path: root/Chalice/src/Translator.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'Chalice/src/Translator.scala')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/src/Translator.scala b/Chalice/src/Translator.scala
index c1c36cb5..e6c3db7b 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/Translator.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/Translator.scala
@@ -14,20 +14,8 @@ import Boogie.Proc, Boogie.NamedType, Boogie.NewBVar, Boogie.Havoc, Boogie.Stmt,
case class ErrorMessage(pos: Position, message: String)
-object TranslationOptions {
- // note: the initial values should match those Chalice.scala
- var defaults = 0: Int;
- var autoFold = false: Boolean;
- var checkLeaks = false: Boolean;
- var autoMagic = false: Boolean;
- var skipDeadlockChecks = false: Boolean;
- var skipTermination = false: Boolean;
class Translator {
import TranslationHelper._;
- import TranslationOptions._;
var currentClass = null: Class;
var modules = Nil: List[String]
var etran = new ExpressionTranslator(null);
@@ -103,7 +91,7 @@ class Translator {
Havoc(etran.Heap) ::
// check that invariant is well-defined
etran.WhereOldIs(h1, m1, c1).Inhale(invs map { mi => mi.e}, "monitor invariant", true) :::
- (if (!checkLeaks || invs.length == 0) Nil else
+ (if (! Chalice.checkLeaks || invs.length == 0) Nil else
// check that there are no loops among .mu permissions in monitors
// !CanWrite[this,mu]
bassert(!etran.CanWrite(VarExpr("this"), "mu"), invs(0).pos, "Monitor invariant is not allowed to hold write permission to") ::
@@ -130,7 +118,7 @@ class Translator {
def translateFunction(f: Function): List[Decl] = {
val myresult = BVar("result", f.out.typ);
- etran = etran.CheckTermination(!skipTermination);
+ etran = etran.CheckTermination(! Chalice.skipTermination);
val checkBody = f.definition match {case Some(e) => isDefined(e); case None => Nil};
etran = etran.CheckTermination(false);
// Boogie function that represents the Chalice function
@@ -143,13 +131,13 @@ class Translator {
DefinePreInitialState :::
// check definedness of the precondition
- InhaleWithChecking(Preconditions(f.spec) map { p => (if(0<defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(p) else p)}, "precondition") :::
+ InhaleWithChecking(Preconditions(f.spec) map { p => (if(0 < Chalice.defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(p) else p)}, "precondition") :::
bassume(CurrentModule ==@ VarExpr(ModuleName(currentClass))) :: // verify the body assuming that you are in the module
// check definedness of function body
checkBody :::
(f.definition match {case Some(e) => BLocal(myresult) :: (Boogie.VarExpr("result") := etran.Tr(e)); case None => Nil}) :::
// check that postcondition holds
- ExhaleWithChecking(Postconditions(f.spec) map { post => ((if(0<defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(post) else post),
+ ExhaleWithChecking(Postconditions(f.spec) map { post => ((if(0 < Chalice.defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(post) else post),
ErrorMessage(f.pos, "Postcondition at " + post.pos + " might not hold."))}, "function postcondition")) ::
// definition axiom
(if (f.definition.isDefined) definitionAxiom(f) else Nil) :::
@@ -322,11 +310,11 @@ class Translator {
bassume(CurrentModule ==@ Boogie.VarExpr(ModuleName(currentClass))) ::
bassume(CanAssumeFunctionDefs) ::
DefinePreInitialState :::
- Inhale(Preconditions(method.spec) map { p => (if(0<defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(p) else p)}, "precondition") :::
+ Inhale(Preconditions(method.spec) map { p => (if(0 < Chalice.defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(p) else p)}, "precondition") :::
DefineInitialState :::
translateStatements(method.body) :::
- Exhale(Postconditions(method.spec) map { p => ((if(0<defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(p) else p), ErrorMessage(method.pos, "The postcondition at " + p.pos + " might not hold."))}, "postcondition") :::
- (if(checkLeaks) isLeaking(method.pos, "Method " + method.FullName + " might leak references.") else Nil) :::
+ Exhale(Postconditions(method.spec) map { p => ((if(0 < Chalice.defaults) UnfoldPredicatesWithReceiverThis(p) else p), ErrorMessage(method.pos, "The postcondition at " + p.pos + " might not hold."))}, "postcondition") :::
+ (if(Chalice.checkLeaks) isLeaking(method.pos, "Method " + method.FullName + " might leak references.") else Nil) :::
bassert(LockFrame(LockChanges(method.spec), etran), method.pos, "Method might lock/unlock more than allowed.") :::
bassert(DebtCheck, method.pos, "Method body is not allowed to leave any debt."))
