path: root/tactics/
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 16:53:30 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 16:53:30 +0100
commita4c7f8bd98be2a200489325ff7c5061cf80ab4f3 (patch)
tree26dd9c4aa142597ee09c887ef161d5f0fa5077b6 /tactics/
parent164c6861860e6b52818c031f901ffeff91fca16a (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.6upstream/8.6
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics/')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 42e5067c..9a96b738 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
open Pp
open Util
-open Errors
+open CErrors
open Names
open Vars
open Term
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ open Pfedit
open Tacred
open Printer
open Vernacexpr
+open Sigma.Notations
+open Context.Named.Declaration
(* General functions *)
@@ -64,6 +66,28 @@ let decompose_app_bound t =
| Proj (p, c) -> ConstRef (Projection.constant p), Array.cons c args
| _ -> raise Bound
+(** Compute the set of section variables that remain in the named context.
+ Starts from the top to the bottom of the context, stops at the first
+ different declaration between the named hyps and the section context. *)
+let secvars_of_hyps hyps =
+ let secctx = Global.named_context () in
+ let pred, all =
+ List.fold_left (fun (pred,all) decl ->
+ try let _ = Context.Named.lookup (get_id decl) hyps in
+ (* Approximation, it might be an hypothesis reintroduced with same name and unconvertible types,
+ we must allow it currently, as comparing the declarations for syntactic equality is too
+ strong a check (e.g. an unfold in a section variable would make it unusable). *)
+ (Id.Pred.add (get_id decl) pred, all)
+ with Not_found -> (pred, false))
+ (Id.Pred.empty,true) secctx
+ in
+ if all then Id.Pred.full (* If the whole section context is available *)
+ else pred
+let empty_hint_info =
+ let open Vernacexpr in
+ { hint_priority = None; hint_pattern = None }
(* The Type of Constructions Autotactic Hints *)
@@ -74,20 +98,27 @@ type 'a hint_ast =
| Give_exact of 'a
| Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of 'a (* Hint Immediate *)
| Unfold_nth of evaluable_global_reference (* Hint Unfold *)
- | Extern of glob_tactic_expr (* Hint Extern *)
+ | Extern of Genarg.glob_generic_argument (* Hint Extern *)
-type hints_path_atom =
- | PathHints of global_reference list
+type 'a hints_path_atom_gen =
+ | PathHints of 'a list
+ (* For forward hints, their names is the list of projections *)
| PathAny
-type hints_path =
- | PathAtom of hints_path_atom
- | PathStar of hints_path
- | PathSeq of hints_path * hints_path
- | PathOr of hints_path * hints_path
+type hints_path_atom = global_reference hints_path_atom_gen
+type 'a hints_path_gen =
+ | PathAtom of 'a hints_path_atom_gen
+ | PathStar of 'a hints_path_gen
+ | PathSeq of 'a hints_path_gen * 'a hints_path_gen
+ | PathOr of 'a hints_path_gen * 'a hints_path_gen
| PathEmpty
| PathEpsilon
+type pre_hints_path = Libnames.reference hints_path_gen
+type hints_path = global_reference hints_path_gen
type hint_term =
| IsGlobRef of global_reference
| IsConstr of constr * Univ.universe_context_set
@@ -102,11 +133,13 @@ type raw_hint = constr * types * Univ.universe_context_set
type hint = (raw_hint * clausenv) hint_ast with_uid
type 'a with_metadata = {
- pri : int; (* A number lower is higher priority *)
- poly : polymorphic; (** Is the hint polymorpic and hence should be refreshed at each application *)
- pat : constr_pattern option; (* A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
- name : hints_path_atom; (* A potential name to refer to the hint *)
- code : 'a; (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
+ pri : int; (* A number lower is higher priority *)
+ poly : polymorphic; (** Is the hint polymorpic and hence should be refreshed at each application *)
+ pat : constr_pattern option; (* A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
+ name : hints_path_atom; (* A potential name to refer to the hint *)
+ db : string option; (** The database from which the hint comes *)
+ secvars : Id.Pred.t; (* The set of section variables the hint depends on *)
+ code : 'a; (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
type full_hint = hint with_metadata
