path: root/checker/
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
commita0cfa4f118023d35b767a999d5a2ac4b082857b4 (patch)
treedabcac548e299fee1da464c93b3dba98484f45b1 /checker/
parent2281410e38ef99d025ea77194585a9bc019fdaa9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~beta3+dfsgupstream/8.2.beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'checker/')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb95b606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: 10664 2008-03-14 11:27:37Z soubiran $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+open Inductive
+open Modops
+open Pp
+(* This local type is used to subtype a constant with a constructor or
+ an inductive type. It can also be useful to allow reorderings in
+ inductive types *)
+type namedobject =
+ | Constant of constant_body
+ | IndType of inductive * mutual_inductive_body
+ | IndConstr of constructor * mutual_inductive_body
+ | Module of module_body
+ | Modtype of module_type_body
+ | Alias of module_path
+(* adds above information about one mutual inductive: all types and
+ constructors *)
+let add_nameobjects_of_mib ln mib map =
+ let add_nameobjects_of_one j oib map =
+ let ip = (ln,j) in
+ let map =
+ array_fold_right_i
+ (fun i id map ->
+ Labmap.add (label_of_id id) (IndConstr((ip,i+1), mib)) map)
+ oib.mind_consnames
+ map
+ in
+ Labmap.add (label_of_id oib.mind_typename) (IndType (ip, mib)) map
+ in
+ array_fold_right_i add_nameobjects_of_one mib.mind_packets map
+(* creates namedobject map for the whole signature *)
+let make_label_map mp list =
+ let add_one (l,e) map =
+ let add_map obj = Labmap.add l obj map in
+ match e with
+ | SFBconst cb -> add_map (Constant cb)
+ | SFBmind mib ->
+ add_nameobjects_of_mib (make_kn mp empty_dirpath l) mib map
+ | SFBmodule mb -> add_map (Module mb)
+ | SFBmodtype mtb -> add_map (Modtype mtb)
+ | SFBalias (mp,cst) -> add_map (Alias mp)
+ in
+ List.fold_right add_one list Labmap.empty
+let check_conv_error error f env a1 a2 =
+ try
+ f env a1 a2
+ with
+ NotConvertible -> error ()
+(* for now we do not allow reorderings *)
+let check_inductive env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 =
+ let kn = make_kn (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l in
+ let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in
+ let check_conv f = check_conv_error error f in
+ let mib1 =
+ match info1 with
+ | IndType ((_,0), mib) -> mib
+ | _ -> error ()
+ in
+ let check_inductive_type env t1 t2 =
+ (* Due to sort-polymorphism in inductive types, the conclusions of
+ t1 and t2, if in Type, are generated as the least upper bounds
+ of the types of the constructors.
+ By monotonicity of the infered l.u.b. wrt subtyping (i.e. if X:U
+ |- T(X):s and |- M:U' and U'<=U then infer_type(T(M))<=s), each
+ universe in the conclusion of t1 has an bounding universe in
+ the conclusion of t2, so that we don't need to check the
+ subtyping of the conclusions of t1 and t2.
+ Even if we'd like to recheck it, the inference of constraints
+ is not designed to deal with algebraic constraints of the form
+ max-univ(u1..un) <= max-univ(u'1..u'n), so that it is not easy
+ to recheck it (in short, we would need the actual graph of
+ constraints as input while type checking is currently designed
+ to output a set of constraints instead) *)
+ (* So we cheat and replace the subtyping problem on algebraic
+ constraints of the form max-univ(u1..un) <= max-univ(u'1..u'n)
+ (that we know are necessary true) by trivial constraints that
+ the constraint generator knows how to deal with *)
+ let (ctx1,s1) = dest_arity env t1 in
+ let (ctx2,s2) = dest_arity env t2 in
+ let s1,s2 =
+ match s1, s2 with
+ | Type _, Type _ -> (* shortcut here *) Prop Null, Prop Null
+ | (Prop _, Type _) | (Type _,Prop _) -> error ()
+ | _ -> (s1, s2) in
+ check_conv conv_leq env
+ (mkArity (ctx1,s1)) (mkArity (ctx2,s2))
+ in
+ let check_packet p1 p2 =
+ let check f = if f p1 <> f p2 then error () in
+ check (fun p -> p.mind_consnames);
+ check (fun p -> p.mind_typename);
+ (* nf_lc later *)
+ (* nf_arity later *)
+ (* user_lc ignored *)
+ (* user_arity ignored *)
+ check (fun p -> p.mind_nrealargs);
+ (* kelim ignored *)
+ (* listrec ignored *)
+ (* finite done *)
+ (* nparams done *)
+ (* params_ctxt done because part of the inductive types *)
+ (* Don't check the sort of the type if polymorphic *)
+ check_inductive_type env
+ (type_of_inductive env (mib1,p1)) (type_of_inductive env (mib2,p2))
+ in
+ let check_cons_types i p1 p2 =
+ array_iter2 (check_conv conv env)
+ (arities_of_specif kn (mib1,p1))
+ (arities_of_specif kn (mib2,p2))
+ in
