path: root/Test/civl/treiber-stack.bpl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Test/civl/treiber-stack.bpl')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/civl/treiber-stack.bpl b/Test/civl/treiber-stack.bpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1c509ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/civl/treiber-stack.bpl
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// RUN: %boogie -noinfer -typeEncoding:m -useArrayTheory "%s" > "%t"
+// RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t"
+type Node = int;
+const unique null: Node;
+type lmap;
+function {:linear "Node"} dom(lmap): [Node]bool;
+function map(lmap): [Node]Node;
+function {:builtin "MapConst"} MapConstBool(bool) : [Node]bool;
+function EmptyLmap(): (lmap);
+axiom (dom(EmptyLmap()) == MapConstBool(false));
+function Add(x: lmap, i: Node, v: Node): (lmap);
+axiom (forall x: lmap, i: Node, v: Node :: dom(Add(x, i, v)) == dom(x)[i:=true] && map(Add(x, i, v)) == map(x)[i := v]);
+function Remove(x: lmap, i: Node): (lmap);
+axiom (forall x: lmap, i: Node :: dom(Remove(x, i)) == dom(x)[i:=false] && map(Remove(x, i)) == map(x));
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} ReadTopOfStack() returns (v:Node);
+ensures {:right} |{ A: assume dom(Stack)[v] || dom(Used)[v]; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} Load(i:Node) returns (v:Node);
+ensures {:right} |{ A: assert dom(Stack)[i] || dom(Used)[i]; goto B,C;
+ B: assume dom(Stack)[i]; v := map(Stack)[i]; return true;
+ C: assume !dom(Stack)[i]; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} Store({:linear_in "Node"} l_in:lmap, i:Node, v:Node) returns ({:linear "Node"} l_out:lmap);
+ensures {:both} |{ A: assert dom(l_in)[i]; l_out := Add(l_in, i, v); return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} TransferToStack(oldVal: Node, newVal: Node, {:linear_in "Node"} l_in:lmap) returns (r: bool, {:linear "Node"} l_out:lmap);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert dom(l_in)[newVal];
+ goto B,C;
+ B: assume oldVal == TopOfStack; TopOfStack := newVal; l_out := EmptyLmap(); Stack := Add(Stack, newVal, map(l_in)[newVal]); r := true; return true;
+ C: assume oldVal != TopOfStack; l_out := l_in; r := false; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} TransferFromStack(oldVal: Node, newVal: Node) returns (r: bool);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: goto B,C;
+ B: assume oldVal == TopOfStack; TopOfStack := newVal; Used := Add(Used, oldVal, map(Stack)[oldVal]); Stack := Remove(Stack, oldVal); r := true; return true;
+ C: assume oldVal != TopOfStack; r := false; return true; }|;
+var {:layer 0} TopOfStack: Node;
+var {:linear "Node"} {:layer 0} Stack: lmap;
+function {:inline} Inv(TopOfStack: Node, Stack: lmap) : (bool)
+ BetweenSet(map(Stack), TopOfStack, null)[TopOfStack] &&
+ Subset(BetweenSet(map(Stack), TopOfStack, null), Union(Singleton(null), dom(Stack)))
+var {:linear "Node"} {:layer 0} Used: lmap;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} push(x: Node, {:linear_in "Node"} x_lmap: lmap)
+requires {:layer 1} dom(x_lmap)[x];
+requires {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ensures {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: Stack := Add(Stack, x, TopOfStack); TopOfStack := x; return true; }|;
+ var t: Node;
+ var g: bool;
+ var {:linear "Node"} t_lmap: lmap;
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ t_lmap := x_lmap;
+ while (true)
+ invariant {:layer 1} dom(t_lmap) == dom(x_lmap);
+ invariant {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ {
+ call t := ReadTopOfStack();
+ call t_lmap := Store(t_lmap, x, t);
+ call g, t_lmap := TransferToStack(t, x, t_lmap);
+ if (g) {
+ assert {:layer 1} map(Stack)[x] == t;
+ break;
+ }
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} dom(t_lmap) == dom(x_lmap);
+ assert {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ }
+ yield;
+ assert {:expand} {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} pop()
+requires {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ensures {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ var t: Node;
+ A: assume TopOfStack != null; t := TopOfStack; Used := Add(Used, t, map(Stack)[t]); TopOfStack := map(Stack)[t]; Stack := Remove(Stack, t); return true; }|;
+ var g: bool;
+ var x: Node;
+ var t: Node;
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ while (true)
+ invariant {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ {
+ call t := ReadTopOfStack();
+ if (t != null) {
+ call x := Load(t);
+ call g := TransferFromStack(t, x);
+ if (g) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+ }
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} Inv(TopOfStack, Stack);
+function Equal([int]bool, [int]bool) returns (bool);
+function Subset([int]bool, [int]bool) returns (bool);
+function Empty() returns ([int]bool);
+function Singleton(int) returns ([int]bool);
