path: root/parsing/tacextend.ml4
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /parsing/tacextend.ml4
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/tacextend.ml4')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/tacextend.ml4 b/parsing/tacextend.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbacd013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/tacextend.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: tacextend.ml4,v 2004/07/16 19:30:41 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Genarg
+open Q_util
+open Q_coqast
+open Argextend
+let join_loc (deb1,_) (_,fin2) = (deb1,fin2)
+let loc = Util.dummy_loc
+let default_loc = <:expr< Util.dummy_loc >>
+type grammar_tactic_production_expr =
+ | TacTerm of string
+ | TacNonTerm of Util.loc * Genarg.argument_type * MLast.expr * string option
+let rec make_patt = function
+ | [] -> <:patt< [] >>
+ | TacNonTerm(loc',_,_,Some p)::l ->
+ <:patt< [ $lid:p$ :: $make_patt l$ ] >>
+ | _::l -> make_patt l
+let rec make_when loc = function
+ | [] -> <:expr< True >>
+ | TacNonTerm(loc',t,_,Some p)::l ->
+ let l = make_when loc l in
+ let loc = join_loc loc' loc in
+ let t = mlexpr_of_argtype loc' t in
+ <:expr< Genarg.genarg_tag $lid:p$ = $t$ && $l$ >>
+ | _::l -> make_when loc l
+let rec make_let e = function
+ | [] -> e
+ | TacNonTerm(loc,t,_,Some p)::l ->
+ let loc = join_loc loc (MLast.loc_of_expr e) in
+ let e = make_let e l in
+ let v = <:expr< Genarg.out_gen $make_wit loc t$ $lid:p$ >> in
+ let v =
+ (* Special case for tactics which must be stored in algebraic
+ form to avoid marshalling closures and to be reprinted *)
+ if t = TacticArgType then
+ <:expr< ($v$, Tacinterp.eval_tactic $v$) >>
+ else v in
+ <:expr< let $lid:p$ = $v$ in $e$ >>
+ | _::l -> make_let e l
+let add_clause s (_,pt,e) l =
+ let p = make_patt pt in
+ let w = Some (make_when (MLast.loc_of_expr e) pt) in
+ (p, w, make_let e pt)::l
+let rec extract_signature = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | TacNonTerm (_,t,_,_) :: l -> t :: extract_signature l
+ | _::l -> extract_signature l
+let check_unicity s l =
+ let l' = (fun (_,l,_) -> extract_signature l) l in
+ if not (Util.list_distinct l') then
+ Pp.warning_with Pp_control.err_ft
+ ("Two distinct rules of tactic entry "^s^" have the same\n"^
+ "non-terminals in the same order: put them in distinct tactic entries")
+let make_clauses s l =
+ check_unicity s l;
+ let default =
+ (<:patt< _ >>,None,<:expr< failwith "Tactic extension: cannot occur" >>) in
+ List.fold_right (add_clause s) l [default]
+let rec make_args = function
+ | [] -> <:expr< [] >>
+ | TacNonTerm(loc,t,_,Some p)::l ->
+ <:expr< [ Genarg.in_gen $make_wit loc t$ $lid:p$ :: $make_args l$ ] >>
+ | _::l -> make_args l
+let rec make_eval_tactic e = function
+ | [] -> e
+ | TacNonTerm(loc,TacticArgType,_,Some p)::l ->
+ let loc = join_loc loc (MLast.loc_of_expr e) in
+ let e = make_eval_tactic e l in
+ (* Special case for tactics which must be stored in algebraic
+ form to avoid marshalling closures and to be reprinted *)
