path: root/Test/dafny0
diff options
authorGravatar rustanleino <unknown>2010-06-08 18:05:23 +0000
committerGravatar rustanleino <unknown>2010-06-08 18:05:23 +0000
commit24ceefe6fac22e6361b1dc73b4bc878b1ba9aad5 (patch)
tree8d063d83ed4cdfcd444984752ecec10813cbaabf /Test/dafny0
parent0cddfa101560a1c2ca49729288766687361f2785 (diff)
* Look for Z3 versions up to 2.15 (but did not implement a better algorithm for it). * Added prover-path output as part of /trace flag (that probably isn't the best command-line option for it). Dafny: * Split off some tests from Test/dafny0 into Test/dafny1. * Added Test/dafny1/UltraFilter.dfy.
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny0')
15 files changed, 3 insertions, 1958 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Answer b/Test/dafny0/Answer
index e1b83c87..0c152d6e 100644
--- a/Test/dafny0/Answer
+++ b/Test/dafny0/Answer
@@ -64,10 +64,6 @@ class C {
Dafny program verifier finished with 0 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- BQueue.bpl --------------------
-Boogie program verifier finished with 8 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- TypeTests.dfy --------------------
TypeTests.dfy(4,13): Error: incorrect type of function argument 0 (expected C, got D)
TypeTests.dfy(4,13): Error: incorrect type of function argument 1 (expected D, got C)
@@ -338,30 +334,6 @@ Execution trace:
Dafny program verifier finished with 2 verified, 1 error
--------------------- Queue.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 22 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- ListCopy.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 4 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- BinaryTree.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 24 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- ListReverse.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 2 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- ListContents.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 9 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- SchorrWaite.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 10 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- Termination.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 13 verified, 0 errors
@@ -423,27 +395,3 @@ Dafny program verifier finished with 24 verified, 2 errors
-------------------- Datatypes.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 10 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- UnboundedStack.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 12 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- SumOfCubes.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 17 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- TerminationDemos.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 10 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- Substitution.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 12 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- Tree.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 6 verified, 0 errors
--------------------- Celebrity.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 11 verified, 0 errors
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/BQueue.bpl b/Test/dafny0/BQueue.bpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 77f1efb3..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/BQueue.bpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-// BQueue.bpl
-// A queue program specified in the style of dynamic frames.
-// Rustan Leino, Michal Moskal, and Wolfram Schulte, 2007.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-type ref;
-const null: ref;
-type Field x;
-// this variable represents the heap; read its type as \forall \alpha. ref * Field \alpha --> \alpha
-type HeapType = <x>[ref, Field x]x;
-var H: HeapType;
-// every object has an 'alloc' field, which says whether or not the object has been allocated
-const unique alloc: Field bool;
-// for simplicity, we say that every object has one field representing its abstract value and one
-// field representing its footprint (aka frame aka data group).
-const unique abstractValue: Field Seq;
-const unique footprint: Field [ref]bool;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-type T; // the type of the elements of the queue
-const NullT: T; // some value of type T
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-// Queue:
-const unique head: Field ref;
-const unique tail: Field ref;
-const unique mynodes: Field [ref]bool;
-// Node:
-const unique data: Field T;
-const unique next: Field ref;
-function ValidQueue(HeapType, ref) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall h: HeapType, q: ref ::
- { ValidQueue(h, q) }
- q != null && h[q,alloc] ==>
- (ValidQueue(h, q) <==>
- h[q,head] != null && h[h[q,head],alloc] &&
- h[q,tail] != null && h[h[q,tail],alloc] &&
- h[h[q,tail], next] == null &&
- // The following line can be suppressed now that we have a ValidFootprint invariant
- (forall o: ref :: { h[q,footprint][o] } o != null && h[q,footprint][o] ==> h[o,alloc]) &&
- h[q,footprint][q] &&
- h[q,mynodes][h[q,head]] && h[q,mynodes][h[q,tail]] &&
- (forall n: ref :: { h[q,mynodes][n] }
- h[q,mynodes][n] ==>
- n != null && h[n,alloc] && ValidNode(h, n) &&
- SubSet(h[n,footprint], h[q,footprint]) &&
- !h[n,footprint][q] &&
- (h[n,next] == null ==> n == h[q,tail])
- ) &&
- (forall n: ref :: { h[n,next] }
- h[q,mynodes][n] ==>
- (h[n,next] != null ==> h[q,mynodes][h[n,next]])
- ) &&
- h[q,abstractValue] == h[h[q,head],abstractValue]
- ));
-// frame axiom for ValidQueue
-axiom (forall h0: HeapType, h1: HeapType, n: ref ::
- { ValidQueue(h0,n), ValidQueue(h1,n) }
- (forall<alpha> o: ref, f: Field alpha :: o != null && h0[o,alloc] && h0[n,footprint][o]
- ==> h0[o,f] == h1[o,f])
- &&
- (forall<alpha> o: ref, f: Field alpha :: o != null && h1[o,alloc] && h1[n,footprint][o]
- ==> h0[o,f] == h1[o,f])
- ==>
- ValidQueue(h0,n) == ValidQueue(h1,n));
-function ValidNode(HeapType, ref) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall h: HeapType, n: ref ::
- { ValidNode(h, n) }
- n != null && h[n,alloc] ==>
- (ValidNode(h, n) <==>
- // The following line can be suppressed now that we have a ValidFootprint invariant
- (forall o: ref :: { h[n,footprint][o] } o != null && h[n,footprint][o] ==> h[o,alloc]) &&
- h[n,footprint][n] &&
- (h[n,next] != null ==>
- h[h[n,next],alloc] &&
- SubSet(h[h[n,next], footprint], h[n,footprint]) &&
- !h[h[n,next], footprint][n]) &&
- (h[n,next] == null ==> EqualSeq(h[n,abstractValue], EmptySeq)) &&
- (h[n,next] != null ==> EqualSeq(h[n,abstractValue],
- Append(Singleton(h[h[n,next],data]), h[h[n,next],abstractValue])))
- ));
-// frame axiom for ValidNode
-axiom (forall h0: HeapType, h1: HeapType, n: ref ::
- { ValidNode(h0,n), ValidNode(h1,n) }
- (forall<alpha> o: ref, f: Field alpha :: o != null && h0[o,alloc] && h0[n,footprint][o]
- ==> h0[o,f] == h1[o,f])
- &&
- (forall<alpha> o: ref, f: Field alpha :: o != null && h1[o,alloc] && h1[n,footprint][o]
- ==> h0[o,f] == h1[o,f])
- ==>
- ValidNode(h0,n) == ValidNode(h1,n));
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure MakeQueue() returns (q: ref)
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySet(old(H), H, EmptySet);
- ensures q != null && H[q,alloc];
- ensures AllNewSet(old(H), H[q,footprint]);
- ensures ValidQueue(H, q);
