diff options
3 files changed, 180 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/checklink/ b/checklink/
index bdda249..c71784f 100644
--- a/checklink/
+++ b/checklink/
@@ -66,38 +66,32 @@ let check_st_bind atom (sym: elf32_sym): s_framework -> s_framework =
-(** Taken from CompCert *)
-let name_of_section_Linux:
- section_name -> string
- = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else ".bss"
- | Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
- | Section_const -> ".rodata"
- | Section_small_const -> ".sdata2"
- | Section_string -> ".rodata"
- | Section_literal -> ".rodata.cst8"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) -> s
-(** Taken from CompCert *)
-let name_of_section_Diab:
- section_name -> string
- = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else ".bss"
- | Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
- | Section_const -> ".text"
- | Section_small_const -> ".sdata2"
- | Section_string -> ".text"
- | Section_literal -> ".text"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) -> s
+(** Adapted from CompCert *)
+let name_of_section_Linux: section_name -> string = function
+| Section_text -> ".text"
+| Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else ".bss"
+| Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
+| Section_const -> ".rodata"
+| Section_small_const -> ".sdata2"
+| Section_string -> ".rodata"
+| Section_literal -> ".rodata.cst8"
+| Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+| Section_user(s, wr, ex) -> s
+(** Adapted from CompCert *)
+let name_of_section_Diab: section_name -> string = function
+| Section_text -> ".text"
+| Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else ".bss"
+| Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
+| Section_const -> ".text"
+| Section_small_const -> ".sdata2"
+| Section_string -> ".text"
+| Section_literal -> ".text"
+| Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+| Section_user(s, wr, ex) -> s
(** Taken from CompCert *)
-let name_of_section:
- section_name -> string
- =
+let name_of_section: section_name -> string =
begin match Configuration.system with
| "macosx" -> fatal "Unsupported CompCert configuration: macosx"
| "linux" -> name_of_section_Linux
@@ -112,21 +106,17 @@ let match_sections_name
let c_name = name_of_section c_section in
- let expected = StringMap.find c_name sfw.ef.section_map in
+ let res = StringMap.find c_name sfw.ef.section_map in
+ let expected = from_inferrable res in
if e_name = expected
then sfw
else (
- >>> sf_ef ^%=
- add_log (ERROR(
- Printf.sprintf
- "CompCert section %s was mapped to both %s and %s"
- c_name expected e_name
- ))
+ >>> (sf_ef |-- section_map) ^%= StringMap.add c_name (add_failure e_name res)
with Not_found -> (
- >>> (sf_ef |-- section_map) ^%= StringMap.add c_name e_name
+ >>> (sf_ef |-- section_map) ^%= StringMap.add c_name (Inferred(e_name, []))
(** Checks the symbol table entry of the function symbol number [sym_ndx],
@@ -805,7 +795,7 @@ let check_sda ident ofs r addr ffw: f_framework or_err =
let sym = elf.e_symtab.(ndx) in
let expected_addr = Safe32.(sym.st_value + ofs - addr) in
- let r_addr = IntMap.find r ffw.sf.ef.sda_map in
+ let r_addr = from_inferrable (IntMap.find r ffw.sf.ef.sda_map) in
if Safe32.(r_addr = expected_addr)
then OK(ffw)
else ERR(
@@ -815,7 +805,7 @@ let check_sda ident ofs r addr ffw: f_framework or_err =
with Not_found ->
- ffw >>> (ff_ef |-- sda_map) ^%= IntMap.add r expected_addr
