path: root/kernel/
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
commit7cfc4e5146be5666419451bdd516f1f3f264d24a (patch)
treee4197645da03dc3c7cc84e434cc31d0a0cca7056 /kernel/
parent420f78b2caeaaddc6fe484565b2d0e49c66888e5 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta1+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 1706 insertions, 551 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 822f6ca6..08e9fee0 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@
(* Functional code by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre for Coq V7.0 [1999] *)
(* Extension with algebraic universes by HH for Coq V7.0 [Sep 2001] *)
(* Additional support for sort-polymorphic inductive types by HH [Mar 2006] *)
+(* Support for universe polymorphism by MS [2014] *)
-(* Revisions by Bruno Barras, Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey *)
+(* Revisions by Bruno Barras, Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey, Matthieu Sozeau,
+ Pierre-Marie Pédrot *)
open Pp
+open Errors
open Util
(* Universes are stratified by a partial ordering $\le$.
@@ -28,40 +31,337 @@ open Util
union-find algorithm. The assertions $<$ and $\le$ are represented by
adjacency lists *)
-module UniverseLevel = struct
+module type Hashconsed =
+ type t
+ val hash : t -> int
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val hcons : t -> t
- type t =
- | Set
- | Level of Names.dir_path * int
+module HashedList (M : Hashconsed) :
+ type t = private Nil | Cons of M.t * int * t
+ val nil : t
+ val cons : M.t -> t -> t
+end =
+ type t = Nil | Cons of M.t * int * t
+ module Self =
+ struct
+ type _t = t
+ type t = _t
+ type u = (M.t -> M.t)
+ let hash = function Nil -> 0 | Cons (_, h, _) -> h
+ let equal l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
+ | Nil, Nil -> true
+ | Cons (x1, _, l1), Cons (x2, _, l2) -> x1 == x2 && l1 == l2
+ | _ -> false
+ let hashcons hc = function
+ | Nil -> Nil
+ | Cons (x, h, l) -> Cons (hc x, h, l)
+ end
+ module Hcons = Hashcons.Make(Self)
+ let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hcons.generate Hcons.hcons M.hcons
+ (** No recursive call: the interface guarantees that all HLists from this
+ program are already hashconsed. If we get some external HList, we can
+ still reconstruct it by traversing it entirely. *)
+ let nil = Nil
+ let cons x l =
+ let h = M.hash x in
+ let hl = match l with Nil -> 0 | Cons (_, h, _) -> h in
+ let h = Hashset.Combine.combine h hl in
+ hcons (Cons (x, h, l))
+module HList = struct
+ module type S = sig
+ type elt
+ type t = private Nil | Cons of elt * int * t
+ val hash : t -> int
+ val nil : t
+ val cons : elt -> t -> t
+ val tip : elt -> t
+ val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
+ val smartmap : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
+ val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ val for_all2 : (elt -> elt -> bool) -> t -> t -> bool
+ val mem : elt -> t -> bool
+ val remove : elt -> t -> t
+ val to_list : t -> elt list
+ val compare : (elt -> elt -> int) -> t -> t -> int
+ end
+ module Make (H : Hashconsed) : S with type elt = H.t =
+ struct
+ type elt = H.t
+ include HashedList(H)
+ let hash = function Nil -> 0 | Cons (_, h, _) -> h
+ let tip e = cons e nil
- (* A specialized comparison function: we compare the [int] part
- first (this property is used by the [check_sorted] function
- below). This way, most of the time, the [dir_path] part is not
- considered. *)
+ let rec fold f l accu = match l with
+ | Nil -> accu
+ | Cons (x, _, l) -> fold f l (f x accu)
+ let rec map f = function
+ | Nil -> nil
+ | Cons (x, _, l) -> cons (f x) (map f l)
+ let smartmap = map
+ (** Apriori hashconsing ensures that the map is equal to its argument *)
+ let rec exists f = function
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (x, _, l) -> f x || exists f l
+ let rec for_all f = function
+ | Nil -> true
+ | Cons (x, _, l) -> f x && for_all f l
+ let rec for_all2 f l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
+ | Nil, Nil -> true
+ | Cons (x1, _, l1), Cons (x2, _, l2) -> f x1 x2 && for_all2 f l1 l2
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec to_list = function
+ | Nil -> []
+ | Cons (x, _, l) -> x :: to_list l
+ let rec remove x = function
+ | Nil -> nil
+ | Cons (y, _, l) ->
+ if H.equal x y then l
+ else cons y (remove x l)
+ let rec mem x = function
+ | Nil -> false
+ | Cons (y, _, l) -> H.equal x y || mem x l
+ let rec compare cmp l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
+ | Nil, Nil -> 0
+ | Cons (x1, h1, l1), Cons (x2, h2, l2) ->
+ let c = h1 h2 in
+ if c == 0 then
+ let c = cmp x1 x2 in
+ if c == 0 then
+ compare cmp l1 l2
+ else c
+ else c
+ | Cons _, Nil -> 1
+ | Nil, Cons _ -> -1
+ end
- let compare u v = match u,v with
+module RawLevel =
+ open Names
+ type t =
+ | Prop
+ | Set
+ | Level of int * DirPath.t
+ | Var of int
+ (* Hash-consing *)
+ let equal x y =
+ x == y ||
+ match x, y with
+ | Prop, Prop -> true
+ | Set, Set -> true
+ | Level (n,d), Level (n',d') ->
+ Int.equal n n' && DirPath.equal d d'
+ | Var n, Var n' -> Int.equal n n'
+ | _ -> false
+ let compare u v =
+ match u, v with
+ | Prop,Prop -> 0
+ | Prop, _ -> -1
+ | _, Prop -> 1
| Set, Set -> 0
| Set, _ -> -1
| _, Set -> 1
- | Level (dp1, i1), Level (dp2, i2) ->
+ | Level (i1, dp1), Level (i2, dp2) ->
if i1 < i2 then -1
else if i1 > i2 then 1
- else compare dp1 dp2
+ else dp1 dp2
+ | Level _, _ -> -1
+ | _, Level _ -> 1
+ | Var n, Var m -> n m
+ let hcons = function
+ | Prop as x -> x
+ | Set as x -> x
+ | Level (n,d) as x ->
+ let d' = Names.DirPath.hcons d in
+ if d' == d then x else Level (n,d')
+ | Var n as x -> x
+ open Hashset.Combine
+ let hash = function
+ | Prop -> combinesmall 1 0
+ | Set -> combinesmall 1 1
+ | Var n -> combinesmall 2 n
+ | Level (n, d) -> combinesmall 3 (combine n (Names.DirPath.hash d))
+module Level = struct
+ open Names
+ type raw_level = RawLevel.t =
+ | Prop
+ | Set
+ | Level of int * DirPath.t
+ | Var of int
+ (** Embed levels with their hash value *)
+ type t = {
+ hash : int;
+ data : RawLevel.t }
+ let equal x y =
+ x == y || Int.equal x.hash y.hash && RawLevel.equal
+ let hash x = x.hash
+ let hcons x =
+ let data' = RawLevel.hcons in
+ if data' == then x
+ else { x with data = data' }
+ let data x =
+ (** Hashcons on levels + their hash *)
+ let make =
+ let module Self = struct
+ type _t = t
+ type t = _t
+ let equal = equal
+ let hash = hash
+ end in
+ let module WH = Weak.Make(Self) in
+ let pool = WH.create 4910 in fun x ->
+ let x = { hash = RawLevel.hash x; data = x } in
+ try WH.find pool x
+ with Not_found -> WH.add pool x; x
+ let set = make Set
+ let prop = make Prop
+ let is_small x =
+ match data x with
+ | Level _ -> false
+ | _ -> true
- let to_string = function
+ let is_prop x =
+ match data x with
+ | Prop -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let is_set x =
+ match data x with
+ | Set -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let compare u v =
+ if u == v then 0
+ else
+ let c = (hash u) (hash v) in
+ if c == 0 then (data u) (data v)
+ else c
+ let natural_compare u v =
+ if u == v then 0
+ else (data u) (data v)
+ let to_string x =
+ match data x with
+ | Prop -> "Prop"
| Set -> "Set"
- | Level (d,n) -> Names.string_of_dirpath d^"."^string_of_int n
+ | Level (n,d) -> Names.DirPath.to_string d^"."^string_of_int n
+ | Var n -> "Var(" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")"
+ let pr u = str (to_string u)
+ let apart u v =
+ match data u, data v with
+ | Prop, Set | Set, Prop -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let vars = Array.init 20 (fun i -> make (Var i))
+ let var n =
+ if n < 20 then vars.(n) else make (Var n)
+ let var_index u =
+ match data u with
+ | Var n -> Some n | _ -> None
+ let make m n = make (Level (n, Names.DirPath.hcons m))
+(** Level maps *)
+module LMap = struct
+ module M = HMap.Make (Level)
+ include M
+ let union l r =
+ merge (fun k l r ->
+ match l, r with
+ | Some _, _ -> l
+ | _, _ -> r) l r
+ let subst_union l r =
+ merge (fun k l r ->
+ match l, r with
+ | Some (Some _), _ -> l
+ | Some None, None -> l
+ | _, _ -> r) l r
+ let diff ext orig =
+ fold (fun u v acc ->
