diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Provers')
-rw-r--r-- | Source/Provers/Isabelle/Prover.cs | 1076 |
1 files changed, 1076 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Provers/Isabelle/Prover.cs b/Source/Provers/Isabelle/Prover.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0860c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Provers/Isabelle/Prover.cs @@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@ +/*
+Copyright (c) 2009, Sascha Boehme, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this software without specific prior written permission.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using Microsoft.Basetypes;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Isabelle {
+ public class IsabelleProverOptions : ProverOptions {
+ private string filename = null;
+ public string Filename = "";
+ public bool AllTypes = false;
+ protected override bool Parse(string opt) {
+ Contract.Requires(opt != null);
+ bool v2 = false;
+ return
+ ParseString(opt, "ISABELLE_INPUT", ref filename) ||
+ ParseBool(opt, "ISABELLE_FULL", ref AllTypes) ||
+ ParseBool(opt, "V2", ref v2) ||
+ base.Parse(opt);
+ }
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(Filename != null);
+ }
+ protected override void PostParse() {
+ base.PostParse();
+ if (filename == null) {
+ ReportError("Missing ISABELLE_INPUT option. " +
+ "This option expects a filename (with extension .b2i).");
+ } else if (!Path.GetExtension(filename).Equals(".b2i")) {
+ filename = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".b2i");
+ }
+ Filename = cce.NonNull(filename);
+ }
+ }
+ public class Factory : ProverFactory {
+ private static int index = 0;
+ public override ProverOptions BlankProverOptions() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ProverOptions>() != null);
+ return new IsabelleProverOptions();
+ }
+ public override object NewProverContext(ProverOptions options) {
+ Contract.Requires(options != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<object>() != null);
+ IsabelleProverOptions opts = (IsabelleProverOptions)options;
+ string filename = opts.Filename;
+ Contract.Assert(filename != null);
+ lock (this) {
+ if (index > 0) {
+ filename = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "." + index + ".b2i");
+ }
+ index++;
+ if (File.Exists(filename)) {
+ File.Delete(filename);
+ }
+ }
+ return new IsabelleContext(filename, opts.AllTypes);
+ }
+ public override object SpawnProver(ProverOptions options, object ctxt) {
+ Contract.Requires(options != null);
+ Contract.Requires(ctxt != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<object>() != null);
+ return new IsabelleInterface(cce.NonNull((ProverContext)ctxt));
+ }
+ // we prefer DAG outputs over LET
+ public override bool SupportsDags {
+ get {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // this works well in Isabelle, but we do not get structural information
+ public override CommandLineOptions.VCVariety DefaultVCVariety {
+ get {
+ return CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Dag;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class IsabelleInterface : ProverInterface {
+ private static Dictionary<string/*!*/, int> lastVCIndex =
+ new Dictionary<string/*!*/, int>();
+ private IsabelleContext ctxt;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(lastVCIndex.Keys));
+ Contract.Invariant(ctxt != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(lastVCIndex != null);
+ }
+ public IsabelleInterface(ProverContext ctxt) {
+ Contract.Requires(ctxt != null);
+ this.ctxt = (IsabelleContext)cce.NonNull(ctxt);
+ }
+ public override ProverContext Context {
+ get {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ProverContext>() != null);
+ return ctxt;
+ }
+ }
+ public override VCExpressionGenerator VCExprGen {
+ get {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpressionGenerator>() != null);
+ return cce.NonNull(ctxt.ExprGen);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void BeginCheck(string name, VCExpr vc, ErrorHandler h) {
+ Contract.Requires(h != null);
+ Contract.Requires(vc != null);
+ Contract.Requires(name != null);
+ int index;
+ lock (lastVCIndex) {
+ lastVCIndex.TryGetValue(name, out index);
+ index++;
+ lastVCIndex[name] = index;
+ }
+ lock (ctxt) {
+ ctxt.AddVC(name + " " + index, vc, h);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Outcome CheckOutcome(ErrorHandler handler) {
+ Contract.Requires(handler != null);
+ return Outcome.Undetermined; // we will check the goal later in Isabelle
+ }
+ }
+ public class IsabelleContext : DeclFreeProverContext {
+ private List<string/*!*/> declaredFunctions = new List<string/*!*/>();
+ public readonly string OutputFilename;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(declaredFunctions != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(OutputFilename != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(declaredFunctions));
+ }
+ public bool IsFunctionDeclared(string name) {
+ Contract.Requires(name != null);
+ return declaredFunctions.Contains(name);
+ }
+ public readonly bool AllTypes;
+ public IsabelleContext(string outputFilename, bool allTypes)
+ : base(new VCExpressionGenerator(), new VCGenerationOptions(new List<string/*!*/>(new string/*!*/[] { "bvInt", "bvDefSem", "bvint", "bvz", "external" }))) {
+ Contract.Requires(outputFilename != null);
+ this.OutputFilename = outputFilename;
+ this.AllTypes = allTypes;
+ }
+ public override object Clone() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<object>() != null);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override void DeclareType(TypeCtorDecl t, string atts) {
+ Contract.Requires(t != null);
+ B2I b2i = new B2I(this);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.TypeDecl, t.Name + " " + t.Arity + " " +
+ B2I.CountOf(t.Attributes));
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(t.Attributes, BoogieExprTranslator);
+ b2i.Close();
+ }
+ public override void DeclareConstant(Constant c, bool uniq, string atts) {
+ Contract.Requires(c != null);
+ QKeyValue attributes = c.Attributes;
+ if (c.Unique) {
+ attributes = B2I.Add("unique", null, attributes);
+ }
+ declaredFunctions.Add(c.Name);
+ B2I b2i = new B2I(this);
+ if (AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.FunDecl, c.Name + " 0 1 " +
+ B2I.CountOf(attributes));
+ } else {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.FunDecl, c.Name + " 1 " + B2I.CountOf(attributes));
+ }
+ b2i.Indent(4);
+ b2i.Write(c.TypedIdent.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(attributes, BoogieExprTranslator);
+ b2i.Close();
+ }
+ public override void DeclareFunction(Function f, string atts) {
+ Contract.Requires(f != null);
+ declaredFunctions.Add(f.Name);
+ B2I b2i = new B2I(this);
+ if (AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.FunDecl, f.Name + " " + f.TypeParameters.Length +
+ " " + (f.InParams.Length + 1) + " " + B2I.CountOf(f.Attributes));
+ b2i.Indent(4);
+ foreach (TypeVariable v in f.TypeParameters) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ b2i.Write(v);
+ }
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ } else {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.FunDecl, f.Name + " " + (f.InParams.Length + 1) +
+ " " + B2I.CountOf(f.Attributes));
+ }
+ b2i.Indent(4);
+ foreach (Variable v in f.InParams) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ b2i.Write(v.TypedIdent.Type);
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(f.OutParams.Length == 1);
+ b2i.Write(cce.NonNull(f.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(f.Attributes, BoogieExprTranslator);
+ b2i.Close();
+ }
+ public override void AddAxiom(Axiom a, string atts) {
+ Contract.Requires(a != null);
+ B2I b2i = new B2I(this);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Axiom, B2I.CountOf(a.Attributes).ToString());
+ b2i.Indent(4);
+ b2i.Write(BoogieExprTranslator.Translate(a.Expr));
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(a.Attributes, BoogieExprTranslator);
+ b2i.Close();
+ }
+ public override void AddAxiom(VCExpr e) {
+ Contract.Requires(e != null);
+ B2I b2i = new B2I(this);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Axiom, "0");
+ b2i.Indent(4);
+ b2i.Write(e);
+ b2i.Close();
+ }
+ public override void DeclareGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable v, string atts) {
+ Contract.Requires(v != null);
+ B2I b2i = new B2I(this);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.VarDecl, v.Name + " " + B2I.CountOf(v.Attributes));
+ b2i.Indent(4);
+ b2i.Write(v.TypedIdent.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(v.Attributes, BoogieExprTranslator);
+ b2i.Close();
+ }
+ public void AddVC(string name, VCExpr vc,
+ ProverInterface.ErrorHandler h) {
+ Contract.Requires(name != null);
+ Contract.Requires(vc != null);
+ Contract.Requires(h != null);
+ B2I b2i = new B2I(this);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.VC, name);
+ b2i.Indent(4);
+ b2i.Write(vc, h);
+ b2i.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ class B2I {
+ private TextWriter w;
+ private VCExprWriter exprWriter = new VCExprWriter();
+ private VCExprOpWriter exprOpWriter = new VCExprOpWriter();
+ private ProverInterface.ErrorHandler eh = null;
+ public ProverInterface.ErrorHandler LabelRenamer {
+ get {
+ return eh;
+ }
+ }
+ public readonly IsabelleContext Context;
+ private Stack<int> indents;
+ private static int[] default_indent = new int[] { 0 };
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(w != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(exprWriter != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(exprOpWriter != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(Context != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(indents != null);
+ }
+ public B2I(IsabelleContext ctxt) {
+ Contract.Requires(ctxt != null);
+ Context = ctxt;
+ w = new StreamWriter(ctxt.OutputFilename, true);
+ indents = new Stack<int>(default_indent);
+ }
+ public void Close() {
+ w.Close();
+ }
+ public void Indent(int indent) {
+ indents.Push(indent + indents.Peek());
+ }
+ public void Unindent() {
+ indents.Pop();
+ }
+ private void DoWrite(Kind k, string s) {
+ Contract.Requires(s != null);
+ w.WriteLine(new String(' ', indents.Peek()) + StringOfKind(k) + s);
+ }
+ public void Write(Kind k) {
+ DoWrite(k, "");
+ }
+ public void Write(Kind k, string s) {
+ Contract.Requires(s != null);
+ DoWrite(k, " " + s);
+ }
+ public void Write(Type ty) {
+ Contract.Requires(ty != null);
+ if (ty.IsInt) {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.Int);
+ } else if (ty.IsBool) {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.Bool);
+ } else if (ty.IsBv) {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.BvType, ty.BvBits.ToString());
+ } else if (ty.IsVariable) {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.TypeVar, ty.AsVariable.Name);
+ } else if (ty.IsCtor) {
+ CtorType t = ty.AsCtor;
+ Contract.Assert(t != null);
+ Write(B2I.Kind.TypeCon, t.Decl.Name + " " + t.Arguments.Length);
+ Indent(2);
+ foreach (Type a in t.Arguments) {
+ Contract.Assert(a != null);
+ Write(a);
+ }
+ Unindent();
+ } else if (ty.IsMap) {
+ MapType t = ty.AsMap;
+ Contract.Assert(t != null);
+ if (Context.AllTypes) {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.Array, t.TypeParameters.Length + " " +
+ (t.Arguments.Length + 1));
+ Indent(2);
+ foreach (TypeVariable v in t.TypeParameters) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ Write(v);
+ }
+ Unindent();
+ } else {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.Array, (t.Arguments.Length + 1).ToString());
+ }
+ Indent(2);
+ foreach (Type a in t.Arguments) {
+ Contract.Assert(a != null);
+ Write(a);
+ }
+ Write(t.Result);
+ Unindent();
+ }
+ }
+ public void Write(VCExpr e) {
+ Contract.Requires(e != null);
+ e.Accept<bool, B2I/*!*/>(exprWriter, this);
+ }
+ public void Write(VCExpr e, ProverInterface.ErrorHandler h) {
+ Contract.Requires(e != null);
+ Contract.Requires(h != null);
+ eh = h;
+ e.Accept<bool, B2I/*!*/>(exprWriter, this);
+ eh = null;
+ }
+ public void Write(VCExprNAry e) {
+ Contract.Requires(e != null);
+ e.Accept<bool, B2I/*!*/>(exprOpWriter, this);
+ }
+ public B2I Write(QKeyValue atts, Boogie2VCExprTranslator tr) {
+ Contract.Requires(tr != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<B2I>() != null);
+ for (QKeyValue a = atts; a != null; a = a.Next) {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.Attribute, a.Key + " " + a.Params.Count);
+ Indent(2);
+ foreach (object v in a.Params) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ if (v is string) {
+ string s = cce.NonNull((string)v).Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " ")
+ .Replace("\t", "\\w");
+ Write(B2I.Kind.AttributeString, s);
+ } else {
+ Write(B2I.Kind.AttributeExpr);
+ Indent(2);
+ Write(tr.Translate(cce.NonNull((Expr)v)));
+ Unindent();
+ }
+ }
+ Unindent();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ public enum Kind {
+ TypeDecl,
+ FunDecl,
+ VarDecl,
+ Axiom,
+ VC,
+ Attribute,
+ AttributeString,
+ AttributeExpr,
+ Type,
+ Int,
+ Bool,
+ BvType,
+ TypeVar,
+ TypeCon,
+ Array,
+ True,
+ False,
+ Not,
+ And,
+ Or,
+ Implies,
+ Distinct,
+ Eq,
+ IntNumber,
+ Le,
+ Lt,
+ Ge,
+ Gt,
+ Add,
+ Sub,
+ Mul,
+ Div,
+ Mod,
+ BvNumber,
+ BvExtract,
+ BvConcat,
+ Variable,
+ Pat,
+ NoPat,
+ Forall,
+ Exists,
+ Select,
+ Store,
+ HeapSucc,
+ Subtype,
+ Subtype3,
+ Function,
+ Label
+ };
+ private string StringOfKind(Kind k) {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
+ switch (k) {
+ case Kind.TypeDecl:
+ return "type-decl";
+ case Kind.FunDecl:
+ return "fun-decl";
+ case Kind.VarDecl:
+ return "var-decl";
+ case Kind.Axiom:
+ return "axiom";
+ case Kind.VC:
+ return "vc";
+ case Kind.Attribute:
+ return "attribute";
+ case Kind.AttributeString:
+ return "string-attr";
+ case Kind.AttributeExpr:
+ return "expr-attr";
+ case Kind.Type:
+ return "type";
+ case Kind.Int:
+ return "int";
+ case Kind.Bool:
+ return "bool";
+ case Kind.BvType:
+ return "bv";
+ case Kind.TypeVar:
+ return "type-var";
+ case Kind.TypeCon:
+ return "type-con";
+ case Kind.Array:
+ return "array";
+ case Kind.True:
+ return "true";
+ case Kind.False:
+ return "false";
+ case Kind.IntNumber:
+ return "int-num";
+ case Kind.BvNumber:
+ return "bv-num";
+ case Kind.Variable:
+ return "var";
+ case Kind.Not:
+ return "not";
+ case Kind.And:
+ return "and";
+ case Kind.Or:
+ return "or";
+ case Kind.Implies:
+ return "implies";
+ case Kind.Distinct:
+ return "distinct";
+ case Kind.Eq:
+ return "=";
+ case Kind.Le:
+ return "<=";
+ case Kind.Lt:
+ return "<";
+ case Kind.Ge:
+ return ">=";
+ case Kind.Gt:
+ return ">";
+ case Kind.Add:
+ return "+";
+ case Kind.Sub:
+ return "-";
+ case Kind.Mul:
+ return "*";
+ case Kind.Div:
+ return "/";
+ case Kind.Mod:
+ return "%";
+ case Kind.Select:
+ return "select";
+ case Kind.Store:
+ return "store";
+ case Kind.BvExtract:
+ return "bv-extract";
+ case Kind.BvConcat:
+ return "bv-concat";
+ case Kind.HeapSucc:
+ return "heap-succ";
+ case Kind.Subtype:
+ return "subtype";
+ case Kind.Subtype3:
+ return "subtype3";
+ case Kind.Function:
+ return "fun";
+ case Kind.Label:
+ return "label";
+ case Kind.Pat:
+ return "pat";
+ case Kind.NoPat:
+ return "nopat";
+ case Kind.Forall:
+ return "forall";
+ case Kind.Exists:
+ return "exists";
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(false);
+ throw new cce.UnreachableException();
+ }
+ public static int CountOf(QKeyValue atts) {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (QKeyValue a = atts; a != null; a = a.Next) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ public static QKeyValue Add(string key, string value, QKeyValue kv) {
+ Contract.Requires(key != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<QKeyValue>() != null);
+ List<object/*!*/>/*!*/ list = new List<object/*!*/>();
+ if (value != null) {
+ list.Add(value);
+ }
+ return new QKeyValue(Token.NoToken, key, list, kv);
+ }
+ }
+ class VCExprWriter : IVCExprVisitor<bool, B2I/*!*/> {
+ public bool Visit(VCExprLiteral node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.True) {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.True);
+ } else if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.False) {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.False);
+ } else if (node is VCExprIntLit) {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.IntNumber, ((VCExprIntLit)node).Val.ToString());
+ } else
+ Contract.Assert(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool Visit(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ b2i.Write(node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool Visit(VCExprVar node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ if (b2i.Context.IsFunctionDeclared(node.Name)) {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Function, node.Name + " 0");
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(node.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ } else {
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Variable, node.Name);
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(node.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool Visit(VCExprQuantifier node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ QKeyValue attribs =
+ B2I.Add("qid", node.Infos.qid,
+ B2I.Add("uniqueId", node.Infos.uniqueId.ToString(),
+ B2I.Add("bvZ3Native", node.Infos.bvZ3Native.ToString(),
+ node.Infos.attributes)));
+ B2I.Kind all = B2I.Kind.Forall;
+ B2I.Kind ex = B2I.Kind.Exists;
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Write((node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL) ? all : ex,
+ node.TypeParameters.Count + " " + node.BoundVars.Count + " " +
+ node.Triggers.Count + " " + B2I.CountOf(attribs));
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ foreach (TypeVariable v in node.TypeParameters) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ b2i.Write(v);
+ }
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ } else {
+ b2i.Write((node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL) ? all : ex,
+ node.BoundVars.Count + " " + node.Triggers.Count + " " +
+ B2I.CountOf(attribs));
+ }