@@ -153,27 +186,6 @@ let fresh_key =
KerName.make mp dir (Label.of_id lbl)
-let eq_hints_path_atom p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with
-| PathHints gr1, PathHints gr2 -> List.equal eq_gr gr1 gr2
-| PathAny, PathAny -> true
-| (PathHints _ | PathAny), _ -> false
-let eq_auto_tactic t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
-| Res_pf (c1, _), Res_pf (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| ERes_pf (c1, _), ERes_pf (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| Give_exact (c1, _), Give_exact (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c1, _), Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| Unfold_nth gr1, Unfold_nth gr2 -> eq_egr gr1 gr2
-| Extern tac1, Extern tac2 -> tac1 == tac2 (** May cause redundancy in addkv *)
-| (Res_pf _ | ERes_pf _ | Give_exact _ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail _
- | Unfold_nth _ | Extern _), _ -> false
-let eq_hint_metadata t1 t2 =
- Int.equal t1.pri t2.pri &&
- Option.equal constr_pattern_eq t1.pat t2.pat &&
- eq_hints_path_atom &&
- eq_auto_tactic t1.code t2.code
let pri_order_int (id1, {pri=pri1}) (id2, {pri=pri2}) =
let d = pri1 - pri2 in
if Int.equal d 0 then id2 - id1
@@ -208,7 +220,7 @@ type search_entry = {
sentry_nopat : stored_data list;
sentry_pat : stored_data list;
sentry_bnet : Bounded_net.t;
- sentry_mode : bool array list;
+ sentry_mode : hint_mode array list;
let empty_se = {
@@ -336,6 +348,12 @@ let rec is_empty = function
| PathEmpty -> true
| PathEpsilon -> false
+let path_seq p p' =
+ match p, p' with
+ | PathEpsilon, p' -> p'
+ | p, PathEpsilon -> p
+ | p, p' -> PathSeq (p, p')
let rec path_derivate hp hint =
let rec derivate_atoms hints hints' =
match hints, hints' with
@@ -343,26 +361,26 @@ let rec path_derivate hp hint =
| [], [] -> PathEpsilon
| [], hints -> PathEmpty
| grs, [] -> PathAtom (PathHints grs)
- | _, _ -> PathEmpty
+ | _, _ -> PathEmpty
- match hp with
- | PathAtom PathAny -> PathEpsilon
- | PathAtom (PathHints grs) ->
- (match grs, hint with
- | h :: hints, PathAny -> PathEmpty
- | hints, PathHints hints' -> derivate_atoms hints hints'
- | _, _ -> assert false)
- | PathStar p -> if path_matches p [hint] then hp else PathEpsilon
- | PathSeq (hp, hp') ->
- let hpder = path_derivate hp hint in
- if matches_epsilon hp then
- PathOr (PathSeq (hpder, hp'), path_derivate hp' hint)
- else if is_empty hpder then PathEmpty
- else PathSeq (hpder, hp')
- | PathOr (hp, hp') ->
- PathOr (path_derivate hp hint, path_derivate hp' hint)
- | PathEmpty -> PathEmpty
- | PathEpsilon -> PathEmpty
+ match hp with
+ | PathAtom PathAny -> PathEpsilon
+ | PathAtom (PathHints grs) ->
+ (match grs, hint with
+ | h :: _, PathAny -> PathEmpty
+ | hints, PathHints hints' -> derivate_atoms hints hints'
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | PathStar p -> if path_matches p [hint] then hp else PathEpsilon
+ | PathSeq (hp, hp') ->
+ let hpder = path_derivate hp hint in
+ if matches_epsilon hp then
+ PathOr (path_seq hpder hp', path_derivate hp' hint)
+ else if is_empty hpder then PathEmpty
+ else path_seq hpder hp'
+ | PathOr (hp, hp') ->
+ PathOr (path_derivate hp hint, path_derivate hp' hint)
+ | PathEmpty -> PathEmpty
+ | PathEpsilon -> PathEmpty
let rec normalize_path h =
match h with
@@ -382,19 +400,40 @@ let rec normalize_path h =
let path_derivate hp hint = normalize_path (path_derivate hp hint)
-let pp_hints_path_atom a =
+let pp_hints_path_atom prg a =
match a with
- | PathAny -> str"*"
- | PathHints grs -> pr_sequence pr_global grs
-let rec pp_hints_path = function
- | PathAtom pa -> pp_hints_path_atom pa
- | PathStar p -> str "!(" ++ pp_hints_path p ++ str")"
- | PathSeq (p, p') -> pp_hints_path p ++ str" ; " ++ pp_hints_path p'
- | PathOr (p, p') ->
- str "(" ++ pp_hints_path p ++ spc () ++ str"|" ++ spc () ++ pp_hints_path p' ++ str ")"
+ | PathAny -> str"_"
+ | PathHints grs -> pr_sequence prg grs
+let pp_hints_path_gen prg =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | PathAtom pa -> pp_hints_path_atom prg pa
+ | PathStar (PathAtom PathAny) -> str"_*"
+ | PathStar p -> str "(" ++ aux p ++ str")*"
+ | PathSeq (p, p') -> aux p ++ spc () ++ aux p'
+ | PathOr (p, p') ->