- ensures Length(H[q,abstractValue]) == 0;
- var n: ref;
- assume Fresh(H,q);
- H[q,alloc] := true;
- call n := MakeNode(NullT);
- H[q,head] := n;
- H[q,tail] := n;
- H[q,mynodes] := SingletonSet(n);
- H[q,footprint] := UnionSet(SingletonSet(q), H[n,footprint]);
- H[q,abstractValue] := H[n,abstractValue];
-procedure IsEmpty(q: ref) returns (isEmpty: bool)
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- requires q != null && H[q,alloc] && ValidQueue(H, q);
- ensures isEmpty <==> Length(H[q,abstractValue]) == 0;
- isEmpty := H[q,head] == H[q,tail];
-procedure Enqueue(q: ref, t: T)
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- requires q != null && H[q,alloc] && ValidQueue(H, q);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySet(old(H), H, old(H)[q,footprint]);
- ensures DifferenceIsNew(old(H), old(H)[q,footprint], H[q,footprint]);
- ensures ValidQueue(H, q);
- ensures EqualSeq(H[q,abstractValue], Append(old(H)[q,abstractValue], Singleton(t)));
- var n: ref;
- call n := MakeNode(t);
- // foreach m in q.mynodes { m.footprint := m.footprint U n.footprint }
- call BulkUpdateFootprint(H[q,mynodes], H[n,footprint]);
- H[q,footprint] := UnionSet(H[q,footprint], H[n,footprint]);
- // foreach m in q.mynodes { m.abstractValue := Append(m.abstractValue, Singleton(t)) }
- call BulkUpdateAbstractValue(H[q,mynodes], t);
- H[q,abstractValue] := H[H[q,head],abstractValue];
- H[q,mynodes] := UnionSet(H[q,mynodes], SingletonSet(n));
- H[H[q,tail], next] := n;
- H[q,tail] := n;
-procedure BulkUpdateFootprint(targetSet: [ref]bool, delta: [ref]bool);
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySetField(old(H), H, targetSet, footprint);
- ensures (forall o: ref ::
- o != null && old(H)[o,alloc] && targetSet[o]
- ==> H[o,footprint] == UnionSet(old(H)[o,footprint], delta));
-procedure BulkUpdateAbstractValue(targetSet: [ref]bool, t: T);
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySetField(old(H), H, targetSet, abstractValue);
- ensures (forall o: ref ::
- o != null && old(H)[o,alloc] && targetSet[o]
- ==> EqualSeq(H[o,abstractValue], Append(old(H)[o,abstractValue], Singleton(t))));
-procedure Front(q: ref) returns (t: T)
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- requires q != null && H[q,alloc] && ValidQueue(H, q);
- requires 0 < Length(H[q,abstractValue]);
- ensures t == Index(H[q,abstractValue], 0);
- t := H[H[H[q,head], next], data];
-procedure Dequeue(q: ref)
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- requires q != null && H[q,alloc] && ValidQueue(H, q);
- requires 0 < Length(H[q,abstractValue]);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySet(old(H), H, old(H)[q,footprint]);
- ensures DifferenceIsNew(old(H), old(H)[q,footprint], H[q,footprint]);
- ensures ValidQueue(H, q);
- ensures EqualSeq(H[q,abstractValue], Drop(old(H)[q,abstractValue], 1));
- var n: ref;
- n := H[H[q,head], next];
- H[q,head] := n;
- // we could also remove old(H)[q,head] from H[q,mynodes], and similar for the footprints
- H[q,abstractValue] := H[n,abstractValue];
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure MakeNode(t: T) returns (n: ref)
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySet(old(H), H, EmptySet);
- ensures n != null && H[n,alloc];
- ensures AllNewSet(old(H), H[n,footprint]);
- ensures ValidNode(H, n);
- ensures H[n,data] == t && H[n,next] == null;
- assume Fresh(H,n);
- H[n,alloc] := true;
- H[n,next] := null;
- H[n,data] := t;
- H[n,footprint] := SingletonSet(n);
- H[n,abstractValue] := EmptySeq;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure Main(t: T, u: T, v: T)
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySet(old(H), H, EmptySet);
- var q0, q1: ref;
- var w: T;
- call q0 := MakeQueue();
- call q1 := MakeQueue();
- call Enqueue(q0, t);
- call Enqueue(q0, u);
- call Enqueue(q1, v);
- assert Length(H[q0,abstractValue]) == 2;
- call w := Front(q0);
- assert w == t;
- call Dequeue(q0);
- call w := Front(q0);
- assert w == u;
- assert Length(H[q0,abstractValue]) == 1;
- assert Length(H[q1,abstractValue]) == 1;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure Main2(t: T, u: T, v: T, q0: ref, q1: ref)
- requires q0 != null && H[q0,alloc] && ValidQueue(H, q0);
- requires q1 != null && H[q1,alloc] && ValidQueue(H, q1);
- requires DisjointSet(H[q0,footprint], H[q1,footprint]);
- requires Length(H[q0,abstractValue]) == 0;
- requires ValidFootprints(H);
- modifies H;
- ensures ValidFootprints(H);
- ensures ModifiesOnlySet(old(H), H, UnionSet(old(H)[q0,footprint], old(H)[q1,footprint]));
- var w: T;
- call Enqueue(q0, t);
- call Enqueue(q0, u);
- call Enqueue(q1, v);
- assert Length(H[q0,abstractValue]) == 2;
- call w := Front(q0);
- assert w == t;
- call Dequeue(q0);
- call w := Front(q0);
- assert w == u;
- assert Length(H[q0,abstractValue]) == 1;
- assert Length(H[q1,abstractValue]) == old(Length(H[q1,abstractValue])) + 1;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helpful predicates used in specs
-function ModifiesOnlySet(oldHeap: HeapType, newHeap: HeapType, set: [ref]bool) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall oldHeap: HeapType, newHeap: HeapType, set: [ref]bool ::
- { ModifiesOnlySet(oldHeap, newHeap, set) }
- ModifiesOnlySet(oldHeap, newHeap, set) <==>
- NoDeallocs(oldHeap, newHeap) &&
- (forall<alpha> o: ref, f: Field alpha :: { newHeap[o,f] }
- o != null && oldHeap[o,alloc] ==>
- oldHeap[o,f] == newHeap[o,f] || set[o]));
-function ModifiesOnlySetField<alpha>(oldHeap: HeapType, newHeap: HeapType,
- set: [ref]bool, field: Field alpha) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall<alpha> oldHeap: HeapType, newHeap: HeapType, set: [ref]bool, field: Field alpha ::
- { ModifiesOnlySetField(oldHeap, newHeap, set, field) }
- ModifiesOnlySetField(oldHeap, newHeap, set, field) <==>
- NoDeallocs(oldHeap, newHeap) &&
- (forall<beta> o: ref, f: Field beta :: { newHeap[o,f] }
- o != null && oldHeap[o,alloc] ==>
- oldHeap[o,f] == newHeap[o,f] || (set[o] && f == field)));
-function NoDeallocs(oldHeap: HeapType, newHeap: HeapType) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall oldHeap: HeapType, newHeap: HeapType ::
- { NoDeallocs(oldHeap, newHeap) }
- NoDeallocs(oldHeap, newHeap) <==>
- (forall o: ref :: { newHeap[o,alloc] }
- o != null && oldHeap[o,alloc] ==> newHeap[o,alloc]));
-function AllNewSet(oldHeap: HeapType, set: [ref]bool) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall oldHeap: HeapType, set: [ref]bool ::
- { AllNewSet(oldHeap, set) }
- AllNewSet(oldHeap, set) <==>
- (forall o: ref :: { oldHeap[o,alloc] }
- o != null && set[o] ==> !oldHeap[o,alloc]));
-function DifferenceIsNew(oldHeap: HeapType, oldSet: [ref]bool, newSet: [ref]bool) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall oldHeap: HeapType, oldSet: [ref]bool, newSet: [ref]bool ::
- { DifferenceIsNew(oldHeap, oldSet, newSet) }
- DifferenceIsNew(oldHeap, oldSet, newSet) <==>
- (forall o: ref :: { oldHeap[o,alloc] }
- o != null && !oldSet[o] && newSet[o] ==> !oldHeap[o,alloc]));
-function ValidFootprints(h: HeapType) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall h: HeapType ::
- { ValidFootprints(h) }
- ValidFootprints(h) <==>
- (forall o: ref, r: ref :: { h[o,footprint][r] }
- o != null && h[o,alloc] && r != null && h[o,footprint][r] ==> h[r,alloc]));
-function Fresh(h: HeapType, o: ref) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall h: HeapType, o: ref ::
- { Fresh(h,o) }
- Fresh(h,o) <==>
- o != null && !h[o,alloc] && h[o,footprint] == SingletonSet(o));
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-const EmptySet: [ref]bool;
-axiom (forall o: ref :: { EmptySet[o] } !EmptySet[o]);
-function SingletonSet(ref) returns ([ref]bool);
-axiom (forall r: ref :: { SingletonSet(r) } SingletonSet(r)[r]);
-axiom (forall r: ref, o: ref :: { SingletonSet(r)[o] } SingletonSet(r)[o] <==> r == o);
-function UnionSet([ref]bool, [ref]bool) returns ([ref]bool);
-axiom (forall a: [ref]bool, b: [ref]bool, o: ref :: { UnionSet(a,b)[o] }
- UnionSet(a,b)[o] <==> a[o] || b[o]);
-function SubSet([ref]bool, [ref]bool) returns (bool);
-axiom(forall a: [ref]bool, b: [ref]bool :: { SubSet(a,b) }
- SubSet(a,b) <==> (forall o: ref :: {a[o]} {b[o]} a[o] ==> b[o]));
-function EqualSet([ref]bool, [ref]bool) returns (bool);
-axiom(forall a: [ref]bool, b: [ref]bool :: { EqualSet(a,b) }
- EqualSet(a,b) <==> (forall o: ref :: {a[o]} {b[o]} a[o] <==> b[o]));
-function DisjointSet([ref]bool, [ref]bool) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall a: [ref]bool, b: [ref]bool :: { DisjointSet(a,b) }
- DisjointSet(a,b) <==> (forall o: ref :: {a[o]} {b[o]} !a[o] || !b[o]));
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sequence of T
-type Seq;
-function Length(Seq) returns (int);
-axiom (forall s: Seq :: { Length(s) } 0 <= Length(s));
-const EmptySeq: Seq;
-axiom Length(EmptySeq) == 0;
-axiom (forall s: Seq :: { Length(s) } Length(s) == 0 ==> s == EmptySeq);
-function Singleton(T) returns (Seq);
-axiom (forall t: T :: { Length(Singleton(t)) } Length(Singleton(t)) == 1);
-function Append(Seq, Seq) returns (Seq);
-axiom (forall s0: Seq, s1: Seq :: { Length(Append(s0,s1)) }
- Length(Append(s0,s1)) == Length(s0) + Length(s1));
-function Index(Seq, int) returns (T);
-axiom (forall t: T :: { Index(Singleton(t), 0) } Index(Singleton(t), 0) == t);
-axiom (forall s0: Seq, s1: Seq, n: int :: { Index(Append(s0,s1), n) }
- (n < Length(s0) ==> Index(Append(s0,s1), n) == Index(s0, n)) &&
- (Length(s0) <= n ==> Index(Append(s0,s1), n) == Index(s1, n - Length(s0))));
-function EqualSeq(Seq, Seq) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall s0: Seq, s1: Seq :: { EqualSeq(s0,s1) }
- EqualSeq(s0,s1) <==>
- Length(s0) == Length(s1) &&
- (forall j: int :: { Index(s0,j) } { Index(s1,j) }
- 0 <= j && j < Length(s0) ==> Index(s0,j) == Index(s1,j)));
-function Take(s: Seq, howMany: int) returns (Seq);
-axiom (forall s: Seq, n: int :: { Length(Take(s,n)) }
- 0 <= n ==>
- (n <= Length(s) ==> Length(Take(s,n)) == n) &&
- (Length(s) < n ==> Length(Take(s,n)) == Length(s)));
-axiom (forall s: Seq, n: int, j: int :: { Index(Take(s,n), j) }
- 0 <= j && j < n && j < Length(s) ==>
- Index(Take(s,n), j) == Index(s, j));
-function Drop(s: Seq, howMany: int) returns (Seq);
-axiom (forall s: Seq, n: int :: { Length(Drop(s,n)) }
- 0 <= n ==>
- (n <= Length(s) ==> Length(Drop(s,n)) == Length(s) - n) &&
- (Length(s) < n ==> Length(Drop(s,n)) == 0));
-axiom (forall s: Seq, n: int, j: int :: { Index(Drop(s,n), j) }
- 0 <= n && 0 <= j && j < Length(s)-n ==>
- Index(Drop(s,n), j) == Index(s, j+n));
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/BinaryTree.dfy b/Test/dafny0/BinaryTree.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4892dd..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/BinaryTree.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-class IntSet {
- ghost var contents: set<int>;
- ghost var footprint: set<object>;
- var root: Node;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- this in footprint &&
- (root == null ==> contents == {}) &&
- (root != null ==>
- root in footprint && root.footprint <= footprint && this !in root.footprint &&
- root.Valid() &&
- contents == root.contents)
- }
- method Init()
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - {this});
- ensures contents == {};
- {
- root := null;
- footprint := {this};
- contents := {};
- }
- method Find(x: int) returns (present: bool)
- requires Valid();
- ensures present <==> x in contents;
- {
- if (root == null) {
- present := false;
- } else {
- call present := root.Find(x);
- }
- }
- method Insert(x: int)
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures contents == old(contents) + {x};
- {
- call t := InsertHelper(x, root);
- root := t;
- contents := root.contents;
- footprint := root.footprint + {this};
- }
- static method InsertHelper(x: int, n: Node) returns (m: Node)
- requires n == null || n.Valid();
- modifies n.footprint;
- ensures m != null && m.Valid();
- ensures n == null ==> fresh(m.footprint) && m.contents == {x};
- ensures n != null ==> m == n && n.contents == old(n.contents) + {x};
- ensures n != null ==> fresh(n.footprint - old(n.footprint));
- decreases if n == null then {} else n.footprint;
- {
- if (n == null) {
- m := new Node;
- call m.Init(x);
- } else if (x == {
- m := n;
- } else {
- if (x < {
- assert n.right == null || n.right.Valid();
- call t := InsertHelper(x, n.left);
- n.left := t;
- n.footprint := n.footprint + n.left.footprint;
- } else {
- assert n.left == null || n.left.Valid();
- call t := InsertHelper(x, n.right);
- n.right := t;
- n.footprint := n.footprint + n.right.footprint;
- }
- n.contents := n.contents + {x};
- m := n;
- }
- }
- method Remove(x: int)
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures contents == old(contents) - {x};
- {
- if (root != null) {
- call newRoot := root.Remove(x);
- root := newRoot;
- if (root == null) {
- contents := {};
- footprint := {this};
- } else {
- contents := root.contents;
- footprint := root.footprint + {this};
- }
- }
- }
-class Node {
- ghost var contents: set<int>;
- ghost var footprint: set<object>;
- var data: int;
- var left: Node;
- var right: Node;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- this in footprint &&
- null !in footprint &&
- (left != null ==>
- left in footprint &&
- left.footprint <= footprint && this !in left.footprint &&
- left.Valid() &&
- (forall y :: y in left.contents ==> y < data)) &&
- (right != null ==>
- right in footprint &&
- right.footprint <= footprint && this !in right.footprint &&
- right.Valid() &&
- (forall y :: y in right.contents ==> data < y)) &&
- (left == null && right == null ==>
- contents == {data}) &&
- (left != null && right == null ==>
- contents == left.contents + {data}) &&
- (left == null && right != null ==>
- contents == {data} + right.contents) &&
- (left != null && right != null ==>
- left.footprint !! right.footprint &&
- contents == left.contents + {data} + right.contents)
- }
- method Init(x: int)
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - {this});
- ensures contents == {x};
- {
- data := x;
- left := null;
- right := null;
- contents := {x};
- footprint := {this};
- }
- method Find(x: int) returns (present: bool)
- requires Valid();
- ensures present <==> x in contents;
- decreases footprint;
- {
- if (x == data) {
- present := true;
- } else if (left != null && x < data) {
- call present := left.Find(x);
- } else if (right != null && data < x) {
- call present := right.Find(x);
- } else {
- present := false;
- }
- }
- method Remove(x: int) returns (node: Node)
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- ensures fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures node != null ==> node.Valid();
- ensures node == null ==> old(contents) <= {x};
- ensures node != null ==> node.footprint <= footprint && node.contents == old(contents) - {x};
- decreases footprint;
- {
- node := this;
- if (left != null && x < data) {
- call t := left.Remove(x);
- left := t;
- contents := contents - {x};
- if (left != null) { footprint := footprint + left.footprint; }
- } else if (right != null && data < x) {
- call t := right.Remove(x);
- right := t;
- contents := contents - {x};
- if (right != null) { footprint := footprint + right.footprint; }
- } else if (x == data) {
- if (left == null && right == null) {
- node := null;
- } else if (left == null) {
- node := right;
- } else if (right == null) {
- node := left;
- } else {
- // rotate
- call min, r := right.RemoveMin();
- data := min; right := r;
- contents := contents - {x};
- if (right != null) { footprint := footprint + right.footprint; }
- }
- }
- }
- method RemoveMin() returns (min: int, node: Node)
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- ensures fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures node != null ==> node.Valid();
- ensures node == null ==> old(contents) == {min};
- ensures node != null ==> node.footprint <= footprint && node.contents == old(contents) - {min};
- ensures min in old(contents) && (forall x :: x in old(contents) ==> min <= x);
- decreases footprint;
- {
- if (left == null) {
- min := data;
- node := right;
- } else {
- call min, t := left.RemoveMin();
- left := t;
- node := this;
- contents := contents - {min};
- if (left != null) { footprint := footprint + left.footprint; }
- }
- }
-class Main {
- method Client0(x: int)
- {
- var s := new IntSet;
- call s.Init();
- call s.Insert(12);
- call s.Insert(24);
- call present := s.Find(x);
- assert present <==> x == 12 || x == 24;
- }
- method Client1(s: IntSet, x: int)
- requires s != null && s.Valid();
- modifies s.footprint;
- {
- call s.Insert(x);
- call s.Insert(24);
- assert old(s.contents) - {x,24} == s.contents - {x,24};
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Celebrity.dfy b/Test/dafny0/Celebrity.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index fd267c71..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/Celebrity.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Celebrity example, inspired by the Rodin tutorial
-method Pick<T>(S: set<T>) returns (t: T);
- requires S != {};
- ensures t in S;
-static function Knows<Person>(a: Person, b: Person): bool;
- requires a != b; // forbid asking about the reflexive case
-static function IsCelebrity<Person>(c: Person, people: set<Person>): bool
- c in people &&
- (forall p :: p in people && p != c ==> Knows(p, c) && !Knows(c, p))
-method FindCelebrity0<Person>(people: set<Person>, ghost c: Person) returns (r: Person)
- requires (exists c :: IsCelebrity(c, people));
- ensures r == c;
- var cc; assume cc == c; // this line essentially converts ghost c to non-ghost cc
- r := cc;
-method FindCelebrity1<Person>(people: set<Person>, ghost c: Person) returns (r: Person)
- requires IsCelebrity(c, people);
- ensures r == c;
- var Q := people;
- call x := Pick(Q);
- while (Q != {x})
- //invariant Q <= people; // inv1 in Rodin's Celebrity_1, but it's not needed here
- invariant IsCelebrity(c, Q); // inv2
- invariant x in Q;
- decreases Q;
- {
- call y := Pick(Q - {x});
- if (Knows(x, y)) {
- Q := Q - {x}; // remove_1
- } else {
- Q := Q - {y}; assert x in Q; // remove_2
- }
- call x := Pick(Q);
- }
- r := x;
-method FindCelebrity2<Person>(people: set<Person>, ghost c: Person) returns (r: Person)
- requires IsCelebrity(c, people);
- ensures r == c;
- call b := Pick(people);
- var R := people - {b};
- while (R != {})
- invariant R <= people; // inv1
- invariant b in people; // inv2
- invariant b !in R; // inv3
- invariant IsCelebrity(c, R + {b}); // my non-refinement way of saying inv4
- decreases R;
- {
- call x := Pick(R);
- if (Knows(x, b)) {
- R := R - {x};
- } else {
- b := x;
- R := R - {x};
- }
- }
- r := b;
-method FindCelebrity3(n: int, people: set<int>, ghost c: int) returns (r: int)
- requires 0 < n;
- requires (forall p :: p in people <==> 0 <= p && p < n);
- // requires IsCelebrity(c, people); // see next line:
- requires c in people && (forall p :: p in people && p != c ==> Knows(p, c) && !Knows(c, p)); // hack to work around bug in Dafny-to-Boogie translator
- ensures r == c;
- r := 0;
- var a := 1;
- var b := 0;
- while (a < n)
- invariant a <= n;
- invariant b < a; // Celebrity_2/inv3 and Celebrity_3/inv2
- invariant c == b || (a <= c && c < n);
- {
- if (Knows(a, b)) {
- a := a + 1;
- } else {
- b := a;
- a := a + 1;
- }
- }
- r := b;
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/ListContents.dfy b/Test/dafny0/ListContents.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 62636ce5..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/ListContents.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-class Node<T> {
- var list: seq<T>;
- var footprint: set<Node<T>>;
- var data: T;
- var next: Node<T>;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- this in this.footprint && null !in this.footprint &&
- (next == null ==> list == [data]) &&
- (next != null ==>
- next in footprint && next.footprint <= footprint &&
- this !in next.footprint &&
- list == [data] + next.list &&
- next.Valid())
- }
- method Init(d: T)
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - {this});
- ensures list == [d];
- {
- data := d;
- next := null;
- list := [d];
- footprint := {this};
- }
- method SkipHead() returns (r: Node<T>)
- requires Valid();
- ensures r == null ==> |list| == 1;
- ensures r != null ==> r.Valid() && r.footprint <= footprint;
- ensures r != null ==> r.list == list[1..];
- {
- r := next;
- }
- method Prepend(d: T) returns (r: Node<T>)
- requires Valid();
- ensures r != null && r.Valid() && fresh(r.footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures r.list == [d] + list;
- {
- r := new Node<T>;
- := d;
- := this;
- r.footprint := {r} + this.footprint;
- r.list := [] + this.list;
- }
- method ReverseInPlace() returns (reverse: Node<T>)
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- ensures reverse != null && reverse.Valid();
- ensures fresh(reverse.footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures |reverse.list| == |old(list)|;
- ensures (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |old(list)| ==> old(list)[i] == reverse.list[|old(list)|-1-i]);
- {
- var current := next;
- reverse := this;
- := null;
- reverse.footprint := {reverse};
- reverse.list := [data];
- while (current != null)
- invariant reverse != null && reverse.Valid();
- invariant reverse.footprint <= old(footprint);
- invariant current == null ==> |old(list)| == |reverse.list|;
- invariant current != null ==>
- current.Valid() &&
- current in old(footprint) && current.footprint <= old(footprint) &&
- current.footprint !! reverse.footprint &&
- |old(list)| == |reverse.list| + |current.list| &&
- (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |current.list| ==> current.list[i] == old(list)[|reverse.list|+i]);
- invariant
- (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |reverse.list| ==> old(list)[i] == reverse.list[|reverse.list|-1-i]);
- decreases if current != null then |current.list| else -1;
- {
- var nx :=;
- assert nx != null ==> (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |nx.list| ==> current.list[1+i] == nx.list[i]); // lemma
- // ..., reverse, current, nx, ...
