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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-10-14 17:51:11 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-10-14 17:51:11 +0200
commit3e96002677226c0cdaa8f355938a76cfb37a722a (patch)
tree3ca96e142fdb68e464d2f5f403f315282b94f922 /doc/refman/RefMan-tacex.tex
parentf18e6146f4fd6ed5b8ded10a3e602f5f64f919f4 (diff)
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+\chapter[Detailed examples of tactics]{Detailed examples of tactics\label{Tactics-examples}}
+This chapter presents detailed examples of certain tactics, to
+illustrate their behavior.
+\section[\tt refine]{\tt refine\tacindex{refine}
+This tactic applies to any goal. It behaves like {\tt exact} with a
+big difference : the user can leave some holes (denoted by \texttt{\_} or
+{\tt (\_:}{\it type}{\tt )}) in the term.
+{\tt refine} will generate as many
+subgoals as they are holes in the term. The type of holes must be
+either synthesized by the system or declared by an
+explicit cast like \verb|(\_:nat->Prop)|. This low-level
+tactic can be useful to advanced users.
+Inductive Option : Set :=
+ | Fail : Option
+ | Ok : bool -> Option.
+Definition get : forall x:Option, x <> Fail -> bool.
+ (fun x:Option =>
+ match x return x <> Fail -> bool with
+ | Fail => _
+ | Ok b => fun _ => b
+ end).
+intros; absurd (Fail = Fail); trivial.
+% \example{Using Refine to build a poor-man's ``Cases'' tactic}
+% \texttt{Refine} is actually the only way for the user to do
+% a proof with the same structure as a {\tt Cases} definition. Actually,
+% the tactics \texttt{case} (see \ref{case}) and \texttt{Elim} (see
+% \ref{elim}) only allow one step of elementary induction.
+% \begin{coq_example*}
+% Require Bool.
+% Require Arith.
+% \end{coq_example*}
+% %\begin{coq_eval}
+% %Abort.
+% %\end{coq_eval}
+% \begin{coq_example}
+% Definition one_two_or_five := [x:nat]
+% Cases x of
+% (1) => true
+% | (2) => true
+% | (5) => true
+% | _ => false
+% end.
+% Goal (x:nat)(Is_true (one_two_or_five x)) -> x=(1)\/x=(2)\/x=(5).
+% \end{coq_example}
+% A traditional script would be the following:
+% \begin{coq_example*}
+% Destruct x.
+% Tauto.
+% Destruct n.
+% Auto.
+% Destruct n0.
+% Auto.
+% Destruct n1.
+% Tauto.
+% Destruct n2.
+% Tauto.
+% Destruct n3.
+% Auto.
+% Intros; Inversion H.
+% \end{coq_example*}
+% With the tactic \texttt{Refine}, it becomes quite shorter:
+% \begin{coq_example*}
+% Restart.
+% \end{coq_example*}
+% \begin{coq_example}
+% Refine [x:nat]
+% <[y:nat](Is_true (one_two_or_five y))->(y=(1)\/y=(2)\/y=(5))>
+% Cases x of
+% (1) => [H]?
+% | (2) => [H]?
+% | (5) => [H]?
+% | n => [H](False_ind ? H)
+% end; Auto.
+% \end{coq_example}
+% \begin{coq_eval}
+% Abort.
+% \end{coq_eval}
+\section[\tt eapply]{\tt eapply\tacindex{eapply}
+Assume we have a relation on {\tt nat} which is transitive:
+Variable R : nat -> nat -> Prop.
+Hypothesis Rtrans : forall x y z:nat, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
+Variables n m p : nat.
+Hypothesis Rnm : R n m.
+Hypothesis Rmp : R m p.
+Consider the goal {\tt (R n p)} provable using the transitivity of
+{\tt R}:
+Goal R n p.
+The direct application of {\tt Rtrans} with {\tt apply} fails because
+no value for {\tt y} in {\tt Rtrans} is found by {\tt apply}:
+Set Printing Depth 50.
+(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
+(**** Error: generated subgoal (R n ?17) has metavariables in it *****)
+apply Rtrans.
+A solution is to rather apply {\tt (Rtrans n m p)}.
+apply (Rtrans n m p).
+More elegantly, {\tt apply Rtrans with (y:=m)} allows to only mention
+the unknown {\tt m}:
+ apply Rtrans with (y := m).
+Another solution is to mention the proof of {\tt (R x y)} in {\tt
+ apply Rtrans with (1 := Rnm).
+... or the proof of {\tt (R y z)}:
+ apply Rtrans with (2 := Rmp).
+On the opposite, one can use {\tt eapply} which postpone the problem
+of finding {\tt m}. Then one can apply the hypotheses {\tt Rnm} and {\tt
+Rmp}. This instantiates the existential variable and completes the proof.
+eapply Rtrans.
+apply Rnm.
+apply Rmp.
+Reset R.
+\section[{\tt Scheme}]{{\tt Scheme}\comindex{Scheme}
+\example{Induction scheme for \texttt{tree} and \texttt{forest}}
+The definition of principle of mutual induction for {\tt tree} and
+{\tt forest} over the sort {\tt Set} is defined by the command:
+Reset Initial.
+Variables A B :
+ Set.