@@ -354,13 +342,18 @@ class Translator {
mt.Outs map {i => Variable2BVarWhere(i)},
- bassume(CurrentModule ==@ Boogie.VarExpr(ModuleName(currentClass))) ::
- bassume(CanAssumeFunctionDefs) ::
- DefinePreInitialState :::
- Inhale(Preconditions(mt.Spec), "precondition") :::
- DefineInitialState :::
- translateStatements(mt.Body) :::
- Exhale(Postconditions(mt.Spec) map { p => (p, ErrorMessage(p.pos, "The postcondition at " + p.pos + " might not hold."))}, "postcondition")
+ assert2assume {
+ bassume(CurrentModule ==@ Boogie.VarExpr(ModuleName(currentClass))) ::
+ bassume(CanAssumeFunctionDefs) ::
+ DefinePreInitialState :::
+ Inhale(Preconditions(mt.Spec), "precondition") :::
+ DefineInitialState :::
+ translateStatements(mt.Body) :::
+ Exhale(Postconditions(mt.refines.Spec) map {p => (p, ErrorMessage(p.pos, "The postcondition at " + p.pos + " might not hold."))}, "postcondition") :::
+ tag(
+ Exhale(Postconditions(mt.spec) map {p => (p, ErrorMessage(p.pos, "The postcondition at " + p.pos + " might not hold."))}, "refinement postcondition"),
+ keepTag)
+ }
@@ -826,7 +819,7 @@ class Translator {
val (lastAcquireVar, lastAcquire) = Boogie.NewBVar("lastAcquire", IntClass, true)
val (lastSeenHeldV, lastSeenHeld) = Boogie.NewBVar("lastSeenHeld", tint, true)
val (lastSeenMuV, lastSeenMu) = Boogie.NewBVar("lastSeenMu", tmu, true)
- (if (skipDeadlockChecks)
+ (if (Chalice.skipDeadlockChecks)
bassume(CanRead(o, "mu")) ::
@@ -1065,22 +1058,23 @@ class Translator {
// run concrete C on the fresh heap
etran = conTran;
- Comment("run concrete program") ::
+ Comment("run concrete program:") ::
} :::
// run angelically A on the old heap
- Comment("run abstract program") ::
- {r.abs match {
+ Comment("run abstract program:") ::
+ { etran = absTran;
+ r.abs match {
case List(s: SpecStmt) =>
- etran = absTran;
- Comment("witness declared local variables") ::
- (for (v <- duringA) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(v))) :::
- (for ((v, w) <- duringA zip duringC) yield (new VariableExpr(v) := new VariableExpr(w))) :::
- bassert(, r.pos, "Refinement fails to satisfy specification statement post-condition") ::
- (for ((v, w) <- beforeV zip before; if (! s.lhs.exists(ve => ve.v == w))) yield
- bassert(new VariableExpr(v) ==@ new VariableExpr(w), r.pos, "Refinement may change a variable not in frame of the specification statement: " +
+ tag(
+ Comment("witness declared local variables") ::
+ (for (v <- duringA) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(v))) :::
+ (for ((v, w) <- duringA zip duringC) yield (new VariableExpr(v) := new VariableExpr(w))) :::
+ bassert(, r.pos, "Refinement fails to satisfy specification statement post-condition") ::
+ (for ((v, w) <- beforeV zip before; if (! s.lhs.exists(ve => ve.v == w))) yield
+ bassert(new VariableExpr(v) ==@ new VariableExpr(w), r.pos, "Refinement may change a variable not in frame of the specification statement: " +,
+ keepTag)
case _ =>
- etran = absTran;
Comment("save locals after") ::
(for (v <- afterV) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(v))) :::
(for ((v, w) <- afterV zip before) yield (new VariableExpr(v) := new VariableExpr(w))) :::
@@ -1088,13 +1082,15 @@ class Translator {
(for ((v, w) <- before zip beforeV) yield (new VariableExpr(v) := new VariableExpr(w))) :::
translateStatements(r.abs) :::
Comment("assert equality on shared locals") ::
- (for ((v, w) <- afterV zip before) yield
- bassert(new VariableExpr(v) ==@ new VariableExpr(w), r.pos, "Refinement may produce different value for pre-state local variable: " + :::
- (for ((v, w) <- duringA zip duringC) yield
- bassert(new VariableExpr(v) ==@ new VariableExpr(w), r.pos, "Refinement may produce different value for a declared local variable: " +
+ tag(
+ (for ((v, w) <- afterV zip before) yield
+ bassert(new VariableExpr(v) ==@ new VariableExpr(w), r.pos, "Refinement may produce different value for pre-state local variable: " + :::
+ (for ((v, w) <- duringA zip duringC) yield
+ bassert(new VariableExpr(v) ==@ new VariableExpr(w), r.pos, "Refinement may produce different value for a declared local variable: " +,
+ keepTag)
}} :::
Comment("end of refinement block")
- // TODO: global coupling: assert coupling invariants for locations with positive
+ // TODO: global coupling: assert coupling invariants for locations with positive, preserve permissions?
