path: root/lib/
diff options
authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2019-02-02 19:29:23 -0500
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2019-02-02 19:29:23 -0500
commit9ebf44d84754adc5b64fcf612c6816c02c80462d (patch)
treebf5e06a28488e0e06a2f2011ff0d110e2e02f8fc /lib/
parent9043add656177eeac1491a73d2f3ab92bec0013c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.9.0upstream/8.9.0upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b4b1eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
+(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+let cfprintf oc = Printf.(kfprintf (fun oc -> fprintf oc "") oc)
+let log_out_ch = ref stdout
+let cprintf s = cfprintf !log_out_ch s
+module StringDiff = Diff2.Make(struct
+ type elem = String.t
+ type t = elem array
+ let get t i = Array.get t i
+ let length t = Array.length t
+type diff_type =
+ [ `Removed
+ | `Added
+ | `Common
+ ]
+type diff_list = StringDiff.elem Diff2.edit list
+(* debug print diff data structure *)
+let db_print_diffs fmt diffs =
+ let open Format in
+ let print_diff = function
+ | `Common (opos, npos, s) ->
+ fprintf fmt "Common '%s' opos = %d npos = %d\n" s opos npos;
+ | `Removed (pos, s) ->
+ fprintf fmt "Removed '%s' opos = %d\n" s pos;
+ | `Added (pos, s) ->
+ fprintf fmt "Added '%s' npos = %d\n" s pos;
+ in
+ pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
+ List.iter print_diff diffs;
+ pp_close_box fmt ();
+ pp_print_flush fmt ()
+let string_of_diffs diffs =
+ Format.asprintf "%a" db_print_diffs diffs
+(* Adjust the diffs returned by the Myers algorithm to reduce the span of the
+changes. This gives more natural-looking diffs.
+While the Myers algorithm minimizes the number of changes between two
+sequences, it doesn't minimize the span of the changes. For example,
+representing elements in common in lower case and inserted elements in upper
+case (but ignoring case in the algorithm), ABabC and abABC both have 3 changes
+(A, B and C). However the span of the first sequence is 5 elements (ABabC)
+while the span of the second is 3 elements (ABC).
+The algorithm modifies the changes iteratively, for example ABabC -> aBAbC -> abABC
+dtype: identifies which of Added OR Removed to use; the other one is ignored.
+diff_list: output from the Myers algorithm
+let shorten_diff_span dtype diff_list =
+ let changed = ref false in
+ let diffs = Array.of_list diff_list in
+ let len = Array.length diffs in
+ let vinfo index =
+ match diffs.(index) with
+ | `Common (opos, npos, s) -> (`Common, opos, npos, s)
+ | `Removed (pos, s) -> (`Removed, pos, 0, s)
+ | `Added (pos, s) -> (`Added, 0, pos, s) in
+ let get_variant index =
+ let (v, _, _, _) = vinfo index in
+ v in
+ let get_str index =
+ let (_, _, _, s) = vinfo index in
+ s in
+ let iter start len lt incr = begin
+ let src = ref start in
+ let dst = ref start in
+ while (lt !src len) do
+ if (get_variant !src) = dtype then begin
+ if (lt !dst !src) then
+ dst := !src;
+ while (lt !dst len) && (get_variant !dst) <> `Common do
+ dst := !dst + incr;
+ done;
+ if (lt !dst len) && (get_str !src) = (get_str !dst) then begin
+ (* swap diff *)
+ let (_, c_opos, c_npos, str) = vinfo !dst
+ and (_, v_opos, v_npos, _) = vinfo !src in
+ changed := true;
+ if dtype = `Added then begin
+ diffs.(!src) <- `Common (c_opos, v_npos, str);
+ diffs.(!dst) <- `Added (c_npos, str);
+ end else begin
+ diffs.(!src) <- `Common (v_opos, c_npos, str);
+ diffs.(!dst) <- `Removed (c_opos, str)
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ src := !src + incr
+ done
+ end in
+ iter 0 len (<) 1; (* left to right *)
+ iter (len-1) (-1) (>) (-1); (* right to left *)
+ if !changed then Array.to_list diffs else diff_list;;
+let has_changes diffs =
+ let rec has_changes_r diffs added removed =
+ match diffs with
+ | `Added _ :: t -> has_changes_r t true removed
+ | `Removed _ :: t -> has_changes_r t added true
+ | h :: t -> has_changes_r t added removed
+ | [] -> (added, removed) in
+ has_changes_r diffs false false;;
+(* get the Myers diff of 2 lists of strings *)
+let diff_strs old_strs new_strs =
+ let diffs = List.rev (StringDiff.diff old_strs new_strs) in
+ shorten_diff_span `Removed (shorten_diff_span `Added diffs);;
+(* Default string tokenizer. Makes each character a separate strin.