+ let check f = if f mib1 <> f mib2 then error () in
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_finite);
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_ntypes);
+ assert (mib1.mind_hyps=[] && mib2.mind_hyps=[]);
+ assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets >= 1
+ && Array.length mib2.mind_packets >= 1);
+ (* Check that the expected numbers of uniform parameters are the same *)
+ (* No need to check the contexts of parameters: it is checked *)
+ (* at the time of checking the inductive arities in check_packet. *)
+ (* Notice that we don't expect the local definitions to match: only *)
+ (* the inductive types and constructors types have to be convertible *)
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_nparams);
+ begin
+ match mib2.mind_equiv with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some kn2' ->
+ let kn2 = scrape_mind env kn2' in
+ let kn1 = match mib1.mind_equiv with
+ None -> kn
+ | Some kn1' -> scrape_mind env kn1'
+ in
+ if kn1 <> kn2 then error ()
+ end;
+ (* we check that records and their field names are preserved. *)
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_record);
+ if mib1.mind_record then begin
+ let rec names_prod_letin t = match t with
+ | Prod(n,_,t) -> n::(names_prod_letin t)
+ | LetIn(n,_,_,t) -> n::(names_prod_letin t)
+ | Cast(t,_,_) -> names_prod_letin t
+ | _ -> []
+ in
+ assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets = 1);
+ assert (Array.length mib2.mind_packets = 1);
+ assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc = 1);
+ assert (Array.length mib2.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc = 1);
+ check (fun mib -> names_prod_letin mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc.(0));
+ end;
+ (* we first check simple things *)
+ array_iter2 check_packet mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets;
+ (* and constructor types in the end *)
+ let _ = array_map2_i check_cons_types mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets
+ in ()
+let check_constant env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 =
+ let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in
+ let check_conv f = check_conv_error error f in
+ let check_type env t1 t2 =
+ (* If the type of a constant is generated, it may mention
+ non-variable algebraic universes that the general conversion
+ algorithm is not ready to handle. Anyway, generated types of
+ constants are functions of the body of the constant. If the
+ bodies are the same in environments that are subtypes one of
+ the other, the types are subtypes too (i.e. if Gamma <= Gamma',
+ Gamma |- A |> T, Gamma |- A' |> T' and Gamma |- A=A' then T <= T').
+ Hence they don't have to be checked again *)
+ let t1,t2 =
+ if isArity t2 then
+ let (ctx2,s2) = destArity t2 in
+ match s2 with
+ | Type v when not (is_univ_variable v) ->
+ (* The type in the interface is inferred and is made of algebraic
+ universes *)
+ begin try
+ let (ctx1,s1) = dest_arity env t1 in
+ match s1 with
+ | Type u when not (is_univ_variable u) ->
+ (* Both types are inferred, no need to recheck them. We
+ cheat and collapse the types to Prop *)
+ mkArity (ctx1,Prop Null), mkArity (ctx2,Prop Null)
+ | Prop _ ->
+ (* The type in the interface is inferred, it may be the case
+ that the type in the implementation is smaller because
+ the body is more reduced. We safely collapse the upper
+ type to Prop *)
+ mkArity (ctx1,Prop Null), mkArity (ctx2,Prop Null)
+ | Type _ ->
+ (* The type in the interface is inferred and the type in the
+ implementation is not inferred or is inferred but from a
+ more reduced body so that it is just a variable. Since
+ constraints of the form "univ <= max(...)" are not
+ expressible in the system of algebraic universes: we fail
+ (the user has to use an explicit type in the interface *)
+ error ()
+ with UserError _ (* "not an arity" *) ->
+ error () end
+ | _ -> t1,t2
+ else
+ (t1,t2) in
+ check_conv conv_leq env t1 t2
+ in
+ match info1 with
+ | Constant cb1 ->
+ assert (cb1.const_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
+ (*Start by checking types*)
+ let typ1 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb1.const_type in
+ let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
+ check_type env typ1 typ2;
+ let con = make_con (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l in
+ (match cb2 with
+ | {const_body=Some lc2;const_opaque=false} ->
+ let c2 = force_constr lc2 in
+ let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
+ | Some lc1 -> force_constr lc1
+ | None -> Const con
+ in
+ check_conv conv env c1 c2
