path: root/ide/utils/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /ide/utils/
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/utils/')
1 files changed, 1435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03ca706c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,1435 @@
+(* Cameleon *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
+(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* any later version. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
+(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
+(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
+(* 02111-1307 USA *)
+(* *)
+(* Contact: *)
+(** This module contains the gui functions of Confgiwin.*)
+open Configwin_types
+module O = Uoptions
+(** The file where the html config is. *)
+let file_html_config = Filename.concat Configwin_messages.home ".configwin_html"
+(** Return the ini file for the html config, and the option for bindings. *)
+let html_config_file_and_option () =
+ let ini = O.create_options_file file_html_config in
+ let bindings = O.define_option ini ["bindings"]
+ ""
+ (O.list_option Configwin_types.Html_binding.t)
+ [ { html_key = KeyOption.string_to_key "A-b" ;
+ html_begin = "<b>";
+ html_end = "</b>" ;
+ } ;
+ { html_key = KeyOption.string_to_key "A-i" ;
+ html_begin = "<i>";
+ html_end = "</i>" ;
+ }
+ ]
+ in
+ O.load ini ;
+ (ini, bindings)
+(** This variable contains the last directory where the user selected a file.*)
+let last_dir = ref "";;
+(** This function allows the user to select a file and returns the
+ selected file name. An optional function allows to change the
+ behaviour of the ok button.
+ A VOIR : mutli-selection ? *)
+let select_files ?dir
+ ?(fok : (string -> unit) option)
+ the_title =
+ let files = ref ([] : string list) in
+ let fs = GWindow.file_selection ~modal:true
+ ~title: the_title () in
+ (* we set the previous directory, if no directory is given *)
+ (
+ match dir with
+ None ->
+ if !last_dir <> "" then
+ let _ = fs#set_filename !last_dir in
+ ()
+ else
+ ()
+ | Some dir ->
+ let _ = fs#set_filename !last_dir in
+ ()
+ );
+ let _ = fs # connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.Main.quit in
+ let _ = fs # ok_button # connect#clicked ~callback:
+ (match fok with
+ None ->
+ (fun () -> files := [fs#filename] ; fs#destroy ())
+ | Some f ->
+ (fun () -> f fs#filename)
+ )
+ in
+ let _ = fs # cancel_button # connect#clicked ~callback:fs#destroy in
+ fs # show ();
+ GMain.Main.main ();
+ match !files with
+ | [] ->
+ []
+ | [""] ->
+ []
+ | l ->
+ (* we keep the directory in last_dir *)
+ last_dir := Filename.dirname (List.hd l);
+ l
+(** Make the user select a date. *)
+let select_date title (day,mon,year) =
+ let v_opt = ref None in
+ let window = GWindow.dialog ~modal:true ~title () in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox ~border_width:10 ~packing:window#vbox#add () in
+ let cal = GMisc.calendar ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: true) () in
+ cal#select_month ~month: mon ~year: year ;
+ cal#select_day day;
+ let bbox = window#action_area in
+ let bok = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mOk
+ ~packing:(bbox#pack ~expand:true ~padding:4) ()
+ in
+ let bcancel = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mCancel
+ ~packing:(bbox#pack ~expand:true ~padding:4) ()
+ in
+ ignore (bok#connect#clicked ~callback:
+ (fun () -> v_opt := Some (cal#date); window#destroy ()));
+ ignore(bcancel#connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy);
+ bok#grab_default ();
+ ignore(window#connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.Main.quit);
+ window#set_position `CENTER;
+ window#show ();
+ GMain.Main.main ();
+ !v_opt
+(** This class builds a frame with a clist and two buttons :
+ one to add items and one to remove the selected items.
+ The class takes in parameter a function used to add items and
+ a string list ref which is used to store the content of the clist.
