path: root/contrib/funind/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (patch)
treead89c6bb57ceee608fcba2bb3435b74e0f57919e /contrib/funind/
parent018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3+8.1alphaupstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind/')
1 files changed, 1012 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..327198b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+open Printer
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Term
+open Rawterm
+open Libnames
+open Indfun_common
+open Util
+open Rawtermops
+let observe strm =
+ if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff && false
+ then Pp.msgnl strm
+ else ()
+let observennl strm =
+ if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff &&false
+ then Pp.msg strm
+ else ()
+(* type binder_type = *)
+(* | Lambda *)
+(* | Prod *)
+(* | LetIn *)
+(* type raw_context = (binder_type*name*rawconstr) list *)
+type binder_type =
+ | Lambda of name
+ | Prod of name
+ | LetIn of name
+(* | LetTuple of name list * name *)
+type raw_context = (binder_type*rawconstr) list
+ compose_raw_context [(bt_1,n_1,t_1);......] rt returns
+ b_1(n_1,t_1,.....,bn(n_k,t_k,rt)) where the b_i's are the
+ binders corresponding to the bt_i's
+let compose_raw_context =
+ let compose_binder (bt,t) acc =
+ match bt with
+ | Lambda n -> mkRLambda(n,t,acc)
+ | Prod n -> mkRProd(n,t,acc)
+ | LetIn n -> mkRLetIn(n,t,acc)
+(* | LetTuple (nal,na) -> *)
+(* RLetTuple(dummy_loc,nal,(na,None),t,acc) *)
+ in
+ List.fold_right compose_binder
+ The main part deals with building a list of raw constructor expressions
+ from the rhs of a fixpoint equation.
+type 'a build_entry_pre_return =
+ {
+ context : raw_context; (* the binding context of the result *)
+ value : 'a; (* The value *)
+ }
+type 'a build_entry_return =
+ {
+ result : 'a build_entry_pre_return list;
+ to_avoid : identifier list
+ }
+ [combine_results combine_fun res1 res2] combine two results [res1] and [res2]
+ w.r.t. [combine_fun].
+ Informally, both [res1] and [res2] are lists of "constructors" [res1_1;...]
+ and [res2_1,....] and we need to produce
+ [combine_fun res1_1 res2_1;combine_fun res1_1 res2_2;........]
+let combine_results
+ (combine_fun : 'a build_entry_pre_return -> 'b build_entry_pre_return ->
+ 'c build_entry_pre_return
+ )
+ (res1: 'a build_entry_return)
+ (res2 : 'b build_entry_return)
+ : 'c build_entry_return
+ =
+ let pre_result =
+ ( fun res1 -> (* for each result in arg_res *)
+ (* we add it in each args_res *)
+ (fun res2 ->
+ combine_fun res1 res2
+ )
+ res2.result
+ )
+ res1.result
+ in (* and then we flatten the map *)
+ {
+ result = List.concat pre_result;
+ to_avoid = list_union res1.to_avoid res2.to_avoid
+ }
+ The combination function for an argument with a list of argument
+let combine_args arg args =
+ {
+ context = arg.context@args.context;
+ (* Note that the binding context of [arg] MUST be placed before the one of
+ [args] in order to preserve possible type dependencies
+ *)
+ value = arg.value::args.value;
+ }
+let ids_of_binder = function
+ | LetIn Anonymous | Prod Anonymous | Lambda Anonymous -> []
+ | LetIn (Name id) | Prod (Name id) | Lambda (Name id) -> [id]
+(* | LetTuple(nal,_) -> *)
+(* map_succeed (function Name id -> id | _ -> failwith "ids_of_binder") nal *)
+let rec change_vars_in_binder mapping = function
+ [] -> []
+ | (bt,t)::l ->
+ let new_mapping = List.fold_right Idmap.remove (ids_of_binder bt) mapping in
+ (bt,change_vars mapping t)::
+ (if idmap_is_empty new_mapping
+ then l
+ else change_vars_in_binder new_mapping l
+ )
+let rec replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (bt,t)::l ->
+ (bt,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::
+ if List.mem x_id (ids_of_binder bt)
+ then l
+ else replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term l
+let add_bt_names bt = List.append (ids_of_binder bt)
+(* let rec replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term = function *)
+(* | [] -> [] *)
+(* | (bt,Name id,t)::l when id_ord id x_id = 0 -> *)
+(* (bt,Name id,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::l *)
+(* | (bt,na,t)::l -> *)
+(* (bt,na,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::(replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term l) *)
+(* let rec change_vars_in_binder mapping = function *)
+(* | [] -> [] *)
+(* | (bt,(Name id as na),t)::l when Idmap.mem id mapping -> *)
+(* (bt,na,change_vars mapping t):: l *)
+(* | (bt,na,t)::l -> *)
+(* (bt,na,change_vars mapping t):: *)
+(* (change_vars_in_binder mapping l) *)
+(* let alpha_ctxt avoid b = *)
+(* let rec alpha_ctxt = function *)
+(* | [] -> [],b *)
+(* | (bt,n,t)::ctxt -> *)
+(* let new_ctxt,new_b = alpha_ctxt ctxt in *)
+(* match n with *)
+(* | Name id when List.mem id avoid -> *)
+(* let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id avoid in *)
+(* let mapping = Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty in *)
+(* (bt,Name new_id,t):: *)
+(* (change_vars_in_binder mapping new_ctxt), *)
+(* change_vars mapping new_b *)
+(* | _ -> (bt,n,t)::new_ctxt,new_b *)
+(* in *)
+(* alpha_ctxt *)
+let apply_args ctxt body args =
+ let need_convert_id avoid id =
+ List.exists (is_free_in id) args || List.mem id avoid
+ in
+ let need_convert avoid bt =
+ List.exists (need_convert_id avoid) (ids_of_binder bt)
+ in
+(* let add_name na avoid = *)
+(* match na with *)
+(* | Anonymous -> avoid *)
+(* | Name id -> id::avoid *)
+(* in *)
+ let next_name_away (na:name) (mapping: identifier Idmap.t) (avoid: identifier list) =
+ match na with
+ | Name id when List.mem id avoid ->
+ let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id avoid in
+ Name new_id,Idmap.add id new_id mapping,new_id::avoid
+ | _ -> na,mapping,avoid
+ in
+ let next_bt_away bt (avoid:identifier list) =
+ match bt with
+ | LetIn na ->
+ let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
+ LetIn new_na,mapping,new_avoid
+ | Prod na ->
+ let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
+ Prod new_na,mapping,new_avoid
+ | Lambda na ->
+ let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
+ Lambda new_na,mapping,new_avoid
+(* | LetTuple (nal,na) -> *)
+(* let rev_new_nal,mapping,new_avoid = *)
+(* List.fold_left *)
+(* (fun (nal,mapping,(avoid:identifier list)) na -> *)
+(* let new_na,new_mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na mapping avoid in *)
+(* (new_na::nal,new_mapping,new_avoid) *)
+(* ) *)
+(* ([],Idmap.empty,avoid) *)
+(* nal *)
+(* in *)
+(* (LetTuple(List.rev rev_new_nal,na),mapping,new_avoid) *)
+ in
+ let rec do_apply avoid ctxt body args =
+ match ctxt,args with
+ | _,[] -> (* No more args *)
+ (ctxt,body)
+ | [],_ -> (* no more fun *)
+ let f,args' = raw_decompose_app body in
+ (ctxt,mkRApp(f,args'@args))
+ | (Lambda Anonymous,t)::ctxt',arg::args' ->
+ do_apply avoid ctxt' body args'
+ | (Lambda (Name id),t)::ctxt',arg::args' ->
+ let new_avoid,new_ctxt',new_body,new_id =
+ if need_convert_id avoid id
+ then
+ let new_avoid = id::avoid in
+ let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id new_avoid in
+ let new_avoid' = new_id :: new_avoid in
