path: root/contrib/interface/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /contrib/interface/
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/interface/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f43193..00000000
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant *)
-(* <O___,, * *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1, *)
-(* * or (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* Copyright © 2007, Lionel Elie Mamane <> *)
-(* This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *)
-(* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, *)
-(* MA 02110-1301, USA *)
-(* LEM TODO: a .mli file *)
-open Refiner
-open Proof_type
-open Rawterm
-open Term
-open Libnames
-open Util
-open Tacexpr
-open Entries
-(* DBG utilities, to be removed *)
-let print_bool b = print_string (string_of_bool b)
-let string_of_ppcmds p = Pp.pp_with Format.str_formatter p; Format.flush_str_formatter()
-let acc_str f = List.fold_left (fun a b -> a ^ (f b) ^ "+") "O"
-(* End utilities, to be removed *)
-let explore_tree pfs =
- print_string "explore_tree called\n";
- print_string "pfs is a top: ";
- (* We expect yes. *)
- print_string (if (is_top_pftreestate pfs) then "yes" else "no");
- print_newline();
- let rec explain_tree (pt:proof_tree) =
- match pt.ref with
- | None -> "none"
- | Some (Prim p, l) -> "<Prim (" ^ (explain_prim p) ^ ") | " ^ (acc_str explain_tree l) ^ ">"
- | Some (Nested (t,p), l) -> "<Nested (" ^ explain_compound t ^ ", " ^ (explain_tree p) ^ ") | " ^ (acc_str explain_tree l) ^ ">"
- | Some (Decl_proof _, _) -> "Decl_proof"
- | Some (Daimon, _) -> "Daimon"
- and explain_compound cr =
- match cr with
- | Tactic (texp, b) -> "Tactic (" ^ (string_of_ppcmds (Tactic_printer.pr_tactic texp)) ^ ", " ^ (string_of_bool b) ^ ")"
- | Proof_instr (b, instr) -> "Proof_instr (" ^ (string_of_bool b) ^ (string_of_ppcmds (Tactic_printer.pr_proof_instr instr)) ^ ")"
- and explain_prim = function
- | Refine c -> "Refine " ^ (string_of_ppcmds (Printer.prterm c))
- | Intro identifier -> "Intro"
- | Cut (bool, _, identifier, types) -> "Cut"
- | FixRule (identifier, int, l, _) -> "FixRule"
- | Cofix (identifier, l, _) -> "Cofix"
- | Convert_concl (types, cast_kind) -> "Convert_concl"
- | Convert_hyp named_declaration -> "Convert_hyp"
- | Thin identifier_list -> "Thin"
- | ThinBody identifier_list -> "ThinBody"
- | Move (bool, identifier, identifier') -> "Move"
- | Rename (identifier, identifier') -> "Rename"
- | Change_evars -> "Change_evars"
- | Order _ -> "Order"
- in
- let pt = proof_of_pftreestate pfs in
- (* We expect 0 *)
- print_string "Number of open subgoals: ";
- print_int pt.open_subgoals;
- print_newline();
- print_string "First rule is a ";
- print_string (explain_tree pt);
- print_newline()
-let o f g x = f (g x)
-let fst_of_3 (x, _, _) = x
-let snd_of_3 (_, x, _) = x
-let trd_of_3 (_, _, x) = x
-(* TODO: These for now return a Libnames.global_reference, but a
- prooftree will also depend on things like tactic declarations, etc
- so we may need a new type for that. *)
-let rec depends_of_hole_kind hk acc = match hk with
- | Evd.ImplicitArg (gr,_) -> gr::acc
- | Evd.TomatchTypeParameter (ind, _) -> (IndRef ind)::acc
- | Evd.BinderType _
- | Evd.QuestionMark _
- | Evd.CasesType
- | Evd.InternalHole
- | Evd.GoalEvar
- | Evd.ImpossibleCase -> acc
-let depends_of_'a_cast_type depends_of_'a act acc = match act with
- | CastConv (ck, a) -> depends_of_'a a acc
- | CastCoerce -> acc
-let depends_of_'a_bindings depends_of_'a ab acc = match ab with
- | ImplicitBindings al -> list_union_map depends_of_'a al acc
- | ExplicitBindings apl -> list_union_map (fun x y -> depends_of_'a (trd_of_3 x) y) apl acc
- | NoBindings -> acc
-let depends_of_'a_with_bindings depends_of_'a (a, ab) acc =
- depends_of_'a a (depends_of_'a_bindings depends_of_'a ab acc)
-(* let depends_of_constr_with_bindings = depends_of_'a_with_bindings depends_of_constr *)
-(* and depends_of_open_constr_with_bindings = depends_of_'a_with_bindings depends_of_open_let *)
-let depends_of_'a_induction_arg depends_of_'a aia acc = match aia with
- | ElimOnConstr a -> depends_of_'a a acc
- | ElimOnIdent _ ->
- (* TODO: Check that this really refers only to an hypothesis (not a section variable, etc.)