+ str "(" ++ aux p ++ spc () ++ str"|" ++ cut () ++ spc () ++
+ aux p' ++ str ")"
| PathEmpty -> str"emp"
| PathEpsilon -> str"eps"
+ in aux
+let pp_hints_path = pp_hints_path_gen pr_global
+let glob_hints_path_atom p =
+ match p with
+ | PathHints g -> PathHints ( g)
+ | PathAny -> PathAny
+let glob_hints_path =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | PathAtom pa -> PathAtom (glob_hints_path_atom pa)
+ | PathStar p -> PathStar (aux p)
+ | PathSeq (p, p') -> PathSeq (aux p, aux p')
+ | PathOr (p, p') -> PathOr (aux p, aux p')
+ | PathEmpty -> PathEmpty
+ | PathEpsilon -> PathEpsilon
+ in aux
let subst_path_atom subst p =
match p with
@@ -421,7 +460,38 @@ let rec subst_hints_path subst hp =
if p' == p && q' == q then hp else PathOr (p', q')
| _ -> hp
-module Hint_db = struct
+type hint_db_name = string
+module Hint_db :
+type t
+val empty : ?name:hint_db_name -> transparent_state -> bool -> t
+val find : global_reference -> t -> search_entry
+val map_none : secvars:Id.Pred.t -> t -> full_hint list
+val map_all : secvars:Id.Pred.t -> global_reference -> t -> full_hint list
+val map_existential : secvars:Id.Pred.t ->
+ (global_reference * constr array) -> constr -> t -> full_hint list
+val map_eauto : secvars:Id.Pred.t ->
+ (global_reference * constr array) -> constr -> t -> full_hint list
+val map_auto : secvars:Id.Pred.t ->
+ (global_reference * constr array) -> constr -> t -> full_hint list
+val add_one : env -> evar_map -> hint_entry -> t -> t
+val add_list : env -> evar_map -> hint_entry list -> t -> t
+val remove_one : global_reference -> t -> t
+val remove_list : global_reference list -> t -> t
+val iter : (global_reference option -> hint_mode array list -> full_hint list -> unit) -> t -> unit
+val use_dn : t -> bool
+val transparent_state : t -> transparent_state
+val set_transparent_state : t -> transparent_state -> t
+val add_cut : hints_path -> t -> t
+val add_mode : global_reference -> hint_mode array -> t -> t
+val cut : t -> hints_path
+val unfolds : t -> Id.Set.t * Cset.t
+val fold : (global_reference option -> hint_mode array list -> full_hint list -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+ t -> 'a -> 'a
+end =
type t = {
hintdb_state : Names.transparent_state;
@@ -432,69 +502,83 @@ module Hint_db = struct
hintdb_map : search_entry Constr_map.t;
(* A list of unindexed entries starting with an unfoldable constant
or with no associated pattern. *)
- hintdb_nopat : (global_reference option * stored_data) list
+ hintdb_nopat : (global_reference option * stored_data) list;
+ hintdb_name : string option;
let next_hint_id db =
let h = db.hintdb_max_id in
{ db with hintdb_max_id = succ db.hintdb_max_id }, h
- let empty st use_dn = { hintdb_state = st;
+ let empty ?name st use_dn = { hintdb_state = st;
hintdb_cut = PathEmpty;
hintdb_unfolds = (Id.Set.empty, Cset.empty);
hintdb_max_id = 0;
use_dn = use_dn;
hintdb_map = Constr_map.empty;
- hintdb_nopat = [] }
+ hintdb_nopat = [];
+ hintdb_name = name; }
let find key db =
try Constr_map.find key db.hintdb_map
with Not_found -> empty_se
- let realize_tac (id,tac) = tac
+ let realize_tac secvars (id,tac) =
+ if Id.Pred.subset tac.secvars secvars then Some tac
+ else
+ (** Warn about no longer typable hint? *)
+ None
+ let match_mode m arg =
+ match m with
+ | ModeInput -> not (occur_existential arg)
+ | ModeNoHeadEvar ->
+ Evarutil.(try ignore(head_evar arg); false
+ with NoHeadEvar -> true)
+ | ModeOutput -> true
let matches_mode args mode =
- Array.length args == Array.length mode &&
- Array.for_all2 (fun arg m -> not (m && occur_existential arg)) args mode
+ Array.length mode == Array.length args &&
+ Array.for_all2 match_mode mode args
let matches_modes args modes =
if List.is_empty modes then true
else List.exists (matches_mode args) modes
- let merge_entry db nopat pat =
+ let merge_entry secvars db nopat pat =
let h = List.sort pri_order_int ( snd db.hintdb_nopat) in
let h = List.merge pri_order_int h nopat in
let h = List.merge pri_order_int h pat in
- realize_tac h
+ List.map_filter (realize_tac secvars) h
- let map_none db =
- merge_entry db [] []
+ let map_none ~secvars db =
+ merge_entry secvars db [] []
- let map_all k db =
+ let map_all ~secvars k db =
let se = find k db in