+ if mem u orig then acc
+ else add u v acc)
+ ext empty
+ let pr f m =
+ h 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl (fun (u, v) ->
+ u ++ f v) (bindings m))
+module LSet = struct
+ include LMap.Set
+ let pr prl s =
+ str"{" ++ prlist_with_sep spc prl (elements s) ++ str"}"
+ let of_array l =
+ Array.fold_left (fun acc x -> add x acc) empty l
-module UniverseLMap = Map.Make (UniverseLevel)
-module UniverseLSet = Set.Make (UniverseLevel)
-type universe_level = UniverseLevel.t
+type 'a universe_map = 'a LMap.t
+type universe_level = Level.t
-let compare_levels =
+type universe_level_subst_fn = universe_level -> universe_level
+type universe_set = LSet.t
(* An algebraic universe [universe] is either a universe variable
- [UniverseLevel.t] or a formal universe known to be greater than some
+ [Level.t] or a formal universe known to be greater than some
universe variables and strictly greater than some (other) universe
@@ -72,121 +372,354 @@ let compare_levels =
maximum of two algebraic universes
-type universe =
- | Atom of UniverseLevel.t
- | Max of UniverseLevel.t list * UniverseLevel.t list
-let make_universe_level (m,n) = UniverseLevel.Level (m,n)
-let make_universe l = Atom l
-let make_univ c = Atom (make_universe_level c)
+module Universe =
+ (* Invariants: non empty, sorted and without duplicates *)
-let universe_level = function
- | Atom l -> Some l
- | Max _ -> None
-let pr_uni_level u = str (UniverseLevel.to_string u)
+ module Expr =
+ struct
+ type t = Level.t * int
+ type _t = t
+ (* Hashing of expressions *)
+ module ExprHash =
+ struct
+ type t = _t
+ type u = Level.t -> Level.t
+ let hashcons hdir (b,n as x) =
+ let b' = hdir b in
+ if b' == b then x else (b',n)
+ let equal l1 l2 =
+ l1 == l2 ||
+ match l1,l2 with
+ | (b,n), (b',n') -> b == b' && n == n'
+ let hash (x, n) = n + Level.hash x
+ end
+ module HExpr =
+ struct
+ module H = Hashcons.Make(ExprHash)
+ type t = ExprHash.t
+ let hcons =
+ Hashcons.simple_hcons H.generate H.hcons Level.hcons
+ let hash = ExprHash.hash
+ let equal x y = x == y ||
+ (let (u,n) = x and (v,n') = y in
+ Int.equal n n' && Level.equal u v)
+ end
+ let hcons = HExpr.hcons
+ let make l = hcons (l, 0)
+ let compare u v =
+ if u == v then 0
+ else
+ let (x, n) = u and (x', n') = v in
+ if Int.equal n n' then x x'
+ else n - n'
+ let prop = make Level.prop
+ let set = make Level.set
+ let type1 = hcons (Level.set, 1)
+ let is_prop = function
+ | (l,0) -> Level.is_prop l
+ | _ -> false
+ let is_small = function
+ | (l,0) -> Level.is_small l
+ | _ -> false
+ let equal x y = x == y ||
+ (let (u,n) = x and (v,n') = y in
+ Int.equal n n' && Level.equal u v)
+ let leq (u,n) (v,n') =
+ let cmp = u v in
+ if Int.equal cmp 0 then n <= n'
+ else if n <= n' then
+ (Level.is_prop u && Level.is_small v)
+ else false
+ let successor (u,n) =
+ if Level.is_prop u then type1
+ else hcons (u, n + 1)
+ let addn k (u,n as x) =
+ if k = 0 then x
+ else if Level.is_prop u then
+ hcons (Level.set,n+k)
+ else hcons (u,n+k)
+ let super (u,n as x) (v,n' as y) =
+ let cmp = u v in
+ if Int.equal cmp 0 then
+ if n < n' then Inl true
+ else Inl false
+ else if is_prop x then Inl true
+ else if is_prop y then Inl false
+ else Inr cmp
+ let to_string (v, n) =
+ if Int.equal n 0 then Level.to_string v
+ else Level.to_string v ^ "+" ^ string_of_int n
+ let pr x = str(to_string x)
+ let pr_with f (v, n) =
+ if Int.equal n 0 then f v
+ else f v ++ str"+" ++ int n
+ let is_level = function
+ | (v, 0) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let level = function
+ | (v,0) -> Some v
+ | _ -> None
+ let get_level (v,n) = v
+ let map f (v, n as x) =
+ let v' = f v in
+ if v' == v then x
+ else if Level.is_prop v' && n != 0 then
+ hcons (Level.set, n)
+ else hcons (v', n)
+ end
+ let compare_expr =
+ module Huniv = HList.Make(Expr.HExpr)
+ type t = Huniv.t
+ open Huniv
+ let equal x y = x == y ||
+ (Huniv.hash x == Huniv.hash y &&
+ Huniv.for_all2 Expr.equal x y)
+ let hash = Huniv.hash
+ let compare x y =
+ if x == y then 0
+ else
+ let hx = Huniv.hash x and hy = Huniv.hash y in
+ let c = hx hy in
+ if c == 0 then
+ (fun e1 e2 -> compare_expr e1 e2) x y
+ else c
+ let rec hcons = function
+ | Nil -> Huniv.nil
+ | Cons (x, _, l) -> Huniv.cons x (hcons l)
+ let make l = Huniv.tip (Expr.make l)
+ let tip x = Huniv.tip x
+ let pr l = match l with
+ | Cons (u, _, Nil) -> u
+ | _ ->
+ str "max(" ++ hov 0
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_comma (to_list l)) ++
+ str ")"
-let pr_uni = function
- | Atom u ->
- pr_uni_level u
- | Max ([],[u]) ->
- str "(" ++ pr_uni_level u ++ str ")+1"
- | Max (gel,gtl) ->
+ let pr_with f l = match l with
+ | Cons (u, _, Nil) -> Expr.pr_with f u
+ | _ ->
str "max(" ++ hov 0
- (prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_uni_level gel ++
- (if gel <> [] & gtl <> [] then pr_comma () else mt ()) ++
- prlist_with_sep pr_comma
- (fun x -> str "(" ++ pr_uni_level x ++ str ")+1") gtl) ++
- str ")"
-(* Returns the formal universe that lies juste above the universe variable u.
- Used to type the sort u. *)
-let super = function
- | Atom u ->
- Max ([],[u])
- | Max _ ->
- anomaly ("Cannot take the successor of a non variable universe:\n"^
- "(maybe a bugged tactic)")
-(* Returns the formal universe that is greater than the universes u and v.
- Used to type the products. *)
-let sup u v =
- match u,v with
- | Atom u, Atom v ->
- if u v = 0 then Atom u else Max ([u;v],[])
- | u, Max ([],[]) -> u
- | Max ([],[]), v -> v
- | Atom u, Max (gel,gtl) -> Max (list_add_set u gel,gtl)
- | Max (gel,gtl), Atom v -> Max (list_add_set v gel,gtl)
- | Max (gel,gtl), Max (gel',gtl') ->
- let gel'' = list_union gel gel' in
- let gtl'' = list_union gtl gtl' in
- Max (list_subtract gel'' gtl'',gtl'')
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_comma (Expr.pr_with f) (to_list l)) ++
+ str ")"
-(* Comparison on this type is pointer equality *)
-type canonical_arc =
- { univ: UniverseLevel.t;
- lt: UniverseLevel.t list;
- le: UniverseLevel.t list;
- rank: int }
+ let is_level l = match l with
+ | Cons (l, _, Nil) -> Expr.is_level l
+ | _ -> false
-let terminal u = {univ=u; lt=[]; le=[]; rank=0}
+ let level l = match l with
+ | Cons (l, _, Nil) -> Expr.level l
+ | _ -> None
-(* A UniverseLevel.t is either an alias for another one, or a canonical one,
- for which we know the universes that are above *)
+ let levels l =
+ fold (fun x acc -> LSet.add (Expr.get_level x) acc) l LSet.empty
-type univ_entry =
- Canonical of canonical_arc
- | Equiv of UniverseLevel.t
+ let is_small u =
+ match u with
+ | Cons (l, _, Nil) -> Expr.is_small l
+ | _ -> false
+ (* The lower predicative level of the hierarchy that contains (impredicative)
+ Prop and singleton inductive types *)
+ let type0m = tip Expr.prop
-type universes = univ_entry UniverseLMap.t
+ (* The level of sets *)
+ let type0 = tip Expr.set
-let enter_equiv_arc u v g =
- UniverseLMap.add u (Equiv v) g
+ (* When typing [Prop] and [Set], there is no constraint on the level,
+ hence the definition of [type1_univ], the type of [Prop] *)
+ let type1 = tip (Expr.successor Expr.set)
-let enter_arc ca g =
- UniverseLMap.add ca.univ (Canonical ca) g
+ let is_type0m x = equal type0m x
+ let is_type0 x = equal type0 x
+ (* Returns the formal universe that lies juste above the universe variable u.
+ Used to type the sort u. *)
+ let super l =
+ if is_small l then type1
+ else
+ (fun x -> Expr.successor x) l
+ let addn n l =
+ (fun x -> Expr.addn n x) l
+ let rec merge_univs l1 l2 =
+ match l1, l2 with
+ | Nil, _ -> l2
+ | _, Nil -> l1
+ | Cons (h1, _, t1), Cons (h2, _, t2) ->
+ (match Expr.super h1 h2 with
+ | Inl true (* h1 < h2 *) -> merge_univs t1 l2
+ | Inl false -> merge_univs l1 t2
+ | Inr c ->
+ if c <= 0 (* h1 < h2 is name order *)
+ then cons h1 (merge_univs t1 l2)
+ else cons h2 (merge_univs l1 t2))
+ let sort u =
+ let rec aux a l =
+ match l with
+ | Cons (b, _, l') ->
+ (match Expr.super a b with
+ | Inl false -> aux a l'
+ | Inl true -> l
+ | Inr c ->
+ if c <= 0 then cons a l
+ else cons b (aux a l'))
+ | Nil -> cons a l
+ in
+ fold (fun a acc -> aux a acc) u nil
+ (* Returns the formal universe that is greater than the universes u and v.