+ ffw >>> (ff_ef |-- sda_map) ^%= IntMap.add r (Inferred(expected_addr, []))
let sym_list = PosMap.find ident ffw.sf.ident_to_sym_ndx in
@@ -3162,15 +3152,33 @@ let warn_sections_remapping efw =
print_debug "Checking remapped sections";
(fun c_name e_name efw ->
- if c_name = e_name
- then efw
- else (
- efw >>> add_log (WARNING(
- Printf.sprintf
- "Section %s has been re-mapped to %s by your linker script"
- c_name e_name
- ))
- )
+ match e_name with
+ | Provided(_, []) -> efw
+ | Provided(e_name, conflicts) ->
+ efw
+ >>> add_log (ERROR(
+ Printf.sprintf "
+ Conflicting remappings for section %s:
+ Specified: %s
+ Expected: %s"
+ c_name e_name (string_of_list id ", " conflicts)
+ ))
+ | Inferred(e_name, []) when c_name = e_name -> efw
+ | Inferred(e_name, []) ->
+ efw
+ >>> add_log (WARNING(
+ Printf.sprintf
+ "Detected linker script remapping: section %S -> %S"
+ c_name e_name
+ ))
+ | Inferred(e_name, conflicts) ->
+ efw
+ >>> add_log (ERROR(
+ Printf.sprintf "
+ Conflicting remappings for section %s:
+ %s"
+ c_name (string_of_list id ", " (e_name :: conflicts))
+ ))
@@ -3182,11 +3190,29 @@ let warn_sda_mapping efw =
else (
(fun r vaddr efw ->
- efw >>> add_log (WARNING(
- Printf.sprintf
- "SDA register %d has been mapped to virtual address 0x%lx by your linker script"
- r vaddr
- ))
+ match vaddr with
+ | Provided(_, []) -> efw
+ | Provided(vaddr, conflicts) ->
+ efw
+ >>> add_log (ERROR(
+ Printf.sprintf "Conflicting SDA mappings for register r%u:
+Specified: 0x%lX
+Expected: %s"
+ r vaddr (string_of_list (Printf.sprintf "0x%lX") ", " conflicts)
+ ))
+ | Inferred(vaddr, []) ->
+ efw >>> add_log (WARNING(
+ Printf.sprintf
+ "SDA register mapping: register r%u = 0x%lX"
+ r vaddr
+ ))
+ | Inferred(vaddr, conflicts) ->
+ efw
+ >>> add_log (ERROR(
+ Printf.sprintf "Conflicting SDA mappings for register r%u:
+ r (string_of_list (Printf.sprintf "0x%lX") ", " (vaddr :: conflicts))
+ ))
@@ -3333,6 +3359,66 @@ let print_diagnosis efw =
nb_err (plural nb_err) nb_warn (plural nb_warn);
+let conf_file = ref (None: string option)
+let parse_conf filename =
+ let section_map = ref StringMap.empty in
+ let sda_map = ref IntMap.empty in
+ let ic = open_in filename in
+ try
+ while true
+ do
+ let line = input_line ic in
+ (* Test different patterns one by one, until one of them works *)
+ let rec match_line = function
+ | [] -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Couldn't read configuration line: %s" line)
+ | try_match::rest ->
+ try try_match ()
+ with Scanf.Scan_failure(_) -> match_line rest
+ in
+ (* an empty line is ignored *)
+ if line <> ""
+ then
+ match_line
+ (* a comment *)
+ [ (fun () ->
+ Scanf.sscanf line
+ "#%s"
+ (fun _ -> ())
+ )
+ (* a section remapping *)
+ ; (fun () ->
+ Scanf.sscanf line
+ "section %S -> %S"
+ (fun sfrom sto ->
+ if StringMap.mem sfrom !section_map
+ then failwith (
+ Printf.sprintf
+ "Your configuration file contains multiple mappings for section %s"
+ sfrom
+ )
+ else
+ section_map := StringMap.add sfrom (Provided(sto, [])) !section_map)
+ )
+ (* a SDA mapping *)
+ ; (fun () ->
+ Scanf.sscanf line
+ "register r%u = 0x%lX"
+ (fun r addr ->
+ if IntMap.mem r !sda_map
+ then failwith (
+ Printf.sprintf
+ "Your configuration file contains multiple SDA mappings for register %u"
+ r
+ )
+ else
+ sda_map := IntMap.add r (Provided(addr, [])) !sda_map)
+ )
+ ]
+ done; raise End_of_file (* unreachable, just to please the typer *)
