path: root/ide
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /ide
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'ide')
43 files changed, 4679 insertions, 4262 deletions
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
deleted file mode 100644
index f3cb1e60..00000000
--- a/ide/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8912 2006-06-07 11:20:58Z notin $ *)
-open Gobject.Data
-open Ideutils
-exception Stop
-exception Done
-module MyMap = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
-class blaster_window (n:int) =
- let window = GWindow.window
- ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true
- ~width:320 ~height:200
- ~title:"Blaster Window" ~show:false ()
- in
- let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in
- let sw = GBin.scrolled_window ~packing:(box1#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) () in
- let cols = new GTree.column_list in
- let argument = cols#add string in
- let tactic = cols#add string in
- let status = cols#add boolean in
- let nb_goals = cols#add string in
- let model = GTree.tree_store cols in
- let new_arg s =
- let row = model#append () in
- model#set ~row ~column:argument s;
- row
- in
- let new_tac arg s =
- let row = model#append ~parent:arg () in
- model#set ~row ~column:tactic s;
- model#set ~row ~column:status false;
- model#set ~row ~column:nb_goals "?";
- row
- in
- let view = GTree.view ~model ~packing:sw#add () in
- let _ = view#selection#set_mode `SINGLE in
- let _ = view#set_rules_hint true in
- let col = GTree.view_column ~title:"Argument" ()
- ~renderer:(GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text",argument]) in
- let _ = view#append_column col in
- let col = GTree.view_column ~title:"Tactics" ()
- ~renderer:(GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text",tactic]) in
- let _ = view#append_column col in
- let col = GTree.view_column ~title:"Status" ()
- ~renderer:(GTree.cell_renderer_toggle [], ["active",status]) in
- let _ = view#append_column col in
- let col = GTree.view_column ~title:"Delta Goal" ()
- ~renderer:(GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text",nb_goals]) in
- let _ = view#append_column col in
- let _ = GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:box1#pack () in
- let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~border_width: 10 ~packing: box1#pack ()
- in
- let button_stop = GButton.button ~label: "Stop" ~packing: box2#add () in
- let _ = button_stop#connect#clicked ~callback: window#misc#hide in
- val window = window
- val roots = Hashtbl.create 17
- val mutable tbl = MyMap.empty
- val blaster_lock = Mutex.create ()
- method lock = blaster_lock
- val blaster_killed = Condition.create ()
- method blaster_killed = blaster_killed
- method window = window
- method set root name (compute:unit -> Coq.tried_tactic) (on_click:unit -> unit) =
- let root_iter =
- try Hashtbl.find roots root
- with Not_found ->
- let nr = new_arg root in
- Hashtbl.add roots root nr;
- nr
- in
- let nt = new_tac root_iter name in
- let old_val = try MyMap.find root tbl with Not_found -> MyMap.empty in
- tbl <- MyMap.add root (MyMap.add name (nt,compute,on_click) old_val) tbl
- method clear () =
- model#clear ();
- tbl <- MyMap.empty;
- Hashtbl.clear roots;
- method blaster () =
- view#expand_all ();
- try MyMap.iter
- (fun root_name l ->
- try
- MyMap.iter
- (fun name (nt,compute,on_click) ->
- match compute () with
- | Coq.Interrupted ->
- prerr_endline "Interrupted";
- raise Stop
- | Coq.Failed ->
- prerr_endline "Failed";
- ignore (model#remove nt)
- (* model#set ~row:nt ~column:status false;
- model#set ~row:nt ~column:nb_goals "N/A"
- *)
- | Coq.Success n ->
- prerr_endline "Success";
- model#set ~row:nt ~column:status true;
- model#set ~row:nt ~column:nb_goals (string_of_int n);
- if n= -1 then raise Done
- )
- l
- with Done -> ())
- tbl;
- Condition.signal blaster_killed;
- prerr_endline "End of blaster";
- with Stop ->
- Condition.signal blaster_killed;
- prerr_endline "End of blaster (stopped !)";
- initializer
- ignore (window#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> window#misc#hide(); true));
- ignore (view#selection#connect#after#changed ~callback:
- begin fun () ->
- prerr_endline "selection changed";
- List.iter
- (fun path ->let pt = GtkTree.TreePath.to_string path in
- let it = model#get_iter path in
- prerr_endline (string_of_bool (model#iter_is_valid it));
- let name = model#get
- ~row:(if String.length pt >1 then begin
- ignore (GtkTree.TreePath.up path);
- model#get_iter path
- end else it
- )
- ~column:argument in
- let tactic = model#get ~row:it ~column:tactic in
- prerr_endline ("Got name: "^name);
- let success = model#get ~row:it ~column:status in
- if success then try
- prerr_endline "Got success";
- let _,_,f = MyMap.find tactic (MyMap.find name tbl) in
- f ();
- (* window#misc#hide () *)
- with _ -> ()
- )
- view#selection#get_selected_rows
- end);
-(* needs lablgtk2 update ignore (view#connect#after#row_activated
- (fun path vcol ->
- prerr_endline "Activated";
- );
-let blaster_window = ref None
-let main n = blaster_window := Some (new blaster_window n)
-let present_blaster_window () = match !blaster_window with
- | None -> failwith "No blaster window."
- | Some c -> c#window#misc#show (* present*) (); c
-let blaster_window () = match !blaster_window with
- | None -> failwith "No blaster window."
- | Some c -> c
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index b84b0943..ee07b3fb 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11042 2008-06-03 12:45:38Z jnarboux $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
-class command_window () =
-(* let window = GWindow.window
- ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true
+class command_window () =
+(* let window = GWindow.window
+ ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true
~width:500 ~height:250
~title:"CoqIde queries" ~show:false ()
@@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ class command_window () =
let _ = frame#misc#hide () in
let _ = GtkData.AccelGroup.create () in
let hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:frame#add () in
- let toolbar = GButton.toolbar
- ~orientation:`VERTICAL
+ let toolbar = GButton.toolbar
+ ~orientation:`VERTICAL
- ~tooltips:true
- ~packing:(hbox#pack
+ ~tooltips:true
+ ~packing:(hbox#pack
- let notebook = GPack.notebook ~scrollable:true
- ~packing:(hbox#pack
+ let notebook = GPack.notebook ~scrollable:true
+ ~packing:(hbox#pack
- )
+ )
- let _ =
+ let _ =
~tooltip:"Hide Commands Pane"
~text:"Hide Pane"
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class command_window () =
- let new_page_menu =
+ let new_page_menu =
~tooltip:"New Page"
~text:"New Page"
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class command_window () =
- let _ =
+ let _ =
~tooltip:"Delete Page"
~text:"Delete Page"
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ object(self)
val new_page_menu = new_page_menu
val notebook = notebook
- method frame = frame
+ method frame = frame
method new_command ?command ?term () =
let appendp x = ignore (notebook#append_page x) in
- let frame = GBin.frame
+ let frame = GBin.frame
@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ object(self)
combo#disable_activate ();
- let on_activate c () =
- if List.mem combo#entry#text Coq_commands.state_preserving then c ()
- else prerr_endline "Not a state preserving command"
+ let on_activate c () =
+ if List.mem combo#entry#text Coq_commands.state_preserving then c ()
+ else prerr_endline "Not a state preserving command"
let entry = GEdit.entry ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:true) () in
entry#misc#set_can_default true;
let r_bin =
- GBin.scrolled_window
- ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
~packing:(vbox#pack ~fill:true ~expand:true) () in
let ok_b = GButton.button ~label:"Ok" ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false) () in
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ object(self)
result#set_editable false;
let callback () =
let com = combo#entry#text in
- let phrase =
+ let phrase =
if String.get com (String.length com - 1) = '.'
- then com ^ " " else com ^ " " ^ entry#text ^" . "
+ then com ^ " " else com ^ " " ^ entry#text ^" . "
ignore(Coq.interp false phrase);
- result#buffer#set_text
+ result#buffer#set_text
("Result for command " ^ phrase ^ ":\n" ^ Ideutils.read_stdout ())
with e ->
let (s,loc) = Coq.process_exn e in
@@ -117,16 +117,16 @@ object(self)
ignore (combo#entry#connect#activate ~callback:(on_activate callback));
ignore (ok_b#connect#clicked ~callback:(on_activate callback));
- begin match command,term with
+ begin match command,term with
| None,None -> ()
- | Some c, None ->
+ | Some c, None ->
combo#entry#set_text c;
- | Some c, Some t ->
+ | Some c, Some t ->
combo#entry#set_text c;
entry#set_text t
- | None , Some t ->
+ | None , Some t ->
entry#set_text t
on_activate callback ();
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ object(self)
entry#misc#grab_default ();
ignore (entry#connect#activate ~callback);
ignore (combo#entry#connect#activate ~callback);
- self#frame#misc#show ()
+ self#frame#misc#show ()
- initializer
+ initializer
ignore (new_page_menu#connect#clicked self#new_command);
(* ignore (window#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> window#misc#hide(); true));*)
@@ -145,6 +145,6 @@ let command_window = ref None
let main () = command_window := Some (new command_window ())
-let command_window () = match !command_window with
+let command_window () = match !command_window with
| None -> failwith "No command window."
| Some c -> c
diff --git a/ide/command_windows.mli b/ide/command_windows.mli
index 212e5692..4104f086 100644
--- a/ide/command_windows.mli
+++ b/ide/command_windows.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: command_windows.mli 11011 2008-05-28 16:22:11Z jnarboux $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
class command_window :
unit ->
diff --git a/ide/config_lexer.mll b/ide/config_lexer.mll
index 7722e99a..97aeb2f5 100644
--- a/ide/config_lexer.mll
+++ b/ide/config_lexer.mll
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: config_lexer.mll 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ rule token = parse
| '#' [^ '\n']* { token lexbuf }
| ident { IDENT (lexeme lexbuf) }
| '=' { EQUAL }
- | '"' { Buffer.reset string_buffer;
+ | '"' { Buffer.reset string_buffer;
Buffer.add_char string_buffer '"';
string lexbuf;
let s = Buffer.contents string_buffer in
STRING (Scanf.sscanf s "%S" (fun s -> s)) }
| _ { let c = lexeme_start lexbuf in
- eprintf ".coqiderc: invalid character (%d)\n@." c;
+ eprintf ".coqiderc: invalid character (%d)\n@." c;
token lexbuf }
| eof { EOF }
and string = parse
| '"' { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '"' }
- | '\\' '"' | _
+ | '\\' '"' | _
{ Buffer.add_string string_buffer (lexeme lexbuf); string lexbuf }
| eof { eprintf ".coqiderc: unterminated string\n@." }
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ and string = parse
| [] -> ()
| s :: sl -> fprintf fmt "%S@ %a" s print_list sl
- Stringmap.iter
+ Stringmap.iter
(fun k s -> fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%s = %a@]@\n" k print_list s) m;
fprintf fmt "@.";
close_out c
diff --git a/ide/config_parser.mly b/ide/config_parser.mly
index 80cba27b..bd5577db 100644
--- a/ide/config_parser.mly
+++ b/ide/config_parser.mly
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-/* $Id: config_parser.mly 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ */
+/* $Id$ */
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index a44428c7..bd441cf1 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11948 2009-02-27 16:01:53Z glondu $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Vernac
open Vernacexpr
@@ -24,22 +24,23 @@ open Hipattern
open Tacmach
open Reductionops
open Termops
+open Namegen
open Ideutils
let prerr_endline s = if !debug then prerr_endline s else ()
let output = ref (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout)
-let msg m =
+let msg m =
let b = Buffer.create 103 in
Pp.msg_with (Format.formatter_of_buffer b) m;
Buffer.contents b
-let msgnl m =
+let msgnl m =
(msg m)^"\n"
-let init () =
- (* To hide goal in lower window.
+let init () =
+ (* To hide goal in lower window.
Problem: should not hide "xx is assumed"
messages *)
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ let short_version () =
let version () =
let (ver,date) = get_version_date () in
- Printf.sprintf
+ Printf.sprintf
"The Coq Proof Assistant, version %s (%s)\
\nArchitecture %s running %s operating system\
\nGtk version is %s\
@@ -79,14 +80,14 @@ let version () =
ver date
Coq_config.arch Sys.os_type
(let x,y,z = GMain.Main.version in Printf.sprintf "%d.%d.%d" x y z)
- (if Mltop.is_native then "native" else "bytecode")
- (if"opt" then "native" else "bytecode")
+ (if Mltop.is_native then "native" else "bytecode")
+ (if"opt" then "native" else "bytecode")
-let is_in_coq_lib dir =
+let is_in_coq_lib dir =
prerr_endline ("Is it a coq theory ? : "^dir);
let is_same_file = same_file dir in
- List.exists
- (fun s ->
+ List.exists
+ (fun s ->
let fdir =
Filename.concat (Envars.coqlib ()) (Filename.concat "theories" s) in
prerr_endline (" Comparing to: "^fdir);
@@ -97,19 +98,19 @@ let is_in_coq_lib dir =
let is_in_loadpath dir =
Library.is_in_load_paths (System.physical_path_of_string dir)
-let is_in_coq_path f =
- try
+let is_in_coq_path f =
+ try
let base = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename f) in
let _ = Library.locate_qualified_library false
- (Libnames.make_qualid Names.empty_dirpath
+ (Libnames.make_qualid Names.empty_dirpath
(Names.id_of_string base)) in
prerr_endline (f ^ " is in coq path");
- with _ ->
+ with _ ->
prerr_endline (f ^ " is NOT in coq path");
- false
+ false
-let is_in_proof_mode () =
+let is_in_proof_mode () =
match Decl_mode.get_current_mode () with
Decl_mode.Mode_none -> false
| _ -> true
@@ -156,10 +157,7 @@ let prepare_option (l,dft) =
let unset = (String.concat " " ("Unset"::l)) ^ "." in
if dft then unset,set else set,unset
-let coqide_known_option = function
- | Goptions.TertiaryTable (a,b,c) -> List.mem [a;b;c] !known_options
- | Goptions.SecondaryTable (a,b) -> List.mem [a;b] !known_options
- | Goptions.PrimaryTable a -> List.mem [a] !known_options
+let coqide_known_option table = List.mem table !known_options
let with_printing_implicit = prepare_option printing_implicit_data
let with_printing_coercions = prepare_option printing_coercions_data
@@ -194,6 +192,8 @@ type command_attribute =
let rec attribute_of_vernac_command = function
(* Control *)
| VernacTime com -> attribute_of_vernac_command com
+ | VernacTimeout(_,com) -> attribute_of_vernac_command com
+ | VernacFail com -> attribute_of_vernac_command com
| VernacList _ -> [] (* unsupported *)
| VernacLoad _ -> []
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ let rec attribute_of_vernac_command = function
| VernacInstance _ -> []
| VernacContext _ -> []
| VernacDeclareInstance _ -> []
+ | VernacDeclareClass _ -> []
(* Solving *)
| VernacSolve _ -> [SolveCommand]
@@ -275,11 +276,12 @@ let rec attribute_of_vernac_command = function
| VernacHints _ -> []
| VernacSyntacticDefinition _ -> []
| VernacDeclareImplicits _ -> []
+ | VernacDeclareReduction _ -> []
| VernacReserve _ -> []
+ | VernacGeneralizable _ -> []
| VernacSetOpacity _ -> []
- | VernacSetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Ltac","Debug"), _) ->
- [DebugCommand]
- | VernacSetOption (o,BoolValue true) | VernacUnsetOption o ->
+ | VernacSetOption (_,["Ltac";"Debug"], _) -> [DebugCommand]
+ | VernacSetOption (_,o,BoolValue true) | VernacUnsetOption (_,o) ->
if coqide_known_option o then [KnownOptionCommand] else []
| VernacSetOption _ -> []
| VernacRemoveOption _ -> []
@@ -358,75 +360,60 @@ type undo_info = identifier list
let undo_info () = Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ()
-type reset_mark =
- | ResetToId of Names.identifier (* Relying on identifiers only *)
- | ResetToState of Libnames.object_name (* Relying on states if any *)
+type reset_mark = Libnames.object_name
type reset_status =
| NoReset
| ResetAtSegmentStart of Names.identifier
| ResetAtRegisteredObject of reset_mark
-type reset_info = reset_status * undo_info * bool ref
-let reset_mark id = match Lib.has_top_frozen_state () with
- | Some sp ->
- prerr_endline ("On top of state "^Libnames.string_of_path (fst sp));
- ResetToState sp
- | None -> ResetToId id
-let compute_reset_info = function
- | VernacBeginSection id
- | VernacDefineModule (_,id, _, _, _)
- | VernacDeclareModule (_,id, _, _)
- | VernacDeclareModuleType (id, _, _) ->
- ResetAtSegmentStart (snd id), undo_info(), ref true
- | VernacDefinition (_, (_,id), DefineBody _, _)
- | VernacAssumption (_,_ ,(_,((_,id)::_,_))::_)
- | VernacInductive (_, (((_,(_,id)),_,_,_,_),_) :: _) ->
- ResetAtRegisteredObject (reset_mark id), undo_info(), ref true
- | com when is_vernac_proof_ending_command com -> NoReset, undo_info(), ref true
- | VernacEndSegment _ -> NoReset, undo_info(), ref true
+type reset_info = {
+ status : reset_status;
+ proofs : identifier list;
+ cur_prf : (identifier * int) option;
+ loc_ast : Util.loc * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr;
- | com when is_vernac_tactic_command com -> NoReset, undo_info(), ref true
- | _ ->
- (match Lib.has_top_frozen_state () with
- | Some sp ->
- prerr_endline ("On top of state "^Libnames.string_of_path (fst sp));
- ResetAtRegisteredObject (ResetToState sp)
- | None -> NoReset), undo_info(), ref true
+let compute_reset_info loc_ast =
+ let status,cur_prf = match snd loc_ast with
+ | com when is_vernac_proof_ending_command com -> NoReset,None
+ | VernacEndSegment _ -> NoReset,None
+ | com when is_vernac_tactic_command com ->
+ NoReset,Some (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name (), Pfedit.current_proof_depth ())
+ | _ ->
+ (match Lib.has_top_frozen_state () with
+ | Some sp ->
+ prerr_endline ("On top of state "^Libnames.string_of_path (fst sp));
+ ResetAtRegisteredObject sp,None
+ | None -> NoReset,None)
+ in
+ { status = status;
+ proofs = Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ();
+ cur_prf = cur_prf;
+ loc_ast = loc_ast;
+ }
-let reset_initial () =
+let reset_initial () =
prerr_endline "Reset initial called"; flush stderr;
Vernacentries.abort_refine Lib.reset_initial ()
-let reset_to = function
- | ResetToId id ->
- prerr_endline ("Reset called with "^(string_of_id id));
- Lib.reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,id)
- | ResetToState sp ->
+let reset_to sp =
("Reset called with state "^(Libnames.string_of_path (fst sp)));
Lib.reset_to_state sp
-let reset_to_mod id =
- prerr_endline ("Reset called to Mod/Sect with "^(string_of_id id));
- Lib.reset_mod (Util.dummy_loc,id)
let raw_interp s =
Vernac.raw_do_vernac (Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s))
-let interp_with_options verbosely options s =
+let interp_with_options verbosely options s =
prerr_endline "Starting interp...";
prerr_endline s;
let pa = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in
let pe = Pcoq.Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry pa in
- (* Temporary hack to make coqide.byte work (WTF???) *)
- Pervasives.prerr_endline "";
- match pe with
+ (* Temporary hack to make coqide.byte work (WTF???) - now with less screen
+ * pollution *)
+ Pervasives.prerr_string " \r"; Pervasives.flush stderr;
+ match pe with
| None -> assert false
| Some((loc,vernac) as last) ->
if is_vernac_debug_command vernac then
@@ -435,58 +422,28 @@ let interp_with_options verbosely options s =
user_error_loc loc (str "Use CoqIDE navigation instead");
if is_vernac_known_option_command vernac then
user_error_loc loc (str "Use CoqIDE display menu instead");
- if is_vernac_query_command vernac then
- !flash_info
+ if is_vernac_query_command vernac then
+ flash_info
"Warning: query commands should not be inserted in scripts";
if not (is_vernac_goal_printing_command vernac) then
(* Verbose if in small step forward and not a tactic *)
Flags.make_silent (not verbosely);
- let reset_info = compute_reset_info vernac in
+ let reset_info = compute_reset_info last in
List.iter (fun (set_option,_) -> raw_interp set_option) options;
raw_interp s;
Flags.make_silent true;
List.iter (fun (_,unset_option) -> raw_interp unset_option) options;
prerr_endline ("...Done with interp of : "^s);
- reset_info,last
+ reset_info
let interp verbosely phrase =
interp_with_options verbosely (make_option_commands ()) phrase
-let interp_and_replace s =
+let interp_and_replace s =
let result = interp false s in
let msg = read_stdout () in
-let nb_subgoals pf =
- List.length (fst ( (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pf)))
-type tried_tactic =
- | Interrupted
- | Success of int (* nb of goals after *)
- | Failed
-let try_interptac s =
- try
- prerr_endline ("Starting try_interptac: "^s);
- let pf = get_pftreestate () in
- let pe = Pcoq.Gram.Entry.parse
- Pcoq.main_entry
- (Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s))
- in match pe with
- | Some (loc,(VernacSolve (n, tac, _))) ->
- let tac = Tacinterp.interp tac in
- let pf' = solve_nth_pftreestate n tac pf in
- prerr_endline "Success";
- let nb_goals = nb_subgoals pf' - nb_subgoals pf in
- Success nb_goals
- | _ ->
- prerr_endline "try_interptac: not a tactic"; Failed
- with
- | Sys.Break | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,Sys.Break)
- -> prerr_endline "try_interp: interrupted"; Interrupted
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> prerr_endline ("try_interp: failed ("^(Printexc.to_string e)); Failed
- | e -> Failed
let rec is_pervasive_exn = function
| Out_of_memory | Stack_overflow | Sys.Break -> true
| Error_in_file (_,_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
@@ -499,7 +456,7 @@ let print_toplevel_error exc =
match exc with
| DuringCommandInterp (loc,ie) ->
if loc = dummy_loc then (None,ie) else (Some loc, ie)
- | _ -> (None, exc)
+ | _ -> (None, exc)
let (loc,exc) =
match exc with
@@ -509,19 +466,17 @@ let print_toplevel_error exc =
match exc with
| End_of_input -> str "Please report: End of input",None
- | Vernacexpr.ProtectedLoop ->
- str "ProtectedLoop not allowed by coqide!",None
| Vernacexpr.Drop -> str "Drop is not allowed by coqide!",None
| Vernacexpr.Quit -> str "Quit is not allowed by coqide! Use menus.",None
- | _ ->
- (try Cerrors.explain_exn exc with e ->
+ | _ ->
+ (try Cerrors.explain_exn exc with e ->
str "Failed to explain error. This is an internal Coq error. Please report.\n"
++ str (Printexc.to_string e)),
(if is_pervasive_exn exc then None else loc)
let process_exn e = let s,loc= print_toplevel_error e in (msgnl s,loc)
-let interp_last last =
+let interp_last last =
prerr_string "*";
vernac_com (States.with_heavy_rollback Vernacentries.interp) last;
@@ -530,9 +485,89 @@ let interp_last last =
let s,_ = process_exn e in prerr_endline ("Replay during undo failed because: "^s);
raise e
+let push_phrase cmd_stk reset_info ide_payload =
+ Stack.push (ide_payload,reset_info) cmd_stk
+type backtrack =
+ | BacktrackToNextActiveMark
+ | BacktrackToMark of reset_mark
+ | NoBacktrack
+let apply_reset = function
+ | BacktrackToMark mark -> reset_to mark
+ | NoBacktrack -> ()
+ | BacktrackToNextActiveMark -> assert false
+let rewind sequence cmd_stk =
+ let undo_ops = Hashtbl.create 31 in
+ let current_proofs = undo_info () in
+ let pop_state cont seq coq reset_op prev_proofs curprf =
+ prerr_endline "pop";
+ let curprf =
+ (fun (curprf,depth) ->
+ (if Hashtbl.mem undo_ops curprf then Hashtbl.replace else Hashtbl.add)
+ undo_ops curprf depth;
+ curprf)
+ coq.cur_prf in
+ let reset_op =
+ match coq.status with
+ | ResetAtRegisteredObject mark ->
+ BacktrackToMark mark
+ | _ when is_vernac_state_preserving_command (snd coq.loc_ast) ->
+ reset_op
+ | _ when is_vernac_tactic_command (snd coq.loc_ast) ->
+ reset_op
+ | _ ->
+ BacktrackToNextActiveMark in
+ cont seq reset_op coq.proofs curprf
+ in
+ let rec do_rewind seq reset_op prev_proofs curprf =
+ match seq with
+ | [] when ((reset_op <> BacktrackToNextActiveMark) &&
+ (Util.list_subset prev_proofs current_proofs)) ->
+ begin
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id depth ->
+ if List.mem id prev_proofs then begin
+ Pfedit.resume_proof (Util.dummy_loc,id);
+ Pfedit.undo_todepth depth
+ end)
+ undo_ops;
+ prerr_endline "OK for undos";
+ Option.iter (fun id -> if List.mem id prev_proofs then
+ Pfedit.resume_proof (Util.dummy_loc,id)) curprf;
+ prerr_endline "OK for focusing";
+ List.iter
+ (fun id -> Pfedit.delete_proof (Util.dummy_loc,id))
+ (Util.list_subtract current_proofs prev_proofs);
+ prerr_endline "OK for aborts";
+ apply_reset reset_op;
+ prerr_endline "OK for reset"
+ end
+ | [] ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let ide,coq = Stack.pop cmd_stk in
+ pop_state do_rewind [] coq reset_op prev_proofs curprf;
+ prerr_endline "push";
+ let reset_info = compute_reset_info coq.loc_ast in
+ interp_last coq.loc_ast;
+ push_phrase cmd_stk reset_info ide
+ with Stack.Empty -> reset_initial ()
+ end
+ | coq::rem ->
+ pop_state do_rewind rem coq reset_op prev_proofs curprf
+ in
+ do_rewind sequence NoBacktrack current_proofs None
+type tried_tactic =
+ | Interrupted
+ | Success of int (* nb of goals after *)
+ | Failed
type hyp = env * evar_map *
- ((identifier * string) * constr option * constr) *
+ ((identifier * string) * constr option * constr) *
(string * string)
type concl = env * evar_map * constr * string
type meta = env * evar_map * string
@@ -540,7 +575,7 @@ type goal = hyp list * concl
let prepare_hyp sigma env ((i,c,d) as a) =
env, sigma,
- ((i,string_of_id i),c,d),
+ ((i,string_of_id i),c,d),
(msg (pr_var_decl env a), msg (pr_ltype_env env d))
let prepare_hyps sigma env =
@@ -548,7 +583,7 @@ let prepare_hyps sigma env =
let hyps =
(fun env d acc -> let hyp = prepare_hyp sigma env d in hyp :: acc)
- env ~init:[]
+ env ~init:[]
List.rev hyps
@@ -571,74 +606,66 @@ let get_current_pm_goal () =
let gl = sig_it gls in
prepare_goal sigma gl
-let get_current_goals () =
+let get_current_goals () =
let pfts = get_pftreestate () in
- let gls = fst ( (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in
+ let gls = fst ( (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in
let sigma = Tacmach.evc_of_pftreestate pfts in (prepare_goal sigma) gls
-let get_current_goals_nb () =
- try List.length (get_current_goals ()) with _ -> 0
let print_no_goal () =
- let pfts = get_pftreestate () in
- let gls = fst ( (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in
- assert (gls = []);
- let sigma = Tacmach.project (Tacmach.top_goal_of_pftreestate pfts) in
- msg (Printer.pr_subgoals (Decl_mode.get_end_command pfts) sigma gls)
+ (* Fall back on standard coq goal printer for completed goal printing *)
+ msg (pr_open_subgoals ())
let hyp_menu (env, sigma, ((coqident,ident),_,ast),(s,pr_ast)) =
[("clear "^ident),("clear "^ident^".");
("apply "^ident),
("apply "^ident^".");
("exact "^ident),
("exact "^ident^".");
("generalize "^ident),
("generalize "^ident^".");
("absurd <"^ident^">"),
("absurd "^
^".") ] @
- (if is_equation ast then
+ (if is_equality_type ast then
[ "discriminate "^ident, "discriminate "^ident^".";
"injection "^ident, "injection "^ident^"." ]
[]) @
(let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ast in
- if is_equation t then
+ if is_equality_type t then
[ "rewrite "^ident, "rewrite "^ident^".";
"rewrite <- "^ident, "rewrite <- "^ident^"." ]
[]) @
[("elim "^ident),
("elim "^ident^".");
("inversion "^ident),
("inversion "^ident^".");
("inversion clear "^ident),
- ("inversion_clear "^ident^".")]
+ ("inversion_clear "^ident^".")]
-let concl_menu (_,_,concl,_) =
- let is_eq = is_equation concl in
+let concl_menu (_,_,concl,_) =
+ let is_eq = is_equality_type concl in
["intro", "intro.";
"intros", "intros.";
"intuition","intuition." ] @
- (if is_eq then
+ (if is_eq then
["reflexivity", "reflexivity.";
"discriminate", "discriminate.";
"symmetry", "symmetry." ]
- else
+ else
[]) @
["assumption" ,"assumption.";
@@ -660,43 +687,44 @@ let concl_menu (_,_,concl,_) =
-let id_of_name = function
- | Names.Anonymous -> id_of_string "x"
+let id_of_name = function
+ | Names.Anonymous -> id_of_string "x"
| Names.Name x -> x
-let make_cases s =
+let make_cases s =
let qualified_name = Libnames.qualid_of_string s in
let glob_ref = Nametab.locate qualified_name in
match glob_ref with
- | Libnames.IndRef i ->
+ | Libnames.IndRef i ->
let {Declarations.mind_nparams = np},
{Declarations.mind_consnames = carr ;
- Declarations.mind_nf_lc = tarr }
- = Global.lookup_inductive i
+ Declarations.mind_nf_lc = tarr }
+ = Global.lookup_inductive i
- Util.array_fold_right2
- (fun n t l ->
+ Util.array_fold_right2
+ (fun n t l ->
let (al,_) = Term.decompose_prod t in
let al,_ = Util.list_chop (List.length al - np) al in
- let rec rename avoid = function
+ let rec rename avoid = function
| [] -> []
- | (n,_)::l ->
- let n' = next_global_ident_away true
- (id_of_name n)
+ | (n,_)::l ->
+ let n' = next_ident_away_in_goal
+ (id_of_name n)
in (string_of_id n')::(rename (n'::avoid) l)
let al' = rename [] (List.rev al) in
(string_of_id n :: al') :: l
- carr
+ carr
| _ -> raise Not_found
-let current_status () =
+let current_status () =
let path = msg (Libnames.pr_dirpath (Lib.cwd ())) in
let path = if path = "Top" then "Ready" else "Ready in " ^ String.sub path 4 (String.length path - 4) in
path ^ ", proving " ^ (Names.string_of_id (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name ()))
with _ -> path
diff --git a/ide/coq.mli b/ide/coq.mli
index a1bea931..5cf66d36 100644
--- a/ide/coq.mli
+++ b/ide/coq.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: coq.mli 11126 2008-06-13 18:45:04Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Names
open Term
@@ -29,31 +29,19 @@ type printing_state = {
val printing_state : printing_state
-type reset_mark =
- | ResetToId of Names.identifier
- | ResetToState of Libnames.object_name
+type reset_info
-type reset_status =
- | NoReset
- | ResetAtSegmentStart of Names.identifier
- | ResetAtRegisteredObject of reset_mark
-type undo_info = identifier list
-val undo_info : unit -> undo_info
-type reset_info = reset_status * undo_info * bool ref
-val compute_reset_info : Vernacexpr.vernac_expr -> reset_info
val reset_initial : unit -> unit
-val reset_to : reset_mark -> unit
-val reset_to_mod : identifier -> unit
-val init : unit -> string list
-val interp : bool -> string -> reset_info * (Util.loc * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr)
+val init : unit -> string list
+val interp : bool -> string -> reset_info
val interp_last : Util.loc * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr -> unit
-val interp_and_replace : string ->
- (reset_info * (Util.loc * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr)) * string
+val interp_and_replace : string ->
+ reset_info * string
+val push_phrase : ('a * reset_info) Stack.t -> reset_info -> 'a -> unit
+val rewind : reset_info list -> ('a * reset_info) Stack.t -> unit
val is_vernac_tactic_command : Vernacexpr.vernac_expr -> bool
val is_vernac_state_preserving_command : Vernacexpr.vernac_expr -> bool
@@ -62,7 +50,7 @@ val is_vernac_proof_ending_command : Vernacexpr.vernac_expr -> bool
(* type hyp = (identifier * constr option * constr) * string *)
-type hyp = env * evar_map *
+type hyp = env * evar_map *
((identifier*string) * constr option * constr) * (string * string)
type meta = env * evar_map * string
type concl = env * evar_map * constr * string
@@ -72,8 +60,6 @@ val get_current_goals : unit -> goal list
val get_current_pm_goal : unit -> goal
-val get_current_goals_nb : unit -> int
val print_no_goal : unit -> string
val process_exn : exn -> string*(Util.loc option)
@@ -88,13 +74,11 @@ val is_in_loadpath : string -> bool
val make_cases : string -> string list list
-type tried_tactic =
+type tried_tactic =
| Interrupted
| Success of int (* nb of goals after *)
| Failed
-val try_interptac: string -> tried_tactic
(* Message to display in lower status bar. *)
val current_status : unit -> string
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index 3a48fc7d..e4a3ae56 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 10994 2008-05-26 16:21:31Z jnarboux $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
let commands = [
[(* "Abort"; *)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let commands = [
"End Silent.";
- "Eval";
+ "Eval";
"Extract Constant";
"Extract Inductive";
"Extraction Inline";
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ let commands = [
"Program Definition";
- "Program Fixpoint";
+ "Program Fixpoint";
"Program Lemma";
"Program Theorem";
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let commands = [
"Require Export";
"Require Import";
"Reset Extraction Inline";
- "Restore State";
+ "Restore State";
[ "Save.";
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ let commands = [
let state_preserving = [
+ "About";
"Eval lazy in";
@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ let state_preserving = [
"Extraction Module";
"Print All.";
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ let state_preserving = [
"Print Scope";
"Print Scopes.";
"Print Section";
"Print Table Printing If.";
"Print Table Printing Let.";
"Print Tables.";
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ let state_preserving = [
-let tactics =
+let tactics =
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ let tactics =
"generalize dependent";
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ let tactics =
"unfold __ in";
diff --git a/ide/coq_lex.mll b/ide/coq_lex.mll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03ce950f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/coq_lex.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+ open Lexing
+ type token =
+ | Comment
+ | Keyword
+ | Declaration
+ | ProofDeclaration
+ | Qed
+ | String
+ (* Without this table, the automaton would be too big and
+ ocamllex would fail *)
+ let is_one_word_command =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
+ List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
+ [ "Add" ; "Check"; "Eval"; "Extraction" ;
+ "Load" ; "Undo"; "Goal";
+ "Proof" ; "Print";"Save" ;
+ "End" ; "Section"; "Chapter"; "Transparent"; "Opaque"; "Comments"
+ ];
+ Hashtbl.mem h
+ let is_constr_kw =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
+ List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
+ [ "forall"; "fun"; "match"; "fix"; "cofix"; "with"; "for";
+ "end"; "as"; "let"; "in"; "if"; "then"; "else"; "return";
+ "Prop"; "Set"; "Type" ];
+ Hashtbl.mem h
+ (* Without this table, the automaton would be too big and
+ ocamllex would fail *)
+ let is_one_word_declaration =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
+ List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
+ [ (* Definitions *)
+ "Definition" ; "Let" ; "Example" ; "SubClass" ;
+ "Fixpoint" ; "CoFixpoint" ; "Scheme" ; "Function" ;
+ (* Assumptions *)
+ "Hypothesis" ; "Variable" ; "Axiom" ; "Parameter" ; "Conjecture" ;
+ "Hypotheses" ; "Variables" ; "Axioms" ; "Parameters";
+ (* Inductive *)
+ "Inductive" ; "CoInductive" ; "Record" ; "Structure" ;
+ (* Other *)
+ "Ltac" ; "Typeclasses"; "Instance"; "Include"; "Context"; "Class"
+ ];
+ Hashtbl.mem h
+ let is_proof_declaration =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
+ List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
+ [ "Theorem" ; "Lemma" ; " Fact" ; "Remark" ; "Corollary" ;
+ "Proposition" ; "Property" ];
+ Hashtbl.mem h
+ let is_proof_end =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
+ List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
+ [ "Qed" ; "Defined" ; "Admitted" ];
+ Hashtbl.mem h
+ let start = ref true
+let space =
+ [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012']
+let firstchar =
+ ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255']
+let identchar =
+ ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']
+let ident = firstchar identchar*
+let sentence_sep = '.' [ ' ' '\n' '\t' ]
+let multiword_declaration =
+ "Module" (space+ "Type")?
+| "Program" space+ ident
+| "Existing" space+ "Instance"
+| "Canonical" space+ "Structure"
+let locality = ("Local" space+)?
+let multiword_command =
+ "Set" (space+ ident)*
+| "Unset" (space+ ident)*
+| "Open" space+ locality "Scope"
+| "Close" space+ locality "Scope"
+| "Bind" space+ "Scope"
+| "Arguments" space+ "Scope"
+| "Reserved" space+ "Notation" space+ locality
+| "Delimit" space+ "Scope"
+| "Next" space+ "Obligation"
+| "Solve" space+ "Obligations"
+| "Require" space+ ("Import"|"Export")?
+| "Infix" space+ locality
+| "Notation" space+ locality
+| "Hint" space+ locality ident
+| "Reset" (space+ "Initial")?
+| "Tactic" space+ "Notation"
+| "Implicit" space+ "Arguments"
+| "Implicit" space+ ("Type"|"Types")
+| "Combined" space+ "Scheme"
+| "Extraction" space+ (("Language" space+ ("Ocaml"|"Haskell"|"Scheme"|"Toplevel"))|
+ ("Library"|"Inline"|"NoInline"|"Blacklist"))
+| "Recursive" space+ "Extraction" (space+ "Library")?
+| ("Print"|"Reset") space+ "Extraction" space+ ("Inline"|"Blacklist")
+| "Extract" space+ (("Inlined" space+) "Constant"| "Inductive")
+(* At least still missing: "Inline" + decl, variants of "Identity
+ Coercion", variants of Print, Add, ... *)
+rule coq_string = parse
+ | "\"\"" { coq_string lexbuf }
+ | "\"" { Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf }
+ | eof { Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf }
+ | _ { coq_string lexbuf }
+and comment = parse
+ | "(*" { ignore (comment lexbuf); comment lexbuf }
+ | "\"" { ignore (coq_string lexbuf); comment lexbuf }
+ | "*)" { Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf }
+ | eof { Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf }
+ | _ { comment lexbuf }
+and sentence stamp = parse
+ | space+ { sentence stamp lexbuf }
+ | "(*" {
+ let comm_start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf in
+ let comm_end = comment lexbuf in
+ stamp comm_start comm_end Comment;
+ sentence stamp lexbuf
+ }
+ | "\"" {
+ let str_start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf in
+ let str_end = coq_string lexbuf in
+ stamp str_start str_end String;
+ start := false;
+ sentence stamp lexbuf
+ }
+ | multiword_declaration {
+ if !start then begin
+ start := false;
+ stamp (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) Declaration
+ end;
+ sentence stamp lexbuf
+ }
+ | multiword_command {
+ if !start then begin
+ start := false;
+ stamp (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) Keyword
+ end;
+ sentence stamp lexbuf }
+ | ident as id {
+ if !start then begin
+ start := false;
+ if id <> "Time" then begin
+ if is_proof_end id then
+ stamp (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) Qed
+ else if is_one_word_command id then
+ stamp (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) Keyword
+ else if is_one_word_declaration id then
+ stamp (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) Declaration
+ else if is_proof_declaration id then
+ stamp (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) ProofDeclaration
+ end
+ end else begin
+ if is_constr_kw id then
+ stamp (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) Keyword
+ end;
+ sentence stamp lexbuf }
+ | ".."
