path: root/Source/Dafny/SccGraph.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/SccGraph.cs')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/SccGraph.cs b/Source/Dafny/SccGraph.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0498f55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Dafny/SccGraph.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
+ public class Graph<Node>
+ {
+ enum VisitedStatus { Unvisited, OnStack, Visited }
+ class Vertex {
+ public readonly Node N;
+ public readonly List<Vertex!>! Successors = new List<Vertex!>();
+ public Vertex SccRepresentative; // null if not computed
+ public List<Vertex!> SccMembers; // non-null only for the representative of the SCC
+ public int SccId; // valid only for SCC representatives; indicates position of this representative vertex in the graph's topological sort
+ // the following field is used during the computation of SCCs and of reachability
+ public VisitedStatus Visited;
+ // the following fields are used during the computation of SCCs:
+ public int DfNumber;
+ public int LowLink;
+ // the following field is used during a Reaches computation
+ public int Gen; // generation <= Gen means this vertex has been visited in the current generation
+ public Vertex(Node n) {
+ N = n;
+ }
+ public void AddSuccessor(Vertex! v) {
+ Successors.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ Dictionary<Node, Vertex!>! vertices = new Dictionary<Node, Vertex!>();
+ bool sccComputed = false;
+ List<Vertex!> topologicallySortedRepresentatives; // computed by the SCC computation
+ invariant sccComputed ==> topologicallySortedRepresentatives != null;
+ public int SccCount {
+ get {
+ ComputeSCCs();
+ assert topologicallySortedRepresentatives != null; // follows from postcondition of ComputeSCCs and the object invariant
+ return topologicallySortedRepresentatives.Count;
+ }
+ }
+ int generation = 0;
+ public Graph()
+ {
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Idempotently adds a vertex 'n' to the graph.
+ /// </summary>
+ public void AddVertex(Node n) {
+ GetVertex(n);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Idempotently adds a vertex 'n' to the graph and then returns the Vertex for it.
+ /// </summary>
+ Vertex! GetVertex(Node n) {
+ Vertex v = FindVertex(n);
+ if (v == null) {
+ v = new Vertex(n);
+ vertices.Add(n, v);
+ if (sccComputed) {
+ assert topologicallySortedRepresentatives != null; // follows from object invariant
+ v.SccRepresentative = v;
+ v.SccMembers = new List<Vertex!>();
+ v.SccMembers.Add(v);
+ v.SccId = topologicallySortedRepresentatives.Count;
+ topologicallySortedRepresentatives.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Returns the vertex for 'n' if 'n' is in the graph. Otherwise, returns null.
+ /// </summary>
+ Vertex FindVertex(Node n) {
+ Vertex v;
+ if (vertices.TryGetValue(n, out v)) {
+ assert v != null; // follows from postcondition of TryGetValue (since 'vertices' maps to the type Vertex!)
+ return v;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Idempotently adds verices 'from' and 'to' the graph, and then
+ /// adds an edge from 'from' to 'to'.
+ /// </summary>
+ public void AddEdge(Node from, Node to) {
+ Vertex v0 = GetVertex(from);
+ Vertex v1 = GetVertex(to);
+ v0.AddSuccessor(v1);
+ sccComputed = false; // the addition of an edge may invalidate any previous computation of the graph's SCCs
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Idempotently adds 'n' as a vertex and then returns a Node that is the representative element of the
+ /// strongly connected component containing 'n'.
+ /// </summary>
+ public Node GetSCCRepresentative(Node n) {
+ return GetSCCRepr(n).N;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Idempotently adds 'n' as a vertex. Then, returns the number of SCCs before the SCC of 'n' in the
+ /// topologically sorting of SCCs.
+ /// </summary>
+ public int GetSCCRepresentativeId(Node n) {
+ return GetSCCRepr(n).SccId;
+ }
+ Vertex! GetSCCRepr(Node n) {
+ Vertex v = GetVertex(n);
+ ComputeSCCs();
+ assert v.SccRepresentative != null; // follows from what ComputeSCCs does
+ return v.SccRepresentative;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Returns a list of the topologically sorted SCCs, each represented in the list by its representative node.
