path: root/lib/
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-07-15 13:15:50 +0200
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-07-15 13:15:50 +0200
commite347929583f820a2cc0296597b6382309e930989 (patch)
treecdc3f18fc5c66a9d3d7cc8404c6a295169e41fcc /lib/
parentc01be74d81a5466c58f8dc6c568db286b0979997 (diff)
parent0aa2544d04dbd4b6ee665b551ed165e4fb02d2fa (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/8.5_beta2+dfsg' into test
Upstream version 8.5~beta2+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 745b7d2a..c4a9c39d 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
open Xml_datatype
type 'annotation located = {
@@ -14,129 +15,117 @@ type 'annotation located = {
endpos : int
+type 'a stack =
+| Leaf
+| Node of string * 'a located gxml list * int * 'a stack
+type 'a context = {
+ mutable stack : 'a stack;
+ (** Pending opened nodes *)
+ mutable offset : int;
+ (** Quantity of characters printed so far *)
+ mutable annotations : 'a option Int.Map.t;
+ (** Map associating annotations to indexes *)
+ mutable index : int;
+ (** Current index of annotations *)
+(** We use Format to introduce tags inside the pretty-printed document.
+ Each inserted tag is a fresh index that we keep in sync with the contents
+ of annotations.
+ We build an XML tree on the fly, by plugging ourselves in Format tag
+ marking functions. As those functions are called when actually writing to
+ the device, the resulting tree is correct.
let rich_pp annotate ppcmds =
- (** First, we use Format to introduce tags inside
- the pretty-printed document.
- Each inserted tag is a fresh index that we keep in sync with the contents
- of annotations.
- *)
- let annotations = ref [] in
- let index = ref (-1) in
+ let context = {
+ stack = Leaf;
+ offset = 0;
+ annotations = Int.Map.empty;
+ index = (-1);
+ } in
let pp_tag obj =
- let () = incr index in
- let () = annotations := obj :: !annotations in
- string_of_int !index
+ let index = context.index + 1 in
+ let () = context.index <- index in
+ let obj = annotate obj in
+ let () = context.annotations <- Int.Map.add index obj context.annotations in
+ string_of_int index
+ in
+ let pp_buffer = Buffer.create 13 in
+ let push_pcdata () =
+ (** Push the optional PCData on the above node *)
+ let len = Buffer.length pp_buffer in
+ if len = 0 then ()
+ else match context.stack with
+ | Leaf -> assert false
+ | Node (node, child, pos, ctx) ->
+ let data = Buffer.contents pp_buffer in
+ let () = Buffer.clear pp_buffer in
+ let () = context.stack <- Node (node, PCData data :: child, pos, ctx) in
+ context.offset <- context.offset + len
- let tagged_pp = Format.(
- (** Warning: The following instructions are valid only if
- [str_formatter] is not used for another purpose in
- Pp.pp_with. *)
- let ft = str_formatter in
- (** We reuse {!Format} standard way of producing tags
- inside pretty-printing. *)
- pp_set_tags ft true;
- (** The whole output must be a valid document. To that
- end, we nest the document inside a tag named <pp>. *)
- pp_open_tag ft "pp";
- (** XML ignores spaces. The problem is that our pretty-printings
- are based on spaces to indent. To solve that problem, we
- systematically output non-breakable spaces, which are properly
- honored by XML.