+ | _ { sentence stamp lexbuf}
+ | sentence_sep { }
+ | eof { raise Not_found }
+ let find_end_offset stamp slice =
+ let lb = Lexing.from_string slice in
+ start := true;
+ sentence stamp lb;
+ Lexing.lexeme_end lb
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index 92d2de78..c6e1f1a4 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
let tactics = [
diff --git a/ide/coq_tactics.mli b/ide/coq_tactics.mli
index 05e233eb..c31933ba 100644
--- a/ide/coq_tactics.mli
+++ b/ide/coq_tactics.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: coq_tactics.mli 6621 2005-01-21 17:24:37Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
val tactics : string list
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index cc147d5e..201fbe47 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -7,123 +7,23 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 12104 2009-04-24 18:10:10Z notin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Preferences
open Vernacexpr
open Coq
+open Gtk_parsing
open Ideutils
-let cb_ = ref None
-let cb () = ((Option.get !cb_):GData.clipboard)
-let last_cb_content = ref ""
-let (message_view:GText.view option ref) = ref None
-let (proof_view:GText.view option ref) = ref None
-let (_notebook:GPack.notebook option ref) = ref None
-let notebook () = Option.get !_notebook
+type ide_info = {
+ start : GText.mark;
+ stop : GText.mark;
-let update_notebook_pos () =
- let pos =
- match !current.vertical_tabs, !current.opposite_tabs with
- | false, false -> `TOP
- | false, true -> `BOTTOM
- | true , false -> `LEFT
- | true , true -> `RIGHT
- in
- (notebook ())#set_tab_pos pos
-(* Tabs contain the name of the edited file and 2 status informations:
- Saved state + Focused proof buffer *)
-let decompose_tab w =
- let vbox = new ((Gobject.try_cast w "GtkBox") Gtk.obj) in
- let l = vbox#children in
- match l with
- | [img;lbl] ->
- let img = new GMisc.image
- ((Gobject.try_cast img#as_widget "GtkImage"):
- Gtk.image Gtk.obj)
- in
- let lbl = GMisc.label_cast lbl in
- vbox,img,lbl
- | _ -> assert false
-let set_tab_label i n =
- let nb = notebook () in
- let _,_,lbl = decompose_tab (nb#get_tab_label(nb#get_nth_page i))#as_widget
- in
- lbl#set_use_markup true;
- (* lbl#set_text n *) lbl#set_label n
-let set_tab_image ~icon i =
- let nb = notebook () in
- let _,img,_ = decompose_tab (nb#get_tab_label(nb#get_nth_page i))#as_widget
- in
- img#set_icon_size `SMALL_TOOLBAR;
- img#set_stock icon
-let set_current_tab_image ~icon = set_tab_image ~icon (notebook())#current_page
-let set_current_tab_label n = set_tab_label (notebook())#current_page n
-let get_tab_label i =
- let nb = notebook () in
- let _,_,lbl = decompose_tab (nb#get_tab_label(nb#get_nth_page i))#as_widget
- in
- lbl#text
-let get_full_tab_label i =
- let nb = notebook () in
- let _,_,lbl = decompose_tab (nb#get_tab_label(nb#get_nth_page i))#as_widget
- in
- lbl
-let get_current_tab_label () = get_tab_label (notebook())#current_page
-let get_current_page () =
- let i = (notebook())#current_page in
- (notebook())#get_nth_page i
-(* This function must remove "focused proof" decoration *)
-let reset_tab_label i =
- set_tab_label i (get_tab_label i)
-let to_do_on_page_switch = ref []
-module Vector = struct
- exception Found of int
- type 'a t = ('a option) array ref
- let create () = ref [||]
- let length t = Array.length !t
- let get t i = Option.get (Array.get !t i)
- let set t i v = Array.set !t i (Some v)
- let remove t i = Array.set !t i None
- let append t e = t := Array.append !t [|Some e|]; (Array.length !t)-1
- let iter f t = Array.iter (function | None -> () | Some x -> f x) !t
- let find_or_fail f t =
- let test i = function | None -> () | Some e -> if f e then raise (Found i) in
- Array.iteri test t
- let exists f t =
- let l = Array.length !t in
- let rec test i =
- (i < l) && (((!t.(i) <> None) && f (Option.get !t.(i))) || test (i+1))
- in
- test 0
-type 'a viewable_script =
- {view : Undo.undoable_view;
- mutable analyzed_view : 'a option;
- }
-class type analyzed_views=
+class type analyzed_views=
val mutable act_id : option
- val current_all : 'self viewable_script
val mutable deact_id : option
val input_buffer : GText.buffer
val input_view : Undo.undoable_view
@@ -133,6 +33,7 @@ object('self)
val message_view : GText.view
val proof_buffer : GText.buffer
val proof_view : GText.view
+ val cmd_stack : (ide_info * Coq.reset_info) Stack.t
val mutable is_active : bool
val mutable read_only : bool
val mutable filename : string option
@@ -145,7 +46,6 @@ object('self)
method add_detached_view : GWindow.window -> unit
method remove_detached_view : GWindow.window -> unit
- method view : Undo.undoable_view
method filename : string option
method stats : Unix.stats option
method set_filename : string option -> unit
@@ -184,7 +84,7 @@ object('self)
method send_to_coq :
bool -> bool -> string ->
bool -> bool -> bool ->
- (bool*(reset_info*(Util.loc * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr))) option
+ (bool*reset_info) option
method set_message : string -> unit
method show_pm_goal : unit
method show_goals : unit
@@ -192,37 +92,132 @@ object('self)
method undo_last_step : unit
method help_for_keyword : unit -> unit
method complete_at_offset : int -> bool
- method blaster : unit -> unit
-let (input_views:analyzed_views viewable_script Vector.t) = Vector.create ()
+type viewable_script =
+ {script : Undo.undoable_view;
+ tab_label : GMisc.label;
+ mutable filename : string;
+ mutable encoding : string;
+ proof_view : GText.view;
+ message_view : GText.view;
+ analyzed_view : analyzed_views;
+ command_stack : (ide_info * Coq.reset_info) Stack.t;
+ }
+let notebook_page_of_session {script=script;tab_label=bname;proof_view=proof;message_view=message} =
+ let session_paned =
+ GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~border_width:5 () in
+ let script_frame =
+ GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:session_paned#add1 () in
+ let script_scroll =
+ GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:script_frame#add () in
+ let state_paned =
+ GPack.paned `VERTICAL ~packing:session_paned#add2 () in
+ let proof_frame =
+ GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:state_paned#add1 () in
+ let proof_scroll =
+ GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:proof_frame#add () in
+ let message_frame =
+ GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:state_paned#add2 () in
+ let message_scroll =
+ GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:message_frame#add () in
+ let session_tab =
+ GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false () in
+ let img =
+ GMisc.image ~packing:session_tab#pack ~icon_size:`SMALL_TOOLBAR () in
+ let _ =
+ script#buffer#connect#modified_changed
+ ~callback:(fun () -> if script#buffer#modified
+ then img#set_stock `SAVE
+ else img#set_stock `YES) in
+ let _ =
+ session_paned#misc#connect#size_allocate
+ (let old_paned_width = ref 2 in
+ let old_paned_height = ref 2 in
+ (fun {Gtk.width=paned_width;Gtk.height=paned_height} ->
+ if !old_paned_width <> paned_width || !old_paned_height <> paned_height then (
+ session_paned#set_position (session_paned#position * paned_width / !old_paned_width);
+ state_paned#set_position (state_paned#position * paned_height / !old_paned_height);
+ old_paned_width := paned_width;
+ old_paned_height := paned_height;
+ ))) in
+ script_scroll#add script#coerce;
+ proof_scroll#add proof#coerce;
+ message_scroll#add message#coerce;
+ session_tab#pack bname#coerce;
+ img#set_stock `YES;
+ session_paned#set_position 1;
+ state_paned#set_position 1;
+ (Some session_tab#coerce,None,session_paned#coerce)
+let session_notebook =
+ Typed_notebook.create notebook_page_of_session ~border_width:2 ~show_border:false ~scrollable:true ()
+let active_view = ref (~-1)
+let on_active_view f =
+ if !active_view < 0
+ then failwith "no active view !"
+ else f (session_notebook#get_nth_term !active_view)
+let cb = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary
+let last_cb_content = ref ""
-let signals_to_crash = [Sys.sigabrt; Sys.sigalrm; Sys.sigfpe; Sys.sighup;
- Sys.sigill; Sys.sigpipe; Sys.sigquit;
+let update_notebook_pos () =
+ let pos =
+ match !current.vertical_tabs, !current.opposite_tabs with
+ | false, false -> `TOP
+ | false, true -> `BOTTOM
+ | true , false -> `LEFT
+ | true , true -> `RIGHT
+ in
+ session_notebook#set_tab_pos pos
+let set_active_view i =
+ prerr_endline "entering set_active_view";
+ (try on_active_view (fun {tab_label=lbl} -> lbl#set_text lbl#text) with _ -> ());
+ session_notebook#goto_page i;
+ let s = session_notebook#current_term in
+ s.tab_label#set_use_markup true;
+ s.tab_label#set_label ("<span background=\"light green\">"^s.tab_label#text^"</span>");
+ active_view := i;
+ prerr_endline "exiting set_active_view"
+let to_do_on_page_switch = ref []
+let signals_to_crash = [Sys.sigabrt; Sys.sigalrm; Sys.sigfpe; Sys.sighup;
+ Sys.sigill; Sys.sigpipe; Sys.sigquit;
(* Sys.sigsegv; Sys.sigterm;*) Sys.sigusr2]
let crash_save i =
(* ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_BLOCK signals_to_crash);*)
Pervasives.prerr_endline "Trying to save all buffers in .crashcoqide files";
- let count = ref 0 in
- Vector.iter
- (function {view=view; analyzed_view = Some av } ->
- (let filename = match av#filename with
- | None ->
- incr count;
+ let count = ref 0 in
+ List.iter
+ (function {script=view; analyzed_view = av } ->
+ (let filename = match av#filename with
+ | None ->
+ incr count;
"Unnamed_coqscript_"^(string_of_int !count)^".crashcoqide"
| Some f -> f^".crashcoqide"
- try
+ try
if try_export filename (view#buffer#get_text ()) then
Pervasives.prerr_endline ("Saved "^filename)
else Pervasives.prerr_endline ("Could not save "^filename)
with _ -> Pervasives.prerr_endline ("Could not save "^filename))
- | _ -> Pervasives.prerr_endline "Unanalyzed view found. Please report."
- input_views;
+ session_notebook#pages;
Pervasives.prerr_endline "Done. Please report.";
if i <> 127 then exit i
@@ -240,9 +235,9 @@ let coq_computing = Mutex.create ()
(* To prevent Coq from interrupting during undoing...*)
let coq_may_stop = Mutex.create ()
-let break () =
+let break () =
prerr_endline "User break received:";
- if not (Mutex.try_lock coq_computing) then
+ if not (Mutex.try_lock coq_computing) then
prerr_endline " trying to stop computation:";
if Mutex.try_lock coq_may_stop then begin
@@ -256,225 +251,110 @@ let break () =
prerr_endline " ignored (not computing)"
-let do_if_not_computing text f x =
- let threaded_task () =
- if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing
- then
- begin
- let w = Blaster_window.blaster_window () in
- if not (Mutex.try_lock w#lock) then
- begin
- break ();
- let lck = Mutex.create () in
- Mutex.lock lck;
- prerr_endline "Waiting on blaster...";
- Condition.wait w#blaster_killed lck;
- prerr_endline "Waiting on blaster ok";
- Mutex.unlock lck
- end
- else
- Mutex.unlock w#lock;
- let idle =
- Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300
- ~callback:(fun () -> async !pulse ();true) in
- begin
- prerr_endline "Getting lock";
- try
- f x;
- Glib.Timeout.remove idle;
- prerr_endline "Releasing lock";
- Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
- with e ->
- Glib.Timeout.remove idle;
- prerr_endline "Releasing lock (on error)";
- Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
- raise e
- end
- end
- else
- prerr_endline
- "Discarded order (computations are ongoing)"
- in
- prerr_endline ("Launching thread " ^ text);
- ignore (Thread.create threaded_task ())
-let add_input_view tv =
- Vector.append input_views tv
-let get_input_view i =
- if 0 <= i && i < Vector.length input_views
- then
- Vector.get input_views i
- else raise Not_found
-let active_view = ref None
-let get_active_view () = Vector.get input_views (Option.get !active_view)
-let set_active_view i =
- (match !active_view with None -> () | Some i ->
- reset_tab_label i);
- (notebook ())#goto_page i;
- let txt = get_current_tab_label () in
- set_current_tab_label ("<span background=\"light green\">"^txt^"</span>");
- active_view := Some i
-let set_current_view i = (notebook ())#goto_page i
-let kill_input_view i =
- let v = Vector.get input_views i in
- (match v.analyzed_view with
- | Some v -> v#kill_detached_views ()
- | None -> ());
- v.view#destroy ();
- v.analyzed_view <- None;
- Vector.remove input_views i
-let get_current_view_page () = (notebook ())#current_page
-let get_current_view () = Vector.get input_views (notebook ())#current_page
-let remove_current_view_page () =
- let c = (notebook ())#current_page in
- kill_input_view c;
- ((notebook ())#get_nth_page c)#misc#hide ()
-let is_word_char c =
- (* TODO: avoid num and prime at the head of a word *)
- Glib.Unichar.isalnum c || c = underscore || c = prime
-let starts_word it =
- prerr_endline ("Starts word ? '"^(Glib.Utf8.from_unichar it#char)^"'");
- (not it#copy#nocopy#backward_char ||
- (let c = it#backward_char#char in
- not (is_word_char c)))
-let ends_word it =
- (not it#copy#nocopy#forward_char ||
- let c = it#forward_char#char in
- not (is_word_char c)
- )
-let inside_word it =
- let c = it#char in
- not (starts_word it) &&
- not (ends_word it) &&
- is_word_char c
-let is_on_word_limit it = inside_word it || ends_word it
-let rec find_word_start it =
- prerr_endline "Find word start";
- if not it#nocopy#backward_char then
- (prerr_endline "find_word_start: cannot backward"; it)
- else if is_word_char it#char
- then find_word_start it
- else (it#nocopy#forward_char;
- prerr_endline ("Word start at: "^(string_of_int it#offset));it)
-let find_word_start (it:GText.iter) = find_word_start it#copy
-let rec find_word_end it =
- prerr_endline "Find word end";
- if let c = it#char in c<>0 && is_word_char c
- then begin
- ignore (it#nocopy#forward_char);
- find_word_end it
- end else (prerr_endline ("Word end at: "^(string_of_int it#offset));it)
-let find_word_end it = find_word_end it#copy
-let get_word_around it =
- let start = find_word_start it in
- let stop = find_word_end it in
- start,stop
-let rec complete_backward w (it:GText.iter) =
- prerr_endline "Complete backward...";
- match it#backward_search w with
- | None -> (prerr_endline "backward_search failed";None)
- | Some (start,stop) ->
- prerr_endline ("complete_backward got a match:"^(string_of_int start#offset)^(string_of_int stop#offset));
- if starts_word start then
- let ne = find_word_end stop in
- if ne#compare stop = 0
- then complete_backward w start
- else Some (start,stop,ne)
- else complete_backward w start
-let rec complete_forward w (it:GText.iter) =
- prerr_endline "Complete forward...";
- match it#forward_search w with
- | None -> None
- | Some (start,stop) ->
- if starts_word start then
- let ne = find_word_end stop in
- if ne#compare stop = 0 then
- complete_forward w stop
- else Some (stop,stop,ne)
- else complete_forward w stop
+let do_if_not_computing text f x =
+ if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing then
+ let threaded_task () =
+ prerr_endline "Getting lock";
+ try
+ f x;
+ prerr_endline "Releasing lock";
+ Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
+ with e ->
+ prerr_endline "Releasing lock (on error)";
+ Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
+ raise e
+ in
+ prerr_endline ("Launching thread " ^ text);
+ ignore (Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300 ~callback:
+ (fun () -> if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing
+ then (Mutex.unlock coq_computing; false)
+ else (pbar#pulse (); true)));
+ ignore (Thread.create threaded_task ())
+ else
+ prerr_endline
+ "Discarded order (computations are ongoing)"
+(* XXX - 1 appel *)
+let kill_input_view i =
+ let v = session_notebook#get_nth_term i in
+ v.analyzed_view#kill_detached_views ();
+ v.script#destroy ();
+ v.tab_label#destroy ();
+ v.proof_view#destroy ();
+ v.message_view#destroy ();
+ session_notebook#remove_page i
+(* XXX - beaucoups d'appels, a garder *)
+let get_current_view =
+ focused_session
+ *)
+let remove_current_view_page () =
+ let c = session_notebook#current_page in
+ kill_input_view c
(* Reset this to None on page change ! *)
let (last_completion:(string*int*int*bool) option ref) = ref None
-let () = to_do_on_page_switch :=
+let () = to_do_on_page_switch :=
(fun i -> last_completion := None)::!to_do_on_page_switch
let rec complete input_buffer w (offset:int) =
- match !last_completion with
+ match !last_completion with
| Some (lw,loffset,lpos,backward)
when lw=w && loffset=offset ->
let iter = input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET lpos) in
- if backward then
+ if backward then
match complete_backward w iter with
- | None ->
- last_completion :=
+ | None ->
+ last_completion :=
Some (lw,loffset,
- (find_word_end
+ (find_word_end
(input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET loffset)))#offset ,
- false);
+ false);
- | Some (ss,start,stop) as result ->
- last_completion :=
+ | Some (ss,start,stop) as result ->
+ last_completion :=
Some (w,offset,ss#offset,true);
match complete_forward w iter with
- | None ->
+ | None ->
last_completion := None;
- | Some (ss,start,stop) as result ->
- last_completion :=
+ | Some (ss,start,stop) as result ->
+ last_completion :=
Some (w,offset,ss#offset,false);
| _ -> begin
match complete_backward w (input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET offset)) with
- | None ->
- last_completion :=
+ | None ->
+ last_completion :=
Some (w,offset,(find_word_end (input_buffer#get_iter
(`OFFSET offset)))#offset,false);
complete input_buffer w offset
- | Some (ss,start,stop) as result ->
+ | Some (ss,start,stop) as result ->
last_completion := Some (w,offset,ss#offset,true);
let get_current_word () =
- let av = Option.get ((get_current_view ()).analyzed_view) in
- match (cb ())#text with
- | None ->
+ match session_notebook#current_term,cb#text with
+ | {script=script; analyzed_view=av;},None ->
prerr_endline "None selected";
let it = av#get_insert in
let start = find_word_start it in
let stop = find_word_end start in
- av#view#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND start;
- av#view#buffer#move_mark `INSERT stop;
- av#view#buffer#get_text ~slice:true ~start ~stop ()
- | Some t ->
+ script#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND start;
+ script#buffer#move_mark `INSERT stop;
+ script#buffer#get_text ~slice:true ~start ~stop ()
+ | _,Some t ->
prerr_endline "Some selected";
prerr_endline t;
let input_channel b ic =
let buf = String.create 1024 and len = ref 0 in
@@ -488,142 +368,6 @@ let with_file handler name ~f =
try f ic; close_in ic with e -> close_in ic; raise e
with Sys_error s -> handler s
-type info = {start:GText.mark;
- stop:GText.mark;
- ast:Util.loc * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr;
- reset_info:Coq.reset_info
- }
-exception Size of int
-let (processed_stack:info Stack.t) = Stack.create ()
-let push x = Stack.push x processed_stack
-let pop () = try Stack.pop processed_stack with Stack.Empty -> raise (Size 0)
-let top () = try processed_stack with Stack.Empty -> raise (Size 0)
-let is_empty () = Stack.is_empty processed_stack
-(* push a new Coq phrase *)
-let update_on_end_of_segment id =
- let lookup_section = function
- | { reset_info = ResetAtSegmentStart id',_,_ } when id = id' -> raise Exit
- | { reset_info = _,_,r } -> r := false
- in
- try Stack.iter lookup_section processed_stack with Exit -> ()
-let push_phrase reset_info start_of_phrase_mark end_of_phrase_mark ast =
- let x = {start = start_of_phrase_mark;
- stop = end_of_phrase_mark;
- ast = ast;
- reset_info = reset_info
- } in
- begin
- match snd ast with
- | VernacEndSegment (_,id) ->
- prerr_endline "Updating on end of segment 1";
- update_on_end_of_segment id
- | _ -> ()
- end;
- push x
-let repush_phrase reset_info x =
- let x = { x with reset_info = reset_info } in
- begin
- match snd x.ast with
- | VernacEndSegment (_,id) ->
- prerr_endline "Updating on end of segment 2";
- update_on_end_of_segment id
- | _ -> ()
- end;
- push x
-type backtrack =
-| BacktrackToNextActiveMark
-| BacktrackToMark of reset_mark
-| BacktrackToModSec of Names.identifier
-| NoBacktrack
-let add_undo = function (n,a,b,p,l as x) -> if p = 0 then (n+1,a,b,p,l) else x
-let add_abort = function
- | (n,a,b,0,l) -> (0,a+1,b,0,l)
- | (n,a,b,p,l) -> (n,a,b,p-1,l)
-let add_qed q (n,a,b,p,l as x) =
- if q = 0 then x else (n,a,BacktrackToNextActiveMark,p+q,l)
-let add_backtrack (n,a,b,p,l) b' = (n,a,b',p,l)
-let update_proofs (n,a,b,p,cur_lems) prev_lems =
- let ncommon = List.length (Util.list_intersect cur_lems prev_lems) in
- let openproofs = List.length cur_lems - ncommon in
- let closedproofs = List.length prev_lems - ncommon in
- let undos = (n,a,b,p,prev_lems) in
- add_qed closedproofs (Util.iterate add_abort openproofs undos)
-let pop_command undos t =
- let (state_info,undo_info,section_info) = t.reset_info in
- let undos =
- if !section_info then
- let undos = update_proofs undos undo_info in
- match state_info with
- | _ when is_vernac_tactic_command (snd t.ast) ->
- (* A tactic, active if not below a Qed *)
- add_undo undos
- | ResetAtRegisteredObject mark ->
- add_backtrack undos (BacktrackToMark mark)
- | ResetAtSegmentStart id ->
- add_backtrack undos (BacktrackToModSec id)
- | _ when is_vernac_state_preserving_command (snd t.ast) ->
- undos
- | _ ->
- add_backtrack undos BacktrackToNextActiveMark
- else
- begin
- prerr_endline "In section";
- (* An object inside a closed section *)
- add_backtrack undos BacktrackToNextActiveMark
- end in
- ignore (pop ());
- undos
-let apply_aborts a =
- if a <> 0 then prerr_endline ("Applying "^string_of_int a^" aborts");
- try Util.repeat a Pfedit.delete_current_proof ()
- with e -> prerr_endline "WARNING : found a closed environment"; raise e
-exception UndoStackExhausted
-let apply_tactic_undo n =
- if n<>0 then
- (prerr_endline ("Applying "^string_of_int n^" undos");
- try Pfedit.undo n with _ -> raise UndoStackExhausted)
-let apply_reset = function
- | BacktrackToMark mark -> reset_to mark
- | BacktrackToModSec id -> reset_to_mod id
- | NoBacktrack -> ()
- | BacktrackToNextActiveMark -> assert false
-let rec apply_undos (n,a,b,p,l as undos) =
- if p = 0 & b <> BacktrackToNextActiveMark then
- begin
- apply_aborts a;
- try
- apply_tactic_undo n;
- apply_reset b
- with UndoStackExhausted ->
- apply_undos (n,0,BacktrackToNextActiveMark,p,l)
- end
- else
- (* re-synchronize Coq to the current state of the stack *)
- if is_empty () then
- Coq.reset_initial ()
- else
- begin
- let t = top () in
- apply_undos (pop_command undos t);
- let reset_info = Coq.compute_reset_info (snd t.ast) in
- interp_last t.ast;
- repush_phrase reset_info t
- end
(* For electric handlers *)
exception Found
@@ -631,19 +375,16 @@ exception Found
(* For find_phrase_starting_at *)
exception Stop of int
-let activate_input i =
- (match !active_view with
- | None -> ()
- | Some n ->
- let a_v = Option.get (Vector.get input_views n).analyzed_view in
- a_v#deactivate ();
- a_v#reset_initial
- );
- let activate_function = (Option.get (Vector.get input_views i).analyzed_view)#activate in
- activate_function ();
- set_active_view i
-let warning msg =
+(* XXX *)
+let activate_input i =
+ prerr_endline "entering activate_input";
+ (try on_active_view (fun {analyzed_view=a_v} -> a_v#reset_initial; a_v#deactivate ())
+ with _ -> ());
+ (session_notebook#get_nth_term i).analyzed_view#activate ();
+ set_active_view i;
+ prerr_endline "exiting activate_input"
+let warning msg =
GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Warning"
~icon:(let img = GMisc.image () in
img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING;
@@ -651,30 +392,142 @@ let warning msg =
-class analyzed_view index =
- let {view = input_view_} as current_all_ = get_input_view index in
- let proof_view_ = Option.get !proof_view in
- let message_view_ = Option.get !message_view in
+let apply_tag (buffer:GText.buffer) orig off_conv from upto sort =
+ let conv_and_apply start stop tag =
+ let start = orig#forward_chars (off_conv from) in
+ let stop = orig#forward_chars (off_conv upto) in
+ buffer#apply_tag ~start ~stop tag
+ in match sort with
+ | Coq_lex.Comment ->
+ conv_and_apply from upto Tags.Script.comment
+ | Coq_lex.Keyword ->
+ conv_and_apply from upto Tags.Script.kwd
+ | Coq_lex.Declaration ->
+ conv_and_apply from upto Tags.Script.decl
+ | Coq_lex.ProofDeclaration ->
+ conv_and_apply from upto Tags.Script.proof_decl
+ | Coq_lex.Qed ->
+ conv_and_apply from upto Tags.Script.qed
+ | Coq_lex.String -> ()
+let remove_tags (buffer:GText.buffer) from upto =
+ List.iter (buffer#remove_tag ~start:from ~stop:upto)
+ [ Tags.Script.comment; Tags.Script.kwd; Tags.Script.decl;
+ Tags.Script.proof_decl; Tags.Script.qed ]
+let split_slice_lax (buffer:GText.buffer) from upto =
+ remove_tags buffer from upto;
+ buffer#remove_tag ~start:from ~stop:upto Tags.Script.lax_end;
+ let slice = buffer#get_text ~start:from ~stop:upto () in
+ let slice = slice ^ " " in
+ let rec split_substring str =
+ let off_conv = byte_offset_to_char_offset str in
+ let slice_len = String.length str in
+ let sentence_len = Coq_lex.find_end_offset (apply_tag buffer from off_conv) str in
+ let stop = from#forward_chars (pred (off_conv sentence_len)) in
+ let start = stop#backward_char in
+ buffer#apply_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.lax_end;
+ if 1 < slice_len - sentence_len then begin (* remember that we added a trailing space *)
+ ignore (from#nocopy#forward_chars (off_conv sentence_len));
+ split_substring (String.sub str sentence_len (slice_len - sentence_len))
+ end
+ in
+ split_substring slice
+let rec grab_safe_sentence_start (iter:GText.iter) soi =
+ let lax_back = iter#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end in
+ let on_space = List.mem iter#char [0x09;0x0A;0x20] in
+ let full_ending = iter#is_start || (lax_back & on_space) in
+ if full_ending then iter
+ else if iter#compare soi <= 0 then raise Not_found
+ else
+ let prev = iter#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ (if prev#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end then
+ ignore (prev#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end)));
+ grab_safe_sentence_start prev soi
+let grab_sentence_end_from (start:GText.iter) =
+ let stop = start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ stop#forward_char
+let get_sentence_bounds (iter:GText.iter) =
+ let start = iter#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ (if start#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end then ignore (
+ start#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end)));
+ let stop = start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ let stop = stop#forward_char in
+ start,stop
+let end_tag_present end_iter =
+ end_iter#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end
+let tag_on_insert =
+ let skip_last = ref (ref true) in (* ref to the mutable flag created on last call *)
+ fun buffer ->
+ try
+ let insert = buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
+ let start = grab_safe_sentence_start insert
+ (buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input")) in
+ let stop = grab_sentence_end_from insert in
+ let skip_curr = ref true in (* shall the callback be skipped ? by default yes*)
+ (!skip_last) := true; (* skip the previously created callback *)
+ skip_last := skip_curr;
+ try split_slice_lax buffer start stop
+ with Not_found ->
+ skip_curr := false;
+ ignore (Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:1500
+ ~callback:(fun () -> if not !skip_curr then (
+ try split_slice_lax buffer start buffer#end_iter with _ -> ()); false))
+ with Not_found ->
+ let err_pos = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input") in
+ buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:err_pos ~stop:err_pos#forward_char
+let force_retag buffer =
+ try split_slice_lax buffer buffer#start_iter buffer#end_iter with _ -> ()
+let toggle_proof_visibility (buffer:GText.buffer) (cursor:GText.iter) =
+ (* move back twice if not into proof_decl,
+ * once if into proof_decl and back_char into_proof_decl,
+ * don't move if into proof_decl and back_char not into proof_decl *)
+ if not (cursor#has_tag Tags.Script.proof_decl) then
+ ignore (cursor#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.proof_decl));
+ if cursor#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.proof_decl then
+ ignore (cursor#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.proof_decl));
+ let decl_start = cursor in
+ let prf_end = decl_start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.qed) in
+ let decl_end = grab_sentence_end_from decl_start in
+ let prf_end = grab_sentence_end_from prf_end in
+ let prf_end = prf_end#forward_char in
+ if decl_start#has_tag Tags.Script.folded then (
+ buffer#remove_tag ~start:decl_start ~stop:decl_end Tags.Script.folded;
+ buffer#remove_tag ~start:decl_end ~stop:prf_end Tags.Script.hidden)
+ else (
+ buffer#apply_tag ~start:decl_start ~stop:decl_end Tags.Script.folded;
+ buffer#apply_tag ~start:decl_end ~stop:prf_end Tags.Script.hidden)
+class analyzed_view (_script:Undo.undoable_view) (_pv:GText.view) (_mv:GText.view) _cs =
- val current_all = current_all_
- val input_view = current_all_.view
- val proof_view = Option.get !proof_view
- val message_view = Option.get !message_view
- val input_buffer = input_view_#buffer
- val proof_buffer = proof_view_#buffer
- val message_buffer = message_view_#buffer
+ val input_view = _script
+ val input_buffer = _script#buffer
+ val proof_view = _pv
+ val proof_buffer = _pv#buffer
+ val message_view = _mv
+ val message_buffer = _mv#buffer
+ val cmd_stack = _cs
val mutable is_active = false
val mutable read_only = false
- val mutable filename = None
+ val mutable filename = None
val mutable stats = None
val mutable last_modification_time = 0.
val mutable last_auto_save_time = 0.
val mutable detached_views = []
val mutable auto_complete_on = !current.auto_complete
+ val hidden_proofs = Hashtbl.create 32
- method private toggle_auto_complete =
+ method private toggle_auto_complete =
auto_complete_on <- not auto_complete_on
method set_auto_complete t = auto_complete_on <- t
method without_auto_complete : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = fun f x ->
@@ -683,131 +536,130 @@ object(self)
let y = f x in
self#set_auto_complete old;
- method add_detached_view (w:GWindow.window) =
+ method add_detached_view (w:GWindow.window) =
detached_views <- w::detached_views
- method remove_detached_view (w:GWindow.window) =
+ method remove_detached_view (w:GWindow.window) =
detached_views <- List.filter (fun e -> w#misc#get_oid<>e#misc#get_oid) detached_views
- method kill_detached_views () =
+ method kill_detached_views () =
List.iter (fun w -> w#destroy ()) detached_views;
detached_views <- []
- method view = input_view
method filename = filename
method stats = stats
- method set_filename f =
+ method set_filename f =
filename <- f;
- match f with
+ match f with
| Some f -> stats <- my_stat f
| None -> ()
- method update_stats =
- match filename with
- | Some f -> stats <- my_stat f
+ method update_stats =
+ match filename with
+ | Some f -> stats <- my_stat f
| _ -> ()
- method revert =
- match filename with
+ method revert =
+ match filename with
| Some f -> begin
- let do_revert () = begin
- !push_info "Reverting buffer";
- try
- if is_active then self#reset_initial;
- let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
- with_file !flash_info f ~f:(input_channel b);
- let s = try_convert (Buffer.contents b) in
- input_buffer#set_text s;
- self#update_stats;
- input_buffer#place_cursor input_buffer#start_iter;
- input_buffer#set_modified false;
- !pop_info ();
- !flash_info "Buffer reverted";
- Highlight.highlight_all input_buffer;
- with _ ->
- !pop_info ();
- !flash_info "Warning: could not revert buffer";
- end
- in
- if input_buffer#modified then
- match (GToolbox.question_box
- ~title:"Modified buffer changed on disk"
- ~buttons:["Revert from File";
- "Overwrite File";
- "Disable Auto Revert"]
- ~default:0
- ~icon:(stock_to_widget `DIALOG_WARNING)
- "Some unsaved buffers changed on disk"
- )
- with 1 -> do_revert ()
- | 2 -> if self#save f then !flash_info "Overwritten" else
- !flash_info "Could not overwrite file"
- | _ ->
- prerr_endline "Auto revert set to false";
- !current.global_auto_revert <- false;
- disconnect_revert_timer ()
- else do_revert ()
- end
+ let do_revert () = begin
+ push_info "Reverting buffer";
+ try
+ if is_active then self#reset_initial;
+ let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
+ with_file flash_info f ~f:(input_channel b);
+ let s = try_convert (Buffer.contents b) in
+ input_buffer#set_text s;
+ self#update_stats;
+ input_buffer#place_cursor input_buffer#start_iter;
+ input_buffer#set_modified false;
+ pop_info ();
+ flash_info "Buffer reverted";
+ force_retag input_buffer;
+ with _ ->
+ pop_info ();
+ flash_info "Warning: could not revert buffer";
+ end
+ in
+ if input_buffer#modified then
+ match (GToolbox.question_box
+ ~title:"Modified buffer changed on disk"
+ ~buttons:["Revert from File";
+ "Overwrite File";
+ "Disable Auto Revert"]
+ ~default:0
+ ~icon:(stock_to_widget `DIALOG_WARNING)
+ "Some unsaved buffers changed on disk"
+ )
+ with 1 -> do_revert ()
+ | 2 -> if self#save f then flash_info "Overwritten" else
+ flash_info "Could not overwrite file"
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline "Auto revert set to false";
+ !current.global_auto_revert <- false;
+ disconnect_revert_timer ()
+ else do_revert ()
+ end
| None -> ()
- method save f =
+ method save f =
if try_export f (input_buffer#get_text ()) then begin
- filename <- Some f;
- input_buffer#set_modified false;
- stats <- my_stat f;
- (match self#auto_save_name with
- | None -> ()
- | Some fn -> try Sys.remove fn with _ -> ());
- true
- end
+ filename <- Some f;
+ input_buffer#set_modified false;
+ stats <- my_stat f;
+ (match self#auto_save_name with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some fn -> try Sys.remove fn with _ -> ());
+ true
+ end
else false
- method private auto_save_name =
- match filename with
+ method private auto_save_name =
+ match filename with
| None -> None
- | Some f ->
- let dir = Filename.dirname f in
- let base = (fst !current.auto_save_name) ^
- (Filename.basename f) ^
- (snd !current.auto_save_name)
- in Some (Filename.concat dir base)
- method private need_auto_save =
+ | Some f ->
+ let dir = Filename.dirname f in
+ let base = (fst !current.auto_save_name) ^
+ (Filename.basename f) ^
+ (snd !current.auto_save_name)
+ in Some (Filename.concat dir base)
+ method private need_auto_save =
input_buffer#modified &&
- last_modification_time > last_auto_save_time
+ last_modification_time > last_auto_save_time
method auto_save =
if self#need_auto_save then begin
- match self#auto_save_name with
- | None -> ()
- | Some fn ->
- try
- last_auto_save_time <- Unix.time();
- prerr_endline ("Autosave time : "^(string_of_float (Unix.time())));
- if try_export fn (input_buffer#get_text ()) then begin
- !flash_info ~delay:1000 "Autosaved"
- end
- else warning
- ("Autosave failed (check if " ^ fn ^ " is writable)")
- with _ ->
- warning ("Autosave: unexpected error while writing "^fn)
- end
+ match self#auto_save_name with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some fn ->
+ try
+ last_auto_save_time <- Unix.time();
+ prerr_endline ("Autosave time : "^(string_of_float (Unix.time())));
+ if try_export fn (input_buffer#get_text ()) then begin
+ flash_info ~delay:1000 "Autosaved"
+ end
+ else warning
+ ("Autosave failed (check if " ^ fn ^ " is writable)")
+ with _ ->
+ warning ("Autosave: unexpected error while writing "^fn)
+ end
method save_as f =
- if Sys.file_exists f then
+ if Sys.file_exists f then
match (GToolbox.question_box ~title:"File exists on disk"
- ~buttons:["Overwrite";
- "Cancel";]
- ~default:1
- ~icon:
- (let img = GMisc.image () in
- img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING;
- img#set_icon_size `DIALOG;
- img#coerce)
- ("File "^f^"already exists")
- )
+ ~buttons:["Overwrite";
+ "Cancel";]
+ ~default:1
+ ~icon:
+ (let img = GMisc.image () in
+ img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING;
+ img#set_icon_size `DIALOG;
+ img#coerce)
+ ("File "^f^"already exists")
+ )
with 1 -> self#save f
- | _ -> false
- else self#save f
+ | _ -> false
+ else self#save f
method set_read_only b = read_only<-b
method read_only = read_only
@@ -823,585 +675,494 @@ object(self)
method clear_message = message_buffer#set_text ""
val mutable last_index = true
val last_array = [|"";""|]
- method get_start_of_input = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input")
+ method get_start_of_input = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input")
method get_insert = get_insert input_buffer
- method recenter_insert =
- (* BUG : to investigate further:
- FIXED : Never call GMain.* in thread !
- PLUS : GTK BUG ??? Cannot be called from a thread...
- ADDITION: using sync instead of async causes deadlock...*)
+ method recenter_insert =
+ (* BUG : to investigate further:
+ FIXED : Never call GMain.* in thread !
+ PLUS : GTK BUG ??? Cannot be called from a thread...
