path: root/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs b/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
index 1626cdb4..36ae8f22 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (stmt is IfStmt) {
var s = (IfStmt)stmt;
- r = new IfStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Guard), CloneStmt(s.Thn), CloneStmt(s.Els));
+ r = new IfStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Guard), CloneBlockStmt(s.Thn), CloneStmt(s.Els));
} else if (stmt is AlternativeStmt) {
var s = (AlternativeStmt)stmt;
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (stmt is WhileStmt) {
var s = (WhileStmt)stmt;
- r = new WhileStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Guard), s.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneSpecExpr(s.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(s.Mod), CloneStmt(s.Body));
+ r = new WhileStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Guard), s.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneSpecExpr(s.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(s.Mod), CloneBlockStmt(s.Body));
} else if (stmt is AlternativeLoopStmt) {
var s = (AlternativeLoopStmt)stmt;
@@ -494,7 +494,11 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
void AddStmtLabels(Statement s, LabelNode node) {
if (node != null) {
AddStmtLabels(s, node.Next);
- s.Labels = new LabelNode(Tok(node.Tok), node.Label, s.Labels);
+ if (node.Label == null) {
+ // this indicates an implicit-target break statement that has been resolved; don't add it
+ } else {
+ s.Labels = new LabelNode(Tok(node.Tok), node.Label, s.Labels);
+ }
@@ -790,60 +794,258 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
* TODO: should also handle labels and some form of new "replace" statement
if (cur is SkeletonStatement) {
- var ass = ((SkeletonStatement)cur).S as AssertStmt;
- if (ass != null) {
+ var S = ((SkeletonStatement)cur).S;
+ if (S == null) {
+ if (i + 1 == skeleton.Body.Count) {
+ // this "...;" is the last statement of the skeleton, so treat it like the default case
+ } else {
+ var nxt = skeleton.Body[i+1];
+ if (nxt is SkeletonStatement && ((SkeletonStatement)nxt).S == null) {
+ // "...; ...;" is the same as just "...;", so skip this one
+ } else {
+ // skip up until the next thing that matches "nxt"
+ while (!PotentialMatch(nxt, oldS)) {
+ // loop invariant: oldS == oldStmt.Body[j]
+ body.Add(CloneStmt(oldS));
+ j++;
+ if (j == oldStmt.Body.Count) { break; }
+ oldS = oldStmt.Body[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ } else if (S is AssertStmt) {
+ var skel = (AssertStmt)S;
var oldAssume = oldS as PredicateStmt;
if (oldAssume == null) {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "assert template does not match old statement");
+ reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "assert template does not match inherited statement");
+ i++;
} else {
// Clone the expression, but among the new assert's attributes, indicate
// that this assertion is supposed to be translated into a check. That is,
// it is not allowed to be just assumed in the translation, despite the fact
// that the condition is inherited.
var e = CloneExpr(oldAssume.Expr);
- body.Add(new AssertStmt(ass.Tok, e, new Attributes("prependAssertToken", new List<Attributes.Argument>(), null)));
+ body.Add(new AssertStmt(skel.Tok, e, new Attributes("prependAssertToken", new List<Attributes.Argument>(), null)));
+ i++; j++;
+ }
+ } else if (S is IfStmt) {
+ var skel = (IfStmt)S;
+ Contract.Assert(((SkeletonStatement)cur).ConditionOmitted);
+ var oldIf = oldS as IfStmt;
+ if (oldIf == null) {
+ reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "if-statement template does not match inherited statement");
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ var resultingThen = MergeBlockStmt(skel.Thn, oldIf.Thn);
+ var resultingElse = MergeElse(skel.Els, oldIf.Els);
+ var r = new IfStmt(skel.Tok, skel.Guard, resultingThen, resultingElse);
+ body.Add(r);
+ i++; j++;
+ } else if (S is WhileStmt) {
+ var skel = (WhileStmt)S;
+ var oldWhile = oldS as WhileStmt;
+ if (oldWhile == null) {
+ reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "while-statement template does not match inherited statement");
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ Expression guard;
+ if (((SkeletonStatement)cur).ConditionOmitted) {
+ guard = CloneExpr(oldWhile.Guard);
+ } else {
+ if (oldWhile.Guard != null) {
+ reporter.Error(skel.Guard.tok, "a skeleton while statement with a guard can only replace a while statement with a non-deterministic guard");
+ }
+ guard = skel.Guard;
+ }
+ // Note, if the loop body is omitted in the skeleton, the parser will have set the loop body to an empty block,
+ // which has the same merging behavior.