+ <:expr< let $lid:p$ = ($lid:p$,Tacinterp.eval_tactic $lid:p$) in $e$ >>
+ | _::l -> make_eval_tactic e l
+let rec make_fun e = function
+ | [] -> e
+ | TacNonTerm(loc,_,_,Some p)::l ->
+ <:expr< fun $lid:p$ -> $make_fun e l$ >>
+ | _::l -> make_fun e l
+let mlexpr_of_grammar_production = function
+ | TacTerm s ->
+ <:expr< Egrammar.TacTerm $mlexpr_of_string s$ >>
+ | TacNonTerm (loc,nt,g,sopt) ->
+ <:expr< Egrammar.TacNonTerm $default_loc$ ($g$,$mlexpr_of_argtype loc nt$) $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_string sopt$ >>
+let mlexpr_terminals_of_grammar_production = function
+ | TacTerm s -> <:expr< Some $mlexpr_of_string s$ >>
+ | TacNonTerm (loc,nt,g,sopt) -> <:expr< None >>
+let mlexpr_of_semi_clause =
+ mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_string (mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_grammar_production)
+let mlexpr_of_clause =
+ mlexpr_of_list (fun (a,b,c) -> mlexpr_of_semi_clause (a,b))
+let rec make_tags loc = function
+ | [] -> <:expr< [] >>
+ | TacNonTerm(loc',t,_,Some p)::l ->
+ let l = make_tags loc l in
+ let loc = join_loc loc' loc in
+ let t = mlexpr_of_argtype loc' t in
+ <:expr< [ $t$ :: $l$ ] >>
+ | _::l -> make_tags loc l
+let make_one_printing_rule (s,pt,e) =
+ let loc = MLast.loc_of_expr e in
+ let prods = mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_terminals_of_grammar_production pt in
+ <:expr< ($make_tags loc pt$, ($str:s$, $prods$)) >>
+let make_printing_rule = mlexpr_of_list make_one_printing_rule
+let new_tac_ext (s,cl) =
+ (String.lowercase s,
+ (fun (s,l,e) ->
+ (String.lowercase s,
+ (function TacTerm s -> TacTerm (String.lowercase s)
+ | t -> t) l,
+ e))
+ cl)
+let declare_tactic_v7 loc s cl =
+ let pp = make_printing_rule cl in
+ let gl = mlexpr_of_clause cl in
+ let hide_tac (_,p,e) =
+ (* reste a definir les fonctions cachees avec des noms frais *)
+ let stac = let s = "h_"^s in s.[2] <- Char.lowercase s.[2]; s in
+ let e =
+ make_fun
+ <:expr<
+ Refiner.abstract_extended_tactic $mlexpr_of_string s$ $make_args p$ $make_eval_tactic e p$
+ >>
+ p in
+ <:str_item< value $lid:stac$ = $e$ >>
+ in
+ let se = mlexpr_of_string s in
+ <:str_item<
+ declare
+ open Pcoq;
+ Egrammar.extend_tactic_grammar $se$ $gl$;
+ List.iter (Pptactic.declare_extra_tactic_pprule False $se$) $pp$;
+ end
+ >>
+let rec contains_epsilon = function
+ | List0ArgType _ -> true
+ | List1ArgType t -> contains_epsilon t
+ | OptArgType _ -> true
+ | PairArgType(t1,t2) -> contains_epsilon t1 && contains_epsilon t2
+ | ExtraArgType("hintbases") -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_atomic =
+ List.for_all
+ (function
+ TacTerm _ -> false
+ | TacNonTerm(_,t,_,_) -> contains_epsilon t)
+let declare_tactic loc s cl =
+ let (s',cl') = new_tac_ext (s,cl) in
+ let pp' = make_printing_rule cl' in
+ let gl' = mlexpr_of_clause cl' in
+ let se' = mlexpr_of_string s' in
+ let pp = make_printing_rule cl in
+ let gl = mlexpr_of_clause cl in
+ let hide_tac (_,p,e) =
+ (* reste a definir les fonctions cachees avec des noms frais *)
