path: root/plugins/micromega/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:04:54 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:04:54 +0100
commit39efc41237ec906226a3a53d7396d51173495204 (patch)
tree87cd58d72d43469d2a2a0a127c1060d7c9e0206b /plugins/micromega/
parent5fe4ac437bed43547b3695664974f492b55cb553 (diff)
parent97fefe1fcca363a1317e066e7f4b99b9c1e9987b (diff)
Remove non-DFSG contentsupstream/8.4_beta+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/micromega/')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
index 6250e324..d9201722 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
open Num
module Utils = Mutils
+open Polynomial
+open Vect
let map_option = Utils.map_option
let from_option = Utils.from_option
@@ -7,132 +10,6 @@ let from_option = Utils.from_option
let debug = false
type ('a,'b) lr = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
-module Vect =
- struct
- (** [t] is the type of vectors.
- A vector [(x1,v1) ; ... ; (xn,vn)] is such that:
- - variables indexes are ordered (x1 < ... < xn
- - values are all non-zero
- *)
- type var = int
- type t = (var * num) list
-(** [equal v1 v2 = true] if the vectors are syntactically equal.
- ([num] is not handled by [Pervasives.equal] *)
- let rec equal v1 v2 =
- match v1 , v2 with
- | [] , [] -> true
- | [] , _ -> false
- | _::_ , [] -> false
- | (i1,n1)::v1 , (i2,n2)::v2 ->
- (i1 = i2) && n1 =/ n2 && equal v1 v2
- let hash v =
- let rec hash i = function
- | [] -> i
- | (vr,vl)::l -> hash (i + (Hashtbl.hash (vr, float_of_num vl))) l in
- Hashtbl.hash (hash 0 v )
- let null = []
- let pp_vect o vect =
- List.iter (fun (v,n) -> Printf.printf "%sx%i + " (string_of_num n) v) vect
- let from_list (l: num list) =
- let rec xfrom_list i l =
- match l with
- | [] -> []
- | e::l ->
- if e <>/ Int 0
- then (i,e)::(xfrom_list (i+1) l)
- else xfrom_list (i+1) l in
- xfrom_list 0 l
- let zero_num = Int 0
- let unit_num = Int 1
- let to_list m =
- let rec xto_list i l =
- match l with
- | [] -> []
- | (x,v)::l' ->
- if i = x then v::(xto_list (i+1) l') else zero_num ::(xto_list (i+1) l) in
- xto_list 0 m
- let cons i v rst = if v =/ Int 0 then rst else (i,v)::rst
- let rec update i f t =
- match t with
- | [] -> cons i (f zero_num) []
- | (k,v)::l ->
- match i k with
- | 0 -> cons k (f v) l
- | -1 -> cons i (f zero_num) t
- | 1 -> (k,v) ::(update i f l)
- | _ -> failwith "compare_num"
- let rec set i n t =
- match t with
- | [] -> cons i n []
- | (k,v)::l ->
- match i k with
- | 0 -> cons k n l
- | -1 -> cons i n t
- | 1 -> (k,v) :: (set i n l)
- | _ -> failwith "compare_num"
- let gcd m =
- let res = List.fold_left (fun x (i,e) -> Big_int.gcd_big_int x (Utils.numerator e)) Big_int.zero_big_int m in
- if Big_int.compare_big_int res Big_int.zero_big_int = 0
- then Big_int.unit_big_int else res
- let rec mul z t =
- match z with
- | Int 0 -> []
- | Int 1 -> t
- | _ -> (fun (i,n) -> (i, mult_num z n)) t
- let compare : t -> t -> int = Utils.Cmp.compare_list (fun x y -> Utils.Cmp.compare_lexical
- [
- (fun () -> (fst x) (fst y));
- (fun () -> compare_num (snd x) (snd y))])
- (** [tail v vect] returns
- - [None] if [v] is not a variable of the vector [vect]
- - [Some(vl,rst)] where [vl] is the value of [v] in vector [vect]
- and [rst] is the remaining of the vector
- We exploit that vectors are ordered lists
- *)
- let rec tail (v:var) (vect:t) =
- match vect with
- | [] -> None
- | (v',vl)::vect' ->
- match v' v with
- | 0 -> Some (vl,vect) (* Ok, found *)
- | -1 -> tail v vect' (* Might be in the tail *)
- | _ -> None (* Hopeless *)
- let get v vect =
- match tail v vect with
- | None -> None
- | Some(vl,_) -> Some vl
- let rec fresh v =
- match v with
- | [] -> 1
- | [v,_] -> v + 1
- | _::v -> fresh v
- end
-open Vect
(** Implementation of intervals *)
module Itv =
@@ -203,11 +80,11 @@ let in_bound bnd v =
| Some a , None -> a <=/ v
| Some a , Some b -> a <=/ v && v <=/ b
open Itv
type vector = Vect.t
-type cstr = { coeffs : vector ; bound : interval }
(** 'cstr' is the type of constraints.