+ At last, a title for the frame is also in parameter, so that
+ each instance of the class creates a frame. *)
+class ['a] list_selection_box (listref : 'a list ref)
+ titles_opt
+ help_opt
+ f_edit_opt
+ f_strings
+ f_color
+ (eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool)
+ add_function title editable =
+ let wev = GBin.event_box () in
+ let wf = GBin.frame ~label: title ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox ~packing: wf#add () in
+ (* the scroll window and the clist *)
+ let wscroll = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: true) ()
+ in
+ let wlist = match titles_opt with
+ None ->
+ GList.clist ~selection_mode: `MULTIPLE
+ ~titles_show: false
+ ~packing: wscroll#add ()
+ | Some l ->
+ GList.clist ~selection_mode: `MULTIPLE
+ ~titles: l
+ ~titles_show: true
+ ~packing: wscroll#add ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match help_opt with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (wf#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in (* the vbox for the buttons *)
+ let vbox_buttons = GPack.vbox () in
+ let _ =
+ if editable then
+ let _ = hbox#pack ~expand: false vbox_buttons#coerce in
+ ()
+ else
+ ()
+ in
+ let wb_add = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mAdd
+ ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let wb_edit = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mEdit
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ = match f_edit_opt with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2 wb_edit#coerce
+ in
+ let wb_up = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mUp
+ ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let wb_remove = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mRemove
+ ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2)
+ ()
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** the list of selected rows *)
+ val mutable list_select = []
+ (** This method returns the frame created. *)
+ method box = wev
+ method update l =
+ (* set the new list in the provided listref *)
+ listref := l;
+ (* insert the elements in the clist *)
+ wlist#freeze ();
+ wlist#clear ();
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ ignore (wlist#append (f_strings ele));
+ match f_color ele with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some c ->
+ try wlist#set_row ~foreground: (`NAME c) (wlist#rows - 1)
+ with _ -> ()
+ )
+ !listref;
+ (match titles_opt with
+ None -> wlist#columns_autosize ()
+ | Some _ -> GToolbox.autosize_clist wlist);
+ wlist#thaw ();
+ (* the list of selectd elements is now empty *)
+ list_select <- []
+ (** Move up the selected rows. *)
+ method up_selected =
+ let rec iter n selrows l =
+ match selrows with
+ [] -> (l, [])
+ | m :: qrows ->
+ match l with
+ [] -> ([],[])
+ | [_] -> (l,[])
+ | e1 :: e2 :: q when m = n + 1 ->
+ let newl, newrows = iter (n+1) qrows (e1 :: q) in
+ (e2 :: newl, n :: newrows)
+ | e1 :: q ->
+ let newl, newrows = iter (n+1) selrows q in
+ (e1 :: newl, newrows)
+ in
+ let sorted_select = List.sort compare list_select in
+ let new_list, new_rows = iter 0 sorted_select !listref in
+ self#update new_list;
+ List.iter (fun n -> wlist#select n 0) new_rows
+ (** Make the user edit the first selected row. *)
+ method edit_selected f_edit =
+ let sorted_select = List.sort compare list_select in
+ match sorted_select with
+ [] -> ()
+ | n :: _ ->
+ try
+ let ele = List.nth !listref n in
+ let ele2 = f_edit ele in
+ let rec iter m = function
+ [] -> []
+ | e :: q ->
+ if n = m then
+ ele2 :: q
+ else
+ e :: (iter (m+1) q)
+ in
+ self#update (iter 0 !listref);
+ wlist#select n 0
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ initializer
+ (** create the functions called when the buttons are clicked *)
+ let f_add () =
+ (* get the files to add with the function provided *)
+ let l = add_function () in
+ (* remove from the list the ones which are already in
+ the listref, using the eq predicate *)
+ let l2 = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ if List.exists (eq ele) acc then
+ acc
+ else
+ acc @ [ele])
+ !listref
+ l
+ in
+ self#update l2
+ in
+ let f_remove () =
+ (* remove the selected items from the listref and the clist *)
+ let rec iter n = function
+ [] -> []
+ | h :: q ->
+ if List.mem n list_select then
+ iter (n+1) q
+ else
+ h :: (iter (n+1) q)
+ in
+ let new_list = iter 0 !listref in
+ self#update new_list
+ in
+ (* connect the functions to the buttons *)
+ ignore (wb_add#connect#clicked f_add);
+ ignore (wb_remove#connect#clicked f_remove);
+ ignore (wb_up#connect#clicked (fun () -> self#up_selected));
+ (
+ match f_edit_opt with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some f -> ignore (wb_edit#connect#clicked (fun () -> self#edit_selected f))
+ );
+ (* connect the selection and deselection of items in the clist *)
+ let f_select ~row ~column ~event =
+ try
+ list_select <- row :: list_select
+ with
+ Failure _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ let f_unselect ~row ~column ~event =
+ try
+ let new_list_select = List.filter (fun n -> n <> row) list_select in
+ list_select <- new_list_select
+ with
+ Failure _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ (* connect the select and deselect events *)
