path: root/dev/doc/
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2018-12-29 14:31:32 -0500
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2018-12-29 14:31:32 -0500
commit2708a015fcf65f72328be4296a00dd32b1f1c17a (patch)
tree696f9b5fb84817e1a5c8d9271976a92e25aef18a /dev/doc/
parentd7d80c5bea564b7cb0eadc33e9ee38c9d9de1cd8 (diff)
parent9043add656177eeac1491a73d2f3ab92bec0013c (diff)
Updated version 8.8.2 from 'upstream/8.8.2'
Diffstat (limited to 'dev/doc/')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev/doc/ b/dev/doc/
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index 00000000..8f96ac22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Tutorial on the new proof engine for ML tactic writers
+Starting from Coq 8.5, a new proof engine has been introduced, replacing the old
+meta-based engine which had a lot of drawbacks, ranging from expressivity to
+soundness, the major one being that the type of tactics was transparent. This
+was pervasively abused and made virtually impossible to tweak the implementation
+of the engine.
+The old engine is deprecated and is slowly getting removed from the source code.
+The new engine relies on a monadic API defined in the `Proofview` module. Helper
+functions and higher-level operations are defined in the `Tacmach` and
+`Tacticals` modules, and end-user tactics are defined amongst other in the
+`Tactics` module.
+At the root of the engine is a representation of proofs as partial terms that
+can contain typed holes, called evars, short for *existential variable*. An evar
+is essentially defined by its context and return type, that we will write
+`?e : [Γ ⊢ _ : A]`. An evar `?e` must be applied to a substitution `σ` of type
+`Γ` (i.e. a list of terms) to produce a term of type `A`, which is done by
+applying `EConstr.mkEvar`, and which we will write `?e{σ}`.
+The engine monad features a notion of global state called `evar_map`, defined in
+the `Evd` module, which is the structure containing the incremental refinement
+of evars. `Evd` is a low-level API and its use is discouraged in favour of the
+`Evarutil` module which provides more abstract primitives.
+In addition to this state, the monad also features a goal state, that is
+an ordered list of current holes to be filled. While these holes are referred
+to as goals at a high-enough level, they are actually no more than evars. The
+API provided to deal with these holes can be found in the `Proofview.Goal`
+module. Tactics are naturally operating on several goals at once, so that it is
+usual to use the `Proofview.Goal.enter` function and its variants to dispatch a
+tactic to each of the goals under focus.
+Primitive tactics by term refining
+A typical low-level tactic will be defined by plugging partial terms in the
+goal holes thanks to the `Refine` module, and in particular to the
+`Refine.refine` primitive.
+val refine : typecheck:bool -> Constr.t -> unit tactic
+(** In [refine typecheck t], [t] is a term with holes under some
+ [evar_map] context. The term [t] is used as a partial solution
+ for the current goal (refine is a goal-dependent tactic), the
+ new holes created by [t] become the new subgoals. Exceptions
+ raised during the interpretation of [t] are caught and result in
+ tactic failures. If [typecheck] is [true] [t] is type-checked beforehand. *)
+In a first approximation, we can think of `'a` as
+`evar_map -> 'a * evar_map`. What the function does is first evaluate the
+`Constr.t` argument in the current proof state, and then use the
+resulting term as a filler for the proof under focus. All evars that have been
+created by the invocation of this thunk are then turned into new goals added in
+the order of their creation.
+To see how we can use it, let us have a look at an idealized example, the `cut`
+tactic. Assuming `X` is a type, `cut X` fills the current goal `[Γ ⊢ _ : A]`
+with a term `let x : X := ?e2{Γ} in ?e1{Γ} x` where `x` is a fresh variable and
+`?e1 : [Γ ⊢ _ : X -> A]` and `?e2 : [Γ ⊢ _ : X]`. The current goal is solved and
+two new holes `[e1, e2]` are added to the goal state in this order.
+let cut c =
+ let open Sigma in
+ Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = begin fun gl ->
+ (** In this block, we focus on one goal at a time indicated by gl *)
+ let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
+ (** Get the context of the goal, essentially [Γ] *)
+ let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
+ (** Get the conclusion [A] of the goal *)
+ let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl in
+ (** List of hypotheses from the context of the goal *)
+ let id = Namegen.next_name_away Anonymous hyps in
+ (** Generate a fresh identifier *)
+ let t = mkArrow c (Vars.lift 1 concl) in
+ (** Build [X -> A]. Note the lifting of [A] due to being on the right hand
+ side of the arrow. *)
+ Refine.refine { run = begin fun sigma ->
+ (** All evars generated by this block will be added as goals *)
+ let Sigma (f, sigma, p) = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma t in
+ (** Generate ?e1 : [Γ ⊢ _ : X -> A], add it to sigma, and return the
+ term [f := Γ ⊢ ?e1{Γ} : X -> A] with the updated sigma. The identity
+ substitution for [Γ] is extracted from the [env] argument, so that
+ one must be careful to pass the correct context here in order for the
+ resulting term to be well-typed. The [p] return value is a proof term
+ used to enforce sigma monotonicity. *)
+ let Sigma (x, sigma, q) = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma c in
+ (** Generate ?e2 : [Γ ⊢ _ : X] in sigma and return
+ [x := Γ ⊢ ?e2{Γ} : X]. *)
+ let r = mkLetIn (Name id, x, c, mkApp (Vars.lift 1 r, [|mkRel 1|])) in
+ (** Build [r := Γ ⊢ let id : X := ?e2{Γ} in ?e1{Γ} id : A] *)
+ Sigma (r, sigma, p +> q)
+ (** Fills the current hole with [r]. The [p +> q] thingy ensures
+ monotonicity of sigma. *)
+ end }
+ end }
+The `Evarutil.new_evar` function is the preferred way to generate evars in
+tactics. It returns a ready-to-use term, so that one does not have to call
+the `mkEvar` primitive. There are lower-level variants whose use is dedicated to
+special use cases, *e.g.* whenever one wants a non-identity substitution. One
+should take care to call it with the proper `env` argument so that the evar
+and term it generates make sense in the context they will be plugged in.
+For the sake of completeness, the old engine was relying on the `Tacmach.refine`
+function to provide a similar feature. Nonetheless, it was using untyped metas
+instead of evars, so that it had to mangle the argument term to actually produce
+the term that would be put into the hole. For instance, to work around the
+untypedness, some metas had to be coerced with a cast to enforce their type,
+otherwise leading to runtime errors. This was working for very simple
+instances, but was unreliable for everything else.
+High-level composition of tactics
+It is possible to combine low-level refinement tactics to create more powerful
+abstractions. While it was the standard way of doing things in the old engine
+to overcome its technical limitations (namely that one was forced to go through
+a limited set of derivation rules), it is recommended to generate proofs as
+much as possible by refining in ML tactics when it is possible and easy enough.
+Indeed, this prevents dependence on fragile constructions such as unification.
+Obviously, it does not forbid the use of tacticals to mimick what one would do
+in Ltac. Each Ltac primitive has a corresponding ML counterpart with simple
+semantics. A list of such tacticals can be found in the `Tacticals` module. Most
+of them are a porting of the tacticals from the old engine to the new one, so
+that if they share the same name they are expected to have the same semantics.