path: root/
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-07-15 10:36:12 +0200
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-07-15 10:36:12 +0200
commit0aa2544d04dbd4b6ee665b551ed165e4fb02d2fa (patch)
tree12e8931a4a56da1a1bdfb89d670f4ba38fe08e1f /
parentcec4741afacd2e80894232850eaf9f9c0e45d6d7 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta2+dfsgupstream/8.5_beta2+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d68fc505..bbe43520 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
#load "str.cma"
open Printf
-let coq_version = "8.5beta1"
-let coq_macos_version = "8.5.91" (** "[...] should be a string comprised of
+let coq_version = "8.5beta2"
+let coq_macos_version = "8.4.92" (** "[...] should be a string comprised of
three non-negative, period-separed integers [...]" *)
let vo_magic = 8591
let state_magic = 58501
let distributed_exec = ["coqtop";"coqc";"coqchk";"coqdoc";"coqmktop";"coqworkmgr";
let verbose = ref false (* for debugging this script *)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let die msg = eprintf "%s\nConfiguration script failed!\n" msg; exit 1
let s2i = int_of_string
let i2s = string_of_int
-let (/) = Filename.concat
+let (/) x y = x ^ "/" ^ y
(** Remove the final '\r' that may exists on Win32 *)
@@ -77,7 +77,12 @@ let read_lines_and_close fd =
type err = StdErr | StdOut | DevNull
+let exe = ref "" (* Will be set later on, when the suffix is known *)
let run ?(fatal=true) ?(err=StdErr) prog args =
+ let prog = (* Ensure prog ends with exe *)
+ if Str.string_match (Str.regexp ("^.*" ^ !exe ^ "$")) prog 0
+ then prog else (prog ^ !exe) in
let argv = Array.of_list (prog::args) in
let out_r,out_w = Unix.pipe () in
@@ -236,12 +241,11 @@ module Prefs = struct
let usecamlp5 = ref true
let camlp5dir = ref (None : string option)
let arch = ref (None : string option)
- let opt = ref false
let natdynlink = ref true
let coqide = ref (None : ide option)
let macintegration = ref true
let browser = ref (None : string option)
- let withdoc = ref true
+ let withdoc = ref false
let geoproof = ref false
let byteonly = ref false
let debug = ref false
@@ -283,11 +287,11 @@ let args_options = Arg.align [
"-emacs", Arg.String (fun s ->
printf "Warning: obsolete -emacs option\n";
Prefs.emacslib := Some s),
- "<dir> (Obsolete) same as -emacslib";
+ "<dir> Obsolete: same as -emacslib";
"-coqdocdir", arg_string_option Prefs.coqdocdir,
"<dir> Where to install Coqdoc style files";
"-camldir", arg_string_option Prefs.camldir,
- "<dir> Specifies the path to the OCaml library";
+ "<dir> Specifies the path to the OCaml binaries";
"-lablgtkdir", arg_string_option Prefs.lablgtkdir,
"<dir> Specifies the path to the Lablgtk library";
"-usecamlp5", Arg.Set Prefs.usecamlp5,
@@ -299,8 +303,8 @@ let args_options = Arg.align [
"<dir> Specifies where is the Camlp5 library and tells to use it";
"-arch", arg_string_option Prefs.arch,
"<arch> Specifies the architecture";
- "-opt", Arg.Set Prefs.opt,
- " Use OCaml *.opt optimized compilers";
+ "-opt", Arg.Unit (fun () -> printf "Warning: obsolete -opt option\n"),
+ " Obsolete: native OCaml executables detected automatically";
"-natdynlink", arg_bool Prefs.natdynlink,
"(yes|no) Use dynamic loading of native code or not";
"-coqide", Arg.String (fun s -> Prefs.coqide := Some (get_ide s)),
@@ -355,21 +359,25 @@ type camlexec =
mutable dep : string;
mutable doc : string;
mutable lex : string;
- mutable yacc : string;
- mutable p4 : string }
+ mutable yacc : string }
(* TODO: autodetect .opt binaries ? *)