+Inductive tree : Set :=
+ node : A -> forest -> tree
+with forest : Set :=
+ | leaf : B -> forest
+ | cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
+Scheme tree_forest_rec := Induction for tree Sort Set
+ with forest_tree_rec := Induction for forest Sort Set.
+You may now look at the type of {\tt tree\_forest\_rec}:
+Check tree_forest_rec.
+This principle involves two different predicates for {\tt trees} and
+{\tt forests}; it also has three premises each one corresponding to a
+constructor of one of the inductive definitions.
+The principle {\tt forest\_tree\_rec} shares exactly the same
+premises, only the conclusion now refers to the property of forests.
+Check forest_tree_rec.
+\example{Predicates {\tt odd} and {\tt even} on naturals}
+Let {\tt odd} and {\tt even} be inductively defined as:
+% Reset Initial.
+Open Scope nat_scope.
+Inductive odd : nat -> Prop :=
+ oddS : forall n:nat, even n -> odd (S n)
+with even : nat -> Prop :=
+ | evenO : even 0
+ | evenS : forall n:nat, odd n -> even (S n).
+The following command generates a powerful elimination
+Scheme odd_even := Minimality for odd Sort Prop
+ with even_odd := Minimality for even Sort Prop.
+The type of {\tt odd\_even} for instance will be:
+Check odd_even.
+The type of {\tt even\_odd} shares the same premises but the
+conclusion is {\tt (n:nat)(even n)->(Q n)}.
+\subsection[{\tt Combined Scheme}]{{\tt Combined Scheme}\comindex{Combined Scheme}
+We can define the induction principles for trees and forests using:
+Scheme tree_forest_ind := Induction for tree Sort Prop
+ with forest_tree_ind := Induction for forest Sort Prop.
+Then we can build the combined induction principle which gives the
+conjunction of the conclusions of each individual principle:
+Combined Scheme tree_forest_mutind from tree_forest_ind, forest_tree_ind.
+The type of {\tt tree\_forest\_mutrec} will be:
+Check tree_forest_mutind.
+\section[{\tt Functional Scheme} and {\tt functional induction}]{{\tt Functional Scheme} and {\tt functional induction}\comindex{Functional Scheme}\tacindex{functional induction}
+\example{Induction scheme for \texttt{div2}}
+We define the function \texttt{div2} as follows:
+Reset Initial.
+Require Import Arith.
+Fixpoint div2 (n:nat) : nat :=
+ match n with
+ | O => 0
+ | S O => 0
+ | S (S n') => S (div2 n')
+ end.
+The definition of a principle of induction corresponding to the
+recursive structure of \texttt{div2} is defined by the command:
+Functional Scheme div2_ind := Induction for div2 Sort Prop.
+You may now look at the type of {\tt div2\_ind}:
+Check div2_ind.
+We can now prove the following lemma using this principle:
+Lemma div2_le' : forall n:nat, div2 n <= n.
+intro n.
+ pattern n , (div2 n).
+apply div2_ind; intros.
+auto with arith.
+auto with arith.
+simpl; auto with arith.
+We can use directly the \texttt{functional induction}
+(\ref{FunInduction}) tactic instead of the pattern/apply trick:
+Reset div2_le'.
+Lemma div2_le : forall n:nat, div2 n <= n.
+intro n.
+functional induction (div2 n).
+auto with arith.
+auto with arith.
+auto with arith.
+\Rem There is a difference between obtaining an induction scheme for a
+function by using \texttt{Function} (see Section~\ref{Function}) and by
+using \texttt{Functional Scheme} after a normal definition using
+\texttt{Fixpoint} or \texttt{Definition}. See \ref{Function} for
+\example{Induction scheme for \texttt{tree\_size}}
+Reset Initial.
+We define trees by the following mutual inductive type:
+Variable A : Set.
+Inductive tree : Set :=
+ node : A -> forest -> tree
+with forest : Set :=
+ | empty : forest
+ | cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
+We define the function \texttt{tree\_size} that computes the size
+of a tree or a forest. Note that we use \texttt{Function} which
+generally produces better principles.
+Function tree_size (t:tree) : nat :=
+ match t with
+ | node A f => S (forest_size f)
+ end
+ with forest_size (f:forest) : nat :=
+ match f with
+ | empty => 0
+ | cons t f' => (tree_size t + forest_size f')
+ end.
+Remark: \texttt{Function} generates itself non mutual induction
+principles {\tt tree\_size\_ind} and {\tt forest\_size\_ind}:
+Check tree_size_ind.
+The definition of mutual induction principles following the recursive
+structure of \texttt{tree\_size} and \texttt{forest\_size} is defined
+by the command:
+Functional Scheme tree_size_ind2 := Induction for tree_size Sort Prop
+with forest_size_ind2 := Induction for forest_size Sort Prop.
+You may now look at the type of {\tt tree\_size\_ind2}:
+Check tree_size_ind2.
+\section[{\tt inversion}]{{\tt inversion}\tacindex{inversion}
+\subsection*{Generalities about inversion}
+When working with (co)inductive predicates, we are very often faced to
+some of these situations:
+\item we have an inconsistent instance of an inductive predicate in the
+ local context of hypotheses. Thus, the current goal can be trivially
+ proved by absurdity.