+ let mapping = Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty in
+ let new_ctxt' = change_vars_in_binder mapping ctxt' in
+ let new_body = change_vars mapping body in
+ new_avoid',new_ctxt',new_body,new_id
+ else
+ id::avoid,ctxt',body,id
+ in
+ let new_body = replace_var_by_term new_id arg new_body in
+ let new_ctxt' = replace_var_by_term_in_binder new_id arg new_ctxt' in
+ do_apply avoid new_ctxt' new_body args'
+ | (bt,t)::ctxt',_ ->
+ let new_avoid,new_ctxt',new_body,new_bt =
+ let new_avoid = add_bt_names bt avoid in
+ if need_convert avoid bt
+ then
+ let new_bt,mapping,new_avoid = next_bt_away bt new_avoid in
+ (
+ new_avoid,
+ change_vars_in_binder mapping ctxt',
+ change_vars mapping body,
+ new_bt
+ )
+ else new_avoid,ctxt',body,bt
+ in
+ let new_ctxt',new_body =
+ do_apply new_avoid new_ctxt' new_body args
+ in
+ (new_bt,t)::new_ctxt',new_body
+ in
+ do_apply [] ctxt body args
+let combine_app f args =
+ let new_ctxt,new_value = apply_args f.context f.value args.value in
+ {
+ (* Note that the binding context of [args] MUST be placed before the one of
+ the applied value in order to preserve possible type dependencies
+ *)
+ context = args.context@new_ctxt;
+ value = new_value;
+ }
+let combine_lam n t b =
+ {
+ context = [];
+ value = mkRLambda(n, compose_raw_context t.context t.value,
+ compose_raw_context b.context b.value )
+ }
+let combine_prod n t b =
+ { context = t.context@((Prod n,t.value)::b.context); value = b.value}
+let combine_letin n t b =
+ { context = t.context@((LetIn n,t.value)::b.context); value = b.value}
+(* let combine_tuple nal na b in_e = *)
+(* { *)
+(* context = b.context@(LetTuple(nal,na),b.value)::in_e.context; *)
+(* value = in_e.value *)
+(* } *)
+let mk_result ctxt value avoid =
+ {
+ result =
+ [{context = ctxt;
+ value = value}]
+ ;
+ to_avoid = avoid
+ }
+let make_discr_match_el =
+ (fun e -> (e,(Anonymous,None)))
+let coq_True_ref =
+ lazy (Coqlib.gen_reference "" ["Init";"Logic"] "True")
+let coq_False_ref =
+ lazy (Coqlib.gen_reference "" ["Init";"Logic"] "False")
+let make_discr_match_brl i =
+ list_map_i
+ (fun j (_,idl,patl,_) ->
+ if j=i
+ then (dummy_loc,idl,patl, mkRRef (Lazy.force coq_True_ref))
+ else (dummy_loc,idl,patl, mkRRef (Lazy.force coq_False_ref))
+ )
+ 0
+let make_discr_match brl =
+ fun el i ->
+ mkRCases(None,
+ make_discr_match_el el,
+ make_discr_match_brl i brl)
+let rec make_pattern_eq_precond id e pat : identifier * (binder_type * Rawterm.rawconstr) list =
+ match pat with
+ | PatVar(_,Anonymous) -> assert false
+ | PatVar(_,Name x) ->
+ id,[Prod (Name x),mkRHole ();Prod Anonymous,raw_make_eq (mkRVar x) e]
+ | PatCstr(_,constr,patternl,_) ->
+ let new_id,new_patternl,patternl_eq_precond =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun pat' (id,new_patternl,preconds) ->
+ match pat' with
+ | PatVar (_,Name id) -> (id,id::new_patternl,preconds)
+ | _ ->
+ let new_id = Nameops.lift_ident id in
+ let new_id',pat'_precond =
+ make_pattern_eq_precond new_id (mkRVar id) pat'
+ in
+ (new_id',id::new_patternl,preconds@pat'_precond)
+ )
+ patternl
+ (id,[],[])
+ in
+ let cst_narg =
+ Inductiveops.mis_constructor_nargs_env
+ (Global.env ())
+ constr
+ in
+ let implicit_args =
+ Array.to_list
+ (Array.init
+ (cst_narg - List.length patternl)
+ (fun _ -> mkRHole ())
+ )
+ in
+ let cst_as_term =
+ mkRApp(mkRRef(Libnames.ConstructRef constr),
+ implicit_args@( mkRVar new_patternl)
+ )
+ in
+ let precond' =
+ (Prod Anonymous, raw_make_eq cst_as_term e)::patternl_eq_precond
+ in
+ let precond'' =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id acc ->