+ var r = MergeWhileStmt(skel, oldWhile, guard);
+ body.Add(r);
+ i++; j++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assume(false); // unexpected skeleton statement
+ }
+ } else if (cur is AssertStmt) {
+ MergeAddStatement(cur, body);
+ i++;
+ } else if (cur is VarDeclStmt) {
+ var cNew = (VarDeclStmt)cur;
+ var cOld = oldS as VarDeclStmt;
+ if (cOld != null && cNew.Lhss.Count == 1 && cOld.Lhss.Count == 1 && cNew.Lhss[0].Name == cOld.Lhss[0].Name && cOld.Update == null) {
+ // Note, we allow switching between ghost and non-ghost, since that seems unproblematic.
+ // Go ahead with the merge:
+ body.Add(cNew);
i++; j++;
} else {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "sorry, this skeleton statement is not yet supported");
+ MergeAddStatement(cur, body);
- } else {
- var cNew = cur as VarDeclStmt;
- var cOld = oldS as VarDeclStmt;
- if (cNew != null && cOld != null && cNew.Lhss.Count == 1 && cOld.Lhss.Count == 1 &&
- cNew.Lhss[0].Name == cOld.Lhss[0].Name && cOld.Update == null) {
- body.Add(cNew); // TODO: there should perhaps be some more validity checks here first
+ } else if (cur is IfStmt) {
+ var cNew = (IfStmt)cur;
+ var cOld = oldS as IfStmt;
+ if (cOld != null && cOld.Guard == null) {
+ var r = new IfStmt(cNew.Tok, cNew.Guard, MergeBlockStmt(cNew.Thn, cOld.Thn), MergeElse(cNew.Els, cOld.Els));
+ body.Add(r);
i++; j++;
} else {
MergeAddStatement(cur, body);
+ } else if (cur is WhileStmt) {
+ var cNew = (WhileStmt)cur;
+ var cOld = oldS as WhileStmt;
+ if (cOld != null && cOld.Guard == null) {
+ var r = MergeWhileStmt(cNew, cOld, cNew.Guard);
+ body.Add(r);
+ i++; j++;
+ } else {
+ MergeAddStatement(cur, body);
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MergeAddStatement(cur, body);
+ i++;
// implement the implicit "...;" at the end of each block statement skeleton
for (; j < oldStmt.Body.Count; j++) {
- MergeAddStatement(CloneStmt(oldStmt.Body[j]), body);
+ body.Add(CloneStmt(oldStmt.Body[j]));
return new BlockStmt(skeleton.Tok, body);
+ bool PotentialMatch(Statement nxt, Statement other) {
+ Contract.Requires(!(nxt is SkeletonStatement) || ((SkeletonStatement)nxt).S != null); // nxt is not "...;"
+ Contract.Requires(other != null);
+ if (nxt is SkeletonStatement) {
+ var S = ((SkeletonStatement)nxt).S;
+ if (S is AssertStmt) {
+ return other is PredicateStmt;
+ } else if (S is IfStmt) {
+ return other is IfStmt;
+ } else if (S is WhileStmt) {
+ return other is WhileStmt;
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assume(false); // unexpected skeleton
+ }
+ } else if (nxt is IfStmt) {
+ var oth = other as IfStmt;
+ return oth != null && oth.Guard == null;
+ } else if (nxt is WhileStmt) {
+ var oth = other as WhileStmt;
+ return oth != null && oth.Guard == null;
+ }
+ // not a potential match
+ return false;
+ }
+ WhileStmt MergeWhileStmt(WhileStmt cNew, WhileStmt cOld, Expression guard) {
+ Contract.Requires(cNew != null);
+ Contract.Requires(cOld != null);
+ // Note, the parser produces errors if there are any decreases or modifies clauses (and it creates
+ // the Specification structures with a null list).