let camlexec =
- { byte = if !Prefs.opt then "ocamlc.opt" else "ocamlc";
- opt = if !Prefs.opt then "ocamlopt.opt" else "ocamlopt";
+ { byte = "ocamlc";
+ opt = "ocamlopt";
top = "ocaml";
mklib = "ocamlmklib";
dep = "ocamldep";
doc = "ocamldoc";
lex = "ocamllex";
- yacc = "ocamlyacc";
- p4 = "camlp4o" }
+ yacc = "ocamlyacc" }
+let reset_caml_byte c o = c.byte <- o
+let reset_caml_opt c o = c.opt <- o
+let reset_caml_doc c o = c.doc <- o
+let reset_caml_lex c o = c.lex <- o
+let reset_caml_dep c o = c.dep <- o
let rebase_camlexec dir c =
c.byte <- Filename.concat dir c.byte;
@@ -379,8 +387,7 @@ let rebase_camlexec dir c =
c.dep <- Filename.concat dir c.dep;
c.doc <- Filename.concat dir c.doc;
c.lex <- Filename.concat dir c.lex;
- c.yacc <- Filename.concat dir c.yacc;
- c.p4 <- Filename.concat dir c.p4
+ c.yacc <- Filename.concat dir c.yacc
let coq_debug_flag = if !Prefs.debug then "-g" else ""
let coq_profile_flag = if !Prefs.profile then "-p" else ""
@@ -426,7 +433,7 @@ let arch = match !Prefs.arch with
let arch_win32 = (arch = "win32")
-let exe = if arch_win32 then ".exe" else ""
+let exe = exe := if arch_win32 then ".exe" else ""; !exe
let dll = if os_type_win32 then ".dll" else ".so"
(** * VCS
@@ -464,7 +471,8 @@ let browser =
(** * OCaml programs *)
-let camlbin, camlc = match !Prefs.camldir with
+let camlbin, caml_version, camllib =
+ let camlbin, camlc = match !Prefs.camldir with
| Some dir ->
rebase_camlexec dir camlexec;
Filename.dirname camlexec.byte, camlexec.byte
@@ -473,13 +481,21 @@ let camlbin, camlc = match !Prefs.camldir with
with Not_found ->
die (sprintf "Error: cannot find '%s' in your path!\n" camlexec.byte ^
"Please adjust your path or use the -camldir option of ./configure")
+ in
+ let camlcopt = camlc ^ ".opt" in
+ let camlc =
+ if is_executable camlcopt then begin
+ reset_caml_byte camlexec (camlexec.byte ^ ".opt");
+ camlcopt
+ end
+ else if is_executable camlc then
+ camlc
+ else
+ die ("Error: cannot find the executable '"^camlc^"'.") in
+ let caml_version, _ = run camlc ["-version"] in
+ let camllib, _ = run camlc ["-where"] in
+ camlbin, caml_version, camllib
-let _ =
- if not (is_executable camlc) then
- die ("Error: cannot find the executable '"^camlc^"'.")
-let caml_version, _ = run camlc ["-version"]
-let camllib, _ = run camlc ["-where"]
let camlp4compat = "-loc loc"
(** Caml version as a list of string, e.g. ["4";"00";"1"] *)
@@ -518,10 +534,15 @@ let camltag = match caml_version_list with
(** * CamlpX configuration *)
-(** We assume that camlp(4|5) binaries are at the same place as ocaml ones
- (this should become configurable some day). *)
+(* Convention: we use camldir as a prioritary location for camlpX, if given *)
-let camlp4bin = camlbin
+let which_camlpX base =
+ match !Prefs.camldir with
+ | Some dir ->
+ let file = Filename.concat dir base in
+ if is_executable file then file else which base
+ | None ->
+ which base
(* TODO: camlp5dir should rather be the *binary* location, just as camldir *)
(* TODO: remove the late attempts at finding gramlib.cma *)
@@ -545,7 +566,7 @@ let check_camlp5 testcma = match !Prefs.camlp5dir with
else ""
- (* if the two values are different than camlp5 has been relocated
+ (* if the two values are different then camlp5 has been relocated
* and will not be able to find its own files, so we prefer the
* path where the files actually do exist *)
if dir2 = "" then
@@ -557,39 +578,40 @@ let check_camlp5 testcma = match !Prefs.camlp5dir with
else dir2