- merge_entry db se.sentry_nopat se.sentry_pat
+ merge_entry secvars db se.sentry_nopat se.sentry_pat
(** Precondition: concl has no existentials *)
- let map_auto (k,args) concl db =
+ let map_auto ~secvars (k,args) concl db =
let se = find k db in
let st = if db.use_dn then (Some db.hintdb_state) else None in
let pat = lookup_tacs concl st se in
- merge_entry db [] pat
+ merge_entry secvars db [] pat
- let map_existential (k,args) concl db =
+ let map_existential ~secvars (k,args) concl db =
let se = find k db in
if matches_modes args se.sentry_mode then
- merge_entry db se.sentry_nopat se.sentry_pat
- else merge_entry db [] []
+ merge_entry secvars db se.sentry_nopat se.sentry_pat
+ else merge_entry secvars db [] []
(* [c] contains an existential *)
- let map_eauto (k,args) concl db =
+ let map_eauto ~secvars (k,args) concl db =
let se = find k db in
if matches_modes args se.sentry_mode then
let st = if db.use_dn then Some db.hintdb_state else None in
let pat = lookup_tacs concl st se in
- merge_entry db [] pat
- else merge_entry db [] []
+ merge_entry secvars db [] pat
+ else merge_entry secvars db [] []
let is_exact = function
| Give_exact _ -> true
@@ -505,7 +589,7 @@ module Hint_db = struct
| _ -> false
let addkv gr id v db =
- let idv = id, v in
+ let idv = id, { v with db = db.hintdb_name } in
let k = match gr with
| Some gr -> if db.use_dn && is_transparent_gr db.hintdb_state gr &&
is_unfold v.code.obj then None else Some gr
@@ -570,11 +654,11 @@ module Hint_db = struct
let get_entry se =
let h = List.merge pri_order_int se.sentry_nopat se.sentry_pat in
- realize_tac h
+ snd h
let iter f db =
let iter_se k se = f (Some k) se.sentry_mode (get_entry se) in
- f None [] ( (fun x -> realize_tac (snd x)) db.hintdb_nopat);
+ f None [] ( (fun x -> snd (snd x)) db.hintdb_nopat);
Constr_map.iter iter_se db.hintdb_map
let fold f db accu =
@@ -609,8 +693,6 @@ type hint_db = Hint_db.t
type hint_db_table = hint_db Hintdbmap.t ref
-type hint_db_name = string
(** Initially created hint databases, for typeclasses and rewrite *)
let typeclasses_db = "typeclass_instances"
@@ -631,8 +713,7 @@ let searchtable_add (name,db) =
let current_db_names () = Hintdbmap.domain !searchtable
let current_db () = Hintdbmap.bindings !searchtable
-let current_pure_db () =
- snd (Hintdbmap.bindings (Hintdbmap.remove "v62" !searchtable))
+let current_pure_db () = snd (current_db ())
let error_no_such_hint_database x =
errorlabstrm "Hints" (str "No such Hint database: " ++ str x ++ str ".")
@@ -672,7 +753,20 @@ let try_head_pattern c =
let with_uid c = { obj = c; uid = fresh_key () }
-let make_exact_entry env sigma pri poly ?(name=PathAny) (c, cty, ctx) =
+let secvars_of_idset s =
+ Id.Set.fold (fun id p ->
+ if is_section_variable id then
+ Id.Pred.add id p
+ else p) s Id.Pred.empty
+let secvars_of_constr env c =
+ secvars_of_idset (global_vars_set env c)
+let secvars_of_global env gr =
+ secvars_of_idset (vars_of_global_reference env gr)
+let make_exact_entry env sigma info poly ?(name=PathAny) (c, cty, ctx) =
+ let secvars = secvars_of_constr env c in
let cty = strip_outer_cast cty in
match kind_of_term cty with
| Prod _ -> failwith "make_exact_entry"
@@ -682,14 +776,17 @@ let make_exact_entry env sigma pri poly ?(name=PathAny) (c, cty, ctx) =
try head_pattern_bound pat
with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_exact_entry"
- (Some hd,
- { pri = (match pri with None -> 0 | Some p -> p);
- poly = poly;
- pat = Some pat;
- name = name;
- code = with_uid (Give_exact (c, cty, ctx)); })
+ let pri = match info.hint_priority with None -> 0 | Some p -> p in
+ let pat = match info.hint_pattern with
+ | Some pat -> snd pat
+ | None -> pat
+ in
+ (Some hd,
+ { pri; poly; pat = Some pat; name;
+ db = None; secvars;
+ code = with_uid (Give_exact (c, cty, ctx)); })
-let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri poly ?(name=PathAny) (c, cty, ctx) =
+let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) info poly ?(name=PathAny) (c, cty, ctx) =
let cty = if hnf then hnf_constr env sigma cty else cty in
match kind_of_term cty with
| Prod _ ->
@@ -701,23 +798,25 @@ let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri poly ?(name=PathAny) (c,
try head_pattern_bound pat