+ Used to type the products. *)
+ let sup x y = merge_univs x y
+ let empty = nil
+ let exists = Huniv.exists
+ let for_all = Huniv.for_all
+ let smartmap = Huniv.smartmap
-(* The lower predicative level of the hierarchy that contains (impredicative)
- Prop and singleton inductive types *)
-let type0m_univ = Max ([],[])
-let is_type0m_univ = function
- | Max ([],[]) -> true
- | _ -> false
+type universe = Universe.t
(* The level of predicative Set *)
-let type0_univ = Atom UniverseLevel.Set
+let type0m_univ = Universe.type0m
+let type0_univ = Universe.type0
+let type1_univ = Universe.type1
+let is_type0m_univ = Universe.is_type0m
+let is_type0_univ = Universe.is_type0
+let is_univ_variable l = Universe.level l != None
+let is_small_univ = Universe.is_small
+let pr_uni =
-let is_type0_univ = function
- | Atom UniverseLevel.Set -> true
- | Max ([UniverseLevel.Set], []) -> msg_warn "Non canonical Set"; true
- | u -> false
+let sup = Universe.sup
+let super = Universe.super
-let is_univ_variable = function
- | Atom a when a<>UniverseLevel.Set -> true
- | _ -> false
+open Universe
-(* When typing [Prop] and [Set], there is no constraint on the level,
- hence the definition of [type1_univ], the type of [Prop] *)
+let universe_level = Universe.level
-let type1_univ = Max ([], [UniverseLevel.Set])
+type status = Unset | SetLe | SetLt
-let initial_universes = UniverseLMap.empty
-let is_initial_universes = UniverseLMap.is_empty
+(* Comparison on this type is pointer equality *)
+type canonical_arc =
+ { univ: Level.t;
+ lt: Level.t list;
+ le: Level.t list;
+ rank : int;
+ predicative : bool;
+ mutable status : status;
+ (** Guaranteed to be unset out of the [compare_neq] functions. It is used
+ to do an imperative traversal of the graph, ensuring a O(1) check that
+ a node has already been visited. Quite performance critical indeed. *)
+ }
+let arc_is_le arc = match arc.status with
+| Unset -> false
+| SetLe | SetLt -> true
+let arc_is_lt arc = match arc.status with
+| Unset | SetLe -> false
+| SetLt -> true
+let terminal u = {univ=u; lt=[]; le=[]; rank=0; predicative=false; status = Unset}
+module UMap :
+ type key = Level.t
+ type +'a t
+ val empty : 'a t
+ val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a
+ val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
+ val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
+ val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
+ val mapi : (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+end = HMap.Make(Level)
+(* A Level.t is either an alias for another one, or a canonical one,
+ for which we know the universes that are above *)
-(* Every UniverseLevel.t has a unique canonical arc representative *)
+type univ_entry =
+ Canonical of canonical_arc
+ | Equiv of Level.t
+type universes = univ_entry UMap.t
+(** Used to cleanup universes if a traversal function is interrupted before it
+ has the opportunity to do it itself. *)
+let unsafe_cleanup_universes g =
+ let iter _ arc = match arc with
+ | Equiv _ -> ()
+ | Canonical arc -> arc.status <- Unset
+ in
+ UMap.iter iter g
+let rec cleanup_universes g =
+ try unsafe_cleanup_universes g
+ with e ->
+ (** The only way unsafe_cleanup_universes may raise an exception is when
+ a serious error (stack overflow, out of memory) occurs, or a signal is
+ sent. In this unlikely event, we relaunch the cleanup until we finally
+ succeed. *)
+ cleanup_universes g; raise e
+let enter_equiv_arc u v g =
+ UMap.add u (Equiv v) g
+let enter_arc ca g =
+ UMap.add ca.univ (Canonical ca) g
-(* repr : universes -> UniverseLevel.t -> canonical_arc *)
+(* Every Level.t has a unique canonical arc representative *)
+(* repr : universes -> Level.t -> canonical_arc *)
(* canonical representative : we follow the Equiv links *)
let repr g u =
let rec repr_rec u =
let a =
- try UniverseLMap.find u g
- with Not_found -> anomalylabstrm "Univ.repr"
- (str"Universe " ++ pr_uni_level u ++ str" undefined")
+ try UMap.find u g
+ with Not_found -> anomaly ~label:"Univ.repr"
+ (str"Universe " ++ u ++ str" undefined")
match a with
| Equiv v -> repr_rec v
@@ -194,14 +727,12 @@ let repr g u =
repr_rec u
-let can g = (repr g)
(* [safe_repr] also search for the canonical representative, but
if the graph doesn't contain the searched universe, we add it. *)
let safe_repr g u =
let rec safe_repr_rec u =
- match UniverseLMap.find u g with
+ match UMap.find u g with
| Equiv v -> safe_repr_rec v
| Canonical arc -> arc
@@ -225,8 +756,8 @@ let reprleq g arcu =
searchrec [] arcu.le
-(* between : UniverseLevel.t -> canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list *)
-(* between u v = {w|u<=w<=v, w canonical} *)
+(* between : Level.t -> canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list *)
+(* between u v = { w | u<=w<=v, w canonical } *)
(* between is the most costly operation *)
let between g arcu arcv =
@@ -258,10 +789,20 @@ let between g arcu arcv =
Otherwise, between g u v = []
+type constraint_type = Lt | Le | Eq
+type explanation = (constraint_type * universe) list
-type order = EQ | LT | LE | NLE
+let constraint_type_ord c1 c2 = match c1, c2 with
+| Lt, Lt -> 0
+| Lt, _ -> -1
+| Le, Lt -> 1
+| Le, Le -> 0
+| Le, Eq -> -1
+| Eq, Eq -> 0
+| Eq, _ -> 1
-(** [compare_neq] : is [arcv] in the transitive upward closure of [arcu] ?
+(** [fast_compare_neq] : is [arcv] in the transitive upward closure of [arcu] ?
In [strict] mode, we fully distinguish between LE and LT, while in
non-strict mode, we simply answer LE for both situations.
@@ -279,46 +820,179 @@ type order = EQ | LT | LE | NLE
We use depth-first search, but the presence of [arcv] in [new_lt]
is checked as soon as possible : this seems to be slightly faster
on a test.
+ We do the traversal imperatively, setting the [status] flag on visited nodes.
+ This ensures O(1) check, but it also requires unsetting the flag when leaving
+ the function. Some special care has to be taken in order to ensure we do not
+ recover a messed up graph at the end. This occurs in particular when the
+ traversal raises an exception. Even though the code below is exception-free,
+ OCaml may still raise random exceptions, essentially fatal exceptions or
+ signal handlers. Therefore we ensure the cleanup by a catch-all clause. Note
+ also that the use of an imperative solution does make this function
+ thread-unsafe. For now we do not check universes in different threads, but if
+ ever this is to be done, we would need some lock somewhere.
-let compare_neq strict g arcu arcv =
- let rec cmp c lt_done le_done = function
- | [],[] -> c
+let get_explanation strict g arcu arcv =
+ (* [c] characterizes whether (and how) arcv has already been related
+ to arcu among the lt_done,le_done universe *)
+ let rec cmp c to_revert lt_todo le_todo = match lt_todo, le_todo with
+ | [],[] -> (to_revert, c)
+ | (arc,p)::lt_todo, le_todo ->
+ if arc_is_lt arc then
+ cmp c to_revert lt_todo le_todo
+ else
+ let rec find lt_todo lt le = match le with
+ | [] ->
+ begin match lt with
+ | [] ->
+ let () = arc.status <- SetLt in
+ cmp c (arc :: to_revert) lt_todo le_todo
+ | u :: lt ->
+ let arc = repr g u in
+ let p = (Lt, make u) :: p in
+ if arc == arcv then
+ if strict then (to_revert, p) else (to_revert, p)
+ else find ((arc, p) :: lt_todo) lt le
+ end
+ | u :: le ->
+ let arc = repr g u in
+ let p = (Le, make u) :: p in
+ if arc == arcv then
+ if strict then (to_revert, p) else (to_revert, p)
+ else find ((arc, p) :: lt_todo) lt le
+ in
+ find lt_todo arc.le
+ | [], (arc,p)::le_todo ->
+ if arc == arcv then
+ (* No need to continue inspecting universes above arc:
+ if arcv is strictly above arc, then we would have a cycle.
+ But we cannot answer LE yet, a stronger constraint may
+ come later from [le_todo]. *)
+ if strict then cmp p to_revert [] le_todo else (to_revert, p)
+ else
+ if arc_is_le arc then
+ cmp c to_revert [] le_todo
+ else
+ let rec find lt_todo lt = match lt with
+ | [] ->
+ let fold accu u =
+ let p = (Le, make u) :: p in
+ let node = (repr g u, p) in
+ node :: accu
+ in
+ let le_new = List.fold_left fold le_todo arc.le in
+ let () = arc.status <- SetLe in
+ cmp c (arc :: to_revert) lt_todo le_new
+ | u :: lt ->
+ let arc = repr g u in
+ let p = (Lt, make u) :: p in
+ if arc == arcv then
+ if strict then (to_revert, p) else (to_revert, p)
+ else find ((arc, p) :: lt_todo) lt
+ in
+ find []
+ in
+ try
+ let (to_revert, c) = cmp [] [] [] [(arcu, [])] in
+ (** Reset all the touched arcs. *)
+ let () = List.iter (fun arc -> arc.status <- Unset) to_revert in
+ List.rev c
+ with e ->
+ (** Unlikely event: fatal error or signal *)
+ let () = cleanup_universes g in
+ raise e
+let get_explanation strict g arcu arcv =
+ if !Flags.univ_print then Some (get_explanation strict g arcu arcv)
+ else None
+type fast_order = FastEQ | FastLT | FastLE | FastNLE
+let fast_compare_neq strict g arcu arcv =
+ (* [c] characterizes whether arcv has already been related
+ to arcu among the lt_done,le_done universe *)
+ let rec cmp c to_revert lt_todo le_todo = match lt_todo, le_todo with
+ | [],[] -> (to_revert, c)
| arc::lt_todo, le_todo ->
- if List.memq arc lt_done then
- cmp c lt_done le_done (lt_todo,le_todo)
+ if arc_is_lt arc then
+ cmp c to_revert lt_todo le_todo
- let lt_new = can g ( in
- if List.memq arcv lt_new then
- if strict then LT else LE
- else cmp c (arc::lt_done) le_done (lt_new@lt_todo,le_todo)
+ let rec find lt_todo lt le = match le with
+ | [] ->
+ begin match lt with
+ | [] ->
+ let () = arc.status <- SetLt in
+ cmp c (arc :: to_revert) lt_todo le_todo
+ | u :: lt ->
+ let arc = repr g u in
+ if arc == arcv then
+ if strict then (to_revert, FastLT) else (to_revert, FastLE)
+ else find (arc :: lt_todo) lt le
+ end
+ | u :: le ->
+ let arc = repr g u in
+ if arc == arcv then
+ if strict then (to_revert, FastLT) else (to_revert, FastLE)
+ else find (arc :: lt_todo) lt le
+ in
+ find lt_todo arc.le
| [], arc::le_todo ->
if arc == arcv then
(* No need to continue inspecting universes above arc:
if arcv is strictly above arc, then we would have a cycle.