+ ADDITION: using sync instead of async causes deadlock...*)
ignore (GtkThread.async (
- input_view#scroll_to_mark
- ~use_align:false
- ~yalign:0.75
- ~within_margin:0.25)
+ input_view#scroll_to_mark
+ ~use_align:false
+ ~yalign:0.75
+ ~within_margin:0.25)
- method indent_current_line =
+ method indent_current_line =
let get_nb_space it =
let it = it#copy in
let nb_sep = ref 0 in
let continue = ref true in
- while !continue do
- if it#char = space then begin
- incr nb_sep;
- if not it#nocopy#forward_char then continue := false;
- end else continue := false
- done;
- !nb_sep
+ while !continue do
+ if it#char = space then begin
+ incr nb_sep;
+ if not it#nocopy#forward_char then continue := false;
+ end else continue := false
+ done;
+ !nb_sep
let previous_line = self#get_insert in
if previous_line#nocopy#backward_line then begin
- let previous_line_spaces = get_nb_space previous_line in
- let current_line_start = self#get_insert#set_line_offset 0 in
- let current_line_spaces = get_nb_space current_line_start in
- if input_buffer#delete_interactive
- ~start:current_line_start
- ~stop:(current_line_start#forward_chars current_line_spaces)
- ()
- then
- let current_line_start = self#get_insert#set_line_offset 0 in
- input_buffer#insert
- ~iter:current_line_start
- (String.make previous_line_spaces ' ')
- end
+ let previous_line_spaces = get_nb_space previous_line in
+ let current_line_start = self#get_insert#set_line_offset 0 in
+ let current_line_spaces = get_nb_space current_line_start in
+ if input_buffer#delete_interactive
+ ~start:current_line_start
+ ~stop:(current_line_start#forward_chars current_line_spaces)
+ ()
+ then
+ let current_line_start = self#get_insert#set_line_offset 0 in
+ input_buffer#insert
+ ~iter:current_line_start
+ (String.make previous_line_spaces ' ')
+ end
- method show_pm_goal =
- proof_buffer#insert
- (Printf.sprintf " *** Declarative Mode ***\n");
- try
- let (hyps,concl) = get_current_pm_goal () in
- List.iter
- (fun ((_,_,_,(s,_)) as _hyp) ->
- proof_buffer#insert (s^"\n"))
- hyps;
- proof_buffer#insert
- (String.make 38 '_' ^ "\n");
- let (_,_,_,s) = concl in
- proof_buffer#insert ("thesis := \n "^s^"\n");
- let my_mark = `NAME "end_of_conclusion" in
- proof_buffer#move_mark
- ~where:((proof_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT))
- my_mark;
- ignore (proof_view#scroll_to_mark my_mark)
- with Not_found ->
+ method show_pm_goal =
+ proof_buffer#insert
+ (Printf.sprintf " *** Declarative Mode ***\n");
+ try
+ let (hyps,concl) = get_current_pm_goal () in
+ List.iter
+ (fun ((_,_,_,(s,_)) as _hyp) ->
+ proof_buffer#insert (s^"\n"))
+ hyps;
+ proof_buffer#insert
+ (String.make 38 '_' ^ "\n");
+ let (_,_,_,s) = concl in
+ proof_buffer#insert ("thesis := \n "^s^"\n");
+ let my_mark = `NAME "end_of_conclusion" in
+ proof_buffer#move_mark
+ ~where:((proof_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT))
+ my_mark;
+ ignore (proof_view#scroll_to_mark my_mark)
+ with Not_found ->
match Decl_mode.get_end_command (Pfedit.get_pftreestate ()) with
- Some endc ->
- proof_buffer#insert
- ("Subproof completed, now type "^endc^".")
- | None ->
- proof_buffer#insert "Proof completed."
+ Some endc ->
+ proof_buffer#insert
+ ("Subproof completed, now type "^endc^".")
+ | None ->
+ proof_buffer#insert "Proof completed."
- method show_goals =
- try
- proof_view#buffer#set_text "";
- match Decl_mode.get_current_mode () with
- Decl_mode.Mode_none -> proof_buffer#insert (Coq.print_no_goal ())
- | Decl_mode.Mode_tactic ->
- begin
- let s = Coq.get_current_goals () in
- match s with
- | [] -> proof_buffer#insert (Coq.print_no_goal ())
- | (hyps,concl)::r ->
- let goal_nb = List.length s in
- proof_buffer#insert
- (Printf.sprintf "%d subgoal%s\n"
- goal_nb
- (if goal_nb<=1 then "" else "s"));
- List.iter
- (fun ((_,_,_,(s,_)) as _hyp) ->
- proof_buffer#insert (s^"\n"))
- hyps;
- proof_buffer#insert
- (String.make 38 '_' ^ "(1/"^
- (string_of_int goal_nb)^
- ")\n") ;
- let _,_,_,sconcl = concl in
- proof_buffer#insert sconcl;
- proof_buffer#insert "\n";
- let my_mark = `NAME "end_of_conclusion" in
- proof_buffer#move_mark
- ~where:((proof_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT))
- my_mark;
- proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
- let i = ref 1 in
- List.iter
- (function (_,(_,_,_,concl)) ->
- incr i;
- proof_buffer#insert
- (String.make 38 '_' ^"("^
- (string_of_int !i)^
- "/"^
- (string_of_int goal_nb)^
- ")\n");
- proof_buffer#insert concl;
- proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
- )
- r;
- ignore (proof_view#scroll_to_mark my_mark)
- end
- | Decl_mode.Mode_proof ->
- self#show_pm_goal
- with e ->
- prerr_endline ("Don't worry be happy despite: "^Printexc.to_string e)
val mutable full_goal_done = true
- method show_goals_full =
+ method show_goals_full =
if not full_goal_done then
- try
- proof_view#buffer#set_text "";
- match Decl_mode.get_current_mode () with
- Decl_mode.Mode_none ->
- proof_buffer#insert (Coq.print_no_goal ())
- | Decl_mode.Mode_tactic ->
- begin
- match Coq.get_current_goals () with
- [] -> Util.anomaly "show_goals_full"
- | ((hyps,concl)::r) as s ->
- let last_shown_area =
- proof_buffer#create_tag [`BACKGROUND "light green"]
- in
- let goal_nb = List.length s in
- proof_buffer#insert (Printf.sprintf "%d subgoal%s\n"
- goal_nb
- (if goal_nb<=1 then "" else "s"));
- let coq_menu commands =
- let tag = proof_buffer#create_tag []
- in
- ignore
- (tag#connect#event ~callback:
- (fun ~origin ev it ->
- begin match GdkEvent.get_type ev with
- let ev = (GdkEvent.Button.cast ev) in
- if (GdkEvent.Button.button ev) = 3
- then begin
- let loc_menu = () in
- let factory =
- new GMenu.factory loc_menu in
- let add_coq_command (cp,ip) =
- ignore
- (factory#add_item cp
- ~callback:
- (fun () -> ignore
- (self#insert_this_phrase_on_success
- true
- true
- false
- ("progress "^ip^"\n")
- (ip^"\n"))
- )
- )
- in
- List.iter add_coq_command commands;
- loc_menu#popup
- ~button:3
- ~time:(GdkEvent.Button.time ev);
- end
- proof_buffer#remove_tag
- ~start:proof_buffer#start_iter
- ~stop:proof_buffer#end_iter
- last_shown_area;
- prerr_endline "Before find_tag_limits";
- let s,e = find_tag_limits tag
- (new GText.iter it)
- in
- prerr_endline "After find_tag_limits";
- proof_buffer#apply_tag
- ~start:s
- ~stop:e
- last_shown_area;
- prerr_endline "Applied tag";
- ()
- | _ -> ()
- end;false
- )
- );
- tag
- in
- List.iter
- (fun ((_,_,_,(s,_)) as hyp) ->
- let tag = coq_menu (hyp_menu hyp) in
- proof_buffer#insert ~tags:[tag] (s^"\n"))
- hyps;
- proof_buffer#insert
- (String.make 38 '_' ^"(1/"^
- (string_of_int goal_nb)^
- ")\n")
- ;
- let tag = coq_menu (concl_menu concl) in
- let _,_,_,sconcl = concl in
- proof_buffer#insert ~tags:[tag] sconcl;
- proof_buffer#insert "\n";
- let my_mark = `NAME "end_of_conclusion" in
- proof_buffer#move_mark
- ~where:((proof_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)) my_mark;
- proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
- let i = ref 1 in
- List.iter
- (function (_,(_,_,_,concl)) ->
- incr i;
- proof_buffer#insert
- (String.make 38 '_' ^"("^
- (string_of_int !i)^
- "/"^
- (string_of_int goal_nb)^
- ")\n");
- proof_buffer#insert concl;
- proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
- )
- r;
- ignore (proof_view#scroll_to_mark my_mark) ;
- full_goal_done <- true
- end
- | Decl_mode.Mode_proof ->
- self#show_pm_goal
- with e -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e)
+ try
+ proof_buffer#set_text "";
+ match Decl_mode.get_current_mode () with
+ Decl_mode.Mode_none -> ()
+ | Decl_mode.Mode_tactic ->
+ begin
+ match Coq.get_current_goals () with
+ [] -> proof_buffer#insert (Coq.print_no_goal())
+ | ((hyps,concl)::r) as s ->
+ let last_shown_area = Tags.Proof.highlight
+ in
+ let goal_nb = List.length s in
+ proof_buffer#insert (Printf.sprintf "%d subgoal%s\n"
+ goal_nb
+ (if goal_nb<=1 then "" else "s"));
+ let coq_menu commands =
+ let tag = proof_buffer#create_tag []
+ in
+ ignore
+ (tag#connect#event ~callback:
+ (fun ~origin ev it ->
+ match GdkEvent.get_type ev with
+ let ev = (GdkEvent.Button.cast ev) in
+ if (GdkEvent.Button.button ev) = 3
+ then (
+ let loc_menu = () in
+ let factory =
+ new GMenu.factory loc_menu in
+ let add_coq_command (cp,ip) =
+ ignore
+ (factory#add_item cp
+ ~callback:
+ (fun () -> ignore
+ (self#insert_this_phrase_on_success
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ ("progress "^ip^"\n")
+ (ip^"\n"))
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ List.iter add_coq_command commands;
+ loc_menu#popup
+ ~button:3
+ ~time:(GdkEvent.Button.time ev);
+ true)
+ else false
+ proof_buffer#remove_tag
+ ~start:proof_buffer#start_iter
+ ~stop:proof_buffer#end_iter
+ last_shown_area;
+ prerr_endline "Before find_tag_limits";
+ let s,e = find_tag_limits tag
+ (new GText.iter it)
+ in
+ prerr_endline "After find_tag_limits";
+ proof_buffer#apply_tag
+ ~start:s
+ ~stop:e
+ last_shown_area;
+ prerr_endline "Applied tag";
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ false
+ )
+ );
+ tag
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun ((_,_,_,(s,_)) as hyp) ->
+ let tag = coq_menu (hyp_menu hyp) in
+ proof_buffer#insert ~tags:[tag] (s^"\n"))
+ hyps;
+ proof_buffer#insert
+ (String.make 38 '_' ^"(1/"^
+ (string_of_int goal_nb)^
+ ")\n")
+ ;
+ let tag = coq_menu (concl_menu concl) in
+ let _,_,_,sconcl = concl in
+ proof_buffer#insert ~tags:[tag] sconcl;
+ proof_buffer#insert "\n";
+ let my_mark = `NAME "end_of_conclusion" in
+ proof_buffer#move_mark
+ ~where:((proof_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)) my_mark;
+ proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
+ let i = ref 1 in
+ List.iter
+ (function (_,(_,_,_,concl)) ->
+ incr i;
+ proof_buffer#insert
+ (String.make 38 '_' ^"("^
+ (string_of_int !i)^
+ "/"^
+ (string_of_int goal_nb)^
+ ")\n");
+ proof_buffer#insert concl;
+ proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
+ )
+ r;
+ ignore (proof_view#scroll_to_mark my_mark) ;
+ full_goal_done <- true
+ end
+ | Decl_mode.Mode_proof ->
+ self#show_pm_goal
+ with e -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e)
+ method show_goals = self#show_goals_full
method send_to_coq verbosely replace phrase show_output show_error localize =
let display_output msg =
self#insert_message (if show_output then msg else "") in
let display_error e =
let (s,loc) = Coq.process_exn e in
- assert (Glib.Utf8.validate s);
- self#insert_message s;
- message_view#misc#draw None;
- if localize then
- (match Util.unloc loc with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (start,stop) ->
- let convert_pos = byte_offset_to_char_offset phrase in
- let start = convert_pos start in
- let stop = convert_pos stop in
- let i = self#get_start_of_input in
- let starti = i#forward_chars start in
- let stopi = i#forward_chars stop in
- input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name "error"
- ~start:starti
- ~stop:stopi;
- input_buffer#place_cursor starti) in
- try
- full_goal_done <- false;
- prerr_endline "Send_to_coq starting now";
- Decl_mode.clear_daimon_flag ();
- if replace then begin
- let r,info = Coq.interp_and_replace ("info " ^ phrase) in
- let complete = not (Decl_mode.get_daimon_flag ()) in
- let msg = read_stdout () in
- sync display_output msg;
- Some (complete,r)
- end else begin
- let r = Coq.interp verbosely phrase in
- let complete = not (Decl_mode.get_daimon_flag ()) in
- let msg = read_stdout () in
- sync display_output msg;
- Some (complete,r)
- end
- with e ->
- if show_error then sync display_error e;
- None
- method find_phrase_starting_at (start:GText.iter) =
- prerr_endline "find_phrase_starting_at starting now";
- let trash_bytes = ref "" in
- let end_iter = start#copy in
- let lexbuf_function s count =
- let i = ref 0 in
- let n_trash = String.length !trash_bytes in
- String.blit !trash_bytes 0 s 0 n_trash;
- i := n_trash;
- try
- while !i <= count - 1 do
- let c = end_iter#char in
- if c = 0 then raise (Stop !i);
- let c' = Glib.Utf8.from_unichar c in
- let n = String.length c' in
- if (n<=0) then exit (-2);
- if n > count - !i then
- begin
- let ri = count - !i in
- String.blit c' 0 s !i ri;
- trash_bytes := String.sub c' ri (n-ri);
- i := count ;
- end else begin
- String.blit c' 0 s !i n;
- i:= !i + n
- end;
- if not end_iter#nocopy#forward_char then
- raise (Stop !i)
- done;
- count
- with Stop x ->
- x
- in
+ assert (Glib.Utf8.validate s);
+ self#insert_message s;
+ message_view#misc#draw None;
+ if localize then
+ (match Util.unloc loc with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (start,stop) ->
+ let convert_pos = byte_offset_to_char_offset phrase in
+ let start = convert_pos start in
+ let stop = convert_pos stop in
+ let i = self#get_start_of_input in
+ let starti = i#forward_chars start in
+ let stopi = i#forward_chars stop in
+ input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.error
+ ~start:starti
+ ~stop:stopi;
+ input_buffer#place_cursor starti) in
- trash_bytes := "";
- let _ = Find_phrase.get (Lexing.from_function lexbuf_function)
- in
- end_iter#nocopy#set_offset (start#offset + !Find_phrase.length);
- Some (start,end_iter)
- with
- (*
- | Find_phrase.EOF s ->
- (* Phrase is at the end of the buffer*)
- let si = start#offset in
- let ei = si + !Find_phrase.length in
- end_iter#nocopy#set_offset (ei - 1);
- input_buffer#insert ~iter:end_iter "\n";
- Some (input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET si),
- input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET ei))
- *)
- | _ -> None
- method complete_at_offset (offset:int) =
+ full_goal_done <- false;
+ prerr_endline "Send_to_coq starting now";
+ Decl_mode.clear_daimon_flag ();
+ if replace then begin
+ let r,info = Coq.interp_and_replace ("info " ^ phrase) in
+ let is_complete = not (Decl_mode.get_daimon_flag ()) in
+ let msg = read_stdout () in
+ sync display_output msg;
+ Some (is_complete,r)
+ end else begin
+ let r = Coq.interp verbosely phrase in
+ let is_complete = not (Decl_mode.get_daimon_flag ()) in
+ let msg = read_stdout () in
+ sync display_output msg;
+ Some (is_complete,r)
+ end
+ with e ->
+ if show_error then sync display_error e;
+ None
+ method find_phrase_starting_at (start:GText.iter) =
+ try
+ let start = grab_safe_sentence_start start self#get_start_of_input in
+ let stop = grab_sentence_end_from start in
+ if stop#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end then
+ Some (start,stop)
+ else
+ None
+ with Not_found -> None
+ method complete_at_offset (offset:int) =
prerr_endline ("Completion at offset : " ^ string_of_int offset);
let it () = input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET offset) in
let iit = it () in
let start = find_word_start iit in
- if ends_word iit then
- let w = input_buffer#get_text
- ~start
- ~stop:iit
- ()
- in
- if String.length w <> 0 then begin
- prerr_endline ("Completion of prefix : '" ^ w^"'");
- match complete input_buffer w start#offset with
- | None -> false
- | Some (ss,start,stop) ->
- let completion = input_buffer#get_text ~start ~stop () in
- ignore (input_buffer#delete_selection ());
- ignore (input_buffer#insert_interactive completion);
- input_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND (it())#backward_char;
- true
- end else false
- else false
- method process_next_phrase verbosely display_goals do_highlight =
+ if ends_word iit then
+ let w = input_buffer#get_text
+ ~start
+ ~stop:iit
+ ()
+ in
+ if String.length w <> 0 then begin
+ prerr_endline ("Completion of prefix : '" ^ w^"'");
+ match complete input_buffer w start#offset with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some (ss,start,stop) ->
+ let completion = input_buffer#get_text ~start ~stop () in
+ ignore (input_buffer#delete_selection ());
+ ignore (input_buffer#insert_interactive completion);
+ input_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND (it())#backward_char;
+ true
+ end else false
+ else false
+ method process_next_phrase verbosely display_goals do_highlight =
let get_next_phrase () =
prerr_endline "process_next_phrase starting now";
if do_highlight then begin
- !push_info "Coq is computing";
- input_view#set_editable false;
- end;
- match self#find_phrase_starting_at self#get_start_of_input with
- | None ->
- if do_highlight then begin
- input_view#set_editable true;
- !pop_info ();
- end;
+ push_info "Coq is computing";
+ input_view#set_editable false;
+ end;
+ match self#find_phrase_starting_at self#get_start_of_input with
+ | None ->
+ if do_highlight then begin
+ input_view#set_editable true;
+ pop_info ();
+ end;
- | Some(start,stop) ->
- prerr_endline "process_next_phrase : to_process highlight";
- if do_highlight then begin
- input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "to_process";
- prerr_endline "process_next_phrase : to_process applied";
- end;
- prerr_endline "process_next_phrase : getting phrase";
+ | Some(start,stop) ->
+ prerr_endline "process_next_phrase : to_process highlight";
+ if do_highlight then begin
+ input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
+ prerr_endline "process_next_phrase : to_process applied";
+ end;
+ prerr_endline "process_next_phrase : getting phrase";
Some((start,stop),start#get_slice ~stop) in
let remove_tag (start,stop) =
if do_highlight then begin
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "to_process" ;
- input_view#set_editable true;
- !pop_info ();
- end in
- let mark_processed reset_info complete (start,stop) ast =
- let b = input_buffer in
- b#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input");
- b#apply_tag_by_name
- (if complete then "processed" else "unjustified") ~start ~stop;
- if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
- begin
- b#place_cursor stop;
- self#recenter_insert
- end;
- let start_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (b#create_mark start) in
- let end_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (b#create_mark stop) in
- push_phrase
- reset_info
- start_of_phrase_mark
- end_of_phrase_mark ast;
- if display_goals then self#show_goals;
- remove_tag (start,stop) in
- begin
- match sync get_next_phrase () with
- None -> false
- | Some (loc,phrase) ->
+ input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
+ input_view#set_editable true;
+ pop_info ();
+ end in
+ let mark_processed reset_info is_complete (start,stop) =
+ let b = input_buffer in
+ b#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input");
+ b#apply_tag
+ (if is_complete then Tags.Script.processed else Tags.Script.unjustified) ~start ~stop;
+ if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
+ begin
+ b#place_cursor stop;
+ self#recenter_insert
+ end;
+ let ide_payload = { start = `MARK (b#create_mark start);
+ stop = `MARK (b#create_mark stop); } in
+ push_phrase
+ cmd_stack
+ reset_info
+ ide_payload;
+ if display_goals then self#show_goals;
+ remove_tag (start,stop) in
+ begin
+ match sync get_next_phrase () with
+ None -> false
+ | Some (loc,phrase) ->
(match self#send_to_coq verbosely false phrase true true true with
- | Some (complete,(reset_info,ast)) ->
- sync (mark_processed reset_info complete) loc ast; true
- | None -> sync remove_tag loc; false)
- end
- method insert_this_phrase_on_success
- show_output show_msg localize coqphrase insertphrase =
- let mark_processed reset_info complete ast =
+ | Some (is_complete,reset_info) ->
+ sync (mark_processed reset_info is_complete) loc; true
+ | None -> sync remove_tag loc; false)
+ end
+ method insert_this_phrase_on_success
+ show_output show_msg localize coqphrase insertphrase =
+ let mark_processed reset_info is_complete =
let stop = self#get_start_of_input in
- if stop#starts_line then
- input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop insertphrase
- else input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop ("\n"^insertphrase);
- let start = self#get_start_of_input in
- input_buffer#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input");
- input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name
- (if complete then "processed" else "unjustified") ~start ~stop;
- if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
- input_buffer#place_cursor stop;
- let start_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark start) in
- let end_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark stop) in
- push_phrase reset_info start_of_phrase_mark end_of_phrase_mark ast;
- self#show_goals;
- (*Auto insert save on success...
- try (match Coq.get_current_goals () with
- | [] ->
- (match self#send_to_coq "Save.\n" true true true with
- | Some ast ->
- begin
- let stop = self#get_start_of_input in
- if stop#starts_line then
- input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop "Save.\n"
- else input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop "\nSave.\n";
- let start = self#get_start_of_input in
- input_buffer#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME"start_of_input");
- input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name "processed" ~start ~stop;
- if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
- input_buffer#place_cursor stop;
- let start_of_phrase_mark =
- `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark start) in
- let end_of_phrase_mark =
- `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark stop) in
- push_phrase
- reset_info start_of_phrase_mark end_of_phrase_mark ast
- end
- | None -> ())
- | _ -> ())
- with _ -> ()*) in
- match self#send_to_coq false false coqphrase show_output show_msg localize with
- | Some (complete,(reset_info,ast)) ->
- sync (mark_processed reset_info complete) ast; true
- | None ->
- sync
- (fun _ -> self#insert_message ("Unsuccessfully tried: "^coqphrase))
- ();
- false
+ if stop#starts_line then
+ input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop insertphrase
+ else input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop ("\n"^insertphrase);
+ let start = self#get_start_of_input in
+ input_buffer#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input");
+ input_buffer#apply_tag
+ (if is_complete then Tags.Script.processed else Tags.Script.unjustified) ~start ~stop;
+ if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
+ input_buffer#place_cursor stop;
+ let ide_payload = { start = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark start);
+ stop = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark stop); } in
+ push_phrase cmd_stack reset_info ide_payload;
+ self#show_goals;
+ (*Auto insert save on success...
+ try (match Coq.get_current_goals () with
+ | [] ->
+ (match self#send_to_coq "Save.\n" true true true with
+ | Some ast ->
+ begin
+ let stop = self#get_start_of_input in
+ if stop#starts_line then
+ input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop "Save.\n"
+ else input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop "\nSave.\n";
+ let start = self#get_start_of_input in
+ input_buffer#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME"start_of_input");
+ input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name "processed" ~start ~stop;
+ if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
+ input_buffer#place_cursor stop;
+ let start_of_phrase_mark =
+ `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark start) in
+ let end_of_phrase_mark =
+ `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark stop) in
+ push_phrase
+ reset_info start_of_phrase_mark end_of_phrase_mark ast
+ end
+ | None -> ())
+ | _ -> ())
+ with _ -> ()*) in
+ match self#send_to_coq false false coqphrase show_output show_msg localize with
+ | Some (is_complete,reset_info) ->
+ sync (mark_processed reset_info) is_complete; true
+ | None ->
+ sync
+ (fun _ -> self#insert_message ("Unsuccessfully tried: "^coqphrase))
+ ();
+ false
method process_until_iter_or_error stop =
let stop' = `OFFSET stop#offset in
let start = self#get_start_of_input#copy in
let start' = `OFFSET start#offset in
sync (fun _ ->
- input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "to_process";
- input_view#set_editable false) ();
- !push_info "Coq is computing";
+ input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
+ input_view#set_editable false) ();
+ push_info "Coq is computing";
let get_current () =
- if !current.stop_before then
+ if !current.stop_before then
match self#find_phrase_starting_at self#get_start_of_input with
| None -> self#get_start_of_input
| Some (_, stop2) -> stop2
- else begin
- self#get_start_of_input
- end
- in
- (try
- while ((stop#compare (get_current())>=0)
- && (self#process_next_phrase false false false))
- do Util.check_for_interrupt () done
- with Sys.Break ->
- prerr_endline "Interrupted during process_until_iter_or_error");
- sync (fun _ ->
- self#show_goals;
- (* Start and stop might be invalid if an eol was added at eof *)
- let start = input_buffer#get_iter start' in
- let stop = input_buffer#get_iter stop' in
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "to_process" ;
- input_view#set_editable true) ();
- !pop_info()
- method process_until_end_or_error =
+ else begin
+ self#get_start_of_input
+ end
+ in
+ (try
+ while ((stop#compare (get_current())>=0)
+ && (self#process_next_phrase false false false))
+ do Util.check_for_interrupt () done
+ with Sys.Break ->
+ prerr_endline "Interrupted during process_until_iter_or_error");
+ sync (fun _ ->
+ self#show_goals;
+ (* Start and stop might be invalid if an eol was added at eof *)
+ let start = input_buffer#get_iter start' in
+ let stop = input_buffer#get_iter stop' in
+ input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
+ input_view#set_editable true) ();
+ pop_info()
+ method process_until_end_or_error =
self#process_until_iter_or_error input_buffer#end_iter
method reset_initial =
sync (fun _ ->
- Stack.iter
- (function inf ->
- let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.start in
- let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.stop in
- input_buffer#move_mark ~where:start (`NAME "start_of_input");
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name "processed" ~start ~stop;
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name "unjustified" ~start ~stop;
- input_buffer#delete_mark inf.start;
- input_buffer#delete_mark inf.stop;
- )
- processed_stack;
- Stack.clear processed_stack;
- self#clear_message)();
+ Stack.iter
+ (function (inf,_) ->
+ let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.start in
+ let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.stop in
+ input_buffer#move_mark ~where:start (`NAME "start_of_input");
+ input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.processed ~start ~stop;
+ input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.unjustified ~start ~stop;
+ input_buffer#delete_mark inf.start;
+ input_buffer#delete_mark inf.stop;
+ )
+ cmd_stack;
+ Stack.clear cmd_stack;
+ self#clear_message)();
Coq.reset_initial ()
(* backtrack Coq to the phrase preceding iterator [i] *)
method backtrack_to_no_lock i =
prerr_endline "Backtracking_to iter starts now.";
(* pop Coq commands until we reach iterator [i] *)
- let rec pop_commands done_smthg undos =
- if is_empty () then
- done_smthg, undos
+ let rec pop_cmds popped =
+ if Stack.is_empty cmd_stack then
+ popped
- let t = top () in
- if i#compare (input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark t.stop) < 0 then
+ let (ide,coq) = Stack.pop cmd_stack in
+ if i#compare (input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark ide.stop) < 0 then
- prerr_endline "Popped top command";
- pop_commands true (pop_command undos t)
- end
+ prerr_endline "popped command";
+ pop_cmds (coq::popped)
+ end
- done_smthg, undos
+ begin
+ Stack.push (ide,coq) cmd_stack;
+ popped
+ end
- let undos = (0,0,NoBacktrack,0,undo_info()) in
- let done_smthg, undos = pop_commands false undos in
+ let seq = List.rev (pop_cmds []) in
prerr_endline "Popped commands";
- if done_smthg then
- begin
- try
- apply_undos undos;
+ if 0 < List.length seq then
+ begin
+ try
+ rewind seq cmd_stack;
sync (fun _ ->
- let start =
- if is_empty () then input_buffer#start_iter
- else input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (top ()).stop in
- prerr_endline "Removing (long) processed tag...";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
- ~start
- ~stop:self#get_start_of_input
- "processed";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
- ~start
- ~stop:self#get_start_of_input
- "unjustified";
- prerr_endline "Moving (long) start_of_input...";
- input_buffer#move_mark ~where:start (`NAME "start_of_input");
- self#show_goals;
- clear_stdout ();
- self#clear_message)
+ let start =
+ if Stack.is_empty cmd_stack then input_buffer#start_iter
+ else input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (fst ( cmd_stack)).stop in
+ prerr_endline "Removing (long) processed tag...";
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ Tags.Script.processed
+ ~start
+ ~stop:self#get_start_of_input;
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ Tags.Script.unjustified
+ ~start
+ ~stop:self#get_start_of_input;
+ prerr_endline "Moving (long) start_of_input...";
+ input_buffer#move_mark ~where:start (`NAME "start_of_input");
+ full_goal_done <- false;
+ self#show_goals;
+ clear_stdout ();
+ self#clear_message)
- with _ ->
- !push_info "WARNING: undo failed badly -> Coq might be in an inconsistent state.
-Please restart and report NOW.";
- end
- else prerr_endline "backtrack_to : discarded (...)"
- method backtrack_to i =
- if Mutex.try_lock coq_may_stop then
- (!push_info "Undoing...";
+ with _ ->
+ push_info "WARNING: undo failed badly -> Coq might be in an inconsistent state.
+ Please restart and report NOW.";
+ end
+ else prerr_endline "backtrack_to : discarded (...)"