with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_apply_entry" in
let nmiss = List.length (clenv_missing ce) in
+ let secvars = secvars_of_constr env c in
+ let pri = match info.hint_priority with None -> nb_hyp cty + nmiss | Some p -> p in
+ let pat = match info.hint_pattern with
+ | Some p -> snd p | None -> pat
+ in
if Int.equal nmiss 0 then
(Some hd,
- { pri = (match pri with None -> nb_hyp cty | Some p -> p);
- poly = poly;
- pat = Some pat;
- name = name;
+ { pri; poly; pat = Some pat; name;
+ db = None;
+ secvars;
code = with_uid (Res_pf(c,cty,ctx)); })
else begin
if not eapply then failwith "make_apply_entry";
if verbose then
- msg_warning (str "the hint: eapply " ++ pr_lconstr c ++
+ Feedback.msg_info (str "the hint: eapply " ++ pr_lconstr c ++
str " will only be used by eauto");
(Some hd,
- { pri = (match pri with None -> nb_hyp cty + nmiss | Some p -> p);
- poly = poly;
- pat = Some pat;
- name = name;
+ { pri; poly; pat = Some pat; name;
+ db = None; secvars;
code = with_uid (ERes_pf(c,cty,ctx)); })
| _ -> failwith "make_apply_entry"
@@ -726,18 +825,56 @@ let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri poly ?(name=PathAny) (c,
c is a constr
cty is the type of constr *)
-let fresh_global_or_constr env sigma poly cr =
- match cr with
- | IsGlobRef gr -> Universes.fresh_global_instance env gr
- | IsConstr (c, ctx) -> (c, ctx)
+let pr_hint_term env sigma ctx = function
+ | IsGlobRef gr -> pr_global gr
+ | IsConstr (c, ctx) ->
+ let sigma = Evd.merge_context_set Evd.univ_flexible sigma ctx in
+ pr_constr_env env sigma c
+(** We need an object to record the side-effect of registering
+ global universes associated with a hint. *)
+let cache_context_set (_,c) =
+ Global.push_context_set false c
+let input_context_set : Univ.ContextSet.t -> Libobject.obj =
+ let open Libobject in
+ declare_object
+ { (default_object "Global universe context") with
+ cache_function = cache_context_set;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> cache_context_set);
+ discharge_function = (fun (_,a) -> Some a);
+ classify_function = (fun a -> Keep a) }
+let warn_polymorphic_hint =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"polymorphic-hint" ~category:"automation"
+ (fun hint -> strbrk"Using polymorphic hint " ++ hint ++
+ str" monomorphically" ++
+ strbrk" use Polymorphic Hint to use it polymorphically.")
-let make_resolves env sigma flags pri poly ?name cr =
+let fresh_global_or_constr env sigma poly cr =
+ let isgr, (c, ctx) =
+ match cr with
+ | IsGlobRef gr ->
+ true, Universes.fresh_global_instance env gr
+ | IsConstr (c, ctx) -> false, (c, ctx)
+ in
+ if poly then (c, ctx)
+ else if Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx then (c, ctx)
+ else begin
+ if isgr then
+ warn_polymorphic_hint (pr_hint_term env sigma ctx cr);
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_context_set ctx);
+ (c, Univ.ContextSet.empty)
+ end
+let make_resolves env sigma flags info poly ?name cr =
let c, ctx = fresh_global_or_constr env sigma poly cr in
let cty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
let try_apply f =
try Some (f (c, cty, ctx)) with Failure _ -> None in
let ents = List.map_filter try_apply
- [make_exact_entry env sigma pri poly ?name; make_apply_entry env sigma flags pri poly ?name]
+ [make_exact_entry env sigma info poly ?name;
+ make_apply_entry env sigma flags info poly ?name]
if List.is_empty ents then
errorlabstrm "Hint"
@@ -747,16 +884,19 @@ let make_resolves env sigma flags pri poly ?name cr =
(* used to add an hypothesis to the local hint database *)
-let make_resolve_hyp env sigma (hname,_,htyp) =
+let make_resolve_hyp env sigma decl =
+ let hname = get_id decl in
+ let c = mkVar hname in
- [make_apply_entry env sigma (true, true, false) None false
+ [make_apply_entry env sigma (true, true, false) empty_hint_info false
~name:(PathHints [VarRef hname])
- (mkVar hname, htyp, Univ.ContextSet.empty)]
+ (c, get_type decl, Univ.ContextSet.empty)]
| Failure _ -> []
| e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> anomaly (Pp.str "make_resolve_hyp")
(* REM : in most cases hintname = id *)
let make_unfold eref =
let g = global_of_evaluable_reference eref in
(Some g,
@@ -764,15 +904,20 @@ let make_unfold eref =