+ with
+ | End_of_file -> (!section_map, !sda_map)
(** Checks a whole ELF file according to a list of .sdump files. This never
dumps anything, so it can be safely used when fuzz-testing even if the
user accidentally enabled dumping options. *)
@@ -3342,15 +3428,19 @@ let check_elf_nodump elf sdumps =
let section_strtab = elf.e_shdra.(eh.e_shstrndx) in
let symtab_shdr = elf.e_shdra.(elf.e_symtab_sndx) in
let symbol_strtab = elf.e_shdra.(Safe32.to_int symtab_shdr.sh_link) in
+ let (section_map, sda_map) =
+ match !conf_file with
+ | None -> (StringMap.empty, IntMap.empty)
+ | Some(filename) -> parse_conf filename
+ in
let efw =
- {
- elf = elf;
- log = [];
- chkd_bytes_list = [];
- chkd_fun_syms = Array.make nb_syms false;
- chkd_data_syms = Array.make nb_syms false;
- section_map = StringMap.empty;
- sda_map = IntMap.empty;
+ { elf = elf
+ ; log = []
+ ; chkd_bytes_list = []
+ ; chkd_fun_syms = Array.make nb_syms false
+ ; chkd_data_syms = Array.make nb_syms false
+ ; section_map = section_map
+ ; sda_map = sda_map
>>> check_elf_header
>>> add_range
diff --git a/checklink/ b/checklink/
index 72b00b4..a35537c 100644
--- a/checklink/
+++ b/checklink/
@@ -28,6 +28,24 @@ type byte_chunk_desc =
| Padding
| Unknown of string
+let add_uniq x l = if List.mem x l then l else x :: l
+(* This type specifies whether its argument was inferred by the tool or provided
+ via a config file, and lists the conflicts that were detected by the tool in
+ the right component of the pair. This allows us to report every conflict once
+ rather than at every occurence of a conflict. *)
+type 'a inferrable =
+ | Inferred of 'a * 'a list
+ | Provided of 'a * 'a list
+let add_failure failure = function
+| Inferred(x, failures) -> Inferred(x, add_uniq failure failures)
+| Provided(x, failures) -> Provided(x, add_uniq failure failures)
+let from_inferrable = function
+| Inferred(x, _) -> x
+| Provided(x, _) -> x
(** This framework is carried along while analyzing the whole ELF file.
type e_framework = {
@@ -42,10 +60,10 @@ type e_framework = {
(** The mapping from CompCert sections to ELF sections will be inferred along
the way. This way, we can check things without prior knowledge of the
linker script. *)
- section_map: string StringMap.t;
+ section_map: (string inferrable) StringMap.t;
(** We will assign a virtual address to each register that can act as an SDA
base register. *)
- sda_map: int32 IntMap.t;
+ sda_map: (int32 inferrable) IntMap.t;
module PosOT = struct
diff --git a/checklink/ b/checklink/
index 1edcdb4..4baa5d6 100644
--- a/checklink/
+++ b/checklink/
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ let set_elf_file s =
| Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "multiple ELF executables given on command line")
+let set_conf_file s =
+ begin match !conf_file with
+ | None -> conf_file := Some s
+ | Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "multiple configuration files given on command line")
+ end
let option_disassemble = ref false
let disassemble_list = ref ([]: string list)
let add_disassemble s =
@@ -26,6 +32,8 @@ let options = [
(* Main options *)
"-exe", Arg.String set_elf_file,
"<filename> Specify the ELF executable file to analyze";
+ "-conf", Arg.String set_conf_file,
+ "<filename> Specify a configuration file (see README)";
(* Parsing behavior *)
"-relaxed", Arg.Set ELF_parsers.relaxed,
"Allows the following behaviors in the ELF parser: