diff options
author | mikebarnett <unknown> | 2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000 |
committer | mikebarnett <unknown> | 2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000 |
commit | ce1c2de044c91624370411e23acab13b0381949b (patch) | |
tree | 592539996fe08050ead5ee210c973801611dde40 /Test/test0/ModifiedBag.bpl |
Initial set of files.
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/test0/ModifiedBag.bpl')
-rw-r--r-- | Test/test0/ModifiedBag.bpl | 371 |
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/test0/ModifiedBag.bpl b/Test/test0/ModifiedBag.bpl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09edbd12 --- /dev/null +++ b/Test/test0/ModifiedBag.bpl @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +// ----------- BEGIN PRELUDE
+type real;
+type elements;
+type name;
+const $CALL: name;
+const $REQ: name;
+const $ENS: name;
+const $PACK: name;
+const $UNPACK: name;
+const $HEAD: name;
+const $THROW: name;
+var $RefHeap: [ref, name]ref;
+var $IntHeap: [ref, name]int;
+var $RealHeap: [ref, name]real;
+var $BoolHeap: [ref, name]bool;
+var $ArrayHeap: [ref, name]elements;
+const $allocated: name;
+const $elements: name;
+function $ArrayLength(ref) returns (int);
+function $RefArrayGet(elements, int) returns (ref);
+function $RefArraySet(elements, int, ref) returns (elements);
+function $IntArrayGet(elements, int) returns (value: int);
+function $IntArraySet(elements, int, value: int) returns (elements);
+function $RealArrayGet(elements, int) returns (value: real);
+function $RealArraySet(elements, int, value: real) returns (elements);
+function $BoolArrayGet(elements, int) returns (value: bool);
+function $BoolArraySet(elements, int, value: bool) returns (elements);
+function $ArrayArrayGet(elements, int) returns (value: elements);
+function $ArrayArraySet(elements, int, value: elements) returns (elements);
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: ref :: $RefArrayGet($RefArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x);
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: ref :: i != j ==> $RefArrayGet($RefArraySet(A, i, x), j) == $RefArrayGet(A, j));
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: int :: $IntArrayGet($IntArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x);
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: int :: i != j ==> $IntArrayGet($IntArraySet(A, i, x), j) == $IntArrayGet(A, j));
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: real :: $RealArrayGet($RealArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x);
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: real :: i != j ==> $RealArrayGet($RealArraySet(A, i, x), j) == $RealArrayGet(A, j));
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: bool :: $BoolArrayGet($BoolArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x);
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: bool :: i != j ==> $BoolArrayGet($BoolArraySet(A, i, x), j) == $BoolArrayGet(A, j));
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: elements :: $ArrayArrayGet($ArrayArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x);
+axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: elements :: i != j ==> $ArrayArrayGet($ArrayArraySet(A, i, x), j) == $ArrayArrayGet(A, j));
+axiom (forall a: ref :: 0 <= $ArrayLength(a));
+function $typeof(ref) returns (name);
+function $BoolIs(bool, name) returns (bool);
+function $RealIs(real, name) returns (bool);
+function $IntIs(int, name) returns (bool);
+const System.Int16: name;
+const System.Int32: name;
+const System.Int64: name;
+const System.Int16.MinValue: int;
+const System.Int16.MaxValue: int;
+const System.Int32.MinValue: int;
+const System.Int32.MaxValue: int;
+const System.Int64.MinValue: int;
+const System.Int64.MaxValue: int;
+axiom System.Int64.MinValue < System.Int32.MinValue;
+axiom System.Int32.MinValue < System.Int16.MinValue;
+axiom System.Int16.MinValue < System.Int16.MaxValue;
+axiom System.Int16.MaxValue < System.Int32.MaxValue;
+axiom System.Int32.MaxValue < System.Int64.MaxValue;