+ | _ -> ())
+ | IndType ((kn,i),mind1) ->
+ ignore (Util.error (
+ "The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^
+ "instantiated by an inductive type. Hint: you can rename the " ^
+ "inductive type and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^
+ "name."));
+ assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
+ if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ;
+ let arity1 = type_of_inductive env (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in
+ let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
+ check_conv conv_leq env arity1 typ2
+ | IndConstr (((kn,i),j) as cstr,mind1) ->
+ ignore (Util.error (
+ "The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^
+ "instantiated by a constructor. Hint: you can rename the " ^
+ "constructor and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^
+ "name."));
+ assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
+ if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ;
+ let ty1 = type_of_constructor cstr (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in
+ let ty2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
+ check_conv conv env ty1 ty2
+ | _ -> error ()
+let rec check_modules env msid1 l msb1 msb2 =
+ let mp = (MPdot(MPself msid1,l)) in
+ let mty1 = module_type_of_module (Some mp) msb1 in
+ let mty2 = module_type_of_module None msb2 in
+ check_modtypes env mty1 mty2 false
+and check_signatures env (msid1,sig1) alias (msid2,sig2') =
+ let mp1 = MPself msid1 in
+ let env = add_signature mp1 sig1 env in
+ let alias = update_subst_alias alias (map_msid msid2 mp1) in
+ let sig2 = subst_structure alias sig2' in
+ let sig2 = subst_signature_msid msid2 mp1 sig2 in
+ let map1 = make_label_map mp1 sig1 in
+ let check_one_body (l,spec2) =
+ let info1 =
+ try
+ Labmap.find l map1
+ with
+ Not_found -> error_no_such_label_sub l msid1 msid2
+ in
+ match spec2 with
+ | SFBconst cb2 ->
+ check_constant env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2
+ | SFBmind mib2 ->
+ check_inductive env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2
+ | SFBmodule msb2 ->
+ begin
+ match info1 with
+ | Module msb -> check_modules env msid1 l msb msb2
+ | Alias mp ->let msb =
+ {mod_expr = Some (SEBident mp);
+ mod_type = Some (eval_struct env (SEBident mp));
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty;
+ mod_alias = (lookup_modtype mp env).typ_alias;
+ mod_retroknowledge = []} in
+ check_modules env msid1 l msb msb2
+ | _ -> error_not_match l spec2
+ end
+ | SFBalias (mp,_) ->
+ begin
+ match info1 with
+ | Alias mp1 -> check_modpath_equiv env mp mp1
+ | Module msb ->
+ let msb1 =
+ {mod_expr = Some (SEBident mp);
+ mod_type = Some (eval_struct env (SEBident mp));
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty;
+ mod_alias = (lookup_modtype mp env).typ_alias;
+ mod_retroknowledge = []} in
+ check_modules env msid1 l msb msb1
+ | _ -> error_not_match l spec2
+ end
+ | SFBmodtype mtb2 ->
+ let mtb1 =
+ match info1 with
+ | Modtype mtb -> mtb
+ | _ -> error_not_match l spec2
+ in
+ check_modtypes env mtb1 mtb2 true
+ in
+ List.iter check_one_body sig2
+and check_modtypes env mtb1 mtb2 equiv =
+ if mtb1==mtb2 then () else (* just in case :) *)
+ let mtb1',mtb2'=
+ (match mtb1.typ_strength with
+ None -> eval_struct env mtb1.typ_expr,
+ eval_struct env mtb2.typ_expr
+ | Some mp -> strengthen env mtb1.typ_expr mp,
+ eval_struct env mtb2.typ_expr) in
+ let rec check_structure env str1 str2 equiv =
+ match str1, str2 with
+ | SEBstruct (msid1,list1),
+ SEBstruct (msid2,list2) ->
+ check_signatures env
+ (msid1,list1) mtb1.typ_alias (msid2,list2);
+ if equiv then
+ check_signatures env
+ (msid2,list2) mtb2.typ_alias (msid1,list1)
+ | SEBfunctor (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1),
+ SEBfunctor (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) ->
+ check_modtypes env arg_t2 arg_t1 equiv;
+ (* contravariant *)
+ let env =
+ add_module (MPbound arg_id2) (module_body_of_type arg_t2) env
+ in
+ let body_t1' =
+ (* since we are just checking well-typedness we do not need
+ to expand any constant. Hence the identity resolver. *)
+ subst_struct_expr
+ (map_mbid arg_id1 (MPbound arg_id2))
+ body_t1
+ in
+ check_structure env (eval_struct env body_t1')
+ (eval_struct env body_t2) equiv
+ | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2
+ in
+ if mtb1'== mtb2' then ()
+ else check_structure env mtb1' mtb2' equiv
+let check_subtypes env sup super =
+ (*if sup<>super then*)
+ check_modtypes env sup super false
+let check_equal env sup super =
+ (*if sup<>super then*)
+ check_modtypes env sup super true