- * It *seems* thaat section variables are seen as hypotheses, so we have a problem :-(
- * Plan: Load all section variables before anything in that
- * section and call the user's proof script "brittle" and refuse
- * to handle if it breaks because of that
- *)
- acc
- | ElimOnAnonHyp _ -> acc
-let depends_of_'a_or_var depends_of_'a aov acc = match aov with
- | ArgArg a -> depends_of_'a a acc
- | ArgVar _ -> acc
-let depends_of_'a_with_occurences depends_of_'a (_,a) acc =
- depends_of_'a a acc
-let depends_of_'a_'b_red_expr_gen depends_of_'a reg acc = match reg with
- (* TODO: dirty assumption that the 'b doesn't make any dependency *)
- | Red _
- | Hnf
- | Cbv _
- | Lazy _
- | Unfold _
- | ExtraRedExpr _
- | CbvVm -> acc
- | Simpl awoo ->
- Option.fold_right
- (depends_of_'a_with_occurences depends_of_'a)
- awoo
- acc
- | Fold al -> list_union_map depends_of_'a al acc
- | Pattern awol ->
- list_union_map
- (depends_of_'a_with_occurences depends_of_'a)
- awol
- acc
-let depends_of_'a_'b_inversion_strength depends_of_'a is acc = match is with
- (* TODO: dirty assumption that the 'b doesn't make any dependency *)
- | NonDepInversion _ -> acc
- | DepInversion (_, ao, _) -> Option.fold_right depends_of_'a ao acc
- | InversionUsing (a, _) -> depends_of_'a a acc
-let depends_of_'a_pexistential depends_of_'a (_, aa) acc = array_union_map depends_of_'a aa acc
-let depends_of_named_vals nvs acc =
- (* TODO: I'm stopping here because I have noooo idea what to do with values... *)
- acc
-let depends_of_inductive ind acc = (IndRef ind)::acc
-let rec depends_of_constr c acc = match kind_of_term c with
- | Rel _ -> acc
- | Var id -> (VarRef id)::acc
- | Meta _ -> acc
- | Evar ev -> depends_of_'a_pexistential depends_of_constr ev acc
- | Sort _ -> acc
- | Cast (c, _, t) -> depends_of_constr c (depends_of_constr t acc)
- | Prod (_, t, t') -> depends_of_constr t (depends_of_constr t' acc)
- | Lambda (_, t, c) -> depends_of_constr t (depends_of_constr c acc)
- | LetIn (_, c, t, c') -> depends_of_constr c (depends_of_constr t (depends_of_constr c' acc))
- | App (c, ca) -> depends_of_constr c (array_union_map depends_of_constr ca acc)
- | Const cnst -> (ConstRef cnst)::acc
- | Ind ind -> (IndRef ind)::acc
- | Construct cons -> (ConstructRef cons)::acc
- | Case (_, c, c', ca) -> depends_of_constr c (depends_of_constr c' (array_union_map depends_of_constr ca acc))
- | Fix (_, (_, ta, ca))
- | CoFix (_, (_, ta, ca)) -> array_union_map depends_of_constr ca (array_union_map depends_of_constr ta acc)
-and depends_of_evar_map evm acc =
- Evd.fold (fun ev evi -> depends_of_evar_info evi) evm acc
-and depends_of_evar_info evi acc =
- (* TODO: evi.evar_extra contains a dynamic... Figure out what to do with it. *)
- depends_of_constr evi.Evd.evar_concl (depends_of_evar_body evi.Evd.evar_body (depends_of_named_context_val evi.Evd.evar_hyps acc))
-and depends_of_evar_body evb acc = match evb with
- | Evd.Evar_empty -> acc
- | Evd.Evar_defined c -> depends_of_constr c acc
-and depends_of_named_context nc acc = list_union_map depends_of_named_declaration nc acc
-and depends_of_named_context_val ncv acc =
- depends_of_named_context (Environ.named_context_of_val ncv) (depends_of_named_vals (Environ.named_vals_of_val ncv) acc)
-and depends_of_named_declaration (_,co,t) acc = depends_of_constr t (Option.fold_right depends_of_constr co acc)
-let depends_of_open_constr (evm,c) acc =
- depends_of_constr c (depends_of_evar_map evm acc)
-let rec depends_of_rawconstr rc acc = match rc with
- | RRef (_,r) -> r::acc