+ (Prod (Name id),(mkRHole ()))::acc
+ )
+ new_patternl
+ precond'
+ in
+ new_id,precond''
+let pr_name = function
+ | Name id -> Ppconstr.pr_id id
+ | Anonymous -> str "_"
+let make_pattern_eq_precond id e pat =
+ let res = make_pattern_eq_precond id e pat in
+ observe
+ (prlist_with_sep spc
+ (function (Prod na,t) ->
+ str "forall " ++ pr_name na ++ str ":" ++ pr_rawconstr t
+ | _ -> assert false
+ )
+ (snd res)
+ );
+ res
+let rec build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
+(* Pp.msgnl (str " Entering : " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr rt); *)
+ match rt with
+ | RRef _ | RVar _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RSort _ | RHole _ ->
+ mk_result [] rt avoid
+ | RApp(_,_,_) ->
+ let f,args = raw_decompose_app rt in
+ let args_res : (rawconstr list) build_entry_return =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun arg ctxt_argsl ->
+ let arg_res = build_entry_lc funnames ctxt_argsl.to_avoid arg in
+ combine_results combine_args arg_res ctxt_argsl
+ )
+ args
+ (mk_result [] [] avoid)
+ in
+ begin
+ match f with
+ | RVar(_,id) when Idset.mem id funnames ->
+ let res = fresh_id args_res.to_avoid "res" in
+ let new_avoid = res::args_res.to_avoid in
+ let res_rt = mkRVar res in
+ let new_result =
+ (fun arg_res ->
+ let new_hyps =
+ [Prod (Name res),mkRHole ();
+ Prod Anonymous,mkRApp(res_rt,(mkRVar id)::arg_res.value)]
+ in
+ {context = arg_res.context@new_hyps; value = res_rt }
+ )
+ args_res.result
+ in
+ { result = new_result; to_avoid = new_avoid }
+ | RVar _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RHole _ | RSort _ | RRef _ ->
+ {
+ args_res with
+ result =
+ (fun args_res ->
+ {args_res with value = mkRApp(f,args_res.value)})
+ args_res.result
+ }
+ | RApp _ -> assert false (* we have collected all the app *)
+ | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
+ let new_n,new_b,new_avoid =
+ match n with
+ | Name id when List.exists (is_free_in id) args ->
+ (* need to alpha-convert the name *)
+ let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id avoid in
+ let new_avoid = id:: avoid in
+ let new_b =
+ replace_var_by_term
+ id
+ (RVar(dummy_loc,id))
+ b
+ in
+ (Name new_id,new_b,new_avoid)
+ | _ -> n,b,avoid
+ in
+ build_entry_lc
+ funnames
+ avoid
+ (mkRLetIn(new_n,t,mkRApp(new_b,args)))
+ | RCases _ | RLambda _ ->
+ let f_res = build_entry_lc funnames args_res.to_avoid f in
+ combine_results combine_app f_res args_res
+ | RDynamic _ ->error "Not handled RDynamic"
+ | RCast _ -> error "Not handled RCast"
+ | RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
+ | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
+ | RLetTuple _ -> error "Not handled RLetTuple"
+ | RProd _ -> error "Cannot apply a type"
+ end
+ | RLambda(_,n,t,b) ->
+ let b_res = build_entry_lc funnames avoid b in
+ let t_res = build_entry_lc funnames avoid t in
+ let new_n =
+ match n with
+ | Name _ -> n
+ | Anonymous -> Name (Indfun_common.fresh_id [] "_x")
+ in
+ combine_results (combine_lam new_n) t_res b_res
+ | RProd(_,n,t,b) ->
+ let b_res = build_entry_lc funnames avoid b in
+ let t_res = build_entry_lc funnames avoid t in
+ combine_results (combine_prod n) t_res b_res
+ | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
+ let b_res = build_entry_lc funnames avoid b in
+ let t_res = build_entry_lc funnames avoid t in
+ combine_results (combine_letin n) t_res b_res
+ | RCases(_,_,el,brl) ->
+ let make_discr = make_discr_match brl in
+ build_entry_lc_from_case funnames make_discr el brl avoid
+ | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