+ ignore(wlist#connect#select_row f_select);
+ ignore(wlist#connect#unselect_row f_unselect);
+ (* initialize the clist with the listref *)
+ self#update !listref
+ end;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a string parameter.*)
+class string_param_box param =
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.string_label ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: param.string_editable
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.string_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.string_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = we#set_text param.string_value in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = we#text in
+ if new_value <> param.string_value then
+ let _ = param.string_f_apply new_value in
+ param.string_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a combo parameter.*)
+class combo_param_box param =
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.combo_label ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let wc = GEdit.combo
+ ~popdown_strings: param.combo_choices
+ ~value_in_list: (not param.combo_new_allowed)
+(* ~ok_if_empty: param.combo_blank_allowed*)
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.combo_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.combo_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback:tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = wc#entry#set_editable param.combo_editable in
+ let _ = wc#entry#set_text param.combo_value in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = wc#entry#text in
+ if new_value <> param.combo_value then
+ let _ = param.combo_f_apply new_value in
+ param.combo_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** Class used to pack a custom box. *)
+class custom_param_box param =
+ let top =
+ match param.custom_framed with
+ None -> param.custom_box#coerce
+ | Some l ->
+ let wf = GBin.frame ~label: l () in
+ wf#add param.custom_box#coerce;
+ wf#coerce
+ in
+ object (self)
+ method box = top
+ method apply = param.custom_f_apply ()
+ end
+(** This class is used to build a box for a color parameter.*)
+class color_param_box param =
+ let v = ref param.color_value in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.color_label
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
+ in
+ let w_test = GMisc.arrow
+ ~kind: `RIGHT
+ ~shadow: `OUT
+ ~width: 20
+ ~height: 20
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 )
+ ()
+ in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: param.color_editable
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.color_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.color_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wb#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let set_color s =
+ let style = w_test#misc#style#copy in
+ (
+ try style#set_bg [ (`NORMAL, `NAME s) ; ]
+ with _ -> ()
+ );
+ w_test#misc#set_style style
+ in
+ let _ = set_color !v in
+ let _ = we#set_text !v in
+ let f_sel () =
+ let dialog = GWindow.color_selection_dialog
+ ~title: param.color_label
+ ~modal: true
+ ~show: true
+ ()
+ in
+ let wb_ok = dialog#ok_button in
+ let wb_cancel = dialog#cancel_button in
+ let _ = dialog#connect#destroy GMain.Main.quit in
+ let _ = wb_ok#connect#clicked
+ (fun () ->
+ (* let color = dialog#colorsel#get_color in
+ let r = int_of_float (ceil ( *. 255.)) in
+ let g = int_of_float (ceil ( *. 255.)) in
+ let b = int_of_float (ceil ( *. 255.)) in
+ let s = Printf.sprintf "#%2X%2X%2X" r g b in
+ let _ =
+ for i = 1 to (String.length s) - 1 do
+ if s.[i] = ' ' then s.[i] <- '0'
+ done
+ in
+ we#set_text s ;
+ set_color s;*)
+ dialog#destroy ()
+ )
+ in
+ let _ = wb_cancel#connect#clicked dialog#destroy in
+ GMain.Main.main ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ if param.color_editable then ignore (wb#connect#clicked f_sel)
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = we#text in
+ if new_value <> param.color_value then
+ let _ = param.color_f_apply new_value in
+ param.color_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a font parameter.*)
+class font_param_box param =
+ let v = ref param.font_value in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.font_label
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
+ in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: false
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.font_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.font_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wb#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let set_entry_font font_opt =
+ match font_opt with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some s ->
+ let style = we#misc#style#copy in
+ (
+ try
+ let font = Gdk.Font.load_fontset s in
+ style#set_font font
+ with _ -> ()
+ );
+ we#misc#set_style style
+ in
+ let _ = set_entry_font (Some !v) in
+ let _ = we#set_text !v in
+ let f_sel () =
+ let dialog = GWindow.font_selection_dialog
+ ~title: param.font_label
+ ~modal: true
+ ~show: true
+ ()
+ in
+ dialog#selection#set_font_name !v;
+ let wb_ok = dialog#ok_button in
+ let wb_cancel = dialog#cancel_button in
+ let _ = dialog#connect#destroy GMain.Main.quit in
