path: root/printing/
diff options
authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2019-02-02 19:29:23 -0500
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2019-02-02 19:29:23 -0500
commit9ebf44d84754adc5b64fcf612c6816c02c80462d (patch)
treebf5e06a28488e0e06a2f2011ff0d110e2e02f8fc /printing/
parent9043add656177eeac1491a73d2f3ab92bec0013c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.9.0upstream/8.9.0upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'printing/')
1 files changed, 635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/printing/ b/printing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b630b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printing/
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
+(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+Displays the differences between successive proof steps in coqtop and CoqIDE.
+Proof General requires minor changes to make the diffs visible, but this code
+shouldn't break the existing version of PG. See for details on how
+the diff works.
+Diffs are computed for the hypotheses and conclusion of each goal in the new
+proof with its matching goal in the old proof.
+Diffs can be enabled in coqtop with 'Set Diffs "on"|"off"|"removed"' or
+'-diffs on|off|removed' on the OS command line. In CoqIDE, they can be enabled
+from the View menu. The "on" option shows only the new item with added text,
+while "removed" shows each modified item twice--once with the old value showing
+removed text and once with the new value showing added text.
+In CoqIDE, colors and highlights can be set in the Edit/Preferences/Tags panel.
+For coqtop, these can be set through the COQ_COLORS environment variable.
+Limitations/Possible enhancements:
+- coqtop colors were chosen for white text on a black background. They're
+not the greatest. I didn't want to change the existing green highlight.
+Suggestions welcome.
+- coqtop underlines removed text because (per Wikipedia) the ANSI escape code
+for strikeout is not commonly supported (it didn't work on my system). CoqIDE
+uses strikeout on removed text.
+open Pp_diff
+let diff_option = ref `OFF
+let read_diffs_option () = match !diff_option with
+| `OFF -> "off"
+| `ON -> "on"
+| `REMOVED -> "removed"
+let write_diffs_option = function
+| "off" -> diff_option := `OFF
+| "on" -> diff_option := `ON
+| "removed" -> diff_option := `REMOVED
+| _ -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Diffs option only accepts the following values: \"off\", \"on\", \"removed\".")
+let _ =
+ Goptions.(declare_string_option {
+ optdepr = false;
+ optname = "show diffs in proofs";
+ optkey = ["Diffs"];
+ optread = read_diffs_option;
+ optwrite = write_diffs_option
+ })
+let show_diffs () = !diff_option <> `OFF;;
+let show_removed () = !diff_option = `REMOVED;;
+let cfprintf oc = Printf.(kfprintf (fun oc -> fprintf oc "") oc)
+let log_out_ch = ref stdout
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-32"]
+let cprintf s = cfprintf !log_out_ch s
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+32"]
+module StringMap = Map.Make(String);;
+let tokenize_string s =
+ (* todo: cLexer changes buff as it proceeds. Seems like that should be saved, too.
+ But I don't understand how it's used--it looks like things get appended to it but
+ it never gets cleared. *)
+ let rec stream_tok acc str =
+ let e = str in
+ if Tok.(equal e EOI) then
+ List.rev acc
+ else
+ stream_tok ((Tok.extract_string e) :: acc) str
+ in
+ let st = CLexer.get_lexer_state () in
+ try
+ let istr = Stream.of_string s in
+ let lex = CLexer.lexer.Plexing.tok_func istr in
+ let toks = stream_tok [] (fst lex) in
+ CLexer.set_lexer_state st;
+ toks
+ with exn ->
+ CLexer.set_lexer_state st;
+ raise (Diff_Failure "Input string is not lexable");;
+type hyp_info = {
+ idents: string list;
+ rhs_pp: Pp.t;
+ mutable done_: bool;
+(* Generate the diffs between the old and new hyps.
+ This works by matching lines with the hypothesis name and diffing the right-hand side.
+ Lines that have multiple names such as "n, m : nat" are handled specially to account
+ for, say, the addition of m to a pre-existing "n : nat".