+ | RLetTuple _ -> error "Not handled RLetTuple"
+ | RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
+ | RCast _ -> error "Not handled RCast"
+ | RDynamic _ -> error "Not handled RDynamic"
+and build_entry_lc_from_case funname make_discr
+ (el:(Rawterm.rawconstr *
+ ( * (loc * Names.inductive * list) option) )
+ list)
+ (brl:(loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list) avoid :
+ rawconstr build_entry_return =
+ match el with
+ | [] -> assert false (* matched on Nothing !*)
+ | el ->
+ let case_resl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (case_arg,_) ctxt_argsl ->
+ let arg_res = build_entry_lc funname avoid case_arg in
+ combine_results combine_args arg_res ctxt_argsl
+ )
+ el
+ (mk_result [] [] avoid)
+ in
+ let results =
+ (build_entry_lc_from_case_term funname make_discr [] brl case_resl.to_avoid)
+ case_resl.result
+ in
+ {
+ result = List.concat ( (fun r -> r.result) results);
+ to_avoid =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc r -> list_union acc r.to_avoid) [] results
+ }
+and build_entry_lc_from_case_term funname make_discr patterns_to_prevent brl avoid
+ matched_expr =
+ match brl with
+ | [] -> (* computed_branches *) {result = [];to_avoid = avoid}
+ | br::brl' ->
+ let _,idl,patl,return = alpha_br avoid br in
+ let new_avoid = idl@avoid in
+(* let e_ctxt,el = (matched_expr.context,matched_expr.value) in *)
+(* if (List.length patl) <> (List.length el) *)
+(* then error ("Pattern matching on product: not yet implemented"); *)
+ let not_those_patterns : (identifier list -> rawconstr -> rawconstr) list =
+ (fun pat ->
+ fun avoid pat'_as_term ->
+ let renamed_pat,_,_ = alpha_pat avoid pat in
+ let pat_ids = get_pattern_id renamed_pat in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id acc -> mkRProd (Name id,mkRHole (),acc))
+ pat_ids
+ (raw_make_neq pat'_as_term (pattern_to_term renamed_pat))
+ )
+ patl
+ in
+ let unify_with_those_patterns : (cases_pattern -> bool*bool) list =
+ (fun pat pat' -> are_unifiable pat pat',eq_cases_pattern pat pat')
+ patl
+ in
+ let brl'_res =
+ build_entry_lc_from_case_term
+ funname
+ make_discr
+ ((unify_with_those_patterns,not_those_patterns)::patterns_to_prevent)
+ brl'
+ avoid
+ matched_expr
+ in
+(* let ids = (fun id -> Prod (Name id),mkRHole ()) idl in *)
+ let those_pattern_preconds =
+( List.flatten
+ (
+ List.map2
+ (fun pat e ->
+ let this_pat_ids = ids_of_pat pat in
+ let pat_as_term = pattern_to_term pat in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id acc ->
+ if Idset.mem id this_pat_ids
+ then (Prod (Name id),mkRHole ())::acc
+ else acc
+ )
+ idl
+ [(Prod Anonymous,raw_make_eq pat_as_term e)]
+ )
+ patl
+ matched_expr.value
+ )
+ @
+ (if List.exists (function (unifl,neql) ->
+ let (unif,eqs) =
+ List.split (List.map2 (fun x y -> x y) unifl patl)
+ in
+ List.for_all (fun x -> x) unif) patterns_to_prevent
+ then
+ let i = List.length patterns_to_prevent in
+ [(Prod Anonymous,make_discr ( pattern_to_term patl) i )]
+ else
+ []
+ )
+ in
+ let return_res = build_entry_lc funname new_avoid return in
+ let this_branch_res =
+ (fun res ->
+ { context =
+ matched_expr.context@
+(* ids@ *)
+ those_pattern_preconds@res.context ;
+ value = res.value}
+ )
+ return_res.result
+ in
+ { brl'_res with result = this_branch_res@brl'_res.result }
+let is_res id =
+ try
+ String.sub (string_of_id id) 0 3 = "res"
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> false
+(* rebuild the raw constructors expression.
+ eliminates some meaningless equalities, applies some rewrites......