+ method backtrack_to i =
+ if Mutex.try_lock coq_may_stop then
+ (push_info "Undoing...";
self#backtrack_to_no_lock i; Mutex.unlock coq_may_stop;
- !pop_info ())
+ pop_info ())
else prerr_endline "backtrack_to : discarded (lock is busy)"
method go_to_insert =
@@ -1411,405 +1172,278 @@ Please restart and report NOW.";
else self#backtrack_to point
method undo_last_step =
- if Mutex.try_lock coq_may_stop then
- (!push_info "Undoing last step...";
+ if Mutex.try_lock coq_may_stop then
+ (push_info "Undoing last step...";
- let last_command = top () in
- let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark last_command.start in
- let update_input () =
- prerr_endline "Removing processed tag...";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
- ~start
- ~stop:(input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark last_command.stop)
- "processed";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
- ~start
- ~stop:(input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark last_command.stop)
- "unjustified";
- prerr_endline "Moving start_of_input";
- input_buffer#move_mark
- ~where:start
- (`NAME "start_of_input");
- input_buffer#place_cursor start;
- self#recenter_insert;
- self#show_goals;
- self#clear_message
- in
- let undo = pop_command (0,0,NoBacktrack,0,undo_info()) last_command in
- apply_undos undo;
- sync update_input ()
- with
- | Size 0 -> (* !flash_info "Nothing to Undo"*)()
+ let (ide_ri,_) = cmd_stack in
+ let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark ide_ri.start in
+ let update_input () =
+ prerr_endline "Removing processed tag...";
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ Tags.Script.processed
+ ~start
+ ~stop:(input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark ide_ri.stop);
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ Tags.Script.unjustified
+ ~start
+ ~stop:(input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark ide_ri.stop);
+ prerr_endline "Moving start_of_input";
+ input_buffer#move_mark
+ ~where:start
+ (`NAME "start_of_input");
+ input_buffer#place_cursor start;
+ self#recenter_insert;
+ full_goal_done <- false;
+ self#show_goals;
+ self#clear_message
+ in
+ let _,coq = Stack.pop cmd_stack in
+ rewind [coq] cmd_stack;
+ sync update_input ()
+ with
+ | Stack.Empty -> (* flash_info "Nothing to Undo"*)()
- !pop_info ();
+ pop_info ();
Mutex.unlock coq_may_stop)
else prerr_endline "undo_last_step discarded"
- method blaster () =
- ignore (Thread.create
- (fun () ->
- prerr_endline "Blaster called";
- let c = Blaster_window.present_blaster_window () in
- if Mutex.try_lock c#lock then begin
- c#clear ();
- Decl_mode.check_not_proof_mode "No blaster in Proof mode";
- let current_gls = try get_current_goals () with _ -> [] in
- let set_goal i (s,t) =
- let gnb = string_of_int i in
- let s = gnb ^":"^s in
- let t' = gnb ^": progress "^t in
- let t'' = gnb ^": "^t in
- c#set
- ("Goal "^gnb)
- s
- (fun () -> try_interptac t')
- (sync(fun () -> self#insert_command t'' t''))
- in
- let set_current_goal (s,t) =
- c#set
- "Goal 1"
- s
- (fun () -> try_interptac ("progress "^t))
- (sync(fun () -> self#insert_command t t))
- in
- begin match current_gls with
- | [] -> ()
- | (hyp_l,current_gl)::r ->
- List.iter set_current_goal (concl_menu current_gl);
- List.iter
- (fun hyp ->
- List.iter set_current_goal (hyp_menu hyp))
- hyp_l;
- let i = ref 2 in
- List.iter
- (fun (hyp_l,gl) ->
- List.iter (set_goal !i) (concl_menu gl);
- incr i)
- r
- end;
- let _ = c#blaster () in
- Mutex.unlock c#lock
- end else prerr_endline "Blaster discarded")
- ())
- method insert_command cp ip =
+ method insert_command cp ip =
async(fun _ -> self#clear_message)();
ignore (self#insert_this_phrase_on_success true false false cp ip)
method tactic_wizard l =
async(fun _ -> self#clear_message)();
- ignore
- (List.exists
- (fun p ->
- self#insert_this_phrase_on_success true false false
- ("progress "^p^".\n") (p^".\n")) l)
- method active_keypress_handler k =
+ ignore
+ (List.exists
+ (fun p ->
+ self#insert_this_phrase_on_success true false false
+ ("progress "^p^".\n") (p^".\n")) l)
+ method active_keypress_handler k =
let state = GdkEvent.Key.state k in
- match state with
- | l when List.mem `MOD1 l ->
- let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
- if GdkKeysyms._Return=k
- then ignore(
- if (input_buffer#insert_interactive "\n") then
- begin
- let i= self#get_insert#backward_word_start in
- prerr_endline "active_kp_hf: Placing cursor";
- self#process_until_iter_or_error i
- end);
- true
- | l when List.mem `CONTROL l ->
- let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
- if GdkKeysyms._Break=k
- then break ();
- false
- | l ->
- if GdkEvent.Key.keyval k = GdkKeysyms._Tab then begin
- prerr_endline "active_kp_handler for Tab";
- self#indent_current_line;
- true
- end else false
+ match state with
+ | l when List.mem `MOD1 l ->
+ let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
+ if GdkKeysyms._Return=k
+ then ignore(
+ if (input_buffer#insert_interactive "\n") then
+ begin
+ let i= self#get_insert#backward_word_start in
+ prerr_endline "active_kp_hf: Placing cursor";
+ self#process_until_iter_or_error i
+ end);
+ true
+ | l when List.mem `CONTROL l ->
+ let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
+ if GdkKeysyms._Break=k
+ then break ();
+ false
+ | l ->
+ if GdkEvent.Key.keyval k = GdkKeysyms._Tab then begin
+ prerr_endline "active_kp_handler for Tab";
+ self#indent_current_line;
+ true
+ end else false
- method disconnected_keypress_handler k =
+ method disconnected_keypress_handler k =
match GdkEvent.Key.state k with
- | l when List.mem `CONTROL l ->
- let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
- if GdkKeysyms._c=k
- then break ();
- false
+ | l when List.mem `CONTROL l ->
+ let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
+ if GdkKeysyms._c=k
+ then break ();
+ false
| l -> false
val mutable deact_id = None
val mutable act_id = None
- method deactivate () =
+ method deactivate () =
is_active <- false;
- (match act_id with None -> ()
+ (match act_id with None -> ()
| Some id ->
- reset_initial ();
- input_view#misc#disconnect id;
- prerr_endline "DISCONNECTED old active : ";
- print_id id;
- );
- deact_id <- Some
- (input_view#event#connect#key_press self#disconnected_keypress_handler);
+ reset_initial ();
+ input_view#misc#disconnect id;
+ prerr_endline "DISCONNECTED old active : ";
+ print_id id;
+ )(*;
+ deact_id <- Some
+ (input_view#event#connect#key_press self#disconnected_keypress_handler);
prerr_endline "CONNECTED inactive : ";
- print_id (Option.get deact_id)
+ print_id (Option.get deact_id)*)
+ (* XXX *)
method activate () =
- is_active <- true;
- (match deact_id with None -> ()
+ is_active <- true;(*
+ (match deact_id with None -> ()
| Some id -> input_view#misc#disconnect id;
- prerr_endline "DISCONNECTED old inactive : ";
- print_id id
- );
- act_id <- Some
- (input_view#event#connect#key_press self#active_keypress_handler);
+ prerr_endline "DISCONNECTED old inactive : ";
+ print_id id
+ );*)
+ act_id <- Some
+ (input_view#event#connect#key_press self#active_keypress_handler);
prerr_endline "CONNECTED active : ";
print_id (Option.get act_id);
- match
- (Option.get ((Vector.get input_views index).analyzed_view)) #filename
+ match
+ filename
| None -> ()
| Some f -> let dir = Filename.dirname f in
- if not (is_in_loadpath dir) then
- begin
- ignore (Coq.interp false
- (Printf.sprintf "Add LoadPath \"%s\". " dir))
- end
- method electric_handler =
+ if not (is_in_loadpath dir) then
+ begin
+ ignore (Coq.interp false
+ (Printf.sprintf "Add LoadPath \"%s\". " dir))
+ end
+ method electric_handler =
input_buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:
- (fun it x ->
- begin try
- if last_index then begin
- last_array.(0)<-x;
- if (last_array.(1) ^ last_array.(0) = ".\n") then raise Found
- end else begin
- last_array.(1)<-x;
- if (last_array.(0) ^ last_array.(1) = ".\n") then raise Found
- end
- with Found ->
- begin
- ignore (self#process_next_phrase false true true)
- end;
- end;
- last_index <- not last_index;)
+ (fun it x ->
+ begin try
+ if last_index then begin
+ last_array.(0)<-x;
+ if (last_array.(1) ^ last_array.(0) = ".\n") then raise Found
+ end else begin
+ last_array.(1)<-x;
+ if (last_array.(0) ^ last_array.(1) = ".\n") then raise Found
+ end
+ with Found ->
+ begin
+ ignore (self#process_next_phrase false true true)
+ end;
+ end;
+ last_index <- not last_index;)
method private electric_paren tag =
let oparen_code = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "(" (ref 0) in
let cparen_code = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar ")" (ref 0) in
ignore (input_buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:
- (fun it x ->
- input_buffer#remove_tag
- ~start:input_buffer#start_iter
- ~stop:input_buffer#end_iter
- tag;
- if x = "" then () else
- match x.[String.length x - 1] with
- | ')' ->
- let hit = self#get_insert in
- let count = ref 0 in
- if hit#nocopy#backward_find_char
- (fun c ->
- if c = oparen_code && !count = 0 then true
- else if c = cparen_code then
- (incr count;false)
- else if c = oparen_code then
- (decr count;false)
- else false
- )
- then
- begin
- prerr_endline "Found matching parenthesis";
- input_buffer#apply_tag tag ~start:hit ~stop:hit#forward_char
- end
- else ()
- | _ -> ())
- )
+ (fun it x ->
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ ~start:input_buffer#start_iter
+ ~stop:input_buffer#end_iter
+ tag;
+ if x = "" then () else
+ match x.[String.length x - 1] with
+ | ')' ->
+ let hit = self#get_insert in
+ let count = ref 0 in
+ if hit#nocopy#backward_find_char
+ (fun c ->
+ if c = oparen_code && !count = 0 then true
+ else if c = cparen_code then
+ (incr count;false)
+ else if c = oparen_code then
+ (decr count;false)
+ else false
+ )
+ then
+ begin
+ prerr_endline "Found matching parenthesis";
+ input_buffer#apply_tag tag ~start:hit ~stop:hit#forward_char
+ end
+ else ()
+ | _ -> ())
+ )
+ method help_for_keyword () =
- method help_for_keyword () =
browse_keyword (self#insert_message) (get_current_word ())
- initializer
+ initializer
ignore (message_buffer#connect#insert_text
- ~callback:(fun it s -> ignore
- (message_view#scroll_to_mark
- ~use_align:false
- ~within_margin:0.49
- `INSERT)));
+ ~callback:(fun it s -> ignore
+ (message_view#scroll_to_mark
+ ~use_align:false
+ ~within_margin:0.49
+ `INSERT)));
ignore (input_buffer#connect#insert_text
- ~callback:(fun it s ->
- if (it#compare self#get_start_of_input)<0
- then GtkSignal.stop_emit ();
- if String.length s > 1 then
- (prerr_endline "insert_text: Placing cursor";input_buffer#place_cursor it)));
+ ~callback:(fun it s ->
+ if (it#compare self#get_start_of_input)<0
+ then GtkSignal.stop_emit ();
+ if String.length s > 1 then
+ (prerr_endline "insert_text: Placing cursor";input_buffer#place_cursor it)));
ignore (input_buffer#connect#after#apply_tag
- ~callback:(fun tag ~start ~stop ->
- if (start#compare self#get_start_of_input)>=0
- then
- begin
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
- ~start
- ~stop
- "processed";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
- ~start
- ~stop
- "unjustified"
- end
- )
- );
+ ~callback:(fun tag ~start ~stop ->
+ if (start#compare self#get_start_of_input)>=0
+ then
+ begin
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ Tags.Script.processed
+ ~start
+ ~stop;
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ Tags.Script.unjustified
+ ~start
+ ~stop
+ end
+ )
+ );
ignore (input_buffer#connect#after#insert_text
- ~callback:(fun it s ->
- if auto_complete_on &&
- String.length s = 1 && s <> " " && s <> "\n"
- then
- let v = Option.get (get_current_view ()).analyzed_view
- in
- let has_completed =
- v#complete_at_offset
- ((v#view#buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#offset)
- in
- if has_completed then
- input_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND (input_buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#forward_char;
- )
- );
- ignore (input_buffer#connect#modified_changed
- ~callback:
- (fun () ->
- if input_buffer#modified then
- set_tab_image index
- ~icon:(match (Option.get (current_all.analyzed_view))#filename with
- | None -> `SAVE_AS
- | Some _ -> `SAVE
- )
- else set_tab_image index ~icon:`YES;
- ));
+ ~callback:(fun it s ->
+ if auto_complete_on &&
+ String.length s = 1 && s <> " " && s <> "\n"
+ then
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view
+ in
+ let has_completed =
+ v#complete_at_offset
+ ((input_view#buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#offset)
+ in
+ if has_completed then
+ input_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND (input_buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#forward_char;
+ )
+ );
ignore (input_buffer#connect#changed
- ~callback:(fun () ->
- last_modification_time <- Unix.time ();
- let r = input_view#visible_rect in
- let stop =
- input_view#get_iter_at_location
- ~x:(Gdk.Rectangle.x r + Gdk.Rectangle.width r)
- ~y:(Gdk.Rectangle.y r + Gdk.Rectangle.height r)
- in
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
- ~start:self#get_start_of_input
- ~stop
- "error";
- Highlight.highlight_around_current_line
- input_buffer
- )
- );
- ignore (input_buffer#add_selection_clipboard (cb()));
- let paren_highlight_tag = input_buffer#create_tag ~name:"paren" [`BACKGROUND "purple"] in
- self#electric_paren paren_highlight_tag;
- ignore (input_buffer#connect#after#mark_set
- ~callback:(fun it (m:Gtk.text_mark) ->
- !set_location
- (Printf.sprintf
- "Line: %5d Char: %3d" (self#get_insert#line + 1)
- (self#get_insert#line_offset + 1));
- match GtkText.Mark.get_name m with
- | Some "insert" ->
- input_buffer#remove_tag
- ~start:input_buffer#start_iter
- ~stop:input_buffer#end_iter
- paren_highlight_tag;
- | Some s ->
- prerr_endline (s^" moved")
- | None -> () )
- );
+ ~callback:(fun () ->
+ last_modification_time <- Unix.time ();
+ let r = input_view#visible_rect in
+ let stop =
+ input_view#get_iter_at_location
+ ~x:(Gdk.Rectangle.x r + Gdk.Rectangle.width r)
+ ~y:(Gdk.Rectangle.y r + Gdk.Rectangle.height r)
+ in
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ Tags.Script.error
+ ~start:self#get_start_of_input
+ ~stop;
+ tag_on_insert input_buffer
+ )
+ );
+ ignore (input_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb);
+ ignore (proof_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb);
+ ignore (message_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb);
+ self#electric_paren Tags.Script.paren;
+ ignore (input_buffer#connect#after#mark_set
+ ~callback:(fun it (m:Gtk.text_mark) ->
+ !set_location
+ (Printf.sprintf
+ "Line: %5d Char: %3d" (self#get_insert#line + 1)
+ (self#get_insert#line_offset + 1));
+ match GtkText.Mark.get_name m with
+ | Some "insert" ->
+ input_buffer#remove_tag
+ ~start:input_buffer#start_iter
+ ~stop:input_buffer#end_iter
+ Tags.Script.paren;
+ | Some s ->
+ prerr_endline (s^" moved")
+ | None -> () )
+ );
ignore (input_buffer#connect#insert_text
- (fun it s ->
- prerr_endline "Should recenter ?";
- if String.contains s '\n' then begin
- prerr_endline "Should recenter : yes";
- self#recenter_insert
- end))
+ (fun it s ->
+ prerr_endline "Should recenter ?";
+ if String.contains s '\n' then begin
+ prerr_endline "Should recenter : yes";
+ self#recenter_insert
+ end));
-let create_input_tab filename =
- let b = GText.buffer () in
- let _ = GMisc.label () in
- let v_box = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false () in
- let _ = GMisc.image ~packing:v_box#pack () in
- let _ = GMisc.label ~text:filename ~packing:v_box#pack () in
- let appendp x = ignore ((notebook ())#append_page
- ~tab_label:v_box#coerce x) in
- let fr1 = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`ETCHED_OUT
- ~packing:appendp ()
- in
- let sw1 = GBin.scrolled_window
- ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~packing:fr1#add ()
- in
- let tv1 = Undo.undoable_view ~buffer:b ~packing:(sw1#add) () in
- prerr_endline ("Language: "^ b#start_iter#language);
- tv1#misc#set_name "ScriptWindow";
- let _ = tv1#set_editable true in
- let _ = tv1#set_wrap_mode `NONE in
- b#place_cursor ~where:(b#start_iter);
- ignore (tv1#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
- (fun ev -> GdkEvent.Button.button ev = 3));
- (* ignore (tv1#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
- (fun ev ->
- if (GdkEvent.Button.button ev=2) then
- (try
- prerr_endline "Paste invoked";
- GtkSignal.emit_unit
- (get_current_view()).view#as_view
- GtkText.View.Signals.paste_clipboard;
- true
- with _ -> false)
- else false
- ));*)
- tv1#misc#grab_focus ();
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_mark
- ~name:"start_of_input"
- tv1#buffer#start_iter);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"kwd"
- [`FOREGROUND "blue"]);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"decl"
- [`FOREGROUND "orange red"]);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"comment"
- [`FOREGROUND "brown"]);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"reserved"
- [`FOREGROUND "dark red"]);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"error"
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"to_process"
- [`BACKGROUND "light blue" ;`EDITABLE false]);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"processed"
- [`BACKGROUND "light green" ;`EDITABLE false]);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag (* Proof mode *)
- ~name:"unjustified"
- `BACKGROUND "gold" ;`EDITABLE false]);
- ignore (tv1#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"found"
- [`BACKGROUND "blue"; `FOREGROUND "white"]);
- tv1
let last_make = ref "";;
let last_make_index = ref 0;;
let search_compile_error_regexp =
@@ -1823,20 +1457,228 @@ let search_next_error () =
and b = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 3 !last_make)
and e = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 4 !last_make)
and msg_index = Str.match_beginning ()
- in
- last_make_index := Str.group_end 4;
+ in
+ last_make_index := Str.group_end 4;
String.sub !last_make msg_index (String.length !last_make - msg_index))
-let main files =
+(* session creation and primitive handling *)
+let create_session () =
+ let script =
+ Undo.undoable_view
+ ~buffer:(GText.buffer ~tag_table:Tags.Script.table ())
+ ~wrap_mode:`NONE () in
+ let proof =
+ GText.view
+ ~buffer:(GText.buffer ~tag_table:Tags.Proof.table ())
+ ~editable:false ~wrap_mode:`CHAR () in
+ let message =
+ GText.view
+ ~buffer:(GText.buffer ~tag_table:Tags.Message.table ())
+ ~editable:false ~wrap_mode:`WORD () in
+ let basename =
+ GMisc.label ~text:"*scratch*" () in
+ let stack =
+ Stack.create () in
+ let legacy_av =
+ new analyzed_view script proof message stack in
+ let _ =
+ script#buffer#create_mark ~name:"start_of_input" script#buffer#start_iter in
+ let _ =
+ proof#buffer#create_mark ~name:"end_of_conclusion" proof#buffer#start_iter in
+ let _ =
+ GtkBase.Widget.add_events proof#as_widget [`ENTER_NOTIFY;`POINTER_MOTION] in
+ let _ =
+ proof#event#connect#motion_notify ~callback:
+ (fun e ->
+ let win = match proof#get_window `WIDGET with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some w -> w in
+ let x,y = Gdk.Window.get_pointer_location win in
+ let b_x,b_y = proof#window_to_buffer_coords ~tag:`WIDGET ~x ~y in
+ let it = proof#get_iter_at_location ~x:b_x ~y:b_y in
+ let tags = it#tags in
+ List.iter
+ (fun t ->
+ ignore (GtkText.Tag.event t#as_tag proof#as_widget e it#as_iter))
+ tags;
+ false) in
+ script#misc#set_name "ScriptWindow";
+ script#buffer#place_cursor ~where:(script#buffer#start_iter);
+ proof#misc#set_can_focus true;
+ message#misc#set_can_focus true;
+ script#misc#modify_font !current.text_font;
+ proof#misc#modify_font !current.text_font;
+ message#misc#modify_font !current.text_font;
+ { tab_label=basename;
+ filename="";
+ script=script;
+ proof_view=proof;
+ message_view=message;
+ analyzed_view=legacy_av;
+ command_stack=stack;
+ encoding=""
+ }
+(* XXX - to be used later
+let load_session session filename encs =
+ session.encoding <- List.find (IdeIO.load filename session.script#buffer) encs;
+ session.tab_label#set_text (Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8 (Filename.basename filename));
+ session.filename <- filename;
+ session.script#buffer#set_modified false
+let save_session session filename encs =
+ session.encoding <- List.find ( session.script#buffer filename) encs;
+ session.tab_label#set_text (Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8 (Filename.basename filename));
+ session.filename <- filename;
+ session.script#buffer#set_modified false
+let init_session session =
+ session.script#buffer#set_modified false;
+ session.script#clear_undo;
+ session.script#buffer#place_cursor session.script#buffer#start_iter
+ *)
+(* functions called by the user interface *)
+(* XXX - to be used later
+let do_open session filename =
+ try
+ load_session session filename ["UTF-8";"ISO-8859-1";"ISO-8859-15"];
+ init_session session;
+ ignore (session_notebook#append_term session)
+ with _ -> ()
+let do_save session =
+ try
+ if session.script#buffer#modified then
+ save_session session session.filename [session.encoding]
+ with _ -> ()
+let choose_open =
+ let last_filename = ref "" in fun session ->
+ let open_dialog = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`OPEN ~title:"Open file" ~modal:true () in
+ let enc_frame = GBin.frame ~label:"File encoding" ~packing:(open_dialog#vbox#pack ~fill:false) () in
+ let enc_entry = GEdit.entry ~text:(String.concat " " ["UTF-8";"ISO-8859-1";"ISO-8859-15"]) ~packing:enc_frame#add () in
+ let error_dialog = GWindow.message_dialog ~message_type:`ERROR ~modal:true ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok
+ ~message:"Invalid encoding, please indicate the encoding to use." () in
+ let open_response = function
+ | `OPEN -> begin
+ match open_dialog#filename with
+ | Some fn -> begin
+ try
+ load_session session fn (Util.split_string_at ' ' enc_entry#text);
+ session.analyzed_view <- Some (new analyzed_view session);
+ init_session session;
+ session_notebook#goto_page (session_notebook#append_term session);
+ last_filename := fn
+ with
+ | Not_found -> open_dialog#misc#hide (); error_dialog#show ()
+ | _ ->
+ error_dialog#set_markup "Unknown error while loading file, aborting.";
+ open_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy ()
+ end
+ | None -> ()
+ end
+ | `DELETE_EVENT -> open_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy ()
+ in
+ let _ = open_dialog#connect#response open_response in
+ let _ = error_dialog#connect#response (fun x -> error_dialog#misc#hide (); open_dialog#show ()) in
+ let filter_any = GFile.filter ~name:"Any" ~patterns:["*"] () in
+ let filter_coq = GFile.filter ~name:"Coq source" ~patterns:["*.v"] () in
+ open_dialog#add_select_button_stock `OPEN `OPEN;
+ open_dialog#add_button_stock `CANCEL `DELETE_EVENT;
+ open_dialog#add_filter filter_any;
+ open_dialog#add_filter filter_coq;
+ ignore(open_dialog#set_filename !last_filename);
+ open_dialog#show ()
+let choose_save session =
+ let save_dialog = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`SAVE ~title:"Save file" ~modal:true () in
+ let enc_frame = GBin.frame ~label:"File encoding" ~packing:(save_dialog#vbox#pack ~fill:false) () in
+ let enc_entry = GEdit.entry ~text:(String.concat " " [session.encoding;"UTF-8";"ISO-8859-1";"ISO-8859-15"]) ~packing:enc_frame#add () in
+ let error_dialog = GWindow.message_dialog ~message_type:`ERROR ~modal:true ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok
+ ~message:"Invalid encoding, please indicate the encoding to use." () in
+ let save_response = function
+ | `SAVE -> begin
+ match save_dialog#filename with
+ | Some fn -> begin
+ try
+ save_session session fn (Util.split_string_at ' ' enc_entry#text)
+ with
+ | Not_found -> save_dialog#misc#hide (); error_dialog#show ()
+ | _ ->
+ error_dialog#set_markup "Unknown error while saving file, aborting.";
+ save_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy ()
+ end
+ | None -> ()
+ end
+ | `DELETE_EVENT -> save_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy ()
+ in
+ let _ = save_dialog#connect#response save_response in
+ let _ = error_dialog#connect#response (fun x -> error_dialog#misc#hide (); save_dialog#show ()) in
+ let filter_any = GFile.filter ~name:"Any" ~patterns:["*"] () in
+ let filter_coq = GFile.filter ~name:"Coq source" ~patterns:["*.v"] () in
+ save_dialog#add_select_button_stock `SAVE `SAVE;
+ save_dialog#add_button_stock `CANCEL `DELETE_EVENT;
+ save_dialog#add_filter filter_any;
+ save_dialog#add_filter filter_coq;
+ ignore(save_dialog#set_filename session.filename);
+ save_dialog#show ()
+ *)
+let do_print session =
+ let av = session.analyzed_view in
+ if session.filename = ""
+ then flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name"
+ else begin
+ let cmd =
+ "cd " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.dirname session.filename) ^ "; " ^
+ !current.cmd_coqdoc ^ " -ps " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.basename session.filename) ^
+ " | " ^ !current.cmd_print
+ in
+ let print_window = GWindow.window ~title:"Print" ~modal:true ~position:`CENTER ~wm_class:"CoqIDE" ~wm_name: "CoqIDE" () in
+ let vbox_print = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10 ~packing:print_window#add () in
+ let _ = GMisc.label ~justify:`LEFT ~text:"Print using the following command:" ~packing:vbox_print#add () in
+ let print_entry = GEdit.entry ~text:cmd ~editable:true ~width_chars:80 ~packing:vbox_print#add () in
+ let hbox_print = GPack.hbox ~spacing:10 ~packing:vbox_print#add () in
+ let print_cancel_button = GButton.button ~stock:`CANCEL ~label:"Cancel" ~packing:hbox_print#add () in
+ let print_button = GButton.button ~stock:`PRINT ~label:"Print" ~packing:hbox_print#add () in
+ let callback_print () =
+ let cmd = print_entry#text in
+ let s,_ = run_command av#insert_message cmd in
+ flash_info (cmd ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed");
+ print_window#destroy ()
+ in
+ ignore (print_cancel_button#connect#clicked ~callback:print_window#destroy) ;
+ ignore (print_button#connect#clicked ~callback:callback_print);
+ print_window#misc#show ()
+ end
+let main files =
(* Statup preferences *)
load_pref ();
(* Main window *)
- let w = GWindow.window
+ let w = GWindow.window
~wm_class:"CoqIde" ~wm_name:"CoqIde"
- ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true
- ~width:!current.window_width ~height:!current.window_height
+ ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true
+ ~width:!current.window_width ~height:!current.window_height
~title:"CoqIde" ()
@@ -1852,15 +1694,15 @@ let main files =
let menubar = GMenu.menu_bar ~packing:vbox#pack () in
(* Toolbar *)
- let toolbar = GButton.toolbar
- ~orientation:`HORIZONTAL
+ let toolbar = GButton.toolbar
+ ~orientation:`HORIZONTAL
- ~tooltips:true
+ ~tooltips:true
~packing:(* handle#add *)
(vbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false)
- show_toolbar :=
+ show_toolbar :=
(fun b -> if b then toolbar#misc#show () else toolbar#misc#hide ());
let factory = new GMenu.factory ~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/" menubar in
@@ -1873,17 +1715,20 @@ let main files =
(* File/Load Menu *)
let load_file handler f =
- let f = absolute_filename f in
+ let f = absolute_filename f in
prerr_endline "Loading file starts";
- Vector.find_or_fail
- (function
- | {analyzed_view=Some av} ->
- (match av#filename with
- | None -> false
- | Some fn -> same_file f fn)
- | _ -> false)
- !input_views;
+ if not (Util.list_fold_left_i
+ (fun i found x -> if found then found else
+ let {analyzed_view=av} = x in
+ (match av#filename with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some fn ->
+ if same_file f fn
+ then (session_notebook#goto_page i; true)
+ else false))
+ 0 false session_notebook#pages)
+ then begin
prerr_endline "Loading: must open";
let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
prerr_endline "Loading: get raw content";
@@ -1891,290 +1736,231 @@ let main files =
prerr_endline "Loading: convert content";
let s = do_convert (Buffer.contents b) in
prerr_endline "Loading: create view";
- let view = create_input_tab (Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8
- (Filename.basename f))
- in
- prerr_endline "Loading: change font";
- view#misc#modify_font !current.text_font;
+ let session = create_session () in
+ session.tab_label#set_text (Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8 (Filename.basename f));
prerr_endline "Loading: adding view";
- let index = add_input_view {view = view;
- analyzed_view = None;
- }
- in
- let av = (new analyzed_view index) in
- prerr_endline "Loading: register view";
- (get_input_view index).analyzed_view <- Some av;
+ let index = session_notebook#append_term session in
+ let av = session.analyzed_view in
prerr_endline "Loading: set filename";
av#set_filename (Some f);
prerr_endline "Loading: stats";
- let input_buffer = view#buffer in
+ let input_buffer = session.script#buffer in
prerr_endline "Loading: fill buffer";
input_buffer#set_text s;
input_buffer#place_cursor input_buffer#start_iter;
prerr_endline ("Loading: switch to view "^ string_of_int index);
- set_current_view index;
- set_tab_image index ~icon:`YES;
+ session_notebook#goto_page index;
prerr_endline "Loading: highlight";
- Highlight.highlight_all input_buffer;
input_buffer#set_modified false;
prerr_endline "Loading: clear undo";
- av#view#clear_undo;
+ session.script#clear_undo;
prerr_endline "Loading: success"
- with
- | Vector.Found i -> set_current_view i
+ end
+ with
| e -> handler ("Load failed: "^(Printexc.to_string e))
- let load f = load_file !flash_info f in
- let load_m = file_factory#add_item "_New"
+ let load f = load_file flash_info f in
+ let load_m = file_factory#add_item "_New"
~key:GdkKeysyms._N in
- let load_f () =
- match select_file_for_save ~title:"Create file" () with
+ let load_f () =
+ match select_file_for_save ~title:"Create file" () with
| None -> ()
| Some f -> load f
ignore (load_m#connect#activate (load_f));
- let load_m = file_factory#add_item "_Open"
+ let load_m = file_factory#add_item "_Open"
~key:GdkKeysyms._O in
- let load_f () =
- match select_file_for_open ~title:"Load file" () with
+ let load_f () =
+ match select_file_for_open ~title:"Load file" () with
| None -> ()
| Some f -> load f
ignore (load_m#connect#activate (load_f));
(* File/Save Menu *)
- let save_m = file_factory#add_item "_Save"
+ let save_m = file_factory#add_item "_Save"
~key:GdkKeysyms._S in
- let save_f () =
- let current = get_current_view () in
+ let save_f () =
+ let current = session_notebook#current_term in
- (match (Option.get current.analyzed_view)#filename with
+ (match current.analyzed_view#filename with
| None ->
begin match select_file_for_save ~title:"Save file" ()
| None -> ()
- | Some f ->
- if (Option.get current.analyzed_view)#save_as f then begin
- set_current_tab_label (Filename.basename f);
- !flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved")
+ | Some f ->
+ if current.analyzed_view#save_as f then begin
+ current.tab_label#set_text (Filename.basename f);
+ flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved")
else warning ("Save Failed (check if " ^ f ^ " is writable)")
- | Some f ->
- if (Option.get current.analyzed_view)#save f then
- !flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved")
+ | Some f ->
+ if current.analyzed_view#save f then
+ flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved")
else warning ("Save Failed (check if " ^ f ^ " is writable)")
- with
+ with
| e -> warning "Save: unexpected error"
- in
+ in
ignore (save_m#connect#activate save_f);
(* File/Save As Menu *)
- let saveas_m = file_factory#add_item "S_ave as"
+ let saveas_m = file_factory#add_item "S_ave as"
- let saveas_f () =
- let current = get_current_view () in
- try (match (Option.get current.analyzed_view)#filename with
- | None ->
+ let saveas_f () =
+ let current = session_notebook#current_term in
+ try (match current.analyzed_view#filename with
+ | None ->
begin match select_file_for_save ~title:"Save file as" ()
| None -> ()
- | Some f ->
- if (Option.get current.analyzed_view)#save_as f then begin
- set_current_tab_label (Filename.basename f);
- !flash_info "Saved"
+ | Some f ->
+ if current.analyzed_view#save_as f then begin
+ current.tab_label#set_text (Filename.basename f);
+ flash_info "Saved"
- else !flash_info "Save Failed"
+ else flash_info "Save Failed"
- | Some f ->
- begin match select_file_for_save
- ~dir:(ref (Filename.dirname f))
+ | Some f ->
+ begin match select_file_for_save
+ ~dir:(ref (Filename.dirname f))
~filename:(Filename.basename f)
~title:"Save file as" ()
| None -> ()
- | Some f ->
- if (Option.get current.analyzed_view)#save_as f then begin
- set_current_tab_label (Filename.basename f);
- !flash_info "Saved"
- end else !flash_info "Save Failed"
+ | Some f ->
+ if current.analyzed_view#save_as f then begin
+ current.tab_label#set_text (Filename.basename f);
+ flash_info "Saved"
+ end else flash_info "Save Failed"
- with e -> !flash_info "Save Failed"
- in
+ with e -> flash_info "Save Failed"
+ in
ignore (saveas_m#connect#activate saveas_f);
+ (* XXX *)
(* File/Save All Menu *)
let saveall_m = file_factory#add_item "Sa_ve all" in
- let saveall_f () =
- Vector.iter
- (function
- | {view = view ; analyzed_view = Some av} ->
- begin match av#filename with
+ let saveall_f () =
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | {script = view ; analyzed_view = av} ->
+ begin match av#filename with
| None -> ()
| Some f ->
ignore (av#save f)
- | _ -> ()
- ) input_views
+ ) session_notebook#pages
- let has_something_to_save () =
- Vector.exists
- (function
- | {view=view} -> view#buffer#modified
+ (* XXX *)
+ let has_something_to_save () =
+ List.exists
+ (function
+ | {script=view} -> view#buffer#modified
- input_views
+ session_notebook#pages
ignore (saveall_m#connect#activate saveall_f);
+ (* XXX *)
(* File/Revert Menu *)
let revert_m = file_factory#add_item "_Revert all buffers" in
- let revert_f () =
- Vector.iter
- (function
- {view = view ; analyzed_view = Some av} ->
- (try
- match av#filename,av#stats with
- | Some f,Some stats ->
+ let revert_f () =
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ {analyzed_view = av} ->
+ (try
+ match av#filename,av#stats with
+ | Some f,Some stats ->
let new_stats = Unix.stat f in
- if new_stats.Unix.st_mtime > stats.Unix.st_mtime
+ if new_stats.Unix.st_mtime > stats.Unix.st_mtime
then av#revert
| Some _, None -> av#revert
| _ -> ()
with _ -> av#revert)
- | _ -> ()
- ) input_views
+ ) session_notebook#pages
ignore (revert_m#connect#activate revert_f);
(* File/Close Menu *)
let close_m =
file_factory#add_item "_Close buffer" ~key:GdkKeysyms._W in
- let close_f () =
- let v = Option.get !active_view in
- let act = get_current_view_page () in
- if v = act then !flash_info "Cannot close an active view"
+ let close_f () =
+ let v = !active_view in
+ let act = session_notebook#current_page in
+ if v = act then flash_info "Cannot close an active view"
else remove_current_view_page ()
ignore (close_m#connect#activate close_f);
(* File/Print Menu *)
- let print_f () =
- let v = get_current_view () in
- let av = Option.get v.analyzed_view in
- match av#filename with
- | None ->
- !flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name"
- | Some f ->
- let cmd =
- "cd " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f) ^ "; " ^
- !current.cmd_coqdoc ^ " -ps " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.basename f) ^
- " | " ^ !current.cmd_print
- in
- let print_window = GWindow.window
- ~title:"Print"
- ~modal:true
- ~position:`CENTER
- ~wm_class:"CodIDE"
- ~wm_name: "CodIDE" () in
- let vbox_print = GPack.vbox
- ~spacing:10
- ~border_width:10
- ~packing:print_window#add () in
- let _ = GMisc.label
- ~justify:`LEFT
- ~text:"Print using the following command:"
- ~packing:vbox_print#add () in
- let print_entry = GEdit.entry
- ~text:cmd
- ~editable:true
- ~width_chars:80
- ~packing:vbox_print#add () in
- let hbox_print = GPack.hbox
- ~spacing:10
- ~packing:vbox_print#add () in
- let print_cancel_button = GButton.button ~stock:`CANCEL ~label:"Cancel" ~packing:hbox_print#add () in
- let print_button = GButton.button ~stock:`PRINT ~label:"Print" ~packing:hbox_print#add () in
- let callback_print () =
- let cmd = print_entry#text in
- let s,_ = run_command av#insert_message cmd in
- !flash_info (cmd ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed");
- print_window#destroy ()
- in
- ignore (print_cancel_button#connect#clicked ~callback:print_window#destroy) ;
- ignore (print_button#connect#clicked ~callback:callback_print);
- print_window#misc#show();
- in
let _ = file_factory#add_item "_Print..."
- ~callback:print_f in
+ ~callback:(fun () -> do_print session_notebook#current_term) in
(* File/Export to Menu *)
let export_f kind () =
- let v = get_current_view () in
- let av = Option.get v.analyzed_view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let av = v.analyzed_view in
match av#filename with
- | None ->
- !flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name"
+ | None ->
+ flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name"
| Some f ->
let basef = Filename.basename f in
- let output =
+ let output =
let basef_we = try Filename.chop_extension basef with _ -> basef in
match kind with
| "latex" -> basef_we ^ ".tex"
| "dvi" | "ps" | "pdf" | "html" -> basef_we ^ "." ^ kind
| _ -> assert false
- let cmd =
+ let cmd =
"cd " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f) ^ "; " ^
!current.cmd_coqdoc ^ " --" ^ kind ^ " -o " ^ (Filename.quote output) ^ " " ^ (Filename.quote basef)
let s,_ = run_command av#insert_message cmd in
- !flash_info (cmd ^
- if s = Unix.WEXITED 0
- then " succeeded"
+ flash_info (cmd ^
+ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0
+ then " succeeded"
else " failed")
let file_export_m = file_factory#add_submenu "E_xport to" in
let file_export_factory = new GMenu.factory ~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Export/" file_export_m ~accel_group in
- let _ =
- file_export_factory#add_item "_Html" ~callback:(export_f "html")
+ let _ =
+ file_export_factory#add_item "_Html" ~callback:(export_f "html")
- let _ =
+ let _ =
file_export_factory#add_item "_LaTeX" ~callback:(export_f "latex")
- let _ =
- file_export_factory#add_item "_Dvi" ~callback:(export_f "dvi")
+ let _ =
+ file_export_factory#add_item "_Dvi" ~callback:(export_f "dvi")
- let _ =
- file_export_factory#add_item "_Pdf" ~callback:(export_f "pdf")
+ let _ =
+ file_export_factory#add_item "_Pdf" ~callback:(export_f "pdf")
- let _ =
- file_export_factory#add_item "_Ps" ~callback:(export_f "ps")
+ let _ =
+ file_export_factory#add_item "_Ps" ~callback:(export_f "ps")
(* File/Rehighlight Menu *)
let rehighlight_m = file_factory#add_item "Reh_ighlight" ~key:GdkKeysyms._L in
- ignore (rehighlight_m#connect#activate
- (fun () ->
- Highlight.highlight_all
- (get_current_view()).view#buffer;
- (Option.get (get_current_view()).analyzed_view)#recenter_insert));
+ ignore (rehighlight_m#connect#activate
+ (fun () ->
+ force_retag
+ session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer;
+ session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view#recenter_insert));
(* File/Quit Menu *)
let quit_f () =
- if has_something_to_save () then
+ if has_something_to_save () then
match (GToolbox.question_box ~title:"Quit"
~buttons:["Save Named Buffers and Quit";
"Quit without Saving";
- "Don't Quit"]
+ "Don't Quit"]
(let img = GMisc.image () in
@@ -2188,7 +1974,7 @@ let main files =
| _ -> ()
else exit 0
- let _ = file_factory#add_item "_Quit" ~key:GdkKeysyms._Q
+ let _ = file_factory#add_item "_Quit" ~key:GdkKeysyms._Q
ignore (w#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> quit_f (); true));
@@ -2198,50 +1984,60 @@ let main files =
let edit_f = new GMenu.factory ~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Edit/" edit_menu ~accel_group in
ignore(edit_f#add_item "_Undo" ~key:GdkKeysyms._u ~callback:
(do_if_not_computing "undo"
- (fun () ->
- ignore ((Option.get ((get_current_view()).analyzed_view))#
- without_auto_complete
- (fun () -> (get_current_view()).view#undo) ()))));
- ignore(edit_f#add_item "_Clear Undo Stack"
+ (fun () ->
+ ignore (session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view#
+ without_auto_complete
+ (fun () -> session_notebook#current_term.script#undo) ()))));
+ ignore(edit_f#add_item "_Clear Undo Stack"
(* ~key:GdkKeysyms._exclam *)
- (fun () ->
- ignore (get_current_view()).view#clear_undo));
+ (fun () ->
+ ignore session_notebook#current_term.script#clear_undo));
ignore(edit_f#add_separator ());
+ let get_active_view_for_cp () =
+ let has_sel (i0,i1) = i0#compare i1 <> 0 in
+ let current = session_notebook#current_term in
+ if has_sel current.script#buffer#selection_bounds
+ then current.script#as_view
+ else if has_sel current.proof_view#buffer#selection_bounds
+ then current.proof_view#as_view
+ else current.message_view#as_view
+ in
ignore(edit_f#add_item "Cut" ~key:GdkKeysyms._X ~callback:
(fun () -> GtkSignal.emit_unit
- (get_current_view()).view#as_view
- GtkText.View.S.cut_clipboard));
+ (get_active_view_for_cp ())
+ GtkText.View.S.cut_clipboard
+ ));
ignore(edit_f#add_item "Copy" ~key:GdkKeysyms._C ~callback:
(fun () -> GtkSignal.emit_unit
- (get_current_view()).view#as_view
+ (get_active_view_for_cp ())
ignore(edit_f#add_item "Paste" ~key:GdkKeysyms._V ~callback:
- (fun () ->
+ (fun () ->
try GtkSignal.emit_unit
- (get_current_view()).view#as_view
+ session_notebook#current_term.script#as_view
with _ -> prerr_endline "EMIT PASTE FAILED"));
ignore (edit_f#add_separator ());
- let toggle_auto_complete_i =
- edit_f#add_check_item "_Auto Completion"
+ let toggle_auto_complete_i =
+ edit_f#add_check_item "_Auto Completion"
- auto_complete :=
- (fun b -> match (get_current_view()).analyzed_view with
+ auto_complete :=
+ (fun b -> match session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view with
| Some av -> av#set_auto_complete b
| None -> ());
let last_found = ref None in
let search_backward = ref false in
- let find_w = GWindow.window
+ let find_w = GWindow.window
(* ~wm_class:"CoqIde" ~wm_name:"CoqIde" *)
(* ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true *)
(* ~width:!current.window_width ~height:!current.window_height *)
@@ -2252,38 +2048,38 @@ let main files =
~columns:3 ~rows:5
~col_spacings:10 ~row_spacings:10 ~border_width:10
~homogeneous:false ~packing:find_w#add () in
- let _ =
+ let _ =
GMisc.label ~text:"Find:"
- ~packing:(find_box#attach ~left:0 ~top:0 ~fill:`X) ()
+ ~packing:(find_box#attach ~left:0 ~top:0 ~fill:`X) ()
let find_entry = GEdit.entry
~editable: true
~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:1 ~top:0 ~expand:`X)
- let _ =
+ let _ =
GMisc.label ~text:"Replace with:"
- ~packing:(find_box#attach ~left:0 ~top:1 ~fill:`X) ()
+ ~packing:(find_box#attach ~left:0 ~top:1 ~fill:`X) ()
let replace_entry = GEdit.entry
~editable: true
~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:1 ~top:1 ~expand:`X)
- (* let _ =
+ (* let _ =
~label:"case sensitive"
~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:1 ~top:2)
- let find_backwards_check =
+ let find_backwards_check =
~label:"search backwards"
@@ -2322,25 +2118,25 @@ let main files =
let last_find () =
- let v = (get_current_view()).view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in
let b = v#buffer in
let start,stop =
- match !last_found with
+ match !last_found with
| None -> let i = b#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in (i,i)
| Some(start,stop) ->
let start = b#get_iter_at_mark start
and stop = b#get_iter_at_mark stop
- b#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "found";
+ b#remove_tag Tags.Script.found ~start ~stop;
let do_replace () =
- let v = (get_current_view()).view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in
let b = v#buffer in
- match !last_found with
+ match !last_found with
| None -> ()
| Some(start,stop) ->
let start = b#get_iter_at_mark start
@@ -2358,7 +2154,7 @@ let main files =
| None -> ()
| Some(start,stop) ->
- b#apply_tag_by_name "found" ~start ~stop;
+ b#apply_tag Tags.Script.found ~start ~stop;
let start = `MARK (b#create_mark start)
and stop = `MARK (b#create_mark stop)
@@ -2368,7 +2164,7 @@ let main files =
let do_find () =
let (v,b,starti,_) = last_find () in
- find_from v b starti find_entry#text
+ find_from v b starti find_entry#text
let do_replace_find () =
@@ -2380,8 +2176,8 @@ let main files =
- to_do_on_page_switch :=
- (fun i -> if find_w#misc#visible then close_find())::
+ to_do_on_page_switch :=
+ (fun i -> if find_w#misc#visible then close_find())::
let find_again_forward () =
search_backward := false;
@@ -2403,12 +2199,12 @@ let main files =
- end
+ end
else if k = GdkKeysyms._Return then
- end
+ end
else if List.mem `CONTROL s && k = GdkKeysyms._f then
find_again_forward ();
@@ -2421,7 +2217,7 @@ let main files =
else false (* to let default callback execute *)
- let find_f ~backward () =
+ let find_f ~backward () =
search_backward := backward;
find_w#show ();
find_w#present ();
@@ -2455,30 +2251,30 @@ let main files =
let complete_i = edit_f#add_item "_Complete"
- (do_if_not_computing
- (fun b ->
- let v = Option.get (get_current_view ()).analyzed_view
- in v#complete_at_offset
+ (do_if_not_computing
+ (fun b ->
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view
+ in v#complete_at_offset
((v#view#buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#offset)
complete_i#misc#set_state `INSENSITIVE;
ignore(edit_f#add_item "Complete Word" ~key:GdkKeysyms._slash ~callback:
- (fun () ->
+ (fun () ->
ignore (
- let av = Option.get ((get_current_view()).analyzed_view) in
+ let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in
av#complete_at_offset (av#get_insert)#offset
ignore(edit_f#add_separator ());
(* external editor *)
- let _ =
+ let _ =
edit_f#add_item "External editor" ~callback:
- (fun () ->
- let av = Option.get ((get_current_view()).analyzed_view) in
+ (fun () ->
+ let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in
match av#filename with
| None -> warning "Call to external editor available only on named files"
| Some f ->
@@ -2491,34 +2287,33 @@ let main files =
(* Preferences *)
let reset_revert_timer () =
disconnect_revert_timer ();
- if !current.global_auto_revert then
+ if !current.global_auto_revert then
revert_timer := Some
- (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:!current.global_auto_revert_delay
+ (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:!current.global_auto_revert_delay
- (fun () ->
+ (fun () ->
do_if_not_computing "revert" (sync revert_f) ();
in reset_revert_timer (); (* to enable statup preferences timer *)
- let auto_save_f () =
- Vector.iter
- (function
- {view = view ; analyzed_view = Some av} ->
- (try
+ (* XXX *)
+ let auto_save_f () =
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ {script = view ; analyzed_view = av} ->
+ (try
with _ -> ())
- | _ -> ()
- )
- input_views
+ )
+ session_notebook#pages
let reset_auto_save_timer () =
disconnect_auto_save_timer ();
- if !current.auto_save then
+ if !current.auto_save then
auto_save_timer := Some
- (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:!current.auto_save_delay
+ (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:!current.auto_save_delay
- (fun () ->
+ (fun () ->
do_if_not_computing "autosave" (sync auto_save_f) ();
in reset_auto_save_timer (); (* to enable statup preferences timer *)
@@ -2536,34 +2331,40 @@ let main files =
(* Navigation Menu *)
let navigation_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Navigation" in
- let navigation_factory =
- new GMenu.factory navigation_menu
+ let navigation_factory =
+ new GMenu.factory navigation_menu
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Navigation/"
- ~accel_group
- ~accel_modi:!current.modifier_for_navigation
+ ~accel_group
+ ~accel_modi:!current.modifier_for_navigation
- let do_or_activate f () =
- let current = get_current_view () in
- let analyzed_view = Option.get current.analyzed_view in
- if analyzed_view#is_active then
+ let _do_or_activate f () =
+ let current = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let analyzed_view = current.analyzed_view in
+ if analyzed_view#is_active then begin
+ prerr_endline ("view "^current.tab_label#text^"already active");
ignore (f analyzed_view)
- else
+ end else
- !flash_info "New proof started";
- activate_input (notebook ())#current_page;
+ flash_info "New proof started";
+ prerr_endline ("activating view "^current.tab_label#text);
+ activate_input session_notebook#current_page;
ignore (f analyzed_view)
- let do_or_activate f =
+ let do_or_activate f =
do_if_not_computing "do_or_activate"
- (do_or_activate
- (fun av -> f av ; !pop_info();!push_info (Coq.current_status())))
+ (_do_or_activate
+ (fun av -> f av;
+ pop_info ();
+ push_info (Coq.current_status())
+ )
+ )
- let add_to_menu_toolbar text ~tooltip ?key ~callback icon =
+ let add_to_menu_toolbar text ~tooltip ?key ~callback icon =
- match key with None -> ()
+ match key with None -> ()
| Some key -> ignore (navigation_factory#add_item text ~key ~callback)
ignore (toolbar#insert_button
@@ -2573,107 +2374,106 @@ let main files =
- add_to_menu_toolbar
- "_Save"
- ~tooltip:"Save current buffer"
+ add_to_menu_toolbar
+ "_Save"
+ ~tooltip:"Save current buffer"
- add_to_menu_toolbar
- "_Close"
- ~tooltip:"Close current buffer"
+ add_to_menu_toolbar
+ "_Close"
+ ~tooltip:"Close current buffer"
- add_to_menu_toolbar
- "_Forward"
- ~tooltip:"Forward one command"
- ~key:GdkKeysyms._Down
- ~callback:(do_or_activate (fun a -> a#process_next_phrase true true true))
+ add_to_menu_toolbar
+ "_Forward"
+ ~tooltip:"Forward one command"
+ ~key:GdkKeysyms._Down
+ ~callback:(do_or_activate (fun a -> a#process_next_phrase true true true ))
add_to_menu_toolbar "_Backward"
- ~tooltip:"Backward one command"
+ ~tooltip:"Backward one command"
~callback:(do_or_activate (fun a -> a#undo_last_step))
- add_to_menu_toolbar
- "_Go to"
- ~tooltip:"Go to cursor"
+ add_to_menu_toolbar
+ "_Go to"
+ ~tooltip:"Go to cursor"
~callback:(do_or_activate (fun a-> a#go_to_insert))
- add_to_menu_toolbar
- "_Start"
- ~tooltip:"Go to start"
+ add_to_menu_toolbar
+ "_Start"
+ ~tooltip:"Go to start"
~callback:(do_or_activate (fun a -> a#reset_initial))
- add_to_menu_toolbar
- "_End"
- ~tooltip:"Go to end"
+ add_to_menu_toolbar
+ "_End"
+ ~tooltip:"Go to end"
~callback:(do_or_activate (fun a -> a#process_until_end_or_error))
add_to_menu_toolbar "_Interrupt"
- ~tooltip:"Interrupt computations"
- ~key:GdkKeysyms._Break
+ ~tooltip:"Interrupt computations"
+ ~key:GdkKeysyms._Break
+ add_to_menu_toolbar "_Hide"
+ ~tooltip:"Hide proof"
+ ~key:GdkKeysyms._h
+ ~callback:(fun x ->
+ let sess = session_notebook#current_term in
+ toggle_proof_visibility sess.script#buffer
+ sess.analyzed_view#get_insert)
(* Tactics Menu *)
let tactics_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Try Tactics" in
- let tactics_factory =
- new GMenu.factory tactics_menu
+ let tactics_factory =
+ new GMenu.factory tactics_menu
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Tactics/"
- ~accel_group
+ ~accel_group
- let do_if_active_raw f () =
- let current = get_current_view () in
- let analyzed_view = Option.get current.analyzed_view in
+ let do_if_active_raw f () =
+ let current = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let analyzed_view = current.analyzed_view in
if analyzed_view#is_active then ignore (f analyzed_view)
let do_if_active f =
do_if_not_computing "do_if_active" (do_if_active_raw f) in
- (*
- let blaster_i =
- tactics_factory#add_item "_Blaster"
- ~key:GdkKeysyms._b
- ~callback: (do_if_active_raw (fun a -> a#blaster ()))
- (* Custom locking mechanism! *)
- in
- blaster_i#misc#set_state `INSENSITIVE;
- *)
- ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_auto"
+ ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_auto"
~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command "progress auto.\n" "auto.\n"))
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_auto with *"
- ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
+ ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
"progress auto with *.\n"
"auto with *.\n")));
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_eauto"
- ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
+ ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
"progress eauto.\n"
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_eauto with *"
- ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
- "progress eauto with *.\n"
+ ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
+ "progress eauto with *.\n"
"eauto with *.\n"))
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_intuition"
- ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
- "progress intuition.\n"
+ ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
+ "progress intuition.\n"
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_omega"
- ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
+ ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command
"omega.\n" "omega.\n"))
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_simpl"
@@ -2703,15 +2503,15 @@ let main files =
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "<Proof _Wizard>"
- ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#tactic_wizard
+ ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#tactic_wizard
ignore (tactics_factory#add_separator ());
- let add_simple_template (factory: GMenu.factory)
+ let add_simple_template (factory: GMenu.factory)
(menu_text, text) =
- let text =
+ let text =
let l = String.length text - 1 in
if String.get text l = '.'