+function Reachable([int,int]bool, int) returns ([int]bool);
+function Union([int]bool, [int]bool) returns ([int]bool);
+axiom(forall x:int :: !Empty()[x]);
+axiom(forall x:int, y:int :: {Singleton(y)[x]} Singleton(y)[x] <==> x == y);
+axiom(forall y:int :: {Singleton(y)} Singleton(y)[y]);
+axiom(forall x:int, S:[int]bool, T:[int]bool :: {Union(S,T)[x]}{Union(S,T),S[x]}{Union(S,T),T[x]} Union(S,T)[x] <==> S[x] || T[x]);
+axiom(forall S:[int]bool, T:[int]bool :: {Equal(S,T)} Equal(S,T) <==> Subset(S,T) && Subset(T,S));
+axiom(forall x:int, S:[int]bool, T:[int]bool :: {S[x],Subset(S,T)}{T[x],Subset(S,T)} S[x] && Subset(S,T) ==> T[x]);
+axiom(forall S:[int]bool, T:[int]bool :: {Subset(S,T)} Subset(S,T) || (exists x:int :: S[x] && !T[x]));
+// Between predicate
+function Between(f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int) returns (bool);
+function Avoiding(f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int) returns (bool);
+// Between set constructor
+function BetweenSet(f: [int]int, x: int, z: int) returns ([int]bool);
+// axioms relating Between and BetweenSet
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int :: {BetweenSet(f, x, z)[y]} BetweenSet(f, x, z)[y] <==> Between(f, x, y, z));
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int :: {Between(f, x, y, z), BetweenSet(f, x, z)} Between(f, x, y, z) ==> BetweenSet(f, x, z)[y]);
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, z: int :: {BetweenSet(f, x, z)} Between(f, x, x, x));
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, z: int :: {BetweenSet(f, x, z)} Between(f, z, z, z));
+// Axioms for Between
+// reflexive
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int :: Between(f, x, x, x));
+// step
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int, w:int :: {Between(f, y, z, w), f[x]} Between(f, x, f[x], f[x]));
+// reach
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int :: {f[x], Between(f, x, y, y)} Between(f, x, y, y) ==> x == y || Between(f, x, f[x], y));
+// cycle
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y:int :: {f[x], Between(f, x, y, y)} f[x] == x && Between(f, x, y, y) ==> x == y);
+// sandwich
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int :: {Between(f, x, y, x)} Between(f, x, y, x) ==> x == y);
+// order1
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int :: {Between(f, x, y, y), Between(f, x, z, z)} Between(f, x, y, y) && Between(f, x, z, z) ==> Between(f, x, y, z) || Between(f, x, z, y));
+// order2
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int :: {Between(f, x, y, z)} Between(f, x, y, z) ==> Between(f, x, y, y) && Between(f, y, z, z));
+// transitive1
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int :: {Between(f, x, y, y), Between(f, y, z, z)} Between(f, x, y, y) && Between(f, y, z, z) ==> Between(f, x, z, z));
+// transitive2
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int, w: int :: {Between(f, x, y, z), Between(f, y, w, z)} Between(f, x, y, z) && Between(f, y, w, z) ==> Between(f, x, y, w) && Between(f, x, w, z));
+// transitive3
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int, w: int :: {Between(f, x, y, z), Between(f, x, w, y)} Between(f, x, y, z) && Between(f, x, w, y) ==> Between(f, x, w, z) && Between(f, w, y, z));
+// This axiom is required to deal with the incompleteness of the trigger for the reflexive axiom.
+// It cannot be proved using the rest of the axioms.
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, u:int, x: int :: {Between(f, u, x, x)} Between(f, u, x, x) ==> Between(f, u, u, x));
+// relation between Avoiding and Between
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int :: {Avoiding(f, x, y, z)} Avoiding(f, x, y, z) <==> (Between(f, x, y, z) || (Between(f, x, y, y) && !Between(f, x, z, z))));
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, x: int, y: int, z: int :: {Between(f, x, y, z)} Between(f, x, y, z) <==> (Avoiding(f, x, y, z) && Avoiding(f, x, z, z)));
+// update
+axiom(forall f: [int]int, u: int, v: int, x: int, p: int, q: int :: {Avoiding(f[p := q], u, v, x)} Avoiding(f[p := q], u, v, x) <==> ((Avoiding(f, u, v, p) && Avoiding(f, u, v, x)) || (Avoiding(f, u, p, x) && p != x && Avoiding(f, q, v, p) && Avoiding(f, q, v, x))));
+axiom (forall f: [int]int, p: int, q: int, u: int, w: int :: {BetweenSet(f[p := q], u, w)} Avoiding(f, u, w, p) ==> Equal(BetweenSet(f[p := q], u, w), BetweenSet(f, u, w)));
+axiom (forall f: [int]int, p: int, q: int, u: int, w: int :: {BetweenSet(f[p := q], u, w)} p != w && Avoiding(f, u, p, w) && Avoiding(f, q, w, p) ==> Equal(BetweenSet(f[p := q], u, w), Union(BetweenSet(f, u, p), BetweenSet(f, q, w))));
+axiom (forall f: [int]int, p: int, q: int, u: int, w: int :: {BetweenSet(f[p := q], u, w)} Avoiding(f, u, w, p) || (p != w && Avoiding(f, u, p, w) && Avoiding(f, q, w, p)) || Equal(BetweenSet(f[p := q], u, w), Empty())); \ No newline at end of file