+let rec rebuild_cons nb_args relname args crossed_types depth rt =
+ match rt with
+ | RProd(_,n,t,b) ->
+ let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
+ let new_crossed_types = t::crossed_types in
+ begin
+ match t with
+ | RApp(_,(RVar(_,res_id) as res_rt),args') when is_res res_id ->
+ begin
+ match args' with
+ | (RVar(_,this_relname))::args' ->
+ let new_b,id_to_exclude =
+ rebuild_cons
+ nb_args relname
+ args new_crossed_types
+ (depth + 1) b
+ in
+ let new_t =
+ mkRApp(mkRVar(mk_rel_id this_relname),args'@[res_rt])
+ in mkRProd(n,new_t,new_b),
+ Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
+ | _ -> (* the first args is the name of the function! *)
+ assert false
+ end
+ | RApp(_,RRef(_,eq_as_ref),[_;RVar(_,id);rt])
+ when eq_as_ref = Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_eq_ref
+ ->
+ let is_in_b = is_free_in id b in
+ let _keep_eq =
+ not (List.exists (is_free_in id) args) || is_in_b ||
+ List.exists (is_free_in id) crossed_types
+ in
+ let new_args = (replace_var_by_term id rt) args in
+ let subst_b =
+ if is_in_b then b else replace_var_by_term id rt b
+ in
+ let new_b,id_to_exclude =
+ rebuild_cons
+ nb_args relname
+ new_args new_crossed_types
+ (depth + 1) subst_b
+ in
+ mkRProd(n,t,new_b),id_to_exclude
+(* if keep_eq then *)
+(* mkRProd(n,t,new_b),id_to_exclude *)
+(* else new_b, Idset.add id id_to_exclude *)
+ | _ ->
+ let new_b,id_to_exclude =
+ rebuild_cons
+ nb_args relname
+ args new_crossed_types
+ (depth + 1) b
+ in
+ match n with
+ | Name id when Idset.mem id id_to_exclude && depth >= nb_args ->
+ new_b,Idset.remove id
+ (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude)
+ | _ -> mkRProd(n,t,new_b),Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
+ end
+ | RLambda(_,n,t,b) ->
+ begin
+(* let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in *)
+(* let new_crossed_types = t :: crossed_types in *)
+(* let new_b,id_to_exclude = rebuild_cons relname args new_crossed_types b in *)
+(* match n with *)
+(* | Name id when Idset.mem id id_to_exclude -> *)
+(* new_b, *)
+(* Idset.remove id (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude) *)
+(* | _ -> *)
+(* RProd(dummy_loc,n,t,new_b),Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude *)
+ let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
+ let new_crossed_types = t :: crossed_types in
+(* let new_b,id_to_exclude = rebuild_cons relname (args new_crossed_types b in *)
+ match n with
+ | Name id ->
+ let new_b,id_to_exclude =
+ rebuild_cons
+ nb_args relname
+ (args@[mkRVar id])new_crossed_types
+ (depth + 1 ) b
+ in
+ if Idset.mem id id_to_exclude && depth >= nb_args
+ then
+ new_b, Idset.remove id (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude)
+ else
+ RProd(dummy_loc,n,t,new_b),Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
+ | _ -> anomaly "Should not have an anonymous function here"
+ (* We have renamed all the anonymous functions during alpha_renaming phase *)
+ end
+ | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
+ begin
+ let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
+ let new_b,id_to_exclude =
+ rebuild_cons
+ nb_args relname
+ args (t::crossed_types)
+ (depth + 1 ) b in
+ match n with
+ | Name id when Idset.mem id id_to_exclude && depth >= nb_args ->
+ new_b,Idset.remove id (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude)
+ | _ -> RLetIn(dummy_loc,n,t,new_b),
+ Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
+ end
+ | RLetTuple(_,nal,(na,rto),t,b) ->
+ assert (rto=None);
+ begin
+ let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
+ let new_t,id_to_exclude' =
+ rebuild_cons
+ nb_args
+ relname
+ args (crossed_types)
+ depth t
+ in
+ let new_b,id_to_exclude =
+ rebuild_cons
+ nb_args relname
+ args (t::crossed_types)
+ (depth + 1) b
+ in
+(* match n with *)
+(* | Name id when Idset.mem id id_to_exclude -> *)
+(* new_b,Idset.remove id (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude) *)
+(* | _ -> *)
+ RLetTuple(dummy_loc,nal,(na,None),t,new_b),