+\item we have a hypothesis that is an instance of an inductive
+ predicate, and the instance has some variables whose constraints we
+ would like to derive.
+The inversion tactics are very useful to simplify the work in these
+cases. Inversion tools can be classified in three groups:
+\item tactics for inverting an instance without stocking the inversion
+ lemma in the context; this includes the tactics
+ (\texttt{dependent}) \texttt{inversion} and
+ (\texttt{dependent}) \texttt{inversion\_clear}.
+\item commands for generating and stocking in the context the inversion
+ lemma corresponding to an instance; this includes \texttt{Derive}
+ (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion} and \texttt{Derive}
+ (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion\_clear}.
+\item tactics for inverting an instance using an already defined
+ inversion lemma; this includes the tactic \texttt{inversion \ldots using}.
+As inversion proofs may be large in size, we recommend the user to
+stock the lemmas whenever the same instance needs to be inverted
+several times.
+\example{Non-dependent inversion}
+Let's consider the relation \texttt{Le} over natural numbers and the
+following variables:
+Reset Initial.
+Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Set :=
+ | LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0 n
+ | LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
+Variable P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
+Variable Q : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Prop.
+For example, consider the goal:
+Lemma ex : forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
+To prove the goal we may need to reason by cases on \texttt{H} and to
+ derive that \texttt{m} is necessarily of
+the form $(S~m_0)$ for certain $m_0$ and that $(Le~n~m_0)$.
+Deriving these conditions corresponds to prove that the
+only possible constructor of \texttt{(Le (S n) m)} is
+\texttt{LeS} and that we can invert the
+\texttt{->} in the type of \texttt{LeS}.
+This inversion is possible because \texttt{Le} is the smallest set closed by
+the constructors \texttt{LeO} and \texttt{LeS}.
+inversion_clear H.
+Note that \texttt{m} has been substituted in the goal for \texttt{(S m0)}
+and that the hypothesis \texttt{(Le n m0)} has been added to the
+Sometimes it is
+interesting to have the equality \texttt{m=(S m0)} in the
+context to use it after. In that case we can use \texttt{inversion} that
+does not clear the equalities:
+inversion H.
+\example{Dependent Inversion}
+Let us consider the following goal:
+Lemma ex_dep : forall (n m:nat) (H:Le (S n) m), Q (S n) m H.
+As \texttt{H} occurs in the goal, we may want to reason by cases on its
+structure and so, we would like inversion tactics to
+substitute \texttt{H} by the corresponding term in constructor form.
+Neither \texttt{Inversion} nor {\tt Inversion\_clear} make such a
+To have such a behavior we use the dependent inversion tactics:
+dependent inversion_clear H.
+Note that \texttt{H} has been substituted by \texttt{(LeS n m0 l)} and
+\texttt{m} by \texttt{(S m0)}.
+\example{using already defined inversion lemmas}
+For example, to generate the inversion lemma for the instance
+\texttt{(Le (S n) m)} and the sort \texttt{Prop} we do:
+Derive Inversion_clear leminv with (forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m) Sort
+ Prop.
+Check leminv.
+Then we can use the proven inversion lemma:
+inversion H using leminv.
+Reset Initial.
+\section[\tt dependent induction]{\tt dependent induction\label{dependent-induction-example}}
+\def\depind{{\tt dependent induction}~}
+\def\depdestr{{\tt dependent destruction}~}
+The tactics \depind and \depdestr are another solution for inverting
+inductive predicate instances and potentially doing induction at the
+same time. It is based on the \texttt{BasicElim} tactic of Conor McBride which
+works by abstracting each argument of an inductive instance by a variable
+and constraining it by equalities afterwards. This way, the usual
+{\tt induction} and {\tt destruct} tactics can be applied to the
+abstracted instance and after simplification of the equalities we get
+the expected goals.
+The abstracting tactic is called {\tt generalize\_eqs} and it takes as
+argument an hypothesis to generalize. It uses the {\tt JMeq} datatype
+defined in {\tt Coq.Logic.JMeq}, hence we need to require it before.
+For example, revisiting the first example of the inversion documentation above:
+Require Import Coq.Logic.JMeq.
+Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
+Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Set :=
+ | LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0 n
+ | LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
+Variable P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
+Variable Q : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Prop.
+Goal forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
+intros n m H.
+generalize_eqs H.
+The index {\tt S n} gets abstracted by a variable here, but a
+corresponding equality is added under the abstract instance so that no
+information is actually lost. The goal is now almost amenable to do induction
+or case analysis. One should indeed first move {\tt n} into the goal to
+strengthen it before doing induction, or {\tt n} will be fixed in
+the inductive hypotheses (this does not matter for case analysis).
+As a rule of thumb, all the variables that appear inside constructors in
+the indices of the hypothesis should be generalized. This is exactly
+what the \texttt{generalize\_eqs\_vars} variant does:
+Undo 1.
+generalize_eqs_vars H.
+induction H.
+As the hypothesis itself did not appear in the goal, we did not need to
+use an heterogeneous equality to relate the new hypothesis to the old
+one (which just disappeared here). However, the tactic works just a well
+in this case, e.g.:
+Goal forall n m (p : Le (S n) m), Q (S n) m p.
+intros n m p ; generalize_eqs_vars p.