then text ^"\n"
@@ -2719,42 +2519,42 @@ let main files =
ignore (factory#add_item menu_text
- (fun () -> let {view = view } = get_current_view () in
+ (fun () -> let {script = view } = session_notebook#current_term in
ignore (view#buffer#insert_interactive text)))
- List.iter
- (fun l ->
- match l with
+ List.iter
+ (fun l ->
+ match l with
| [] -> ()
- | [s] -> add_simple_template tactics_factory ("_"^s, s)
- | s::_ ->
+ | [s] -> add_simple_template tactics_factory ("_"^s, s)
+ | s::_ ->
let a = "_@..." in
a.[1] <- s.[0];
- let f = tactics_factory#add_submenu a in
+ let f = tactics_factory#add_submenu a in
let ff = new GMenu.factory f ~accel_group in
- List.iter
- (fun x ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun x ->
- ff
+ ff
((String.sub x 0 1)^
(String.sub x 1 (String.length x - 1)),
- )
+ )
(* Templates Menu *)
let templates_menu = factory#add_submenu "Te_mplates" in
- let templates_factory = new GMenu.factory templates_menu
+ let templates_factory = new GMenu.factory templates_menu
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Templates/"
- ~accel_group
+ ~accel_group
let add_complex_template (menu_text, text, offset, len, key) =
(* Templates/Lemma *)
let callback () =
- let {view = view } = get_current_view () in
+ let {script = view } = session_notebook#current_term in
if view#buffer#insert_interactive text then begin
let iter = view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
ignore (iter#nocopy#backward_chars offset);
@@ -2764,19 +2564,19 @@ let main files =
end in
ignore (templates_factory#add_item menu_text ~callback ?key)
- add_complex_template
- ("_Lemma __", "Lemma new_lemma : .\nProof.\n\nSave.\n",
+ add_complex_template
+ ("_Lemma __", "Lemma new_lemma : .\nProof.\n\nSave.\n",
19, 9, Some GdkKeysyms._L);
- add_complex_template
- ("_Theorem __", "Theorem new_theorem : .\nProof.\n\nSave.\n",
+ add_complex_template
+ ("_Theorem __", "Theorem new_theorem : .\nProof.\n\nSave.\n",
19, 11, Some GdkKeysyms._T);
- add_complex_template
+ add_complex_template
("_Definition __", "Definition ident := .\n",
6, 5, Some GdkKeysyms._D);
- add_complex_template
+ add_complex_template
("_Inductive __", "Inductive ident : :=\n | : .\n",
14, 5, Some GdkKeysyms._I);
- add_complex_template
+ add_complex_template
("_Fixpoint __", "Fixpoint ident (_ : _) {struct _} : _ :=\n.\n",
29, 5, Some GdkKeysyms._F);
add_complex_template("_Scheme __",
@@ -2784,14 +2584,14 @@ let main files =
with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
(* Template for match *)
- let callback () =
+ let callback () =
let w = get_current_word () in
- try
+ try
let cases = Coq.make_cases w
let print c = function
| [x] -> Format.fprintf c " | %s => _@\n" x
- | x::l -> Format.fprintf c " | (%s%a) => _@\n" x
+ | x::l -> Format.fprintf c " | (%s%a) => _@\n" x
(print_list (fun c s -> Format.fprintf c " %s" s)) l
| [] -> assert false
@@ -2801,28 +2601,28 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
(print_list print) cases;
let s = Buffer.contents b in
prerr_endline s;
- let {view = view } = get_current_view () in
+ let {script = view } = session_notebook#current_term in
ignore (view#buffer#delete_selection ());
- let m = view#buffer#create_mark
+ let m = view#buffer#create_mark
(view#buffer#get_iter `INSERT)
- if view#buffer#insert_interactive s then
+ if view#buffer#insert_interactive s then
let i = view#buffer#get_iter (`MARK m) in
let _ = i#nocopy#forward_chars 9 in
view#buffer#place_cursor i;
view#buffer#move_mark ~where:(i#backward_chars 3)
- with Not_found -> !flash_info "Not an inductive type"
+ with Not_found -> flash_info "Not an inductive type"
ignore (templates_factory#add_item "match ..."
- let add_simple_template (factory: GMenu.factory)
+ let add_simple_template (factory: GMenu.factory)
(menu_text, text) =
- let text =
+ let text =
let l = String.length text - 1 in
if String.get text l = '.'
then text ^"\n"
@@ -2830,7 +2630,7 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
ignore (factory#add_item menu_text
- (fun () -> let {view = view } = get_current_view () in
+ (fun () -> let {view = view } = session_notebook#current_term in
ignore (view#buffer#insert_interactive text)))
@@ -2849,92 +2649,100 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
ignore (templates_factory#add_separator ());
- List.iter
- (fun l ->
- match l with
+ List.iter
+ (fun l ->
+ match l with
| [] -> ()
- | [s] -> add_simple_template templates_factory ("_"^s, s)
- | s::_ ->
+ | [s] -> add_simple_template templates_factory ("_"^s, s)
+ | s::_ ->
let a = "_@..." in
a.[1] <- s.[0];
- let f = templates_factory#add_submenu a in
+ let f = templates_factory#add_submenu a in
let ff = new GMenu.factory f ~accel_group in
- List.iter
- (fun x ->
- add_simple_template
- ff
+ List.iter
+ (fun x ->
+ add_simple_template
+ ff
((String.sub x 0 1)^
(String.sub x 1 (String.length x - 1)),
- )
+ )
(* Queries Menu *)
let queries_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Queries" in
let queries_factory = new GMenu.factory queries_menu ~accel_group
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Queries"
(* Command/Show commands *)
- let _ =
+ let _ =
queries_factory#add_item "_SearchAbout " ~key:GdkKeysyms._F2
~callback:(fun () -> let term = get_current_word () in
(Command_windows.command_window ())#new_command
- ~term
+ ~term
- let _ =
+ let _ =
queries_factory#add_item "_Check " ~key:GdkKeysyms._F3
~callback:(fun () -> let term = get_current_word () in
(Command_windows.command_window ())#new_command
- ~term
+ ~term
- let _ =
+ let _ =
queries_factory#add_item "_Print " ~key:GdkKeysyms._F4
~callback:(fun () -> let term = get_current_word () in
(Command_windows.command_window ())#new_command
- ~term
+ ~term
+ ())
+ in
+ let _ =
+ queries_factory#add_item "_About " ~key:GdkKeysyms._F5
+ ~callback:(fun () -> let term = get_current_word () in
+ (Command_windows.command_window ())#new_command
+ ~command:"About"
+ ~term
- let _ =
- queries_factory#add_item "_Locate"
+ let _ =
+ queries_factory#add_item "_Locate"
~callback:(fun () -> let term = get_current_word () in
(Command_windows.command_window ())#new_command
- ~term
+ ~term
- let _ =
- queries_factory#add_item "_Whelp Locate"
+ let _ =
+ queries_factory#add_item "_Whelp Locate"
~callback:(fun () -> let term = get_current_word () in
(Command_windows.command_window ())#new_command
~command:"Whelp Locate"
- ~term
+ ~term
(* Display menu *)
let display_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Display" in
let view_factory = new GMenu.factory display_menu
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Display/"
- ~accel_group
+ ~accel_group
- let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
- "Display _implicit arguments"
+ let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
+ "Display _implicit arguments"
~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_implicit <- not printing_state.printing_implicit; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
- let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
+ let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
"Display _coercions"
~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_coercions <- not printing_state.printing_coercions; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
@@ -2944,104 +2752,77 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_raw_matching <- not printing_state.printing_raw_matching; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
- let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
+ let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
"Deactivate _notations display"
~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_no_notation <- not printing_state.printing_no_notation; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
- let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
+ let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
"Display _all basic low-level contents"
- ~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_all <- not printing_state.printing_all; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
+ ~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_all <- not printing_state.printing_all; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
- let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
+ let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
"Display _existential variable instances"
~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_evar_instances <- not printing_state.printing_evar_instances; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
- let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
+ let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
"Display _universe levels"
~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_universes <- not printing_state.printing_universes; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
- let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
+ let _ = ignore (view_factory#add_check_item
"Display all _low-level contents"
- ~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_full_all <- not printing_state.printing_full_all; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
+ ~callback:(fun _ -> printing_state.printing_full_all <- not printing_state.printing_full_all; do_or_activate (fun a -> a#show_goals) ())) in
- (* Unicode *)
- let unicode_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Unicode" in
- let unicode_factory = new GMenu.factory unicode_menu
- ~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Unicode/"
- ~accel_group
- ~accel_modi:[]
- in
- let logic_symbols_menu = unicode_factory#add_submenu "Math operators" in
- let logic_factory = new GMenu.factory logic_symbols_menu
- ~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Unicode/Math operators"
- ~accel_group
- ~accel_modi:[]
- in
- let new_unicode_item s = ignore (
- logic_factory#add_item s
- ~callback:(fun () ->
- let v = get_current_view () in
- ignore (v.view#buffer#insert_interactive s)))
- in
- for i = 0x2200 to 0x22FF do
- List.iter new_unicode_item [Glib.Utf8.from_unichar i];
- done;
(* Externals *)
let externals_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Compile" in
- let externals_factory = new GMenu.factory externals_menu
+ let externals_factory = new GMenu.factory externals_menu
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Compile/"
- ~accel_group
+ ~accel_group
(* Command/Compile Menu *)
let compile_f () =
- let v = get_current_view () in
- let av = Option.get v.analyzed_view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let av = v.analyzed_view in
save_f ();
match av#filename with
- | None ->
- !flash_info "Active buffer has no name"
+ | None ->
+ flash_info "Active buffer has no name"
| Some f ->
- let cmd = !current.cmd_coqc ^ " -I "
+ let cmd = !current.cmd_coqc ^ " -I "
^ (Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f))
^ " " ^ (Filename.quote f) in
let s,res = run_command av#insert_message cmd in
if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then
- !flash_info (f ^ " successfully compiled")
+ flash_info (f ^ " successfully compiled")
else begin
- !flash_info (f ^ " failed to compile");
- activate_input (notebook ())#current_page;
+ flash_info (f ^ " failed to compile");
+ activate_input session_notebook#current_page;
av#insert_message "Compilation output:\n";
av#insert_message res
- let _ =
- externals_factory#add_item "_Compile Buffer" ~callback:compile_f
+ let _ =
+ externals_factory#add_item "_Compile Buffer" ~callback:compile_f
(* Command/Make Menu *)
let make_f () =
- let v = get_current_view () in
- let av = Option.get v.analyzed_view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let av = v.analyzed_view in
match av#filename with
- | None ->
- !flash_info "Cannot make: this buffer has no name"
+ | None ->
+ flash_info "Cannot make: this buffer has no name"
| Some f ->
- let cmd =
+ let cmd =
"cd " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f) ^ "; " ^ !current.cmd_make in
@@ -3051,22 +2832,22 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
let s,res = run_command av#insert_message cmd in
last_make := res;
last_make_index := 0;
- !flash_info (!current.cmd_make ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed")
+ flash_info (!current.cmd_make ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed")
- let _ = externals_factory#add_item "_Make"
+ let _ = externals_factory#add_item "_Make"
- ~callback:make_f
+ ~callback:make_f
(* Compile/Next Error *)
- let next_error () =
+ let next_error () =
let file,line,start,stop,error_msg = search_next_error () in
- load file;
- let v = get_current_view () in
- let av = Option.get v.analyzed_view in
- let input_buffer = v.view#buffer in
+ load file;
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let av = v.analyzed_view in
+ let input_buffer = v.script#buffer in
let init = input_buffer#start_iter in
let i = init#forward_lines (line-1) in
@@ -3082,215 +2863,143 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
let starti = input_buffer#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) start in
let stopi = input_buffer#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) stop in
- input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name "error"
+ input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.error
input_buffer#place_cursor starti;
av#set_message error_msg;
- v.view#misc#grab_focus ()
+ v.script#misc#grab_focus ()
with Not_found ->
last_make_index := 0;
- let v = get_current_view () in
- let av = Option.get v.analyzed_view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let av = v.analyzed_view in
av#set_message "No more errors.\n"
- let _ =
- externals_factory#add_item "_Next error"
+ let _ =
+ externals_factory#add_item "_Next error"
~callback:next_error in
(* Command/CoqMakefile Menu*)
let coq_makefile_f () =
- let v = get_current_view () in
- let av = Option.get v.analyzed_view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term in
+ let av = v.analyzed_view in
match av#filename with
- | None ->
- !flash_info "Cannot make makefile: this buffer has no name"
+ | None ->
+ flash_info "Cannot make makefile: this buffer has no name"
| Some f ->
- let cmd =
+ let cmd =
"cd " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f) ^ "; " ^ !current.cmd_coqmakefile in
let s,res = run_command av#insert_message cmd in
- !flash_info
+ flash_info
(!current.cmd_coqmakefile ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed")
- let _ = externals_factory#add_item "_Make makefile" ~callback:coq_makefile_f
+ let _ = externals_factory#add_item "_Make makefile" ~callback:coq_makefile_f
(* Windows Menu *)
let configuration_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Windows" in
- let configuration_factory = new GMenu.factory configuration_menu
+ let configuration_factory = new GMenu.factory configuration_menu
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Windows"
let _ =
- configuration_factory#add_item
+ configuration_factory#add_item
"Show/Hide _Query Pane"
- ~callback:(fun () -> if (Command_windows.command_window ())#frame#misc#visible then
+ ~callback:(fun () -> if (Command_windows.command_window ())#frame#misc#visible then
(Command_windows.command_window ())#frame#misc#hide ()
(Command_windows.command_window ())#frame#misc#show ())
- in
- let _ =
- configuration_factory#add_check_item
- "Show/Hide _Toolbar"
- ~callback:(fun _ ->
- !current.show_toolbar <- not !current.show_toolbar;
- !show_toolbar !current.show_toolbar)
- in
- let _ = configuration_factory#add_item
- "Detach _Script Window"
- ~callback:
- (do_if_not_computing "detach script window" (sync
- (fun () ->
- let nb = notebook () in
- if nb#misc#toplevel#get_oid=w#coerce#get_oid then
- begin
- let nw = GWindow.window
- ~width:(!current.window_width*2/3)
- ~height:(!current.window_height*2/3)
- ~position:`CENTER
- ~wm_name:"CoqIde"
- ~wm_class:"CoqIde"
- ~title:"Script"
- ~show:true () in
- let parent = Option.get nb#misc#parent in
- ignore (nw#connect#destroy
- ~callback:
- (fun () -> nb#misc#reparent parent));
- nw#add_accel_group accel_group;
- nb#misc#reparent nw#coerce
- end
- )))
-(* let _ = configuration_factory#add_item
- "Detach _Command Pane"
- ~callback:
- (do_if_not_computing "detach command pane" (sync
- (fun () ->
- let command_object = Command_windows.command_window() in
- let queries_frame = command_object#frame in
- if queries_frame#misc#toplevel#get_oid=w#coerce#get_oid then
- begin
- let nw = GWindow.window
- ~width:(!current.window_width*2/3)
- ~height:(!current.window_height*2/3)
- ~wm_name:"CoqIde"
- ~wm_class:"CoqIde"
- ~position:`CENTER
- ~title:"Queries"
- ~show:true () in
- let parent = Option.get queries_frame#misc#parent in
- ignore (nw#connect#destroy
- ~callback:
- (fun () -> queries_frame#misc#reparent parent));
- queries_frame#misc#show();
- queries_frame#misc#reparent nw#coerce
- end
- )))
+ let _ =
+ configuration_factory#add_check_item
+ "Show/Hide _Toolbar"
+ ~callback:(fun _ ->
+ !current.show_toolbar <- not !current.show_toolbar;
+ !show_toolbar !current.show_toolbar)
- let _ =
- configuration_factory#add_item
+ let _ =
+ configuration_factory#add_item
"Detach _View"
(do_if_not_computing "detach view"
- (fun () ->
- match get_current_view () with
- | {view=v;analyzed_view=Some av} ->
- let w = GWindow.window ~show:true
+ (fun () ->
+ match session_notebook#current_term with
+ | {script=v;analyzed_view=av} ->
+ let w = GWindow.window ~show:true
~title:(match av#filename with
| None -> "*Unnamed*"
- | Some f -> f)
- ()
+ | Some f -> f)
+ ()
- let sb = GBin.scrolled_window
- ~packing:w#add ()
+ let sb = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~packing:w#add ()
- let nv = GText.view
- ~buffer:v#buffer
- ~packing:sb#add
+ let nv = GText.view
+ ~buffer:v#buffer
+ ~packing:sb#add
- nv#misc#modify_font
- !current.text_font;
- ignore (w#connect#destroy
+ nv#misc#modify_font
+ !current.text_font;
+ ignore (w#connect#destroy
(fun () -> av#remove_detached_view w));
av#add_detached_view w
- | _ -> ()
(* Help Menu *)
let help_menu = factory#add_submenu "_Help" in
- let help_factory = new GMenu.factory help_menu
+ let help_factory = new GMenu.factory help_menu
~accel_path:"<CoqIde MenuBar>/Help/"
~accel_group in
- let _ = help_factory#add_item "Browse Coq _Manual"
+ let _ = help_factory#add_item "Browse Coq _Manual"
- (fun () ->
- let av = Option.get ((get_current_view ()).analyzed_view) in
- browse av#insert_message (!current.doc_url)) in
- let _ = help_factory#add_item "Browse Coq _Library"
+ (fun () ->
+ let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in
+ browse av#insert_message (doc_url ())) in
+ let _ = help_factory#add_item "Browse Coq _Library"
- (fun () ->
- let av = Option.get ((get_current_view ()).analyzed_view) in
+ (fun () ->
+ let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in
browse av#insert_message !current.library_url) in
- let _ =
+ let _ =
help_factory#add_item "Help for _keyword" ~key:GdkKeysyms._F1
- ~callback:(fun () ->
- let av = Option.get ((get_current_view ()).analyzed_view) in
+ ~callback:(fun () ->
+ let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in
av#help_for_keyword ())
let _ = help_factory#add_separator () in
- (*
- let faq_m = help_factory#add_item "_FAQ" in
- *)
let about_m = help_factory#add_item "_About" in
(* End of menu *)
(* The vertical Separator between Scripts and Goals *)
let queries_pane = GPack.paned `VERTICAL ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ) () in
- let hb = GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~border_width:5 ~packing:(queries_pane#pack1 ~shrink:false ~resize:true) () in
- let fr_notebook = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:hb#add1 () in
- _notebook := Some (GPack.notebook ~border_width:2 ~show_border:false ~scrollable:true
- ~packing:fr_notebook#add
- ());
+ queries_pane#pack1 ~shrink:false ~resize:true session_notebook#coerce;
update_notebook_pos ();
- let nb = notebook () in
- let hb2 = GPack.paned `VERTICAL ~packing:hb#add2 () in
- let fr_a = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:hb2#add () in
- let fr_b = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:hb2#add () in
- let sw2 = GBin.scrolled_window
- ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~packing:(fr_a#add) () in
- let sw3 = GBin.scrolled_window
- ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~packing:(fr_b#add) () in
+ let nb = session_notebook in
let command_object = Command_windows.command_window() in
let queries_frame = command_object#frame in
queries_pane#pack2 ~shrink:false ~resize:false (queries_frame#coerce);
let lower_hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:vbox#pack () in
- let status_bar = GMisc.statusbar ~packing:(lower_hbox#pack ~expand:true) ()
- in
+ lower_hbox#pack ~expand:true status#coerce;
let search_lbl = GMisc.label ~text:"Search:"
- ~packing:(lower_hbox#pack ~expand:false) ()
+ ~packing:(lower_hbox#pack ~expand:false) ()
let search_history = ref [] in
let search_input = GEdit.combo ~popdown_strings:!search_history
- ~packing:(lower_hbox#pack ~expand:false) ()
+ ~packing:(lower_hbox#pack ~expand:false) ()
search_input#disable_activate ();
let ready_to_wrap_search = ref false in
@@ -3301,108 +3010,99 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
let search_forward = ref true in
let matched_word = ref None in
- let memo_search () =
+ let memo_search () =
matched_word := Some search_input#entry#text
- (* if not (List.mem search_input#entry#text !search_history) then
- (search_history :=
- search_input#entry#text::!search_history;
- search_input#set_popdown_strings !search_history);
- start_of_search := None;
- ready_to_wrap_search := false
- *)
- let end_search () =
+ let end_search () =
prerr_endline "End Search";
memo_search ();
- let v = (get_current_view ()).view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in
v#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT);
v#coerce#misc#grab_focus ();
search_input#entry#set_text "";
search_lbl#misc#hide ();
search_input#misc#hide ()
- let end_search_focus_out () =
+ let end_search_focus_out () =
prerr_endline "End Search(focus out)";
memo_search ();
- let v = (get_current_view ()).view in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in
v#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT);
search_input#entry#set_text "";
search_lbl#misc#hide ();
search_input#misc#hide ()
ignore (search_input#entry#connect#activate ~callback:end_search);
- ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#key_press
+ ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#key_press
~callback:(fun k -> let kv = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
- if
+ if
kv = GdkKeysyms._Right
- || kv = GdkKeysyms._Up
+ || kv = GdkKeysyms._Up
|| kv = GdkKeysyms._Left
- || (kv = GdkKeysyms._g
+ || (kv = GdkKeysyms._g
&& (List.mem `CONTROL (GdkEvent.Key.state k)))
- then end_search ();
+ then end_search ();
ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#focus_out
~callback:(fun _ -> end_search_focus_out (); false));
- to_do_on_page_switch :=
- (fun i ->
+ to_do_on_page_switch :=
+ (fun i ->
start_of_search := None;
(* TODO : make it work !!! *)
- let rec search_f () =
+ let rec search_f () =
search_lbl#misc#show ();
search_input#misc#show ();
prerr_endline "search_f called";
if !start_of_search = None then begin
(* A full new search is starting *)
- start_of_search :=
- Some ((get_current_view ()).view#buffer#create_mark
- ((get_current_view ()).view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT));
+ start_of_search :=
+ Some (session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer#create_mark
+ (session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT));
start_of_found := !start_of_search;
end_of_found := !start_of_search;
matched_word := Some "";
- let txt = search_input#entry#text in
- let v = (get_current_view ()).view in
- let iit = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND
+ let txt = search_input#entry#text in
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in
+ let iit = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND
and insert_iter = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT
prerr_endline ("SELBOUND="^(string_of_int iit#offset));
prerr_endline ("INSERT="^(string_of_int insert_iter#offset));
- if !search_forward then iit#forward_search txt
+ if !search_forward then iit#forward_search txt
else let npi = iit#forward_chars (Glib.Utf8.length txt) in
- match
+ match
(npi#offset = (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#offset),
- (let t = iit#get_text ~stop:npi in
- !flash_info (t^"\n"^txt);
+ (let t = iit#get_text ~stop:npi in
+ flash_info (t^"\n"^txt);
t = txt)
- with
- | true,true ->
- (!flash_info "T,T";iit#backward_search txt)
- | false,true -> !flash_info "F,T";Some (iit,npi)
+ with
+ | true,true ->
+ (flash_info "T,T";iit#backward_search txt)
+ | false,true -> flash_info "F,T";Some (iit,npi)
| _,false ->
(iit#backward_search txt)
- with
- | None ->
+ with
+ | None ->
if !ready_to_wrap_search then begin
ready_to_wrap_search := false;
- !flash_info "Search wrapped";
- v#buffer#place_cursor
+ flash_info "Search wrapped";
+ v#buffer#place_cursor
(if !search_forward then v#buffer#start_iter else
search_f ()
end else begin
- if !search_forward then !flash_info "Search at end"
- else !flash_info "Search at start";
+ if !search_forward then flash_info "Search at end"
+ else flash_info "Search at start";
ready_to_wrap_search := true
- | Some (start,stop) ->
+ | Some (start,stop) ->
prerr_endline "search: before moving marks";
prerr_endline ("SELBOUND="^(string_of_int (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND)#offset));
prerr_endline ("INSERT="^(string_of_int (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#offset));
@@ -3415,105 +3115,49 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
v#scroll_to_mark `SEL_BOUND
- ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#key_release
+ ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#key_release
(fun ev ->
if GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev = GdkKeysyms._Escape then begin
- let v = (get_current_view ()).view in
- (match !start_of_search with
- | None ->
+ let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in
+ (match !start_of_search with
+ | None ->
prerr_endline "search_key_rel: Placing sel_bound";
- v#buffer#move_mark
+ v#buffer#move_mark
(v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)
- | Some mk -> let it = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark
+ | Some mk -> let it = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark
(`MARK mk) in
prerr_endline "search_key_rel: Placing cursor";
v#buffer#place_cursor it;
start_of_search := None
- search_input#entry#set_text "";
+ search_input#entry#set_text "";
v#coerce#misc#grab_focus ();
- end;
+ end;
ignore (search_input#entry#connect#changed search_f);
- (*
- ignore (search_if#connect#activate
- ~callback:(fun b ->
- search_forward:= true;
- search_input#entry#coerce#misc#grab_focus ();
- search_f ();
- )
- );
- ignore (search_ib#connect#activate
- ~callback:(fun b ->
- search_forward:= false;
- (* Must restore the SEL_BOUND mark after
- grab_focus ! *)
- let v = (get_current_view ()).view in
- let old_sel = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND
- in
- search_input#entry#coerce#misc#grab_focus ();
- v#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND old_sel;
- search_f ();
- ));
- *)
- let status_context = status_bar#new_context "Messages" in
- let flash_context = status_bar#new_context "Flash" in
- ignore (status_context#push "Ready");
- status := Some status_bar;
- push_info := (fun s -> ignore (status_context#push s));
- pop_info := (fun () -> status_context#pop ());
- flash_info := (fun ?(delay=5000) s -> flash_context#flash ~delay s);
- (* Location display *)
+ push_info "Ready";
+ (* Location display *)
let l = GMisc.label
- ~text:"Line: 1 Char: 1"
- ~packing:lower_hbox#pack () in
+ ~text:"Line: 1 Char: 1"
+ ~packing:lower_hbox#pack () in
l#coerce#misc#set_name "location";
set_location := l#set_text;
(* Progress Bar *)
- pulse :=
- (let pb = GRange.progress_bar ~pulse_step:0.2 ~packing:lower_hbox#pack ()
- in pb#set_text "CoqIde started";pb)#pulse;
- let tv2 = GText.view ~packing:(sw2#add) () in
- tv2#misc#set_name "GoalWindow";
- let _ = tv2#set_editable false in
- let _ = tv2#buffer in
- let tv3 = GText.view ~packing:(sw3#add) () in
- tv2#misc#set_name "MessageWindow";
- let _ = tv2#set_wrap_mode `CHAR in
- let _ = tv3#set_wrap_mode `WORD in
- let _ = tv3#set_editable false in
- let _ = GtkBase.Widget.add_events tv2#as_widget
- let _ =
- tv2#event#connect#motion_notify
- ~callback:
- (fun e ->
- let win = match tv2#get_window `WIDGET with
- | None -> assert false
- | Some w -> w in
- let x,y = Gdk.Window.get_pointer_location win in
- let b_x,b_y = tv2#window_to_buffer_coords ~tag:`WIDGET ~x ~y in
- let it = tv2#get_iter_at_location ~x:b_x ~y:b_y in
- let tags = it#tags in
- List.iter
- (fun t ->
- ignore(GtkText.Tag.event t#as_tag tv2#as_widget e it#as_iter))
- tags;
- false) in
- change_font :=
- (fun fd ->
- tv2#misc#modify_font fd;
- tv3#misc#modify_font fd;
- Vector.iter
- (fun {view=view} -> view#misc#modify_font fd)
- input_views;
+ lower_hbox#pack pbar#coerce;
+ pbar#set_text "CoqIde started";
+ (* XXX *)
+ change_font :=
+ (fun fd ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun {script=view; proof_view=prf_v; message_view=msg_v} ->
+ view#misc#modify_font fd;
+ prf_v#misc#modify_font fd;
+ msg_v#misc#modify_font fd
+ )
+ session_notebook#pages;
let about_full_string =
"\nCoq is developed by the Coq Development Team\
@@ -3539,7 +3183,7 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n";
if Glib.Utf8.validate ("You are running " ^ coq_version) then b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter ("You are running " ^ coq_version);
if Glib.Utf8.validate initial_string then b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter initial_string;
- (try
+ (try
let image = lib_ide_file "coq.png" in
let startup_image = GdkPixbuf.from_file image in
b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n";
@@ -3549,7 +3193,7 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
let about (b:GText.buffer) =
- (try
+ (try
let image = lib_ide_file "coq.png" in
let startup_image = GdkPixbuf.from_file image in
b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n";
@@ -3563,77 +3207,30 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
then b#insert coq_version
- initial_about tv2#buffer;
w#add_accel_group accel_group;
(* Remove default pango menu for textviews *)
- ignore (tv2#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
- (fun ev -> GdkEvent.Button.button ev = 3));
- ignore (tv3#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
- (fun ev -> GdkEvent.Button.button ev = 3));
- tv2#misc#set_can_focus true;
- tv3#misc#set_can_focus true;
- ignore (tv2#buffer#create_mark
- ~name:"end_of_conclusion"
- tv2#buffer#start_iter);
- ignore (tv3#buffer#create_tag
- ~name:"error"
- [`FOREGROUND "red"]);
w#show ();
- message_view := Some tv3;
- proof_view := Some tv2;
- tv2#misc#modify_font !current.text_font;
- tv3#misc#modify_font !current.text_font;
- ignore (about_m#connect#activate
- ~callback:(fun () -> tv2#buffer#set_text ""; about tv2#buffer));
+ ignore (about_m#connect#activate
+ ~callback:(fun () -> let prf_v = session_notebook#current_term.proof_view in
+ prf_v#buffer#set_text ""; about prf_v#buffer));
- ignore (faq_m#connect#activate
- ~callback:(fun () ->
- load (lib_ide_file "FAQ")));
- resize_window := (fun () ->
- w#resize
+ resize_window := (fun () ->
+ w#resize
- ignore (w#misc#connect#size_allocate
- (let old_w = ref 0
- and old_h = ref 0 in
- fun {Gtk.width=w;Gtk.height=h} ->
- if !old_w <> w or !old_h <> h then
- begin
- old_h := h;
- old_w := w;
- hb#set_position (w/2);
- hb2#set_position (h/2);
- !current.window_height <- h;
- !current.window_width <- w;
- end
- ));
- ignore(nb#connect#switch_page
+ ignore(nb#connect#switch_page
- (fun i ->
+ (fun i ->
prerr_endline ("switch_page: starts " ^ string_of_int i);
List.iter (function f -> f i) !to_do_on_page_switch;
prerr_endline "switch_page: success")
- ignore(tv2#event#connect#enter_notify
- (fun _ ->
- if !current.contextual_menus_on_goal then
- begin
- let w = (Option.get (get_active_view ()).analyzed_view) in
- !push_info "Computing advanced goal's menus";
- prerr_endline "Entering Goal Window. Computing Menus....";
- w#show_goals_full;
- prerr_endline "....Done with Goal menu";
- !pop_info();
- end;
- false;
- ));
- if List.length files >=1 then
+ if List.length files >=1 then
- List.iter (fun f ->
- if Sys.file_exists f then load f else
+ List.iter (fun f ->
+ if Sys.file_exists f then load f else
let f = if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then f else f^".v" in
load_file (fun s -> print_endline s; exit 1) f)
@@ -3641,69 +3238,66 @@ with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some GdkKeysyms._S);
- let view = create_input_tab "*Unnamed Buffer*" in
- let index = add_input_view {view = view;
- analyzed_view = None;
- }
- in
- (get_input_view index).analyzed_view <- Some (new analyzed_view index);
+ let session = create_session () in
+ let index = session_notebook#append_term session in
activate_input index;
- set_tab_image index ~icon:`YES;
- view#misc#modify_font !current.text_font
+ initial_about session_notebook#current_term.proof_view#buffer;
+ !show_toolbar !current.show_toolbar;
+ session_notebook#current_term.script#misc#grab_focus ()
-(* This function check every half of second if GeoProof has send
+(* This function check every half of second if GeoProof has send
something on his private clipboard *)
-let rec check_for_geoproof_input () =
+let rec check_for_geoproof_input () =
let cb_Dr = GData.clipboard (Gdk.Atom.intern "_GeoProof") in
while true do
Thread.delay 0.1;
let s = cb_Dr#text in
- (match s with
- Some s ->
+ (match s with
+ Some s ->
if s <> "Ack" then
- (get_current_view()).view#buffer#insert (s^"\n");
+ session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer#insert (s^"\n");
cb_Dr#set_text "Ack"
| None -> ()
(* cb_Dr#clear does not work so i use : *)
- (* cb_Dr#set_text "Ack" *)
+ (* cb_Dr#set_text "Ack" *)
-let start () =
+let start () =
let files = Coq.init () in
ignore_break ();
GtkMain.Rc.add_default_file (lib_ide_file ".coqide-gtk2rc");
- (try
+ (try
GtkMain.Rc.add_default_file (Filename.concat System.home ".coqide-gtk2rc");
with Not_found -> ());
ignore (GtkMain.Main.init ());
- GtkData.AccelGroup.set_default_mod_mask
+ GtkData.AccelGroup.set_default_mod_mask
- cb_ := Some (GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary);
ignore (
Glib.Message.set_log_handler ~domain:"Gtk" ~levels:[`ERROR;`FLAG_FATAL;
- (fun ~level msg ->
+ (fun ~level msg ->
if level land Glib.Message.log_level `WARNING <> 0
then Pp.warning msg
else failwith ("Coqide internal error: " ^ msg)));
Command_windows.main ();
- Blaster_window.main 9;
init_stdout ();
main files;
- if !Coq_config.with_geoproof then ignore (Thread.create check_for_geoproof_input ());
- while true do
- try
- GtkThread.main ()
+ if !Coq_config.with_geoproof then ignore (Thread.create check_for_geoproof_input ());
+ while true do
+ try
+ GtkThread.main ()
| Sys.Break -> prerr_endline "Interrupted." ; flush stderr
- | e ->
+ | e ->
Pervasives.prerr_endline ("CoqIde unexpected error:" ^ (Printexc.to_string e));
flush stderr;
crash_save 127
diff --git a/ide/coqide.mli b/ide/coqide.mli
index f904c730..4c01e747 100644
--- a/ide/coqide.mli
+++ b/ide/coqide.mli
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: coqide.mli 6621 2005-01-21 17:24:37Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* The CoqIde main module. The following function [start] will parse the
- command line, initialize the load path, load the input
+ command line, initialize the load path, load the input
state, load the files given on the command line, load the ressource file,
produce the output state if any, and finally will launch the interface. *)
diff --git a/ide/extract_index.mll b/ide/extract_index.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index 152ad715..00000000
--- a/ide/extract_index.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: extract_index.mll 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
- open Lexing
-(* additional lexer to extract URL from Coq manual's index *)
-rule entry = parse
- | "<LI><TT>" [^ ',']* "</TT>, "
- { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
- let n = String.length s in
- String.sub s 8 (n - 15), extract_index_url lexbuf }
- | "<LI>" [^ ',']* ", "
- { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
- let n = String.length s in
- String.sub s 4 (n - 6), extract_index_url lexbuf }
-and extract_index_url = parse
- | "<A HREF=\"" [^ '"']* '"'
- { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
- let n = String.length s in
- String.sub s 9 (n - 10) }
diff --git a/ide/find_phrase.mll b/ide/find_phrase.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index 23019185..00000000
--- a/ide/find_phrase.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: find_phrase.mll 9240 2006-10-13 17:51:11Z notin $ *)
- exception Lex_error of string
- let length = ref 0
- let buff = Buffer.create 513
-let phrase_sep = '.'