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ foreach (VCExprVar v in node.BoundVars) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Variable, v.Name);
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(v.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ foreach (VCTrigger t in node.Triggers) {
+ Contract.Assert(t != null);
+ B2I.Kind k = (t.Pos) ? B2I.Kind.Pat : B2I.Kind.NoPat;
+ b2i.Write(k, t.Exprs.Count.ToString());
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ foreach (VCExpr e in t.Exprs) {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ b2i.Write(e);
+ }
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ b2i.Write(attribs, b2i.Context.BoogieExprTranslator);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ b2i.Write(node.Body);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool Visit(VCExprLet node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ // we do not support "let"
+ Contract.Assert(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ class VCExprOpWriter : IVCExprOpVisitor<bool, B2I/*!*/> {
+ private void WriteArguments(B2I b2i, VCExprNAry node) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ foreach (VCExpr e in node) {
+ b2i.Write(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private bool Write(B2I b2i, B2I.Kind k, VCExprNAry node) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ b2i.Write(k);
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitNotOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Not, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitEqOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Eq);
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(node[0].Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitNeqOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Not);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Eq);
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(node[0].Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private bool Unroll(B2I.Kind kind, VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ List<VCExpr/*!>!*/> unroll = new List<VCExpr/*!*/>();
+ foreach (VCExpr e in node) {
+ unroll.Insert(0, e);
+ }
+ List<VCExpr/*!>!*/> flat = new List<VCExpr/*!*/>();
+ while (unroll.Count > 0) {
+ VCExpr hd = unroll[0];
+ Contract.Assert(hd != node);
+ unroll.RemoveAt(0);
+ if (hd is VCExprNAry && ((VCExprNAry)hd).Op.Equals(node.Op)) {
+ VCExprNAry n = (VCExprNAry)hd;
+ foreach (VCExpr e in n) {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ unroll.Insert(0, e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ flat.Insert(0, hd);
+ }
+ }
+ b2i.Write(kind, flat.Count.ToString());
+ foreach (VCExpr e in flat) {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ b2i.Write(e);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitAndOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Unroll(B2I.Kind.And, node, b2i);
+ }
+ public bool VisitOrOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Unroll(B2I.Kind.Or, node, b2i);
+ }
+ public bool VisitImpliesOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Implies, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitDistinctOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Distinct, node.Length.ToString());
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(node[0].Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitLabelOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ VCExprLabelOp op = (VCExprLabelOp)node.Op;
+ Contract.Assert(op != null);
+ string label = op.label.Substring(1);
+ int ln = 0;
+ int col = 0;
+ if (b2i.LabelRenamer != null) {
+ Absy absy = b2i.LabelRenamer.Label2Absy(label);
+ Contract.Assert(absy != null);
+ if (absy.Line > 0 && absy.Col > 0) {
+ ln = absy.Line;
+ col = absy.Col;
+ }
+ }
+ string k = ((op.pos) ? "pos" : "neg");
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Label, k + " " + ln + " " + col);
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitSelectOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Select, node.Length.ToString());
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ foreach (VCExpr e in node) {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ b2i.Write(e.Type);
+ }
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(node.Type.Equals(node[0].Type.AsMap.Result));
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitStoreOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Store, node.Length.ToString());
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ foreach (VCExpr e in node) {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ b2i.Write(e.Type);
+ }