+One drawback of this approach is that in the branches one will have to
+substitute the equalities back into the instance to get the right
+assumptions. Sometimes injection of constructors will also be needed to
+recover the needed equalities. Also, some subgoals should be directly
+solved because of inconsistent contexts arising from the constraints on
+indexes. The nice thing is that we can make a tactic based on
+discriminate, injection and variants of substitution to automatically
+do such simplifications (which may involve the K axiom).
+This is what the {\tt simplify\_dep\_elim} tactic from
+{\tt Coq.Program.Equality} does. For example, we might simplify the
+previous goals considerably:
+% \begin{coq_eval}
+% Abort.
+% Goal forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
+% intros n m H ; generalize_eqs_vars H.
+% \end{coq_eval}
+induction p ; simplify_dep_elim.
+The higher-order tactic {\tt do\_depind} defined in {\tt
+ Coq.Program.Equality} takes a tactic and combines the
+building blocks we have seen with it: generalizing by equalities
+calling the given tactic with the
+generalized induction hypothesis as argument and cleaning the subgoals
+with respect to equalities. Its most important instantiations are
+\depind and \depdestr that do induction or simply case analysis on the
+generalized hypothesis. For example we can redo what we've done manually
+with \depdestr:
+Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
+Lemma ex : forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
+intros n m H.
+dependent destruction H.
+This gives essentially the same result as inversion. Now if the
+destructed hypothesis actually appeared in the goal, the tactic would
+still be able to invert it, contrary to {\tt dependent
+ inversion}. Consider the following example on vectors:
+Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Variable A : Set.
+Inductive vector : nat -> Type :=
+| vnil : vector 0
+| vcons : A -> forall n, vector n -> vector (S n).
+Goal forall n, forall v : vector (S n),
+ exists v' : vector n, exists a : A, v = vcons a v'.
+ intros n v.
+ dependent destruction v.
+In this case, the {\tt v} variable can be replaced in the goal by the
+generalized hypothesis only when it has a type of the form {\tt vector
+ (S n)}, that is only in the second case of the {\tt destruct}. The
+first one is dismissed because {\tt S n <> 0}.
+\subsection{A larger example}
+Let's see how the technique works with {\tt induction} on inductive
+predicates on a real example. We will develop an example application to the
+theory of simply-typed lambda-calculus formalized in a dependently-typed style:
+Inductive type : Type :=
+| base : type
+| arrow : type -> type -> type.
+Notation " t --> t' " := (arrow t t') (at level 20, t' at next level).
+Inductive ctx : Type :=
+| empty : ctx
+| snoc : ctx -> type -> ctx.
+Notation " G , tau " := (snoc G tau) (at level 20, t at next level).
+Fixpoint conc (G D : ctx) : ctx :=
+ match D with
+ | empty => G
+ | snoc D' x => snoc (conc G D') x
+ end.
+Notation " G ; D " := (conc G D) (at level 20).
+Inductive term : ctx -> type -> Type :=
+| ax : forall G tau, term (G, tau) tau
+| weak : forall G tau,
+ term G tau -> forall tau', term (G, tau') tau
+| abs : forall G tau tau',
+ term (G , tau) tau' -> term G (tau --> tau')
+| app : forall G tau tau',
+ term G (tau --> tau') -> term G tau -> term G tau'.
+We have defined types and contexts which are snoc-lists of types. We
+also have a {\tt conc} operation that concatenates two contexts.
+The {\tt term} datatype represents in fact the possible typing
+derivations of the calculus, which are isomorphic to the well-typed
+terms, hence the name. A term is either an application of:
+\item the axiom rule to type a reference to the first variable in a context,
+\item the weakening rule to type an object in a larger context
+\item the abstraction or lambda rule to type a function
+\item the application to type an application of a function to an argument
+Once we have this datatype we want to do proofs on it, like weakening:
+Lemma weakening : forall G D tau, term (G ; D) tau ->
+ forall tau', term (G , tau' ; D) tau.
+ Abort.
+The problem here is that we can't just use {\tt induction} on the typing
+derivation because it will forget about the {\tt G ; D} constraint
+appearing in the instance. A solution would be to rewrite the goal as:
+Lemma weakening' : forall G' tau, term G' tau ->
+ forall G D, (G ; D) = G' ->
+ forall tau', term (G, tau' ; D) tau.
+ Abort.
+With this proper separation of the index from the instance and the right
+induction loading (putting {\tt G} and {\tt D} after the inducted-on
+hypothesis), the proof will go through, but it is a very tedious
+process. One is also forced to make a wrapper lemma to get back the
+more natural statement. The \depind tactic alleviates this trouble by
+doing all of this plumbing of generalizing and substituting back automatically.
+Indeed we can simply write:
+Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
+Lemma weakening : forall G D tau, term (G ; D) tau ->
+ forall tau', term (G , tau' ; D) tau.
+Proof with simpl in * ; simpl_depind ; auto.
+ intros G D tau H. dependent induction H generalizing G D ; intros.
+This call to \depind has an additional arguments which is a list of
+variables appearing in the instance that should be generalized in the
+goal, so that they can vary in the induction hypotheses. By default, all
+variables appearing inside constructors (except in a parameter position)
+of the instantiated hypothesis will be generalized automatically but
+one can always give the list explicitly.
