path: root/kernel/
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-11-13 11:31:34 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-11-13 11:31:34 +0100
commit2280477a96e19ba5060de2d48dcc8fd7c8079d22 (patch)
tree074182834cb406d1304aec4233718564a9c06ba1 /kernel/
parent0aa2544d04dbd4b6ee665b551ed165e4fb02d2fa (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 6b909824..8b03df64 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -173,38 +173,21 @@ let cumulate_arity_large_levels env sign =
sign (Universe.type0m,env))
let is_impredicative env u =
- is_type0m_univ u || (is_type0_univ u && engagement env = Some ImpredicativeSet)
+ is_type0m_univ u || (is_type0_univ u && is_impredicative_set env)
+(* Returns the list [x_1, ..., x_n] of levels contributing to template
+ polymorphism. The elements x_k is None if the k-th parameter (starting
+ from the most recent and ignoring let-definitions) is not contributing
+ or is Some u_k if its level is u_k and is contributing. *)
let param_ccls params =
- let has_some_univ u = function
- | Some v when Univ.Level.equal u v -> true
- | _ -> false
+ let fold acc = function (_, None, p) ->
+ (let c = strip_prod_assum p in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort (Type u) -> Univ.Universe.level u
+ | _ -> None) :: acc
+ | _ -> acc
- let remove_some_univ u = function
- | Some v when Univ.Level.equal u v -> None
- | x -> x
- in
- let fold l (_, b, p) = match b with
- | None ->
- (* Parameter contributes to polymorphism only if explicit Type *)
- let c = strip_prod_assum p in
- (* Add Type levels to the ordered list of parameters contributing to *)
- (* polymorphism unless there is aliasing (i.e. non distinct levels) *)
- begin match kind_of_term c with
- | Sort (Type u) ->
- (match Univ.Universe.level u with
- | Some u ->
- if List.exists (has_some_univ u) l then
- None :: (remove_some_univ u) l
- else
- Some u :: l
- | None -> None :: l)
- | _ ->
- None :: l
- end
- | _ -> l
- in
- List.fold_left fold [] params
+ List.fold_left fold [] params
(* Type-check an inductive definition. Does not check positivity
conditions. *)
@@ -302,8 +285,7 @@ let typecheck_inductive env mie =
let full_polymorphic () =
let defu = Term.univ_of_sort def_level in
let is_natural =
- type_in_type env || (check_leq (universes env') infu defu &&
- not (is_type0m_univ defu && not is_unit))
+ type_in_type env || (check_leq (universes env') infu defu)
let _ =
(** Impredicative sort, always allow *)
@@ -356,7 +338,7 @@ type ill_formed_ind =
| LocalNonPos of int
| LocalNotEnoughArgs of int
| LocalNotConstructor
- | LocalNonPar of int * int
+ | LocalNonPar of int * int * int
exception IllFormedInd of ill_formed_ind
@@ -377,9 +359,9 @@ let explain_ind_err id ntyp env nbpar c nargs err =
| LocalNotConstructor ->
raise (InductiveError
(NotConstructor (env,id,c',mkRel (ntyp+nbpar),nbpar,nargs)))
- | LocalNonPar (n,l) ->
+ | LocalNonPar (n,i,l) ->
raise (InductiveError
- (NonPar (env,c',n,mkRel (nbpar-n+1), mkRel (l+nbpar))))
+ (NonPar (env,c',n,mkRel i, mkRel (l+nbpar))))
let failwith_non_pos n ntypes c =
for k = n to n + ntypes - 1 do
@@ -408,7 +390,7 @@ let check_correct_par (env,n,ntypes,_) hyps l largs =
| _::hyps ->
match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env lpar.(k)) with
| Rel w when Int.equal w index -> check (k-1) (index+1) hyps
- | _ -> raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPar (k+1,l)))
+ | _ -> raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPar (k+1, index-n+nhyps+1, l)))
in check (nparams-1) (n-nhyps) hyps;
if not (Array.for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) largs') then
failwith_non_pos_vect n ntypes largs'
@@ -663,10 +645,28 @@ exception UndefinableExpansion
build an expansion function.