- assert == current.list[0]; // lemma
- := reverse;
- current.footprint := {current} + reverse.footprint;
- current.list := [] + reverse.list;
- reverse := current;
- current := nx;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/ListCopy.dfy b/Test/dafny0/ListCopy.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 52f5cf76..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/ListCopy.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-class Node {
- var nxt: Node;
- method Init()
- modifies this;
- ensures nxt == null;
- {
- nxt := null;
- }
- method Copy(root: Node) returns (result: Node)
- {
- var existingRegion: set<Node>;
- assume root == null || root in existingRegion;
- assume (forall o: Node :: o != null && o in existingRegion && o.nxt != null ==> o.nxt in existingRegion);
- var newRoot := null;
- var oldListPtr := root;
- var newRegion: set<Node> := {};
- if (oldListPtr != null) {
- newRoot := new Node;
- call newRoot.Init();
- newRegion := newRegion + {newRoot};
- var prev := newRoot;
- while (oldListPtr != null)
- invariant newRoot in newRegion;
- invariant (forall o: Node :: o in newRegion ==> o != null);
- invariant (forall o: Node :: o in newRegion && o.nxt != null ==> o.nxt in newRegion);
- invariant prev in newRegion;
- invariant fresh(newRegion);
- invariant newRegion !! existingRegion;
- decreases *; // omit loop termination check
- {
- var tmp := new Node;
- call tmp.Init();
- newRegion := newRegion + {tmp};
- prev.nxt := tmp;
- prev := tmp;
- oldListPtr := oldListPtr.nxt;
- }
- }
- result := newRoot;
- assert result == null || result in newRegion;
- // everything in newRegion is fresh
- assert fresh(newRegion);
- // newRegion # exisitingRegion
- assert newRegion !! existingRegion;
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/ListReverse.dfy b/Test/dafny0/ListReverse.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index ef029b88..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/ListReverse.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-class Node {
- var nxt: Node;
- method ReverseInPlace(x: Node, r: set<Node>) returns (reverse: Node)
- requires null !in r;
- requires x == null || x in r;
- requires (forall y :: y in r ==> y.nxt == null || y.nxt in r); // region closure
- modifies r;
- ensures reverse == null || reverse in r;
- ensures (forall y :: y in r ==> y.nxt == null || y.nxt in r); // region closure
- {
- var current := x;
- reverse := null;
- while (current != null)
- invariant current == null || current in r;
- invariant reverse == null || reverse in r;
- invariant (forall y :: y in r ==> y.nxt == null || y.nxt in r); // region closure
- decreases *; // omit loop termination check
- {
- var tmp := current.nxt;
- current.nxt := reverse;
- reverse := current;
- current := tmp;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Queue.dfy b/Test/dafny0/Queue.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b7dd64..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/Queue.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-// Queue.dfy
-// Dafny version of Queue.bpl
-// Rustan Leino, 2008
-class Queue<T> {
- var head: Node<T>;
- var tail: Node<T>;
- ghost var contents: seq<T>;
- ghost var footprint: set<object>;
- ghost var spine: set<Node<T>>;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- this in footprint && spine <= footprint &&
- head != null && head in spine &&
- tail != null && tail in spine &&
- == null &&
- (forall n ::
- n in spine ==>
- n != null && n.footprint <= footprint && this !in n.footprint &&
- n.Valid() &&
- ( == null ==> n == tail)) &&
- (forall n ::
- n in spine ==>
- != null ==> in spine) &&
- contents == head.tailContents
- }
- method Init()
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - {this});
- ensures |contents| == 0;
- {
- var n := new Node<T>;
- call n.Init();
- head := n;
- tail := n;
- contents := n.tailContents;
- footprint := {this} + n.footprint;
- spine := {n};
- }
- method Rotate()
- requires Valid();
- requires 0 < |contents|;
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures contents == old(contents)[1..] + old(contents)[..1];
- {
- call t := Front();
- call Dequeue();
- call Enqueue(t);
- }
- method RotateAny()
- requires Valid();
- requires 0 < |contents|;
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures |contents| == |old(contents)|;
- ensures (exists i :: 0 <= i && i <= |contents| &&
- contents == old(contents)[i..] + old(contents)[..i]);
- {
- call t := Front();
- call Dequeue();
- call Enqueue(t);
- }
- method IsEmpty() returns (isEmpty: bool)
- requires Valid();
- ensures isEmpty <==> |contents| == 0;
- {
- isEmpty := head == tail;
- }
- method Enqueue(t: T)
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures contents == old(contents) + [t];
- {
- var n := new Node<T>;
- call n.Init(); := t;
- := n;
- tail := n;
- foreach (m in spine) {
- m.tailContents := m.tailContents + [t];
- }
- contents := head.tailContents;
- foreach (m in spine) {
- m.footprint := m.footprint + n.footprint;
- }
- footprint := footprint + n.footprint;
- spine := spine + {n};
- }
- method Front() returns (t: T)
- requires Valid();
- requires 0 < |contents|;
- ensures t == contents[0];
- {
- t :=;
- }
- method Dequeue()
- requires Valid();
- requires 0 < |contents|;
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures contents == old(contents)[1..];
- {
- var n :=;
- head := n;
- contents := n.tailContents;
- }
-class Node<T> {
- var data: T;
- var next: Node<T>;
- ghost var tailContents: seq<T>;
- ghost var footprint: set<object>;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- this in footprint &&
- (next != null ==> next in footprint && next.footprint <= footprint) &&
- (next == null ==> tailContents == []) &&
- (next != null ==> tailContents == [] + next.tailContents)
- }
- method Init()
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - {this});
- ensures next == null;
- {
- next := null;
- tailContents := [];
- footprint := {this};
- }
-class Main<U> {
- method A<T>(t: T, u: T, v: T)
- {
- var q0 := new Queue<T>;
- call q0.Init();
- var q1 := new Queue<T>;
- call q1.Init();
- call q0.Enqueue(t);
- call q0.Enqueue(u);
- call q1.Enqueue(v);
- assert |q0.contents| == 2;
- call w := q0.Front();
- assert w == t;
- call q0.Dequeue();
- call w := q0.Front();
- assert w == u;
- assert |q0.contents| == 1;
- assert |q1.contents| == 1;
- }
- method Main2(t: U, u: U, v: U, q0: Queue<U>, q1: Queue<U>)
- requires q0 != null && q0.Valid();
- requires q1 != null && q1.Valid();
- requires q0.footprint !! q1.footprint;
- requires |q0.contents| == 0;
- modifies q0.footprint, q1.footprint;
- ensures fresh(q0.footprint - old(q0.footprint));
- ensures fresh(q1.footprint - old(q1.footprint));
- {
- call q0.Enqueue(t);
- call q0.Enqueue(u);
- call q1.Enqueue(v);
- assert |q0.contents| == 2;
- call w := q0.Front();
- assert w == t;
- call q0.Dequeue();
- call w := q0.Front();
- assert w == u;
- assert |q0.contents| == 1;
- assert |q1.contents| == old(|q1.contents|) + 1;
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/SchorrWaite.dfy b/Test/dafny0/SchorrWaite.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index a46e83a3..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/SchorrWaite.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-// Rustan Leino
-// 7 November 2008
-// Schorr-Waite and other marking algorithms, written and verified in Dafny.
-// Copyright (c) 2008, Microsoft.