-rule next_phrase = parse
- | "(*" { incr length; incr length;
- skip_comment lexbuf;
- next_phrase lexbuf}
- | '"'[^'"']*'"' { let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- let ulen = Glib.Utf8.length lexeme in
- length := !length + ulen;
- Buffer.add_string buff lexeme;
- next_phrase lexbuf
- }
- | phrase_sep[' ''\n''\t''\r'] {
- begin
- if !Preferences.current.Preferences.lax_syntax
- then length := !length + 1
- else length := !length + 2
- end;
- Buffer.add_string buff (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- Buffer.contents buff}
- | phrase_sep eof{
- length := !length + 1;
- Buffer.add_string buff (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- Buffer.contents buff}
- | phrase_sep phrase_sep
- {
- length := !length + 2;
- Buffer.add_string buff (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- next_phrase lexbuf
- }
- | _
- {
- let c = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in
- if Ideutils.is_char_start c then incr length;
- Buffer.add_char buff c ;
- next_phrase lexbuf
- }
- | eof { raise (Lex_error "Phrase should end with . followed by a separator") }
-and skip_comment = parse
- | "*)" {incr length; incr length; ()}
- | "(*" {incr length; incr length;
- skip_comment lexbuf;
- skip_comment lexbuf}
- | _ { if Ideutils.is_char_start (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) then
- incr length;
- skip_comment lexbuf}
- | eof { raise (Lex_error "No closing *)") }
- let get lb =
- Buffer.reset buff;
- length := 0;
- next_phrase lb
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e92a345e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: 11952 2009-03-02 15:29:08Z vgross $ *)
+open Ideutils
+let underscore = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "_" (ref 0)
+let arobase = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "@" (ref 0)
+let prime = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "'" (ref 0)
+let bn = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "\n" (ref 0)
+let space = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar " " (ref 0)
+let tab = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "\t" (ref 0)
+(* TODO: avoid num and prime at the head of a word *)
+let is_word_char c =
+ Glib.Unichar.isalnum c || c = underscore || c = prime
+let starts_word (it:GText.iter) =
+ prerr_endline ("Starts word ? '"^(Glib.Utf8.from_unichar it#char)^"'");
+ (not it#copy#nocopy#backward_char ||
+ (let c = it#backward_char#char in
+ not (is_word_char c)))
+let ends_word (it:GText.iter) =
+ (not it#copy#nocopy#forward_char ||
+ let c = it#forward_char#char in
+ not (is_word_char c)
+ )
+let inside_word (it:GText.iter) =
+ let c = it#char in
+ not (starts_word it) &&
+ not (ends_word it) &&
+ is_word_char c
+let is_on_word_limit (it:GText.iter) = inside_word it || ends_word it
+let find_word_start (it:GText.iter) =
+ let rec step_to_start it =
+ prerr_endline "Find word start";
+ if not it#nocopy#backward_char then
+ (prerr_endline "find_word_start: cannot backward"; it)
+ else if is_word_char it#char
+ then step_to_start it
+ else (it#nocopy#forward_char;
+ prerr_endline ("Word start at: "^(string_of_int it#offset));it)
+ in
+ step_to_start it#copy
+let find_word_end (it:GText.iter) =
+ let rec step_to_end (it:GText.iter) =
+ prerr_endline "Find word end";
+ let c = it#char in
+ if c<>0 && is_word_char c then (
+ ignore (it#nocopy#forward_char);
+ step_to_end it
+ ) else (
+ prerr_endline ("Word end at: "^(string_of_int it#offset));
+ it)
+ in
+ step_to_end it#copy
+let get_word_around (it:GText.iter) =
+ let start = find_word_start it in
+ let stop = find_word_end it in
+ start,stop
+let rec complete_backward w (it:GText.iter) =
+ prerr_endline "Complete backward...";
+ match it#backward_search w with
+ | None -> (prerr_endline "backward_search failed";None)
+ | Some (start,stop) ->
+ prerr_endline ("complete_backward got a match:"^(string_of_int start#offset)^(string_of_int stop#offset));
+ if starts_word start then
+ let ne = find_word_end stop in
+ if ne#compare stop = 0
+ then complete_backward w start
+ else Some (start,stop,ne)
+ else complete_backward w start
+let rec complete_forward w (it:GText.iter) =
+ prerr_endline "Complete forward...";
+ match it#forward_search w with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (start,stop) ->
+ if starts_word start then
+ let ne = find_word_end stop in
+ if ne#compare stop = 0 then
+ complete_forward w stop
+ else Some (stop,stop,ne)
+ else complete_forward w stop
+let find_comment_end (start:GText.iter) =
+ let rec find_nested_comment (search_start:GText.iter) (search_end:GText.iter) (comment_end:GText.iter) =
+ match (search_start#forward_search ~limit:search_end "(*"),(comment_end#forward_search "*)") with
+ | None,_ -> comment_end
+ | Some _, None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some (_,next_search_start),Some (next_search_end,next_comment_end) ->
+ find_nested_comment next_search_start next_search_end next_comment_end
+ in
+ match start#forward_search "*)" with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some (search_end,comment_end) -> find_nested_comment start search_end comment_end
+let rec find_string_end (start:GText.iter) =
+ let dblquote = int_of_char '"' in
+ let rec escaped_dblquote c =
+ (c#char = dblquote) && not (escaped_dblquote c#backward_char)
+ in
+ match start#forward_search "\"" with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some (stop,next_start) ->
+ if escaped_dblquote stop#backward_char
+ then find_string_end next_start
+ else next_start
+let rec find_next_sentence (from:GText.iter) =
+ match (from#forward_search ".") with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some (non_vernac_search_end,next_sentence) ->
+ match from#forward_search ~limit:non_vernac_search_end "(*",from#forward_search ~limit:non_vernac_search_end "\"" with
+ | None,None ->
+ if Glib.Unichar.isspace next_sentence#char || next_sentence#compare next_sentence#forward_char == 0
+ then next_sentence else find_next_sentence next_sentence
+ | None,Some (_,string_search_start) -> find_next_sentence (find_string_end string_search_start)
+ | Some (_,comment_search_start),None -> find_next_sentence (find_comment_end comment_search_start)
+ | Some (_,comment_search_start),Some (_,string_search_start) ->
+ find_next_sentence (
+ if comment_search_start#compare string_search_start < 0
+ then find_comment_end comment_search_start
+ else find_string_end string_search_start)
+let find_nearest_forward (cursor:GText.iter) targets =
+ let fold_targets acc target =
+ match cursor#forward_search target,acc with
+ | Some (t_start,_),Some nearest when (t_start#compare nearest < 0) -> Some t_start
+ | Some (t_start,_),None -> Some t_start
+ | _ -> acc
+ in
+ match List.fold_left fold_targets None targets with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some nearest -> nearest
+let find_nearest_backward (cursor:GText.iter) targets =
+ let fold_targets acc target =
+ match cursor#backward_search target,acc with
+ | Some (t_start,_),Some nearest when (t_start#compare nearest > 0) -> Some t_start
+ | Some (t_start,_),None -> Some t_start
+ | _ -> acc
+ in
+ match List.fold_left fold_targets None targets with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some nearest -> nearest
diff --git a/ide/highlight.mll b/ide/highlight.mll
index f2ecaa9c..3acdd4f0 100644
--- a/ide/highlight.mll
+++ b/ide/highlight.mll
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: highlight.mll 11481 2008-10-20 19:23:51Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Lexing
- type color = string
+ type color = GText.tag
type highlight_order = int * int * color
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
[ "Add" ; "Check"; "Eval"; "Extraction" ;
- "Load" ; "Undo"; "Goal";
+ "Load" ; "Undo"; "Goal";
"Proof" ; "Print"; "Qed" ; "Defined" ; "Save" ;
"End" ; "Section"; "Chapter"; "Transparent"; "Opaque"; "Comments"
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
let is_constr_kw =
let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
- [ "forall"; "fun"; "match"; "fix"; "cofix"; "with"; "for";
- "end"; "as"; "let"; "in"; "dest"; "if"; "then"; "else"; "return";
- "Prop"; "Set"; "Type" ];
+ [ "forall"; "fun"; "match"; "fix"; "cofix"; "with"; "for";
+ "end"; "as"; "let"; "in"; "if"; "then"; "else"; "return";
+ "Prop"; "Set"; "Type" ];
Hashtbl.mem h
(* Without this table, the automaton would be too big and
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"Proposition" ; "Property" ;
(* Definitions *)
"Definition" ; "Let" ; "Example" ; "SubClass" ;
- "Fixpoint" ; "CoFixpoint" ; "Scheme" ;
+ "Fixpoint" ; "CoFixpoint" ; "Scheme" ; "Function" ;
(* Assumptions *)
"Hypothesis" ; "Variable" ; "Axiom" ; "Parameter" ; "Conjecture" ;
"Hypotheses" ; "Variables" ; "Axioms" ; "Parameters";
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@
let starting = ref true
-let space =
+let space =
[' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012']
-let firstchar =
+let firstchar =
['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255']
-let identchar =
+let identchar =
['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']
let ident = firstchar identchar*
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ let multiword_declaration =
let locality = ("Local" space+)?
let multiword_command =
- "Set" (space+ ident)*
-| "Unset" (space+ ident)*
+ "Set" (space+ ident)*
+| "Unset" (space+ ident)*
| "Open" space+ locality "Scope"
| "Close" space+ locality "Scope"
| "Bind" space+ "Scope"
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ let multiword_command =
| "Implicit" space+ "Arguments"
| "Implicit" space+ ("Type"|"Types")
| "Combined" space+ "Scheme"
+| "Extraction" space+ (("Language" space+ ("Ocaml"|"Haskell"|"Scheme"))|
+ ("Library"|"Inline"|"NoInline"|"Blacklist"))
+| "Recursive" space+ "Extraction" (space+ "Library")?
+| ("Print"|"Reset") space+ "Extraction" space+ ("Inline"|"Blacklist")
+| "Extract" space+ (("Inlined" space+) "Constant"| "Inductive")
(* At least still missing: "Inline" + decl, variants of "Identity
Coercion", variants of Print, Add, ... *)
@@ -106,17 +111,17 @@ rule next_starting_order = parse
| "(*" { comment_start := lexeme_start lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
| space+ { next_starting_order lexbuf }
| multiword_declaration
- { starting:=false; lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, "decl" }
+ { starting:=false; lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, Tags.Script.decl }
| multiword_command
- { starting:=false; lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, "kwd" }
- | ident as id
+ { starting:=false; lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, Tags.Script.kwd }
+ | ident as id
{ if id = "Time" then next_starting_order lexbuf else
- starting:=false;
- if is_one_word_command id then
- lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, "kwd"
+ starting:=false;
+ if is_one_word_command id then
+ lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, Tags.Script.kwd
else if is_one_word_declaration id then
- lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, "decl"
+ lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, Tags.Script.decl
next_interior_order lexbuf
@@ -125,11 +130,11 @@ rule next_starting_order = parse
| eof { raise End_of_file }
and next_interior_order = parse
- | "(*"
+ | "(*"
{ comment_start := lexeme_start lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
- | ident as id
+ | ident as id
{ if is_constr_kw id then
- lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, "kwd"
+ lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, Tags.Script.kwd
next_interior_order lexbuf }
| "." (" "|"\n"|"\t") { starting := true; next_starting_order lexbuf }
@@ -137,42 +142,49 @@ and next_interior_order = parse
| eof { raise End_of_file }
and comment = parse
- | "*)" { !comment_start,lexeme_end lexbuf,"comment" }
+ | "*)" { !comment_start,lexeme_end lexbuf,Tags.Script.comment }
| "(*" { ignore (comment lexbuf); comment lexbuf }
+ | "\"" { string_in_comment lexbuf }
| _ { comment lexbuf }
| eof { raise End_of_file }
+and string_in_comment = parse
+ | "\"\"" { string_in_comment lexbuf }
+ | "\"" { comment lexbuf }
+ | _ { string_in_comment lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise End_of_file }
open Ideutils
let highlighting = ref false
- let highlight_slice (input_buffer:GText.buffer) (start:GText.iter) stop =
+ let highlight_slice (input_buffer:GText.buffer) (start:GText.iter) stop =
starting := true; (* approximation: assume the beginning of a sentence *)
- if !highlighting then prerr_endline "Rejected highlight"
+ if !highlighting then prerr_endline "Rejected highlight"
else begin
highlighting := true;
prerr_endline "Highlighting slice now";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "error";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "kwd";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "decl";
- input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "comment";
+ input_buffer#remove_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.error;
+ input_buffer#remove_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.kwd;
+ input_buffer#remove_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.decl;
+ input_buffer#remove_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.comment;
(try begin
let offset = start#offset in
let s = start#get_slice ~stop in
let convert_pos = byte_offset_to_char_offset s in
let lb = Lexing.from_string s in
- try
+ try
while true do
let b,e,o =
if !starting then next_starting_order lb
else next_interior_order lb in
let b,e = convert_pos b,convert_pos e in
let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at_char (offset + b) in
let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_char (offset + e) in
- input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name ~start ~stop o
+ input_buffer#apply_tag ~start ~stop o
with End_of_file -> ()
@@ -181,22 +193,22 @@ and comment = parse
let highlight_current_line input_buffer =
- try
+ try
let i = get_insert input_buffer in
highlight_slice input_buffer (i#set_line_offset 0) i
with _ -> ()
- let highlight_around_current_line input_buffer =
- try
+ let highlight_around_current_line input_buffer =
+ try
let i = get_insert input_buffer in
- highlight_slice input_buffer
- (i#backward_lines 10)
+ highlight_slice input_buffer
+ (i#backward_lines 10)
(ignore (i#nocopy#forward_lines 10);i)
with _ -> ()
- let highlight_all input_buffer =
- try
+ let highlight_all input_buffer =
+ try
highlight_slice input_buffer input_buffer#start_iter input_buffer#end_iter
with _ -> ()
diff --git a/ide/ide.mllib b/ide/ide.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63935db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/ide.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index d9b5e572..14e80389 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11749 2009-01-05 14:01:04Z notin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Preferences
@@ -15,15 +15,21 @@ exception Forbidden
(* status bar and locations *)
-let status = ref None
-let push_info = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
-let pop_info = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
-let flash_info = ref (fun ?delay s -> failwith "not ready")
+let status = GMisc.statusbar ()
+let push_info,pop_info =
+ let status_context = status#new_context "Messages" in
+ (fun s -> ignore (status_context#push s)),status_context#pop
+let flash_info =
+ let flash_context = status#new_context "Flash" in
+ (fun ?(delay=5000) s -> flash_context#flash ~delay s)
-let set_location = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
-let pulse = ref (function () -> failwith "not ready")
+let set_location = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
+let pbar = GRange.progress_bar ~pulse_step:0.2 ()
let debug = Flags.debug
@@ -35,12 +41,12 @@ let prerr_string s =
let lib_ide_file f =
let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
Filename.concat (Filename.concat coqlib "ide") f
let get_insert input_buffer = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT
let is_char_start c = let code = Char.code c in code < 0x80 || code >= 0xc0
-let byte_offset_to_char_offset s byte_offset =
+let byte_offset_to_char_offset s byte_offset =
if (byte_offset < String.length s) then begin
let count_delta = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to byte_offset do
@@ -62,19 +68,19 @@ let print_id id =
prerr_endline ("GOT sig id :"^(string_of_int (Obj.magic id)))
-let do_convert s =
+let do_convert s =
(if Glib.Utf8.validate s then begin
prerr_endline "Input is UTF-8";s
end else
- let from_loc () =
+ let from_loc () =
let _,char_set = Glib.Convert.get_charset () in
- !flash_info
+ flash_info
("Converting from locale ("^char_set^")");
Glib.Convert.convert_with_fallback ~to_codeset:"UTF-8" ~from_codeset:char_set s
- let from_manual () =
- !flash_info
+ let from_manual () =
+ flash_info
("Converting from "^ !current.encoding_manual);
Glib.Convert.convert s ~to_codeset:"UTF-8" ~from_codeset:!current.encoding_manual
@@ -84,30 +90,30 @@ let do_convert s =
with _ -> from_manual ()
end else begin
- from_manual ()
+ from_manual ()
with _ -> from_loc ()
-let try_convert s =
+let try_convert s =
do_convert s
- with _ ->
+ with _ ->
"(* Fatal error: wrong encoding in input.
Please choose a correct encoding in the preference panel.*)";;
-let try_export file_name s =
- try let s =
+let try_export file_name s =
+ try let s =
try if !current.encoding_use_utf8 then begin
(prerr_endline "UTF-8 is enforced" ;s)
end else if !current.encoding_use_locale then begin
let is_unicode,char_set = Glib.Convert.get_charset () in
- if is_unicode then
- (prerr_endline "Locale is UTF-8" ;s)
+ if is_unicode then
+ (prerr_endline "Locale is UTF-8" ;s)
(prerr_endline ("Locale is "^char_set);
Glib.Convert.convert_with_fallback ~from_codeset:"UTF-8" ~to_codeset:char_set s)
- end else
+ end else
(prerr_endline ("Manual charset is "^ !current.encoding_manual);
Glib.Convert.convert_with_fallback ~from_codeset:"UTF-8" ~to_codeset:!current.encoding_manual s)
with e -> (prerr_endline ("Error ("^(Printexc.to_string e)^") in transcoding: falling back to UTF-8") ;s)
@@ -131,16 +137,16 @@ let disconnect_auto_save_timer () = match !auto_save_timer with
| Some id -> GMain.Timeout.remove id; auto_save_timer := None
let highlight_timer = ref None
-let set_highlight_timer f =
- match !highlight_timer with
- | None ->
- revert_timer :=
- Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:2000
+let set_highlight_timer f =
+ match !highlight_timer with
+ | None ->
+ revert_timer :=
+ Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:2000
~callback:(fun () -> f (); highlight_timer := None; true))
- | Some id ->
+ | Some id ->
GMain.Timeout.remove id;
- revert_timer :=
- Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:2000
+ revert_timer :=
+ Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:2000
~callback:(fun () -> f (); highlight_timer := None; true))
@@ -150,31 +156,31 @@ let init_stdout,read_stdout,clear_stdout =
let out_ft = Format.formatter_of_buffer out_buff in
let deep_out_ft = Format.formatter_of_buffer out_buff in
let _ = Pp_control.set_gp deep_out_ft Pp_control.deep_gp in
- (fun () ->
+ (fun () ->
Pp_control.std_ft := out_ft;
Pp_control.err_ft := out_ft;
Pp_control.deep_ft := deep_out_ft;
- (fun () -> Format.pp_print_flush out_ft ();
+ (fun () -> Format.pp_print_flush out_ft ();
let r = Buffer.contents out_buff in
prerr_endline "Output from Coq is: "; prerr_endline r;
Buffer.clear out_buff; r),
- (fun () ->
+ (fun () ->
Format.pp_print_flush out_ft (); Buffer.clear out_buff)
let last_dir = ref ""
-let filter_all_files () = GFile.filter
- ~name:"All"
- ~patterns:["*"] ()
-let filter_coq_files () = GFile.filter
- ~name:"Coq source code"
+let filter_all_files () = GFile.filter
+ ~name:"All"
+ ~patterns:["*"] ()
+let filter_coq_files () = GFile.filter
+ ~name:"Coq source code"
~patterns:[ "*.v"] ()
let select_file_for_open ~title ?(dir = last_dir) ?(filename="") () =
- let file = ref None in
+ let file = ref None in
let file_chooser = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`OPEN ~modal:true ~title () in
file_chooser#add_button_stock `CANCEL `CANCEL ;
file_chooser#add_select_button_stock `OPEN `OPEN ;
@@ -183,8 +189,8 @@ let select_file_for_open ~title ?(dir = last_dir) ?(filename="") () =
file_chooser#set_default_response `OPEN;
ignore (file_chooser#set_current_folder !dir);
begin match file_chooser#run () with
- | `OPEN ->
- begin
+ | `OPEN ->
+ begin
file := file_chooser#filename;
match !file with
None -> ()
@@ -192,27 +198,27 @@ let select_file_for_open ~title ?(dir = last_dir) ?(filename="") () =
end ;
- file_chooser#destroy ();
+ file_chooser#destroy ();
let select_file_for_save ~title ?(dir = last_dir) ?(filename="") () =
- let file = ref None in
+ let file = ref None in
let file_chooser = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`SAVE ~modal:true ~title () in
file_chooser#add_button_stock `CANCEL `CANCEL ;
file_chooser#add_select_button_stock `SAVE `SAVE ;
file_chooser#add_filter (filter_coq_files ());
file_chooser#add_filter (filter_all_files ());
- (* this line will be used when a lablgtk >= 2.10.0 is the default on most distributions
+ (* this line will be used when a lablgtk >= 2.10.0 is the default on most distributions
file_chooser#set_do_overwrite_confirmation true;
file_chooser#set_default_response `SAVE;
ignore (file_chooser#set_current_folder !dir);
ignore (file_chooser#set_current_name filename);
begin match file_chooser#run () with
- | `SAVE ->
- begin
+ | `SAVE ->
+ begin
file := file_chooser#filename;
match !file with
None -> ()
@@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ let select_file_for_save ~title ?(dir = last_dir) ?(filename="") () =
end ;
- file_chooser#destroy ();
+ file_chooser#destroy ();
let find_tag_start (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
@@ -237,7 +243,7 @@ let find_tag_stop (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
-let find_tag_limits (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
+let find_tag_limits (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
(find_tag_start tag it , find_tag_stop tag it)
(* explanations: Win32 threads won't work if events are produced
@@ -245,16 +251,16 @@ let find_tag_limits (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
case we must use GtkThread.async to push a callback in the
main thread. Beware that the synchronus version may produce
deadlocks. *)
-let async =
+let async =
if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then GtkThread.async else (fun x -> x)
-let sync =
+let sync =
if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then GtkThread.sync else (fun x -> x)
let mutex text f =
let m = Mutex.create() in
fun x ->
if Mutex.try_lock m
- then
+ then
prerr_endline ("Got lock on "^text);
f x;
@@ -269,8 +275,8 @@ let mutex text f =
("Discarded call for "^text^": computations ongoing")
-let stock_to_widget ?(size=`DIALOG) s =
- let img = GMisc.image ()
+let stock_to_widget ?(size=`DIALOG) s =
+ let img = GMisc.image ()
in img#set_stock s;
@@ -290,12 +296,12 @@ let run_command f c =
let ne = ref 0 in
while n:= input cin buff 0 127 ; ne := input cerr buffe 0 127 ; !n+ !ne <> 0
- let r = try_convert (String.sub buff 0 !n) in
+ let r = try_convert (String.sub buff 0 !n) in
f r;
Buffer.add_string result r;
- let r = try_convert (String.sub buffe 0 !ne) in
+ let r = try_convert (String.sub buffe 0 !ne) in
f r;
- Buffer.add_string result r
+ Buffer.add_string result r
(Unix.close_process_full (cin,cout,cerr), Buffer.contents result)
@@ -306,46 +312,60 @@ let browse f url =
f ("Could not execute\n\""^com^
"\"\ncheck your preferences for setting a valid browser command\n")
+let doc_url () =
+ if !current.doc_url = use_default_doc_url || !current.doc_url = "" then
+ if Sys.file_exists
+ (String.sub Coq_config.localwwwrefman 7
+ (String.length Coq_config.localwwwrefman - 7))
+ then
+ Coq_config.localwwwrefman
+ else
+ Coq_config.wwwrefman
+ else !current.doc_url
let url_for_keyword =
let ht = Hashtbl.create 97 in
+ lazy (
begin try
- let cin = open_in (lib_ide_file "index_urls.txt") in
+ let cin =
+ try open_in (lib_ide_file "index_urls.txt")
+ with _ ->
+ let doc_url = doc_url () in
+ let n = String.length doc_url in
+ if n > 8 && String.sub doc_url 0 7 = "file://" then
+ open_in (String.sub doc_url 7 (n-7) ^ "index_urls.txt")
+ else
+ raise Exit
+ in
try while true do
let s = input_line cin in
- try
+ try
let i = String.index s ',' in
let k = String.sub s 0 i in
let u = String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1) in
Hashtbl.add ht k u
with _ ->
- ()
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: Cannot parse documentation index file.\n";
+ flush stderr
done with End_of_file ->
close_in cin
with _ ->
- ()
+ Printf.eprintf "Warning: Cannot find documentation index file.\n";
+ flush stderr
- (Hashtbl.find ht : string -> string)
+ Hashtbl.find ht : string -> string)
-let browse_keyword f text =
- try let u = url_for_keyword text in browse f (!current.doc_url ^ u)
- with Not_found -> f ("No documentation found for "^text)
-let underscore = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "_" (ref 0)
-let arobase = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "@" (ref 0)
-let prime = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "'" (ref 0)
-let bn = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "\n" (ref 0)
-let space = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar " " (ref 0)
-let tab = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "\t" (ref 0)
+let browse_keyword f text =
+ try let u = Lazy.force url_for_keyword text in browse f (doc_url() ^ u)
+ with Not_found -> f ("No documentation found for \""^text^"\".\n")
checks if two file names refer to the same (existing) file by
- comparing their device and inode.
+ comparing their device and inode.
It seems that under Windows, inode is always 0, so we cannot
- accurately check if
+ accurately check if
(* Optimised for partial application (in case many candidates must be
@@ -357,7 +377,7 @@ let same_file f1 =
let s2 = Unix.stat f2 in
s1.Unix.st_dev = s2.Unix.st_dev &&
- if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then f1 = f2
+ if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then f1 = f2
else s1.Unix.st_ino = s2.Unix.st_ino
Unix.Unix_error _ -> false)
@@ -365,7 +385,7 @@ let same_file f1 =
Unix.Unix_error _ -> (fun _ -> false)
let absolute_filename f =
- if Filename.is_relative f then
+ if Filename.is_relative f then
Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) f
else f
diff --git a/ide/ideutils.mli b/ide/ideutils.mli
index 48ff0fca..fbd5af44 100644
--- a/ide/ideutils.mli
+++ b/ide/ideutils.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: ideutils.mli 11006 2008-05-28 10:42:45Z jnarboux $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
val async : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val sync : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ val sync : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(* avoid running two instances of a function concurrently *)
val mutex : string -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+val doc_url : unit -> string
val browse : (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
val browse_keyword : (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
val byte_offset_to_char_offset : string -> int -> int
@@ -57,22 +58,15 @@ val print_list : (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val run_command : (string -> unit) -> string -> Unix.process_status*string
-val prime : Glib.unichar
-val underscore : Glib.unichar
-val arobase : Glib.unichar
-val bn : Glib.unichar
-val space : Glib.unichar
-val tab : Glib.unichar
-val status : GMisc.statusbar option ref
-val push_info : (string -> unit) ref
-val pop_info : (unit -> unit) ref
-val flash_info : (?delay:int -> string -> unit) ref
+val status : GMisc.statusbar
+val push_info : string -> unit
+val pop_info : unit -> unit
+val flash_info : ?delay:int -> string -> unit
val set_location : (string -> unit) ref
-val pulse : (unit -> unit) ref
+val pbar : GRange.progress_bar
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index ffb346d9..4e87d1df 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 12104 2009-04-24 18:10:10Z notin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Configwin
open Printf
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let pref_file = Filename.concat System.home ".coqiderc"
let accel_file = Filename.concat System.home ".coqide.keys"
-let mod_to_str (m:Gdk.Tags.modifier) =
+let mod_to_str (m:Gdk.Tags.modifier) =
match m with
| `MOD1 -> "MOD1"
| `MOD2 -> "MOD2"
@@ -34,19 +34,19 @@ let mod_to_str (m:Gdk.Tags.modifier) =
let (str_to_mod:string -> Gdk.Tags.modifier) =
- | "MOD1" -> `MOD1
- | "MOD2" -> `MOD2
- | "MOD3" -> `MOD3
- | "MOD4" -> `MOD4
- | "MOD5" -> `MOD5
- | "BUTTON1" -> `BUTTON1
- | "BUTTON2" -> `BUTTON2
- | "BUTTON3" -> `BUTTON3
- | "BUTTON4" -> `BUTTON4
- | "BUTTON5" -> `BUTTON5
- | "LOCK" -> `LOCK
- | "SHIFT" -> `SHIFT
+ | "MOD1" -> `MOD1
+ | "MOD2" -> `MOD2
+ | "MOD3" -> `MOD3
+ | "MOD4" -> `MOD4
+ | "MOD5" -> `MOD5
+ | "BUTTON1" -> `BUTTON1
+ | "BUTTON2" -> `BUTTON2
+ | "BUTTON3" -> `BUTTON3
+ | "BUTTON4" -> `BUTTON4
+ | "BUTTON5" -> `BUTTON5
+ | "LOCK" -> `LOCK
+ | "SHIFT" -> `SHIFT
| s -> `MOD1
type pref =
@@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ type pref =
mutable opposite_tabs : bool;
-let (current:pref ref) =
+let use_default_doc_url = "(automatic)"
+let (current:pref ref) =
ref {
cmd_coqc = "coqc";
cmd_make = "make";
@@ -110,38 +112,38 @@ let (current:pref ref) =
global_auto_revert = false;
global_auto_revert_delay = 10000;
auto_save = true;
auto_save_delay = 10000;
auto_save_name = "#","#";
encoding_use_locale = true;
encoding_use_utf8 = false;
encoding_manual = "ISO_8859-1";
automatic_tactics = ["trivial"; "tauto"; "auto"; "omega";
"auto with *"; "intuition" ];
modifier_for_navigation = [`CONTROL; `MOD1];
modifier_for_templates = [`CONTROL; `SHIFT];
modifier_for_tactics = [`CONTROL; `MOD1];
modifier_for_display = [`MOD1;`SHIFT];
modifiers_valid = [`SHIFT; `CONTROL; `MOD1];
cmd_browse = Flags.browser_cmd_fmt;
cmd_editor = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then "NOTEPAD %s" else "emacs %s";
(* text_font = Pango.Font.from_string "sans 12";*)
text_font = Pango.Font.from_string "Monospace 10";
doc_url = Coq_config.wwwrefman;
library_url = Coq_config.wwwstdlib;
show_toolbar = true;
contextual_menus_on_goal = true;
window_width = 800;
- window_height = 600;
+ window_height = 600;
query_window_width = 600;
query_window_height = 400;
@@ -166,10 +168,10 @@ let contextual_menus_on_goal = ref (fun x -> ())
let resize_window = ref (fun () -> ())
let save_pref () =
- (try accel_file
+ (try accel_file
with _ -> ());
let p = !current in
- try
+ try
let add = Stringmap.add in
let (++) x f = f x in
Stringmap.empty ++
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ let save_pref () =
add "cmd_coqmakefile" [p.cmd_coqmakefile] ++
add "cmd_coqdoc" [p.cmd_coqdoc] ++
add "global_auto_revert" [string_of_bool p.global_auto_revert] ++
- add "global_auto_revert_delay"
+ add "global_auto_revert_delay"
[string_of_int p.global_auto_revert_delay] ++
add "auto_save" [string_of_bool p.auto_save] ++
add "auto_save_delay" [string_of_int p.auto_save_delay] ++
@@ -190,15 +192,15 @@ let save_pref () =
add "automatic_tactics" p.automatic_tactics ++
add "cmd_print" [p.cmd_print] ++
- add "modifier_for_navigation"
+ add "modifier_for_navigation"
( mod_to_str p.modifier_for_navigation) ++
- add "modifier_for_templates"
+ add "modifier_for_templates"
( mod_to_str p.modifier_for_templates) ++
- add "modifier_for_tactics"
+ add "modifier_for_tactics"
( mod_to_str p.modifier_for_tactics) ++
- add "modifier_for_display"
+ add "modifier_for_display"
( mod_to_str p.modifier_for_display) ++
- add "modifiers_valid"
+ add "modifiers_valid"
( mod_to_str p.modifiers_valid) ++
add "cmd_browse" [p.cmd_browse] ++
add "cmd_editor" [p.cmd_editor] ++
@@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ let save_pref () =
add "doc_url" [p.doc_url] ++
add "library_url" [p.library_url] ++
add "show_toolbar" [string_of_bool p.show_toolbar] ++
- add "contextual_menus_on_goal"
+ add "contextual_menus_on_goal"
[string_of_bool p.contextual_menus_on_goal] ++
add "window_height" [string_of_int p.window_height] ++
add "window_width" [string_of_int p.window_width] ++
@@ -221,12 +223,11 @@ let save_pref () =
add "opposite_tabs" [string_of_bool p.opposite_tabs] ++
Config_lexer.print_file pref_file
with _ -> prerr_endline "Could not save preferences."
let load_pref () =
(try GtkData.AccelMap.load accel_file with _ -> ());
- let p = !current in
- try
+ let p = !current in
+ try
let m = Config_lexer.load_file pref_file in
let np = { p with cmd_coqc = p.cmd_coqc } in
let set k f = try let v = Stringmap.find k m in f v with _ -> () in
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ let load_pref () =
let set_bool k f = set_hd k (fun v -> f (bool_of_string v)) in
let set_int k f = set_hd k (fun v -> f (int_of_string v)) in
let set_pair k f = set k (function [v1;v2] -> f v1 v2 | _ -> raise Exit) in
- let set_command_with_pair_compat k f =
+ let set_command_with_pair_compat k f =
set k (function [v1;v2] -> f (v1^"%s"^v2) | [v] -> f v | _ -> raise Exit)
set_hd "cmd_coqc" (fun v -> np.cmd_coqc <- v);
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ let load_pref () =
set_hd "cmd_coqmakefile" (fun v -> np.cmd_coqmakefile <- v);
set_hd "cmd_coqdoc" (fun v -> np.cmd_coqdoc <- v);
set_bool "global_auto_revert" (fun v -> np.global_auto_revert <- v);
- set_int "global_auto_revert_delay"
+ set_int "global_auto_revert_delay"
(fun v -> np.global_auto_revert_delay <- v);
set_bool "auto_save" (fun v -> np.auto_save <- v);
set_int "auto_save_delay" (fun v -> np.auto_save_delay <- v);
@@ -253,23 +254,26 @@ let load_pref () =
set "automatic_tactics"
(fun v -> np.automatic_tactics <- v);
set_hd "cmd_print" (fun v -> np.cmd_print <- v);
- set "modifier_for_navigation"
+ set "modifier_for_navigation"
(fun v -> np.modifier_for_navigation <- str_to_mod v);
- set "modifier_for_templates"
+ set "modifier_for_templates"
(fun v -> np.modifier_for_templates <- str_to_mod v);
- set "modifier_for_tactics"
+ set "modifier_for_tactics"
(fun v -> np.modifier_for_tactics <- str_to_mod v);
- set "modifier_for_display"
+ set "modifier_for_display"
(fun v -> np.modifier_for_display <- str_to_mod v);
- set "modifiers_valid"
+ set "modifiers_valid"
(fun v -> np.modifiers_valid <- str_to_mod v);
set_command_with_pair_compat "cmd_browse" (fun v -> np.cmd_browse <- v);
set_command_with_pair_compat "cmd_editor" (fun v -> np.cmd_editor <- v);
set_hd "text_font" (fun v -> np.text_font <- Pango.Font.from_string v);
- set_hd "doc_url" (fun v -> np.doc_url <- v);
+ set_hd "doc_url" (fun v ->
+ if not (Flags.is_standard_doc_url v) && v <> use_default_doc_url then
+ prerr_endline ("Warning: Non-standard URL for Coq documentation in preference file: "^v);
+ np.doc_url <- v);
set_hd "library_url" (fun v -> np.library_url <- v);
set_bool "show_toolbar" (fun v -> np.show_toolbar <- v);
- set_bool "contextual_menus_on_goal"
+ set_bool "contextual_menus_on_goal"
(fun v -> np.contextual_menus_on_goal <- v);
set_int "window_width" (fun v -> np.window_width <- v);
set_int "window_height" (fun v -> np.window_height <- v);
@@ -284,38 +288,38 @@ let load_pref () =
Format.printf "in load_pref: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string !current.text_font);
- with e ->
+ with e ->
prerr_endline ("Could not load preferences ("^
(Printexc.to_string e)^").")
let split_string_format s =
- try
+ try
let i = Util.string_index_from s 0 "%s" in
let pre = (String.sub s 0 i) in
let post = String.sub s (i+2) (String.length s - i - 2) in
with Not_found -> s,""
-let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
- let cmd_coqc =
+let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
+ let cmd_coqc =
- ~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_coqc <- s)
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_coqc <- s)
" coqc" !current.cmd_coqc in
- let cmd_make =
- string
+ let cmd_make =
+ string
~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_make <- s)
" make" !current.cmd_make in
- let cmd_coqmakefile =
- string
+ let cmd_coqmakefile =
+ string
~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_coqmakefile <- s)
"coqmakefile" !current.cmd_coqmakefile in
- let cmd_coqdoc =
- string
+ let cmd_coqdoc =
+ string
~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_coqdoc <- s)
" coqdoc" !current.cmd_coqdoc in
- let cmd_print =
- string
- ~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_print <- s)
+ let cmd_print =
+ string
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_print <- s)
" Print ps" !current.cmd_print in
let config_font =
@@ -324,15 +328,15 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
"Goal (∃n : nat, n ≤ 0)∧(∀x,y,z, x∈y⋃z↔x∈y∨x∈z).";
box#pack w#coerce;
- ignore (w#misc#connect#realize
- ~callback:(fun () -> w#set_font_name
+ ignore (w#misc#connect#realize
+ ~callback:(fun () -> w#set_font_name
(Pango.Font.to_string !current.text_font)));
~label:"Fonts for text"
- (fun () ->
+ (fun () ->
let fd = w#font_name in
- !current.text_font <- (Pango.Font.from_string fd) ;
+ !current.text_font <- (Pango.Font.from_string fd) ;
Format.printf "in config_font: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string !current.text_font);
@@ -340,80 +344,80 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
- let show_toolbar =
- bool
- ~f:(fun s ->
- !current.show_toolbar <- s;
- !show_toolbar s)
+ let show_toolbar =
+ bool
+ ~f:(fun s ->
+ !current.show_toolbar <- s;
+ !show_toolbar s)
"Show toolbar" !current.show_toolbar
let window_height =
~f:(fun s -> !current.window_height <- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 600);
!resize_window ();
- )
- "Window height"
+ )
+ "Window height"
(string_of_int !current.window_height)
- in
+ in
let window_width =
- ~f:(fun s -> !current.window_width <-
- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 800))
- "Window width"
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.window_width <-
+ (try int_of_string s with _ -> 800))
+ "Window width"
(string_of_int !current.window_width)
- in
+ in
- let auto_complete =
- bool
- ~f:(fun s ->
- !current.auto_complete <- s;
- !auto_complete s)
+ let auto_complete =
+ bool
+ ~f:(fun s ->
+ !current.auto_complete <- s;
+ !auto_complete s)
"Auto Complete" !current.auto_complete
-(* let use_utf8_notation =
- bool
- ~f:(fun b ->
+(* let use_utf8_notation =
+ bool
+ ~f:(fun b ->
!current.use_utf8_notation <- b;
- )
+ )
"Use Unicode Notation: " !current.use_utf8_notation
let config_appearance = [show_toolbar; window_width; window_height] in
- let global_auto_revert =
- bool
- ~f:(fun s -> !current.global_auto_revert <- s)
+ let global_auto_revert =
+ bool
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.global_auto_revert <- s)
"Enable global auto revert" !current.global_auto_revert
let global_auto_revert_delay =
- ~f:(fun s -> !current.global_auto_revert_delay <-
- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000))
- "Global auto revert delay (ms)"
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.global_auto_revert_delay <-
+ (try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000))
+ "Global auto revert delay (ms)"
(string_of_int !current.global_auto_revert_delay)
- in
+ in
- let auto_save =
- bool
- ~f:(fun s -> !current.auto_save <- s)
+ let auto_save =
+ bool
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.auto_save <- s)
"Enable auto save" !current.auto_save
let auto_save_delay =
- ~f:(fun s -> !current.auto_save_delay <-
- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000))
- "Auto save delay (ms)"
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.auto_save_delay <-
+ (try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000))
+ "Auto save delay (ms)"
(string_of_int !current.auto_save_delay)
- in
+ in
let stop_before =
~f:(fun s -> !current.stop_before <- s)
"Stop interpreting before the current point" !current.stop_before
let lax_syntax =
~f:(fun s -> !current.lax_syntax <- s)
@@ -432,31 +436,31 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
"Tabs on opposite side" !current.opposite_tabs
- let encodings =
- combo
+ let encodings =
+ combo
"File charset encoding "
- ~f:(fun s ->
+ ~f:(fun s ->
match s with
- | "UTF-8" ->
+ | "UTF-8" ->
!current.encoding_use_utf8 <- true;
!current.encoding_use_locale <- false
| "LOCALE" ->
!current.encoding_use_utf8 <- false;
!current.encoding_use_locale <- true
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
!current.encoding_use_utf8 <- false;
!current.encoding_use_locale <- false;
!current.encoding_manual <- s;
~new_allowed: true
- (if !current.encoding_use_utf8 then "UTF-8"
+ (if !current.encoding_use_utf8 then "UTF-8"
else if !current.encoding_use_locale then "LOCALE" else !current.encoding_manual)
- let help_string =
- "Press a set of modifiers and an extra key together (needs then a restart to apply!)"
