path: root/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/Outlining.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/Outlining.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/Outlining.cs b/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/Outlining.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e64e43d..00000000
--- a/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/Outlining.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using System.Windows.Threading;
-using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Outlining;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
-namespace DafnyLanguage
- [Export(typeof(ITaggerProvider))]
- [ContentType("dafny")]
- [TagType(typeof(IOutliningRegionTag))]
- internal sealed class OutliningTaggerProvider : ITaggerProvider
- {
- public ITagger<T> CreateTagger<T>(ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag {
- // create a single tagger for each buffer.
- Func<ITagger<T>> sc = delegate() { return new OutlineTagger(buffer) as ITagger<T>; };
- return buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty<ITagger<T>>(sc);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Data about one outline region
- /// </summary>
- internal class OutlineRegion
- {
- public SnapshotPoint Start { get; set; }
- public SnapshotPoint End { get; set; }
- public SnapshotSpan Span {
- get { return new SnapshotSpan(Start, End); }
- }
- public string HoverText { get; set; }
- public string Label { get; set; }
- }
- internal sealed class OutlineTagger : ITagger<IOutliningRegionTag>
- {
- ITextBuffer _buffer;
- ITextSnapshot _snapshot;
- List<OutlineRegion> _regions;
- public OutlineTagger(ITextBuffer buffer) {
- _buffer = buffer;
- _snapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
- _regions = new List<OutlineRegion>();
- ReparseFile(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- // listen for changes to the buffer, but don't process until the user stops typing
- BufferIdleEventUtil.AddBufferIdleEventListener(_buffer, ReparseFile);
- }
- public void Dispose() {
- BufferIdleEventUtil.RemoveBufferIdleEventListener(_buffer, ReparseFile);
- }
- public IEnumerable<ITagSpan<IOutliningRegionTag>> GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans) {
- if (spans.Count == 0)
- yield break;
- List<OutlineRegion> currentRegions = _regions;
- ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot = _snapshot;
- // create a new SnapshotSpan for the entire region encompassed by the span collection
- SnapshotSpan entire = new SnapshotSpan(spans[0].Start, spans[spans.Count - 1].End).TranslateTo(currentSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
- int startLineNumber = entire.Start.GetContainingLine().LineNumber;
- int endLineNumber = entire.End.GetContainingLine().LineNumber;
- // return outline tags for any regions that fall within that span
- foreach (var region in currentRegions) {
- if (entire.IntersectsWith(region.Span)) {
- //the region starts at the beginning of the "{", and goes until the *end* of the line that contains the "}".
- yield return new TagSpan<OutliningRegionTag>(new SnapshotSpan(region.Start, region.End),
- new OutliningRegionTag(false, false, region.Label, region.HoverText));
- }
- }
- }
- public event EventHandler<SnapshotSpanEventArgs> TagsChanged;
- static string ellipsis = "..."; //the characters that are displayed when the region is collapsed
- static Regex matchKey = new Regex("^\\s*(datatype|method|function)");
- static int MaxHiddenLines = 15;
- static char[] eitherBrace = { '{', '}' };
- /// <summary>
- /// Find all of the outline sections in the snapshot
- /// </summary>
- private List<OutlineRegion> ParseOutlineSections(ITextSnapshot newSnapshot) {
- List<OutlineRegion> newRegions = new List<OutlineRegion>();
- // We care about three states:
- // (0) looking for an outlineable declaration
- // (1) have found an outlineable declaration, looking for an open curly
- // (2) looking for a close curly
- // The search used here is not at all exact, and it would be easy to get it to
- // do the wrong thing; however, in common cases, it will do the right thing.
- int state = 0;
- SnapshotPoint start = new SnapshotPoint(); // the value of "start" matters only if state==2
- int braceImbalance = 0; // used only if state==2
- string hoverText = ""; // used only if state==2
- int hoverLineCount = 0; // used only if state==2
- string prevLineBreak = ""; // used only if state==2
- foreach (ITextSnapshotLine line in newSnapshot.Lines) {
- string txt = line.GetText();
- if (state == 0) {
- MatchCollection matches = matchKey.Matches(txt);
- if (matches.Count != 0)
- state = 1;
- }
- int startPos = 0;
- if (state == 1) {
- startPos = txt.IndexOf('{');
- if (startPos != -1) {
- start = new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start.Position + startPos + 1);
- startPos++;
- state = 2;
- braceImbalance = 1;
- hoverText = txt.Substring(startPos).Trim();
- hoverLineCount = hoverText.Length == 0 ? 0 : 1;
- prevLineBreak = line.GetLineBreakText();
- }
- }
- if (state == 2) {
- int endPos = startPos;
- while (braceImbalance != 0) {
- endPos = txt.IndexOfAny(eitherBrace, endPos);
- if (endPos == -1) break;
- char ch = txt[endPos];
- if (ch == '{') {
- braceImbalance++;
- } else {
- braceImbalance--;
- if (braceImbalance == 0) break;
- }
- endPos++;
- }
- if (endPos == -1) {
- // not there yet
- if (startPos == 0 && hoverLineCount < MaxHiddenLines) {
- string h = txt.Trim();
- if (h.Length != 0) {
- if (hoverText.Length != 0)
- hoverText += prevLineBreak;
- hoverText += h;
- hoverLineCount++;
- prevLineBreak = line.GetLineBreakText();
- }
- }
- } else {
- // we found the end
- if (startPos != 0) {
- hoverText = txt.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos).Trim();
- } else if (hoverLineCount < MaxHiddenLines) {
- string h = txt.Substring(0, endPos).Trim();
- if (h.Length != 0) {
- if (hoverText.Length != 0)
- hoverText += prevLineBreak;
- hoverText += h;
- }
- }
- SnapshotPoint end = new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start.Position + endPos);
- newRegions.Add(new OutlineRegion() {
- Start = start, End = end, Label = ellipsis,
- HoverText = hoverText
- });
- state = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return newRegions;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Find all of the outline regions in the document (snapshot) and notify
- /// listeners of any that changed
- /// </summary>
- void ReparseFile(object sender, EventArgs args) {
- ITextSnapshot snapshot = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
- // get all of the outline regions in the snapshot
- List<OutlineRegion> newRegions = ParseOutlineSections(snapshot);
- // determine the changed span, and send a changed event with the new spans
- List<SnapshotSpan> oldSpans = new List<SnapshotSpan>(_regions.Select(r =>
- r.Span.TranslateTo(snapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive)));
- List<SnapshotSpan> newSpans = new List<SnapshotSpan>(newRegions.Select(r => r.Span));
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection oldSpanCollection = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(oldSpans);
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection newSpanCollection = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(newSpans);
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection difference = SymmetricDifference(oldSpanCollection, newSpanCollection);
- // save the new baseline
- _snapshot = snapshot;
- _regions = newRegions;
- foreach (var span in difference) {
- var chng = TagsChanged;
- if (chng != null)
- chng(this, new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(span));
- }
- }
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection SymmetricDifference(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection first, NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection second) {
- return NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection.Union(
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection.Difference(first, second),
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection.Difference(second, first));
- }
- }