But we cannot answer LE yet, a stronger constraint may
come later from [le_todo]. *)
- if strict then cmp LE lt_done le_done ([],le_todo) else LE
+ if strict then cmp FastLE to_revert [] le_todo else (to_revert, FastLE)
- if (List.memq arc lt_done) || (List.memq arc le_done) then
- cmp c lt_done le_done ([],le_todo)
+ if arc_is_le arc then
+ cmp c to_revert [] le_todo
- let lt_new = can g in
- if List.memq arcv lt_new then
- if strict then LT else LE
- else
- let le_new = can g arc.le in
- cmp c lt_done (arc::le_done) (lt_new, le_new@le_todo)
+ let rec find lt_todo lt = match lt with
+ | [] ->
+ let fold accu u =
+ let node = repr g u in
+ node :: accu
+ in
+ let le_new = List.fold_left fold le_todo arc.le in
+ let () = arc.status <- SetLe in
+ cmp c (arc :: to_revert) lt_todo le_new
+ | u :: lt ->
+ let arc = repr g u in
+ if arc == arcv then
+ if strict then (to_revert, FastLT) else (to_revert, FastLE)
+ else find (arc :: lt_todo) lt
+ in
+ find []
- cmp NLE [] [] ([],[arcu])
+ try
+ let (to_revert, c) = cmp FastNLE [] [] [arcu] in
+ (** Reset all the touched arcs. *)
+ let () = List.iter (fun arc -> arc.status <- Unset) to_revert in
+ c
+ with e ->
+ (** Unlikely event: fatal error or signal *)
+ let () = cleanup_universes g in
+ raise e
-let compare g arcu arcv =
- if arcu == arcv then EQ else compare_neq true g arcu arcv
+let get_explanation_strict g arcu arcv = get_explanation true g arcu arcv
-let is_leq g arcu arcv =
- arcu == arcv || (compare_neq false g arcu arcv = LE)
+let fast_compare g arcu arcv =
+ if arcu == arcv then FastEQ else fast_compare_neq true g arcu arcv
-let is_lt g arcu arcv = (compare g arcu arcv = LT)
+let is_leq g arcu arcv =
+ arcu == arcv ||
+ (match fast_compare_neq false g arcu arcv with
+ | FastNLE -> false
+ | (FastEQ|FastLE|FastLT) -> true)
+let is_lt g arcu arcv =
+ if arcu == arcv then false
+ else
+ match fast_compare_neq true g arcu arcv with
+ | FastLT -> true
+ | (FastEQ|FastLE|FastNLE) -> false
(* Invariants : compare(u,v) = EQ <=> compare(v,u) = EQ
compare(u,v) = LT or LE => compare(v,u) = NLE
@@ -329,60 +1003,84 @@ let is_lt g arcu arcv = (compare g arcu arcv = LT)
Adding u>v is consistent iff compare(v,u) = NLE
and then it is redundant iff compare(u,v) = LT *)
-(** * Universe checks [check_eq] and [check_geq], used in coqchk *)
+(** * Universe checks [check_eq] and [check_leq], used in coqchk *)
+(** First, checks on universe levels *)
-let compare_eq g u v =
+let check_equal g u v =
let g, arcu = safe_repr g u in
let _, arcv = safe_repr g v in
arcu == arcv
-type check_function = universes -> universe -> universe -> bool
+let check_eq_level g u v = u == v || check_equal g u v
-let incl_list cmp l1 l2 =
- List.for_all (fun x1 -> List.exists (fun x2 -> cmp x1 x2) l2) l1
+let is_set_arc u = Level.is_set u.univ
+let is_prop_arc u = Level.is_prop u.univ
+let get_prop_arc g = snd (safe_repr g Level.prop)
-let compare_list cmp l1 l2 =
- incl_list cmp l1 l2 && incl_list cmp l2 l1
-let rec check_eq g u v =
- match (u,v) with
- | Atom ul, Atom vl -> compare_eq g ul vl
- | Max(ule,ult), Max(vle,vlt) ->
- (* TODO: remove elements of lt in le! *)
- compare_list (compare_eq g) ule vle &&
- compare_list (compare_eq g) ult vlt
- | _ -> anomaly "check_eq" (* not complete! (Atom(u) = Max([u],[]) *)
-let compare_greater g strict u v =
+let check_smaller g strict u v =
let g, arcu = safe_repr g u in
let g, arcv = safe_repr g v in
if strict then
- is_lt g arcv arcu
+ is_lt g arcu arcv
- arcv == snd (safe_repr g UniverseLevel.Set) || is_leq g arcv arcu
-let compare_greater g strict u v =
- let b = compare_greater g strict u v in
- ppnl(str (if b then if strict then ">" else ">=" else "NOT >="));
- b
-let check_geq g u v =
- match u, v with
- | Atom ul, Atom vl -> compare_greater g false ul vl
- | Atom ul, Max(le,lt) ->
- List.for_all (fun vl -> compare_greater g false ul vl) le &&
- List.for_all (fun vl -> compare_greater g true ul vl) lt
- | _ -> anomaly "check_greater"
+ is_prop_arc arcu
+ || (is_set_arc arcu && arcv.predicative)
+ || is_leq g arcu arcv
+(** Then, checks on universes *)
+type 'a check_function = universes -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
+let check_equal_expr g x y =
+ x == y || (let (u, n) = x and (v, m) = y in
+ Int.equal n m && check_equal g u v)
+let check_eq_univs g l1 l2 =
+ let f x1 x2 = check_equal_expr g x1 x2 in
+ let exists x1 l = Huniv.exists (fun x2 -> f x1 x2) l in
+ Huniv.for_all (fun x1 -> exists x1 l2) l1
+ && Huniv.for_all (fun x2 -> exists x2 l1) l2
+let check_eq g u v =
+ Universe.equal u v || check_eq_univs g u v
+let check_smaller_expr g (u,n) (v,m) =
+ let diff = n - m in
+ match diff with
+ | 0 -> check_smaller g false u v
+ | 1 -> check_smaller g true u v
+ | x when x < 0 -> check_smaller g false u v
+ | _ -> false
+let exists_bigger g ul l =
+ Huniv.exists (fun ul' ->
+ check_smaller_expr g ul ul') l
+let real_check_leq g u v =
+ Huniv.for_all (fun ul -> exists_bigger g ul v) u
+let check_leq g u v =
+ Universe.equal u v ||
+ Universe.is_type0m u ||
+ check_eq_univs g u v || real_check_leq g u v
(** Enforcing new constraints : [setlt], [setleq], [merge], [merge_disc] *)
-(* setlt : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
+(** To speed up tests of Set </<= i *)
+let set_predicative g arcv =
+ enter_arc {arcv with predicative = true} g
+(* setlt : Level.t -> Level.t -> reason -> unit *)
(* forces u > v *)
(* this is normally an update of u in g rather than a creation. *)
let setlt g arcu arcv =
let arcu' = {arcu with} in
- enter_arc arcu' g, arcu'
+ let g =
+ if is_set_arc arcu then set_predicative g arcv
+ else g
+ in
+ enter_arc arcu' g, arcu'
(* checks that non-redundant *)
let setlt_if (g,arcu) v =
@@ -390,13 +1088,17 @@ let setlt_if (g,arcu) v =
if is_lt g arcu arcv then g, arcu
else setlt g arcu arcv
-(* setleq : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
+(* setleq : Level.t -> Level.t -> unit *)
(* forces u >= v *)
(* this is normally an update of u in g rather than a creation. *)
let setleq g arcu arcv =
let arcu' = {arcu with le=arcv.univ::arcu.le} in
- enter_arc arcu' g, arcu'
+ let g =
+ if is_set_arc arcu' then
+ set_predicative g arcv
+ else g
+ in
+ enter_arc arcu' g, arcu'
(* checks that non-redundant *)
let setleq_if (g,arcu) v =
@@ -404,32 +1106,32 @@ let setleq_if (g,arcu) v =
if is_leq g arcu arcv then g, arcu
else setleq g arcu arcv
-(* merge : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
+(* merge : Level.t -> Level.t -> unit *)
(* we assume compare(u,v) = LE *)
(* merge u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *)
let merge g arcu arcv =
(* we find the arc with the biggest rank, and we redirect all others to it *)
let arcu, g, v =
let best_ranked (max_rank, old_max_rank, best_arc, rest) arc =
- if arc.rank >= max_rank
+ if Level.is_small arc.univ || arc.rank >= max_rank
then (arc.rank, max_rank, arc, best_arc::rest)
else (max_rank, old_max_rank, best_arc, arc::rest)
- match between g arcu arcv with
- | [] -> anomaly "Univ.between"
+ match between g arcu arcv with
+ | [] -> anomaly (str "Univ.between")
| arc::rest ->
let (max_rank, old_max_rank, best_arc, rest) =
List.fold_left best_ranked (arc.rank, min_int, arc, []) rest in
- if max_rank > old_max_rank then best_arc, g, rest
- else begin
- (* one redirected node also has max_rank *)
- let arcu = {best_arc with rank = max_rank + 1} in
- arcu, enter_arc arcu g, rest
- end
+ if max_rank > old_max_rank then best_arc, g, rest
+ else begin
+ (* one redirected node also has max_rank *)
+ let arcu = {best_arc with rank = max_rank + 1} in
+ arcu, enter_arc arcu g, rest
+ end
let redirect (g,w,w') arcv =
let g' = enter_equiv_arc arcv.univ arcu.univ g in
- (g',list_unionq w,arcv.le@w')
+ (g',List.unionq w,arcv.le@w')
let (g',w,w') = List.fold_left redirect (g,[],[]) v in
let g_arcu = (g',arcu) in
@@ -437,13 +1139,13 @@ let merge g arcu arcv =
let g_arcu = List.fold_left setleq_if g_arcu w' in
fst g_arcu
-(* merge_disc : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
+(* merge_disc : Level.t -> Level.t -> unit *)
(* we assume compare(u,v) = compare(v,u) = NLE *)
(* merge_disc u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *)
let merge_disc g arc1 arc2 =
let arcu, arcv = if arc1.rank < arc2.rank then arc2, arc1 else arc1, arc2 in
let arcu, g =
- if arc1.rank <> arc2.rank then arcu, g
+ if not (Int.equal arc1.rank arc2.rank) then arcu, g
let arcu = {arcu with rank = succ arcu.rank} in
arcu, enter_arc arcu g
@@ -457,107 +1159,241 @@ let merge_disc g arc1 arc2 =
(* Universe inconsistency: error raised when trying to enforce a relation
that would create a cycle in the graph of universes. *)
-type constraint_type = Lt | Le | Eq
+type univ_inconsistency = constraint_type * universe * universe * explanation option
-exception UniverseInconsistency of constraint_type * universe * universe
+exception UniverseInconsistency of univ_inconsistency
-let error_inconsistency o u v = raise (UniverseInconsistency (o,Atom u,Atom v))
+let error_inconsistency o u v (p:explanation option) =
+ raise (UniverseInconsistency (o,make u,make v,p))
+(* enforc_univ_eq : Level.t -> Level.t -> unit *)
+(* enforc_univ_eq u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
-(* enforce_univ_leq : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
+let enforce_univ_eq u v g =
+ let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
+ let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
+ match fast_compare g arcu arcv with
+ | FastEQ -> g
+ | FastLT ->
+ let p = get_explanation_strict g arcu arcv in
+ error_inconsistency Eq v u p
+ | FastLE -> merge g arcu arcv
+ | FastNLE ->
+ (match fast_compare g arcv arcu with
+ | FastLT ->
+ let p = get_explanation_strict g arcv arcu in
+ error_inconsistency Eq u v p
+ | FastLE -> merge g arcv arcu
+ | FastNLE -> merge_disc g arcu arcv
+ | FastEQ -> anomaly (Pp.str ""))
+(* enforce_univ_leq : Level.t -> Level.t -> unit *)
(* enforce_univ_leq u v will force u<=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
let enforce_univ_leq u v g =
let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
if is_leq g arcu arcv then g
- else match compare g arcv arcu with
- | LT -> error_inconsistency Le u v
- | LE -> merge g arcv arcu
- | NLE -> fst (setleq g arcu arcv)
- | EQ -> anomaly ""
-(* enforc_univ_eq : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
-(* enforc_univ_eq u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
-let enforce_univ_eq u v g =
- let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
- let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
- match compare g arcu arcv with
- | EQ -> g
- | LT -> error_inconsistency Eq u v
- | LE -> merge g arcu arcv