{coeffs = v ; bound = (l,r) } models the constraints l <= v <= r
@@ -275,10 +152,6 @@ let pp_bound o = function
let pp_itv o (l,r) = Printf.fprintf o "(%a,%a)" pp_bound l pp_bound r
-let rec pp_list f o l =
- match l with
- | [] -> ()
- | e::l -> f o e ; output_string o ";" ; pp_list f o l
let pp_iset o s =
output_string o "{" ;
@@ -366,12 +239,7 @@ let normalise_cstr vect cinfo =
then{cinfo with bound = (map_option divn l , map_option divn r) }
else {cinfo with pos = cinfo.neg ; neg = cinfo.pos ; bound = (map_option divn r , map_option divn l)})
-(** For compatibility, there an external representation of constraints *)
-type cstr_compat = {coeffs : vector ; op : op ; cst : num}
-and op = |Eq | Ge
-let string_of_op = function Eq -> "=" | Ge -> ">="
+(** For compatibility, there is an external representation of constraints *)
let eval_op = function
@@ -653,7 +521,7 @@ let solve_sys black_v choose_eq choose_variable sys sys_l =
let vars = choose_variable sys in
let (v,est) = (List.find (fun (v,_) -> v <> black_v) vars) in
- if debug then (Printf.printf "\nV : %i esimate %f\n" v est ; flush stdout) ;
+ if debug then (Printf.printf "\nV : %i estimate %f\n" v est ; flush stdout) ;
let sys' = project v sys in
solve_sys sys' ((v,sys)::sys_l)
with Not_found -> (* we are done *) Inl (sys,sys_l) in
@@ -666,7 +534,7 @@ let solve black_v choose_eq choose_variable cstrs =
let sys = load_system cstrs in
-(* Printf.printf "solve :\n %a" pp_system sys.sys ; *)
+ if debug then Printf.printf "solve :\n %a" pp_system sys.sys ;
solve_sys black_v choose_eq choose_variable sys []
with SystemContradiction prf -> Inr prf
@@ -752,20 +620,33 @@ struct
else if i < v then unroll_until v rl else (false,l)
+ let rec choose_simple_equation eqs =
+ match eqs with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (vect,a,prf,ln)::eqs ->
+ match vect with
+ | [i,_] -> Some (i,vect,a,prf,ln)
+ | _ -> choose_simple_equation eqs
let choose_primal_equation eqs sys_l =
+ (* Counts the number of equations refering to variable [v] --
+ It looks like nb_cst is dead...
+ *)
let is_primal_equation_var v =
- List.fold_left (fun (nb_eq,nb_cst) (vect,info) ->
+ List.fold_left (fun nb_eq (vect,info) ->
if fst (unroll_until v vect)
- then if itv_point info.bound then (nb_eq + 1,nb_cst) else (nb_eq,nb_cst)
- else (nb_eq,nb_cst)) (0,0) sys_l in
+ then if itv_point info.bound then nb_eq + 1 else nb_eq
+ else nb_eq) 0 sys_l in
let rec find_var vect =
match vect with
| [] -> None
| (i,_)::vect ->
- let (nb_eq,nb_cst) = is_primal_equation_var i in
- if nb_eq = 2 && nb_cst = 0
+ let nb_eq = is_primal_equation_var i in
+ if nb_eq = 2
then Some i else find_var vect in
let rec find_eq_var eqs =
@@ -776,10 +657,9 @@ struct
| None -> find_eq_var l
| Some r -> Some (r,vect,a,prf,ln)
- find_eq_var eqs
+ match choose_simple_equation eqs with
+ | None -> find_eq_var eqs
+ | Some res -> Some res
@@ -913,7 +793,8 @@ struct
| None , _ | _ , None -> None
| Some a , Some b ->
if (sign_num a) * (sign_num b) = -1
- then Some (add (p1,abs_num a) (p2,abs_num b) ,
+ then
+ Some (add (p1,abs_num a) (p2,abs_num b) ,
{coeffs = add (v1,abs_num a) (v2,abs_num b) ;
op = add_op op1 op2 ;
cst = n1 // (abs_num a) +/ n2 // (abs_num b) })