply lt_n_Sn] | Assert H5 := (H3 H4); Apply RList_P7; [Apply RList_P2; Assumption | Elim (RList_P9 (cons r l1) l2 (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (pred (Rlength (cons r l1))))); Intros; Apply H7; Left; Elim (RList_P3 (cons r l1) (pos_Rl (cons r l1) (pred (Rlength (cons r l1))))); Intros; Apply H9; Exists (pred (Rlength (cons r l1))); Split; [Reflexivity | Simpl; Apply lt_n_Sn]]].
-Lemma RList_P17 : (l1:Rlist;x:R;i:nat) (ordered_Rlist l1) -> (In x l1) -> ``(pos_Rl l1 i)<x`` -> (lt i (pred (Rlength l1))) -> ``(pos_Rl l1 (S i))<=x``.
-Induction l1.
-Intros; Elim H0.
-Intros; Induction i.
-Simpl; Elim H1; Intro; [Simpl in H2; Rewrite H4 in H2; Elim (Rlt_antirefl ? H2) | Apply RList_P5; [Apply RList_P4 with r; Assumption | Assumption]].
-Simpl; Simpl in H2; Elim H1; Intro.
-Rewrite H4 in H2; Assert H5 : ``r<=(pos_Rl r0 i)``; [Apply Rle_trans with (pos_Rl r0 O); [Apply (H0 O); Simpl; Simpl in H3; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H5 in H3; Elim (lt_n_O ? H3) | Elim (RList_P6 r0); Intros; Apply H5; [Apply RList_P4 with r; Assumption | Apply le_O_n | Simpl in H3; Apply lt_S_n; Apply lt_trans with (Rlength r0); [Apply H3 | Apply lt_n_Sn]]] | Elim (Rlt_antirefl ? (Rle_lt_trans ? ? ? H5 H2))].
-Apply H; Try Assumption; [Apply RList_P4 with r; Assumption | Simpl in H3; Apply lt_S_n; Replace (S (pred (Rlength r0))) with (Rlength r0); [Apply H3 | Apply S_pred with O; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H5 in H3; Elim (lt_n_O ? H3)]].
-Lemma RList_P18 : (l:Rlist;f:R->R) (Rlength (app_Rlist l f))=(Rlength l).
-Induction l; Intros; [Reflexivity | Simpl; Rewrite H; Reflexivity].
-Lemma RList_P19 : (l:Rlist) ~l==nil -> (EXT r:R | (EXT r0:Rlist | l==(cons r r0))).
-Intros; Induction l; [Elim H; Reflexivity | Exists r; Exists l; Reflexivity].
-Lemma RList_P20 : (l:Rlist) (le (2) (Rlength l)) -> (EXT r:R | (EXT r1:R | (EXT l':Rlist | l==(cons r (cons r1 l'))))).
-Intros; Induction l; [Simpl in H; Elim (le_Sn_O ? H) | Induction l; [Simpl in H; Elim (le_Sn_O ? (le_S_n ? ? H)) | Exists r; Exists r0; Exists l; Reflexivity]].
-Lemma RList_P21 : (l,l':Rlist) l==l' -> (Rtail l)==(Rtail l').
-Intros; Rewrite H; Reflexivity.
-Lemma RList_P22 : (l1,l2:Rlist) ~l1==nil -> (pos_Rl (cons_Rlist l1 l2) O)==(pos_Rl l1 O).
-Induction l1; [Intros; Elim H; Reflexivity | Intros; Reflexivity].
-Lemma RList_P23 : (l1,l2:Rlist) (Rlength (cons_Rlist l1 l2))==(plus (Rlength l1) (Rlength l2)).
-Induction l1; [Intro; Reflexivity | Intros; Simpl; Rewrite H; Reflexivity].
-Lemma RList_P24 : (l1,l2:Rlist) ~l2==nil -> (pos_Rl (cons_Rlist l1 l2) (pred (Rlength (cons_Rlist l1 l2)))) == (pos_Rl l2 (pred (Rlength l2))).
-Induction l1.
-Intros; Reflexivity.
-Intros; Rewrite <- (H l2 H0); Induction l2.
-Elim H0; Reflexivity.
-Do 2 Rewrite RList_P23; Replace (plus (Rlength (cons r r0)) (Rlength (cons r1 l2))) with (S (S (plus (Rlength r0) (Rlength l2)))); [Replace (plus (Rlength r0) (Rlength (cons r1 l2))) with (S (plus (Rlength r0) (Rlength l2))); [Reflexivity | Simpl; Apply INR_eq; Rewrite S_INR; Do 2 Rewrite plus_INR; Rewrite S_INR; Ring] | Simpl; Apply INR_eq; Do 3 Rewrite S_INR; Do 2 Rewrite plus_INR; Rewrite S_INR; Ring].