The term built is expecting to be substituted first by
a substitution of the form [params, x : ind params] *)
-let compute_projections ((kn, _ as ind), u as indsp) n x nparamargs params
- mind_consnrealdecls mind_consnrealargs ctx =
+let compute_projections ((kn, _ as ind), u as indu) n x nparamargs params
+ mind_consnrealdecls mind_consnrealargs paramslet ctx =
let mp, dp, l = repr_mind kn in
- let rp = mkApp (mkIndU indsp, rel_vect 0 nparamargs) in
+ (** We build a substitution smashing the lets in the record parameters so
+ that typechecking projections requires just a substitution and not
+ matching with a parameter context. *)
+ let indty, paramsletsubst =
+ let subst, inst =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (na, b, t) (subst, inst) ->
+ match b with
+ | None -> (mkRel 1 :: (lift 1) subst,
+ mkRel 1 :: (lift 1) inst)
+ | Some b -> (substl subst b) :: subst, (lift 1) inst)
+ paramslet ([], [])
+ in
+ let subst = (* For the record parameter: *)
+ mkRel 1 :: (lift 1) subst
+ in
+ let ty = mkApp (mkIndU indu, CArray.rev_of_list inst) in
+ ty, subst
+ in
let ci =
let print_info =
{ ind_tags = []; cstr_tags = [|rel_context_tags ctx|]; style = LetStyle } in
@@ -679,34 +679,39 @@ let compute_projections ((kn, _ as ind), u as indsp) n x nparamargs params
let len = List.length ctx in
let x = Name x in
let compat_body ccl i =
- (* [ccl] is defined in context [params;x:rp] *)
- (* [ccl'] is defined in context [params;x:rp;x:rp] *)
+ (* [ccl] is defined in context [params;x:indty] *)
+ (* [ccl'] is defined in context [params;x:indty;x:indty] *)
let ccl' = liftn 1 2 ccl in
- let p = mkLambda (x, lift 1 rp, ccl') in
+ let p = mkLambda (x, lift 1 indty, ccl') in
let branch = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkRel (len - i)) ctx in
let body = mkCase (ci, p, mkRel 1, [|lift 1 branch|]) in
- it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkLambda (x,rp,body)) params
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkLambda (x,indty,body)) params
- let projections (na, b, t) (i, j, kns, pbs, subst) =
+ let projections (na, b, t) (i, j, kns, pbs, subst, letsubst) =
match b with
- | Some c -> (i, j+1, kns, pbs, substl subst c :: subst)
+ | Some c -> (i, j+1, kns, pbs, substl subst c :: subst,
+ substl letsubst c :: subst)
| None ->
match na with
| Name id ->
let kn = Constant.make1 (KerName.make mp dp (Label.of_id id)) in
+ let projty = substl letsubst (liftn 1 j t) in
let ty = substl subst (liftn 1 j t) in
let term = mkProj (Projection.make kn true, mkRel 1) in
let fterm = mkProj (Projection.make kn false, mkRel 1) in
let compat = compat_body ty (j - 1) in
- let etab = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkLambda (x, rp, term)) params in
- let etat = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkProd (x, rp, ty)) params in
+ let etab = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkLambda (x, indty, term)) params in
+ let etat = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkProd (x, indty, ty)) params in
let body = { proj_ind = fst ind; proj_npars = nparamargs;
- proj_arg = i; proj_type = ty; proj_eta = etab, etat;
+ proj_arg = i; proj_type = projty; proj_eta = etab, etat;
proj_body = compat } in
- (i + 1, j + 1, kn :: kns, body :: pbs, fterm :: subst)
+ (i + 1, j + 1, kn :: kns, body :: pbs,
+ fterm :: subst, fterm :: letsubst)
| Anonymous -> raise UndefinableExpansion
- let (_, _, kns, pbs, subst) = List.fold_right projections ctx (0, 1, [], [], []) in
+ let (_, _, kns, pbs, subst, letsubst) =
+ List.fold_right projections ctx (0, 1, [], [], [], paramsletsubst)
+ in
Array.of_list (List.rev kns),
Array.of_list (List.rev pbs)
@@ -792,12 +797,12 @@ let build_inductive env p prv ctx env_ar params kn isrecord isfinite inds nmr re
else Univ.Instance.empty
let indsp = ((kn, 0), u) in
- let rctx, _ = decompose_prod_assum (subst1 (mkIndU indsp) pkt.mind_nf_lc.(0)) in
+ let rctx, indty = decompose_prod_assum (subst1 (mkIndU indsp) pkt.mind_nf_lc.(0)) in
- let fields = List.firstn pkt.mind_consnrealdecls.(0) rctx in
+ let fields, paramslet = List.chop pkt.mind_consnrealdecls.(0) rctx in
let kns, projs =
compute_projections indsp pkt.mind_typename rid nparamargs params
- pkt.mind_consnrealdecls pkt.mind_consnrealargs fields
+ pkt.mind_consnrealdecls pkt.mind_consnrealargs paramslet fields
in Some (Some (rid, kns, projs))
with UndefinableExpansion -> Some None)
| Some _ -> Some None