+axiom (forall i: int :: $IntIs(i, System.Int16) <==> System.Int16.MinValue <= i && i <= System.Int16.MaxValue);
+axiom (forall i: int :: $IntIs(i, System.Int32) <==> System.Int32.MinValue <= i && i <= System.Int32.MaxValue);
+axiom (forall i: int :: $IntIs(i, System.Int64) <==> System.Int64.MinValue <= i && i <= System.Int64.MaxValue);
+function $RefIs(ref, name) returns (bool);
+axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: $RefIs(o, T) <==> o == null || $typeof(o) <: T);
+axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: $RefIs(o, $NotNull(T)) <==> o != null && $RefIs(o, T));
+axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, i: int, $ArrayHeap: [ref, name]elements :: $RefIs(a, $IntArray(T)) && a != null ==> $IntIs($IntArrayGet($ArrayHeap[a, $elements], i), T));
+axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, i: int, $ArrayHeap: [ref, name]elements :: $RefIs(a, $RealArray(T)) && a != null ==> $RealIs($RealArrayGet($ArrayHeap[a, $elements], i), T));
+axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, i: int, $ArrayHeap: [ref, name]elements :: $RefIs(a, $BoolArray(T)) && a != null ==> $BoolIs($BoolArrayGet($ArrayHeap[a, $elements], i), T));
+axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, i: int, $ArrayHeap: [ref, name]elements :: $RefIs(a, $RefArray(T)) && a != null ==> $RefIs($RefArrayGet($ArrayHeap[a, $elements], i), T));
+function $NotNull(name) returns (name);
+function $IntArray(name) returns (name);
+function $BoolArray(name) returns (name);
+function $RealArray(name) returns (name);
+function $RefArray(name) returns (name);
+// ----------- END PRELUDE
+const Bag.a: name;
+const Bag.n: name;
+const Bag: name;
+procedure Bag..ctor$(this: ref, initialElements$in: ref);
+procedure System.Object..ctor(this: ref);
+procedure System.Array.CopyTo$System.Array$System.Int32(this: ref, array$in: ref, index$in: int);
+procedure Bag..ctor$$System.Int32$System.Int32(this: ref, initialElements$in: ref, start$in: int, howMany$in: int);
+ requires 0 <= howMany$in;
+ requires start$in + howMany$in <= $ArrayLength(initialElements$in);
+ modifies $IntHeap, $RefHeap;
+implementation Bag..ctor$$System.Int32$System.Int32(this: ref, initialElements$in: ref, start$in: int, howMany$in: int)
+ var initialElements: ref, start: int, howMany: int, stack0i: int, stack0o: ref, stack1i: int, stack2i: int;
+ entry:
+ assume $RefIs(this, $NotNull(Bag));
+ initialElements := initialElements$in;
+ assume $RefIs(initialElements, $NotNull($IntArray(System.Int32)));
+ start := start$in;
+ assume $IntIs(start, System.Int32);
+ howMany := howMany$in;
+ assume $IntIs(howMany, System.Int32);
+ goto block165;
+ block165:
+ call System.Object..ctor(this);
+ $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] := howMany;
+ stack0i := howMany;
+ havoc stack0o;
+ assume $BoolHeap[stack0o, $allocated] == true && $ArrayLength(stack0o) == stack0i;
+ $RefHeap[this, Bag.a] := stack0o;
+ stack0o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ stack1i := 0;
+ stack2i := start + howMany;
+ call System.Array.Copy$System.Array$System.Int32$System.Array$System.Int32$System.Int32(initialElements, start, stack0o, stack1i, stack2i);
+ assert this != null;
+ assert 0 <= $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] && $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= $ArrayLength($RefHeap[this, Bag.a]);
+ return;
+procedure System.Array.Copy$System.Array$System.Int32$System.Array$System.Int32$System.Int32(sourceArray$in: ref, sourceIndex$in: int, destinationArray$in: ref, destinationIndex$in: int, length$in: int);
+procedure Bag.Add$System.Int32(this: ref, x$in: int);
+ modifies $ArrayHeap, $IntHeap;
+implementation Bag.Add$System.Int32(this: ref, x$in: int)
+ var x: int, stack0i: int, stack1o: ref, stack1i: int, stack0b: bool, stack0o: ref, stack2i: int, b: ref;
+ entry:
+ assume $RefIs(this, $NotNull(Bag));
+ x := x$in;
+ assume $IntIs(x, System.Int32);
+ assert this != null;
+ assume 0 <= $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] && $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= $ArrayLength($RefHeap[this, Bag.a]);