- To do so, we reconfigure the [str_formatter] temporarily by
- hijacking the function that output spaces. *)
- let out, flush, newline, std_spaces =
- pp_get_all_formatter_output_functions ft ()
- in
- let set = pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions ft ~out ~flush ~newline in
- set ~spaces:(fun k ->
- for i = 0 to k - 1 do
- Buffer.add_string stdbuf "&nbsp;"
- done
- );
- (** Some characters must be escaped in XML. This is done by the
- following rewriting of the strings held by pretty-printing
- commands. *)
- Pp.(pp_with ~pp_tag ft (rewrite Xml_printer.pcdata_to_string ppcmds));
- (** Insert </pp>. *)
- pp_close_tag ft ();
- (** Get the final string. *)
- let output = flush_str_formatter () in
- (** Finalize by restoring the state of the [str_formatter] and the
- default behavior of Format. By the way, there may be a bug here:
- there is no {!Format.pp_get_tags} and therefore if the tags flags
- was already set to true before executing this piece of code, the
- state of Format is not restored. *)
- set ~spaces:std_spaces;
- pp_set_tags ft false;
- output
- )
+ let open_xml_tag tag =
+ let () = push_pcdata () in
+ context.stack <- Node (tag, [], context.offset, context.stack)
- (** Second, we retrieve the final function that relates
- each tag to an annotation. *)
- let objs = CArray.rev_of_list !annotations in
- let get index = annotate objs.(index) in
- (** Third, we parse the resulting string. It is a valid XML
- document (in the sense of Xml_parser). As blanks are
- meaningful we deactivate canonicalization in the XML
- parser. *)
- let xml_pp =
- try
- Xml_parser.(parse ~do_not_canonicalize:true (make (SString tagged_pp)))
- with Xml_parser.Error e ->
- Printf.eprintf
- "Broken invariant (RichPp): \n\
- The output semi-structured pretty-printing is ill-formed.\n\
- Please report.\n\
- %s"
- (Xml_parser.error e);
- exit 1
+ let close_xml_tag tag =
+ let () = push_pcdata () in
+ match context.stack with
+ | Leaf -> assert false
+ | Node (node, child, pos, ctx) ->
+ let () = assert (String.equal tag node) in
+ let annotation =
+ try Int.Map.find (int_of_string node) context.annotations
+ with _ -> None
+ in
+ let annotation = {
+ annotation = annotation;
+ startpos = pos;
+ endpos = context.offset;
+ } in
+ let xml = Element (node, annotation, List.rev child) in
+ match ctx with
+ | Leaf ->
+ (** Final node: we keep the result in a dummy context *)
+ context.stack <- Node ("", [xml], 0, Leaf)
+ | Node (node, child, pos, ctx) ->
+ context.stack <- Node (node, xml :: child, pos, ctx)
- (** Fourth, the low-level XML is turned into a high-level
- semi-structured document that contains a located annotation in
- every node. During the traversal of the low-level XML document,
- we build a raw string representation of the pretty-print. *)
- let rec node buffer = function
- | Element (index, [], cs) ->
- let startpos, endpos, cs = children buffer cs in
- let annotation = try get (int_of_string index) with _ -> None in
- (Element (index, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs), endpos)
+ let open Format in
- | PCData s ->
- Buffer.add_string buffer s;
- (PCData s, Buffer.length buffer)
+ let ft = formatter_of_buffer pp_buffer in
- | _ ->
- assert false (* Because of the form of XML produced by Format. *)
- and children buffer cs =
- let startpos = Buffer.length buffer in
- let cs, endpos =
- List.fold_left (fun (cs, endpos) c ->
- let c, endpos = node buffer c in
- (c :: cs, endpos)
- ) ([], startpos) cs
- in
- (startpos, endpos, List.rev cs)
- in
- let pp_buffer = Buffer.create 13 in
- let xml, _ = node pp_buffer xml_pp in
+ let tag_functions = {
+ mark_open_tag = (fun tag -> let () = open_xml_tag tag in "");
+ mark_close_tag = (fun tag -> let () = close_xml_tag tag in "");
+ print_open_tag = ignore;
+ print_close_tag = ignore;
+ } in
+ pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ft tag_functions;
+ pp_set_mark_tags ft true;
+ (** The whole output must be a valid document. To that
+ end, we nest the document inside <pp> tags. *)
+ pp_open_tag ft "pp";
+ Pp.(pp_with ~pp_tag ft ppcmds);
+ pp_close_tag ft ();
+ (** Get the resulting XML tree. *)
+ let () = pp_print_flush ft () in
+ let () = assert (Buffer.length pp_buffer = 0) in
+ match context.stack with
+ | Node ("", [xml], 0, Leaf) -> xml
+ | _ -> assert false
- (** We return the raw pretty-printing and its annotations tree. *)
- (Buffer.contents pp_buffer, xml)
let annotations_positions xml =
let rec node accu = function