+ *)
+let diff_hyps o_line_idents o_map n_line_idents n_map =
+ let rv : Pp.t list ref = ref [] in
+ let is_done ident map = (StringMap.find ident map).done_ in
+ let exists ident map =
+ try let _ = StringMap.find ident map in true
+ with Not_found -> false in
+ let contains l ident = try [List.find (fun x -> x = ident) l] with Not_found -> [] in
+ let output old_ids_uo new_ids =
+ (* use the order from the old line in case it's changed in the new *)
+ let old_ids = if old_ids_uo = [] then [] else
+ let orig = (StringMap.find (List.hd old_ids_uo) o_map).idents in
+ List.concat ( (contains orig) old_ids_uo)
+ in
+ let setup ids map = if ids = [] then ("", ()) else
+ let open Pp in
+ let rhs_pp = (StringMap.find (List.hd ids) map).rhs_pp in
+ let pp_ids = (fun x -> str x) ids in
+ let hyp_pp = List.fold_left (fun l1 l2 -> l1 ++ str ", " ++ l2) (List.hd pp_ids) ( pp_ids) ++ rhs_pp in
+ (string_of_ppcmds hyp_pp, hyp_pp)
+ in
+ let (o_line, o_pp) = setup old_ids o_map in
+ let (n_line, n_pp) = setup new_ids n_map in
+ let hyp_diffs = diff_str ~tokenize_string o_line n_line in
+ let (has_added, has_removed) = has_changes hyp_diffs in
+ if show_removed () && has_removed then begin
+ let o_entry = StringMap.find (List.hd old_ids) o_map in
+ o_entry.done_ <- true;
+ rv := (add_diff_tags `Removed o_pp hyp_diffs) :: !rv;
+ end;
+ if n_line <> "" then begin
+ let n_entry = StringMap.find (List.hd new_ids) n_map in
+ n_entry.done_ <- true;
+ rv := (add_diff_tags `Added n_pp hyp_diffs) :: !rv
+ end
+ in
+ (* process identifier level diff *)
+ let process_ident_diff diff =
+ let (dtype, ident) = get_dinfo diff in
+ match dtype with
+ | `Removed ->
+ if dtype = `Removed then begin
+ let o_idents = (StringMap.find ident o_map).idents in
+ (* only show lines that have all idents removed here; other removed idents appear later *)
+ if show_removed () &&
+ List.for_all (fun x -> not (exists x n_map)) o_idents then
+ output (List.rev o_idents) []
+ end
+ | _ -> begin (* Added or Common case *)
+ let n_idents = (StringMap.find ident n_map).idents in
+ (* Process a new hyp line, possibly splitting it. Duplicates some of
+ process_ident iteration, but easier to understand this way *)
+ let process_line ident2 =
+ if not (is_done ident2 n_map) then begin
+ let n_ids_list : string list ref = ref [] in
+ let o_ids_list : string list ref = ref [] in
+ let fst_omap_idents = ref None in
+ let add ids id map =
+ ids := id :: !ids;
+ (StringMap.find id map).done_ <- true in
+ (* get identifiers shared by one old and one new line, plus
+ other Added in new and other Removed in old *)
+ let process_split ident3 =
+ if not (is_done ident3 n_map) then begin
+ let this_omap_idents = try Some (StringMap.find ident3 o_map).idents
+ with Not_found -> None in
+ if !fst_omap_idents = None then
+ fst_omap_idents := this_omap_idents;
+ match (!fst_omap_idents, this_omap_idents) with
+ | (Some fst, Some this) when fst == this -> (* yes, == *)
+ add n_ids_list ident3 n_map;
+ (* include, in old order, all undone Removed idents in old *)
+ List.iter (fun x -> if x = ident3 || not (is_done x o_map) && not (exists x n_map) then
+ (add o_ids_list x o_map)) fst
+ | (_, None) ->