+Whitespace is not ignored. Doesn't handle UTF-8 differences well. *)
+let def_tokenize_string s =
+ let limit = (String.length s) - 1 in
+ let strs : string list ref = ref [] in
+ for i = 0 to limit do
+ strs := (String.make 1 s.[i]) :: !strs
+ done;
+ List.rev !strs
+(* get the Myers diff of 2 strings *)
+let diff_str ?(tokenize_string=def_tokenize_string) old_str new_str =
+ let old_toks = Array.of_list (tokenize_string old_str)
+ and new_toks = Array.of_list (tokenize_string new_str) in
+ diff_strs old_toks new_toks;;
+let get_dinfo = function
+ | `Common (_, _, s) -> (`Common, s)
+ | `Removed (_, s) -> (`Removed, s)
+ | `Added (_, s) -> (`Added, s)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-32"]
+let string_of_diff_type = function
+ | `Common -> "Common"
+ | `Removed -> "Removed"
+ | `Added -> "Added"
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+32"]
+let wrap_in_bg diff_tag pp =
+ let open Pp in
+ (tag (Pp.start_pfx ^ diff_tag ^ ".bg") (str "")) ++ pp ++
+ (tag (Pp.end_pfx ^ diff_tag ^ ".bg") (str ""))
+exception Diff_Failure of string
+let add_diff_tags which pp diffs =
+ let open Pp in
+ let diff_tag = if which = `Added then "diff.added" else "diff.removed" in
+ let diffs : diff_list ref = ref diffs in
+ let in_diff = ref false in (* true = buf chars need a tag *)
+ let in_span = ref false in (* true = last pp had a start tag *)
+ let trans = ref false in (* true = this diff starts/ends highlight *)
+ let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
+ let acc_pp = ref [] in
+ let diff_str, diff_ind, diff_len = ref "", ref 0, ref 0 in
+ let prev_dtype, dtype, next_dtype = ref `Common, ref `Common, ref `Common in
+ let is_white c = List.mem c [' '; '\t'; '\n'; '\r'] in
+ let skip () =
+ while !diffs <> [] &&
+ (let (t, _) = get_dinfo (List.hd !diffs) in
+ t <> `Common && t <> which)
+ do
+ diffs := !diffs
+ done
+ in
+ let put_tagged case =
+ if Buffer.length buf > 0 then begin
+ let pp = str (Buffer.contents buf) in
+ Buffer.clear buf;
+ let tagged = match case with
+ | "" -> pp
+ | "tag" -> tag diff_tag pp
+ | "start" -> in_span := true; tag (start_pfx ^ diff_tag) pp
+ | "end" -> in_span := false; tag (end_pfx ^ diff_tag) pp
+ | _ -> raise (Diff_Failure "invalid tag id in put_tagged, should be impossible") in
+ acc_pp := tagged :: !acc_pp
+ end
+ in
+ let output_pps () =
+ let next_diff_char_hl = if !diff_ind < !diff_len then !dtype = which else !next_dtype = which in
+ let tag = if not !in_diff then ""
+ else if !in_span then
+ if next_diff_char_hl then "" else "end"
+ else
+ if next_diff_char_hl then "start" else "tag" in
+ put_tagged tag; (* flush any remainder *)
+ let l = !acc_pp in
+ acc_pp := [];
+ match List.length l with
+ | 0 -> str ""
+ | 1 -> List.hd l
+ | _ -> seq (List.rev l)
+ in
+ let maybe_next_diff () =
+ if !diff_ind = !diff_len && (skip(); !diffs <> []) then begin
+ let (t, s) = get_dinfo (List.hd !diffs) in
+ diff_str := s; diff_ind := 0; diff_len := String.length !diff_str;