let check_camlp5_version () =
- let s = camlexec.p4 in
- (* translate 4 into 5 in the binary name *)
- for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
- if s.[i] = '4' then s.[i] <- '5'
- done;
- let version_line, _ = run ~err:StdOut camlexec.p4 ["-v"] in
+ let camlp5o = which_camlpX "camlp5o" in
+ let version_line, _ = run ~err:StdOut camlp5o ["-v"] in
let version = List.nth (string_split ' ' version_line) 2 in
match string_split '.' version with
| major::minor::_ when s2i major > 5 || (s2i major, s2i minor) >= (5,1) ->
- printf "You have Camlp5 %s. Good!\n" version
+ printf "You have Camlp5 %s. Good!\n" version; camlp5o, version
| _ -> failwith "bad version"
- with _ -> die "Error: unsupported Camlp5 (version < 5.01 or unrecognized).\n"
+ with
+ | Not_found -> die "Error: cannot find Camlp5 binaries in path.\n"
+ | _ -> die "Error: unsupported Camlp5 (version < 5.01 or unrecognized).\n"
let config_camlpX () =
if not !Prefs.usecamlp5 then raise NoCamlp5;
- let lib = "gramlib" in
- let dir = check_camlp5 (lib^".cma") in
- let () = check_camlp5_version () in
- "camlp5", dir, lib
+ let camlp5mod = "gramlib" in
+ let camlp5libdir = check_camlp5 (camlp5mod^".cma") in
+ let camlp5o, camlp5_version = check_camlp5_version () in
+ "camlp5", camlp5o, Filename.dirname camlp5o, camlp5libdir, camlp5mod, camlp5_version
with NoCamlp5 ->
(* We now try to use Camlp4, either by explicit choice or
by lack of proper Camlp5 installation *)
- let lib = "camlp4lib" in
- let dir = camllib/"camlp4" in
- if not (Sys.file_exists (dir/lib^".cma")) then
+ let camlp4mod = "camlp4lib" in
+ let camlp4libdir = camllib/"camlp4" in
+ if not (Sys.file_exists (camlp4libdir/camlp4mod^".cma")) then
die "No Camlp4 installation found.\n";
- let () = camlexec.p4 <- camlexec.p4 ^ "rf" in
- ignore (run camlexec.p4 []);
- "camlp4", dir, lib
+ try
+ let camlp4orf = which_camlpX "camlp4orf" in
+ let version_line, _ = run ~err:StdOut camlp4orf ["-v"] in
+ let camlp4_version = List.nth (string_split ' ' version_line) 2 in
+ "camlp4", camlp4orf, Filename.dirname camlp4orf, camlp4libdir, camlp4mod, camlp4_version
+ with _ -> die "No Camlp4 installation found.\n"
-let camlp4, fullcamlp4lib, camlp4mod = config_camlpX ()
+let camlpX, camlpXo, camlpXbindir, fullcamlpXlibdir, camlpXmod, camlpX_version = config_camlpX ()
let shorten_camllib s =
if starts_with s (camllib^"/") then
@@ -597,8 +619,7 @@ let shorten_camllib s =
"+" ^ String.sub s l (String.length s - l)
else s
-let camlp4lib = shorten_camllib fullcamlp4lib
+let camlpXlibdir = shorten_camllib fullcamlpXlibdir
(** * Native compiler *)
@@ -608,8 +629,8 @@ let msg_byteonly () =
let msg_no_ocamlopt () =
printf "Cannot find the OCaml native-code compiler.\n"; msg_byteonly ()
-let msg_no_camlp4_cmxa () =
- printf "Cannot find the native-code library of %s.\n" camlp4; msg_byteonly ()
+let msg_no_camlpX_cmxa () =
+ printf "Cannot find the native-code library of %s.\n" camlpX; msg_byteonly ()
let msg_no_dynlink_cmxa () =
printf "Cannot find native-code dynlink library.\n"; msg_byteonly ();
@@ -619,10 +640,13 @@ let msg_no_dynlink_cmxa () =
let check_native () =
if !Prefs.byteonly then raise Not_found;
- if not (is_executable camlexec.opt || program_in_path camlexec.opt) then
+ let camloptopt = camlexec.opt ^ ".opt" in
+ if (is_executable camloptopt || program_in_path camloptopt) then
+ reset_caml_opt camlexec camloptopt
+ else if not (is_executable camlexec.opt || program_in_path camlexec.opt) then
(msg_no_ocamlopt (); raise Not_found);