+ Contract.Assume(cNew.Decreases.Expressions == null);
+ Contract.Assume(cNew.Mod.Expressions == null);
+ var invs = cOld.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr);
+ invs.AddRange(cNew.Invariants);
+ var r = new WhileStmt(cNew.Tok, guard, invs, CloneSpecExpr(cOld.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(cOld.Mod), MergeBlockStmt(cNew.Body, cOld.Body));
+ return r;
+ }
+ Statement MergeElse(Statement skeleton, Statement oldStmt) {
+ Contract.Requires(skeleton == null || skeleton is BlockStmt || skeleton is IfStmt);
+ Contract.Requires(oldStmt == null || oldStmt is BlockStmt || oldStmt is IfStmt);
+ if (skeleton == null) {
+ return CloneStmt(oldStmt);
+ } else if (skeleton is IfStmt) {
+ // wrap a block statement around the if statement
+ skeleton = new BlockStmt(skeleton.Tok, new List<Statement>() { skeleton });
+ }
+ if (oldStmt == null) {
+ // make it into an empty block statement
+ oldStmt = new BlockStmt(skeleton.Tok, new List<Statement>());
+ } else if (oldStmt is IfStmt) {
+ // wrap a block statement around the if statement
+ oldStmt = new BlockStmt(oldStmt.Tok, new List<Statement>() { oldStmt });
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(skeleton is BlockStmt && oldStmt is BlockStmt);
+ return MergeBlockStmt((BlockStmt)skeleton, (BlockStmt)oldStmt);
+ }
/// <summary>
- /// Add "s" to "stmtList", but complain if "s" contains further occurrences of "..." or if "s" assigns to a
- /// variable that was not declared in the refining module.
- /// TODO: and what about new control flow?
+ /// Add "s" to "stmtList", but complain if "s" contains further occurrences of "...", if "s" assigns to a
+ /// variable that was not declared in the refining module, or if "s" has some control flow that jumps to a
+ /// place outside "s".
/// </summary>
void MergeAddStatement(Statement s, List<Statement> stmtList) {
Contract.Requires(s != null);
Contract.Requires(stmtList != null);
- if (s is AssertStmt) {
- // this is fine to add
+ var prevErrorCount = reporter.ErrorCount;
+ CheckIsOkayNewStatement(s, new Stack<string>(), 0);
+ if (reporter.ErrorCount == prevErrorCount) {
+ stmtList.Add(s);
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// See comment on MergeAddStatement.
+ /// </summary>
+ void CheckIsOkayNewStatement(Statement s, Stack<string> labels, int loopLevels) {
+ Contract.Requires(s != null);
+ Contract.Requires(labels != null);
+ Contract.Requires(0 <= loopLevels);
+ for (LabelNode n = s.Labels; n != null; n = n.Next) {
+ labels.Push(n.Label);
+ }
+ if (s is SkeletonStatement) {
+ reporter.Error(s, "skeleton statement may not be used here; it does not have a matching statement in what is being replaced");
+ } else if (s is ReturnStmt) {
+ reporter.Error(s, "return statements are not allowed in skeletons");
+ } else if (s is BreakStmt) {
+ var b = (BreakStmt)s;
+ if (b.TargetLabel != null ? !labels.Contains(b.TargetLabel) : loopLevels < b.BreakCount) {
+ reporter.Error(s, "break statement in skeleton is not allowed to break outside the skeleton fragment");
+ }
+ } else if (s is AssignStmt) {
+ // TODO: To be a refinement automatically (that is, without any further verification), only variables and fields defined
+ // in this module are allowed. This needs to be checked. If the LHS refers to an l-value that was not declared within
+ // this module, then either an error should be reported or the Translator needs to know to translate new proof obligations.
} else {
- // TODO: validity checks
+ if (s is WhileStmt || s is AlternativeLoopStmt) {
+ loopLevels++;
+ }
+ foreach (var ss in s.SubStatements) {
+ CheckIsOkayNewStatement(ss, labels, loopLevels);
+ }
+ }
+ for (LabelNode n = s.Labels; n != null; n = n.Next) {
+ labels.Pop();
- stmtList.Add(s);
// ---------------------- additional methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------