+ diffs := !diffs; skip();
+ prev_dtype := !dtype;
+ dtype := t;
+ next_dtype := (match !diffs with
+ | diff2 :: _ -> let (nt, _) = get_dinfo diff2 in nt
+ | [] -> `Common);
+ trans := !dtype <> !prev_dtype
+ end;
+ in
+ let s_char c =
+ maybe_next_diff ();
+ (* matching first should handle tokens with spaces, e.g. in comments/strings *)
+ if !diff_ind < !diff_len && c = !diff_str.[!diff_ind] then begin
+ if !dtype = which && !trans && !diff_ind = 0 then begin
+ put_tagged "";
+ in_diff := true
+ end;
+ Buffer.add_char buf c;
+ diff_ind := !diff_ind + 1;
+ if !dtype = which && !dtype <> !next_dtype && !diff_ind = !diff_len then begin
+ put_tagged (if !in_span then "end" else "tag");
+ in_diff := false
+ end
+ end else if is_white c then
+ Buffer.add_char buf c
+ else begin
+ cprintf "mismatch: expected '%c' but got '%c'\n" !diff_str.[!diff_ind] c;
+ raise (Diff_Failure "string mismatch, shouldn't happen")
+ end
+ in
+ (* rearrange so existing tags are inside diff tags, provided that those tags
+ only contain Ppcmd_string's. Other cases (e.g. tag of a box) are not supported. *)
+ (* todo: Is there a better way to do this in OCaml without multiple 'repr's? *)
+ let reorder_tags child pp_tag pp =
+ match repr child with
+ | Ppcmd_tag (t1, pp) -> tag t1 (tag pp_tag pp)
+ | Ppcmd_glue l ->
+ if List.exists (fun x ->
+ match repr x with
+ | Ppcmd_tag (_, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false) l
+ then seq ( (fun x ->
+ match repr x with
+ | Ppcmd_tag (t2, pp2) -> tag t2 (tag pp_tag pp2)
+ | pp2 -> tag pp_tag (unrepr pp2)) l)
+ else child
+ | _ -> tag pp_tag child
+ in
+ let rec add_tags_r pp =
+ let r_pp = repr pp in
+ match r_pp with
+ | Ppcmd_string s -> String.iter s_char s; output_pps ()
+ | Ppcmd_glue l -> seq ( add_tags_r l)
+ | Ppcmd_box (block_type, pp) -> unrepr (Ppcmd_box (block_type, add_tags_r pp))
+ | Ppcmd_tag (pp_tag, pp) -> reorder_tags (add_tags_r pp) pp_tag pp
+ | _ -> pp
+ in
+ let (has_added, has_removed) = has_changes !diffs in
+ let rv = add_tags_r pp in
+ skip ();
+ if !diffs <> [] then
+ raise (Diff_Failure "left-over diff info at end of Pp.t, should be impossible");
+ if has_added || has_removed then wrap_in_bg diff_tag rv else rv;;
+let diff_pp ?(tokenize_string=def_tokenize_string) o_pp n_pp =
+ let open Pp in
+ let o_str = string_of_ppcmds o_pp in
+ let n_str = string_of_ppcmds n_pp in
+ let diffs = diff_str ~tokenize_string o_str n_str in
+ (add_diff_tags `Removed o_pp diffs, add_diff_tags `Added n_pp diffs);;
+let diff_pp_combined ?(tokenize_string=def_tokenize_string) ?(show_removed=false) o_pp n_pp =
+ let open Pp in
+ let o_str = string_of_ppcmds o_pp in
+ let n_str = string_of_ppcmds n_pp in
+ let diffs = diff_str ~tokenize_string o_str n_str in
+ let (_, has_removed) = has_changes diffs in
+ let added = add_diff_tags `Added n_pp diffs in
+ if show_removed && has_removed then
+ let removed = add_diff_tags `Removed o_pp diffs in
+ (v 0 (removed ++ cut() ++ added))
+ else added;;