path: root/plugins/subtac/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /plugins/subtac/
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/subtac/')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/subtac/ b/plugins/subtac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06a80f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/subtac/
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+open Evd
+open Libnames
+open Coqlib
+open Term
+open Names
+open Util
+let ($) f x = f x
+(* Library linking *)
+let contrib_name = "Program"
+let subtac_dir = [contrib_name]
+let fix_sub_module = "Wf"
+let utils_module = "Utils"
+let fixsub_module = subtac_dir @ [fix_sub_module]
+let utils_module = subtac_dir @ [utils_module]
+let tactics_module = subtac_dir @ ["Tactics"]
+let init_constant dir s = gen_constant contrib_name dir s
+let init_reference dir s = gen_reference contrib_name dir s
+let fixsub = lazy (init_constant fixsub_module "Fix_sub")
+let ex_pi1 = lazy (init_constant utils_module "ex_pi1")
+let ex_pi2 = lazy (init_constant utils_module "ex_pi2")
+let make_ref l s = lazy (init_reference l s)
+let well_founded_ref = make_ref ["Init";"Wf"] "Well_founded"
+let acc_ref = make_ref ["Init";"Wf"] "Acc"
+let acc_inv_ref = make_ref ["Init";"Wf"] "Acc_inv"
+let fix_sub_ref = make_ref fixsub_module "Fix_sub"
+let measure_on_R_ref = make_ref fixsub_module "MR"
+let fix_measure_sub_ref = make_ref fixsub_module "Fix_measure_sub"
+let refl_ref = make_ref ["Init";"Logic"] "refl_equal"
+let make_ref s = Qualid (dummy_loc, qualid_of_string s)
+let lt_ref = make_ref ""
+let sig_ref = make_ref "Init.Specif.sig"
+let proj1_sig_ref = make_ref "Init.Specif.proj1_sig"
+let proj2_sig_ref = make_ref "Init.Specif.proj2_sig"
+let build_sig () =
+ { proj1 = init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "proj1_sig";
+ proj2 = init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "proj2_sig";
+ elim = init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "sig_rec";
+ intro = init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "exist";
+ typ = init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "sig" }
+let sig_ = lazy (build_sig ())
+let fix_proto = lazy (init_constant tactics_module "fix_proto")
+let fix_proto_ref () =
+ match (make_ref "Program.Tactics.fix_proto") with
+ | ConstRef c -> c
+ | _ -> assert false
+let eq_ind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq")
+let eq_rec = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq_rec")
+let eq_rect = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq_rect")
+let eq_refl = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "refl_equal")
+let eq_ind_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq")
+let refl_equal_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Init"; "Logic"] "refl_equal")
+let not_ref = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "not")
+let and_typ = lazy (Coqlib.build_coq_and ())
+let eqdep_ind = lazy (init_constant [ "Logic";"Eqdep"] "eq_dep")
+let eqdep_rec = lazy (init_constant ["Logic";"Eqdep"] "eq_dep_rec")
+let eqdep_ind_ref = lazy (init_reference [ "Logic";"Eqdep"] "eq_dep")
+let eqdep_intro_ref = lazy (init_reference [ "Logic";"Eqdep"] "eq_dep_intro")
+let jmeq_ind =
+ lazy (check_required_library ["Coq";"Logic";"JMeq"];
+ init_constant ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq")
+let jmeq_rec =
+ lazy (check_required_library ["Coq";"Logic";"JMeq"];
+ init_constant ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq_rec")
+let jmeq_refl =
+ lazy (check_required_library ["Coq";"Logic";"JMeq"];
+ init_constant ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq_refl")
+let ex_ind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "ex")
+let ex_intro = lazy (init_reference ["Init"; "Logic"] "ex_intro")
+let proj1 = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "proj1")
+let proj2 = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "proj2")
+let boolind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "bool")
