path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/3286.v
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
commit7cfc4e5146be5666419451bdd516f1f3f264d24a (patch)
treee4197645da03dc3c7cc84e434cc31d0a0cca7056 /test-suite/bugs/closed/3286.v
parent420f78b2caeaaddc6fe484565b2d0e49c66888e5 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta1+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/3286.v')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3286.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3286.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b08b7ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3286.v
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
+Ltac make_apply_under_binders_in lem H :=
+ let tac := make_apply_under_binders_in in
+ match type of H with
+ | forall x : ?T, @?P x
+ => let ret := constr:(fun x' : T =>
+ let Hx := H x' in
+ $(let ret' := tac lem Hx in
+ exact ret')$) in
+ match eval cbv zeta in ret with
+ | fun x => Some (@?P x) => let P' := (eval cbv zeta in P) in
+ constr:(Some P')
+ end
+ | _ => let ret := constr:($(match goal with
+ | _ => (let H' := fresh in
+ pose H as H';
+ apply lem in H';
+ exact (Some H'))
+ | _ => exact (@None nat)
+ end
+ )$) in
+ let ret' := (eval cbv beta zeta in ret) in
+ constr:(ret')
+ | _ => constr:(@None nat)
+ end.
+Ltac apply_under_binders_in lem H :=
+ let H' := make_apply_under_binders_in lem H in
+ let H'0 := match H' with Some ?H'0 => constr:(H'0) end in
+ let H'' := fresh in
+ pose proof H'0 as H'';
+ clear H;
+ rename H'' into H.
+Goal forall A B C (f g : forall (x : A) (y : B x), C x y), (forall x y, f x y = g x y) -> True.
+ intros A B C f g H.
+ let lem := constr:(@functional_extensionality_dep) in
+ apply_under_binders_in lem H.
+(* Anomaly: Uncaught exception Not_found(_). Please report. *)