+ Show.
+The {\tt simpl\_depind} tactic includes an automatic tactic that tries
+to simplify equalities appearing at the beginning of induction
+hypotheses, generally using trivial applications of
+reflexivity. In cases where the equality is not between constructor
+forms though, one must help the automation by giving
+some arguments, using the {\tt specialize} tactic.
+destruct D... apply weak ; apply ax. apply ax.
+destruct D...
+ specialize (IHterm G empty).
+Then the automation can find the needed equality {\tt G = G} to narrow
+the induction hypothesis further. This concludes our example.
+ simpl_depind.
+\SeeAlso The induction \ref{elim}, case \ref{case} and inversion \ref{inversion} tactics.
+\section[\tt autorewrite]{\tt autorewrite\label{autorewrite-example}}
+Here are two examples of {\tt autorewrite} use. The first one ({\em Ackermann
+function}) shows actually a quite basic use where there is no conditional
+rewriting. The second one ({\em Mac Carthy function}) involves conditional
+rewritings and shows how to deal with them using the optional tactic of the
+{\tt Hint~Rewrite} command.
+\example{Ackermann function}
+%Here is a basic use of {\tt AutoRewrite} with the Ackermann function:
+Reset Initial.
+Require Import Arith.
+Variable Ack :
+ nat -> nat -> nat.
+Axiom Ack0 :
+ forall m:nat, Ack 0 m = S m.
+Axiom Ack1 : forall n:nat, Ack (S n) 0 = Ack n 1.
+Axiom Ack2 : forall n m:nat, Ack (S n) (S m) = Ack n (Ack (S n) m).
+Hint Rewrite Ack0 Ack1 Ack2 : base0.
+Lemma ResAck0 :
+ Ack 3 2 = 29.
+autorewrite with base0 using try reflexivity.
+Reset Initial.
+\example{Mac Carthy function}
+%The Mac Carthy function shows a more complex case:
+Require Import Omega.
+Variable g :
+ nat -> nat -> nat.
+Axiom g0 :
+ forall m:nat, g 0 m = m.
+ g1 :
+ forall n m:nat,
+ (n > 0) -> (m > 100) -> g n m = g (pred n) (m - 10).
+ g2 :
+ forall n m:nat,
+ (n > 0) -> (m <= 100) -> g n m = g (S n) (m + 11).
+Hint Rewrite g0 g1 g2 using omega : base1.
+Lemma Resg0 :
+ g 1 110 = 100.
+autorewrite with base1 using reflexivity || simpl.
+Lemma Resg1 : g 1 95 = 91.
+autorewrite with base1 using reflexivity || simpl.
+Reset Initial.
+\section[\tt quote]{\tt quote\tacindex{quote}
+The tactic \texttt{quote} allows to use Barendregt's so-called
+2-level approach without writing any ML code. Suppose you have a
+language \texttt{L} of
+'abstract terms' and a type \texttt{A} of 'concrete terms'
+and a function \texttt{f : L -> A}. If \texttt{L} is a simple
+inductive datatype and \texttt{f} a simple fixpoint, \texttt{quote f}
+will replace the head of current goal by a convertible term of the form
+\texttt{(f t)}. \texttt{L} must have a constructor of type: \texttt{A
+ -> L}.
+Here is an example:
+Require Import Quote.
+Parameters A B C : Prop.
+Inductive formula : Type :=
+ | f_and : formula -> formula -> formula (* binary constructor *)
+ | f_or : formula -> formula -> formula
+ | f_not : formula -> formula (* unary constructor *)
+ | f_true : formula (* 0-ary constructor *)
+ | f_const : Prop -> formula (* constructor for constants *).
+Fixpoint interp_f (f:
+ formula) : Prop :=
+ match f with
+ | f_and f1 f2 => interp_f f1 /\ interp_f f2
+ | f_or f1 f2 => interp_f f1 \/ interp_f f2
+ | f_not f1 => ~ interp_f f1
+ | f_true => True
+ | f_const c => c
+ end.
+Goal A /\ (A \/ True) /\ ~ B /\ (A <-> A).
+quote interp_f.
+The algorithm to perform this inversion is: try to match the
+term with right-hand sides expression of \texttt{f}. If there is a
+match, apply the corresponding left-hand side and call yourself
+recursively on sub-terms. If there is no match, we are at a leaf:
+return the corresponding constructor (here \texttt{f\_const}) applied
+to the term.
+\item \errindex{quote: not a simple fixpoint} \\
+ Happens when \texttt{quote} is not able to perform inversion properly.
+\subsection{Introducing variables map}
+The normal use of \texttt{quote} is to make proofs by reflection: one
+defines a function \texttt{simplify : formula -> formula} and proves a
+theorem \texttt{simplify\_ok: (f:formula)(interp\_f (simplify f)) ->
+ (interp\_f f)}. Then, one can simplify formulas by doing:
+ quote interp_f.
+ apply simplify_ok.
+ compute.
+But there is a problem with leafs: in the example above one cannot
+write a function that implements, for example, the logical simplifications
+$A \land A \ra A$ or $A \land \lnot A \ra \texttt{False}$. This is
+because the \Prop{} is impredicative.
+It is better to use that type of formulas:
+Reset formula.