+ add n_ids_list ident3 n_map (* include all undone Added idents in new *)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end in
+ List.iter process_split n_idents;
+ output (List.rev !o_ids_list) (List.rev !n_ids_list)
+ end in
+ List.iter process_line n_idents (* O(n^2), so sue me *)
+ end in
+ let cvt s = Array.of_list (List.concat s) in
+ let ident_diffs = diff_strs (cvt o_line_idents) (cvt n_line_idents) in
+ List.iter process_ident_diff ident_diffs;
+ List.rev !rv;;
+type 'a hyp = (Names.Id.t list * 'a option * 'a)
+type 'a reified_goal = { name: string; ty: 'a; hyps: 'a hyp list; env : Environ.env; sigma: Evd.evar_map }
+(* XXX: Port to proofview, one day. *)
+(* open Proofview *)
+module CDC = Context.Compacted.Declaration
+let to_tuple : Constr.compacted_declaration -> (Names.Id.t list * 'pc option * 'pc) =
+ let open CDC in function
+ | LocalAssum(idl, tm) -> (idl, None, tm)
+ | LocalDef(idl,tdef,tm) -> (idl, Some tdef, tm);;
+(* XXX: Very unfortunately we cannot use the Proofview interface as
+ Proof is still using the "legacy" one. *)
+let process_goal_concl sigma g : Constr.t * Environ.env =
+ let env = Goal.V82.env sigma g in
+ let ty = Goal.V82.concl sigma g in
+ let ty = EConstr.to_constr sigma ty in
+ (ty, env)
+let process_goal sigma g : Constr.t reified_goal =
+ let env = Goal.V82.env sigma g in
+ let hyps = Goal.V82.hyps sigma g in
+ let ty = Goal.V82.concl sigma g in
+ let name = Goal.uid g in
+ (* There is a Constr/Econstr mess here... *)
+ let ty = EConstr.to_constr sigma ty in
+ (* compaction is usually desired [eg for better display] *)
+ let hyps = Termops.compact_named_context (Environ.named_context_of_val hyps) in
+ let hyps = to_tuple hyps in
+ { name; ty; hyps; env; sigma };;
+let pr_letype_core goal_concl_style env sigma t =
+ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr (Constrextern.extern_type goal_concl_style env sigma t)
+let pp_of_type env sigma ty =
+ pr_letype_core true env sigma EConstr.(of_constr ty)
+let pr_leconstr_core goal_concl_style env sigma t =
+ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr (Constrextern.extern_constr goal_concl_style env sigma t)
+let pr_lconstr_env env sigma c = pr_leconstr_core false env sigma (EConstr.of_constr c)
+let diff_concl ?og_s nsigma ng =
+ let open Evd in
+ let o_concl_pp = match og_s with
+ | Some { it=og; sigma=osigma } ->
+ let (oty, oenv) = process_goal_concl osigma og in
+ pp_of_type oenv osigma oty
+ | None ->
+ in
+ let (nty, nenv) = process_goal_concl nsigma ng in
+ let n_concl_pp = pp_of_type nenv nsigma nty in
+ let show_removed = Some (show_removed ()) in
+ diff_pp_combined ~tokenize_string ?show_removed o_concl_pp n_concl_pp
+(* fetch info from a goal, returning (idents, map, concl_pp) where
+idents is a list with one entry for each hypothesis, in which each entry
+is the list of idents on the lhs of the hypothesis. map is a map from
+ident to hyp_info reoords. For example: for the hypotheses:
+ b : bool
+ n, m : nat
+idents will be [ ["b"]; ["n"; "m"] ]
+map will contain:
+ "b" -> { ["b"], Pp.t for ": bool"; false }
+ "n" -> { ["n"; "m"], Pp.t for ": nat"; false }
+ "m" -> { ["n"; "m"], Pp.t for ": nat"; false }
+ where the last two entries share the idents list.