- | RVar (_, id) -> (VarRef id)::acc
- | REvar (_, _, rclo) -> Option.fold_right depends_of_rawconstr_list rclo acc
- | RPatVar _ -> acc
- | RApp (_, rc, rcl) -> depends_of_rawconstr rc (depends_of_rawconstr_list rcl acc)
- | RLambda (_, _, _, rct, rcb)
- | RProd (_, _, _, rct, rcb)
- | RLetIn (_, _, rct, rcb) -> depends_of_rawconstr rcb (depends_of_rawconstr rct acc)
- | RCases (_, _, rco, tmt, cc) ->
- (* LEM TODO: handle the cc *)
- (Option.fold_right depends_of_rawconstr rco
- (list_union_map
- (fun (rc, pp) acc ->
- Option.fold_right (fun (_,ind,_,_) acc -> (IndRef ind)::acc) (snd pp)
- (depends_of_rawconstr rc acc))
- tmt
- acc))
- | RLetTuple (_,_,(_,rco),rc0,rc1) ->
- depends_of_rawconstr rc1 (depends_of_rawconstr rc0 (Option.fold_right depends_of_rawconstr rco acc))
- | RIf (_, rcC, (_, rco), rcT, rcF) -> let dorc = depends_of_rawconstr in
- dorc rcF (dorc rcT (dorc rcF (dorc rcC (Option.fold_right dorc rco acc))))
- | RRec (_, _, _, rdla, rca0, rca1) -> let dorca = array_union_map depends_of_rawconstr in
- dorca rca0 (dorca rca1 (array_union_map
- (list_union_map (fun (_,_,rco,rc) acc -> depends_of_rawconstr rc (Option.fold_right depends_of_rawconstr rco acc)))
- rdla
- acc))
- | RSort _ -> acc
- | RHole (_, hk) -> depends_of_hole_kind hk acc
- | RCast (_, rc, rcct) -> depends_of_rawconstr rc (depends_of_'a_cast_type depends_of_rawconstr rcct acc)
- | RDynamic (_, dyn) -> failwith "Depends of a dyn not implemented yet" (* TODO: figure out how these dyns are used*)
-and depends_of_rawconstr_list l = list_union_map depends_of_rawconstr l
-let depends_of_rawconstr_and_expr (rc, _) acc =
- (* TODO Le constr_expr représente le même terme que le rawconstr. Vérifier ça. *)
- depends_of_rawconstr rc acc
-let rec depends_of_gen_tactic_expr depends_of_'constr depends_of_'ind depends_of_'tac =
- (* TODO:
- * Dirty assumptions that the 'id, 'cst, 'ref don't generate dependencies
- *)
- let rec depends_of_tacexpr texp acc = match texp with
- | TacAtom (_, atexpr) -> depends_of_atomic_tacexpr atexpr acc
- | TacThen (tac0, taca0, tac1, taca1) ->
- depends_of_tacexpr tac0 (array_union_map depends_of_tacexpr taca0 (depends_of_tacexpr tac1 (array_union_map depends_of_tacexpr taca1 acc)))
- | TacThens (tac, tacl) ->
- depends_of_tacexpr tac (list_union_map depends_of_tacexpr tacl acc)
- | TacFirst tacl -> list_union_map depends_of_tacexpr tacl acc
- | TacComplete tac -> depends_of_tacexpr tac acc
- | TacSolve tacl -> list_union_map depends_of_tacexpr tacl acc
- | TacTry tac -> depends_of_tacexpr tac acc
- | TacOrelse (tac0, tac1) -> depends_of_tacexpr tac0 (depends_of_tacexpr tac1 acc)
- | TacDo (_, tac) -> depends_of_tacexpr tac acc
- | TacRepeat tac -> depends_of_tacexpr tac acc
- | TacProgress tac -> depends_of_tacexpr tac acc
- | TacAbstract (tac, _) -> depends_of_tacexpr tac acc
- | TacId _
- | TacFail _ -> acc
- | TacInfo tac -> depends_of_tacexpr tac acc
- | TacLetIn (_, igtal, tac) ->
- depends_of_tacexpr
- tac
- (list_union_map
- (fun x y -> depends_of_tac_arg (snd x) y)
- igtal
- acc)
- | TacMatch (_, tac, tacexpr_mrl) -> failwith "depends_of_tacexpr of a Match not implemented yet"
- | TacMatchGoal (_, _, tacexpr_mrl) -> failwith "depends_of_tacexpr of a Match Context not implemented yet"
- | TacFun tacfa -> depends_of_tac_fun_ast tacfa acc
- | TacArg tacarg -> depends_of_tac_arg tacarg acc
- and depends_of_atomic_tacexpr atexpr acc = let depends_of_'constr_with_bindings = depends_of_'a_with_bindings depends_of_'constr in match atexpr with
- (* Basic tactics *)