- if not (Sys.file_exists (fullcamlp4lib/camlp4mod^".cmxa")) then
- (msg_no_camlp4_cmxa (); raise Not_found);
+ if not (Sys.file_exists (fullcamlpXlibdir/camlpXmod^".cmxa")) then
+ (msg_no_camlpX_cmxa (); raise Not_found);
if not (Sys.file_exists (camllib/"dynlink.cmxa")) then
(msg_no_dynlink_cmxa (); raise Not_found);
let version, _ = run camlexec.opt ["-version"] in
@@ -634,6 +658,20 @@ let check_native () =
let best_compiler =
try check_native (); "opt" with Not_found -> "byte"
+let _ =
+ let camllexopt = camlexec.lex ^ ".opt" in
+ if is_executable camllexopt || program_in_path camllexopt then
+ reset_caml_lex camlexec camllexopt
+let _ =
+ let camldepopt = camlexec.dep ^ ".opt" in
+ if is_executable camldepopt || program_in_path camldepopt then
+ reset_caml_dep camlexec camldepopt
+let _ =
+ let camldocopt = camlexec.doc ^ ".opt" in
+ if is_executable camldocopt || program_in_path camldocopt then
+ reset_caml_doc camlexec camldocopt
(** * Native dynlink *)
@@ -930,10 +968,12 @@ let print_summary () =
pr " Coq VM bytecode link flags : %s\n" (String.concat " " vmbyteflags);
pr " Other bytecode link flags : %s\n" custom_flag;
pr " OS dependent libraries : %s\n" osdeplibs;
- pr " OCaml/Camlp4 version : %s\n" caml_version;
- pr " OCaml/Camlp4 binaries in : %s\n" camlbin;
+ pr " OCaml version : %s\n" caml_version;
+ pr " OCaml binaries in : %s\n" camlbin;
pr " OCaml library in : %s\n" camllib;
- pr " Camlp4 library in : %s\n" camlp4lib;
+ pr " %s version : %s\n" (String.capitalize camlpX) camlpX_version;
+ pr " %s binaries in : %s\n" (String.capitalize camlpX) camlpXbindir;
+ pr " %s library in : %s\n" (String.capitalize camlpX) camlpXlibdir;
if best_compiler = "opt" then
pr " Native dynamic link support : %B\n" hasnatdynlink;
if coqide <> "no" then
@@ -973,7 +1013,7 @@ let write_dbg_wrapper f =
pr "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: automatically generated by ../configure #\n\n";
pr "export COQTOP=%S\n" coqtop;
pr "OCAMLDEBUG=%S\n" (camlbin^"/ocamldebug");
- pr "CAMLP4LIB=%S\n\n" camlp4lib;
+ pr "CAMLP4LIB=%S\n\n" camlpXlibdir;
pr ". $COQTOP/dev/\n";
close_out o;
Unix.chmod f 0o555
@@ -1012,10 +1052,10 @@ let write_configml f =
pr_s "ocamllex" camlexec.lex;
pr_s "camlbin" camlbin;
pr_s "camllib" camllib;
- pr_s "camlp4" camlp4;
- pr_s "camlp4o" camlexec.p4;
- pr_s "camlp4bin" camlp4bin;
- pr_s "camlp4lib" camlp4lib;
+ pr_s "camlp4" camlpX;
+ pr_s "camlp4o" camlpXo;
+ pr_s "camlp4bin" camlpXbindir;
+ pr_s "camlp4lib" camlpXlibdir;
pr_s "camlp4compat" camlp4compat;
pr_s "cflags" cflags;
pr_s "best" best_compiler;
@@ -1088,7 +1128,8 @@ let write_makefile f =
List.iter (fun (v,msg,_,_) -> pr "# %s: path for %s\n" v msg) install_dirs;
List.iter (fun (v,_,dir,_) -> pr "%s=%S\n" v dir) install_dirs;
pr "\n# Coq version\n";
- pr "VERSION=%s\n\n" coq_version;
+ pr "VERSION=%s\n" coq_version;
+ pr "VERSION4MACOS=%s\n\n" coq_macos_version;
pr "# Objective-Caml compile command\n";
pr "OCAML=%S\n";
pr "OCAMLC=%S\n" camlexec.byte;
@@ -1122,10 +1163,10 @@ let write_makefile f =
pr "CAMLTIMEPROF=%s\n\n" coq_profile_flag;
pr "# Camlp4 : flavor, binaries, libraries ...\n";
pr "# NB : avoid using CAMLP4LIB (conflict under Windows)\n";
- pr "CAMLP4=%s\n" camlp4;
- pr "CAMLP4O=%S\n" camlexec.p4;
+ pr "CAMLP4=%s\n" camlpX;
+ pr "CAMLP4O=%S\n" camlpXo;
pr "CAMLP4COMPAT=%s\n" camlp4compat;
- pr "MYCAMLP4LIB=%S\n\n" camlp4lib;
+ pr "MYCAMLP4LIB=%S\n\n" camlpXlibdir;
pr "# Your architecture\n";
pr "# Can be obtain by UNIX command arch\n";
pr "ARCH=%s\n" arch;