path: root/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
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authorGravatar akashlal <unknown>2011-11-20 22:44:42 +0530
committerGravatar akashlal <unknown>2011-11-20 22:44:42 +0530
commit50ebdd01228234e2311b61e59972519af3d512dc (patch)
treee584e8cdced94911189123d4b79878fe8f0102e7 /Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
parent924a89f9022f0d4fa7201376eff55c0294cd4a72 (diff)
Added lazy summary computation to stratified inlining (not finished yet)
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
index 0bcbad35..9ebc4fb3 100644
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
+++ b/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ namespace VC
public static Dictionary<string, int> callTree = null;
public int numInlined = 0;
public readonly static string recordProcName = "boogie_si_record";
+ private bool useSummary;
void ObjectInvariant()
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ namespace VC
PersistCallTree = false;
+ useSummary = false;
public static RECORD_TYPES getRecordType(Bpl.Type type)
@@ -1053,9 +1055,11 @@ namespace VC
return checker.numQueries;
+ // For making summary queries on the side
+ public StratifiedCheckerInterface checker2;
public VerificationState(VCExpr vcMain, FCallHandler calls,
- ProverInterface.ErrorHandler reporter, Checker checker)
+ ProverInterface.ErrorHandler reporter, Checker checker, Checker checker2)
this.vcMain = vcMain;
this.calls = calls;
@@ -1063,13 +1067,18 @@ namespace VC
if (checker.TheoremProver is ApiProverInterface)
this.checker = new ApiChecker(vcMain, reporter , checker);
+ if(checker2 != null)
+ this.checker2 = new ApiChecker(VCExpressionGenerator.False, new EmptyErrorHandler(), checker2);
this.checker = new NormalChecker(vcMain, reporter, checker);
+ if(checker2 != null)
+ this.checker2 = new NormalChecker(VCExpressionGenerator.False, new EmptyErrorHandler(), checker2);
vcSize = 0;
expansionCount = 0;
public void updateMainVC(VCExpr vcMain)
@@ -1121,7 +1130,7 @@ namespace VC
vcMain = calls.Mutate(vcMain, true);
// Put all of the necessary state into one object
- var vState = new VerificationState(vcMain, calls, new EmptyErrorHandler(), checker);
+ var vState = new VerificationState(vcMain, calls, new EmptyErrorHandler(), checker, null);
vState.coverageManager = null;
// We'll restore the original state of the theorem prover at the end
@@ -1326,13 +1335,23 @@ namespace VC
incrementalSearch = false;
createVConDemand = false;
+ case 6:
+ incrementalSearch = true;
+ createVConDemand = true;
+ useSummary = true;
+ break;
// Get the checker
Checker checker = FindCheckerFor(null, CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverKillTime); Contract.Assert(checker != null);
+ Checker checker2 = null;
+ if (useSummary)
+ {
+ checker2 = new Checker(this, program, "checker2.txt", true, CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverKillTime);
+ }
// Record current time
var startTime = DateTime.Now;
@@ -1370,13 +1389,17 @@ namespace VC
vc = calls.Mutate(vc, true);
+ calls.id2VC.Add(0, vc);
+ // Identify summary candidates: Match ensure clauses with the appropriate call site
+ if (useSummary) calls.matchSummaries();
// create a process for displaying coverage information
var coverageManager = new CoverageGraphManager(calls);
// Put all of the necessary state into one object
- var vState = new VerificationState(vc, calls, reporter, checker);
+ var vState = new VerificationState(vc, calls, reporter, checker, checker2);
vState.vcSize += SizeComputingVisitor.ComputeSize(vc);
vState.coverageManager = coverageManager;
@@ -1441,6 +1464,9 @@ namespace VC
int iters = 0;
