path: root/ide/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /ide/
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1169d438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:20 herbelin Exp $ *)
+let commands = [
+ [(* "Abort"; *)
+ "Add Abstract Ring A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv Aeq T.";
+ "Add Abstract Semi Ring A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq T.";
+ "Add Field";
+ "Add LoadPath";
+ "Add ML Path";
+ "Add Morphism";
+ "Add Printing If";
+ "Add Printing Let";
+ "Add Rec LoadPath";
+ "Add Rec ML Path";
+ "Add Ring A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv Aeq T [ c1 ... cn ]. ";
+ "Add Semi Ring A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq T [ c1 ... cn ].";
+ "Add Setoid";
+ "Axiom";];
+ [(* "Back"; *) ];
+ ["Canonical Structure";
+ "Chapter";
+ "Coercion";
+ "Coercion Local";
+ "CoFixpoint";
+ "CoInductive";
+ ];
+ ["Declare ML Module";
+ "Defined.";
+ "Definition";
+ "Derive Dependent Inversion";
+ "Derive Dependent Inversion__clear";
+ "Derive Inversion";
+ "Derive Inversion__clear";
+ ];
+ ["End";
+ "End Silent.";
+ "Eval";
+ "Extract Constant";
+ "Extract Inductive";
+ "Extraction Inline";
+ "Extraction Language";
+ "Extraction NoInline";];
+ ["Fact";
+ "Fixpoint";
+ "Focus";];
+ ["Global Variable";
+ "Goal";
+ "Grammar";];
+ ["Hint";
+ "Hint Constructors";
+ "Hint Extern";
+ "Hint Immediate";
+ "Hint Resolve";
+ "Hint Rewrite";
+ "Hint Unfold";
+ "Hypothesis";];
+ ["Identity Coercion";
+ "Implicits";
+ "Inductive";
+ "Infix";
+ ];
+ ["Lemma";
+ "Load";
+ "Load Verbose";
+ "Local";
+ "Ltac";
+ ];
+ ["Module";
+ "Module Type";
+ "Mutual Inductive";];
+ ["Notation";];
+ ["Opaque";];
+ ["Parameter";
+ "Proof."];
+ ["Qed.";
+ ];
+ ["Read Module";
+ "Record";
+ "Remark";
+ "Remove LoadPath";
+ "Remove Printing If";
+ "Remove Printing Let";
+ "Require";
+ "Require Export";
+ "Require Import";
+ "Reset Extraction Inline";
+ "Restore State";
+ ];
+ [ "Save.";
+ "Scheme";
+ "Section";
+ "Set Extraction AutoInline";
+ "Set Extraction Optimize";
+ "Set Hyps__limit";
+ "Set Implicit Arguments";
+ "Set Printing Coercion";
+ "Set Printing Coercions";
+ "Set Printing Synth";
+ "Set Printing Wildcard";
+ "Set Silent.";
+ "Set Undo";
+ (*"Show";
+ "Show Conjectures";
+ "Show Implicits";
+ "Show Intro";
+ "Show Intros";
+ "Show Programs";
+ "Show Proof";
+ "Show Script";
+ "Show Tree";*)
+ "Structure";
+ (* "Suspend"; *)
+ "Syntactic Definition";
+ "Syntax";];
+ [
+ "Test Printing If";
+ "Test Printing Let";
+ "Test Printing Synth";
+ "Test Printing Wildcard";
+ "Theorem";
+ "Time";
+ "Transparent";];
+ [(* "Undo"; *)
+ "Unfocus";
+ "Unset Extraction AutoInline";
+ "Unset Extraction Optimize";
+ "Unset Hyps__limit";
+ "Unset Implicit Arguments";
+ "Unset Printing Coercion";
+ "Unset Printing Coercions";
+ "Unset Printing Synth";
+ "Unset Printing Wildcard";
+ "Unset Silent.";
+ "Unset Undo";];
+ ["Variable";
+ "Variables";];
+ ["Write State";];
+let state_preserving = [
+ "Check";
+ "Eval";
+ "Eval compute in";
+ "Extraction";
+ "Extraction Library";
+ "Extraction Module";
+ "Inspect";
+ "Locate";
+ "Print";
+ "Print All.";
+ "Print Classes";