+let sumboolind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "sumbool")
+let natind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "nat")
+let intind = lazy (init_constant ["ZArith"; "binint"] "Z")
+let existSind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "sigS")
+let existS = lazy (build_sigma_type ())
+let prod = lazy (build_prod ())
+(* orders *)
+let well_founded = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Wf"] "well_founded")
+let fix = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Wf"] "Fix")
+let acc = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Wf"] "Acc")
+let acc_inv = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Wf"] "Acc_inv")
+let extconstr = Constrextern.extern_constr true (Global.env ())
+let extsort s = Constrextern.extern_constr true (Global.env ()) (mkSort s)
+open Pp
+let my_print_constr = Termops.print_constr_env
+let my_print_constr_expr = Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr
+let my_print_rel_context env ctx = Printer.pr_rel_context env ctx
+let my_print_context = Termops.print_rel_context
+let my_print_named_context = Termops.print_named_context
+let my_print_env = Termops.print_env
+let my_print_rawconstr = Printer.pr_rawconstr_env
+let my_print_evardefs = Evd.pr_evar_map
+let my_print_tycon_type = Evarutil.pr_tycon_type
+let debug_level = 2
+let debug_on = true
+let debug n s =
+ if debug_on then
+ if !Flags.debug && n >= debug_level then
+ msgnl s
+ else ()
+ else ()
+let debug_msg n s =
+ if debug_on then
+ if !Flags.debug && n >= debug_level then s
+ else mt ()
+ else mt ()
+let trace s =
+ if debug_on then
+ if !Flags.debug && debug_level > 0 then msgnl s
+ else ()
+ else ()
+let rec pp_list f = function
+ [] -> mt()
+ | x :: y -> f x ++ spc () ++ pp_list f y
+let wf_relations = Hashtbl.create 10
+let std_relations () =
+ let add k v = Hashtbl.add wf_relations k v in
+ add (init_constant ["Init"; "Peano"] "lt")
+ (lazy (init_constant ["Arith"; "Wf_nat"] "lt_wf"))
+let std_relations = Lazy.lazy_from_fun std_relations
+type binders = Topconstr.local_binder list
+let app_opt c e =
+ match c with
+ Some constr -> constr e
+ | None -> e
+let print_args env args =
+ Array.fold_right (fun a acc -> my_print_constr env a ++ spc () ++ acc) args (str "")
+let make_existential loc ?(opaque = Define true) env isevars c =
+ let evar = Evarutil.e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(loc, QuestionMark opaque) c in
+ let (key, args) = destEvar evar in
+ (try trace (str "Constructed evar " ++ int key ++ str " applied to args: " ++
+ print_args env args ++ str " for type: "++
+ my_print_constr env c) with _ -> ());
+ evar
+let make_existential_expr loc env c =
+ let key = Evarutil.new_untyped_evar () in
+ let evar = Topconstr.CEvar (loc, key, None) in
+ debug 2 (str "Constructed evar " ++ int key);
+ evar
+let string_of_hole_kind = function
+ | ImplicitArg _ -> "ImplicitArg"
+ | BinderType _ -> "BinderType"
+ | QuestionMark _ -> "QuestionMark"
+ | CasesType -> "CasesType"
+ | InternalHole -> "InternalHole"
+ | TomatchTypeParameter _ -> "TomatchTypeParameter"
+ | GoalEvar -> "GoalEvar"
+ | ImpossibleCase -> "ImpossibleCase"
+ | MatchingVar _ -> "MatchingVar"
+let evars_of_term evc init c =
+ let rec evrec acc c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (n, _) when Evd.mem evc n -> Evd.add acc n (Evd.find evc n)
+ | Evar (n, _) -> assert(false)
+ | _ -> fold_constr evrec acc c
+ in
+ evrec init c
+let non_instanciated_map env evd evm =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun evm (key, evi) ->
+ let (loc,k) = evar_source key !evd in
+ debug 2 (str "evar " ++ int key ++ str " has kind " ++
+ str (string_of_hole_kind k));
+ match k with
+ | QuestionMark _ -> Evd.add evm key evi
+ | ImplicitArg (_,_,false) -> Evd.add evm key evi
+ | _ ->
+ debug 2 (str " and is an implicit");
+ Pretype_errors.error_unsolvable_implicit loc env evm (Evarutil.nf_evar_info evm evi) k None)