+ // for blocking candidates (and focussing on a counterexample)
+ var block = new HashSet<int>();
// Process tasks while not done. We're done when:
// case 1: (correct) We didn't find a bug (either an over-approx query was valid
// or we reached the recursion bound) and the task is "step"
@@ -1487,10 +1513,22 @@ namespace VC
+ var summary = calls.getSummary();
+ if (useSummary && summary != null)
+ {
+ vState.checker.Push();
+ vState.checker.AddAxiom(summary);
+ }
// Stratified Step
- ret = stratifiedStep(bound, vState);
+ ret = stratifiedStep(bound, vState, block);
+ if (useSummary && summary != null)
+ {
+ vState.checker.Pop();
+ }
// Sorry, out of luck (time/memory)
if (ret == Outcome.Inconclusive || ret == Outcome.OutOfMemory || ret == Outcome.TimedOut)
@@ -1507,27 +1545,45 @@ namespace VC
else if (ret == Outcome.Correct)
- // Correct
- done = 1;
- coverageManager.reportCorrect();
+ if (block.Count == 0)
+ {
+ // Correct
+ done = 1;
+ coverageManager.reportCorrect();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(useSummary);
+ // reset blocked and continue loop
+ block.Clear();
+ }
else if (ret == Outcome.ReachedBound)
- // Increment bound
- var minRecReached = CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound + 1;
- foreach (var id in calls.currCandidates)
+ if (block.Count == 0)
- var rb = calls.getRecursionBound(id);
- if (rb <= bound) continue;
- if (rb < minRecReached) minRecReached = rb;
- }
- bound = minRecReached;
+ // Increment bound
+ var minRecReached = CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound + 1;
+ foreach (var id in calls.currCandidates)
+ {
+ var rb = calls.getRecursionBound(id);
+ if (rb <= bound) continue;
+ if (rb < minRecReached) minRecReached = rb;
+ }
+ bound = minRecReached;
- if (bound > CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound)
+ if (bound > CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound)
+ {
+ // Correct under bound
+ done = 1;
+ coverageManager.reportCorrect(bound);
+ }
+ }
+ else
- // Correct under bound
- done = 1;
- coverageManager.reportCorrect(bound);
+ Contract.Assert(useSummary);
+ // reset blocked and continue loop
+ block.Clear();
@@ -1535,6 +1591,12 @@ namespace VC
// Do inlining
Debug.Assert(ret == Outcome.Errors && !reporter.underapproximationMode);
Contract.Assert(reporter.candidatesToExpand.Count != 0);
+ if (useSummary)
+ {
+ // compute candidates to block
+ block = new HashSet<int>(calls.currCandidates);
+ block.ExceptWith(reporter.candidatesToExpand);
+ }
#region expand call tree
@@ -1593,7 +1655,7 @@ namespace VC
callTree.Add(calls.getPersistentId(id), 0);
+ if (checker2 != null) checker2.Close();
return ret;
@@ -1932,7 +1994,7 @@ namespace VC
// A step of the stratified inlining algorithm: both under-approx and over-approx queries
- private Outcome stratifiedStep(int bound, VerificationState vState)
+ private Outcome stratifiedStep(int bound, VerificationState vState, HashSet<int> block)
Outcome ret;
List<int> unsatCore;
@@ -1959,7 +2021,6 @@ namespace VC
ret = checker.CheckAssumptions(assumptions, out unsatCore);
if (!CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseUnsatCoreForInlining) break;
if (ret != Outcome.Correct) break;
@@ -2016,8 +2077,18 @@ namespace VC
if (calls.getRecursionBound(id) <= bound)
- //checker.TheoremProver.PushVCExpression(calls.getTrueExpr(id));
- allFalse = false;
+ if (block.Contains(id))
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(useSummary);
+ //checker.AddAxiom(calls.getFalseExpr(id));
+ assumptions.Add(calls.getFalseExpr(id));
+ allTrue = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //checker.TheoremProver.PushVCExpression(calls.getTrueExpr(id));
+ allFalse = false;
+ }