+Inductive formula : Set :=
+ | f_and : formula -> formula -> formula
+ | f_or : formula -> formula -> formula
+ | f_not : formula -> formula
+ | f_true : formula
+ | f_atom : index -> formula.
+\texttt{index} is defined in module \texttt{quote}. Equality on that
+type is decidable so we are able to simplify $A \land A$ into $A$ at
+the abstract level.
+When there are variables, there are bindings, and \texttt{quote}
+provides also a type \texttt{(varmap A)} of bindings from
+\texttt{index} to any set \texttt{A}, and a function
+\texttt{varmap\_find} to search in such maps. The interpretation
+function has now another argument, a variables map:
+Fixpoint interp_f (vm:
+ varmap Prop) (f:formula) {struct f} : Prop :=
+ match f with
+ | f_and f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 /\ interp_f vm f2
+ | f_or f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 \/ interp_f vm f2
+ | f_not f1 => ~ interp_f vm f1
+ | f_true => True
+ | f_atom i => varmap_find True i vm
+ end.
+\noindent\texttt{quote} handles this second case properly:
+Goal A /\ (B \/ A) /\ (A \/ ~ B).
+quote interp_f.
+It builds \texttt{vm} and \texttt{t} such that \texttt{(f vm t)} is
+convertible with the conclusion of current goal.
+\subsection{Combining variables and constants}
+One can have both variables and constants in abstracts terms; that is
+the case, for example, for the \texttt{ring} tactic (chapter
+\ref{ring}). Then one must provide to \texttt{quote} a list of
+\emph{constructors of constants}. For example, if the list is
+\texttt{[O S]} then closed natural numbers will be considered as
+constants and other terms as variables.
+Reset formula.
+Inductive formula : Type :=
+ | f_and : formula -> formula -> formula
+ | f_or : formula -> formula -> formula
+ | f_not : formula -> formula
+ | f_true : formula
+ | f_const : Prop -> formula (* constructor for constants *)
+ | f_atom : index -> formula.
+Fixpoint interp_f
+ (vm: (* constructor for variables *)
+ varmap Prop) (f:formula) {struct f} : Prop :=
+ match f with
+ | f_and f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 /\ interp_f vm f2
+ | f_or f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 \/ interp_f vm f2
+ | f_not f1 => ~ interp_f vm f1
+ | f_true => True
+ | f_const c => c
+ | f_atom i => varmap_find True i vm
+ end.
+A /\ (A \/ True) /\ ~ B /\ (C <-> C).
+quote interp_f [ A B ].
+ quote interp_f [ B C iff ].
+\Warning Since function inversion
+is undecidable in general case, don't expect miracles from it!
+\item {\tt quote {\ident} in {\term} using {\tac}}
+ \tac\ must be a functional tactic (starting with {\tt fun x =>})
+ and will be called with the quoted version of \term\ according to
+ \ident.
+\item {\tt quote {\ident} [ \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ ] in {\term} using {\tac}}
+ Same as above, but will use \ident$_1$, \dots, \ident$_n$ to
+ chose which subterms are constants (see above).
+% \SeeAlso file \texttt{theories/DEMOS/DemoQuote.v}
+\SeeAlso comments of source file \texttt{plugins/quote/}
+\SeeAlso the \texttt{ring} tactic (Chapter~\ref{ring})
+\section{Using the tactical language}
+\subsection{About the cardinality of the set of natural numbers}
+A first example which shows how to use the pattern matching over the proof
+contexts is the proof that natural numbers have more than two elements. The
+proof of such a lemma can be done as %shown on Figure~\ref{cnatltac}.
+Reset Initial.
+Require Import Arith.
+Require Import List.
+Lemma card_nat :
+ ~ (exists x : nat, exists y : nat, forall z:nat, x = z \/ y = z).
+red; intros (x, (y, Hy)).
+elim (Hy 0); elim (Hy 1); elim (Hy 2); intros;
+ match goal with
+ | [_:(?a = ?b),_:(?a = ?c) |- _ ] =>
+ cut (b = c); [ discriminate | apply trans_equal with a; auto ]
+ end.
+%\caption{A proof on cardinality of natural numbers}
+We can notice that all the (very similar) cases coming from the three
+eliminations (with three distinct natural numbers) are successfully solved by
+a {\tt match goal} structure and, in particular, with only one pattern (use
+of non-linear matching).
+\subsection{Permutation on closed lists}
+Another more complex example is the problem of permutation on closed lists. The
+aim is to show that a closed list is a permutation of another one.
+First, we define the permutation predicate as shown in table~\ref{permutpred}.
+Section Sort.
+Variable A : Set.
+Inductive permut : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
+ | permut_refl : forall l, permut l l
+ | permut_cons :
+ forall a l0 l1, permut l0 l1 -> permut (a :: l0) (a :: l1)
+ | permut_append : forall a l, permut (a :: l) (l ++ a :: nil)
+ | permut_trans :
+ forall l0 l1 l2, permut l0 l1 -> permut l1 l2 -> permut l0 l2.
+End Sort.
+\caption{Definition of the permutation predicate}
+A more complex example is the problem of permutation on closed lists.
+The aim is to show that a closed list is a permutation of another one.