+ /// </summary>
+ public List<Node>! TopologicallySortedComponents() {
+ ComputeSCCs();
+ assert topologicallySortedRepresentatives != null; // follows from object invariant
+ List<Node> nn = new List<Node>();
+ foreach (Vertex v in topologicallySortedRepresentatives) {
+ nn.Add(v.N);
+ }
+ return nn;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Idempotently adds 'n' as a vertex and then returns the set of Node's in the strongly connected component
+ /// that contains 'n'.
+ /// </summary>
+ public List<Node>! GetSCC(Node n) {
+ Vertex v = GetVertex(n);
+ ComputeSCCs();
+ Vertex repr = v.SccRepresentative;
+ assert repr != null && repr.SccMembers != null; // follows from postcondition of ComputeSCCs
+ List<Node> nn = new List<Node>();
+ foreach (Vertex w in repr.SccMembers) {
+ nn.Add(w.N);
+ }
+ return nn;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Idempotently adds 'n' as a vertex and then returns the size of the set of Node's in the strongly connected component
+ /// that contains 'n'.
+ /// </summary>
+ public int GetSCCSize(Node n)
+ ensures 1 <= result;
+ {
+ Vertex v = GetVertex(n);
+ ComputeSCCs();
+ Vertex repr = v.SccRepresentative;
+ assert repr != null && repr.SccMembers != null; // follows from postcondition of ComputeSCCs
+ return repr.SccMembers.Count;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This method sets the SccRepresentative fields of the graph's vertices so that two
+ /// vertices have the same representative iff they are in the same strongly connected
+ /// component.
+ /// As a side effect, this method may change the Visited, DfNumber, and LowLink fields
+ /// of the vertices.
+ /// </summary>
+ void ComputeSCCs()
+ ensures sccComputed;
+ {
+ if (sccComputed) { return; } // check if already computed
+ // reset all SCC information
+ topologicallySortedRepresentatives = new List<Vertex!>();
+ foreach (Vertex v in vertices.Values) {
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.Unvisited;
+ v.SccMembers = null;
+ }
+ Stack<Vertex!> stack = new Stack<Vertex!>();
+ int cnt = 0;
+ foreach (Vertex v in vertices.Values) {
+ if (v.Visited == VisitedStatus.Unvisited) {
+ SearchC(v, stack, ref cnt);
+ }
+ }
+ assert cnt == vertices.Count; // sanity check that everything has been visited
+ sccComputed = true;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This is the 'SearchC' procedure from the Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman book 'The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms'.
+ /// </summary>
+ void SearchC(Vertex! v, Stack<Vertex!>! stack, ref int cnt)
+ requires v.Visited == VisitedStatus.Unvisited;
+ requires topologicallySortedRepresentatives != null;
+ ensures v.Visited != VisitedStatus.Unvisited;
+ {
+ v.DfNumber = cnt;
+ cnt++;
+ v.LowLink = v.DfNumber;
+ stack.Push(v);
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.OnStack;
+ foreach (Vertex w in v.Successors) {
+ if (w.Visited == VisitedStatus.Unvisited) {
+ SearchC(w, stack, ref cnt);
+ v.LowLink = min{v.LowLink, w.LowLink};
+ } else if (w.Visited == VisitedStatus.OnStack) {
+ assert w.DfNumber < v.DfNumber || v.LowLink <= w.DfNumber; // the book also has the guard 'w.DfNumber < v.DfNumber', but that seems unnecessary to me, so this assert is checking my understanding
+ v.LowLink = min{v.LowLink, w.DfNumber};
+ }
+ }
+ if (v.LowLink == v.DfNumber) {
+ // The SCC containing 'v' has now been computed.
