diff options
-rw-r--r-- | BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/PhoneBoogieCodeGenerator.py | 201 |
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/PhoneBoogieCodeGenerator.py b/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/PhoneBoogieCodeGenerator.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e206c60f --- /dev/null +++ b/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/PhoneBoogieCodeGenerator.py @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +import sys
+import getopt
+import os
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import xml.dom
+CONTROL_NAMES= ["Button", "CheckBox", "RadioButton"]
+CONTAINER_CONTROL_NAMES= ["Canvas", "Grid", "StackPanel"]
+staticControlsMap= {}
+mainPageXAML= None
+originalPageVars= []
+boogiePageVars= []
+boogiePageClasses= []
+def showUsage():
+ print "PhoneBoogieCodeGenerator -- create boilerplate code for Boogie verification of Phone apps"
+ print "Usage:"
+ print "\tPhoneBoogieCodeGenerator --controls <app_control_info_file> --output <code_output_file>\n"
+ print "Options:"
+ print "\t--controls <app_control_info_file>: Phone app control info. See PhoneControlsExtractor. Short form: -c"
+ print "\t--output <code_output_file>: file to write with boilerplate code. Short form: -o\n"
+def loadControlInfo(infoMap, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visible, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName):
+ newControl={}
+ newControl["class"]= controlClass
+ newControl["enabled"]= enabled
+ newControl["visible"]= visible
+ newControl["clickHandler"]= clickHandler
+ newControl["checkedHandler"]= checkedHandler
+ newControl["uncheckedHandler"]= uncheckedHandler
+ newControl["bplName"]=bplName
+ infoMap[controlName]= newControl
+def outputPageVariables(file):
+ global originalPageVars
+ global boogiePageVars
+ global boogiePageClasses
+ for entry in staticControlsMap.keys():
+ pageVarName= "__BOOGIE_PAGE_VAR_" + entry
+ originalPageVars.append(entry)
+ boogiePageVars.append(pageVarName)
+ boogiePageClasses.append(staticControlsMap[entry]["class"])
+ pageVar= pageVarName + ": Ref;\n"
+ file.write(pageVar)
+def outputMainProcedure(file):
+ file.write("procedure __BOOGIE_VERIFICATION_PROCEDURE();\n")
+ file.write("implementation __BOOGIE_VERIFICATION_PROCEDURE() {\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $doWork: bool;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $activeControl: int;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $isEnabledRef: Ref;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $isEnabled: bool;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $control: Ref;\n\n")
+ for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
+ file.write("\tcall " + boogiePageClasses[i] + ".#ctor(" + boogiePageVars[i] + ");\n")
+ file.write("\t//TODO still need to call Loaded handler on main page and the App ctor.\n")
+ file.write("\thavoc $doWork;\n")
+ file.write("\twhile ($doWork) {\n")
+ file.write("\t\tcall DriveControls();\n")
+ file.write("\t\thavoc $doWork;\n")
+ file.write("\t}\n")
+ file.write("}\n")
+def outputPageControlDriver(file, originalPageName, boogiePageName):
+ file.write("procedure drive" + boogiePageName + "Controls();\n")
+ file.write("implementation drive" + boogiePageName + "Controls() {\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $activeControl: int;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $control: Ref;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $isEnabledRef: Ref;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $isEnabled: bool;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar $handlerToActivate: int;\n")
+ file.write("\tBOOGIE_continueOnPage:=true;\n")
+ file.write("\thavoc $activeControl;\n")
+ file.write("\twhile (BOOGIE_continueOnPage) {\n")
+ activeControl=0
+ for entry in staticControlsMap[originalPageName]["controls"].keys():
+ controlInfo= staticControlsMap[originalPageName]["controls"][entry]
+ if activeControl==0:
+ file.write("\t\tif ($activeControl == 0) {\n")
+ else:
+ file.write("\t\telse if ($activeControl == " + str(activeControl) + ") {\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t//TODO assuming split fields heap representation\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t$control := " + controlInfo["bplName"] + "[" + boogiePageName + "];\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\tcall $isEnabledRef := System.Windows.Controls.Control.get_IsEnabled($control);\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t$isEnabled := Box2Bool(Ref2Box($isEnabledRef));\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\tif ($isEnabled) {\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t\thavoc $handlerToActivate;\n")