+ let stac = "h_"^s' in
+ let e =
+ make_fun
+ <:expr<
+ Refiner.abstract_extended_tactic $mlexpr_of_string s'$ $make_args p$ $make_eval_tactic e p$
+ >>
+ p in
+ <:str_item< value $lid:stac$ = $e$ >>
+ in
+ let hidden = if List.length cl = 1 then hide_tac cl' else [] in
+ let se = mlexpr_of_string s in
+ let atomic_tactics =
+ mlexpr_of_list (fun (s,_,_) -> mlexpr_of_string s)
+ (List.filter (fun (_,al,_) -> is_atomic al) cl') in
+ <:str_item<
+ declare
+ open Pcoq;
+ declare $list:hidden$ end;
+ try
+ let _=Refiner.add_tactic $se'$ (fun [ $list:make_clauses s' cl'$ ]) in
+ List.iter
+ (fun s -> Tacinterp.add_primitive_tactic s
+ (Tacexpr.TacAtom($default_loc$,
+ Tacexpr.TacExtend($default_loc$,s,[]))))
+ $atomic_tactics$
+ with e -> Pp.pp (Cerrors.explain_exn e);
+ if Options.v7.val then Egrammar.extend_tactic_grammar $se'$ $gl$
+ else Egrammar.extend_tactic_grammar $se'$ $gl'$;
+ List.iter (Pptactic.declare_extra_tactic_pprule True $se'$) $pp'$;
+ List.iter (Pptactic.declare_extra_tactic_pprule False $se'$) $pp$;
+ end
+ >>
+open Vernacexpr
+open Pcoq
+let rec interp_entry_name loc s =
+ let l = String.length s in
+ if l > 8 & String.sub s 0 3 = "ne_" & String.sub s (l-5) 5 = "_list" then
+ let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 3 (l-8)) in
+ List1ArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Slist1 $g$ >>
+ else if l > 5 & String.sub s (l-5) 5 = "_list" then
+ let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 0 (l-5)) in
+ List0ArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Slist0 $g$ >>
+ else if l > 4 & String.sub s (l-4) 4 = "_opt" then
+ let t, g = interp_entry_name loc (String.sub s 0 (l-4)) in
+ OptArgType t, <:expr< Gramext.Sopt $g$ >>
+ else
+ let t, se =
+ match Pcoq.entry_type (Pcoq.get_univ "prim") s with
+ | Some _ as x -> x, <:expr< Prim. $lid:s$ >>
+ | None ->
+ match Pcoq.entry_type (Pcoq.get_univ "constr") s with
+ | Some _ as x -> x, <:expr< Constr. $lid:s$ >>
+ | None ->
+ match Pcoq.entry_type (Pcoq.get_univ "tactic") s with
+ | Some _ as x -> x, <:expr< Tactic. $lid:s$ >>
+ | None -> None, <:expr< $lid:s$ >> in
+ let t =
+ match t with
+ | Some t -> t
+ | None ->
+(* Pp.warning_with Pp_control.err_ft
+ ("Unknown primitive grammar entry: "^s);*)
+ ExtraArgType s
+ in t, <:expr< Gramext.Snterm (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.obj $se$) >>
+open Pcaml
+ GLOBAL: str_item;
+ str_item:
+ [ [ "TACTIC"; "EXTEND"; s = [ UIDENT | LIDENT ];
+ OPT "|"; l = LIST1 tacrule SEP "|";
+ "END" ->
+ declare_tactic loc s l
+ | "V7"; "TACTIC"; "EXTEND"; s = [ UIDENT | LIDENT ];
+ OPT "|"; l = LIST1 tacrule SEP "|";
+ "END" ->
+ declare_tactic_v7 loc s l ] ]
+ ;
+ tacrule:
+ [ [ "["; s = STRING; l = LIST0 tacargs; "]"; "->"; "["; e = Pcaml.expr; "]"
+ ->
+ if s = "" then Util.user_err_loc (loc,"",Pp.str "Tactic name is empty");
+ (s,l,e)
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ tacargs:
+ [ [ e = LIDENT; "("; s = LIDENT; ")" ->
+ let t, g = interp_entry_name loc e in
+ TacNonTerm (loc, t, g, Some s)
+ | s = STRING ->
+ TacTerm s
+ ] ]
+ ;