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(node.Type.Equals(node[0].Type));
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitBvOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ VCExprIntLit num = node[0] as VCExprIntLit;
+ if (num == null) {
+ Contract.Assert(false);
+ }
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.BvNumber, node.Type.BvBits + " " + num.Val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitBvExtractOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ VCExprBvExtractOp op = (VCExprBvExtractOp)node.Op;
+ Contract.Assert(op != null);
+ VCExpr child = node[0];
+ Contract.Assert(child != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.BvExtract, op.End + " " + op.Start);
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(child.Type);
+ b2i.Write(node.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ b2i.Write(child);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitBvConcatOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ Contract.Requires(node.Length >= 2);
+ VCExpr child1 = node[0];
+ Contract.Assert(child1 != null);
+ VCExpr child2 = node[1];
+ Contract.Assert(child2 != null);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.BvConcat);
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(child1.Type);
+ b2i.Write(child2.Type);
+ b2i.Write(node.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ b2i.Write(child1);
+ b2i.Write(child2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool VisitIfThenElseOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ throw new System.NotImplementedException(); // TODO
+ }
+ public bool VisitHeapSuccessionOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.HeapSucc, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitAddOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Add, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitSubOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Sub, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitMulOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Mul, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitDivOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Div, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitModOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Mod, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitLtOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Lt, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitLeOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Le, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitGtOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Gt, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitGeOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Ge, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitSubtypeOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Subtype, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitSubtype3Op(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ return Write(b2i, B2I.Kind.Subtype3, node);
+ }
+ public bool VisitBoogieFunctionOp(VCExprNAry node, B2I b2i) {
+ Contract.Requires(node!=null);
+ Contract.Requires(b2i != null);
+ Function f = cce.NonNull((VCExprBoogieFunctionOp)node.Op).Func;
+ Contract.Assert(f.InParams.Length == node.Length);
+ b2i.Write(B2I.Kind.Function, f.Name + " " + node.Length);
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ foreach (Variable v in f.InParams) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ b2i.Write(v.TypedIdent.Type);
+ }
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(f.OutParams.Length == 1);
+ Contract.Assert(f.OutParams[0] != null);
+ if (b2i.Context.AllTypes) {
+ b2i.Indent(2);
+ b2i.Write(cce.NonNull((Variable)f.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type);
+ b2i.Unindent();
+ }
+ WriteArguments(b2i, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public class cce {
+ [Pure]
+ public static T NonNull<T>(T t) {
+ Contract.Assert(t != null);
+ return t;
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ public static bool NonNullElements<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection) {
+ return collection != null && Contract.ForAll(collection, c => c != null);
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ public static bool NonNullElements(VariableSeq collection) {
+ return collection != null && Contract.ForAll(0, collection.Length, i => collection[i] != null);
+ }
+ public class UnreachableException : Exception {
+ public UnreachableException() {
+ }
+ }
+ }
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