+First, we define the permutation predicate as shown on
+Ltac Permut n :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- (permut _ ?l ?l) => apply permut_refl
+ | |- (permut _ (?a :: ?l1) (?a :: ?l2)) =>
+ let newn := eval compute in (length l1) in
+ (apply permut_cons; Permut newn)
+ | |- (permut ?A (?a :: ?l1) ?l2) =>
+ match eval compute in n with
+ | 1 => fail
+ | _ =>
+ let l1' := constr:(l1 ++ a :: nil) in
+ (apply (permut_trans A (a :: l1) l1' l2);
+ [ apply permut_append | compute; Permut (pred n) ])
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac PermutProve :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- (permut _ ?l1 ?l2) =>
+ match eval compute in (length l1 = length l2) with
+ | (?n = ?n) => Permut n
+ end
+ end.
+\caption{Permutation tactic}
+Next, we can write naturally the tactic and the result can be seen on
+Figure~\ref{permutltac}. We can notice that we use two toplevel
+definitions {\tt PermutProve} and {\tt Permut}. The function to be
+called is {\tt PermutProve} which computes the lengths of the two
+lists and calls {\tt Permut} with the length if the two lists have the
+same length. {\tt Permut} works as expected. If the two lists are
+equal, it concludes. Otherwise, if the lists have identical first
+elements, it applies {\tt Permut} on the tail of the lists. Finally,
+if the lists have different first elements, it puts the first element
+of one of the lists (here the second one which appears in the {\tt
+ permut} predicate) at the end if that is possible, i.e., if the new
+first element has been at this place previously. To verify that all
+rotations have been done for a list, we use the length of the list as
+an argument for {\tt Permut} and this length is decremented for each
+rotation down to, but not including, 1 because for a list of length
+$n$, we can make exactly $n-1$ rotations to generate at most $n$
+distinct lists. Here, it must be noticed that we use the natural
+numbers of {\Coq} for the rotation counter. On Figure~\ref{ltac}, we
+can see that it is possible to use usual natural numbers but they are
+only used as arguments for primitive tactics and they cannot be
+handled, in particular, we cannot make computations with them. So, a
+natural choice is to use {\Coq} data structures so that {\Coq} makes
+the computations (reductions) by {\tt eval compute in} and we can get
+the terms back by {\tt match}.
+With {\tt PermutProve}, we can now prove lemmas as
+% shown on Figure~\ref{permutlem}.
+Lemma permut_ex1 :
+ permut nat (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil) (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: nil).
+Proof. PermutProve. Qed.
+Lemma permut_ex2 :
+ permut nat
+ (0 :: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: 9 :: nil)
+ (0 :: 2 :: 4 :: 6 :: 8 :: 9 :: 7 :: 5 :: 3 :: 1 :: nil).
+Proof. PermutProve. Qed.
+%\caption{Examples of {\tt PermutProve} use}
+\subsection{Deciding intuitionistic propositional logic}
+Ltac Axioms :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- True => trivial
+ | _:False |- _ => elimtype False; assumption
+ | _:?A |- ?A => auto
+ end.
+\caption{Deciding intuitionistic propositions (1)}
+Ltac DSimplif :=
+ repeat
+ (intros;
+ match goal with
+ | id:(~ _) |- _ => red in id
+ | id:(_ /\ _) |- _ =>
+ elim id; do 2 intro; clear id
+ | id:(_ \/ _) |- _ =>
+ elim id; intro; clear id
+ | id:(?A /\ ?B -> ?C) |- _ =>
+ cut (A -> B -> C);
+ [ intro | intros; apply id; split; assumption ]
+ | id:(?A \/ ?B -> ?C) |- _ =>
+ cut (B -> C);
+ [ cut (A -> C);
+ [ intros; clear id
+ | intro; apply id; left; assumption ]
+ | intro; apply id; right; assumption ]
+ | id0:(?A -> ?B),id1:?A |- _ =>
+ cut B; [ intro; clear id0 | apply id0; assumption ]
+ | |- (_ /\ _) => split
+ | |- (~ _) => red
+ end).
+Ltac TautoProp :=
+ DSimplif;
+ Axioms ||
+ match goal with
+ | id:((?A -> ?B) -> ?C) |- _ =>
+ cut (B -> C);
+ [ intro; cut (A -> B);
+ [ intro; cut C;
+ [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
+ | clear id ]
+ | intro; apply id; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
+ | id:(~ ?A -> ?B) |- _ =>
+ cut (False -> B);
+ [ intro; cut (A -> False);
+ [ intro; cut B;
+ [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
+ | clear id ]
+ | intro; apply id; red; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
+ | |- (_ \/ _) => (left; TautoProp) || (right; TautoProp)
+ end.
+\caption{Deciding intuitionistic propositions (2)}
+The pattern matching on goals allows a complete and so a powerful
+backtracking when returning tactic values. An interesting application
+is the problem of deciding intuitionistic propositional logic.
+Considering the contraction-free sequent calculi {\tt LJT*} of
+Roy~Dyckhoff (\cite{Dyc92}), it is quite natural to code such a tactic
+using the tactic language as shown on Figures~\ref{tautoltaca}
+and~\ref{tautoltacb}. The tactic {\tt Axioms} tries to conclude using
+usual axioms. The tactic {\tt DSimplif} applies all the reversible
+rules of Dyckhoff's system. Finally, the tactic {\tt TautoProp} (the
+main tactic to be called) simplifies with {\tt DSimplif}, tries to
+conclude with {\tt Axioms} and tries several paths using the
+backtracking rules (one of the four Dyckhoff's rules for the left
+implication to get rid of the contraction and the right or).