+ Evd.empty (Evarutil.non_instantiated evm)
+let global_kind = Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Definition
+let goal_kind = Decl_kinds.Global, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody Decl_kinds.Definition
+let global_proof_kind = Decl_kinds.IsProof Decl_kinds.Lemma
+let goal_proof_kind = Decl_kinds.Global, Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Lemma
+let global_fix_kind = Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Fixpoint
+let goal_fix_kind = Decl_kinds.Global, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody Decl_kinds.Fixpoint
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+let id x = x
+let filter_map f l =
+ let rec aux acc = function
+ hd :: tl -> (match f hd with Some t -> aux (t :: acc) tl
+ | None -> aux acc tl)
+ | [] -> List.rev acc
+ in aux [] l
+let build_dependent_sum l =
+ let rec aux names conttac conttype = function
+ (n, t) :: ((_ :: _) as tl) ->
+ let hyptype = substl names t in
+ trace (spc () ++ str ("treating evar " ^ string_of_id n));
+ (try trace (str " assert: " ++ my_print_constr (Global.env ()) hyptype)
+ with _ -> ());
+ let tac = assert_tac (Name n) hyptype in
+ let conttac =
+ (fun cont ->
+ conttac
+ (tclTHENS tac
+ ([intros;
+ [constructor_tac false (Some 1) 1
+ (Rawterm.ImplicitBindings [mkVar n]);
+ cont]);
+ ])))
+ in
+ let conttype =
+ (fun typ ->
+ let tex = mkLambda (Name n, t, typ) in
+ conttype
+ (mkApp (Lazy.force ex_ind, [| t; tex |])))
+ in
+ aux (mkVar n :: names) conttac conttype tl
+ | (n, t) :: [] ->
+ (conttac intros, conttype t)
+ | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "build_dependent_sum")
+ in aux [] id id (List.rev l)
+open Proof_type
+open Tacexpr
+let mkProj1 a b c =
+ mkApp (Lazy.force proj1, [| a; b; c |])
+let mkProj2 a b c =
+ mkApp (Lazy.force proj2, [| a; b; c |])
+let mk_ex_pi1 a b c =
+ mkApp (Lazy.force ex_pi1, [| a; b; c |])
+let mk_ex_pi2 a b c =
+ mkApp (Lazy.force ex_pi2, [| a; b; c |])
+let mkSubset name typ prop =
+ mkApp ((Lazy.force sig_).typ,
+ [| typ; mkLambda (name, typ, prop) |])
+let mk_eq typ x y = mkApp (Lazy.force eq_ind, [| typ; x ; y |])
+let mk_eq_refl typ x = mkApp (Lazy.force eq_refl, [| typ; x |])
+let mk_JMeq typ x typ' y = mkApp (Lazy.force jmeq_ind, [| typ; x ; typ'; y |])
+let mk_JMeq_refl typ x = mkApp (Lazy.force jmeq_refl, [| typ; x |])
+let unsafe_fold_right f = function
+ hd :: tl -> List.fold_right f tl hd
+ | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "unsafe_fold_right")
+let mk_conj l =
+ let conj_typ = Lazy.force and_typ in
+ unsafe_fold_right
+ (fun c conj ->
+ mkApp (conj_typ, [| c ; conj |]))
+ l
+let mk_not c =
+ let notc = Lazy.force not_ref in
+ mkApp (notc, [| c |])
+let and_tac l hook =
+ let andc = Coqlib.build_coq_and () in
+ let rec aux ((accid, goal, tac, extract) as acc) = function
+ | [] -> (* Singleton *) acc
+ | (id, x, elgoal, eltac) :: tl ->
+ let tac' = tclTHEN simplest_split (tclTHENLIST [tac; eltac]) in
+ let proj = fun c -> mkProj2 goal elgoal c in
+ let extract = (fun (id, x, y, f) -> (id, x, y, (fun c -> f (mkProj1 goal elgoal c)))) extract in
+ aux ((string_of_id id) ^ "_" ^ accid, mkApp (andc, [| goal; elgoal |]), tac',
+ (id, x, elgoal, proj) :: extract) tl
+ in
+ let and_proof_id, and_goal, and_tac, and_extract =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "and_tac: empty list of goals")
+ | (hdid, x, hdg, hdt) :: tl ->
+ aux (string_of_id hdid, hdg, hdt, [hdid, x, hdg, (fun c -> c)]) tl
+ in
+ let and_proofid = id_of_string (and_proof_id ^ "_and_proof") in
+ Lemmas.start_proof and_proofid goal_kind and_goal
+ (hook (fun c -> (fun (id, x, t, f) -> (id, x, t, f c)) and_extract));
+ trace (str "Started and proof");
+ and_tac;
+ trace (str "Applied and tac")
+let destruct_ex ext ex =
+ let rec aux c acc =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ App (f, args) ->
+ (match kind_of_term f with
+ Ind i when i = Term.destInd (Lazy.force ex_ind) && Array.length args = 2 ->
+ let (dom, rng) =
+ try (args.(0), args.(1))