+concl_pp is the conclusion as a Pp.t
+let goal_info goal sigma =
+ let map = ref StringMap.empty in
+ let line_idents = ref [] in
+ let build_hyp_info env sigma hyp =
+ let (names, body, ty) = hyp in
+ let open Pp in
+ let idents = (fun x -> Names.Id.to_string x) names in
+ line_idents := idents :: !line_idents;
+ let mid = match body with
+ | Some c ->
+ let pb = pr_lconstr_env env sigma c in
+ let pb = if Constr.isCast c then surround pb else pb in
+ str " := " ++ pb
+ | None -> mt() in
+ let ts = pp_of_type env sigma ty in
+ let rhs_pp = mid ++ str " : " ++ ts in
+ let make_entry () = { idents; rhs_pp; done_ = false } in
+ List.iter (fun ident -> map := (StringMap.add ident (make_entry ()) !map); ()) idents
+ in
+ try
+ let { ty=ty; hyps=hyps; env=env } = process_goal sigma goal in
+ List.iter (build_hyp_info env sigma) (List.rev hyps);
+ let concl_pp = pp_of_type env sigma ty in
+ ( List.rev !line_idents, !map, concl_pp )
+ with _ -> ([], !map, ());;
+let diff_goal_info o_info n_info =
+ let (o_line_idents, o_hyp_map, o_concl_pp) = o_info in
+ let (n_line_idents, n_hyp_map, n_concl_pp) = n_info in
+ let show_removed = Some (show_removed ()) in
+ let concl_pp = diff_pp_combined ~tokenize_string ?show_removed o_concl_pp n_concl_pp in
+ let hyp_diffs_list = diff_hyps o_line_idents o_hyp_map n_line_idents n_hyp_map in
+ (hyp_diffs_list, concl_pp)
+let hyp_list_to_pp hyps =
+ let open Pp in
+ match hyps with
+ | h :: tl -> List.fold_left (fun x y -> x ++ cut () ++ y) h tl
+ | [] -> mt ();;
+let unwrap g_s =
+ match g_s with
+ | Some g_s ->
+ let goal = Evd.sig_it g_s in
+ let sigma = Refiner.project g_s in
+ goal_info goal sigma
+ | None -> ([], StringMap.empty, ())
+let diff_goal_ide og_s ng nsigma =
+ diff_goal_info (unwrap og_s) (goal_info ng nsigma)
+let diff_goal ?og_s ng ns =
+ let (hyps_pp_list, concl_pp) = diff_goal_info (unwrap og_s) (goal_info ng ns) in
+ let open Pp in
+ v 0 (
+ (hyp_list_to_pp hyps_pp_list) ++ cut () ++
+ str "============================" ++ cut () ++
+ concl_pp);;
+(*** Code to determine which calls to compare between the old and new proofs ***)
+open Constrexpr
+open Glob_term
+open Names
+open CAst
+(* Compare the old and new proof trees to identify the correspondence between
+new and old goals. Returns a map from the new evar name to the old,
+e.g. "Goal2" -> "Goal1". Assumes that proof steps only rewrite CEvar nodes
+and that CEvar nodes cannot contain other CEvar nodes.
+The comparison works this way:
+1. Traverse the old and new trees together (ogname = "", ot != nt):
+- if the old and new trees both have CEvar nodes, add an entry to the map from
+ the new evar name to the old evar name. (Position of goals is preserved but
+ evar names may not be--see below.)
+- if the old tree has a CEvar node and the new tree has a different type of node,
+ we've found a changed goal. Set ogname to the evar name of the old goal and
+ go to step 2.
+- any other mismatch violates the assumptions, raise an exception
+2. Traverse the new tree from the point of the difference (ogname <> "", ot = nt).
+- if the node is a CEvar, generate a map entry from the new evar name to ogname.
+Goal ids for unchanged goals appear to be preserved across proof steps.
+However, the evar name associated with a goal id may change in a proof step
+even if that goal is not changed by the tactic. You can see this by enabling
+the call to db_goal_map and entering the following:
+ Parameter P : nat -> Prop.
+ Goal (P 1 /\ P 2 /\ P 3) /\ P 4.
+ split.
+ Show Proof.
+ split.
+ Show Proof.
+ Which gives you this summarized output:
+ > split.
+ New Goals: 3 -> Goal 4 -> Goal0 <--- goal 4 is "Goal0"
+ Old Goals: 1 -> Goal
+ Goal map: 3 -> 1 4 -> 1
+ > Show Proof.
+ (conj ?Goal ?Goal0) <--- goal 4 is the rightmost goal in the proof
+ > split.
+ New Goals: 6 -> Goal0 7 -> Goal1 4 -> Goal <--- goal 4 is now "Goal"
+ Old Goals: 3 -> Goal 4 -> Goal0
+ Goal map: 6 -> 3 7 -> 3
+ > Show Proof.