+ let help_string =
+ "restart to apply"
- let modifier_for_tactics =
+ let modifier_for_tactics =
~f:(fun l -> !current.modifier_for_tactics <- l)
@@ -464,7 +468,7 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
"Modifiers for Tactics Menu"
- let modifier_for_templates =
+ let modifier_for_templates =
~f:(fun l -> !current.modifier_for_templates <- l)
@@ -472,7 +476,7 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
"Modifiers for Templates Menu"
- let modifier_for_navigation =
+ let modifier_for_navigation =
~f:(fun l -> !current.modifier_for_navigation <- l)
@@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
"Modifiers for Navigation Menu"
- let modifier_for_display =
+ let modifier_for_display =
~f:(fun l -> !current.modifier_for_display <- l)
@@ -488,23 +492,23 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
"Modifiers for Display Menu"
- let modifiers_valid =
+ let modifiers_valid =
~f:(fun l -> !current.modifiers_valid <- l)
"Allowed modifiers"
- let cmd_editor =
+ let cmd_editor =
let predefined = [ "emacs %s"; "vi %s"; "NOTEPAD %s" ] in
- ~help:"(%s for file name)"
+ ~help:"(%s for file name)"
"External editor"
~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_editor <- s)
~new_allowed: true
(predefined@[if List.mem !current.cmd_editor predefined then ""
else !current.cmd_editor])
- in
+ in
let cmd_browse =
let predefined = [
@@ -514,40 +518,57 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
"seamonkey -remote \"openURL(%s)\" || seamonkey %s &";
"open -a Safari %s &"
] in
- combo
- ~help:"(%s for url)"
+ combo
+ ~help:"(%s for url)"
~f:(fun s -> !current.cmd_browse <- s)
~new_allowed: true
(predefined@[if List.mem !current.cmd_browse predefined then ""
else !current.cmd_browse])
- in
- let doc_url =
- string ~f:(fun s -> !current.doc_url <- s) " Manual URL" !current.doc_url in
- let library_url =
- string ~f:(fun s -> !current.library_url <- s) "Library URL" !current.library_url in
- let automatic_tactics =
+ in
+ let doc_url =
+ let predefined = [
+ use_default_doc_url
+ ] in
+ combo
+ "Manual URL"
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.doc_url <- s)
+ ~new_allowed: true
+ (predefined@[if List.mem !current.doc_url predefined then ""
+ else !current.doc_url])
+ !current.doc_url in
+ let library_url =
+ let predefined = [
+ Coq_config.wwwstdlib
+ ] in
+ combo
+ "Library URL"
+ ~f:(fun s -> !current.library_url <- s)
+ (predefined@[if List.mem !current.library_url predefined then ""
+ else !current.library_url])
+ !current.library_url
+ in
+ let automatic_tactics =
- ~f:(fun l -> !current.automatic_tactics <- l)
+ ~f:(fun l -> !current.automatic_tactics <- l)
~add:(fun () -> ["<edit me>"])
- "Wizard tactics to try in order"
+ "Wizard tactics to try in order"
let contextual_menus_on_goal =
- bool
- ~f:(fun s ->
- !current.contextual_menus_on_goal <- s;
- !contextual_menus_on_goal s)
+ bool
+ ~f:(fun s ->
+ !current.contextual_menus_on_goal <- s;
+ !contextual_menus_on_goal s)
"Contextual menus on goal" !current.contextual_menus_on_goal
- in
+ in
let misc = [contextual_menus_on_goal;auto_complete;stop_before;lax_syntax;
vertical_tabs;opposite_tabs] in
(* ATTENTION !!!!! L'onglet Fonts doit etre en premier pour eviter un bug !!!!
(shame on Benjamin) *)
let cmds =
@@ -557,7 +578,7 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
auto_save; auto_save_delay; (* auto_save_name*)
- ]);
+ ]);
@@ -581,6 +602,6 @@ let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () =
Format.printf "after edit: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string !current.text_font);
- match x with
+ match x with
| Return_apply | Return_ok -> save_pref ()
| Return_cancel -> ()
diff --git a/ide/preferences.mli b/ide/preferences.mli
index d7f32380..6ee7918f 100644
--- a/ide/preferences.mli
+++ b/ide/preferences.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: preferences.mli 11009 2008-05-28 13:58:33Z jnarboux $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
type pref =
@@ -70,3 +70,5 @@ val change_font : ( Pango.font_description -> unit) ref
val show_toolbar : (bool -> unit) ref
val auto_complete : (bool -> unit) ref
val resize_window : (unit -> unit) ref
+val use_default_doc_url : string
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e78f5c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+let make_tag (tt:GText.tag_table) ~name prop =
+ let new_tag = GText.tag ~name () in
+ new_tag#set_properties prop;
+ tt#add new_tag#as_tag;
+ new_tag
+module Script =
+ let table = GText.tag_table ()
+ let kwd = make_tag table ~name:"kwd" [`FOREGROUND "blue"]
+ let qed = make_tag table ~name:"qed" [`FOREGROUND "blue"]
+ let decl = make_tag table ~name:"decl" [`FOREGROUND "orange red"]
+ let proof_decl = make_tag table ~name:"proof_decl" [`FOREGROUND "orange red"]
+ let comment = make_tag table ~name:"comment" [`FOREGROUND "brown"]
+ let reserved = make_tag table ~name:"reserved" [`FOREGROUND "dark red"]
+ let error = make_tag table ~name:"error" [`UNDERLINE `DOUBLE ; `FOREGROUND "red"]
+ let to_process = make_tag table ~name:"to_process" [`BACKGROUND "light blue" ;`EDITABLE false]
+ let processed = make_tag table ~name:"processed" [`BACKGROUND "light green" ;`EDITABLE false]
+ let unjustified = make_tag table ~name:"unjustified" [`UNDERLINE `SINGLE; `FOREGROUND "red"; `BACKGROUND "gold";`EDITABLE false]
+ let found = make_tag table ~name:"found" [`BACKGROUND "blue"; `FOREGROUND "white"]
+ let hidden = make_tag table ~name:"hidden" [`INVISIBLE true; `EDITABLE false]
+ let folded = make_tag table ~name:"locked" [`EDITABLE false; `BACKGROUND "light grey"]
+ let paren = make_tag table ~name:"paren" [`BACKGROUND "purple"]
+ let lax_end = make_tag table ~name:"sentence_end" []
+module Proof =
+ let table = GText.tag_table ()
+ let highlight = make_tag table ~name:"highlight" [`BACKGROUND "light green"]
+ let hypothesis = make_tag table ~name:"hypothesis" []
+ let goal = make_tag table ~name:"goal" []
+module Message =
+ let table = GText.tag_table ()
+ let error = make_tag table ~name:"error" [`FOREGROUND "red"]
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39e8155d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: 11952 2009-03-02 15:29:08Z vgross $ *)
+class ['a] typed_notebook default_build nb =
+ inherit GPack.notebook nb as super
+ val mutable term_list = []
+ method append_term ?(build=default_build) (term:'a) =
+ let tab_label,menu_label,page = build term in
+ (* XXX - Temporary hack to compile with archaic lablgtk *)
+ ignore (super#append_page ?tab_label ?menu_label page);
+ let real_pos = super#page_num page in
+ let lower,higher = Util.list_split_at real_pos term_list in
+ term_list <- lower@[term]@higher;
+ real_pos
+(* XXX - Temporary hack to compile with archaic lablgtk
+ method insert_term ?(build=default_build) ?pos (term:'a) =
+ let tab_label,menu_label,page = build term in
+ let real_pos = super#insert_page ?tab_label ?menu_label ?pos page in
+ let lower,higher = Util.list_split_at real_pos term_list in
+ term_list <- lower@[term]@higher;
+ real_pos
+ *)
+ method prepend_term ?(build=default_build) (term:'a) =
+ let tab_label,menu_label,page = build term in
+ (* XXX - Temporary hack to compile with archaic lablgtk *)
+ ignore (super#prepend_page ?tab_label ?menu_label page);
+ let real_pos = super#page_num page in
+ let lower,higher = Util.list_split_at real_pos term_list in
+ term_list <- lower@[term]@higher;
+ real_pos
+ method set_term ?(build=default_build) (term:'a) =
+ let tab_label,menu_label,page = build term in
+ let real_pos = super#current_page in
+ term_list <- Util.list_map_i (fun i x -> if i = real_pos then term else x) 0 term_list;
+ super#set_page ?tab_label ?menu_label page
+ method remove_page index =
+ term_list <- Util.list_filter_i (fun i x -> i <> index) term_list;
+ super#remove_page index
+ method get_nth_term i =
+ List.nth term_list i
+ method term_num p =
+ Util.list_index0 p term_list
+ method pages = term_list
+ method current_term = List.nth term_list super#current_page
+let create build =
+ GtkPack.Notebook.make_params []
+ ~cont:(GContainer.pack_container
+ ~create:(fun pl ->
+ let nb = GtkPack.Notebook.create pl in
+ (new typed_notebook build nb)))
diff --git a/ide/uim/coqide-custom.scm b/ide/uim/coqide-custom.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..132bae7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/uim/coqide-custom.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+;;; coqide-custom.scm -- customization variables for coqide.scm
+;;; Copyright (c) 2003-2009 uim Project
+;;; All rights reserved.
+;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+;;; are met:
+;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+;;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;;; 3. Neither the name of authors nor the names of its contributors
+;;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;;; without specific prior written permission.
+(require "i18n.scm")
+(define coqide-im-name-label (N_ "CoqIDE"))
+(define coqide-im-short-desc (N_ "Emacs-style Latin characters input"))
+(define coqide-im-long-desc (N_ "An input method for entering Latin letters used in European languages with the key translations adopted in Emacs."))
+(define-custom-group 'coqide
+ coqide-im-name-label
+ coqide-im-short-desc)
+(define-custom-group 'coqide-properties
+ (N_ "Properties")
+ (N_ "long description will be here."))
+(define-custom 'coqide-rules 'coqide-rules-latin-ltx
+ '(coqide coqide-properties)
+ (list 'choice
+ (list 'coqide-rules-british
+ (N_ "British")
+ (N_ "long description will be here."))
+ (list 'coqide-rules-english-dvorak
+ (N_ "English Dvorak")
+ (N_ "long description will be here."))
+ (list 'coqide-rules-latin-ltx
+ (N_ "LaTeX style")
+ (N_ "long description will be here.")))
+ (N_ "Latin characters keyboard layout")
+ (N_ "long description will be here."))
+(custom-add-hook 'coqide-rules
+ 'custom-set-hooks
+ (lambda ()
+ (map (lambda (lc)
+ (let ((new-rkc (rk-context-new
+ (symbol-value coqide-rules) #f #f)))
+ (coqide-context-flush lc)
+ (coqide-update-preedit lc)
+ (coqide-context-set-rkc! lc new-rkc)))
+ coqide-context-list)))
+;; For VI users.
+(define-custom 'coqide-esc-turns-off? #f
+ '(coqide coqide-properties)
+ '(boolean)
+ (N_ "ESC turns off composition mode (for vi users)")
+ (N_ "long description will be here."))
+(define-custom-group 'coqide-keys
+ (N_ "CoqIDE key bindings")
+ (N_ "long description will be here."))
+(define-custom 'coqide-on-key '("<Control>\\")
+ '(coqide coqide-keys)
+ '(key)
+ (N_ "CoqIDE on")
+ (N_ "long description will be here"))
+(define-custom 'coqide-off-key '("<Control>\\")
+ '(coqide coqide-keys)
+ '(key)
+ (N_ "CoqIDE off")
+ (N_ "long description will be here"))
+(define-custom 'coqide-backspace-key '(generic-backspace-key)
+ '(coqide coqide-keys)
+ '(key)
+ (N_ "CoqIDE backspace")
+ (N_ "long description will be here"))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; mode: scheme
+;; coding: utf-8
+;; End:
diff --git a/ide/uim/coqide-rules.scm b/ide/uim/coqide-rules.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e41889c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/uim/coqide-rules.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1223 @@
+;; v ; The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ;;
+;; <O___,, ; CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud ;;
+;; \VV/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; // ; This file is distributed under the terms of the ;;
+;; ; GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ;;
+;;; coqide-rules.scm -- key sequence tables for coqide.scm
+;; Copyright (c) 2003-2009 uim Project
+;; All rights reserved.
+;; The translation tables in this file were derived from
+;; the emacs-lisp source files latin-pre.el, latin-post.el, latin-alt.el
+;; included in GNU Emacs. The following is the original copyright notice
+;; therein, with the name GNU Emacs replaced by "this program".
+;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+;; 2006, 2007
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+;; 2006, 2007
+;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
+;; Registration Number H14PRO021
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Key translation maps were originally copied from iso-acc.el.
+;; latin-1-prefix: extra special characters added, adapted from the vim
+;; digraphs (from J.H.M.Dassen <>)
+;; by R.F. Smith <>
+;; polish-slash:
+;; Author: Włodek Bzyl <>
+;; Maintainer: Włodek Bzyl <>
+;; latin-[89]-prefix: Dave Love <>
+(define coqide-rules-british '(
+((("#")) ("£" "#"))
+(define coqide-rules-english-dvorak '(
+((("-")) ("["))
+((("=")) ("]"))
+((("`")) ("`"))
+((("q")) ("'"))
+((("w")) (","))
+((("e")) ("."))
+((("r")) ("p"))
+((("t")) ("y"))
+((("y")) ("f"))
+((("u")) ("g"))
+((("i")) ("c"))
+((("o")) ("r"))
+((("p")) ("l"))
+((("[")) ("/"))
+((("]")) ("="))
+((("a")) ("a"))
+((("s")) ("o"))
+((("d")) ("e"))
+((("f")) ("u"))
+((("g")) ("i"))
+((("h")) ("d"))
+((("j")) ("h"))
+((("k")) ("t"))
+((("l")) ("n"))
+(((";")) ("s"))
+((("'")) ("-"))
+((("\\")) ("\\"))
+((("z")) (";"))
+((("x")) ("q"))
+((("c")) ("j"))
+((("v")) ("k"))
+((("b")) ("x"))
+((("n")) ("b"))
+((("m")) ("m"))
+(((",")) ("w"))
+(((".")) ("v"))
+((("/")) ("z"))
+((("_")) ("{"))
+((("+")) ("}"))
+((("~")) ("~"))
+((("Q")) ("\""))
+((("W")) ("<"))
+((("E")) (">"))
+((("R")) ("P"))
+((("T")) ("Y"))
+((("Y")) ("F"))
+((("U")) ("G"))
+((("I")) ("C"))
+((("O")) ("R"))
+((("P")) ("L"))
+((("{")) ("?"))
+((("}")) ("+"))
+((("A")) ("A"))
+((("S")) ("O"))
+((("D")) ("E"))
+((("F")) ("U"))
+((("G")) ("I"))
+((("H")) ("D"))
+((("J")) ("H"))
+((("K")) ("T"))
+((("L")) ("N"))
+(((":")) ("S"))
+((("\"")) ("_"))
+((("|")) ("|"))
+((("Z")) (":"))
+((("X")) ("Q"))
+((("C")) ("J"))
+((("V")) ("K"))
+((("B")) ("X"))
+((("N")) ("B"))
+((("M")) ("M"))
+((("<")) ("W"))
+(((">")) ("V"))
+((("?")) ("Z"))
+(define coqide-rules-latin-ltx '(
+((("!" "`")) ("¡"))
+((("\\" "p" "o" "u" "n" "d" "s")) ("£"))
+((("\\" "S")) ("§"))
+((("\\" "\"" "{" "}")) ("¨"))
+((("\\" "c" "o" "p" "y" "r" "i" "g" "h" "t")) ("©"))
+((("$" "^" "a" "$")) ("ª"))
+((("\\" "=" "{" "}")) ("¯"))
+((("$" "\\" "p" "m" "$")) ("±"))
+((("\\" "p" "m")) ("±"))
+((("$" "^" "2" "$")) ("²"))
+((("$" "^" "3" "$")) ("³"))
+((("\\" "'" "{" "}")) ("´"))
+((("\\" "P")) ("¶"))
+((("$" "\\" "c" "d" "o" "t" "$")) ("·"))
+((("\\" "c" "d" "o" "t")) ("·"))
+((("\\" "c" "{" "}")) ("¸"))
+((("$" "^" "1" "$")) ("¹"))
+((("$" "^" "o" "$")) ("º"))
+((("?" "`")) ("¿"))
+((("\\" "`" "{" "A" "}")) ("À"))
+((("\\" "`" "A")) ("À"))
+((("\\" "'" "{" "A" "}")) ("Á"))
+((("\\" "'" "A")) ("Á"))
+((("\\" "^" "{" "A" "}")) ("Â"))
+((("\\" "^" "A")) ("Â"))
+((("\\" "~" "{" "A" "}")) ("Ã"))
+((("\\" "~" "A")) ("Ã"))
+((("\\" "\"" "{" "A" "}")) ("Ä"))
+((("\\" "\"" "A")) ("Ä"))
+((("\\" "k" "{" "A" "}")) ("Ą"))
+((("\\" "A" "A")) ("Å"))
+((("\\" "A" "E")) ("Æ"))
+((("\\" "c" "{" "C" "}")) ("Ç"))
+((("\\" "c" "C")) ("Ç"))
+((("\\" "`" "{" "E" "}")) ("È"))
+((("\\" "`" "E")) ("È"))
+((("\\" "'" "{" "E" "}")) ("É"))
+((("\\" "'" "E")) ("É"))
+((("\\" "^" "{" "E" "}")) ("Ê"))
+((("\\" "^" "E")) ("Ê"))
+((("\\" "\"" "{" "E" "}")) ("Ë"))
+((("\\" "\"" "E")) ("Ë"))
+((("\\" "k" "{" "E" "}")) ("Ę"))
+((("\\" "`" "{" "I" "}")) ("Ì"))
+((("\\" "`" "I")) ("Ì"))
+((("\\" "'" "{" "I" "}")) ("Í"))
+((("\\" "'" "I")) ("Í"))
+((("\\" "^" "{" "I" "}")) ("Î"))
+((("\\" "^" "I")) ("Î"))
+((("\\" "\"" "{" "I" "}")) ("Ï"))
+((("\\" "\"" "I")) ("Ï"))
+((("\\" "k" "{" "I" "}")) ("Į"))
+((("\\" "~" "{" "N" "}")) ("Ñ"))
+((("\\" "~" "N")) ("Ñ"))
+((("\\" "`" "{" "O" "}")) ("Ò"))
+((("\\" "`" "O")) ("Ò"))
+((("\\" "'" "{" "O" "}")) ("Ó"))
+((("\\" "'" "O")) ("Ó"))
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+((("\\" "S" "m" "i" "l" "e" "y")) ("☺"))
+((("\\" "b" "l" "a" "c" "k" "s" "m" "i" "l" "e" "y")) ("☻"))
+((("\\" "F" "r" "o" "w" "n" "y")) ("☹"))
+((("\\" "L" "e" "t" "t" "e" "r")) ("✉"))
+((("\\" "p" "e" "r" "m" "i" "l")) ("‰"))
+((("\\" "r" "e" "g" "i" "s" "t" "e" "r" "e" "d")) ("®"))
+((("\\" "c" "u" "r" "r" "e" "n" "c" "y")) ("¤"))
+((("\\" "d" "h")) ("ð"))
+((("\\" "D" "H")) ("Ð"))
+((("\\" "t" "h")) ("þ"))
+((("\\" "T" "H")) ("Þ"))
+((("\\" "m" "i" "c" "r" "o")) ("µ"))
+((("\\" "l" "n" "o" "t")) ("¬"))
+((("\\" "o" "r" "d" "f" "e" "m" "i" "n" "i" "n" "e")) ("ª"))
+((("\\" "o" "r" "d" "m" "a" "s" "c" "u" "l" "i" "n" "e")) ("º"))
+((("\\" "l" "a" "m" "b" "d" "a" "b" "a" "r")) ("ƛ"))
+((("\\" "c" "e" "l" "s" "i" "u" "s")) ("℃"))
+((("\\" "l" "d" "q")) ("“"))
+((("\\" "r" "d" "q")) ("”"))
+((("\\" "m" "i" "n" "u" "s")) ("−"))
+((("\\" "d" "e" "f" "s")) ("≙"))
+((("\\" "l" "l" "b" "r" "a" "c" "k" "e" "t")) ("〚"))
+((("\\" "r" "r" "b" "r" "a" "c" "k" "e" "t")) ("〛"))
+((("\\" "l" "d" "a" "t" "a")) ("《"))
+((("\\" "r" "d" "a" "t" "a")) ("》"))
+((("\\" "g" "l" "q")) ("‚"))
+((("\\" "g" "r" "q")) ("‘"))
+((("\\" "g" "l" "q" "q")) ("„"))
+((("\\" "\"" "`")) ("„"))
+((("\\" "g" "r" "q" "q")) ("“"))
+((("\\" "\"" "'")) ("“"))
+((("\\" "f" "l" "q")) ("‹"))
+((("\\" "f" "r" "q")) ("›"))
+((("\\" "f" "l" "q" "q")) ("«"))
+((("\\" "\"" "<")) ("«"))
+((("\\" "f" "r" "q" "q")) ("»"))
+((("\\" "\"" ">")) ("»"))
+((("\\" "-")) ("­"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "m" "u")) ("µ"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "f" "r" "a" "c" "t" "i" "o" "n" "s" "o" "l" "i" "d" "u" "s")) ("⁄"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "b" "i" "g" "c" "i" "r" "c" "l" "e")) ("⃝"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "m" "u" "s" "i" "c" "a" "l" "n" "o" "t" "e")) ("♪"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "d" "i" "e" "d")) ("✝"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "c" "o" "l" "o" "n" "m" "o" "n" "e" "t" "a" "r" "y")) ("₡"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "w" "o" "n")) ("₩"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "n" "a" "i" "r" "a")) ("₦"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "p" "e" "s" "o")) ("₱"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "l" "i" "r" "a")) ("₤"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "r" "e" "c" "i" "p" "e")) ("℞"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "i" "n" "t" "e" "r" "r" "o" "b" "a" "n" "g")) ("‽"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "p" "e" "r" "t" "e" "n" "t" "h" "o" "u" "s" "a" "n" "d")) ("‱"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "b" "a" "h" "t")) ("฿"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "n" "u" "m" "e" "r" "o")) ("№"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "d" "i" "s" "c" "o" "u" "n" "t")) ("⁒"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "e" "s" "t" "i" "m" "a" "t" "e" "d")) ("℮"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "o" "p" "e" "n" "b" "u" "l" "l" "e" "t")) ("◦"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "l" "q" "u" "i" "l" "l")) ("⁅"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "r" "q" "u" "i" "l" "l")) ("⁆"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "c" "i" "r" "c" "l" "e" "d" "P")) ("℗"))
+((("\\" "t" "e" "x" "t" "r" "e" "f" "e" "r" "e" "n" "c" "e" "m" "a" "r" "k")) ("※"))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; mode: scheme
+;; coding: utf-8
+;; End:
diff --git a/ide/uim/coqide.scm b/ide/uim/coqide.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62355ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/uim/coqide.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+;;; coqide.scm -- Emacs-style Latin characters translation
+;;; Copyright (c) 2003-2009 uim Project
+;;; All rights reserved.
+;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+;;; are met:
+;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+;;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+;;; 3. Neither the name of authors nor the names of its contributors
+;;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+;;; without specific prior written permission.
+;; This input method implements character composition rules for the
+;; Latin letters used in European languages. The rules, defined in
+;; the file coqide-rules.scm, have been adapted from GNU Emacs 22.
+(require "util.scm")
+(require "rk.scm")
+(require "coqide-rules.scm")
+(require-custom "generic-key-custom.scm")
+(require-custom "coqide-custom.scm")
+(define coqide-context-rec-spec
+ (append
+ context-rec-spec
+ '((on #f)
+ (rkc #f)
+ (show-cands #f))))
+(define-record 'coqide-context coqide-context-rec-spec)
+(define coqide-context-new-internal coqide-context-new)
+(define (coqide-context-new id im)
+ (let ((lc (coqide-context-new-internal id im))
+ (rkc (rk-context-new (symbol-value coqide-rules) #f #f)))
+ (coqide-context-set-widgets! lc coqide-widgets)
+ (coqide-context-set-rkc! lc rkc)
+ lc))
+(define (coqide-current-translation lc)
+ (let ((rkc (coqide-context-rkc lc)))
+ (or (rk-peek-terminal-match rkc)
+ (and (not (null? (rk-context-seq rkc)))
+ (list (rk-pending rkc))))))
+(define (coqide-current-string lc)
+ (let ((trans (coqide-current-translation lc)))
+ (if trans (car trans) "")))
+(define (coqide-context-clear lc)
+ (rk-flush (coqide-context-rkc lc)))
+(define (coqide-context-flush lc)
+ (let ((str (coqide-current-string lc)))
+ (if (not (equal? str "")) (im-commit lc str))
+ (coqide-context-clear lc)))
+(define (coqide-open-candidates-window lc height)
+ (if (coqide-context-show-cands lc)
+ (im-deactivate-candidate-selector lc))
+ (im-activate-candidate-selector lc height height)
+ (im-select-candidate lc 0)
+ (coqide-context-set-show-cands! lc #t))
+(define (coqide-close-candidates-window lc)
+ (if (coqide-context-show-cands lc)
+ (im-deactivate-candidate-selector lc))
+ (coqide-context-set-show-cands! lc #f))
+(define (coqide-update-preedit lc)
+ (if (coqide-context-on lc)
+ (let ((trans (coqide-current-translation lc))
+ (ltrans 0))
+ (im-clear-preedit lc)
+ (if trans
+ (begin (im-pushback-preedit lc
+ preedit-underline
+ (car trans))
+ (set! ltrans (length trans))))
+ (im-pushback-preedit lc
+ preedit-cursor
+ "")
+ (im-update-preedit lc)
+ (if (> ltrans 1)
+ (coqide-open-candidates-window lc ltrans)
+ (coqide-close-candidates-window lc)))))
+(define (coqide-prepare-activation lc)
+ (coqide-context-flush lc)
+ (coqide-update-preedit lc))
+(register-action 'action_coqide_off
+ (lambda (lc)
+ (list
+ 'off
+ "a"
+ (N_ "CoqIDE mode off")
+ (N_ "CoqIDE composition off")))
+ (lambda (lc)
+ (not (coqide-context-on lc)))
+ (lambda (lc)
+ (coqide-prepare-activation lc)
+ (coqide-context-set-on! lc #f)))
+(register-action 'action_coqide_on
+ (lambda (lc)
+ (list
+ 'on
+ "à"
+ (N_ "CoqIDE mode on")
+ (N_ "CoqIDE composition on")))
+ (lambda (lc)
+ (coqide-context-on lc))
+ (lambda (lc)
+ (coqide-prepare-activation lc)
+ (coqide-context-set-on! lc #t)))
+(define coqide-input-mode-actions
+ '(action_coqide_off action_coqide_on))
+(define coqide-widgets '(widget_coqide_input_mode))
+(define default-widget_coqide_input_mode 'action_coqide_on)
+(register-widget 'widget_coqide_input_mode
+ (activity-indicator-new coqide-input-mode-actions)
+ (actions-new coqide-input-mode-actions))
+(define coqide-context-list '())
+(define (coqide-init-handler id im arg)
+ (let ((lc (coqide-context-new id im)))
+ (set! coqide-context-list (cons lc coqide-context-list))
+ lc))
+(define (coqide-release-handler lc)
+ (let ((rkc (coqide-context-rkc lc)))
+ (set! coqide-context-list
+ ;; (delete lc coqide-context-list eq?) does not work
+ (remove (lambda (c) (eq? (coqide-context-rkc c) rkc))
+ coqide-context-list))))
+(define coqide-control-key?
+ (let ((shift-or-no-modifier? (make-key-predicate '("<Shift>" ""))))
+ (lambda (key key-state)
+ (not (shift-or-no-modifier? -1 key-state)))))
+(define (coqide-proc-on-state lc key key-state)
+ (let ((rkc (coqide-context-rkc lc))
+ (cur-trans (coqide-current-translation lc)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (coqide-off-key? key key-state)
+ (and coqide-esc-turns-off? (eq? key 'escape)))
+ (coqide-context-flush lc)
+ (if (eq? key 'escape)
+ (im-commit-raw lc))
+ (coqide-context-set-on! lc #f)
+ (coqide-close-candidates-window lc)
+ (im-clear-preedit lc)
+ (im-update-preedit lc))
+ ((coqide-backspace-key? key key-state)
+ (if (not (rk-backspace rkc))
+ (im-commit-raw lc)))
+ ((coqide-control-key? key key-state)
+ (coqide-context-flush lc)
+ (im-commit-raw lc))
+ ((and (ichar-numeric? key)
+ (coqide-context-show-cands lc)
+ (let ((idx (- (numeric-ichar->integer key) 1)))
+ (if (= idx -1) (set! idx 9))
+ (and (>= idx 0) (< idx (length cur-trans))
+ (begin
+ (im-commit lc (nth idx cur-trans))
+ (coqide-context-clear lc)
+ #t)))))
+ (else
+ (let* ((key-str (if (symbol? key)
+ (symbol->string key)
+ (charcode->string key)))
+ (cur-seq (rk-context-seq rkc))
+ (res (rk-push-key! rkc key-str))
+ (new-seq (rk-context-seq rkc))
+ (new-trans (coqide-current-translation lc)))
+ (if (equal? new-seq (cons key-str cur-seq))
+ (if (not (or (rk-partial? rkc) (> (length new-trans) 1)))
+ (begin (im-commit lc (car (rk-peek-terminal-match rkc)))
+ (coqide-context-clear lc)))
+ (begin (if (not (null? cur-seq)) (im-commit lc (car cur-trans)))
+ (if (null? new-seq) (im-commit-raw lc)))))))))
+(define (coqide-proc-off-state lc key key-state)
+ (if (coqide-on-key? key key-state)
+ (coqide-context-set-on! lc #t)
+ (im-commit-raw lc)))
+(define (coqide-key-press-handler lc key key-state)
+ (if (coqide-context-on lc)
+ (coqide-proc-on-state lc key key-state)
+ (coqide-proc-off-state lc key key-state))
+ (coqide-update-preedit lc))
+(define (coqide-key-release-handler lc key key-state)
+ (if (or (ichar-control? key)
+ (not (coqide-context-on lc)))
+ ;; don't discard key release event for apps
+ (im-commit-raw lc)))
+(define (coqide-reset-handler lc)
+ (coqide-context-clear lc))
+(define (coqide-get-candidate-handler lc idx accel-enum-hint)
+ (let* ((candidates (coqide-current-translation lc))
+ (candidate (nth idx candidates)))
+ (list candidate (digit->string (+ idx 1)) "")))
+;; Emacs does nothing on focus-out
+;; TODO: this should be configurable
+(define (coqide-focus-out-handler lc)
+ #f)
+(define (coqide-place-handler lc)
+ (coqide-update-preedit lc))
+(define (coqide-displace-handler lc)
+ (coqide-context-flush lc)
+ (coqide-update-preedit lc))
+ 'coqide
+ ""
+ "UTF-8"
+ coqide-im-name-label
+ coqide-im-short-desc
+ #f
+ coqide-init-handler
+ coqide-release-handler
+ context-mode-handler
+ coqide-key-press-handler
+ coqide-key-release-handler
+ coqide-reset-handler
+ coqide-get-candidate-handler
+ #f
+ context-prop-activate-handler
+ #f
+ #f
+ coqide-focus-out-handler
+ coqide-place-handler
+ coqide-displace-handler
+;; Local Variables:
+;; mode: scheme
+;; coding: utf-8
+;; End:
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
index f617d289..18c2f7a4 100644
--- a/ide/
+++ b/ide/
@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7603 2005-11-23 17:21:53Z barras $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open GText
open Ideutils
-type action =
- | Insert of string * int * int (* content*pos*length *)
- | Delete of string * int * int (* content*pos*length *)
+type action =
+ | Insert of string * int * int (* content*pos*length *)
+ | Delete of string * int * int (* content*pos*length *)
let neg act = match act with
| Insert (s,i,l) -> Delete (s,i,l)
| Delete (s,i,l) -> Insert (s,i,l)
class undoable_view (tv:[>Gtk.text_view] Gtk.obj) =
- let undo_lock = ref true in
+ let undo_lock = ref true in
inherit GText.view tv as super
val history = (Stack.create () : action Stack.t)
@@ -29,25 +29,25 @@ object(self)
method private dump_debug =
if false (* !debug *) then begin
prerr_endline "==========Stack top=============";
- Stack.iter
+ Stack.iter
(fun e -> match e with
| Insert(s,p,l) ->
Printf.eprintf "Insert of '%s' at %d (length %d)\n" s p l
- | Delete(s,p,l) ->
+ | Delete(s,p,l) ->
Printf.eprintf "Delete '%s' from %d (length %d)\n" s p l)
Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (Stack.length history);
prerr_endline "==========Stack Bottom==========";
prerr_endline "==========Queue start=============";
- Queue.iter
+ Queue.iter
(fun e -> match e with
| Insert(s,p,l) ->
Printf.eprintf "Insert of '%s' at %d (length %d)\n" s p l
- | Delete(s,p,l) ->
+ | Delete(s,p,l) ->
Printf.eprintf "Delete '%s' from %d (length %d)\n" s p l)
Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (Queue.length redo);
- prerr_endline "==========Queue End=========="
+ prerr_endline "==========Queue End=========="
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ object(self)
undo_lock := false;
prerr_endline "UNDO";
try begin
- let r =
+ let r =
match Stack.pop history with
- | Insert(s,p,l) as act ->
+ | Insert(s,p,l) as act ->
let start = self#buffer#get_iter_at_char p in
- (self#buffer#delete_interactive
+ (self#buffer#delete_interactive
~stop:(start#forward_chars l)
()) or
(Stack.push act history; false)
- | Delete(s,p,l) as act ->
+ | Delete(s,p,l) as act ->
let iter = self#buffer#get_iter_at_char p in
(self#buffer#insert_interactive ~iter s) or
(Stack.push act history; false)
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ object(self)
Queue.push act redo;
Stack.push act nredo
- undo_lock := true;
+ undo_lock := true;
- with Stack.Empty ->
- undo_lock := true;
+ with Stack.Empty ->
+ undo_lock := true;
end else
(prerr_endline "UNDO DISCARDED"; true)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ object(self)
- ignore (self#buffer#connect#insert_text
+ ignore (self#buffer#connect#insert_text
(fun it s ->
if !undo_lock && not (Queue.is_empty redo) then begin
@@ -107,18 +107,18 @@ object(self)
Queue.clear redo;
(* let pos = it#offset in
- if Stack.is_empty history or
+ if Stack.is_empty history or
s=" " or s="\t" or s="\n" or
- (match history with
- | Insert(old,opos,olen) ->
+ (match history with
+ | Insert(old,opos,olen) ->
opos + olen <> pos
| _ -> true)
then *)
Stack.push (Insert(s,it#offset,Glib.Utf8.length s)) history
(*else begin
match Stack.pop history with
- | Insert(olds,offset,len) ->
- Stack.push
+ | Insert(olds,offset,len) ->
+ Stack.push
len+(Glib.Utf8.length s)))
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ object(self)
ignore (self#buffer#connect#delete_range
- (fun ~start ~stop ->
+ (fun ~start ~stop ->
if !undo_lock && not (Queue.is_empty redo) then begin
Queue.iter (fun e -> Stack.push e history) redo;
Queue.clear redo;
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ object(self)
let stop_offset = stop#offset in
let s = self#buffer#get_text ~start ~stop () in
(* if Stack.is_empty history or (match history with
- | Delete(old,opos,olen) ->
+ | Delete(old,opos,olen) ->
olen=1 or opos <> start_offset
| _ -> true
-*) Stack.push
+*) Stack.push
stop_offset - start_offset
@@ -151,27 +151,27 @@ object(self)
(* else begin
match Stack.pop history with
- | Delete(olds,offset,len) ->
- Stack.push
+ | Delete(olds,offset,len) ->
+ Stack.push
len+(Glib.Utf8.length s)))
| _ -> assert false
let undoable_view ?(buffer:GText.buffer option) =
- GtkText.View.make_params []
- ~cont:(GContainer.pack_container
+ GtkText.View.make_params []
+ ~cont:(GContainer.pack_container
- (fun pl -> let w = match buffer with
+ (fun pl -> let w = match buffer with
| None -> GtkText.View.create []
| Some b -> GtkText.View.create_with_buffer b#as_buffer
Gobject.set_params w pl; ((new undoable_view w):undoable_view)))
diff --git a/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge212.mli b/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge212.mli
index 4488b5e9..7b7026bd 100644
--- a/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge212.mli
+++ b/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge212.mli
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ object
method clear_undo : unit
-val undoable_view :
+val undoable_view :
?buffer:GText.buffer ->
?editable:bool ->
?cursor_visible:bool ->
diff --git a/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge26.mli b/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge26.mli
index b87f6559..52bd6721 100644
--- a/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge26.mli
+++ b/ide/undo_lablgtk_ge26.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: undo_lablgtk_ge26.mli 7580 2005-11-18 17:09:10Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* An undoable view class *)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ object
method clear_undo : unit
-val undoable_view :
+val undoable_view :
?buffer:GText.buffer ->
?editable:bool ->
?cursor_visible:bool ->
diff --git a/ide/undo_lablgtk_lt26.mli b/ide/undo_lablgtk_lt26.mli
index ddee31d2..46ecfb1d 100644
--- a/ide/undo_lablgtk_lt26.mli
+++ b/ide/undo_lablgtk_lt26.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: undo_lablgtk_lt26.mli 7580 2005-11-18 17:09:10Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* An undoable view class *)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ object
method clear_undo : unit
-val undoable_view :
+val undoable_view :
?buffer:GText.buffer ->
?editable:bool ->
?cursor_visible:bool ->
diff --git a/ide/utf8_convert.mll b/ide/utf8_convert.mll
index 7e6484e1..82b30534 100644
--- a/ide/utf8_convert.mll
+++ b/ide/utf8_convert.mll
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: utf8_convert.mll 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
- open Lexing
+ open Lexing
let b = Buffer.create 127
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ rule entry = parse
| "\\x{" (short | long ) '}'
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.length s in
- let code =
- try Glib.Utf8.from_unichar
- (int_of_string ("0x"^(String.sub s 3 (n - 4))))
+ let code =
+ try Glib.Utf8.from_unichar
+ (int_of_string ("0x"^(String.sub s 3 (n - 4))))
with _ -> s
let c = if Glib.Utf8.validate code then code else s in
Buffer.add_string b c;
entry lexbuf
- | _
+ | _
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
Buffer.add_string b s;
entry lexbuf}
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
index d972639f..37f2e9a4 100644
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ b/ide/utils/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
(* *)
-(* $Id: 10348 2007-12-06 17:36:14Z aspiwack $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(* TODO *)
(* section comments *)
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
index 275d8616..05bf54eb 100644
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ b/ide/utils/
@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ class key_cp = Configwin_types.key_cp
let string = Configwin_ihm.string
-let custom_string = Configwin_ihm.custom_string
let text = Configwin_ihm.text
-let custom_text = Configwin_ihm.custom_text
let strings = Configwin_ihm.strings
let list = Configwin_ihm.list
let bool = Configwin_ihm.bool
diff --git a/ide/utils/configwin.mli b/ide/utils/configwin.mli
index 2d4dd4a7..bbfb7a04 100644
--- a/ide/utils/configwin.mli
+++ b/ide/utils/configwin.mli
@@ -77,13 +77,6 @@ class key_cp :
val string : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
-(** Same as {!Configwin.string} but for values which are not strings. *)
-val custom_string : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: ('a -> unit) ->
- to_string: ('a -> string) ->
- of_string: (string -> 'a) ->
- string -> 'a -> parameter_kind
(** [bool label value] creates a boolean parameter.
@param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
@param help an optional help message.