- | NLE ->
- (match compare g arcv arcu with
- | LT -> error_inconsistency Eq u v
- | LE -> merge g arcv arcu
- | NLE -> merge_disc g arcu arcv
- | EQ -> anomaly "")
+ else
+ match fast_compare g arcv arcu with
+ | FastLT ->
+ let p = get_explanation_strict g arcv arcu in
+ error_inconsistency Le u v p
+ | FastLE -> merge g arcv arcu
+ | FastNLE -> fst (setleq g arcu arcv)
+ | FastEQ -> anomaly (Pp.str "")
(* enforce_univ_lt u v will force u<v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
let enforce_univ_lt u v g =
let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
- match compare g arcu arcv with
- | LT -> g
- | LE -> fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
- | EQ -> error_inconsistency Lt u v
- | NLE ->
- if is_leq g arcv arcu then error_inconsistency Lt u v
- else fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
-(* Constraints and sets of consrtaints. *)
-type univ_constraint = UniverseLevel.t * constraint_type * UniverseLevel.t
+ match fast_compare g arcu arcv with
+ | FastLT -> g
+ | FastLE -> fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
+ | FastEQ -> error_inconsistency Lt u v (Some [(Eq,make v)])
+ | FastNLE ->
+ match fast_compare_neq false g arcv arcu with
+ FastNLE -> fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
+ | FastEQ -> anomaly (Pp.str "")
+ | (FastLE|FastLT) ->
+ let p = get_explanation false g arcv arcu in
+ error_inconsistency Lt u v p
+let empty_universes = UMap.empty
+(* Prop = Set is forbidden here. *)
+let initial_universes = enforce_univ_lt Level.prop Level.set UMap.empty
+let is_initial_universes g = UMap.equal (==) g initial_universes
+let add_universe vlev g =
+ let v = terminal vlev in
+ let proparc = get_prop_arc g in
+ enter_arc {proparc with le=vlev::proparc.le}
+ (enter_arc v g)
+(* Constraints and sets of constraints. *)
+type univ_constraint = Level.t * constraint_type * Level.t
let enforce_constraint cst g =
match cst with
| (u,Lt,v) -> enforce_univ_lt u v g
| (u,Le,v) -> enforce_univ_leq u v g
| (u,Eq,v) -> enforce_univ_eq u v g
+let pr_constraint_type op =
+ let op_str = match op with
+ | Lt -> " < "
+ | Le -> " <= "
+ | Eq -> " = "
+ in str op_str
+module UConstraintOrd =
+ type t = univ_constraint
+ let compare (u,c,v) (u',c',v') =
+ let i = constraint_type_ord c c' in
+ if not (Int.equal i 0) then i
+ else
+ let i' = u u' in
+ if not (Int.equal i' 0) then i'
+ else v v'
-module Constraint = Set.Make(
- struct
- type t = univ_constraint
- let compare (u,c,v) (u',c',v') =
- let i = c c' in
- if i <> 0 then i
- else
- let i' = u u' in
- if i' <> 0 then i'
- else v v'
- end)
+module Constraint =
+ module S = Set.Make(UConstraintOrd)
+ include S
-type constraints = Constraint.t
+ let pr prl c =
+ fold (fun (u1,op,u2) pp_std ->
+ pp_std ++ prl u1 ++ pr_constraint_type op ++
+ prl u2 ++ fnl () ) c (str "")
let empty_constraint = Constraint.empty
-let is_empty_constraint = Constraint.is_empty
+let union_constraint = Constraint.union
+let eq_constraint = Constraint.equal
+let merge_constraints c g =
+ Constraint.fold enforce_constraint c g
-let union_constraints = Constraint.union
+type constraints = Constraint.t
-type constraint_function =
- universe -> universe -> constraints -> constraints
+module Hconstraint =
+ Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = univ_constraint
+ type u = universe_level -> universe_level
+ let hashcons hul (l1,k,l2) = (hul l1, k, hul l2)
+ let equal (l1,k,l2) (l1',k',l2') =
+ l1 == l1' && k == k' && l2 == l2'
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
-let constraint_add_leq v u c =
- if v = UniverseLevel.Set then c else Constraint.add (v,Le,u) c
+module Hconstraints =
+ Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = constraints
+ type u = univ_constraint -> univ_constraint
+ let hashcons huc s =
+ Constraint.fold (fun x -> Constraint.add (huc x)) s Constraint.empty
+ let equal s s' =
+ List.for_all2eq (==)
+ (Constraint.elements s)
+ (Constraint.elements s')
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let hcons_constraint = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hconstraint.generate Hconstraint.hcons Level.hcons
+let hcons_constraints = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hconstraints.generate Hconstraints.hcons hcons_constraint
+(** A value with universe constraints. *)
+type 'a constrained = 'a * constraints
+let constraints_of (_, cst) = cst
-let enforce_geq u v c =
- match u, v with
- | Atom u, Atom v -> constraint_add_leq v u c
- | Atom u, Max (gel,gtl) ->
- let d = List.fold_right (fun v -> constraint_add_leq v u) gel c in
- List.fold_right (fun v -> Constraint.add (v,Lt,u)) gtl d
- | _ -> anomaly "A universe bound can only be a variable"
+(** Constraint functions. *)
+type 'a constraint_function = 'a -> 'a -> constraints -> constraints
+let enforce_eq_level u v c =
+ (* We discard trivial constraints like u=u *)
+ if Level.equal u v then c
+ else if Level.apart u v then
+ error_inconsistency Eq u v None
+ else Constraint.add (u,Eq,v) c
let enforce_eq u v c =
- match (u,v) with
- | Atom u, Atom v -> Constraint.add (u,Eq,v) c
- | _ -> anomaly "A universe comparison can only happen between variables"
+ match Universe.level u, Universe.level v with
+ | Some u, Some v -> enforce_eq_level u v c
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "A universe comparison can only happen between variables")
-let merge_constraints c g =
- Constraint.fold enforce_constraint c g
+let check_univ_eq u v = Universe.equal u v
+let enforce_eq u v c =
+ if check_univ_eq u v then c
+ else enforce_eq u v c
+let constraint_add_leq v u c =
+ (* We just discard trivial constraints like u<=u *)
+ if Expr.equal v u then c
+ else
+ match v, u with
+ | (x,n), (y,m) ->
+ let j = m - n in
+ if j = -1 (* n = m+1, v+1 <= u <-> v < u *) then
+ Constraint.add (x,Lt,y) c
+ else if j <= -1 (* n = m+k, v+k <= u <-> v+(k-1) < u *) then
+ if Level.equal x y then (* u+(k+1) <= u *)
+ raise (UniverseInconsistency (Le, Universe.tip v, Universe.tip u, None))
+ else anomaly (Pp.str"Unable to handle arbitrary u+k <= v constraints")
+ else if j = 0 then
+ Constraint.add (x,Le,y) c
+ else (* j >= 1 *) (* m = n + k, u <= v+k *)
+ if Level.equal x y then c (* u <= u+k, trivial *)
+ else if Level.is_small x then c (* Prop,Set <= u+S k, trivial *)
+ else anomaly (Pp.str"Unable to handle arbitrary u <= v+k constraints")
+let check_univ_leq_one u v = Universe.exists (Expr.leq u) v
+let check_univ_leq u v =
+ Universe.for_all (fun u -> check_univ_leq_one u v) u
+let enforce_leq u v c =
+ let open Universe.Huniv in
+ match v with
+ | Cons (v, _, Nil) ->
+ fold (fun u -> constraint_add_leq u v) u c
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str"A universe bound can only be a variable")
+let enforce_leq u v c =
+ if check_univ_leq u v then c
+ else enforce_leq u v c
+let enforce_leq_level u v c =
+ if Level.equal u v then c else Constraint.add (u,Le,v) c
+let check_constraint g (l,d,r) =
+ match d with
+ | Eq -> check_equal g l r
+ | Le -> check_smaller g false l r
+ | Lt -> check_smaller g true l r
+let check_constraints c g =
+ Constraint.for_all (check_constraint g) c
+let enforce_univ_constraint (u,d,v) =
+ match d with
+ | Eq -> enforce_eq u v
+ | Le -> enforce_leq u v
+ | Lt -> enforce_leq (super u) v
(* Normalization *)
let lookup_level u g =
- try Some (UniverseLMap.find u g) with Not_found -> None
+ try Some (UMap.find u g) with Not_found -> None
(** [normalize_universes g] returns a graph where all edges point
directly to the canonical representent of their target. The output
@@ -571,20 +1407,20 @@ let normalize_universes g =
| Some x -> x, cache
| None -> match Lazy.force arc with
| None ->
- u, UniverseLMap.add u u cache
+ u, UMap.add u u cache
| Some (Canonical {univ=v; lt=_; le=_}) ->
- v, UniverseLMap.add u v cache
+ v, UMap.add u v cache
| Some (Equiv v) ->
let v, cache = visit v (lazy (lookup_level v g)) cache in
- v, UniverseLMap.add u v cache
+ v, UMap.add u v cache
- let cache = UniverseLMap.fold
+ let cache = UMap.fold
(fun u arc cache -> snd (visit u (Lazy.lazy_from_val (Some arc)) cache))
- g UniverseLMap.empty
+ g UMap.empty
- let repr x = UniverseLMap.find x cache in
+ let repr x = UMap.find x cache in
let lrepr us = List.fold_left
- (fun e x -> UniverseLSet.add (repr x) e) UniverseLSet.empty us
+ (fun e x -> LSet.add (repr x) e) LSet.empty us
let canonicalize u = function
| Equiv _ -> Equiv (repr u)
@@ -592,355 +1428,674 @@ let normalize_universes g =
assert (u == v);
(* avoid duplicates and self-loops *)
let lt = lrepr lt and le = lrepr le in
- let le = UniverseLSet.filter
- (fun x -> x != u && not (UniverseLSet.mem x lt)) le
+ let le = LSet.filter
+ (fun x -> x != u && not (LSet.mem x lt)) le
- UniverseLSet.iter (fun x -> assert (x != u)) lt;
+ LSet.iter (fun x -> assert (x != u)) lt;
Canonical {
univ = v;
- lt = UniverseLSet.elements lt;
- le = UniverseLSet.elements le;
- rank = rank
+ lt = LSet.elements lt;
+ le = LSet.elements le;
+ rank = rank;
+ predicative = false;
+ status = Unset;
- UniverseLMap.mapi canonicalize g
-(** [check_sorted g sorted]: [g] being a universe graph, [sorted]
- being a map to levels, checks that all constraints in [g] are
- satisfied in [sorted]. *)
-let check_sorted g sorted =
- let get u = try UniverseLMap.find u sorted with
- | Not_found -> assert false
- in UniverseLMap.iter (fun u arc -> let lu = get u in match arc with
- | Equiv v -> assert (lu = get v)
- | Canonical {univ=u'; lt=lt; le=le} ->
- assert (u == u');
- List.iter (fun v -> assert (lu <= get v)) le;
- List.iter (fun v -> assert (lu < get v)) lt) g
- Bellman-Ford algorithm with a few customizations:
- - [weight(eq|le) = 0], [weight(lt) = -1]
- - a [le] edge is initially added from [bottom] to all other
- vertices, and [bottom] is used as the source vertex
-let bellman_ford bottom g =
- assert (lookup_level bottom g = None);
- let ( << ) a b = match a, b with
- | _, None -> true
- | None, _ -> false
- | Some x, Some y -> x < y
- and ( ++ ) a y = match a with
- | None -> None
- | Some x -> Some (x-y)
- and push u x m = match x with
- | None -> m
- | Some y -> UniverseLMap.add u y m
+ UMap.mapi canonicalize g
+let constraints_of_universes g =
+ let constraints_of u v acc =
+ match v with
+ | Canonical {univ=u; lt=lt; le=le} ->
+ let acc = List.fold_left (fun acc v -> Constraint.add (u,Lt,v) acc) acc lt in
+ let acc = List.fold_left (fun acc v -> Constraint.add (u,Le,v) acc) acc le in
+ acc
+ | Equiv v -> Constraint.add (u,Eq,v) acc
- let relax u v uv distances =
- let x = lookup_level u distances ++ uv in
- if x << lookup_level v distances then push v x distances
- else distances
+ UMap.fold constraints_of g Constraint.empty