+For example, with {\tt TautoProp}, we can prove tautologies like
+ those:
+% on Figure~\ref{tautolem}.
+Lemma tauto_ex1 : forall A B:Prop, A /\ B -> A \/ B.
+Proof. TautoProp. Qed.
+Lemma tauto_ex2 :
+ forall A B:Prop, (~ ~ B -> B) -> (A -> B) -> ~ ~ A -> B.
+Proof. TautoProp. Qed.
+%\caption{Proofs of tautologies with {\tt TautoProp}}
+\subsection{Deciding type isomorphisms}
+A more tricky problem is to decide equalities between types and modulo
+isomorphisms. Here, we choose to use the isomorphisms of the simply typed
+$\lb{}$-calculus with Cartesian product and $unit$ type (see, for example,
+\cite{RC95}). The axioms of this $\lb{}$-calculus are given by
+Reset Initial.
+Open Scope type_scope.
+Section Iso_axioms.
+Variables A B C : Set.
+Axiom Com : A * B = B * A.
+Axiom Ass : A * (B * C) = A * B * C.
+Axiom Cur : (A * B -> C) = (A -> B -> C).
+Axiom Dis : (A -> B * C) = (A -> B) * (A -> C).
+Axiom P_unit : A * unit = A.
+Axiom AR_unit : (A -> unit) = unit.
+Axiom AL_unit : (unit -> A) = A.
+Lemma Cons : B = C -> A * B = A * C.
+intro Heq; rewrite Heq; apply refl_equal.
+End Iso_axioms.
+\caption{Type isomorphism axioms}
+A more tricky problem is to decide equalities between types and modulo
+isomorphisms. Here, we choose to use the isomorphisms of the simply typed
+$\lb{}$-calculus with Cartesian product and $unit$ type (see, for example,
+\cite{RC95}). The axioms of this $\lb{}$-calculus are given on
+Ltac DSimplif trm :=
+ match trm with
+ | (?A * ?B * ?C) =>
+ rewrite <- (Ass A B C); try MainSimplif
+ | (?A * ?B -> ?C) =>
+ rewrite (Cur A B C); try MainSimplif
+ | (?A -> ?B * ?C) =>
+ rewrite (Dis A B C); try MainSimplif
+ | (?A * unit) =>
+ rewrite (P_unit A); try MainSimplif
+ | (unit * ?B) =>
+ rewrite (Com unit B); try MainSimplif
+ | (?A -> unit) =>
+ rewrite (AR_unit A); try MainSimplif
+ | (unit -> ?B) =>
+ rewrite (AL_unit B); try MainSimplif
+ | (?A * ?B) =>
+ (DSimplif A; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif B; try MainSimplif)
+ | (?A -> ?B) =>
+ (DSimplif A; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif B; try MainSimplif)
+ end
+ with MainSimplif :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- (?A = ?B) => try DSimplif A; try DSimplif B
+ end.
+Ltac Length trm :=
+ match trm with
+ | (_ * ?B) => let succ := Length B in constr:(S succ)
+ | _ => constr:1
+ end.
+Ltac assoc := repeat rewrite <- Ass.
+\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (1)}
+Ltac DoCompare n :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- (?A = ?A) ] => apply refl_equal
+ | [ |- (?A * ?B = ?A * ?C) ] =>
+ apply Cons; let newn := Length B in
+ DoCompare newn
+ | [ |- (?A * ?B = ?C) ] =>
+ match eval compute in n with
+ | 1 => fail
+ | _ =>
+ pattern (A * B) at 1; rewrite Com; assoc; DoCompare (pred n)
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac CompareStruct :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- (?A = ?B) ] =>
+ let l1 := Length A
+ with l2 := Length B in
+ match eval compute in (l1 = l2) with
+ | (?n = ?n) => DoCompare n
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac IsoProve := MainSimplif; CompareStruct.
+\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (2)}
+The tactic to judge equalities modulo this axiomatization can be written as
+shown on Figures~\ref{isosltac1} and~\ref{isosltac2}. The algorithm is quite
+simple. Types are reduced using axioms that can be oriented (this done by {\tt
+MainSimplif}). The normal forms are sequences of Cartesian
+products without Cartesian product in the left component. These normal forms
+are then compared modulo permutation of the components (this is done by {\tt
+CompareStruct}). The main tactic to be called and realizing this algorithm is
+{\tt IsoProve}.
+% Figure~\ref{isoslem} gives
+Here are examples of what can be solved by {\tt IsoProve}.
+Lemma isos_ex1 :
+ forall A B:Set, A * unit * B = B * (unit * A).
+intros; IsoProve.
+Lemma isos_ex2 :
+ forall A B C:Set,
+ (A * unit -> B * (C * unit)) =
+ (A * unit -> (C -> unit) * C) * (unit -> A -> B).
+intros; IsoProve.
+%\caption{Type equalities solved by {\tt IsoProve}}
+%%% Local Variables:
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