+ v.SccId = topologicallySortedRepresentatives.Count;
+ topologicallySortedRepresentatives.Add(v);
+ v.SccMembers = new List<Vertex!>();
+ while (true) {
+ Vertex x = stack.Pop();
+ x.Visited = VisitedStatus.Visited;
+ x.SccRepresentative = v;
+ v.SccMembers.Add(x);
+ if (x == v) { break; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Returns null if the graph has no cycles. If the graph does contain some cycle, returns the list of
+ /// vertices on one such cycle.
+ /// </summary>
+ public List<Node> TryFindCycle() {
+ // reset all visited information
+ foreach (Vertex v in vertices.Values) {
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.Unvisited;
+ }
+ foreach (Vertex v in vertices.Values) {
+ assert v.Visited != VisitedStatus.OnStack;
+ if (v.Visited == VisitedStatus.Unvisited) {
+ List<Vertex!> cycle = CycleSearch(v);
+ if (cycle != null) {
+ List<Node> nodes = new List<Node>();
+ foreach (Vertex v in cycle) {
+ nodes.Add(v.N);
+ }
+ return nodes; // a cycle is found
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null; // there are no cycles
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// A return of null means there are no cycles involving any vertex in the subtree rooted at v.
+ /// A non-null return means a cycle has been found. Then:
+ /// If v.Visited == Visited, then the entire cycle is described in the returned list.
+ /// If v.Visited == OnStack, then the cycle consists of the vertices strictly deeper than
+ /// w on the stack followed by the vertices (in reverse order) in the returned list, where
+ /// w is the first vertex in the list returned.
+ /// </summary>
+ List<Vertex!> CycleSearch(Vertex! v)
+ requires v.Visited == VisitedStatus.Unvisited;
+ ensures v.Visited != VisitedStatus.Unvisited;
+ ensures result == null ==> v.Visited == VisitedStatus.Visited;
+ ensures result != null ==> result.Count != 0;
+ {
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.OnStack;
+ foreach (Vertex succ in v.Successors) {
+ // todo: I would use a 'switch' statement, but there seems to be a bug in the Spec# compiler's type checking.
+ if (succ.Visited == VisitedStatus.Visited) {
+ // there is no cycle in the subtree rooted at succ, hence this path does not give rise to any cycles
+ } else if (succ.Visited == VisitedStatus.OnStack) {
+ // we found a cycle!
+ List<Vertex!> cycle = new List<Vertex!>();
+ cycle.Add(succ);
+ if (v == succ) {
+ // entire cycle has been found
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.Visited;
+ }
+ return cycle;
+ } else {
+ assert succ.Visited == VisitedStatus.Unvisited;
+ List<Vertex!> cycle = CycleSearch(succ);
+ if (cycle != null) {
+ if (succ.Visited == VisitedStatus.Visited) {
+ // the entire cycle has been collected
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.Visited;
+ return cycle;
+ } else {
+ cycle.Add(succ);
+ if (v == cycle[0]) {
+ // the entire cycle has been collected and we are the first to find out
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.Visited;
+ }
+ return cycle;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ v.Visited = VisitedStatus.Visited; // there are no cycles from here on
+ return null;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Returns whether or not 'source' reaches 'sink' in the graph.
+ /// 'source' and 'sink' need not be in the graph; if neither is, the return value
+ /// is source==sink.
+ /// </summary>
+ public bool Reaches(Node source, Node sink) {
+ Vertex a = FindVertex(source);
+ Vertex b = FindVertex(sink);
+ if (a == null || b == null) {
+ return source.Equals(sink);
+ }
+ generation++;
+ return ReachSearch(a, b);
+ }
+ bool ReachSearch(Vertex! source, Vertex! sink) {
+ if (source == sink) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (source.Gen == generation) {
+ // already visited
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ source.Gen = generation;
+ return exists{Vertex succ in source.Successors; ReachSearch(succ, sink)};
+ }
+ }
+ }