+ (conj (conj ?Goal0 ?Goal1) ?Goal) <--- goal 4 is still the rightmost goal in the proof
+ *)
+let match_goals ot nt =
+ let nevar_to_oevar = ref StringMap.empty in
+ (* ogname is "" when there is no difference on the current path.
+ It's set to the old goal's evar name once a rewitten goal is found,
+ at which point the code only searches for the replacing goals
+ (and ot is set to nt). *)
+ let rec match_goals_r ogname ot nt =
+ let constr_expr ogname exp exp2 =
+ match_goals_r ogname exp.v exp2.v
+ in
+ let constr_expr_opt ogname exp exp2 =
+ match exp, exp2 with
+ | Some expa, Some expb -> constr_expr ogname expa expb
+ | None, None -> ()
+ | _, _ -> raise (Diff_Failure "Unable to match goals betwen old and new proof states (1)")
+ in
+ let local_binder_expr ogname exp exp2 =
+ match exp, exp2 with
+ | CLocalAssum (nal,bk,ty), CLocalAssum(nal2,bk2,ty2) ->
+ constr_expr ogname ty ty2
+ | CLocalDef (n,c,t), CLocalDef (n2,c2,t2) ->
+ constr_expr ogname c c2;
+ constr_expr_opt ogname t t2
+ | CLocalPattern p, CLocalPattern p2 ->
+ let (p,ty), (p2,ty2) = p.v,p2.v in
+ constr_expr_opt ogname ty ty2
+ | _, _ -> raise (Diff_Failure "Unable to match goals betwen old and new proof states (2)")
+ in
+ let recursion_order_expr ogname exp exp2 =
+ match exp, exp2 with
+ | CStructRec, CStructRec -> ()
+ | CWfRec c, CWfRec c2 ->
+ constr_expr ogname c c2
+ | CMeasureRec (m,r), CMeasureRec (m2,r2) ->
+ constr_expr ogname m m2;
+ constr_expr_opt ogname r r2
+ | _, _ -> raise (Diff_Failure "Unable to match goals betwen old and new proof states (3)")
+ in
+ let fix_expr ogname exp exp2 =
+ let (l,(lo,ro),lb,ce1,ce2), (l2,(lo2,ro2),lb2,ce12,ce22) = exp,exp2 in
+ recursion_order_expr ogname ro ro2;
+ List.iter2 (local_binder_expr ogname) lb lb2;
+ constr_expr ogname ce1 ce12;
+ constr_expr ogname ce2 ce22
+ in
+ let cofix_expr ogname exp exp2 =
+ let (l,lb,ce1,ce2), (l2,lb2,ce12,ce22) = exp,exp2 in
+ List.iter2 (local_binder_expr ogname) lb lb2;
+ constr_expr ogname ce1 ce12;
+ constr_expr ogname ce2 ce22
+ in
+ let case_expr ogname exp exp2 =
+ let (ce,l,cp), (ce2,l2,cp2) = exp,exp2 in
+ constr_expr ogname ce ce2
+ in
+ let branch_expr ogname exp exp2 =
+ let (cpe,ce), (cpe2,ce2) = exp.v,exp2.v in
+ constr_expr ogname ce ce2
+ in
+ let constr_notation_substitution ogname exp exp2 =
+ let (ce, cel, cp, lb), (ce2, cel2, cp2, lb2) = exp, exp2 in
+ List.iter2 (constr_expr ogname) ce ce2;
+ List.iter2 (fun a a2 -> List.iter2 (constr_expr ogname) a a2) cel cel2;
+ List.iter2 (fun a a2 -> List.iter2 (local_binder_expr ogname) a a2) lb lb2
+ in
+ begin
+ match ot, nt with
+ | CRef (ref,us), CRef (ref2,us2) -> ()
+ | CFix (id,fl), CFix (id2,fl2) ->
+ List.iter2 (fix_expr ogname) fl fl2
+ | CCoFix (id,cfl), CCoFix (id2,cfl2) ->
+ List.iter2 (cofix_expr ogname) cfl cfl2
+ | CProdN (bl,c2), CProdN (bl2,c22)
+ | CLambdaN (bl,c2), CLambdaN (bl2,c22) ->
+ List.iter2 (local_binder_expr ogname) bl bl2;
+ constr_expr ogname c2 c22
+ | CLetIn (na,c1,t,c2), CLetIn (na2,c12,t2,c22) ->
+ constr_expr ogname c1 c12;
+ constr_expr_opt ogname t t2;
+ constr_expr ogname c2 c22
+ | CAppExpl ((isproj,ref,us),args), CAppExpl ((isproj2,ref2,us2),args2) ->
+ List.iter2 (constr_expr ogname) args args2
+ | CApp ((isproj,f),args), CApp ((isproj2,f2),args2) ->
+ constr_expr ogname f f2;
+ List.iter2 (fun a a2 -> let (c, _) = a and (c2, _) = a2 in
+ constr_expr ogname c c2) args args2