- | TacIntroPattern _
- | TacIntrosUntil _
- | TacIntroMove _
- | TacAssumption -> acc
- | TacExact c
- | TacExactNoCheck c
- | TacVmCastNoCheck c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- | TacApply (_, _, [cb], None) -> depends_of_'constr_with_bindings cb acc
- | TacApply (_, _, _, _) -> failwith "TODO"
- | TacElim (_, cwb, cwbo) ->
- depends_of_'constr_with_bindings cwb
- (Option.fold_right depends_of_'constr_with_bindings cwbo acc)
- | TacElimType c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- | TacCase (_, cb) -> depends_of_'constr_with_bindings cb acc
- | TacCaseType c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- | TacFix _
- | TacMutualFix _
- | TacCofix _
- | TacMutualCofix _ -> failwith "depends_of_atomic_tacexpr of a Tac(Mutual)(Co)Fix not implemented yet"
- | TacCut c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- | TacAssert (taco, _, c) ->
- Option.fold_right depends_of_'tac taco (depends_of_'constr c acc)
- | TacGeneralize cl ->
- list_union_map depends_of_'constr ( (fun ((_,c),_) -> c) cl)
- acc
- | TacGeneralizeDep c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- | TacLetTac (_,c,_,_) -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- (* Derived basic tactics *)
- | TacSimpleInductionDestruct _
- | TacDoubleInduction _ -> acc
- | TacInductionDestruct (_, _, [cwbial, cwbo, _, _]) ->
- list_union_map (depends_of_'a_induction_arg depends_of_'constr_with_bindings)
- cwbial
- (Option.fold_right depends_of_'constr_with_bindings cwbo acc)
- | TacInductionDestruct (_, _, _) -> failwith "TODO"
- | TacDecomposeAnd c
- | TacDecomposeOr c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- | TacDecompose (il, c) -> depends_of_'constr c (list_union_map depends_of_'ind il acc)
- | TacSpecialize (_,cwb) -> depends_of_'constr_with_bindings cwb acc
- | TacLApply c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- (* Automation tactics *)
- | TacTrivial (cl, bs) ->
- (* TODO: Maybe make use of bs: list of hint bases to be used. *)
- list_union_map depends_of_'constr cl acc
- | TacAuto (_, cs, bs) ->
- (* TODO: Maybe make use of bs: list of hint bases to be used.
- None -> all ("with *")
- Some list -> a list, "core" added implicitly *)
- list_union_map depends_of_'constr cs acc
- | TacAutoTDB _ -> acc
- | TacDestructHyp _ -> acc
- | TacDestructConcl -> acc
- | TacSuperAuto _ -> (* TODO: this reference thing is scary*)
- acc
- | TacDAuto _ -> acc
- (* Context management *)
- | TacClear _
- | TacClearBody _
- | TacMove _
- | TacRename _
- | TacRevert _ -> acc
- (* Constructors *)
- | TacLeft (_,cb)
- | TacRight (_,cb)
- | TacSplit (_, _, cb)
- | TacConstructor (_, _, cb) -> depends_of_'a_bindings depends_of_'constr cb acc
- | TacAnyConstructor (_,taco) -> Option.fold_right depends_of_'tac taco acc
- (* Conversion *)
- | TacReduce (reg,_) ->
- depends_of_'a_'b_red_expr_gen depends_of_'constr reg acc
- | TacChange (cwoo, c, _) ->
- depends_of_'constr
- c
- (Option.fold_right (depends_of_'a_with_occurences depends_of_'constr) cwoo acc)
- (* Equivalence relations *)
- | TacReflexivity
- | TacSymmetry _ -> acc
- | TacTransitivity c -> depends_of_'constr c acc
- (* Equality and inversion *)
- | TacRewrite (_,cbl,_,_) -> list_union_map (o depends_of_'constr_with_bindings (fun (_,_,x)->x)) cbl acc
- | TacInversion (is, _) -> depends_of_'a_'b_inversion_strength depends_of_'constr is acc
- (* For ML extensions *)
- | TacExtend (_, _, cgal) -> failwith "depends of TacExtend not implemented because depends of a generic_argument not implemented"