+ with _ -> assert(false)
+ in
+ let pi1 = (mk_ex_pi1 dom rng acc) in
+ let rng_body =
+ match kind_of_term rng with
+ Lambda (_, _, t) -> subst1 pi1 t
+ | t -> rng
+ in
+ pi1 :: aux rng_body (mk_ex_pi2 dom rng acc)
+ | _ -> [acc])
+ | _ -> [acc]
+ in aux ex ext
+open Rawterm
+let id_of_name = function
+ Name n -> n
+ | Anonymous -> raise (Invalid_argument "id_of_name")
+let definition_message id =
+ Nameops.pr_id id ++ str " is defined"
+let recursive_message v =
+ match Array.length v with
+ | 0 -> error "no recursive definition"
+ | 1 -> (Printer.pr_constant (Global.env ()) v.(0) ++ str " is recursively defined")
+ | _ -> hov 0 (prvect_with_sep pr_comma (Printer.pr_constant (Global.env ())) v ++
+ spc () ++ str "are recursively defined")
+let print_message m =
+ Flags.if_verbose ppnl m
+(* Solve an obligation using tactics, return the corresponding proof term *)
+let solve_by_tac evi t =
+ let id = id_of_string "H" in
+ try
+ Pfedit.start_proof id goal_kind evi.evar_hyps evi.evar_concl
+ (fun _ _ -> ());
+ (tclCOMPLETE t);
+ let _,(const,_,_,_) = Pfedit.cook_proof ignore in
+ Pfedit.delete_current_proof ();
+ Inductiveops.control_only_guard (Global.env ())
+ const.Entries.const_entry_body;
+ const.Entries.const_entry_body
+ with e ->
+ Pfedit.delete_current_proof();
+ raise e
+(* let apply_tac t goal = t goal *)
+(* let solve_by_tac evi t = *)
+(* let ev = 1 in *)
+(* let evm = Evd.add Evd.empty ev evi in *)
+(* let goal = {it = evi; sigma = evm } in *)
+(* let (res, valid) = apply_tac t goal in *)
+(* if = [] then *)
+(* let prooftree = valid [] in *)
+(* let proofterm, obls = Refiner.extract_open_proof res.sigma prooftree in *)
+(* if obls = [] then proofterm *)
+(* else raise Exit *)
+(* else raise Exit *)
+let rec string_of_list sep f = function
+ [] -> ""
+ | x :: [] -> f x
+ | x :: ((y :: _) as tl) -> f x ^ sep ^ string_of_list sep f tl
+let string_of_intset d =
+ string_of_list "," string_of_int (Intset.elements d)
+(* Pretty-printing *)
+open Printer
+open Ppconstr
+open Nameops
+open Termops
+open Evd
+let pr_meta_map evd =
+ let ml = meta_list evd in
+ let pr_name = function
+ Name id -> str"[" ++ pr_id id ++ str"]"
+ | _ -> mt() in
+ let pr_meta_binding = function
+ | (mv,Cltyp (na,b)) ->
+ hov 0
+ (pr_meta mv ++ pr_name na ++ str " : " ++
+ print_constr b.rebus ++ fnl ())
+ | (mv,Clval(na,b,_)) ->
+ hov 0
+ (pr_meta mv ++ pr_name na ++ str " := " ++
+ print_constr (fst b).rebus ++ fnl ())
+ in
+ prlist pr_meta_binding ml
+let pr_idl idl = prlist_with_sep pr_spc pr_id idl
+let pr_evar_info evi =
+ let phyps =
+ (*pr_idl (List.rev (ids_of_named_context (evar_context evi))) *)
+ Printer.pr_named_context (Global.env()) (evar_context evi)
+ in
+ let pty = print_constr evi.evar_concl in
+ let pb =
+ match evi.evar_body with
+ | Evar_empty -> mt ()
+ | Evar_defined c -> spc() ++ str"=> " ++ print_constr c
+ in
+ hov 2 (str"[" ++ phyps ++ spc () ++ str"|- " ++ pty ++ pb ++ str"]")
+let pr_evar_map sigma =
+ h 0
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
+ (fun (ev,evi) ->
+ h 0 (str(string_of_existential ev)++str"=="++ pr_evar_info evi))
+ (to_list sigma))
+let pr_constraints pbs =
+ h 0
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (fun (pbty,t1,t2) ->
+ print_constr t1 ++ spc() ++
+ str (match pbty with
+ | Reduction.CONV -> "=="
+ | Reduction.CUMUL -> "<=") ++
+ spc() ++ print_constr t2) pbs)
+let pr_evar_map evd =
+ let pp_evm =
+ let evars = evd in
+ if evars = empty then mt() else
+ str"EVARS:"++brk(0,1)++pr_evar_map evars++fnl() in
+ let pp_met =
+ if meta_list evd = [] then mt() else
+ str"METAS:"++brk(0,1)++pr_meta_map evd in
+ v 0 (pp_evm ++ pp_met)
+let contrib_tactics_path =
+ make_dirpath ( id_of_string ["Tactics";contrib_name;"Coq"])
+let tactics_tac s =
+ lazy(make_kn (MPfile contrib_tactics_path) (make_dirpath []) (mk_label s))
+let tactics_call tac args =
+ TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc, ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force (tactics_tac tac)),args))