+ if not controlInfo["clickHandler"] == "":
+ file.write("\t\t\t\tif ($handlerToActivate == 0) {\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t\t\t" + staticControlsMap[originalPageName]["class"] + "." + controlInfo["clickHandler"] + "$System.Object$System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs(" + controlInfo["bplName"] + "[" + boogiePageName + "],null,null);\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t\t}\n")
+ if not controlInfo["checkedHandler"] == "":
+ file.write("\t\t\t\tif ($handlerToActivate == 1) {\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t\t\t" + staticControlsMap[originalPageName]["class"] + "." + controlInfo["checkedHandler"] + "$System.Object$System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs(" + controlInfo["bplName"] + "[" + boogiePageName + "],null,null);\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t\t}\n")
+ if not controlInfo["uncheckedHandler"] == "":
+ file.write("\t\t\t\tif ($handlerToActivate == 2) {\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t\t\t" + staticControlsMap[originalPageName]["class"] + "." + controlInfo["uncheckedHandler"] + "$System.Object$System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs(" + controlInfo["bplName"] + "[" + boogiePageName + "],null,null);\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t\t}\n")
+ file.write("\t\t\t}\n")
+ file.write("\t\t}\n")
+ activeControl= activeControl+1
+ file.write("\t}\n")
+ file.write("}\n")
+def outputControlDrivers(file):
+ for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
+ outputPageControlDriver(file, originalPageVars[i],boogiePageVars[i])
+ file.write("procedure DriveControls();\n")
+ file.write("implementation DriveControls() {\n")
+ for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
+ file.write("\tvar isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i] + ": bool;\n")
+ file.write("\n")
+ for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
+ file.write("\t//TODO call isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i] + " := System.String.op_Equality$System.String$System.String(" + "BOOGIE_CURRENT_VAR" + "," + "BOOGIE_PAGE_APPROPRIATE_CONSTANT_STRING" + ");\n")
+ firstTime= True
+ for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
+ if firstTime:
+ file.write("\tif")
+ firstTime= False
+ else:
+ file.write("\telse if")
+ file.write(" (isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i] + ") {\n")
+ file.write("\t\t call drive" + boogiePageVars[i] + "Controls();\n\t}\n")
+ file.write("}\n")
+def outputBoilerplate(outputFile):
+ file= open(outputFile,"w")
+ outputPageVariables(file)
+ outputControlDrivers(file)
+ outputMainProcedure(file)
+ file.close()
+def buildControlInfo(controlInfoFileName):
+ global mainPageXAML
+ global staticControlsMap
+ file = open(controlInfoFileName, "r")
+ # Info file format is first line containing only the main page, and then one line per
+ # <pageClassName>,<page.xaml file>,<controlClassName>,<controlName (as in field name)>,<IsEnabledValue>,<VisibilityValue>,<ClickValue>,<CheckedValue>,<UncheckedValue>,<BoogieName>
+ mainPageXAML= file.readline().strip()
+ infoLine= file.readline().strip()
+ while not infoLine == "":
+ pageClass, pageName, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visible, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName= infoLine.split(",")
+ pageInfo={}
+ pageInfo["class"]=pageClass
+ try:
+ pageInfo= staticControlsMap[pageName]
+ except KeyError:
+ staticControlsMap[pageName]=pageInfo
+ pageControlInfo={}
+ try:
+ pageControlInfo= pageInfo["controls"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pageInfo["controls"]=pageControlInfo
+ loadControlInfo(pageControlInfo, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visible, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName)
+ pageInfo["controls"]= pageControlInfo
+ staticControlsMap[pageName]=pageInfo
+ infoLine=file.readline().strip()
+ file.close()
+ print staticControlsMap
+def main():
+ controlFile= ""
+ outputFile= ""
+ try:
+ opts, args= getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:o:", ["controls=","output="])
+ except geopt.error, msg:
+ print msg
+ showUsage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if not len(opts) == 2:
+ print "Missing options"
+ showUsage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ["-c","--controls"]:
+ controlFile= a
+ if o in ["-o", "--output"]:
+ outputFile= a
+ buildControlInfo(controlFile)
+ outputBoilerplate(outputFile)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file |