- (* For syntax extensions *)
- | TacAlias (_,_,gal,(_,gte)) -> failwith "depends of a TacAlias not implemented because depends of a generic_argument not implemented"
- and depends_of_tac_fun_ast tfa acc = failwith "depend_of_tac_fun_ast not implemented yet"
- and depends_of_tac_arg ta acc = match ta with
- | TacDynamic (_,d) -> failwith "Don't know what to do with a Dyn in tac_arg"
- | TacVoid -> acc
- | MetaIdArg _ -> failwith "Don't know what to do with a MetaIdArg in tac_arg"
- | ConstrMayEval me -> failwith "TODO: depends_of_tac_arg of a ConstrMayEval"
- | IntroPattern _ -> acc
- | Reference ltc -> acc (* TODO: This assumes the "ltac constant" cannot somehow refer to a named object... *)
- | Integer _ -> acc
- | TacCall (_,ltc,l) -> (* TODO: This assumes the "ltac constant" cannot somehow refer to a named object... *)
- list_union_map depends_of_tac_arg l acc
- | TacExternal (_,_,_,l) -> list_union_map depends_of_tac_arg l acc
- | TacFreshId _ -> acc
- | Tacexp tac ->
- depends_of_'tac tac acc
- in
- depends_of_tacexpr
-let rec depends_of_glob_tactic_expr (gte:glob_tactic_expr) acc =
- depends_of_gen_tactic_expr
- depends_of_rawconstr_and_expr
- (depends_of_'a_or_var depends_of_inductive)
- depends_of_glob_tactic_expr
- gte
- acc
-let rec depends_of_tacexpr te acc =
- depends_of_gen_tactic_expr
- depends_of_open_constr
- depends_of_inductive
- depends_of_glob_tactic_expr
- te
- acc
-let depends_of_compound_rule cr acc = match cr with
- | Tactic (texp, _) -> depends_of_tacexpr texp acc
- | Proof_instr (b, instr) ->
- (* TODO: What is the boolean b? Should check. *)
- failwith "Dependency calculation of Proof_instr not implemented yet"
-and depends_of_prim_rule pr acc = match pr with
- | Refine c -> depends_of_constr c acc
- | Intro id -> acc
- | Cut (_, _, _, t) -> depends_of_constr t acc (* TODO: check what 3nd argument contains *)
- | FixRule (_, _, l, _) -> list_union_map (o depends_of_constr trd_of_3) l acc (* TODO: check what the arguments contain *)
- | Cofix (_, l, _) -> list_union_map (o depends_of_constr snd) l acc (* TODO: check what the arguments contain *)
- | Convert_concl (t, _) -> depends_of_constr t acc
- | Convert_hyp (_, None, t) -> depends_of_constr t acc
- | Convert_hyp (_, (Some c), t) -> depends_of_constr c (depends_of_constr t acc)
- | Thin _ -> acc
- | ThinBody _ -> acc
- | Move _ -> acc
- | Rename _ -> acc
- | Change_evars -> acc
- | Order _ -> acc
-let rec depends_of_pftree pt acc =
- match pt.ref with
- | None -> acc
- | Some (Prim pr , l) -> depends_of_prim_rule pr (list_union_map depends_of_pftree l acc)
- | Some (Nested (t, p), l) -> depends_of_compound_rule t (depends_of_pftree p (list_union_map depends_of_pftree l acc))
- | Some (Decl_proof _ , l) -> list_union_map depends_of_pftree l acc
- | Some (Daimon, l) -> list_union_map depends_of_pftree l acc
-let rec depends_of_pftree_head pt acc =
- match pt.ref with
- | None -> acc
- | Some (Prim pr , l) -> depends_of_prim_rule pr acc
- | Some (Nested (t, p), l) -> depends_of_compound_rule t (depends_of_pftree p acc)
- | Some (Decl_proof _ , l) -> acc
- | Some (Daimon, l) -> acc
-let depends_of_pftreestate depends_of_pftree pfs =
-(* print_string "depends_of_pftreestate called\n"; *)
-(* explore_tree pfs; *)
- let pt = proof_of_pftreestate pfs in
- assert (is_top_pftreestate pfs);
- assert (pt.open_subgoals = 0);
- depends_of_pftree pt []
-let depends_of_definition_entry de ~acc =
- Option.fold_right
- depends_of_constr
- de.const_entry_type
- (depends_of_constr de.const_entry_body acc)