+ | CRecord fs, CRecord fs2 ->
+ List.iter2 (fun a a2 -> let (_, c) = a and (_, c2) = a2 in
+ constr_expr ogname c c2) fs fs2
+ | CCases (sty,rtnpo,tms,eqns), CCases (sty2,rtnpo2,tms2,eqns2) ->
+ constr_expr_opt ogname rtnpo rtnpo2;
+ List.iter2 (case_expr ogname) tms tms2;
+ List.iter2 (branch_expr ogname) eqns eqns2
+ | CLetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c), CLetTuple (nal2,(na2,po2),b2,c2) ->
+ constr_expr_opt ogname po po2;
+ constr_expr ogname b b2;
+ constr_expr ogname c c2
+ | CIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2), CIf (c2,(na2,po2),b12,b22) ->
+ constr_expr ogname c c2;
+ constr_expr_opt ogname po po2;
+ constr_expr ogname b1 b12;
+ constr_expr ogname b2 b22
+ | CHole (k,naming,solve), CHole (k2,naming2,solve2) -> ()
+ | CPatVar _, CPatVar _ -> ()
+ | CEvar (n,l), CEvar (n2,l2) ->
+ let oevar = if ogname = "" then Id.to_string n else ogname in
+ nevar_to_oevar := StringMap.add (Id.to_string n2) oevar !nevar_to_oevar;
+ List.iter2 (fun x x2 -> let (_, g) = x and (_, g2) = x2 in constr_expr ogname g g2) l l2
+ | CEvar (n,l), nt' ->
+ (* pass down the old goal evar name *)
+ match_goals_r (Id.to_string n) nt' nt'
+ | CSort s, CSort s2 -> ()
+ | CCast (c,c'), CCast (c2,c'2) ->
+ constr_expr ogname c c2;
+ (match c', c'2 with
+ | CastConv a, CastConv a2
+ | CastVM a, CastVM a2
+ | CastNative a, CastNative a2 ->
+ constr_expr ogname a a2
+ | CastCoerce, CastCoerce -> ()
+ | _, _ -> raise (Diff_Failure "Unable to match goals betwen old and new proof states (4)"))
+ | CNotation (ntn,args), CNotation (ntn2,args2) ->
+ constr_notation_substitution ogname args args2
+ | CGeneralization (b,a,c), CGeneralization (b2,a2,c2) ->
+ constr_expr ogname c c2
+ | CPrim p, CPrim p2 -> ()
+ | CDelimiters (key,e), CDelimiters (key2,e2) ->
+ constr_expr ogname e e2
+ | _, _ -> raise (Diff_Failure "Unable to match goals betwen old and new proof states (5)")
+ end
+ in
+ (match ot with
+ | Some ot -> match_goals_r "" ot nt
+ | None -> ());
+ !nevar_to_oevar
+let to_constr p =
+ let open CAst in
+ let pprf = Proof.partial_proof p in
+ (* pprf generally has only one element, but it may have more in the derive plugin *)
+ let t = List.hd pprf in
+ let sigma, env = Pfedit.get_current_context ~p () in
+ let x = Constrextern.extern_constr false env sigma t in (* todo: right options?? *)
+ x.v
+module GoalMap = Evar.Map
+let goal_to_evar g sigma = Id.to_string (Termops.pr_evar_suggested_name g sigma)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-32"]
+let db_goal_map op np ng_to_og =
+ Printf.printf "New Goals: ";
+ let (ngoals,_,_,_,nsigma) = Proof.proof np in
+ List.iter (fun ng -> Printf.printf "%d -> %s " (Evar.repr ng) (goal_to_evar ng nsigma)) ngoals;
+ (match op with
+ | Some op ->
+ let (ogoals,_,_,_,osigma) = Proof.proof op in
+ Printf.printf "\nOld Goals: ";
+ List.iter (fun og -> Printf.printf "%d -> %s " (Evar.repr og) (goal_to_evar og osigma)) ogoals
+ | None -> ());
+ Printf.printf "\nGoal map: ";
+ GoalMap.iter (fun og ng -> Printf.printf "%d -> %d " (Evar.repr og) (Evar.repr ng)) ng_to_og;
+ Printf.printf "\n"
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+32"]
+(* Create a map from new goals to old goals for proof diff. The map only
+ has entries for new goals that are not the same as the corresponding old
+ goal; there are no entries for unchanged goals.