+let constraints_of_universes g =
+ constraints_of_universes (normalize_universes g)
+(** Longest path algorithm. This is used to compute the minimal number of
+ universes required if the only strict edge would be the Lt one. This
+ algorithm assumes that the given universes constraints are a almost DAG, in
+ the sense that there may be {Eq, Le}-cycles. This is OK for consistent
+ universes, which is the only case where we use this algorithm. *)
+(** Adjacency graph *)
+type graph = constraint_type LMap.t LMap.t
+exception Connected
+(** Check connectedness *)
+let connected x y (g : graph) =
+ let rec connected x target seen g =
+ if Level.equal x target then raise Connected
+ else if not (LSet.mem x seen) then
+ let seen = LSet.add x seen in
+ let fold z _ seen = connected z target seen g in
+ let neighbours = try LMap.find x g with Not_found -> LMap.empty in
+ LMap.fold fold neighbours seen
+ else seen
- let init = UniverseLMap.add bottom 0 UniverseLMap.empty in
- let vertices = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u arc res ->
- let res = UniverseLSet.add u res in
- match arc with
- | Equiv e -> UniverseLSet.add e res
- | Canonical {univ=univ; lt=lt; le=le} ->
- assert (u == univ);
- let add res v = UniverseLSet.add v res in
- let res = List.fold_left add res le in
- let res = List.fold_left add res lt in
- res) g UniverseLSet.empty
+ try ignore(connected x y LSet.empty g); false with Connected -> true
+let add_edge x y v (g : graph) =
+ try
+ let neighbours = LMap.find x g in
+ let neighbours = LMap.add y v neighbours in
+ LMap.add x neighbours g
+ with Not_found ->
+ LMap.add x (LMap.singleton y v) g
+(** We want to keep the graph DAG. If adding an edge would cause a cycle, that
+ would necessarily be an {Eq, Le}-cycle, otherwise there would have been a
+ universe inconsistency. Therefore we may omit adding such a cycling edge
+ without changing the compacted graph. *)
+let add_eq_edge x y v g = if connected y x g then g else add_edge x y v g
+(** Construct the DAG and its inverse at the same time. *)
+let make_graph g : (graph * graph) =
+ let fold u arc accu = match arc with
+ | Equiv v ->
+ let (dir, rev) = accu in
+ (add_eq_edge u v Eq dir, add_eq_edge v u Eq rev)
+ | Canonical { univ; lt; le; } ->
+ let () = assert (u == univ) in
+ let fold_lt (dir, rev) v = (add_edge u v Lt dir, add_edge v u Lt rev) in
+ let fold_le (dir, rev) v = (add_eq_edge u v Le dir, add_eq_edge v u Le rev) in
+ (** Order is important : lt after le, because of the possible redundancy
+ between [le] and [lt] in a canonical arc. This way, the [lt] constraint
+ is the last one set, which is correct because it implies [le]. *)
+ let accu = List.fold_left fold_le accu le in
+ let accu = List.fold_left fold_lt accu lt in
+ accu
- let g =
- let node = Canonical {
- univ = bottom;
- lt = [];
- le = UniverseLSet.elements vertices;
- rank = 0
- } in UniverseLMap.add bottom node g
+ UMap.fold fold g (LMap.empty, LMap.empty)
+(** Construct a topological order out of a DAG. *)
+let rec topological_fold u g rem seen accu =
+ let is_seen =
+ try
+ let status = LMap.find u seen in
+ assert status; (** If false, not a DAG! *)
+ true
+ with Not_found -> false
- let rec iter count accu =
- if count <= 0 then
- accu
- else
- let accu = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u arc res -> match arc with
- | Equiv e -> relax e u 0 (relax u e 0 res)
- | Canonical {univ=univ; lt=lt; le=le} ->
- assert (u == univ);
- let res = List.fold_left (fun res v -> relax u v 0 res) res le in
- let res = List.fold_left (fun res v -> relax u v 1 res) res lt in
- res) g accu
- in iter (count-1) accu
+ if not is_seen then
+ let rem = LMap.remove u rem in
+ let seen = LMap.add u false seen in
+ let neighbours = try LMap.find u g with Not_found -> LMap.empty in
+ let fold v _ (rem, seen, accu) = topological_fold v g rem seen accu in
+ let (rem, seen, accu) = LMap.fold fold neighbours (rem, seen, accu) in
+ (rem, LMap.add u true seen, u :: accu)
+ else (rem, seen, accu)
+let rec topological g rem seen accu =
+ let node = try Some (LMap.choose rem) with Not_found -> None in
+ match node with
+ | None -> accu
+ | Some (u, _) ->
+ let rem, seen, accu = topological_fold u g rem seen accu in
+ topological g rem seen accu
+(** Compute the longest path from any vertex. *)
+let constraint_cost = function
+| Eq | Le -> 0
+| Lt -> 1
+(** This algorithm browses the graph in topological order, computing for each
+ encountered node the length of the longest path leading to it. Should be
+ O(|V|) or so (modulo map representation). *)
+let rec flatten_graph rem (rev : graph) map mx = match rem with
+| [] -> map, mx
+| u :: rem ->
+ let prev = try LMap.find u rev with Not_found -> LMap.empty in
+ let fold v cstr accu =
+ let v_cost = LMap.find v map in
+ max (v_cost + constraint_cost cstr) accu
- let distances = iter (UniverseLSet.cardinal vertices) init in
- let () = UniverseLMap.iter (fun u arc ->
- let lu = lookup_level u distances in match arc with
- | Equiv v ->
- let lv = lookup_level v distances in
- assert (not (lu << lv) && not (lv << lu))
- | Canonical {univ=univ; lt=lt; le=le} ->
- assert (u == univ);
- List.iter (fun v -> assert (not (lu ++ 0 << lookup_level v distances))) le;
- List.iter (fun v -> assert (not (lu ++ 1 << lookup_level v distances))) lt) g
- in distances
+ let u_cost = LMap.fold fold prev 0 in
+ let map = LMap.add u u_cost map in
+ flatten_graph rem rev map (max mx u_cost)
(** [sort_universes g] builds a map from universes in [g] to natural
numbers. It outputs a graph containing equivalence edges from each
level appearing in [g] to [Type.n], and [lt] edges between the
[Type.n]s. The output graph should imply the input graph (and the
+ [Type.n]s. The output graph should imply the input graph (and the
implication will be strict most of the time), but is not
necessarily minimal. Note: the result is unspecified if the input
graph already contains [Type.n] nodes (calling a module Type is
probably a bad idea anyway). *)
let sort_universes orig =
- let mp = Names.make_dirpath [Names.id_of_string "Type"] in
- let rec make_level accu g i =
- let type0 = UniverseLevel.Level (mp, i) in
- let distances = bellman_ford type0 g in
- let accu, continue = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u x (accu, continue) ->
- let continue = continue || x < 0 in
- let accu =
- if x = 0 && u != type0 then UniverseLMap.add u i accu
- else accu
- in accu, continue) distances (accu, false)
- in
- let filter x = not (UniverseLMap.mem x accu) in
- let push g u =
- if UniverseLMap.mem u g then g else UniverseLMap.add u (Equiv u) g
- in
- let g = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u arc res -> match arc with
- | Equiv v as x ->
- begin match filter u, filter v with
- | true, true -> UniverseLMap.add u x res
- | true, false -> push res u
- | false, true -> push res v
- | false, false -> res
- end
- | Canonical {univ=v; lt=lt; le=le; rank=r} ->
- assert (u == v);
- if filter u then
- let lt = List.filter filter lt in
- let le = List.filter filter le in
- UniverseLMap.add u (Canonical {univ=u; lt=lt; le=le; rank=r}) res
- else
- let res = List.fold_left (fun g u -> if filter u then push g u else g) res lt in
- let res = List.fold_left (fun g u -> if filter u then push g u else g) res le in
- res) g UniverseLMap.empty
- in
- if continue then make_level accu g (i+1) else i, accu
+ let (dir, rev) = make_graph orig in
+ let order = topological dir dir LMap.empty [] in
+ let compact, max = flatten_graph order rev LMap.empty 0 in
+ let mp = Names.DirPath.make [Names.Id.of_string "Type"] in
+ let types = Array.init (max + 1) (fun n -> Level.make mp n) in
+ (** Old universes are made equal to [Type.n] *)
+ let fold u level accu = UMap.add u (Equiv types.(level)) accu in
+ let sorted = LMap.fold fold compact UMap.empty in
+ (** Add all [Type.n] nodes *)
+ let fold i accu u =
+ if 0 < i then
+ let pred = types.(i - 1) in
+ let arc = {univ = u; lt = [pred]; le = []; rank = 0; predicative = false; status = Unset; } in
+ UMap.add u (Canonical arc) accu
+ else accu
- let max, levels = make_level UniverseLMap.empty orig 0 in
- (* defensively check that the result makes sense *)
- check_sorted orig levels;
- let types = Array.init (max+1) (fun x -> UniverseLevel.Level (mp, x)) in
- let g = (fun x -> Equiv types.(x)) levels in
- let g =
- let rec aux i g =
- if i < max then
- let u = types.(i) in
- let g = UniverseLMap.add u (Canonical {
- univ = u;
- le = [];
- lt = [types.(i+1)];
- rank = 1
- }) g in aux (i+1) g
- else g
- in aux 0 g
- in g
+ Array.fold_left_i fold sorted types
+(* Miscellaneous functions to remove or test local univ assumed to
+ occur in a universe *)
+let univ_level_mem u v = Huniv.mem (Expr.make u) v
+let univ_level_rem u v min =
+ match Universe.level v with
+ | Some u' -> if Level.equal u u' then min else v
+ | None -> Huniv.remove (Universe.Expr.make u) v
+(* Is u mentionned in v (or equals to v) ? *)
+(** Universe polymorphism *)
-(* Tools for sort-polymorphic inductive types *)
-(* Temporary inductive type levels *)
+(** A universe level substitution, note that no algebraic universes are
+ involved *)
-let fresh_level =
- let n = ref 0 in fun () -> incr n; UniverseLevel.Level (Names.make_dirpath [],!n)
+type universe_level_subst = universe_level universe_map
-let fresh_local_univ () = Atom (fresh_level ())
+(** A full substitution might involve algebraic universes *)
+type universe_subst = universe universe_map
-(* Miscellaneous functions to remove or test local univ assumed to
- occur only in the le constraints *)
+let level_subst_of f =
+ fun l ->
+ try let u = f l in
+ match Universe.level u with
+ | None -> l
+ | Some l -> l
+ with Not_found -> l
+module Instance : sig
+ type t = Level.t array
+ val empty : t
+ val is_empty : t -> bool
+ val of_array : Level.t array -> t
+ val to_array : t -> Level.t array
-let make_max = function
- | ([u],[]) -> Atom u
- | (le,lt) -> Max (le,lt)
+ val append : t -> t -> t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val length : t -> int
-let remove_large_constraint u = function
- | Atom u' as x -> if u = u' then Max ([],[]) else x
- | Max (le,lt) -> make_max (list_remove u le,lt)
+ val hcons : t -> t
+ val hash : t -> int
-let is_direct_constraint u = function
- | Atom u' -> u = u'
- | Max (le,lt) -> List.mem u le
+ val share : t -> t * int
- Solve a system of universe constraint of the form
+ val subst_fn : universe_level_subst_fn -> t -> t
+ val pr : (Level.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+ val levels : t -> LSet.t
+ val check_eq : t check_function
+end =
+ type t = Level.t array
- u_s11, ..., u_s1p1, w1 <= u1
- ...