@@ -1168,7 +1164,7 @@ class Translator {
def isLeaking(pos: Position, msg: String): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
- if(checkLeaks) {
+ if(Chalice.checkLeaks) {
var o = Boogie.VarExpr("$o");
var f = "$f";
val (ttV,tt) = Boogie.NewTVar("T")
@@ -1297,7 +1293,6 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
assert(preGlobals.size == 3)
import TranslationHelper._
- import TranslationOptions._
val Heap = globals(0);
val Mask = globals(1);
@@ -1810,7 +1805,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
bassert(nonNull(Tr(e.e)), error.pos, error.message + " The target of the acc predicate at " + acc.pos + " might be null.") else Nil) :::
BLocal(fractionV) :: (frac := Tr(fraction)) ::
// if the mask does not contain sufficient permissions, try folding acc(e, fraction)
- (if(e.isPredicate && autoFold && (perm == Full || canTakeFractionOf(DefinitionOf(e.predicate)))) {
+ (if(e.isPredicate && Chalice.autoFold && (perm == Full || canTakeFractionOf(DefinitionOf(e.predicate)))) {
val inhaleTran = new ExpressionTranslator(List(Heap, em, Credits), currentClass);
val sourceVar = new Variable("fraction", new Type(IntClass));
val bplVar = Variable2BVar(sourceVar);
@@ -1843,7 +1838,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
dfP else Nil) :::
BLocal(epsilonsV) :: (if(epsilons!=null) (eps := Tr(epsilons)) :: Nil else Nil) :::
// if the mask does not contain sufficient permissions, try folding rdacc(e, epsilons)
- (if(e.isPredicate && autoFold && canTakeEpsilonsOf(DefinitionOf(e.predicate)) && epsilons!=null) {
+ (if(e.isPredicate && Chalice.autoFold && canTakeEpsilonsOf(DefinitionOf(e.predicate)) && epsilons!=null) {
val inhaleTran = new ExpressionTranslator(List(Heap, em, Credits), currentClass);
val sourceVar = new Variable("epsilons", new Type(IntClass));
val bplVar = Variable2BVar(sourceVar);
@@ -2198,7 +2193,7 @@ object TranslationHelper {
def PredicateField(f: String) = FunctionApp("PredicateField", List(VarExpr(f)))
def cast(a: Expr, b: Expr) = FunctionApp("cast", List(a, b))
- // Sequences
+ // sequences
def createEmptySeq = FunctionApp("Seq#Empty", List())
def createSingletonSeq(e: Expr) = FunctionApp("Seq#Singleton", List(e))
@@ -2326,7 +2321,7 @@ object TranslationHelper {
val result = spec flatMap ( s => s match {
case Precondition(e) => List(e)
case _ => Nil });
- if(autoMagic) {
+ if(Chalice.autoMagic) {
automagic(result.foldLeft(BoolLiteral(true): Expression)({ (a, b) => And(a, b)}), Nil)._1 ::: result
} else {
@@ -2336,7 +2331,7 @@ object TranslationHelper {
val result = spec flatMap ( s => s match {
case Postcondition(e) => List(e)
case _ => Nil })
- if(autoMagic) {
+ if(Chalice.autoMagic) {
automagic(result.foldLeft(BoolLiteral(true): Expression)({ (a, b) => And(a, b)}), Nil)._1 ::: result
} else {
@@ -2422,7 +2417,7 @@ object TranslationHelper {
def DefinitionOf(predicate: Predicate): Expression = {
- if(autoMagic) {
+ if(Chalice.autoMagic) {
And(automagic(predicate.definition, Nil)._1.foldLeft(BoolLiteral(true): Expression)({ (a, b) => And(a, b)}), predicate.definition)
} else {
@@ -2561,5 +2556,26 @@ object TranslationHelper {
case _ => None;
+ val keepTag = Boogie.Tag("keep")
+ // Assume the only composite statement is If
+ def tag(l: List[Stmt], t: Boogie.Tag):List[Stmt] =
+ for (s <- l) yield {
+ s.tags = t :: s.tags;
+ s match {
+ case Boogie.If(_, thn, els) => tag(thn, t); tag(els, t);
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ s
+ }
+ // Assume the only composite statement is If
+ def assert2assume(l: List[Stmt]):List[Stmt] =
+ if (Chalice.noFreeAssume) l else
+ l flatMap {
+ case Boogie.If(guard, thn, els) => Boogie.If(guard, assert2assume(thn), assert2assume(els))
+ case ba @ Boogie.Assert(e) =>
+ if (ba.tags contains keepTag) ba else Comment(" assert " + ba.pos + ": " + ba.message) :: Boogie.Assume(e)
+ case s => s
+ }