@@ -185,13 +178,6 @@ val combo : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
val text : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
-(** Same as {!Configwin.text} but for values which are not strings. *)
-val custom_text : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: ('a -> unit) ->
- to_string: ('a -> string) ->
- of_string: (string -> 'a) ->
- string -> 'a -> parameter_kind
(** Same as {!Configwin.text} but html bindings are available
in the text widget. Use the [configwin_html_config] utility
to edit your bindings.
@@ -248,7 +234,7 @@ val hotkey : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
val modifiers : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
?allow:(Gdk.Tags.modifier list) ->
- ?f: (Gdk.Tags.modifier list -> unit) ->
+ ?f: (Gdk.Tags.modifier list -> unit) ->
string -> Gdk.Tags.modifier list -> parameter_kind
(** [custom box f expand] creates a custom parameter, with
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe39de0a..00000000
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
-(* License, or any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
-(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: *)
-(* *)
-(** The HTML editor bindings configurator. *)
-module C = Configwin_ihm
-open Configwin_types
-open Config_file
-let simple_get = C.simple_edit
- ~with_apply: false ~apply: (fun () -> ())
-let params_hb hb =
- let p_key = C.hotkey
- ~f: (fun k -> hb.html_key <- k) Configwin_messages.mKey
- hb.html_key
- in
- let p_begin = C.string
- ~f: (fun s -> hb.html_begin <- s)
- Configwin_messages.html_begin
- hb.html_begin
- in
- let p_end = C.string
- ~f: (fun s -> hb.html_end <- s)
- Configwin_messages.html_end
- hb.html_end
- in
- [ p_key ; p_begin ; p_end ]
-let edit_hb hb =
- ignore (simple_get Configwin_messages.mEdit (params_hb hb));
- hb
-let add () =
- let hb = { html_key = Configwin_types.string_to_key "C-a" ;
- html_begin = "" ;
- html_end = "" ;
- }
- in
- match simple_get Configwin_messages.mAdd (params_hb hb) with
- Return_ok -> [hb]
- | _ -> []
-let main () =
- ignore (GMain.Main.init ());
- let (ini, bindings) = C.html_config_file_and_option () in
- let param = C.list
- ~f: (fun l -> bindings#set l ; ini#write Configwin_ihm.file_html_config )
- ~eq: (fun hb1 hb2 -> hb1.html_key = hb2.html_key)
- ~edit: edit_hb
- ~add: add
- ~titles: [ Configwin_messages.mKey ; Configwin_messages.html_begin ;
- Configwin_messages.html_end ]
- Configwin_messages.shortcuts
- (fun hb -> [ Configwin_types.key_to_string hb.html_key ;
- hb.html_begin ; hb.html_end ])
- bindings#get
- in
- ignore (simple_get ~width: 300 ~height: 400
- Configwin_messages.html_config [param])
-let _ = main ()
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
index 3ab3823d..3833acfa 100644
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ b/ide/utils/
@@ -802,41 +802,27 @@ class hotkey_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
class modifiers_param_box param =
let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true ~padding: 2) () in
let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.md_label ~packing: wev#add () in
- let we = GEdit.entry
- ~editable: false
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.md_expand ~padding: 2)
- ()
- in
let value = ref param.md_value in
- let _ =
+ let _ = (fun modifier ->
+ let but = GButton.toggle_button
+ ~label:(Configwin_types.modifiers_to_string [modifier])
+ ~active:(List.mem modifier param.md_value)
+ ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false) () in
+ ignore (but#connect#toggled
+ (fun _ -> if but#active then value := modifier::!value
+ else value := List.filter ((<>) modifier) !value)))
+ param.md_allow
+ in
+ let _ =
match param.md_help with
None -> ()
| Some help ->
- let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
- ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
- tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
- in
- let _ = we#set_text (Configwin_types.modifiers_to_string param.md_value) in
- let mods_we_care = param.md_allow in
- let capture ev =
- let modifiers = GdkEvent.Key.state ev in
- let mods = List.filter
- (fun m -> (List.mem m mods_we_care))
- modifiers
- in
- value := mods;
- we#set_text (Configwin_types.modifiers_to_string !value);
- false
- in
- let _ =
- if param.md_editable then
- ignore (we#event#connect#key_press capture)
- else
- ()
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
object (self)
(** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
method box = hbox#coerce
@@ -1093,13 +1079,13 @@ let edit ?(with_apply=true)
(fun conf_struct -> new configuration_box tooltips conf_struct wnote)
if with_apply then
dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mApply `APPLY;
dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mOk `OK;
dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mCancel `CANCEL;
let f_apply () =
List.iter (fun param_box -> param_box#apply) list_param_box ;
apply ()
@@ -1245,22 +1231,6 @@ let string ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
string_of_string = (fun x -> x) ;
-(** Create a custom string param. *)
-let custom_string ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) ~to_string ~of_string label v =
- String_param
- (Configwin_types.mk_custom_text_string_param
- {
- string_label = label ;
- string_help = help ;
- string_value = v ;
- string_editable = editable ;
- string_f_apply = f ;
- string_expand = expand ;
- string_to_string = to_string;
- string_of_string = of_string ;
- }
- )
(** Create a bool param. *)
let bool ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
@@ -1282,23 +1252,21 @@ let list ?(editable=true) ?help
label (f_strings : 'a -> string list) v =
(fun tt ->
- Obj.magic
- (new list_param_box
- {
- list_label = label ;
- list_help = help ;
- list_value = v ;
- list_editable = editable ;
- list_titles = titles;
- list_eq = eq ;
- list_strings = f_strings ;
- list_color = color ;
- list_f_edit = edit ;
- list_f_add = add ;
- list_f_apply = f ;
- }
- tt
- )
+ new list_param_box
+ {
+ list_label = label ;
+ list_help = help ;
+ list_value = v ;
+ list_editable = editable ;
+ list_titles = titles;
+ list_eq = eq ;
+ list_strings = f_strings ;
+ list_color = color ;
+ list_f_edit = edit ;
+ list_f_add = add ;
+ list_f_apply = f ;
+ }
+ tt
(** Create a strings param. *)
@@ -1363,22 +1331,6 @@ let text ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
string_of_string = (fun x -> x) ;
-(** Create a custom text param. *)
-let custom_text ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) ~to_string ~of_string label v =
- Text_param
- (Configwin_types.mk_custom_text_string_param
- {
- string_label = label ;
- string_help = help ;
- string_value = v ;
- string_editable = editable ;
- string_f_apply = f ;
- string_expand = expand ;
- string_to_string = to_string;
- string_of_string = of_string ;
- }
- )
(** Create a html param. *)
let html ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
@@ -1441,11 +1393,11 @@ let hotkey ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
hk_expand = expand ;
-let modifiers
- ?(editable=true)
- ?(expand=true)
- ?help
- ?(allow=[`CONTROL;`SHIFT;`LOCK;`MOD1;`MOD1;`MOD2;`MOD3;`MOD4;`MOD5])
+let modifiers
+ ?(editable=true)
+ ?(expand=true)
+ ?help
+ ?(allow=[`CONTROL;`SHIFT;`LOCK;`MOD1;`MOD2;`MOD3;`MOD4;`MOD5])
?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
@@ -1456,7 +1408,7 @@ let modifiers
md_f_apply = f ;
md_expand = expand ;
md_allow = allow ;
- }
+ }
(** Create a custom param.*)
let custom ?label box f expand =
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
index e1d7f33b..9f44e5c6 100644
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ b/ide/utils/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(** Key codes
- Ce fichier provient de X11/keysymdef.h
+ Ce fichier provient de X11/keysymdef.h
les noms des symboles deviennent : XK_ -> xk_
Thanks to Fabrice Le Fessant.
@@ -1334,11 +1334,11 @@ let xk_Thai_khokhai = 0xda2
let xk_Thai_khokhuat = 0xda3
let xk_Thai_khokhwai = 0xda4
let xk_Thai_khokhon = 0xda5
-let xk_Thai_khorakhang = 0xda6
-let xk_Thai_ngongu = 0xda7
-let xk_Thai_chochan = 0xda8
-let xk_Thai_choching = 0xda9
-let xk_Thai_chochang = 0xdaa
+let xk_Thai_khorakhang = 0xda6
+let xk_Thai_ngongu = 0xda7
+let xk_Thai_chochan = 0xda8
+let xk_Thai_choching = 0xda9
+let xk_Thai_chochang = 0xdaa
let xk_Thai_soso = 0xdab
let xk_Thai_chochoe = 0xdac
let xk_Thai_yoying = 0xdad
@@ -1380,39 +1380,39 @@ let xk_Thai_saraa = 0xdd0
let xk_Thai_maihanakat = 0xdd1
let xk_Thai_saraaa = 0xdd2
let xk_Thai_saraam = 0xdd3
-let xk_Thai_sarai = 0xdd4
-let xk_Thai_saraii = 0xdd5
-let xk_Thai_saraue = 0xdd6
-let xk_Thai_sarauee = 0xdd7
-let xk_Thai_sarau = 0xdd8
-let xk_Thai_sarauu = 0xdd9
+let xk_Thai_sarai = 0xdd4
+let xk_Thai_saraii = 0xdd5
+let xk_Thai_saraue = 0xdd6
+let xk_Thai_sarauee = 0xdd7
+let xk_Thai_sarau = 0xdd8
+let xk_Thai_sarauu = 0xdd9
let xk_Thai_phinthu = 0xdda
let xk_Thai_maihanakat_maitho = 0xdde
let xk_Thai_baht = 0xddf
-let xk_Thai_sarae = 0xde0
+let xk_Thai_sarae = 0xde0
let xk_Thai_saraae = 0xde1
let xk_Thai_sarao = 0xde2
-let xk_Thai_saraaimaimuan = 0xde3
-let xk_Thai_saraaimaimalai = 0xde4
+let xk_Thai_saraaimaimuan = 0xde3
+let xk_Thai_saraaimaimalai = 0xde4
let xk_Thai_lakkhangyao = 0xde5
let xk_Thai_maiyamok = 0xde6
let xk_Thai_maitaikhu = 0xde7
-let xk_Thai_maiek = 0xde8
+let xk_Thai_maiek = 0xde8
let xk_Thai_maitho = 0xde9
let xk_Thai_maitri = 0xdea
let xk_Thai_maichattawa = 0xdeb
let xk_Thai_thanthakhat = 0xdec
let xk_Thai_nikhahit = 0xded
-let xk_Thai_leksun = 0xdf0
-let xk_Thai_leknung = 0xdf1
-let xk_Thai_leksong = 0xdf2
+let xk_Thai_leksun = 0xdf0
+let xk_Thai_leknung = 0xdf1
+let xk_Thai_leksong = 0xdf2
let xk_Thai_leksam = 0xdf3
-let xk_Thai_leksi = 0xdf4
-let xk_Thai_lekha = 0xdf5
-let xk_Thai_lekhok = 0xdf6
-let xk_Thai_lekchet = 0xdf7
-let xk_Thai_lekpaet = 0xdf8
-let xk_Thai_lekkao = 0xdf9
+let xk_Thai_leksi = 0xdf4
+let xk_Thai_lekha = 0xdf5
+let xk_Thai_lekhok = 0xdf6
+let xk_Thai_lekchet = 0xdf7
+let xk_Thai_lekpaet = 0xdf8
+let xk_Thai_lekkao = 0xdf9
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
index 0def0b25..90d5756b 100644
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ b/ide/utils/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let modifiers_to_string m =
) ^ s)
iter m ""
let value_to_key v =
match v with
Raw.String s -> string_to_key s
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ type hotkey_param = {
type modifiers_param = {
md_label : string ; (** the label of the parameter *)
- mutable md_value : Gdk.Tags.modifier list ;
+ mutable md_value : Gdk.Tags.modifier list ;
(** The value, as a list of modifiers and a key code *)
md_editable : bool ; (** indicates if the value can be changed *)
md_f_apply : Gdk.Tags.modifier list -> unit ;
@@ -241,11 +241,7 @@ type modifiers_param = {
md_help : string option ; (** optional help string *)
md_expand : bool ; (** expand or not *)
md_allow : Gdk.Tags.modifier list
- }
-let mk_custom_text_string_param (a : 'a string_param) : string string_param =
- Obj.magic a
+ }
(** This type represents the different kinds of parameters. *)
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
index 5441f4ab..1ab107c7 100644
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ b/ide/utils/
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
open GTree
open Gobject
-let create l =
+let create l =
let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let scw = GBin.scrolled_window
- ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ let scw = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:true) () in
let columns = new GTree.column_list in
let command_col = columns#add Data.string in
let coq_col = columns#add Data.string in
let store = GTree.list_store columns
- in
+ in
(* populate the store *)
- let _ = List.iter (fun (x,y) ->
+ let _ = List.iter (fun (x,y) ->
let row = store#append () in
store#set ~row ~column:command_col x;
store#set ~row ~column:coq_col y)
@@ -27,61 +27,61 @@ let create l =
view#set_rules_hint true;
let renderer_comm = GTree.cell_renderer_text [`EDITABLE true] in
- ignore (renderer_comm#connect#edited
- ~callback:(fun (path:Gtk.tree_path) (s:string) ->
- store#set
- ~row:(store#get_iter path)
+ ignore (renderer_comm#connect#edited
+ ~callback:(fun (path:Gtk.tree_path) (s:string) ->
+ store#set
+ ~row:(store#get_iter path)
~column:command_col s));
- let first =
- GTree.view_column ~title:"Coq Command to try"
- ~renderer:(renderer_comm,["text",command_col])
- ()
+ let first =
+ GTree.view_column ~title:"Coq Command to try"
+ ~renderer:(renderer_comm,["text",command_col])
+ ()
in ignore (view#append_column first);
let renderer_coq = GTree.cell_renderer_text [`EDITABLE true] in
- ~callback:(fun (path:Gtk.tree_path) (s:string) ->
- store#set
- ~row:(store#get_iter path)
+ ~callback:(fun (path:Gtk.tree_path) (s:string) ->
+ store#set
+ ~row:(store#get_iter path)
~column:coq_col s));
- let second =
- GTree.view_column ~title:"Coq Command to insert"
- ~renderer:(renderer_coq,["text",coq_col])
- ()
+ let second =
+ GTree.view_column ~title:"Coq Command to insert"
+ ~renderer:(renderer_coq,["text",coq_col])
+ ()
in ignore (view#append_column second);
- let vbox = GPack.button_box `VERTICAL ~packing:hbox#pack ~layout:`SPREAD ()
+ let vbox = GPack.button_box `VERTICAL ~packing:hbox#pack ~layout:`SPREAD ()
let up = GButton.button ~stock:`GO_UP ~label:"Up" ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) () in
- let down = GButton.button
- ~stock:`GO_DOWN
- ~label:"Down"
- ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) ()
+ let down = GButton.button
+ ~stock:`GO_DOWN
+ ~label:"Down"
+ ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) ()
- let add = GButton.button ~stock:`ADD
- ~label:"Add"
- ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false)
- ()
+ let add = GButton.button ~stock:`ADD
+ ~label:"Add"
+ ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false)
+ ()
- let remove = GButton.button ~stock:`REMOVE
- ~label:"Remove"
- ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) ()
+ let remove = GButton.button ~stock:`REMOVE
+ ~label:"Remove"
+ ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) ()
- ignore (add#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b ->
+ ignore (add#connect#clicked
+ ~callback:(fun b ->
let n = store#append () in
view#selection#select_iter n));
- ignore (remove#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b -> match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
+ ignore (remove#connect#clicked
+ ~callback:(fun b -> match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
| [] -> ()
| path::_ ->
let iter = store#get_iter path in
ignore (store#remove iter);
- ignore (up#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b ->
- match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
+ ignore (up#connect#clicked
+ ~callback:(fun b ->
+ match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
| [] -> ()
| path::_ ->
let iter = store#get_iter path in
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ let create l =
let upiter = store#get_iter path in
ignore (store#swap iter upiter);
- ignore (down#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b ->
- match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
+ ignore (down#connect#clicked
+ ~callback:(fun b ->
+ match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
| [] -> ()
| path::_ ->
let iter = store#get_iter path in
@@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ let create l =
ignore (store#swap iter upiter)
with _ -> ()
- let get_data () =
+ let get_data () =
let start_path = GtkTree.TreePath.from_string "0" in
let start_iter = store#get_iter start_path in
- let rec all acc =
+ let rec all acc =
let new_acc = (store#get ~row:start_iter ~column:command_col,
store#get ~row:start_iter ~column:coq_col)::acc
- in
+ in
if store#iter_next start_iter then all new_acc else List.rev new_acc
in all []
diff --git a/ide/utils/okey.mli b/ide/utils/okey.mli
index c8d48389..84ea4df4 100644
--- a/ide/utils/okey.mli
+++ b/ide/utils/okey.mli
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
(* *)
-(** Okey interface.
+(** Okey interface.
Once the lib is compiled and installed, you can use it by referencing
it with the [Okey] module. You must add [okey.cmo] or [okey.cmx]
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type modifier = Gdk.Tags.modifier
(** Set the default modifier list. The first default value is [[]].*)
val set_default_modifiers : modifier list -> unit
-(** Set the default modifier mask. The first default value is
+(** Set the default modifier mask. The first default value is
[[`MOD2 ; `MOD3 ; `MOD4 ; `MOD5 ; `LOCK]].
The mask defines the modifiers not taken into account
when looking for the handler of a key press event.
@@ -48,67 +48,67 @@ val set_default_mask : modifier list -> unit
@param remove when true, the previous handlers for the given key and modifier
list are not kept.
@param cond this function is a guard: the [callback] function is not called
- if the [cond] function returns [false].
+ if the [cond] function returns [false].
The default [cond] function always returns [true].
@param mods the list of modifiers. If not given, the default modifiers
- are used.
+ are used.
You can set the default modifiers with function {!Okey.set_default_modifiers}.
@param mask the list of modifiers which must not be taken
into account to trigger the given handler. [mods]
and [mask] must not have common modifiers. If not given, the default mask
- is used.
+ is used.
You can set the default modifiers mask with function {!Okey.set_default_mask}.
val add :
< connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) ->; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
+ event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
+ ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
+ ?mods: modifier list ->
+ ?mask: modifier list ->
+ Gdk.keysym ->
+ (unit -> unit) ->
(** It calls {!Okey.add} for each given key.*)
-val add_list :
+val add_list :
< connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) ->; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym list ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
+ event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
+ ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
+ ?mods: modifier list ->
+ ?mask: modifier list ->
+ Gdk.keysym list ->
+ (unit -> unit) ->
(** Like {!Okey.add} but the previous handlers for the
given modifiers and key are not kept.*)
val set :
< connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) ->; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
+ event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
+ ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
+ ?mods: modifier list ->
+ ?mask: modifier list ->
+ Gdk.keysym ->
+ (unit -> unit) ->
(** It calls {!Okey.set} for each given key.*)
-val set_list :
+val set_list :
< connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) ->; .. >;
event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym list ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
+ ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
+ ?mods: modifier list ->
+ ?mask: modifier list ->
+ Gdk.keysym list ->
+ (unit -> unit) ->
(** Remove the handlers associated to the given widget.
This is automatically done when a widget is destroyed but
you can do it yourself. *)
-val remove_widget :
+val remove_widget :
< connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) ->; .. >;
event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
unit ->
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3b42cd..00000000
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,772 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: *)
-(** Simple options:
- This will enable very simple configuration, by a mouse-based configurator.
- Flags.will be defined by a special function, which will also check
- if a value has been provided by the user in its .gwmlrc file.
- The .gwmlrc will be created by a dedicated tool, which could be used
- to generate both .gwmlrc and .efunsrc files.
-Note: this is redundant, since such options could also be better set
-in the .Xdefaults file (using Xrm to load them). Maybe we should merge
-both approaches in a latter release.
- Code from Fabrice Le Fessant.
- *)
-type option_value =
- Module of option_module
- | StringValue of string
- | IntValue of int
- | FloatValue of float
- | List of option_value list
- | SmallList of option_value list
-and option_module = (string * option_value) list
-type 'a option_class =
- { class_name : string;
- from_value : option_value -> 'a;
- to_value : 'a -> option_value;
- mutable class_hooks : ('a option_record -> unit) list }
-and 'a option_record =
- { option_name : string list;
- option_class : 'a option_class;
- mutable option_value : 'a;
- option_help : string;
- mutable option_hooks : (unit -> unit) list;
- mutable string_wrappers : (('a -> string) * (string -> 'a)) option;
- option_file : options_file;
- }
-and options_file = {
- mutable file_name : string;
- mutable file_options : Obj.t option_record list;
- mutable file_rc : option_module;
- mutable file_pruned : bool;
- }
-let create_options_file name =
- ignore
- (
- if not (Sys.file_exists name) then
- let oc = open_out name in
- close_out oc
- );
- {
- file_name = name;
- file_options =[];
- file_rc = [];
- file_pruned = false;
- }
-let set_options_file opfile name = opfile.file_name <- name
- define_option_class
- (class_name : string)
- (from_value : option_value -> 'a)
- (to_value : 'a -> option_value) =
- let c =
- {class_name = class_name;
- from_value = from_value;
- to_value = to_value;
- class_hooks = []}
- in
- c
-let filename =
- ref
- (Filename.concat Sysenv.home
- ("." ^ Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) ^ "rc"))
-let gwmlrc = ref [];;
-let options = ref [];;
-let rec find_value list m =
- match list with
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | name :: tail ->
- let m = List.assoc name m in
- match m, tail with
- _, [] -> m
- | Module m, _ :: _ -> find_value tail m
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let prune_file file =
- file.file_pruned <- true
- define_option
- (opfile : options_file)
- (option_name : string list)
- (option_help : string)
- (option_class : 'a option_class)
- (default_value : 'a) =
- let o =
- {option_name = option_name;
- option_help = option_help;
- option_class = option_class;
- option_value = default_value;
- string_wrappers = None;
- option_hooks = [];
- option_file = opfile; }
- in
- opfile.file_options <- (Obj.magic o : Obj.t option_record) ::
- opfile.file_options;
- o.option_value <-
- begin try o.option_class.from_value (find_value option_name
- opfile.file_rc) with
- Not_found -> default_value
- | e ->
- Printf.printf "Flags.define_option, for option %s: "
- (match option_name with
- [] -> "???"
- | name :: _ -> name);
- Printf.printf "%s" (Printexc.to_string e);
- print_newline ();
- default_value
- end;
- o
-open Genlex;;
-let lexer = make_lexer ["="; "{"; "}"; "["; "]"; ";"; "("; ")"; ","; "."];;
-let rec parse_gwmlrc (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match
- try Some (parse_id strm__) with
- Stream.Failure -> None
- with
- Some id ->
- begin match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "=") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_option strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- let eof =
- try parse_gwmlrc strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- (id, v) :: eof
- | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | _ -> []
-and parse_option (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "{") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_gwmlrc strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- begin match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "}") -> Stream.junk strm__; Module v
- | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | Some (Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; StringValue s
- | Some (String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; StringValue s
- | Some (Int i) -> Stream.junk strm__; IntValue i
- | Some (Float f) -> Stream.junk strm__; FloatValue f
- | Some (Char c) ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- StringValue (let s = String.create 1 in s.[0] <- c; s)
- | Some (Kwd "[") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- List v
- | Some (Kwd "(") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- List v
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
-and parse_id (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s
- | Some (String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
-and parse_list (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd ";") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- begin try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | Some (Kwd ",") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- begin try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | Some (Kwd ".") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- begin try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | _ ->
- match
- try Some (parse_option strm__) with
- Stream.Failure -> None
- with
- Some v ->
- let t =
- try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- v :: t
- | _ ->
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "]") -> Stream.junk strm__; []
- | Some (Kwd ")") -> Stream.junk strm__; []
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
-let exec_hooks o =
- List.iter
- (fun f ->
- try f () with
- _ -> ())
- o.option_hooks
-let exec_chooks o =
- List.iter
- (fun f ->
- try f o with
- _ -> ())
- o.option_class.class_hooks
-let really_load filename options =
- let temp_file = filename ^ ".tmp" in
- if Sys.file_exists temp_file then begin
- Printf.printf
- "File %s exists\n" temp_file;
- Printf.printf
- "An error may have occurred during previous configuration save.\n";
- Printf.printf
- "Please, check your configurations files, and rename/remove this file\n";
- Printf.printf "before restarting";
- print_newline ();
- exit 1
- end
- else
- let ic = open_in filename in
- let s = Stream.of_channel ic in
- try
- let stream = lexer s in
- let list =
- try parse_gwmlrc stream with
- e ->
- Printf.printf "At pos %d/%d" (Stream.count s) (Stream.count stream);
- print_newline ();
- raise e
- in
- List.iter
- (fun o ->
- try
- o.option_value <-
- o.option_class.from_value (find_value o.option_name list);
- exec_chooks o;
- exec_hooks o
- with
- e ->
- ()
- )
- options;
- list
- with
- e ->
- Printf.printf "Error %s in %s" (Printexc.to_string e) filename;
- print_newline ();
- []
-let load opfile =
- try opfile.file_rc <- really_load opfile.file_name opfile.file_options with
- Not_found ->
- Printf.printf "No %s found" opfile.file_name; print_newline ()
-let append opfile filename =
- try opfile.file_rc <-
- really_load filename opfile.file_options @ opfile.file_rc with
- Not_found ->
- Printf.printf "No %s found" filename; print_newline ()
-let ( !! ) o = o.option_value;;
-let ( =:= ) o v = o.option_value <- v; exec_chooks o; exec_hooks o;;
-let value_to_string v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> s
- | IntValue i -> string_of_int i
- | FloatValue f -> string_of_float f
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a string option"
-let string_to_value s = StringValue s;;
-let value_to_int v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> int_of_string s
- | IntValue i -> i
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not an int option"
-let int_to_value i = IntValue i;;
-(* The Pervasives version is too restrictive *)
-let bool_of_string s =
- match String.lowercase s with
- "true" -> true
- | "false" -> false
- | "yes" -> true
- | "no" -> false
- | "y" -> true
- | "n" -> false
- | _ -> invalid_arg "bool_of_string"
-let value_to_bool v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> bool_of_string s
- | IntValue v when v = 0 -> false
- | IntValue v when v = 1 -> true
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a bool option"
-let bool_to_value i = StringValue (string_of_bool i);;
-let value_to_float v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> float_of_string s
- | FloatValue f -> f
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a float option"
-let float_to_value i = FloatValue i;;
-let value_to_string2 v =
- match v with
- List [s1; s2] | SmallList [s1;s2] ->
- value_to_string s1, value_to_string s2
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a string2 option"
-let string2_to_value (s1, s2) = SmallList [StringValue s1; StringValue s2];;
-let value_to_list v2c v =
- match v with
- List l | SmallList l -> List.rev (List.rev_map v2c l)
- | StringValue s -> failwith (Printf.sprintf
- "Flags. not a list option (StringValue [%s])" s)
- | FloatValue _ -> failwith "Flags. not a list option (FloatValue)"
- | IntValue _ -> failwith "Flags. not a list option (IntValue)"
- | Module _ -> failwith "Flags. not a list option (Module)"
-let list_to_value c2v l =
- List
- (List.fold_right
- (fun v list ->
- try c2v v :: list with
- _ -> list)
- l [])
-let smalllist_to_value c2v l =
- SmallList
- (List.fold_right
- (fun v list ->
- try c2v v :: list with
- _ -> list)
- l [])
-let string_option =
- define_option_class "String" value_to_string string_to_value
-let color_option =
- define_option_class "Color" value_to_string string_to_value
-let font_option = define_option_class "Font" value_to_string string_to_value;;
-let int_option = define_option_class "Int" value_to_int int_to_value;;
-let bool_option = define_option_class "Bool" value_to_bool bool_to_value;;
-let float_option = define_option_class "Float" value_to_float float_to_value;;
-let string2_option =
- define_option_class "String2" value_to_string2 string2_to_value
-let list_option cl =
- define_option_class (cl.class_name ^ " List") (value_to_list cl.from_value)
- (list_to_value cl.to_value)
-let smalllist_option cl =
- define_option_class (cl.class_name ^ " List") (value_to_list cl.from_value)
- (smalllist_to_value cl.to_value)
-let to_value cl = cl.to_value;;
-let from_value cl = cl.from_value;;
-let value_to_sum l v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> List.assoc s l
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a sum option"
-let sum_to_value l v = StringValue (List.assq v l);;
-let sum_option l =
- let ll = (fun (a1, a2) -> a2, a1) l in
- define_option_class "Sum" (value_to_sum l) (sum_to_value ll)
-let exit_exn = Exit;;
-let safe_string s =
- if s = "" then "\"\""
- else
- try
- match s.[0] with
- 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ->
- for i = 1 to String.length s - 1 do
- match s.[i] with
- 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9' -> ()
- | _ -> raise exit_exn
- done;
- s
- | _ ->
- if string_of_int (int_of_string s) = s ||
- string_of_float (float_of_string s) = s then
- s
- else raise exit_exn
- with
- _ -> Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
-let with_help = ref false;;
-let rec save_module indent oc list =
- let subm = ref [] in
- List.iter
- (fun (name, help, value) ->
- match name with
- [] -> assert false
- | [name] ->
- if !with_help && help <> "" then
- Printf.fprintf oc "(* %s *)\n" help;
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s = " indent (safe_string name);
- save_value indent oc value;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n"
- | m :: tail ->
- let p =
- try List.assoc m !subm with
- _ -> let p = ref [] in subm := (m, p) :: !subm; p
- in
- p := (tail, help, value) :: !p)
- list;
- List.iter
- (fun (m, p) ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s = {\n" indent (safe_string m);
- save_module (indent ^ " ") oc !p;
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s}\n" indent)
- !subm
-and save_list indent oc list =
- match list with
- [] -> ()
- | [v] -> save_value indent oc v
- | v :: tail ->
- save_value indent oc v; Printf.fprintf oc ", "; save_list indent oc tail
-and save_list_nl indent oc list =
- match list with
- [] -> ()
- | [v] -> Printf.fprintf oc "\n%s" indent; save_value indent oc v
- | v :: tail ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n%s" indent;
- save_value indent oc v;
- Printf.fprintf oc ";";
- save_list_nl indent oc tail
-and save_value indent oc v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s" (safe_string s)
- | IntValue i -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d" i
- | FloatValue f -> Printf.fprintf oc "%f" f
- | List l ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "[";
- save_list_nl (indent ^ " ") oc l;
- Printf.fprintf oc "]"
- | SmallList l ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "(";
- save_list (indent ^ " ") oc l;
- Printf.fprintf oc ")"
- | Module m ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "{";
- save_module_fields (indent ^ " ") oc m;
- Printf.fprintf oc "}"
-and save_module_fields indent oc m =
- match m with
- [] -> ()
- | (name, v) :: tail ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s = " indent (safe_string name);
- save_value indent oc v;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n";
- save_module_fields indent oc tail
-let save opfile =
- let filename = opfile.file_name in
- let temp_file = filename ^ ".tmp" in
- let old_file = filename ^ ".old" in
- let oc = open_out temp_file in
- save_module "" oc
- (
- (fun o ->
- o.option_name, o.option_help,
- (try
- o.option_class.to_value o.option_value
- with
- e ->
- Printf.printf "Error while saving option \"%s\": %s"
- (try List.hd o.option_name with
- _ -> "???")
- (Printexc.to_string e);
- print_newline ();
- StringValue ""))
- (List.rev opfile.file_options));
- if not opfile.file_pruned then begin
- Printf.fprintf oc
- "\n(*\n The following options are not used (errors, obsolete, ...) \n*)\n";
- List.iter
- (fun (name, value) ->
- try
- List.iter
- (fun o ->
- match o.option_name with
- n :: _ -> if n = name then raise Exit
- | _ -> ())
- opfile.file_options;
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s = " (safe_string name);
- save_value " " oc value;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n"
- with
- _ -> ())
- opfile.file_rc;
- end;
- close_out oc;
- (try Sys.rename filename old_file with _ -> ());
- (try Sys.rename temp_file filename with _ -> ())
-let save_with_help opfile =
- with_help := true;
- begin try save opfile with
- _ -> ()
- end;
- with_help := false
-let option_hook option f = option.option_hooks <- f :: option.option_hooks;;
-let class_hook option_class f =
- option_class.class_hooks <- f :: option_class.class_hooks
-let rec iter_order f list =
- match list with
- [] -> ()
- | v :: tail -> f v; iter_order f tail
-let help oc opfile =
- List.iter
- (fun o ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "OPTION \"";
- begin match o.option_name with
- [] -> Printf.fprintf oc "???"
- | [name] -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s" name
- | name :: tail ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s" name;
- iter_order (fun name -> Printf.fprintf oc ":%s" name) o.option_name
- end;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\" (TYPE \"%s\"): %s\n CURRENT: \n"
- o.option_class.class_name o.option_help;
- begin try
- save_value "" oc (o.option_class.to_value o.option_value)
- with
- _ -> ()
- end;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n")
- opfile.file_options;
- flush oc
-let tuple2_to_value (c1, c2) (a1, a2) =
- SmallList [to_value c1 a1; to_value c2 a2]
-let value_to_tuple2 (c1, c2) v =
- match v with
- List [v1; v2] -> from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2
- | SmallList [v1; v2] -> from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2
- | List l | SmallList l ->
- Printf.printf "list of %d" (List.length l);
- print_newline ();
- failwith "Flags. not a tuple2 list option"
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a tuple2 option"
-let tuple2_option p =
- define_option_class "tuple2_option" (value_to_tuple2 p) (tuple2_to_value p)
-let tuple3_to_value (c1, c2, c3) (a1, a2, a3) =
- SmallList [to_value c1 a1; to_value c2 a2; to_value c3 a3]
-let value_to_tuple3 (c1, c2, c3) v =
- match v with
- List [v1; v2; v3] -> from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3
- | SmallList [v1; v2; v3] ->
- from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a tuple3 option"
-let tuple3_option p =
- define_option_class "tuple3_option" (value_to_tuple3 p) (tuple3_to_value p)
-let tuple4_to_value (c1, c2, c3, c4) (a1, a2, a3, a4) =
- SmallList [to_value c1 a1; to_value c2 a2; to_value c3 a3; to_value c4 a4]
-let value_to_tuple4 (c1, c2, c3, c4) v =
- match v with
- List [v1; v2; v3; v4] ->
- (from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3, from_value c4 v4)
- | SmallList [v1; v2; v3; v4] ->
- (from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3, from_value c4 v4)
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a tuple4 option"
-let tuple4_option p =
- define_option_class "tuple4_option" (value_to_tuple4 p) (tuple4_to_value p)
-let shortname o = String.concat ":" o.option_name;;
-let get_class o = o.option_class;;
-let get_help o =
- let help = o.option_help in if help = "" then "No Help Available" else help
-let simple_options opfile =
- let list = ref [] in
- List.iter (fun o ->
- match o.option_name with
- [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> ()
- | [name] ->
- match o.option_class.to_value o.option_value with
- Module _ | SmallList _ | List _ ->
- begin
- match o.string_wrappers with
- None -> ()
- | Some (to_string, from_string) ->
- list := (name, to_string o.option_value) :: !list
- end
- | v ->
- list := (name, value_to_string v) :: !list
- ) opfile.file_options;
- !list
-let get_option opfile name =
- let rec iter name list =
- match list with
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | o :: list ->
- if o.option_name = name then o
- else iter name list
- in
- iter [name] opfile.file_options
-let set_simple_option opfile name v =
- let o = get_option opfile name in
- begin
- match o.string_wrappers with
- None ->
- o.option_value <- o.option_class.from_value (string_to_value v);
- | Some (_, from_string) ->
- o.option_value <- from_string v
- end;
- exec_chooks o; exec_hooks o;;
-let get_simple_option opfile name =
- let o = get_option opfile name in
- match o.string_wrappers with
- None ->
- value_to_string (o.option_class.to_value o.option_value)
- | Some (to_string, _) ->
- to_string o.option_value
-let set_option_hook opfile name hook =
- let o = get_option opfile name in
- o.option_hooks <- hook :: o.option_hooks
-let set_string_wrappers o to_string from_string =
- o.string_wrappers <- Some (to_string, from_string)
-let simple_args opfile =
- (fun (name, v) ->
- ("-" ^ name),
- Arg.String (set_simple_option opfile name),
- (Printf.sprintf "<string> : \t%s (current: %s)"
- (get_option opfile name).option_help
- v)
- ) (simple_options opfile)
diff --git a/ide/utils/uoptions.mli b/ide/utils/uoptions.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index a323ac60..00000000
--- a/ide/utils/uoptions.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: *)
- This module implements a simple mechanism to handle program options files.
- An options file is defined as a set of [variable = value] lines,
- where value can be a simple string, a list of values (between brackets
-or parentheses) or a set of [variable = value] lines between braces.
-The option file is automatically loaded and saved, and options are
-manipulated inside the program as easily as references.
- Code from Fabrice Le Fessant.
-type 'a option_class
-(** The abstract type for a class of options. A class is a set of options
-which use the same conversion functions from loading and saving.*)
-type 'a option_record
-(** The abstract type for an option *)
-type options_file
-val create_options_file : string -> options_file
-val set_options_file : options_file -> string -> unit
-val prune_file : options_file -> unit
-(** {2 Operations on option files} *)
-val load : options_file -> unit
-(** [load file] loads the option file. All options whose value is specified
- in the option file are updated. *)
-val append : options_file -> string -> unit
-(** [append filename] loads the specified option file. All options whose
-value is specified in this file are updated. *)
-val save : options_file -> unit
-(** [save file] saves all the options values to the option file. *)
-val save_with_help : options_file -> unit
-(** [save_with_help ()] saves all the options values to the option file,
- with the help provided for each option. *)
-(** {2 Creating options} *)
-val define_option : options_file ->
- string list -> string -> 'a option_class -> 'a -> 'a option_record
-val option_hook : 'a option_record -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
-val string_option : string option_class
-val color_option : string option_class
-val font_option : string option_class
-val int_option : int option_class
-val bool_option : bool option_class
-val float_option : float option_class
-val string2_option : (string * string) option_class
- (* parameterized options *)
-val list_option : 'a option_class -> 'a list option_class
-val smalllist_option : 'a option_class -> 'a list option_class
-val sum_option : (string * 'a) list -> 'a option_class
-val tuple2_option :
- 'a option_class * 'b option_class -> ('a * 'b) option_class
-val tuple3_option : 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class ->
- ('a * 'b * 'c) option_class
-val tuple4_option :
- 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class * 'd option_class ->
- ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) option_class
-(** {2 Using options} *)
-val ( !! ) : 'a option_record -> 'a
-val ( =:= ) : 'a option_record -> 'a -> unit
-val shortname : 'a option_record -> string
-val get_help : 'a option_record -> string
-(** {2 Creating new option classes} *)
-val get_class : 'a option_record -> 'a option_class
-val class_hook : 'a option_class -> ('a option_record -> unit) -> unit
-type option_value =
- Module of option_module
-| StringValue of string
-| IntValue of int
-| FloatValue of float
-| List of option_value list
-| SmallList of option_value list
-and option_module =
- (string * option_value) list
-val define_option_class :
- string -> (option_value -> 'a) -> ('a -> option_value) -> 'a option_class
-val to_value : 'a option_class -> 'a -> option_value
-val from_value : 'a option_class -> option_value -> 'a
-val value_to_string : option_value -> string
-val string_to_value : string -> option_value
-val value_to_int : option_value -> int
-val int_to_value : int -> option_value
-val bool_of_string : string -> bool
-val value_to_bool : option_value -> bool
-val bool_to_value : bool -> option_value
-val value_to_float : option_value -> float
-val float_to_value : float -> option_value
-val value_to_string2 : option_value -> string * string
-val string2_to_value : string * string -> option_value
-val value_to_list : (option_value -> 'a) -> option_value -> 'a list
-val list_to_value : ('a -> option_value) -> 'a list -> option_value
-val smalllist_to_value : ('a -> option_value) -> 'a list -> option_value
-val set_simple_option : options_file -> string -> string -> unit
-val simple_options : options_file -> (string * string) list
-val get_simple_option : options_file -> string -> string
-val set_option_hook : options_file -> string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
-val set_string_wrappers : 'a option_record ->
- ('a -> string) -> (string -> 'a) -> unit
-(** {2 Other functions} *)
-val simple_args : options_file -> (string * Arg.spec * string) list