path: root/kernel/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
commita0cfa4f118023d35b767a999d5a2ac4b082857b4 (patch)
treedabcac548e299fee1da464c93b3dba98484f45b1 /kernel/
parent2281410e38ef99d025ea77194585a9bc019fdaa9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~beta3+dfsgupstream/8.2.beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 2942e101..ab4b8e47 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 9874 2007-06-04 13:46:11Z soubiran $ *)
+(* $Id: 10849 2008-04-25 15:55:16Z soubiran $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -27,11 +27,15 @@ let apply_opt_resolver resolve kn =
| Some resolve ->
try List.assoc kn resolve with Not_found -> None
-type substitution_domain = MSI of mod_self_id | MBI of mod_bound_id
+type substitution_domain =
+ MSI of mod_self_id
+ | MBI of mod_bound_id
+ | MPI of module_path
let string_of_subst_domain = function
MSI msid -> debug_string_of_msid msid
| MBI mbid -> debug_string_of_mbid mbid
+ | MPI mp -> string_of_mp mp
module Umap = Map.Make(struct
type t = substitution_domain
@@ -46,9 +50,13 @@ let add_msid msid mp =
Umap.add (MSI msid) (mp,None)
let add_mbid mbid mp resolve =
Umap.add (MBI mbid) (mp,resolve)
+let add_mp mp1 mp2 =
+ Umap.add (MPI mp1) (mp2,None)
let map_msid msid mp = add_msid msid mp empty_subst
let map_mbid mbid mp resolve = add_mbid mbid mp resolve empty_subst
+let map_mp mp1 mp2 = add_mp mp1 mp2 empty_subst
let list_contents sub =
let one_pair uid (mp,_) l =
@@ -66,6 +74,7 @@ let debug_pr_subst sub =
str "{" ++ hov 2 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma f l) ++ str "}"
let subst_mp0 sub mp = (* 's like subst *)
let rec aux mp =
match mp with
@@ -74,13 +83,21 @@ let subst_mp0 sub mp = (* 's like subst *)
| MPbound bid ->
let mp',resolve = Umap.find (MBI bid) sub in
- mp',resolve
- | MPdot (mp1,l) ->
- let mp1',resolve = aux mp1 in
- MPdot (mp1',l),resolve
+ mp',resolve
+ | MPdot (mp1,l) as mp2 ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let mp',resolve = Umap.find (MPI mp2) sub in
+ mp',resolve
+ with Not_found ->
+ let mp1',resolve = aux mp1 in
+ MPdot (mp1',l),resolve
+ end
| _ -> raise Not_found
- try Some (aux mp) with Not_found -> None
+ try
+ Some (aux mp)
+ with Not_found -> None
let subst_mp sub mp =
match subst_mp0 sub mp with
@@ -130,6 +147,7 @@ let subst_evaluable_reference subst = function
| EvalConstRef kn -> EvalConstRef (fst (subst_con subst kn))
let rec map_kn f f' c =
let func = map_kn f f' in
match kind_of_term c with
@@ -201,7 +219,6 @@ let rec map_kn f f' c =
else mkCoFix (ln,(lna,tl',bl'))
| _ -> c
let subst_mps sub =
map_kn (subst_kn0 sub) (subst_con0 sub)
@@ -223,60 +240,220 @@ let replace_mp_in_con mpfrom mpto kn =
exception BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions
exception ChangeDomain of resolver
-let join (subst1 : substitution) (subst2 : substitution) =
+let join (subst1 : substitution) (subst2 : substitution) =
let apply_subst (sub : substitution) key (mp,resolve) =
- let mp',resolve' =
- match subst_mp0 sub mp with
- None -> mp, None
- | Some (mp',resolve') -> mp',resolve' in
- let resolve'' : resolver option =
- try
- let res =
- match resolve with
- Some res -> res
- | None ->
- match resolve' with
- None -> raise BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions
- | Some res -> raise (ChangeDomain res)
- in
- Some
- (
- (fun (kn,topt) ->
- kn,
- match topt with
- None ->
- (match key with
- MSI msid ->
- let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPself msid) mp kn in
- apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn'
- | MBI mbid ->
- let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPbound mbid) mp kn in
- apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn')
- | Some t -> Some (subst_mps sub t)) res)
- with
- BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions -> None
- | ChangeDomain res ->
- let rec changeDom = function
- | [] -> []
- | (kn,topt)::r ->
- let key' =
- match key with
- MSI msid -> MPself msid
- | MBI mbid -> MPbound mbid in
- let kn' = replace_mp_in_con mp key' kn in
- if kn==kn' then
- (*the key does not appear in mp, we remove it
- from the resolver that we are building*)
- changeDom r
- else
- (kn',topt)::(changeDom r)
- in
- Some (changeDom res)
- in
- mp',resolve'' in
+ let mp',resolve' =
+ match subst_mp0 sub mp with
+ None -> mp, None
+ | Some (mp',resolve') -> mp',resolve' in
+ let resolve'' : resolver option =
+ try
+ let res =
+ match resolve with
+ Some res -> res
+ | None ->
+ match resolve' with
+ None -> raise BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions
+ | Some res -> raise (ChangeDomain res)
+ in
+ Some
+ (
+ (fun (kn,topt) ->
+ kn,
+ match topt with
+ None ->
+ (match key with
+ MSI msid ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPself msid) mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn'
+ | MBI mbid ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPbound mbid) mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn'
+ | MPI mp1 ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con mp1 mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn')
+ | Some t -> Some (subst_mps sub t)) res)
+ with
+ BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions -> None
+ | ChangeDomain res ->
+ let rec changeDom = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (kn,topt)::r ->
+ let key' =
+ match key with
+ MSI msid -> MPself msid
+ | MBI mbid -> MPbound mbid
+ | MPI mp1 -> mp1 in
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con mp key' kn in
+ if kn==kn' then
+ (*the key does not appear in kn, we remove it
+ from the resolver that we are building*)
+ changeDom r
+ else
+ (kn',topt)::(changeDom r)
+ in
+ Some (changeDom res)
+ in
+ mp',resolve'' in
let subst = Umap.mapi (apply_subst subst2) subst1 in
- Umap.fold Umap.add subst2 subst
+ (Umap.fold Umap.add subst2 subst)
+let subst_key subst1 subst2 =
+ let replace_in_key key (mp,resolve) sub=
+ let newkey =
+ match key with
+ | MPI mp1 ->
+ begin
+ match subst_mp0 subst1 mp1 with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (mp2,_) -> Some (MPI mp2)
+ end
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ match newkey with
+ | None -> Umap.add key (mp,resolve) sub
+ | Some mpi -> Umap.add mpi (mp,resolve) sub
+ in
+ Umap.fold replace_in_key subst2 empty_subst
+let update_subst_alias subst1 subst2 =
+ let subst_inv key (mp,resolve) sub =
+ let newmp =
+ match key with
+ | MBI msid -> MPbound msid
+ | MSI msid -> MPself msid
+ | MPI mp -> mp
+ in
+ match mp with
+ | MPbound mbid -> Umap.add (MBI mbid) (newmp,None) sub
+ | MPself msid -> Umap.add (MSI msid) (newmp,None) sub
+ | _ -> Umap.add (MPI mp) (newmp,None) sub
+ in
+ let subst_mbi = Umap.fold subst_inv subst2 empty_subst in
+ let alias_subst key (mp,resolve) sub=
+ let newkey =
+ match key with
+ | MPI mp1 ->
+ begin
+ match subst_mp0 subst_mbi mp1 with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (mp2,_) -> Some (MPI mp2)
+ end
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ match newkey with
+ | None -> Umap.add key (mp,resolve) sub
+ | Some mpi -> Umap.add mpi (mp,resolve) sub
+ in
+ Umap.fold alias_subst subst1 empty_subst
+let update_subst subst1 subst2 =
+ let subst_inv key (mp,resolve) l =
+ let newmp =
+ match key with
+ | MBI msid -> MPbound msid
+ | MSI msid -> MPself msid
+ | MPI mp -> mp
+ in
+ match mp with
+ | MPbound mbid -> ((MBI mbid),newmp)::l
+ | MPself msid -> ((MSI msid),newmp)::l
+ | _ -> ((MPI mp),newmp)::l
+ in
+ let subst_mbi = Umap.fold subst_inv subst2 [] in
+ let alias_subst key (mp,resolve) sub=
+ let newsetkey =
+ match key with
+ | MPI mp1 ->
+ let compute_set_newkey l (k,mp') =
+ let mp_from_key = match k with
+ | MBI msid -> MPbound msid
+ | MSI msid -> MPself msid
+ | MPI mp -> mp
+ in
+ let new_mp1 = replace_mp_in_mp mp_from_key mp' mp1 in
+ if new_mp1 == mp1 then l else (MPI new_mp1)::l
+ in
+ begin
+ match List.fold_left compute_set_newkey [] subst_mbi with
+ | [] -> None
+ | l -> Some (l)
+ end
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ match newsetkey with
+ | None -> sub
+ | Some l ->
+ List.fold_left (fun s k -> Umap.add k (mp,resolve) s)
+ sub l
+ in
+ Umap.fold alias_subst subst1 empty_subst
+let join_alias (subst1 : substitution) (subst2 : substitution) =
+ let apply_subst (sub : substitution) key (mp,resolve) =
+ let mp',resolve' =
+ match subst_mp0 sub mp with
+ None -> mp, None
+ | Some (mp',resolve') -> mp',resolve' in
+ let resolve'' : resolver option =
+ try
+ let res =
+ match resolve with
+ Some res -> res
+ | None ->
+ match resolve' with
+ None -> raise BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions
+ | Some res -> raise (ChangeDomain res)
+ in
+ Some
+ (
+ (fun (kn,topt) ->
+ kn,
+ match topt with
+ None ->
+ (match key with
+ MSI msid ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPself msid) mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn'
+ | MBI mbid ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPbound mbid) mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn'
+ | MPI mp1 ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con mp1 mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn')
+ | Some t -> Some (subst_mps sub t)) res)
+ with
+ BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions -> None
+ | ChangeDomain res ->
+ let rec changeDom = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (kn,topt)::r ->
+ let key' =
+ match key with
+ MSI msid -> MPself msid
+ | MBI mbid -> MPbound mbid
+ | MPI mp1 -> mp1 in
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con mp key' kn in
+ if kn==kn' then
+ (*the key does not appear in kn, we remove it
+ from the resolver that we are building*)
+ changeDom r
+ else
+ (kn',topt)::(changeDom r)
+ in
+ Some (changeDom res)
+ in
+ mp',resolve'' in
+ Umap.mapi (apply_subst subst2) subst1
+let remove_alias subst =
+ let rec remove key (mp,resolve) sub =
+ match key with
+ MPI _ -> sub
+ | _ -> Umap.add key (mp,resolve) sub
+ in
+ Umap.fold remove subst empty_subst
let rec occur_in_path uid path =
match uid,path with
@@ -315,7 +492,8 @@ let force fsubst r =
let subst_substituted s r =
match !r with
- | LSval a -> ref (LSlazy(s,a))
- | LSlazy(s',a) ->
- let s'' = join s' s in
- ref (LSlazy(s'',a))
+ | LSval a -> ref (LSlazy(s,a))
+ | LSlazy(s',a) ->
+ let s'' = join s' s in
+ ref (LSlazy(s'',a))