poly = false;
pat = None;
name = PathHints [g];
+ db = None;
+ secvars = secvars_of_global (Global.env ()) g;
code = with_uid (Unfold_nth eref) })
let make_extern pri pat tacast =
+ let tacast = Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.glbwit Constrarg.wit_ltac) tacast in
let hdconstr = try_head_pattern pat in
{ pri = pri;
poly = false;
pat = pat;
name = PathAny;
+ db = None;
+ secvars = Id.Pred.empty; (* Approximation *)
code = with_uid (Extern tacast) })
let make_mode ref m =
@@ -796,6 +941,8 @@ let make_trivial env sigma poly ?(name=PathAny) r =
poly = poly;
pat = Some (Patternops.pattern_of_constr env ce.evd (clenv_type ce));
name = name;
+ db = None;
+ secvars = secvars_of_constr env c;
code= with_uid (Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail(c,t,ctx)) })
@@ -809,7 +956,7 @@ let make_trivial env sigma poly ?(name=PathAny) r =
let get_db dbname =
try searchtable_map dbname
- with Not_found -> Hint_db.empty empty_transparent_state false
+ with Not_found -> Hint_db.empty ~name:dbname empty_transparent_state false
let add_hint dbname hintlist =
let check (_, h) =
@@ -848,7 +995,7 @@ type hint_action =
| AddHints of hint_entry list
| RemoveHints of global_reference list
| AddCut of hints_path
- | AddMode of global_reference * bool array
+ | AddMode of global_reference * hint_mode array
let add_cut dbname path =
let db = get_db dbname in
@@ -869,7 +1016,7 @@ type hint_obj = {
let load_autohint _ (kn, h) =
let name = h.hint_name in
match h.hint_action with
- | CreateDB (b, st) -> searchtable_add (name, Hint_db.empty st b)
+ | CreateDB (b, st) -> searchtable_add (name, Hint_db.empty ~name st b)
| AddTransparency (grs, b) -> add_transparency name grs b
| AddHints hints -> add_hint name hints
| RemoveHints grs -> remove_hint name grs
@@ -918,7 +1065,7 @@ let subst_autohint (subst, obj) =
let ref' = subst_evaluable_reference subst ref in
if ref==ref' then data.code.obj else Unfold_nth ref'
| Extern tac ->
- let tac' = Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst tac in
+ let tac' = Genintern.generic_substitute subst tac in
if tac==tac' then data.code.obj else Extern tac'
let name' = subst_path_atom subst in
@@ -1025,16 +1172,17 @@ let add_transparency l b local dbnames =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint hint))
-let add_extern pri pat tacast local dbname =
- let pat = match pat with
+let add_extern info tacast local dbname =
+ let pat = match info.hint_pattern with
| None -> None
| Some (_, pat) -> Some pat
- let hint = make_hint ~local dbname (AddHints [make_extern pri pat tacast]) in
+ let hint = make_hint ~local dbname
+ (AddHints [make_extern (Option.get info.hint_priority) pat tacast]) in
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint hint)
-let add_externs pri pat tacast local dbnames =
- List.iter (add_extern pri pat tacast local) dbnames
+let add_externs info tacast local dbnames =
+ List.iter (add_extern info tacast local) dbnames
let add_trivials env sigma l local dbnames =
@@ -1048,15 +1196,16 @@ let (forward_intern_tac, extern_intern_tac) = Hook.make ()
type hnf = bool
+type hint_info = (patvar list * constr_pattern) hint_info_gen
type hints_entry =
- | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * polymorphic * hnf * hints_path_atom * hint_term) list
+ | HintsResolveEntry of (hint_info * polymorphic * hnf * hints_path_atom * hint_term) list
| HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * polymorphic * hint_term) list
| HintsCutEntry of hints_path
| HintsUnfoldEntry of evaluable_global_reference list
| HintsTransparencyEntry of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
- | HintsModeEntry of global_reference * bool list
- | HintsExternEntry of
- int * (patvar list * constr_pattern) option * glob_tactic_expr
+ | HintsModeEntry of global_reference * hint_mode list
+ | HintsExternEntry of hint_info * glob_tactic_expr
let default_prepare_hint_ident = Id.of_string "H"
@@ -1064,10 +1213,12 @@ exception Found of constr * types
let prepare_hint check (poly,local) env init (sigma,c) =
let sigma = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:false env sigma in
- (* We re-abstract over uninstantiated evars.
+ (* We re-abstract over uninstantiated evars and universes.
