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1 files changed, 49 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/backend/ b/backend/
index 6d2ed82..d17229e 100644
--- a/backend/
+++ b/backend/
@@ -496,58 +496,77 @@ let simplify () =
iterAdjacent decrementDegree n;
-(* Briggs' conservative coalescing criterion *)
+(* Briggs's conservative coalescing criterion. In the terminology of
+ Hailperin, "Comparing Conservative Coalescing Criteria",
+ TOPLAS 27(3) 2005, this is the full Briggs criterion, slightly
+ more powerful than the one in George and Appel's paper. *)
-let canConservativelyCoalesce u v =
+let canCoalesceBriggs u v =
let seen = ref IntSet.empty in
let k = num_available_registers.(u.regclass) in
let c = ref 0 in
- let consider n =
+ let consider other n =
if not (IntSet.mem n.ident !seen) then begin
seen := IntSet.add n.ident !seen;
- if >= k then begin
+ (* if n interferes with both u and v, its degree will decrease by one
+ after coalescing *)
+ let degree_after_coalescing =
+ if interfere n other then - 1 else in
+ if degree_after_coalescing >= k then begin
incr c;
if !c >= k then raise Exit
end in
- iterAdjacent consider u;
- iterAdjacent consider v;
+ iterAdjacent (consider v) u;
+ iterAdjacent (consider u) v;
with Exit ->
-(* Yet another coalescing criterion: all neighbors of a node are also
- neighbors of the other node, therefore coalescing the two nodes
- doesn't increase the number of neighbors. This one is not
- conservative because it can force both nodes to be spilled while
- originally only one would be spilled.
-let allNeighbors u =
- let seen = ref IntSet.empty in
- iterAdjacent (fun n -> seen := IntSet.add n.ident !seen) u;
- !seen
-let canCoalesceSubset u v =
- let nu = allNeighbors u and nv = allNeighbors v in
- IntSet.subset nu nv || IntSet.subset nv nu
+(* George's conservative coalescing criterion: all high-degree neighbors
+ of [v] are neighbors of [u]. *)
-(* The alternate criterion for precolored nodes *)
-let canCoalescePrecolored u v =
+let canCoalesceGeorge u v =
let k = num_available_registers.(u.regclass) in
let isOK t =
- if < k || t.nstate = Colored || interfere t u
- then ()
- else raise Exit in
+ if t.nstate = Colored then
+ if u.nstate = Colored || interfere t u then () else raise Exit
+ else
+ if < k || interfere t u then () else raise Exit
+ in
iterAdjacent isOK v; true
with Exit ->
+(* The combined coalescing criterion. [u] can be precolored, but
+ [v] is not. According to George and Appel's paper:
+- If [u] is precolored, use George's criterion.
+- If [u] is not precolored, use Briggs's criterion.
+ As noted by Hailperin, for non-precolored nodes, George's criterion
+ is incomparable with Briggs's: there are cases where G says yes
+ and B says no. Typically, [u] is a long-lived variable with many
+ interferences, and [v] is a short-lived temporary copy of [u]
+ that has no more interferences than [u]. Coalescing [u] and [v]
+ is "weakly safe" in Hailperin's terminology: [u] is no harder to color,
+ [u]'s neighbors are no harder to color either, but if we end up
+ spilling [u], we'll spill [v] as well. However, if [v] has at most
+ one def and one use, CompCert generates equivalent code if
+ both [u] and [v] are spilled and if [u] is spilled but not [v],
+ so George's criterion is safe in this case.
+let thresholdGeorge = 2.0 (* = 1 def + 1 use *)
+let canCoalesce u v =
+ if u.nstate = Colored
+ then canCoalesceGeorge u v
+ else canCoalesceBriggs u v
+ || (v.spillcost <= thresholdGeorge && canCoalesceGeorge u v)
+ || (u.spillcost <= thresholdGeorge && canCoalesceGeorge v u)
(* Update worklists after a move was processed *)
let addWorkList u =
@@ -591,9 +610,7 @@ let coalesce () =
DLinkMove.insert m constrainedMoves;
addWorkList u;
addWorkList v
- end else if (if u.nstate = Colored
- then canCoalescePrecolored u v
- else canConservativelyCoalesce u v) then begin
+ end else if canCoalesce u v then begin
DLinkMove.insert m coalescedMoves;
combine u v;
addWorkList u