+ let _ = wb_ok#connect#clicked
+ (fun () ->
+ let font_opt = dialog#selection#font_name in
+(* we#set_text (match font_opt with None -> "" | Some s -> s) ;
+ set_entry_font font_opt;*)
+ dialog#destroy ()
+ )
+ in
+ let _ = wb_cancel#connect#clicked dialog#destroy in
+ GMain.Main.main ()
+ in
+ let _ = if param.font_editable then ignore (wb#connect#clicked f_sel) in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = we#text in
+ if new_value <> param.font_value then
+ let _ = param.font_f_apply new_value in
+ param.font_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a text parameter.*)
+class text_param_box param =
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox ~height: 100 () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.string_label ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let wscroll = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2) ()
+ in
+ let wt = GText.view ~packing:wscroll#add () in
+(* let _ = wt#coerce#misc#set_size_request ~height:100 in *)
+ let _ = wt#set_editable param.string_editable in
+ let _ =
+ match param.string_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = wt#buffer#insert param.string_value in
+ object (self)
+ val wt = wt
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = wt#buffer#get_text () in
+ if new_value <> param.string_value then
+ let _ = param.string_f_apply new_value in
+ param.string_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box a html parameter. *)
+class html_param_box param =
+ object (self)
+ inherit text_param_box param
+ method private exec html_start html_end () =
+ let s,e = wt#buffer#selection_bounds in
+ if s#compare e = 0 then
+ wt#buffer#insert (html_start^html_end)
+ else begin
+ ignore (wt#buffer#insert ~iter:e html_end);
+ ignore (wt#buffer#insert ~iter:s html_start);
+ wt#buffer#place_cursor
+ (e#forward_chars (String.length (html_start^html_end)))
+ end
+ initializer
+ let (_,html_bindings) = html_config_file_and_option () in
+ let add_shortcut hb =
+ let (mods, k) = hb.html_key in
+ Okey.add wt ~mods k (self#exec hb.html_begin hb.html_end)
+ in
+ List.iter add_shortcut (O.(!!) html_bindings)
+ end
+(** This class is used to build a box for a boolean parameter.*)
+class bool_param_box param =
+ let wchk = GButton.check_button
+ ~label: param.bool_label
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.bool_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (wchk#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wchk#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = wchk#set_active param.bool_value in
+ let _ = wchk#misc#set_sensitive param.bool_editable in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the check button ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = wchk#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = wchk#active in
+ if new_value <> param.bool_value then
+ let _ = param.bool_f_apply new_value in
+ param.bool_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a file name parameter.*)
+class filename_param_box param =
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.string_label
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
+ in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: param.string_editable
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.string_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.string_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wb#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = we#set_text param.string_value in
+ let f_click () =
+ match select_files param.string_label with
+ [] ->
+ ()
+ | f :: _ ->
+ we#set_text f
+ in
+ let _ =
+ if param.string_editable then
+ let _ = wb#connect#clicked f_click in
+ ()
+ else
+ ()
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = we#text in
+ if new_value <> param.string_value then
+ let _ = param.string_f_apply new_value in
+ param.string_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a hot key parameter.*)
+class hotkey_param_box param =
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.hk_label
+ ~packing: wev#add ()
+ in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: false
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.hk_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let value = ref param.hk_value in
+ let _ =
+ match param.hk_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = we#set_text (KeyOption.key_to_string param.hk_value) in
+ let mods_we_dont_care = [`MOD2 ; `MOD3 ; `MOD4 ; `MOD5 ; `LOCK] in
+ let capture ev =
+ let key = GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev in
+ let modifiers = GdkEvent.Key.state ev in
+ let mods = List.filter
+ (fun m -> not (List.mem m mods_we_dont_care))
+ modifiers
+ in
+ value := (mods, key);
+ we#set_text (KeyOption.key_to_string !value);
+ false
+ in
+ let _ =
+ if param.hk_editable then
+ ignore (we#event#connect#key_press capture)
+ else
+ ()
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = !value in
+ if new_value <> param.hk_value then
+ let _ = param.hk_f_apply new_value in
+ param.hk_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+class modifiers_param_box param =
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.md_label
+ ~packing: wev#add ()
+ in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: false
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.md_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let value = ref param.md_value in
+ let _ =
+ match param.md_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = we#set_text (KeyOption.modifiers_to_string param.md_value) in
+ let mods_we_care = param.md_allow in
+ let capture ev =
+ let modifiers = GdkEvent.Key.state ev in
+ let mods = List.filter
+ (fun m -> (List.mem m mods_we_care))
+ modifiers
+ in
+ value := mods;
+ we#set_text (KeyOption.modifiers_to_string !value);
+ false
+ in
+ let _ =
+ if param.md_editable then
+ ignore (we#event#connect#key_press capture)
+ else
+ ()
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = !value in
+ if new_value <> param.md_value then
+ let _ = param.md_f_apply new_value in
+ param.md_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a date parameter.*)
+class date_param_box param =
+ let v = ref param.date_value in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.date_label
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
+ in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: false
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.date_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.date_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wb#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ let _ = we#set_text (param.date_f_string param.date_value) in
+ let f_click () =
+ match select_date param.date_label !v with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some (y,m,d) ->
+ v := (d,m,y) ;
+ we#set_text (param.date_f_string (d,m,y))
+ in
+ let _ =
+ if param.date_editable then
+ let _ = wb#connect#clicked f_click in
+ ()
+ else
+ ()
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ if !v <> param.date_value then
+ let _ = param.date_f_apply !v in
+ param.date_value <- !v
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a parameter whose values are a list.*)
+class ['a] list_param_box (param : 'a list_param) =
+ let listref = ref param.list_value in
+ let frame_selection = new list_selection_box
+ listref
+ param.list_titles
+ param.list_help
+ param.list_f_edit
+ param.list_strings
+ param.list_color
+ param.list_eq
+ param.list_f_add param.list_label param.list_editable
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = frame_selection#box#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ param.list_f_apply !listref ;
+ param.list_value <- !listref
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box from a configuration structure
+ and adds the page to the given notebook. *)
+class configuration_box conf_struct (notebook : GPack.notebook) =
+ (* we build different widgets, according to the conf_struct parameter *)
+ let main_box = GPack.vbox () in
+ let (label, child_boxes) =
+ match conf_struct with
+ Section (label, param_list) ->
+ let f parameter =
+ match parameter with
+ String_param p ->
+ let box = new string_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Combo_param p ->
+ let box = new combo_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Text_param p ->
+ let box = new text_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Bool_param p ->
+ let box = new bool_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Filename_param p ->
+ let box = new filename_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | List_param f ->
+ let box = f () in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Custom_param p ->
+ let box = new custom_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.custom_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Color_param p ->
+ let box = new color_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Font_param p ->
+ let box = new font_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Date_param p ->
+ let box = new date_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Hotkey_param p ->
+ let box = new hotkey_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Modifiers_param p ->
+ let box = new modifiers_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Html_param p ->
+ let box = new html_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ in
+ let list_children_boxes = f param_list in
+ (label, list_children_boxes)
+ | Section_list (label, struct_list) ->
+ let wnote = GPack.notebook
+ (*homogeneous_tabs: true*)
+ ~scrollable: true
+ ~show_tabs: true
+ ~tab_border: 3
+ ~packing: (main_box#pack ~expand: true)
+ ()
+ in
+ (* we create all the children boxes *)
+ let f structure =
+ let new_box = new configuration_box structure wnote in
+ new_box
+ in
+ let list_child_boxes = f struct_list in
+ (label, list_child_boxes)
+ in
+ let page_label = GMisc.label ~text: label () in
+ let _ = notebook#append_page
+ ~tab_label: page_label#coerce
+ main_box#coerce
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = main_box#coerce
+ (** This method make the new values of the paramters applied, recursively in
+ all boxes.*)
+ method apply =
+ List.iter (fun box -> box#apply) child_boxes
+ end
+(** Create a vbox with the list of given configuration structure list,
+ and the given list of buttons (defined by their label and callback).
+ Before calling the callback of a button, the [apply] function
+ of each parameter is called.
+let tabbed_box conf_struct_list buttons =
+ let vbox = GPack.vbox () in
+ let wnote = GPack.notebook
+ (*homogeneous_tabs: true*)
+ ~scrollable: true
+ ~show_tabs: true
+ ~tab_border: 3
+ ~packing: (vbox#pack ~expand: true)
+ ()
+ in
+ let list_param_box =
+ (fun conf_struct -> new configuration_box conf_struct wnote)
+ conf_struct_list
+ in
+ let f_apply () =
+ List.iter (fun param_box -> param_box#apply) list_param_box ;
+ in
+ let hbox_buttons = GPack.hbox ~packing: (vbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 4) () in
+ let rec iter_buttons ?(grab=false) = function
+ [] ->
+ ()
+ | (label, callb) :: q ->
+ let b = GButton.button ~label: label
+ ~packing:(hbox_buttons#pack ~expand:true ~fill: true ~padding:4) ()
+ in
+ ignore (b#connect#clicked ~callback:
+ (fun () -> f_apply (); callb ()));
+ (* If it's the first button then give it the focus *)
+ if grab then b#grab_default ();
+ iter_buttons q
+ in
+ iter_buttons ~grab: true buttons;
+ vbox
+(** This function takes a configuration structure list and creates a window
+ to configure the various parameters. *)
+let edit ?(with_apply=true)
+ ?(apply=(fun () -> ()))
+ title ?(width=400) ?(height=400)
+ conf_struct_list =
+ let return = ref Return_cancel in
+ let window = GWindow.window
+ ~position:`CENTER
+ ~modal: true ~title: title
+ ~width: width ~height: height ()
+ in
+ let _ = window#connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.Main.quit in
+ let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing: window#add () in
+ let wnote = GPack.notebook
+ (*homogeneous_tabs: true*)
+ ~scrollable: true
+ ~show_tabs: true
+ ~tab_border: 3
+ ~packing: (vbox#pack ~expand: true)
+ ()
+ in
+ let list_param_box =
+ (fun conf_struct -> new configuration_box conf_struct wnote)
+ conf_struct_list
+ in
+ let hbox_buttons = GPack.hbox ~packing: (vbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 4) () in
+ let bApply = GButton.button
+ ~stock:`APPLY
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mApply
+ ()
+ in
+ if with_apply then hbox_buttons#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 3 bApply#coerce;
+ let bOk = GButton.button
+ ~stock:`OK
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mOk
+ ~packing: (hbox_buttons#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 3)
+ ()
+ in
+ let bCancel = GButton.button
+ ~stock:`CANCEL
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mCancel
+ ~packing: (hbox_buttons#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 3)
+ ()
+ in
+ (* we connect the click on the apply button *)
+ let f_apply () =
+ List.iter (fun param_box -> param_box#apply) list_param_box ;
+ apply ();
+ return := Return_apply
+ in
+ let _ = bApply#connect#clicked f_apply in
+ (* we connect the click on the ok button : the same than apply but we then close the window *)
+ let f_ok () =
+ List.iter (fun param_box -> param_box#apply) list_param_box ;
+ return := Return_ok ;
+ window#destroy ()
+ in
+ let _ = bOk#connect#clicked f_ok in
+ (* we connect the click on the cancel button : close the window *)
+ let f_cancel () = window#destroy () in
+ let _ = bCancel#connect#clicked f_cancel in
+ let _ = window#event#connect#key_press ~callback:
+ (fun k -> if GdkEvent.Key.keyval k = GdkKeysyms._Escape then f_cancel ();false)
+ in
+ let _ = window#show () in
+ GMain.Main.main () ;
+ !return
+(** Create a vbox with the list of given parameters,
+ and the given list of buttons (defined by their label and callback).