+ It proceeds as follows:
+ 1. Find the goal ids that were removed from the old proof and that were
+ added in the new proof. If the same goal id is present in both proofs
+ then conclude the goal is unchanged (assumption).
+ 2. The code assumes that proof changes only take the form of replacing
+ one or more goal symbols (CEvars) with new terms. Therefore:
+ - if there are no removals, the proofs are the same.
+ - if there are removals but no additions, then there are no new goals
+ that aren't the same as their associated old goals. For the both of
+ these cases, the map is empty because there are no new goals that differ
+ from their old goals
+ - if there is only one removal, then any added goals should be mapped to
+ the removed goal.
+ - if there are more than 2 removals and more than one addition, call
+ match_goals to get a map between old and new evar names, then use this
+ to create the map from new goal ids to old goal ids for the differing goals.
+let make_goal_map_i op np =
+ let ng_to_og = ref GoalMap.empty in
+ match op with
+ | None -> !ng_to_og
+ | Some op ->
+ let open Goal.Set in
+ let ogs = Proof.all_goals op in
+ let ngs = Proof.all_goals np in
+ let rem_gs = diff ogs ngs in
+ let num_rems = cardinal rem_gs in
+ let add_gs = diff ngs ogs in
+ let num_adds = cardinal add_gs in
+ if num_rems = 0 then
+ !ng_to_og (* proofs are the same *)
+ else if num_adds = 0 then
+ !ng_to_og (* only removals *)
+ else if num_rems = 1 then begin
+ (* only 1 removal, some additions *)
+ let removed_g = List.hd (elements rem_gs) in
+ Goal.Set.iter (fun x -> ng_to_og := GoalMap.add x removed_g !ng_to_og) add_gs;
+ !ng_to_og
+ end else begin
+ (* >= 2 removals, >= 1 addition, need to match *)
+ let nevar_to_oevar = match_goals (Some (to_constr op)) (to_constr np) in
+ let oevar_to_og = ref StringMap.empty in
+ let (_,_,_,_,osigma) = Proof.proof op in
+ List.iter (fun og -> oevar_to_og := StringMap.add (goal_to_evar og osigma) og !oevar_to_og)
+ (Goal.Set.elements rem_gs);
+ try
+ let (_,_,_,_,nsigma) = Proof.proof np in
+ let get_og ng =
+ let nevar = goal_to_evar ng nsigma in
+ let oevar = StringMap.find nevar nevar_to_oevar in
+ let og = StringMap.find oevar !oevar_to_og in
+ og
+ in
+ Goal.Set.iter (fun ng -> ng_to_og := GoalMap.add ng (get_og ng) !ng_to_og) add_gs;
+ !ng_to_og
+ with Not_found -> raise (Diff_Failure "Unable to match goals betwen old and new proof states (6)")
+ end
+let make_goal_map op np =
+ let ng_to_og = make_goal_map_i op np in
+ (*db_goal_map op np ng_to_og;*)
+ ng_to_og