+ Idset.filter not_free_in_t (Idset.union id_to_exclude id_to_exclude')
+ end
+ | _ -> mkRApp(mkRVar relname,args@[rt]),Idset.empty
+let rebuild_cons nb_args relname args crossed_types rt =
+ observennl (str "rebuild_cons : rt := "++ pr_rawconstr rt ++
+ str "nb_args := " ++ str (string_of_int nb_args));
+ let res =
+ rebuild_cons nb_args relname args crossed_types 0 rt
+ in
+ observe (str " leads to "++ pr_rawconstr (fst res));
+ res
+let rec compute_cst_params relnames params = function
+ | RRef _ | RVar _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ -> params
+ | RApp(_,RVar(_,relname'),rtl) when Idset.mem relname' relnames ->
+ compute_cst_params_from_app [] (params,rtl)
+ | RApp(_,f,args) ->
+ List.fold_left (compute_cst_params relnames) params (f::args)
+ | RLambda(_,_,t,b) | RProd(_,_,t,b) | RLetIn(_,_,t,b) | RLetTuple(_,_,_,t,b) ->
+ let t_params = compute_cst_params relnames params t in
+ compute_cst_params relnames t_params b
+ | RCases _ -> params (* If there is still cases at this point they can only be
+ discriminitation ones *)
+ | RSort _ -> params
+ | RHole _ -> params
+ | RIf _ | RRec _ | RCast _ | RDynamic _ ->
+ raise (UserError("compute_cst_params", str "Not handled case"))
+and compute_cst_params_from_app acc (params,rtl) =
+ match params,rtl with
+ | _::_,[] -> assert false (* the rel has at least nargs + 1 arguments ! *)
+ | ((Name id,_,is_defined) as param)::params',(RVar(_,id'))::rtl'
+ when id_ord id id' == 0 && not is_defined ->
+ compute_cst_params_from_app (param::acc) (params',rtl')
+ | _ -> List.rev acc
+let compute_params_name relnames (args : ( * Rawterm.rawconstr * bool) list array) csts =
+ let rels_params =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i args ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun params (_,cst) -> compute_cst_params relnames params cst)
+ args
+ csts.(i)
+ )
+ args
+ in
+ let l = ref [] in
+ let _ =
+ try
+ list_iter_i
+ (fun i ((n,nt,is_defined) as param) ->
+ if array_for_all
+ (fun l ->
+ let (n',nt',is_defined') = List.nth l i in
+ n = n' && Topconstr.eq_rawconstr nt nt' && is_defined = is_defined')
+ rels_params
+ then
+ l := param::!l
+ )
+ rels_params.(0)
+ with _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ List.rev !l
+(* (Topconstr.CProdN
+ (dummy_loc,
+ [[(dummy_loc,Anonymous)],returned_types.(i)],
+ Topconstr.CSort(dummy_loc, RProp Null )
+ )
+ )
+let rec rebuild_return_type rt =
+ match rt with
+ | Topconstr.CProdN(loc,n,t') ->
+ Topconstr.CProdN(loc,n,rebuild_return_type t')
+ | Topconstr.CArrow(loc,t,t') ->
+ Topconstr.CArrow(loc,t,rebuild_return_type t')
+ | Topconstr.CLetIn(loc,na,t,t') ->
+ Topconstr.CLetIn(loc,na,t,rebuild_return_type t')
+ | _ -> Topconstr.CArrow(dummy_loc,rt,Topconstr.CSort(dummy_loc, RProp Null))
+let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: ( * rawconstr * bool) list list) returned_types (rtl:rawconstr list) =
+(* Pp.msgnl (prlist_with_sep fnl Printer.pr_rawconstr rtl); *)
+ let funnames_as_set = List.fold_right Idset.add funnames Idset.empty in
+ let funnames = Array.of_list funnames in
+ let funsargs = Array.of_list funsargs in
+ let returned_types = Array.of_list returned_types in
+ let rtl_alpha = (function rt -> (alpha_rt [] rt) ) rtl in
+ let rta = Array.of_list rtl_alpha in
+ let relnames = mk_rel_id funnames in
+ let relnames_as_set = Array.fold_right Idset.add relnames Idset.empty in
+ let resa = (build_entry_lc funnames_as_set []) rta in
+ let constr i res =
+ (function result (* (args',concl') *) ->
+ let rt = compose_raw_context result.context result.value in
+ let nb_args = List.length funsargs.(i) in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "raw constr " ++ pr_rawconstr rt); *)
+ fst (
+ rebuild_cons nb_args relnames.(i)
+(* ( *)
+(* (function *)
+(* (Anonymous,_,_) -> mkRVar(fresh_id res.to_avoid "x__") *)
+(* | Name id, _,_ -> mkRVar id *)
+(* ) *)
+(* funsargs.(i) *)
+(* ) *)
+ []
+ []
+ rt
+ )
+ )
+ res.result
+ in
+ let next_constructor_id = ref (-1) in
+ let mk_constructor_id i =