It is actually a bit stupid to generalize over evars since the first
thing make_resolves will do is to re-instantiate the products *)
- let c = drop_extra_implicit_args (Evarutil.nf_evar sigma c) in
+ let sigma, subst = Evd.nf_univ_variables sigma in
+ let c = Vars.subst_univs_constr subst (Evarutil.nf_evar sigma c) in
+ let c = drop_extra_implicit_args c in
let vars = ref (collect_vars c) in
let subst = ref [] in
let rec find_next_evar c = match kind_of_term c with
@@ -1081,7 +1232,7 @@ let prepare_hint check (poly,local) env init (sigma,c) =
(* Not clever enough to construct dependency graph of evars *)
error "Not clever enough to deal with evars dependent in other evars.";
raise (Found (c,t))
- | _ -> iter_constr find_next_evar c in
+ | _ -> Constr.iter find_next_evar c in
let rec iter c =
try find_next_evar c; c
with Found (evar,t) ->
@@ -1090,11 +1241,11 @@ let prepare_hint check (poly,local) env init (sigma,c) =
subst := (evar,mkVar id)::!subst;
mkNamedLambda id t (iter (replace_term evar (mkVar id) c)) in
let c' = iter c in
- if check then Evarutil.check_evars (Global.env()) Evd.empty sigma c';
+ if check then Pretyping.check_evars (Global.env()) Evd.empty sigma c';
let diff = Univ.ContextSet.diff (Evd.universe_context_set sigma) (Evd.universe_context_set init) in
if poly then IsConstr (c', diff)
else if local then IsConstr (c', diff)
- else (Global.push_context_set false diff;
+ else (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_context_set diff);
IsConstr (c', Univ.ContextSet.empty))
let interp_hints poly =
@@ -1118,11 +1269,12 @@ let interp_hints poly =
(PathHints [gr], poly, IsGlobRef gr)
| HintsConstr c -> (PathAny, poly, f poly c)
- let fres (pri, b, r) =
+ let fp = Constrintern.intern_constr_pattern (Global.env()) in
+ let fres (info, b, r) =
let path, poly, gr = fi r in
- (pri, poly, b, path, gr)
+ let info = { info with hint_pattern = fp info.hint_pattern } in
+ (info, poly, b, path, gr)
- let fp = Constrintern.intern_constr_pattern (Global.env()) in
match h with
| HintsResolve lhints -> HintsResolveEntry ( fres lhints)
| HintsImmediate lhints -> HintsImmediateEntry ( fi lhints)
@@ -1138,14 +1290,14 @@ let interp_hints poly =
List.init (nconstructors ind)
(fun i -> let c = (ind,i+1) in
let gr = ConstructRef c in
- None, mib.Declarations.mind_polymorphic, true,
+ empty_hint_info, mib.Declarations.mind_polymorphic, true,
PathHints [gr], IsGlobRef gr)
in HintsResolveEntry (List.flatten ( constr_hints_of_ind lqid))
| HintsExtern (pri, patcom, tacexp) ->
let pat = fp patcom in
let l = match pat with None -> [] | Some (l, _) -> l in
let tacexp = Hook.get forward_intern_tac l tacexp in
- HintsExternEntry (pri, pat, tacexp)
+ HintsExternEntry ({ hint_priority = Some pri; hint_pattern = pat }, tacexp)
let add_hints local dbnames0 h =
if String.List.mem "nocore" dbnames0 then
@@ -1161,29 +1313,41 @@ let add_hints local dbnames0 h =
| HintsUnfoldEntry lhints -> add_unfolds lhints local dbnames
| HintsTransparencyEntry (lhints, b) ->
add_transparency lhints b local dbnames
- | HintsExternEntry (pri, pat, tacexp) ->
- add_externs pri pat tacexp local dbnames
+ | HintsExternEntry (info, tacexp) ->
+ add_externs info tacexp local dbnames
let expand_constructor_hints env sigma lems =
List.map_append (fun (evd,lem) ->
match kind_of_term lem with
| Ind (ind,u) ->
List.init (nconstructors ind)
- (fun i -> IsConstr (mkConstructU ((ind,i+1),u),
- Univ.ContextSet.empty))
+ (fun i ->
+ let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.diff (Evd.universe_context_set evd)
+ (Evd.universe_context_set sigma) in
+ not (Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx),
+ IsConstr (mkConstructU ((ind,i+1),u),ctx))
| _ ->
- [prepare_hint false (false,true) env sigma (evd,lem)]) lems
+ [match prepare_hint false (false,true) env sigma (evd,lem) with
+ | IsConstr (c, ctx) ->
+ not (Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx), IsConstr (c, ctx)
+ | IsGlobRef _ -> assert false (* Impossible return value *) ]) lems
(* builds a hint database from a constr signature *)
(* typically used with (lid, ltyp) = pf_hyps_types <some goal> *)
let add_hint_lemmas env sigma eapply lems hint_db =
let lems = expand_constructor_hints env sigma lems in
let hintlist' =
- List.map_append (make_resolves env sigma (eapply,true,false) None false) lems in
+ List.map_append (fun (poly, lem) ->
+ make_resolves env sigma (eapply,true,false) empty_hint_info poly lem) lems in