-class Node {
- var children: seq<Node>;
- var marked: bool;
- var childrenVisited: int;
- ghost var pathFromRoot: Path;
-class Main {
- method RecursiveMark(root: Node, ghost S: set<Node>)
- requires root in S;
- // S is closed under 'children':
- requires (forall n :: n in S ==> n != null &&
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children ==> ch == null || ch in S));
- requires (forall n :: n in S ==> ! n.marked && n.childrenVisited == 0);
- modifies S;
- ensures root.marked;
- // nodes reachable from 'root' are marked:
- ensures (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==>
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- ensures (forall n :: n in S ==>
- n.childrenVisited == old(n.childrenVisited) &&
- n.children == old(n.children));
- {
- call RecursiveMarkWorker(root, S, {});
- }
- method RecursiveMarkWorker(root: Node, ghost S: set<Node>, ghost stackNodes: set<Node>)
- requires root != null && root in S;
- requires (forall n :: n in S ==> n != null &&
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children ==> ch == null || ch in S));
- requires (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==>
- n in stackNodes ||
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- requires (forall n :: n in stackNodes ==> n != null && n.marked);
- modifies S;
- ensures root.marked;
- // nodes reachable from 'root' are marked:
- ensures (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==>
- n in stackNodes ||
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- ensures (forall n: Node :: n in S && old(n.marked) ==> n.marked);
- ensures (forall n :: n in S ==>
- n.childrenVisited == old(n.childrenVisited) &&
- n.children == old(n.children));
- decreases S - stackNodes;
- {
- if (! root.marked) {
- root.marked := true;
- var i := 0;
- while (i < |root.children|)
- invariant root.marked && i <= |root.children|;
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==>
- n == root ||
- n in stackNodes ||
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- invariant (forall j :: 0 <= j && j < i ==>
- root.children[j] == null || root.children[j].marked);
- invariant (forall n: Node :: n in S && old(n.marked) ==> n.marked);
- invariant (forall n :: n in S ==>
- n.childrenVisited == old(n.childrenVisited) &&
- n.children == old(n.children));
- decreases |root.children| - i;
- {
- var c := root.children[i];
- if (c != null) {
- ghost var D := S - stackNodes; assert root in D;
- call RecursiveMarkWorker(c, S, stackNodes + {root});
- }
- i := i + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- method IterativeMark(root: Node, ghost S: set<Node>)
- requires root in S;
- // S is closed under 'children':
- requires (forall n :: n in S ==> n != null &&
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children ==> ch == null || ch in S));
- requires (forall n :: n in S ==> ! n.marked && n.childrenVisited == 0);
- modifies S;
- ensures root.marked;
- // nodes reachable from 'root' are marked:
- ensures (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==>
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- ensures (forall n :: n in S ==>
- n.childrenVisited == old(n.childrenVisited) &&
- n.children == old(n.children));
- {
- var t := root;
- t.marked := true;
- var stackNodes := [];
- ghost var unmarkedNodes := S - {t};
- while (true)
- invariant root.marked && t in S && t !in stackNodes;
- // stackNodes has no duplicates:
- invariant (forall i, j :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |stackNodes| ==>
- stackNodes[i] != stackNodes[j]);
- invariant (forall n :: n in stackNodes ==> n in S);
- invariant (forall n :: n in stackNodes || n == t ==>
- n.marked &&
- 0 <= n.childrenVisited && n.childrenVisited <= |n.children| &&
- (forall j :: 0 <= j && j < n.childrenVisited ==>
- n.children[j] == null || n.children[j].marked));
- invariant (forall n :: n in stackNodes ==> n.childrenVisited < |n.children|);
- // nodes on the stack are linked:
- invariant (forall j :: 0 <= j && j+1 < |stackNodes| ==>
- stackNodes[j].children[stackNodes[j].childrenVisited] == stackNodes[j+1]);
- invariant 0 < |stackNodes| ==>
- stackNodes[|stackNodes|-1].children[stackNodes[|stackNodes|-1].childrenVisited] == t;
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && n.marked && n !in stackNodes && n != t ==>
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && n !in stackNodes && n != t ==>
- n.childrenVisited == old(n.childrenVisited));
- invariant (forall n: Node :: n in S ==> n.children == old(n.children));
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && !n.marked ==> n in unmarkedNodes);
- decreases unmarkedNodes, stackNodes, |t.children| - t.childrenVisited;
- {
- if (t.childrenVisited == |t.children|) {
- // pop
- t.childrenVisited := 0;
- if (|stackNodes| == 0) {
- return;
- }
- t := stackNodes[|stackNodes| - 1];
- stackNodes := stackNodes[..|stackNodes| - 1];
- t.childrenVisited := t.childrenVisited + 1;
- } else if (t.children[t.childrenVisited] == null || t.children[t.childrenVisited].marked) {
- // just advance to next child
- t.childrenVisited := t.childrenVisited + 1;
- } else {
- // push
- stackNodes := stackNodes + [t];
- t := t.children[t.childrenVisited];
- t.marked := true;
- unmarkedNodes := unmarkedNodes - {t};
- }
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Reachable(from: Node, to: Node, S: set<Node>): bool
- requires null !in S;
- reads S;
- {
- (exists via: Path :: ReachableVia(from, via, to, S))
- }
- function ReachableVia(from: Node, via: Path, to: Node, S: set<Node>): bool
- requires null !in S;
- reads S;
- decreases via;
- {
- match via
- case Empty => from == to
- case Extend(prefix, n) => n in S && to in n.children && ReachableVia(from, prefix, n, S)
- }
- method SchorrWaite(root: Node, ghost S: set<Node>)
- requires root in S;
- // S is closed under 'children':
- requires (forall n :: n in S ==> n != null &&
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children ==> ch == null || ch in S));
- // the graph starts off with nothing marked and nothing being indicated as currently being visited:
- requires (forall n :: n in S ==> ! n.marked && n.childrenVisited == 0);
- modifies S;
- // nodes reachable from 'root' are marked:
- ensures root.marked;
- ensures (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==>
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- // every marked node was reachable from 'root' in the pre-state:
- ensures (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==> old(Reachable(root, n, S)));
- // the structure of the graph has not changed:
- ensures (forall n :: n in S ==>
- n.childrenVisited == old(n.childrenVisited) &&
- n.children == old(n.children));
- {
- var t := root;
- var p: Node := null; // parent of t in original graph
- ghost var path := #Path.Empty;
- t.marked := true;
- t.pathFromRoot := path;
- ghost var stackNodes := [];
- ghost var unmarkedNodes := S - {t};
- while (true)
- invariant root.marked && t != null && t in S && t !in stackNodes;
- invariant |stackNodes| == 0 <==> p == null;
- invariant 0 < |stackNodes| ==> p == stackNodes[|stackNodes|-1];
- // stackNodes has no duplicates:
- invariant (forall i, j :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |stackNodes| ==>
- stackNodes[i] != stackNodes[j]);
- invariant (forall n :: n in stackNodes ==> n in S);
- invariant (forall n :: n in stackNodes || n == t ==>
- n.marked &&
- 0 <= n.childrenVisited && n.childrenVisited <= |n.children| &&
- (forall j :: 0 <= j && j < n.childrenVisited ==>
- n.children[j] == null || n.children[j].marked));