- u_sn1, ..., u_snpn, wn <= un
+ let empty : t = [||]
+ module HInstancestruct =
+ struct
+ type _t = t
+ type t = _t
+ type u = Level.t -> Level.t
+ let hashcons huniv a =
+ let len = Array.length a in
+ if Int.equal len 0 then empty
+ else begin
+ for i = 0 to len - 1 do
+ let x = Array.unsafe_get a i in
+ let x' = huniv x in
+ if x == x' then ()
+ else Array.unsafe_set a i x'
+ done;
+ a
+ end
+ let equal t1 t2 =
+ t1 == t2 ||
+ (Int.equal (Array.length t1) (Array.length t2) &&
+ let rec aux i =
+ (Int.equal i (Array.length t1)) || (t1.(i) == t2.(i) && aux (i + 1))
+ in aux 0)
+ let hash a =
+ let accu = ref 0 in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
+ let l = Array.unsafe_get a i in
+ let h = Level.hash l in
+ accu := Hashset.Combine.combine !accu h;
+ done;
+ (* [h] must be positive. *)
+ let h = !accu land 0x3FFFFFFF in
+ h
+ end
+ module HInstance = Hashcons.Make(HInstancestruct)
+ let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons HInstance.generate HInstance.hcons Level.hcons
+ let hash = HInstancestruct.hash
+ let share a = (hcons a, hash a)
+ let empty = hcons [||]
+ let is_empty x = Int.equal (Array.length x) 0
+ let append x y =
+ if Array.length x = 0 then y
+ else if Array.length y = 0 then x
+ else Array.append x y
+ let of_array a = a
+ let to_array a = a
+ let length a = Array.length a
+ let subst_fn fn t =
+ let t' = CArray.smartmap fn t in
+ if t' == t then t else t'
+ let levels x = LSet.of_array x
+ let pr =
+ prvect_with_sep spc
+ let equal t u =
+ t == u ||
+ (Array.is_empty t && Array.is_empty u) ||
+ (CArray.for_all2 Level.equal t u
+ (* Necessary as universe instances might come from different modules and
+ unmarshalling doesn't preserve sharing *))
+ let check_eq g t1 t2 =
+ t1 == t2 ||
+ (Int.equal (Array.length t1) (Array.length t2) &&
+ let rec aux i =
+ (Int.equal i (Array.length t1)) || (check_eq_level g t1.(i) t2.(i) && aux (i + 1))
+ in aux 0)
- - the ui (1 <= i <= n) are universe variables,
- - the sjk select subsets of the ui for each equations,
- - the wi are arbitrary complex universes that do not mention the ui.
+let enforce_eq_instances x y =
+ let ax = Instance.to_array x and ay = Instance.to_array y in
+ if Array.length ax != Array.length ay then
+ anomaly (Pp.(++) (Pp.str "Invalid argument: enforce_eq_instances called with")
+ (Pp.str " instances of different lengths"));
+ CArray.fold_right2 enforce_eq_level ax ay
+type universe_instance = Instance.t
+type 'a puniverses = 'a * Instance.t
+let out_punivs (x, y) = x
+let in_punivs x = (x, Instance.empty)
+let eq_puniverses f (x, u) (y, u') =
+ f x y && Instance.equal u u'
+(** A context of universe levels with universe constraints,
+ representiong local universe variables and constraints *)
+module UContext =
+ type t = Instance.t constrained
+ let make x = x
+ (** Universe contexts (variables as a list) *)
+ let empty = (Instance.empty, Constraint.empty)
+ let is_empty (univs, cst) = Instance.is_empty univs && Constraint.is_empty cst
+ let pr prl (univs, cst as ctx) =
+ if is_empty ctx then mt() else
+ prl univs ++ str " |= " ++ v 0 ( prl cst)
+ let hcons (univs, cst) =
+ (Instance.hcons univs, hcons_constraints cst)
+ let instance (univs, cst) = univs
+ let constraints (univs, cst) = cst
+ let union (univs, cst) (univs', cst') =
+ Instance.append univs univs', Constraint.union cst cst'
+ let dest x = x
+type universe_context = UContext.t
+let hcons_universe_context = UContext.hcons
+(** A set of universes with universe constraints.
+ We linearize the set to a list after typechecking.
+ Beware, representation could change.
-let is_direct_sort_constraint s v = match s with
- | Some u -> is_direct_constraint u v
- | None -> false
-let solve_constraints_system levels level_bounds =
- let levels =
- ( (function Atom u -> u | _ -> anomaly "expects Atom"))
- levels in
- let v = Array.copy level_bounds in
- let nind = Array.length v in
- for i=0 to nind-1 do
- for j=0 to nind-1 do
- if i<>j & is_direct_sort_constraint levels.(j) v.(i) then
- v.(i) <- sup v.(i) level_bounds.(j)
- done;
- for j=0 to nind-1 do
- match levels.(j) with
- | Some u -> v.(i) <- remove_large_constraint u v.(i)
- | None -> ()
- done
- done;
- v
-let subst_large_constraint u u' v =
- match u with
- | Atom u ->
- if is_direct_constraint u v then sup u' (remove_large_constraint u v)
- else v
- | _ ->
- anomaly "expect a universe level"
-let subst_large_constraints =
- List.fold_right (fun (u,u') -> subst_large_constraint u u')
-let no_upper_constraints u cst =
- match u with
- | Atom u -> Constraint.for_all (fun (u1,_,_) -> u1 <> u) cst
- | Max _ -> anomaly "no_upper_constraints"
+module ContextSet =
+ type t = universe_set constrained
-(* Is u mentionned in v (or equals to v) ? *)
+ let empty = (LSet.empty, Constraint.empty)
+ let is_empty (univs, cst) = LSet.is_empty univs && Constraint.is_empty cst
+ let of_set s = (s, Constraint.empty)
+ let singleton l = of_set (LSet.singleton l)
+ let of_instance i = of_set (Instance.levels i)
-let univ_depends u v =
- match u, v with
- | Atom u, Atom v -> u = v
- | Atom u, Max (gel,gtl) -> List.mem u gel || List.mem u gtl
- | _ -> anomaly "univ_depends given a non-atomic 1st arg"
+ let union (univs, cst as x) (univs', cst' as y) =
+ if x == y then x
+ else LSet.union univs univs', Constraint.union cst cst'
-(* Pretty-printing *)
+ let append (univs, cst) (univs', cst') =
+ let univs = LSet.fold LSet.add univs univs' in
+ let cst = Constraint.fold Constraint.add cst cst' in
+ (univs, cst)
-let pr_arc = function
+ let diff (univs, cst) (univs', cst') =
+ LSet.diff univs univs', Constraint.diff cst cst'
+ let add_universe u (univs, cst) =
+ LSet.add u univs, cst
+ let add_constraints cst' (univs, cst) =
+ univs, Constraint.union cst cst'
+ let add_instance inst (univs, cst) =
+ let v = Instance.to_array inst in
+ let fold accu u = LSet.add u accu in
+ let univs = Array.fold_left fold univs v in
+ (univs, cst)
+ let sort_levels a =
+ Array.sort Level.natural_compare a; a
+ let to_context (ctx, cst) =
+ (Instance.of_array (sort_levels (Array.of_list (LSet.elements ctx))), cst)
+ let of_context (ctx, cst) =
+ (Instance.levels ctx, cst)
+ let pr prl (univs, cst as ctx) =
+ if is_empty ctx then mt() else
+ prl univs ++ str " |= " ++ v 0 ( prl cst)
+ let constraints (univs, cst) = cst
+ let levels (univs, cst) = univs
+type universe_context_set = ContextSet.t
+(** A value in a universe context (resp. context set). *)
+type 'a in_universe_context = 'a * universe_context
+type 'a in_universe_context_set = 'a * universe_context_set
+(** Substitutions. *)
+let empty_subst = LMap.empty
+let is_empty_subst = LMap.is_empty
+let empty_level_subst = LMap.empty
+let is_empty_level_subst = LMap.is_empty
+(** Substitution functions *)
+(** With level to level substitutions. *)
+let subst_univs_level_level subst l =
+ try LMap.find l subst
+ with Not_found -> l
+let subst_univs_level_universe subst u =
+ let f x = (fun u -> subst_univs_level_level subst u) x in
+ let u' = Universe.smartmap f u in
+ if u == u' then u
+ else Universe.sort u'
+let subst_univs_level_instance subst i =
+ let i' = Instance.subst_fn (subst_univs_level_level subst) i in
+ if i == i' then i
+ else i'
+let subst_univs_level_constraint subst (u,d,v) =
+ let u' = subst_univs_level_level subst u
+ and v' = subst_univs_level_level subst v in
+ if d != Lt && Level.equal u' v' then None
+ else Some (u',d,v')
+let subst_univs_level_constraints subst csts =
+ Constraint.fold
+ (fun c -> Option.fold_right Constraint.add (subst_univs_level_constraint subst c))
+ csts Constraint.empty
+(** With level to universe substitutions. *)
+type universe_subst_fn = universe_level -> universe
+let make_subst subst = fun l -> LMap.find l subst
+let subst_univs_expr_opt fn (l,n) =
+ Universe.addn n (fn l)
+let subst_univs_universe fn ul =
+ let subst, nosubst =
+ Universe.Huniv.fold (fun u (subst,nosubst) ->
+ try let a' = subst_univs_expr_opt fn u in
+ (a' :: subst, nosubst)
+ with Not_found -> (subst, u :: nosubst))
+ ul ([], [])
+ in
+ if CList.is_empty subst then ul
+ else
+ let substs =
+ List.fold_left Universe.merge_univs Universe.empty subst
+ in
+ List.fold_left (fun acc u -> Universe.merge_univs acc (Universe.Huniv.tip u))
+ substs nosubst