Hint_db.add_list env sigma hintlist' hint_db
let make_local_hint_db env sigma ts eapply lems =
+ let map c =
+ let sigma = Sigma.Unsafe.of_evar_map sigma in
+ let Sigma (c, sigma, _) = c.delayed env sigma in
+ (Sigma.to_evar_map sigma, c)
+ in
+ let lems = map lems in
let sign = Environ.named_context env in
let ts = match ts with
| None -> Hint_db.transparent_state (searchtable_map "core")
@@ -1193,12 +1357,6 @@ let make_local_hint_db env sigma ts eapply lems =
add_hint_lemmas env sigma eapply lems
(Hint_db.add_list env sigma hintlist (Hint_db.empty ts false))
-let make_local_hint_db =
- if Flags.profile then
- let key = Profile.declare_profile "make_local_hint_db" in
- Profile.profile4 key make_local_hint_db
- else make_local_hint_db
let make_local_hint_db env sigma ?ts eapply lems =
make_local_hint_db env sigma ts eapply lems
@@ -1218,23 +1376,25 @@ let make_db_list dbnames =
let pr_hint_elt (c, _, _) = pr_constr c
let pr_hint h = match h.obj with
- | Res_pf (c, _) -> (str"apply " ++ pr_hint_elt c)
- | ERes_pf (c, _) -> (str"eapply " ++ pr_hint_elt c)
+ | Res_pf (c, _) -> (str"simple apply " ++ pr_hint_elt c)
+ | ERes_pf (c, _) -> (str"simple eapply " ++ pr_hint_elt c)
| Give_exact (c, _) -> (str"exact " ++ pr_hint_elt c)
| Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c, _) ->
- (str"apply " ++ pr_hint_elt c ++ str" ; trivial")
+ (str"simple apply " ++ pr_hint_elt c ++ str" ; trivial")
| Unfold_nth c -> (str"unfold " ++ pr_evaluable_reference c)
| Extern tac ->
let env =
let (_, env) = Pfedit.get_current_goal_context () in
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> Global.env ()
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> Global.env ()
- (str "(*external*) " ++ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env tac)
+ (str "(*external*) " ++ Pptactic.pr_glb_generic env tac)
let pr_id_hint (id, v) =
- (pr_hint v.code ++ str"(level " ++ int v.pri ++ str", id " ++ int id ++ str ")" ++ spc ())
+ let pr_pat p = str", pattern " ++ pr_lconstr_pattern p in
+ (pr_hint v.code ++ str"(level " ++ int v.pri ++ pr_opt_no_spc pr_pat v.pat
+ ++ str", id " ++ int id ++ str ")" ++ spc ())
let pr_hint_list hintlist =
(str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist pr_id_hint hintlist) ++ fnl ())
@@ -1248,7 +1408,7 @@ let pr_hints_db (name,db,hintlist) =
let pr_hint_list_for_head c =
let dbs = current_db () in
let validate (name, db) =
- let hints = (fun v -> 0, v) (Hint_db.map_all c db) in
+ let hints = (fun v -> 0, v) (Hint_db.map_all Id.Pred.full c db) in
(name, db, hints)
let valid_dbs = validate dbs in
@@ -1270,9 +1430,9 @@ let pr_hint_term cl =
let fn = try
let hdc = decompose_app_bound cl in
if occur_existential cl then
- Hint_db.map_existential hdc cl
- else Hint_db.map_auto hdc cl
- with Bound -> Hint_db.map_none
+ Hint_db.map_existential ~secvars:Id.Pred.full hdc cl
+ else Hint_db.map_auto ~secvars:Id.Pred.full hdc cl
+ with Bound -> Hint_db.map_none ~secvars:Id.Pred.full
let fn db = (fun x -> 0, x) (fn db) in (fun (name, db) -> (name, db, fn db)) dbs
@@ -1290,13 +1450,18 @@ let pr_applicable_hint () =
let pts = get_pftreestate () in
let glss = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in
match with
- | [] -> Errors.error "No focused goal."
+ | [] -> CErrors.error "No focused goal."
| g::_ ->
pr_hint_term (Goal.V82.concl glss.Evd.sigma g)
+let pp_hint_mode = function
+ | ModeInput -> str"+"
+ | ModeNoHeadEvar -> str"!"
+ | ModeOutput -> str"-"
(* displays the whole hint database db *)
let pr_hint_db db =
- let pr_mode = prvect_with_sep spc (fun x -> if x then str"+" else str"-") in
+ let pr_mode = prvect_with_sep spc pp_hint_mode in
let pr_modes l =
if List.is_empty l then mt ()
else str" (modes " ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_mode l ++ str")"
@@ -1344,10 +1509,15 @@ let print_mp mp =
let is_imported h = try KNmap.find h.uid !statustable with Not_found -> true
+let warn_non_imported_hint =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"non-imported-hint" ~category:"automation"
+ (fun (hint,mp) ->
+ strbrk "Hint used but not imported: " ++ hint ++ print_mp mp)
let warn h x =
let hint = pr_hint h in
let (mp, _, _) = KerName.repr h.uid in
- let () = msg_warning (str "Hint used but not imported: " ++ hint ++ print_mp mp) in
+ warn_non_imported_hint (hint,mp);
Proofview.tclUNIT x
let run_hint tac k = match !warn_hint with