+ incr next_constructor_id;
+ id_of_string ((string_of_id (mk_rel_id funnames.(i)))^"_"^(string_of_int !next_constructor_id))
+ in
+ let rel_constructors i rt : (identifier*rawconstr) list =
+ (fun constr -> (mk_constructor_id i),constr) (constr i rt)
+ in
+ let rel_constructors = Array.mapi rel_constructors resa in
+ let rels_params =
+ if parametrize
+ then
+ compute_params_name relnames_as_set funsargs rel_constructors
+ else []
+ in
+ let nrel_params = List.length rels_params in
+ let rel_constructors =
+ (
+ (fun (id,rt) -> (id,snd (chop_rprod_n nrel_params rt))))
+ rel_constructors
+ in
+ let rel_arity i funargs =
+ let rel_first_args :( * Rawterm.rawconstr * bool ) list =
+ (snd (list_chop nrel_params funargs))
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (n,t,is_defined) acc ->
+ if is_defined
+ then
+ Topconstr.CLetIn(dummy_loc,(dummy_loc, n),Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t,
+ acc)
+ else
+ Topconstr.CProdN
+ (dummy_loc,
+ [[(dummy_loc,n)],Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t],
+ acc
+ )
+ )
+ rel_first_args
+ (rebuild_return_type returned_types.(i))
+(* (Topconstr.CProdN *)
+(* (dummy_loc, *)
+(* [[(dummy_loc,Anonymous)],returned_types.(i)], *)
+(* Topconstr.CSort(dummy_loc, RProp Null ) *)
+(* ) *)
+(* ) *)
+ in
+ let rel_arities = Array.mapi rel_arity funsargs in
+ let old_rawprint = !Options.raw_print in
+ Options.raw_print := true;
+ let rel_params =
+ (fun (n,t,is_defined) ->
+ if is_defined
+ then
+ Topconstr.LocalRawDef((dummy_loc,n), Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t)
+ else
+ Topconstr.LocalRawAssum
+ ([(dummy_loc,n)], Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t)
+ )
+ rels_params
+ in
+ let ext_rels_constructors =
+ (
+ (fun (id,t) ->
+ false,((dummy_loc,id),Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty t)
+ ))
+ rel_constructors
+ in
+ let rel_ind i ext_rel_constructors =
+ (dummy_loc,relnames.(i)),
+ None,
+ rel_params,
+ rel_arities.(i),
+ ext_rel_constructors
+ in
+ let ext_rel_constructors = (Array.mapi rel_ind ext_rels_constructors) in
+ let rel_inds = Array.to_list ext_rel_constructors in
+ let _ =
+ observe (
+ str "Inductive" ++ spc () ++
+ prlist_with_sep
+ (fun () -> fnl ()++spc () ++ str "with" ++ spc ())
+ (function ((_,id),_,params,ar,constr) ->
+ Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ spc () ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_binders params ++ spc () ++
+ str ":" ++ spc () ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr ar ++ spc () ++
+ prlist_with_sep
+ (fun _ -> fnl () ++ spc () ++ str "|" ++ spc ())
+ (function (_,((_,id),t)) ->
+ Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr t)
+ constr
+ )
+ rel_inds
+ )
+ in
+ let old_implicit_args = Impargs.is_implicit_args ()
+ and old_strict_implicit_args = Impargs.is_strict_implicit_args ()
+ and old_contextual_implicit_args = Impargs.is_contextual_implicit_args () in
+ Impargs.make_implicit_args false;
+ Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false;
+ Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
+ try
+ Options.silently (Command.build_mutual rel_inds) true;
+ Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
+ Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
+ with
+ | UserError(s,msg) ->
+ Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
+ Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
+ let msg =
+ str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
+ Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(true,rel_inds)) ++ fnl () ++
+ msg
+ in
+ observe (msg);
+ raise
+ (UserError(s, msg))
+ | e ->
+ Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
+ Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
+ Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
+ let msg =
+ str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
+ Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(true,rel_inds)) ++ fnl () ++
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e
+ in
+ observe msg;
+ raise
+ (UserError("",msg))