- invariant (forall n :: n in stackNodes ==> n.childrenVisited < |n.children|);
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && n.marked && n !in stackNodes && n != t ==>
- (forall ch :: ch in n.children && ch != null ==> ch.marked));
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && n !in stackNodes && n != t ==>
- n.childrenVisited == old(n.childrenVisited));
- invariant (forall n :: n in S ==> n in stackNodes || n.children == old(n.children));
- invariant (forall n :: n in stackNodes ==>
- |n.children| == old(|n.children|) &&
- (forall j :: 0 <= j && j < |n.children| ==>
- j == n.childrenVisited || n.children[j] == old(n.children[j])));
- // every marked node is reachable:
- invariant old(ReachableVia(root, path, t, S));
- invariant (forall n, pth :: n in S && n.marked && pth == n.pathFromRoot ==>
- old(ReachableVia(root, pth, n, S)));
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && n.marked ==> old(Reachable(root, n, S)));
- // the current values of m.children[m.childrenVisited] for m's on the stack:
- invariant 0 < |stackNodes| ==> stackNodes[0].children[stackNodes[0].childrenVisited] == null;
- invariant (forall k :: 0 < k && k < |stackNodes| ==>
- stackNodes[k].children[stackNodes[k].childrenVisited] == stackNodes[k-1]);
- // the original values of m.children[m.childrenVisited] for m's on the stack:
- invariant (forall k :: 0 <= k && k+1 < |stackNodes| ==>
- old(stackNodes[k].children)[stackNodes[k].childrenVisited] == stackNodes[k+1]);
- invariant 0 < |stackNodes| ==>
- old(stackNodes[|stackNodes|-1].children)[stackNodes[|stackNodes|-1].childrenVisited] == t;
- invariant (forall n :: n in S && !n.marked ==> n in unmarkedNodes);
- decreases unmarkedNodes, stackNodes, |t.children| - t.childrenVisited;
- {
- if (t.childrenVisited == |t.children|) {
- // pop
- t.childrenVisited := 0;
- if (p == null) {
- return;
- }
- var oldP := p.children[p.childrenVisited];
- // p.children[p.childrenVisited] := t;
- p.children := p.children[..p.childrenVisited] + [t] + p.children[p.childrenVisited + 1..];
- t := p;
- p := oldP;
- stackNodes := stackNodes[..|stackNodes| - 1];
- t.childrenVisited := t.childrenVisited + 1;
- path := t.pathFromRoot;
- } else if (t.children[t.childrenVisited] == null || t.children[t.childrenVisited].marked) {
- // just advance to next child
- t.childrenVisited := t.childrenVisited + 1;
- } else {
- // push
- var newT := t.children[t.childrenVisited];
- // t.children[t.childrenVisited] := p;
- t.children := t.children[..t.childrenVisited] + [p] + t.children[t.childrenVisited + 1..];
- p := t;
- stackNodes := stackNodes + [t];
- path := #Path.Extend(path, t);
- t := newT;
- t.marked := true;
- t.pathFromRoot := path;
- unmarkedNodes := unmarkedNodes - {t};
- }
- }
- }
-datatype Path {
- Empty;
- Extend(Path, Node);
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Substitution.dfy b/Test/dafny0/Substitution.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 72415fea..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/Substitution.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-datatype List {
- Nil;
- Cons(Expr, List);
-datatype Expr {
- Const(int);
- Var(int);
- Nary(int, List);
-static function Subst(e: Expr, v: int, val: int): Expr
- decreases e;
- match e
- case Const(c) => e
- case Var(x) => if x == v then #Expr.Const(val) else e
- case Nary(op, args) => #Expr.Nary(op, SubstList(args, v, val))
-static function SubstList(l: List, v: int, val: int): List
- decreases l;
- match l
- case Nil => l
- case Cons(e, tail) => #List.Cons(Subst(e, v, val), SubstList(tail, v, val))
-static ghost method Theorem(e: Expr, v: int, val: int)
- ensures Subst(Subst(e, v, val), v, val) == Subst(e, v, val);
- decreases e;
- match e {
- case Const(c) =>
- case Var(x) =>
- case Nary(op, args) =>
- call Lemma(args, v, val);
- }
-static ghost method Lemma(l: List, v: int, val: int)
- ensures SubstList(SubstList(l, v, val), v, val) == SubstList(l, v, val);
- decreases l;
- match l {
- case Nil =>
- case Cons(e, tail) =>
- call Theorem(e, v, val);
- call Lemma(tail, v, val);
- }
-// -------------------------------
-datatype Expression {
- Const(int);
- Var(int);
- Nary(int, seq<Expression>);
-static function Substitute(e: Expression, v: int, val: int): Expression
- decreases e, true;
- match e
- case Const(c) => e
- case Var(x) => if x == v then #Expression.Const(val) else e
- case Nary(op, args) => #Expression.Nary(op, SubstSeq(e, args, v, val))
-static function SubstSeq(/*ghost*/ parent: Expression,
- q: seq<Expression>, v: int, val: int): seq<Expression>
- requires (forall a :: a in q ==> a < parent);
- decreases parent, false, q;
- if q == [] then [] else
- SubstSeq(parent, q[..|q|-1], v, val) + [Substitute(q[|q|-1], v, val)]
-static ghost method TheoremSeq(e: Expression, v: int, val: int)
- ensures Substitute(Substitute(e, v, val), v, val) == Substitute(e, v, val);
- decreases e, true;
- match e {
- case Const(c) =>
- case Var(x) =>
- case Nary(op, args) =>
- ghost var seArgs := SubstSeq(e, args, v, val);
- call LemmaSeq(e, args, v, val);
- ghost var se := Substitute(e, v, val);
- ghost var seArgs2 := SubstSeq(se, seArgs, v, val);
- call LemmaSeq(se, seArgs, v, val);
- var N := |args|;
- var j := 0;
- while (j < N)
- invariant j <= N;
- invariant (forall k :: 0 <= k && k < j ==> seArgs2[k] == seArgs[k]);
- decreases N - j;
- {
- call TheoremSeq(args[j], v, val);
- j := j + 1;
- }
- assert seArgs == seArgs2;
- }
-static ghost method LemmaSeq(ghost parent: Expression, ghost q: seq<Expression>,
- v: int, val: int)
- requires (forall a :: a in q ==> a < parent);
- ensures |SubstSeq(parent, q, v, val)| == |q|;
- ensures (forall k :: 0 <= k && k < |q| ==>
- SubstSeq(parent, q, v, val)[k] == Substitute(q[k], v, val));
- decreases q;
- if (q == []) {
- } else {
- call LemmaSeq(parent, q[..|q|-1], v, val);
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/SumOfCubes.dfy b/Test/dafny0/SumOfCubes.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index b4fab490..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/SumOfCubes.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-class SumOfCubes {
- static function SumEmUp(n: int, m: int): int
- requires 0 <= n && n <= m;
- decreases m - n;
- {
- if m == n then 0 else n*n*n + SumEmUp(n+1, m)
- }
- static method Socu(n: int, m: int) returns (r: int)
- requires 0 <= n && n <= m;
- ensures r == SumEmUp(n, m);
- {
- call a := SocuFromZero(m);
- call b := SocuFromZero(n);
- r := a - b;
- call Lemma0(n, m);
- }
- static method SocuFromZero(k: int) returns (r: int)
- requires 0 <= k;
- ensures r == SumEmUp(0, k);
- {
- call g := Gauss(k);
- r := g * g;
- call Lemma1(k);
- }
- ghost static method Lemma0(n: int, m: int)
- requires 0 <= n && n <= m;
- ensures SumEmUp(n, m) == SumEmUp(0, m) - SumEmUp(0, n);
- {
- var k := n;
- while (k < m)
- invariant n <= k && k <= m;
- invariant SumEmDown(0, n) + SumEmDown(n, k) == SumEmDown(0, k);
- {
- k := k + 1;
- }
- call Lemma3(0, n);
- call Lemma3(n, k);
- call Lemma3(0, k);
- }
- static function GSum(k: int): int
- requires 0 <= k;
- decreases k;
- {
- if k == 0 then 0 else GSum(k-1) + k-1
- }
- static method Gauss(k: int) returns (r: int)
- requires 0 <= k;
- ensures r == GSum(k);
- {
- r := k * (k - 1) / 2;
- call Lemma2(k);
- }
- ghost static method Lemma1(k: int)
- requires 0 <= k;
- ensures SumEmUp(0, k) == GSum(k) * GSum(k);
- {
- var i := 0;
- while (i < k)
- invariant i <= k;
- invariant SumEmDown(0, i) == GSum(i) * GSum(i);
- {
- call Lemma2(i);
- i := i + 1;
- }