+ Before calling the callback of a button, the [apply] function
+ of each parameter is called.
+let box param_list buttons =
+ let main_box = GPack.vbox () in
+ let f parameter =
+ match parameter with
+ String_param p ->
+ let box = new string_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Combo_param p ->
+ let box = new combo_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Text_param p ->
+ let box = new text_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Bool_param p ->
+ let box = new bool_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Filename_param p ->
+ let box = new filename_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | List_param f ->
+ let box = f () in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Custom_param p ->
+ let box = new custom_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.custom_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Color_param p ->
+ let box = new color_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Font_param p ->
+ let box = new font_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Date_param p ->
+ let box = new date_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Hotkey_param p ->
+ let box = new hotkey_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Modifiers_param p ->
+ let box = new modifiers_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Html_param p ->
+ let box = new html_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ in
+ let list_param_box = f param_list in
+ let f_apply () =
+ List.iter (fun param_box -> param_box#apply) list_param_box
+ in
+ let hbox_buttons = GPack.hbox ~packing: (main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 4) () in
+ let rec iter_buttons ?(grab=false) = function
+ [] ->
+ ()
+ | (label, callb) :: q ->
+ let b = GButton.button ~label: label
+ ~packing:(hbox_buttons#pack ~expand:true ~fill: true ~padding:4) ()
+ in
+ ignore (b#connect#clicked ~callback:
+ (fun () -> f_apply (); callb ()));
+ (* If it's the first button then give it the focus *)
+ if grab then b#grab_default ();
+ iter_buttons q
+ in
+ iter_buttons ~grab: true buttons;
+ main_box
+(** This function takes a list of parameter specifications and
+ creates a window to configure the various parameters.*)
+let simple_edit ?(with_apply=true)
+ ?(apply=(fun () -> ()))
+ title ?width ?height
+ param_list =
+ let return = ref Return_cancel in
+ let window = GWindow.window ~modal: true ~title: title () in
+ let _ = match width, height with
+ None, None -> ()
+ | Some w, None -> window#misc#set_size_request ~width: w ()
+ | None, Some h -> window#misc#set_size_request ~height: h ()
+ | Some w, Some h -> window#misc#set_size_request ~width: w ~height: h ()
+ in
+ let _ = window#connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.Main.quit in
+ let buttons =
+ (if with_apply then
+ [Configwin_messages.mApply, fun () -> apply (); return := Return_apply]
+ else
+ []
+ ) @ [
+ (Configwin_messages.mOk, fun () -> return := Return_ok ; window#destroy ()) ;
+ (Configwin_messages.mCancel, window#destroy) ;
+ ]
+ in
+ let box = box param_list buttons in
+ window#add box#coerce;
+ let _ = window#show () in
+ GMain.Main.main () ;
+ !return
+let edit_string l s =
+ match GToolbox.input_string ~title: l ~text: s Configwin_messages.mValue with
+ None -> s
+ | Some s2 -> s2
+(** Create a string param. *)
+let string ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ String_param
+ {
+ string_label = label ;
+ string_help = help ;
+ string_value = v ;
+ string_editable = editable ;
+ string_f_apply = f ;
+ string_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a bool param. *)
+let bool ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Bool_param
+ {
+ bool_label = label ;
+ bool_help = help ;
+ bool_value = v ;
+ bool_editable = editable ;
+ bool_f_apply = f ;
+ }
+(** Create a list param. *)
+let list ?(editable=true) ?help
+ ?(f=(fun (_:'a list) -> ()))
+ ?(eq=Pervasives.(=))
+ ?(edit:('a -> 'a) option)
+ ?(add=(fun () -> ([] : 'a list)))