+ goto block205;
+ block205:
+ stack0i := $IntHeap[this, Bag.n];
+ stack1o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ stack1i := $ArrayLength(stack1o);
+ stack1i := stack1i;
+ stack0b := stack0i != stack1i;
+ goto trueblock208, falseblock206;
+ trueblock208:
+ assume stack0b == true;
+assume false;
+// goto block208;
+ falseblock206:
+ assume stack0b == false;
+ goto block206;
+ block206:
+// assert label-([$PACK@0:3:4425:0], $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= 2 * $ArrayLength($RefHeap[this, Bag.a]));
+ stack0i := 2;
+ stack1o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ stack1i := $ArrayLength(stack1o);
+ stack1i := stack1i;
+ stack0i := stack0i * stack1i;
+ stack0i := stack0i;
+ assert $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= stack0i;
+// havoc b;
+// assume $BoolHeap[b, $allocated] == true && $ArrayLength(b) == stack0i;
+// assert label-([$PACK@0:3:4427:0], $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= $ArrayLength(b));
+// stack0o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+// stack1i := 0;
+// call [$CALL@0:7:39:0] System.Array.CopyTo$System.Array$System.Int32(stack0o, b, stack1i);
+// $RefHeap[this, Bag.a] := b;
+// assert label-([$PACK@0:3:4428:0], $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= $ArrayLength($RefHeap[this, Bag.a]));
+// goto block208;
+ return;
+ block208:
+ stack0o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ stack1i := $IntHeap[this, Bag.n];
+ $ArrayHeap[stack0o, $elements] := $IntArraySet($ArrayHeap[stack0o, $elements], stack1i, x);
+ stack0o := this;
+ stack1o := stack0o;
+ stack1i := $IntHeap[stack1o, Bag.n];
+ stack2i := 1;
+ stack1i := stack1i + stack2i;
+ $IntHeap[stack0o, Bag.n] := stack1i;
+ assert this != null;
+ assert 0 <= $IntHeap[this, Bag.n];
+ assert $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= $ArrayLength($RefHeap[this, Bag.a]);
+ return;
+procedure Bag.ExtractMin(this: ref) returns ($result: int);
+ modifies $IntHeap, $ArrayHeap;
+implementation Bag.ExtractMin(this: ref) returns ($result: int)
+ var m: int, mindex: int, i: int, stack0i: int, stack0b: bool, stack0o: ref, stack1o: ref, stack1i: int, stack2i: int, CS$00000003$00000000: int;
+ entry:
+ assume $RefIs(this, $NotNull(Bag));
+ assert this != null;
+ assume 0 <= $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] && $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= $ArrayLength($RefHeap[this, Bag.a]);
+ goto block282;
+ block282:
+ m := 2147483647;
+ mindex := 0;
+ i := 1;
+ goto block286;
+ block285:
+ stack0i := 1;
+ stack0i := i + stack0i;
+ i := stack0i;
+ goto block286;
+ block286:
+ stack0i := $IntHeap[this, Bag.n];
+ stack0b := i <= stack0i;
+ goto trueblock283, falseblock287;
+ trueblock283:
+ assume stack0b == true;
+ goto block283;
+ falseblock287:
+ assume stack0b == false;
+ goto block287;
+ block283:
+ stack0o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ stack0i := $IntArrayGet($ArrayHeap[stack0o, $elements], i);
+ stack0b := stack0i >= m;
+ goto trueblock285, falseblock284;
+ block287:
+ stack0o := this;
+ stack1o := stack0o;
+ stack1i := $IntHeap[stack1o, Bag.n];
+ stack2i := 1;
+ stack1i := stack1i - stack2i;
+ $IntHeap[stack0o, Bag.n] := stack1i;
+ stack0o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ stack1o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ stack2i := $IntHeap[this, Bag.n];
+ stack1i := $IntArrayGet($ArrayHeap[stack1o, $elements], stack2i);
+ $ArrayHeap[stack0o, $elements] := $IntArraySet($ArrayHeap[stack0o, $elements], mindex, stack1i);
+ CS$00000003$00000000 := m;
+ goto block289;
+ trueblock285:
+ assume stack0b == true;
+ goto block285;
+ falseblock284:
+ assume stack0b == false;
+ goto block284;
+ block284:
+ mindex := i;
+ stack0o := $RefHeap[this, Bag.a];
+ m := $IntArrayGet($ArrayHeap[stack0o, $elements], i);
+ goto block285;
+ block289:
+ $result := CS$00000003$00000000;
+ assert this != null;
+ assert 0 <= $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] && $IntHeap[this, Bag.n] <= $ArrayLength($RefHeap[this, Bag.a]);
+ return;
+type ref;
+const null : ref;