-Lemma RList_P25 : (l1,l2:Rlist) (ordered_Rlist l1) -> (ordered_Rlist l2) -> ``(pos_Rl l1 (pred (Rlength l1)))<=(pos_Rl l2 O)`` -> (ordered_Rlist (cons_Rlist l1 l2)).
-Induction l1.
-Intros; Simpl; Assumption.
-Induction r0.
-Intros; Simpl; Simpl in H2; Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Simpl in H3.
-Induction i.
-Simpl; Assumption.
-Change ``(pos_Rl l2 i)<=(pos_Rl l2 (S i))``; Apply (H1 i); Apply lt_S_n; Replace (S (pred (Rlength l2))) with (Rlength l2); [Assumption | Apply S_pred with O; Apply neq_O_lt; Red; Intro; Rewrite <- H4 in H3; Elim (lt_n_O ? H3)].
-Intros; Clear H; Assert H : (ordered_Rlist (cons_Rlist (cons r1 r2) l2)).
-Apply H0; Try Assumption.
-Apply RList_P4 with r; Assumption.
-Unfold ordered_Rlist; Intros; Simpl in H4; Induction i.
-Simpl; Apply (H1 O); Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn.
-Change ``(pos_Rl (cons_Rlist (cons r1 r2) l2) i)<=(pos_Rl (cons_Rlist (cons r1 r2) l2) (S i))``; Apply (H i); Simpl; Apply lt_S_n; Assumption.
-Lemma RList_P26 : (l1,l2:Rlist;i:nat) (lt i (Rlength l1)) -> (pos_Rl (cons_Rlist l1 l2) i)==(pos_Rl l1 i).
-Induction l1.
-Intros; Elim (lt_n_O ? H).
-Intros; Induction i.
-Apply RList_P22; Discriminate.
-Apply (H l2 i); Simpl in H0; Apply lt_S_n; Assumption.
-Lemma RList_P27 : (l1,l2,l3:Rlist) (cons_Rlist l1 (cons_Rlist l2 l3))==(cons_Rlist (cons_Rlist l1 l2) l3).
-Induction l1; Intros; [Reflexivity | Simpl; Rewrite (H l2 l3); Reflexivity].
-Lemma RList_P28 : (l:Rlist) (cons_Rlist l nil)==l.
-Induction l; [Reflexivity | Intros; Simpl; Rewrite H; Reflexivity].
-Lemma RList_P29 : (l2,l1:Rlist;i:nat) (le (Rlength l1) i) -> (lt i (Rlength (cons_Rlist l1 l2))) -> (pos_Rl (cons_Rlist l1 l2) i)==(pos_Rl l2 (minus i (Rlength l1))).
-Induction l2.
-Intros; Rewrite RList_P28 in H0; Elim (lt_n_n ? (le_lt_trans ? ? ? H H0)).
-Intros; Replace (cons_Rlist l1 (cons r r0)) with (cons_Rlist (cons_Rlist l1 (cons r nil)) r0).
-Inversion H0.
-Rewrite <- minus_n_n; Simpl; Rewrite RList_P26.
-Clear l2 r0 H i H0 H1 H2; Induction l1.
-Simpl; Assumption.
-Rewrite RList_P23; Rewrite plus_sym; Simpl; Apply lt_n_Sn.
-Replace (minus (S m) (Rlength l1)) with (S (minus (S m) (S (Rlength l1)))).
-Rewrite H3; Simpl; Replace (S (Rlength l1)) with (Rlength (cons_Rlist l1 (cons r nil))).
-Apply (H (cons_Rlist l1 (cons r nil)) i).
-Rewrite RList_P23; Rewrite plus_sym; Simpl; Rewrite <- H3; Apply le_n_S; Assumption.
-Repeat Rewrite RList_P23; Simpl; Rewrite RList_P23 in H1; Rewrite plus_sym in H1; Simpl in H1; Rewrite (plus_sym (Rlength l1)); Simpl; Rewrite plus_sym; Apply H1.
-Rewrite RList_P23; Rewrite plus_sym; Reflexivity.
-Change (S (minus m (Rlength l1)))=(minus (S m) (Rlength l1)); Apply minus_Sn_m; Assumption.
-Replace (cons r r0) with (cons_Rlist (cons r nil) r0); [Symmetry; Apply RList_P27 | Reflexivity].