+ ?titles ?(color=(fun (_:'a) -> (None : string option)))
+ label (f_strings : 'a -> string list) v =
+ List_param
+ (fun () ->
+ Obj.magic
+ (new list_param_box
+ {
+ list_label = label ;
+ list_help = help ;
+ list_value = v ;
+ list_editable = editable ;
+ list_titles = titles;
+ list_eq = eq ;
+ list_strings = f_strings ;
+ list_color = color ;
+ list_f_edit = edit ;
+ list_f_add = add ;
+ list_f_apply = f ;
+ }
+ )
+ )
+(** Create a strings param. *)
+let strings ?(editable=true) ?help
+ ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
+ ?(eq=Pervasives.(=))
+ ?(add=(fun () -> [])) label v =
+ list ~editable ?help ~f ~eq ~edit: (edit_string label) ~add label (fun s -> [s]) v
+(** Create a color param. *)
+let color ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Color_param
+ {
+ color_label = label ;
+ color_help = help ;
+ color_value = v ;
+ color_editable = editable ;
+ color_f_apply = f ;
+ color_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a font param. *)
+let font ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Font_param
+ {
+ font_label = label ;
+ font_help = help ;
+ font_value = v ;
+ font_editable = editable ;
+ font_f_apply = f ;
+ font_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a combo param. *)
+let combo ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
+ ?(new_allowed=false)
+ ?(blank_allowed=false) label choices v =
+ Combo_param
+ {
+ combo_label = label ;
+ combo_help = help ;
+ combo_value = v ;
+ combo_editable = editable ;
+ combo_choices = choices ;
+ combo_new_allowed = new_allowed ;
+ combo_blank_allowed = blank_allowed ;
+ combo_f_apply = f ;
+ combo_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a text param. *)
+let text ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Text_param
+ {
+ string_label = label ;
+ string_help = help ;
+ string_value = v ;
+ string_editable = editable ;
+ string_f_apply = f ;
+ string_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a html param. *)
+let html ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Html_param
+ {
+ string_label = label ;
+ string_help = help ;
+ string_value = v ;
+ string_editable = editable ;
+ string_f_apply = f ;
+ string_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a filename param. *)
+let filename ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true)?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Filename_param
+ {
+ string_label = label ;
+ string_help = help ;
+ string_value = v ;
+ string_editable = editable ;
+ string_f_apply = f ;
+ string_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a filenames param.*)
+let filenames ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
+ ?(eq=Pervasives.(=))
+ label v =
+ let add () = select_files label in
+ list ~editable ?help ~f ~eq ~add label (fun s -> [s]) v
+(** Create a date param. *)
+let date ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
+ ?(f_string=(fun(d,m,y)-> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d/%d" y (m+1) d))
+ label v =
+ Date_param
+ {
+ date_label = label ;
+ date_help = help ;
+ date_value = v ;
+ date_editable = editable ;
+ date_f_string = f_string ;
+ date_f_apply = f ;
+ date_expand = expand ;
+ }
+(** Create a hot key param. *)
+let hotkey ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Hotkey_param
+ {
+ hk_label = label ;
+ hk_help = help ;
+ hk_value = v ;
+ hk_editable = editable ;
+ hk_f_apply = f ;
+ hk_expand = expand ;
+ }
+let modifiers
+ ?(editable=true)
+ ?(expand=true)
+ ?help
+ ?(allow=[`CONTROL;`SHIFT;`LOCK;`MOD1;`MOD1;`MOD2;`MOD3;`MOD4;`MOD5])
+ ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Modifiers_param
+ {
+ md_label = label ;
+ md_help = help ;
+ md_value = v ;
+ md_editable = editable ;
+ md_f_apply = f ;
+ md_expand = expand ;
+ md_allow = allow ;
+ }
+(** Create a custom param.*)
+let custom ?label box f expand =
+ Custom_param
+ {
+ custom_box = box ;
+ custom_f_apply = f ;
+ custom_expand = expand ;
+ custom_framed = label ;
+ }