+ "Print Coercion Paths";
+ "Print Coercions";
+ "Print Extraction Inline";
+ "Print Grammar";
+ "Print Graph";
+ "Print Hint";
+ "Print Hint *";
+ "Print HintDb";
+ "Print Implicit";
+ "Print LoadPath";
+ "Print ML Modules";
+ "Print ML Path";
+ "Print Module";
+ "Print Module Type";
+ "Print Modules";
+ "Print Proof";
+ "Print Scope";
+ "Print Scopes.";
+ "Print Section";
+ "Print Table Printing If.";
+ "Print Table Printing Let.";
+ "Print Tables.";
+ "Print Term";
+ "Print Visibility";
+ "Pwd.";
+ "Recursive Extraction";
+ "Recursive Extraction Library";
+ "Search";
+ "SearchAbout";
+ "SearchPattern";
+ "SearchRewrite";
+ "Show";
+ "Show Conjectures";
+ "Show Implicits";
+ "Show Intro";
+ "Show Intros";
+ "Show Proof";
+ "Show Script";
+ "Show Tree";
+ "Test Printing If";
+ "Test Printing Let";
+ "Test Printing Synth";
+ "Test Printing Wildcard";
+let tactics =
+ [
+ [
+ "abstract";
+ "absurd";
+ "apply";
+ "apply __ with";
+ "assert";
+ "assert (__:__)";
+ "assert (__:=__)";
+ "assumption";
+ "auto";
+ "auto with";
+ "autorewrite";
+ ];
+ [
+ "case";
+ "case __ with";
+ "casetype";
+ "cbv";
+ "cbv in";
+ "change";
+ "change __ in";
+ "clear";
+ "clearbody";
+ "cofix";
+ "compare";
+ "compute";
+ "compute in";
+ "congruence";
+ "constructor";
+ "constructor __ with";
+ "contradiction";
+ "cut";
+ "cutrewrite";
+ ];
+ [
+ "decide equality";
+ "decompose";
+ "decompose record";
+ "decompose sum";
+ "dependent inversion";
+ "dependent inversion __ with";
+ "dependent inversion__clear";
+ "dependent inversion__clear __ with";
+ "dependent rewrite ->";
+ "dependent rewrite <-";
+ "destruct";
+ "discriminate";
+ "do";
+ "double induction";
+ ];
+ [
+ "eapply";
+ "eauto";
+ "eauto with";
+ "eexact";
+ "elim";
+ "elim __ using";
+ "elim __ with";
+ "elimtype";
+ "exact";
+ "exists";
+ ];
+ [
+ "fail";
+ "field";
+ "first";
+ "firstorder";
+ "firstorder using";
+ "firstorder with";
+ "fix";
+ "fix __ with";
+ "fold";
+ "fold __ in";
+ "fourier";
+ "functional induction";
+ ];
+ [
+ "generalize";
+ "generalize dependent";
+ ];
+ [
+ "hnf";
+ ];
+ [
+ "idtac";
+ "induction";
+ "info";
+ "injection";
+ "instantiate (__:=__)";
+ "intro";
+ "intro after";
+ "intro __ after";
+ "intros";
+ "intros until";
+ "intuition";
+ "inversion";
+ "inversion __ in";
+ "inversion __ using";
+ "inversion __ using __ in";
+ "inversion__clear";
+ "inversion__clear __ in";
+ ];
+ [
+ "jp <n>";
+ "jp";
+ ];
+ [
+ "lapply";
+ "lazy";
+ "lazy in";
+ "left";
+ ];
+ [
+ "move __ after";
+ ];
+ [
+ "omega";
+ ];
+ [
+ "pattern";
+ "pose";
+ "pose __:=__)";
+ "progress";
+ ];
+ [
+ "quote";
+ ];
+ [
+ "red";
+ "red in";
+ "refine";
+ "reflexivity";
+ "rename __ into";
+ "repeat";
+ "replace __ with";
+ "rewrite";
+ "rewrite __ in";
+ "rewrite <-";
+ "rewrite <- __ in";
+ "right";
+ "ring";
+ ];
+ [
+ "set";
+ "set (__:=__)";
+ "setoid__replace";
+ "setoid__rewrite";
+ "simpl";
+ "simpl __ in";
+ "simple destruct";
+ "simple induction";
+ "simple inversion";
+ "simplify__eq";
+ "solve";
+ "split";
+(* "split__Rabs";
+ "split__Rmult";
+ "subst";
+ "symmetry";
+ "symmetry in";
+ ];
+ [
+ "tauto";
+ "transitivity";
+ "trivial";
+ "try";
+ ];
+ [
+ "unfold";
+ "unfold __ in";
+ ];