- call Lemma3(0, k);
- }
- ghost static method Lemma2(k: int)
- requires 0 <= k;
- ensures 2 * GSum(k) == k * (k - 1);
- {
- var i := 0;
- while (i < k)
- invariant i <= k;
- invariant 2 * GSum(i) == i * (i - 1);
- {
- i := i + 1;
- }
- }
- static function SumEmDown(n: int, m: int): int
- requires 0 <= n && n <= m;
- decreases m;
- {
- if m == n then 0 else SumEmDown(n, m-1) + (m-1)*(m-1)*(m-1)
- }
- ghost static method Lemma3(n: int, m: int)
- requires 0 <= n && n <= m;
- ensures SumEmUp(n, m) == SumEmDown(n, m);
- {
- var k := n;
- while (k < m)
- invariant n <= k && k <= m;
- invariant SumEmUp(n, m) == SumEmDown(n, k) + SumEmUp(k, m);
- {
- k := k + 1;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/TerminationDemos.dfy b/Test/dafny0/TerminationDemos.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b63bfec..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/TerminationDemos.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-class Example {
- method M(n: int)
- {
- var i := 0;
- while (i < n)
- decreases n - i;
- {
- i := i + 1;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------
-class Fibonacci {
- function Fib(n: int): int
- decreases n;
- {
- if n < 2 then n else Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1)
- }
-// -----------------------------------
-class Ackermann {
- function F(m: int, n: int): int
- decreases m, n;
- {
- if m <= 0 then
- n + 1
- else if n <= 0 then
- F(m - 1, 1)
- else
- F(m - 1, F(m, n - 1))
- }
-// -----------------------------------
-class List {
- var data: int;
- var next: List;
- ghost var ListNodes: set<List>;
- function IsAcyclic(): bool
- reads *;
- decreases ListNodes;
- {
- this in ListNodes &&
- (next != null ==>
- next.ListNodes <= ListNodes && this !in next.ListNodes &&
- next.IsAcyclic())
- }
- method Singleton(x: int) returns (list: List)
- ensures list != null && list.IsAcyclic();
- {
- list := new List;
- := x;
- := null;
- list.ListNodes := {list};
- }
- method Prepend(x: int, tail: List) returns (list: List)
- requires tail == null || tail.IsAcyclic();
- ensures list != null && list.IsAcyclic();
- {
- list := new List;
- := x;
- := tail;
- list.ListNodes := if tail == null then {list} else {list} + tail.ListNodes;
- }
- function Sum(): int
- requires IsAcyclic();
- reads *;
- decreases ListNodes;
- {
- if next == null then data else data + next.Sum()
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Tree.dfy b/Test/dafny0/Tree.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 58124171..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/Tree.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// ------------------ generic list, non-generic tree
-datatype List<T> {
- Nil;
- Cons(T, List<T>);
-datatype Tree {
- Node(int, List<Tree>);
-static function Inc(t: Tree): Tree
- decreases t;
- match t
- case Node(n, children) => #Tree.Node(n+1, ForestInc(children))
-static function ForestInc(forest: List<Tree>): List<Tree>
- decreases forest;
- match forest
- case Nil => forest
- case Cons(tree, tail) => #List.Cons(Inc(tree), ForestInc(tail))
-// ------------------ generic list, generic tree (but GInc defined only for GTree<int>
-datatype GTree<T> {
- Node(T, List<GTree<T>>);
-static function GInc(t: GTree<int>): GTree<int>
- decreases t;
- match t
- case Node(n, children) => #GTree.Node(n+1, GForestInc(children))
-static function GForestInc(forest: List<GTree<int>>): List<GTree<int>>
- decreases forest;
- match forest
- case Nil => forest
- case Cons(tree, tail) => #List.Cons(GInc(tree), GForestInc(tail))
-// ------------------ non-generic structures
-datatype TreeList {
- Nil;
- Cons(OneTree, TreeList);
-datatype OneTree {
- Node(int, TreeList);
-static function XInc(t: OneTree): OneTree
- decreases t;
- match t
- case Node(n, children) => #OneTree.Node(n+1, XForestInc(children))
-static function XForestInc(forest: TreeList): TreeList
- decreases forest;
- match forest
- case Nil => forest
- case Cons(tree, tail) => #TreeList.Cons(XInc(tree), XForestInc(tail))
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/UnboundedStack.dfy b/Test/dafny0/UnboundedStack.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c3b095a..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/UnboundedStack.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-class UnboundedStack<T> {
- ghost var representation: set<object>;
- ghost var content: seq<T>;
- var top: Node<T>;
- function IsUnboundedStack(): bool
- reads this, representation;
- {
- this in representation &&
- (top == null ==>
- content == []) &&
- (top != null ==>
- top in representation && this !in top.footprint && top.footprint <= representation &&
- content == top.content &&
- top.Valid())
- }
- method InitUnboundedStack()
- modifies this;
- ensures IsUnboundedStack();
- ensures content == [];
- {
- := null;
- this.content := [];
- this.representation := {this};
- }
- method Push(val: T)
- requires IsUnboundedStack();
- modifies this;
- ensures IsUnboundedStack();
- ensures content == [val] + old(content);
- {
- var tmp := new Node<T>;
- call tmp.InitNode(val,top);
- top := tmp;
- representation := representation + top.footprint;
- content := [val] + content;
- }
- method Pop() returns (result: T)
- requires IsUnboundedStack();
- requires content != [];
- modifies this;
- ensures IsUnboundedStack();
- ensures content == old(content)[1..];
- {
- result := top.val;
- top :=;
- content := content[1..];
- }
- method isEmpty() returns (result: bool)
- requires IsUnboundedStack();
- ensures result <==> content == [];
- {
- result := top == null;
- }
-class Node<T> {
- ghost var footprint: set<object>;
- ghost var content: seq<T>;
- var val: T;
- var next: Node<T>;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- this in footprint &&
- (next == null ==>
- content == [val]) &&
- (next != null ==>
- next in footprint && next.footprint <= footprint && this !in next.footprint &&
- content == [val] + next.content &&
- next.Valid())
- }
- method InitNode(val: T, next: Node<T>)
- requires next != null ==> next.Valid() && !(this in next.footprint);
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid();
- ensures next != null ==> content == [val] + next.content &&
- footprint == {this} + next.footprint;
- ensures next == null ==> content == [val] &&
- footprint == {this};
- {
- this.val := val;
- := next;
- if (next == null) {
- this.footprint := {this};
- this.content := [val];
- } else {
- this.footprint := {this} + next.footprint;
- this.content := [val] + next.content;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat b/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat
index eb7ea4f7..aa45ca05 100644
--- a/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat
+++ b/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat
@@ -11,19 +11,10 @@ for %%f in (Simple.dfy) do (
%DAFNY_EXE% %* /dprint:- /env:0 /noVerify %%f
-for %%f in (BQueue.bpl) do (
- echo.
- echo -------------------- %%f --------------------
- %BPLEXE% %* %%f
for %%f in (TypeTests.dfy SmallTests.dfy Definedness.dfy Array.dfy
- Modules0.dfy Modules1.dfy BadFunction.dfy Queue.dfy ListCopy.dfy
- BinaryTree.dfy ListReverse.dfy ListContents.dfy
- SchorrWaite.dfy Termination.dfy Use.dfy DTypes.dfy
- TypeParameters.dfy Datatypes.dfy UnboundedStack.dfy
- SumOfCubes.dfy TerminationDemos.dfy Substitution.dfy
- Tree.dfy Celebrity.dfy) do (
+ Modules0.dfy Modules1.dfy BadFunction.dfy
+ Termination.dfy Use.dfy DTypes.dfy
+ TypeParameters.dfy Datatypes.dfy) do (
echo -------------------- %%f --------------------
%DAFNY_EXE% /compile:0 %* %%f