+let subst_univs_level fn l =
+ try Some (fn l)
+ with Not_found -> None
+let subst_univs_constraint fn (u,d,v as c) cstrs =
+ let u' = subst_univs_level fn u in
+ let v' = subst_univs_level fn v in
+ match u', v' with
+ | None, None -> Constraint.add c cstrs
+ | Some u, None -> enforce_univ_constraint (u,d,make v) cstrs
+ | None, Some v -> enforce_univ_constraint (make u,d,v) cstrs
+ | Some u, Some v -> enforce_univ_constraint (u,d,v) cstrs
+let subst_univs_constraints subst csts =
+ Constraint.fold
+ (fun c cstrs -> subst_univs_constraint subst c cstrs)
+ csts Constraint.empty
+let subst_instance_level s l =
+ match with
+ | Level.Var n -> s.(n)
+ | _ -> l
+let subst_instance_instance s i =
+ Array.smartmap (fun l -> subst_instance_level s l) i
+let subst_instance_universe s u =
+ let f x = (fun u -> subst_instance_level s u) x in
+ let u' = Universe.smartmap f u in
+ if u == u' then u
+ else Universe.sort u'
+let subst_instance_constraint s (u,d,v as c) =
+ let u' = subst_instance_level s u in
+ let v' = subst_instance_level s v in
+ if u' == u && v' == v then c
+ else (u',d,v')
+let subst_instance_constraints s csts =
+ Constraint.fold
+ (fun c csts -> Constraint.add (subst_instance_constraint s c) csts)
+ csts Constraint.empty
+(** Substitute instance inst for ctx in csts *)
+let instantiate_univ_context (ctx, csts) =
+ (ctx, subst_instance_constraints ctx csts)
+let instantiate_univ_constraints u (_, csts) =
+ subst_instance_constraints u csts
+let make_instance_subst i =
+ let arr = Instance.to_array i in
+ Array.fold_left_i (fun i acc l ->
+ LMap.add l (Level.var i) acc)
+ LMap.empty arr
+let make_inverse_instance_subst i =
+ let arr = Instance.to_array i in
+ Array.fold_left_i (fun i acc l ->
+ LMap.add (Level.var i) l acc)
+ LMap.empty arr
+let abstract_universes poly ctx =
+ let instance = UContext.instance ctx in
+ if poly then
+ let subst = make_instance_subst instance in
+ let cstrs = subst_univs_level_constraints subst
+ (UContext.constraints ctx)
+ in
+ let ctx = UContext.make (instance, cstrs) in
+ subst, ctx
+ else empty_level_subst, ctx
+(** Pretty-printing *)
+let pr_arc prl = function
| _, Canonical {univ=u; lt=[]; le=[]} ->
mt ()
| _, Canonical {univ=u; lt=lt; le=le} ->
- pr_uni_level u ++ str " " ++
+ let opt_sep = match lt, le with
+ | [], _ | _, [] -> mt ()
+ | _ -> spc ()
+ in
+ prl u ++ str " " ++
v 0
- (prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun v -> str "< " ++ pr_uni_level v) lt ++
- (if lt <> [] & le <> [] then spc () else mt()) ++
- prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun v -> str "<= " ++ pr_uni_level v) le) ++
+ (pr_sequence (fun v -> str "< " ++ prl v) lt ++
+ opt_sep ++
+ pr_sequence (fun v -> str "<= " ++ prl v) le) ++
fnl ()
| u, Equiv v ->
- pr_uni_level u ++ str " = " ++ pr_uni_level v ++ fnl ()
+ prl u ++ str " = " ++ prl v ++ fnl ()
-let pr_universes g =
- let graph = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u a l -> (u,a)::l) g [] in
- prlist pr_arc graph
+let pr_universes prl g =
+ let graph = UMap.fold (fun u a l -> (u,a)::l) g [] in
+ prlist (pr_arc prl) graph
-let pr_constraints c =
- Constraint.fold (fun (u1,op,u2) pp_std ->
- let op_str = match op with
- | Lt -> " < "
- | Le -> " <= "
- | Eq -> " = "
- in pp_std ++ pr_uni_level u1 ++ str op_str ++
- pr_uni_level u2 ++ fnl () ) c (str "")
+let pr_constraints prl = prl
+let pr_universe_context =
+let pr_universe_context_set =
+let pr_universe_subst =
+ (fun u -> str" := " ++ u ++ spc ())
+let pr_universe_level_subst =
+ (fun u -> str" := " ++ u ++ spc ())
(* Dumping constraints to a file *)
let dump_universes output g =
let dump_arc u = function
| Canonical {univ=u; lt=lt; le=le} ->
- let u_str = UniverseLevel.to_string u in
- List.iter (fun v -> output Lt u_str (UniverseLevel.to_string v)) lt;
- List.iter (fun v -> output Le u_str (UniverseLevel.to_string v)) le
+ let u_str = Level.to_string u in
+ List.iter (fun v -> output Lt (Level.to_string v) u_str) lt;
+ List.iter (fun v -> output Le (Level.to_string v) u_str) le
| Equiv v ->
- output Eq (UniverseLevel.to_string u) (UniverseLevel.to_string v)
+ output Eq (Level.to_string u) (Level.to_string v)
- UniverseLMap.iter dump_arc g
-(* Hash-consing *)
-module Hunivlevel =
- Hashcons.Make(
- struct
- type t = universe_level
- type u = Names.dir_path -> Names.dir_path
- let hash_sub hdir = function
- | UniverseLevel.Set -> UniverseLevel.Set
- | UniverseLevel.Level (d,n) -> UniverseLevel.Level (hdir d,n)
- let equal l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with
- | UniverseLevel.Set, UniverseLevel.Set -> true
- | UniverseLevel.Level (d,n), UniverseLevel.Level (d',n') ->
- n == n' && d == d'
- | _ -> false
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
+ UMap.iter dump_arc g
-module Huniv =
+module Huniverse_set =
- type t = universe
+ type t = universe_set
type u = universe_level -> universe_level
- let hash_sub hdir = function
- | Atom u -> Atom (hdir u)
- | Max (gel,gtl) -> Max ( hdir gel, hdir gtl)
- let equal u v =
- match u, v with
- | Atom u, Atom v -> u == v
- | Max (gel,gtl), Max (gel',gtl') ->
- (list_for_all2eq (==) gel gel') &&
- (list_for_all2eq (==) gtl gtl')
- | _ -> false
+ let hashcons huc s =
+ LSet.fold (fun x -> LSet.add (huc x)) s LSet.empty
+ let equal s s' =
+ LSet.equal s s'
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
-let hcons_univlevel = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hunivlevel.f Names.hcons_dirpath
-let hcons_univ = Hashcons.simple_hcons Huniv.f hcons_univlevel
+let hcons_universe_set =
+ Hashcons.simple_hcons Huniverse_set.generate Huniverse_set.hcons Level.hcons
-module Hconstraint =
- Hashcons.Make(
- struct
- type t = univ_constraint
- type u = universe_level -> universe_level
- let hash_sub hul (l1,k,l2) = (hul l1, k, hul l2)
- let equal (l1,k,l2) (l1',k',l2') =
- l1 == l1' && k = k' && l2 == l2'
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
+let hcons_universe_context_set (v, c) =
+ (hcons_universe_set v, hcons_constraints c)
-module Hconstraints =
- Hashcons.Make(
- struct
- type t = constraints
- type u = univ_constraint -> univ_constraint
- let hash_sub huc s =
- Constraint.fold (fun x -> Constraint.add (huc x)) s Constraint.empty
- let equal s s' =
- list_for_all2eq (==)
- (Constraint.elements s)
- (Constraint.elements s')
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
+let hcons_univ x = Universe.hcons x
-let hcons_constraint = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hconstraint.f hcons_univlevel
-let hcons_constraints = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hconstraints.f hcons_constraint
+let explain_universe_inconsistency prl (o,u,v,p) =
+ let pr_uni = Universe.pr_with prl in
+ let pr_rel = function
+ | Eq -> str"=" | Lt -> str"<" | Le -> str"<="
+ in
+ let reason = match p with
+ | None | Some [] -> mt()
+ | Some p ->
+ str " because" ++ spc() ++ pr_uni v ++
+ prlist (fun (r,v) -> spc() ++ pr_rel r ++ str" " ++ pr_uni v)
+ p ++
+ (if Universe.equal (snd (List.last p)) u then mt() else
+ (spc() ++ str "= " ++ pr_uni u))
+ in
+ str "Cannot enforce" ++ spc() ++ pr_uni u ++ spc() ++
+ pr_rel o ++ spc() ++ pr_uni v ++ reason ++ str")"
+let compare_levels =
+let eq_levels = Level.equal
+let equal_universes = Universe.equal
+let subst_instance_constraints =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let key = Profile.declare_profile "subst_instance_constraints" in
+ Profile.profile2 key subst_instance_constraints
+ else subst_instance_constraints
+let merge_constraints =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let key = Profile.declare_profile "merge_constraints" in
+ Profile.profile2 key merge_constraints
+ else merge_constraints
+let check_constraints =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let key = Profile.declare_profile "check_constraints" in
+ Profile.profile2 key check_constraints
+ else check_constraints
+let check_eq =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let check_eq_key = Profile.declare_profile "check_eq" in
+ Profile.profile3 check_eq_key check_eq
+ else check_eq
+let check_leq =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let check_leq_key = Profile.declare_profile "check_leq" in
+ Profile.profile3 check_leq_key check_leq
+ else check_leq