@@ -2053,6 +2124,41 @@ namespace VC
return ret;
+ if (useSummary)
+ {
+ // Find the set of candidates with valid summaries
+ var assumeTrueCandidates = new HashSet<int>(vState.calls.currCandidates);
+ assumeTrueCandidates.ExceptWith(block);
+ // Find all nodes that have children only in assumeTrueCandidates
+ var overApproxNodes = FindNodes(vState.calls.candidateParent, vState.calls.currCandidates, assumeTrueCandidates);
+ overApproxNodes.IntersectWith(calls.summaryCandidates.Keys);
+ foreach (var id in overApproxNodes)
+ {
+ var post = getPostOrder(vState.calls.candidateParent, id);
+ var summary = calls.getSummary();
+ vState.checker2.Push();
+ vState.checker2.AddAxiom(summary);
+ foreach (var cid in post) vState.checker2.AddAxiom(calls.id2VC[cid]);
+ vState.checker2.AddAxiom(calls.id2ControlVar[id]);
+ foreach (var tup in calls.summaryCandidates[id])
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Going to try ({0} ==> {1}) on {2}", tup.Item1, tup.Item2, id);
+ Console.WriteLine("Call expr: {0}", calls.id2Candidate[id]);
+ vState.checker2.Push();
+ vState.checker2.AddAxiom(vState.checker2.underlyingChecker.VCExprGen.Not(tup.Item2));
+ var outcome = vState.checker2.CheckVC();
+ vState.checker2.Pop();
+ if (outcome == Outcome.Correct)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Found summary: {0}", tup.Item1);
+ calls.trueSummaryConst.Add(tup.Item1);
+ }
+ }
+ vState.checker2.Pop();
+ }
+ }
// Nothing more can be done with current recursion bound.
return Outcome.ReachedBound;
@@ -2064,6 +2170,55 @@ namespace VC
return ret;
+ // returns children of root in post order
+ static List<int> getPostOrder(Dictionary<int, int> parents, int root)
+ {
+ var children = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
+ foreach (var id in parents.Keys) children.Add(id, new HashSet<int>());
+ children.Add(0, new HashSet<int>());
+ foreach (var kvp in parents) children[kvp.Value].Add(kvp.Key);
+ return getPostOrder(children, root);
+ }
+ static List<int> getPostOrder(Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> children, int root)
+ {
+ var ret = new List<int>();
+ foreach (var ch in children[root]) ret.AddRange(getPostOrder(children, ch));
+ ret.Add(root);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Returns the set of candidates whose child leaves are all "good"
+ static HashSet<int> FindNodes(Dictionary<int, int> parents, HashSet<int> allLeaves,
+ HashSet<int> goodLeaves)
+ {
+ var ret = new HashSet<int>();
+ var leaves = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
+ leaves.Add(0, new HashSet<int>());
+ parents.Keys.Iter(n => leaves.Add(n, new HashSet<int>()));
+ allLeaves.Iter(l => leaves[l].Add(l));
+ foreach (var l in allLeaves)
+ {
+ var curr = l;
+ leaves[curr].Add(l);
+ while (parents.ContainsKey(curr))
+ {
+ curr = parents[curr];
+ leaves[curr].Add(l);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var kvp in leaves)
+ {
+ if (kvp.Value.IsSubsetOf(goodLeaves))
+ {
+ ret.Add(kvp.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
// A counter for adding new variables
static int newVarCnt = 0;
@@ -2149,9 +2304,11 @@ namespace VC
expansion = calls.Mutate(expansion, true);
if(vState.coverageManager != null) vState.coverageManager.addRecentEdges(id);
+ if(useSummary) calls.matchSummaries();
//expansion = checker.VCExprGen.Eq(calls.id2ControlVar[id], expansion);
expansion = checker.VCExprGen.Implies(calls.id2ControlVar[id], expansion);
+ calls.id2VC.Add(id, expansion);
exprToPush = checker.VCExprGen.And(exprToPush, expansion);
@@ -2227,6 +2384,7 @@ namespace VC
// Record the new set of candidates and rename absy labels
calls.currInlineCount = id;
expansion = calls.Mutate(expansion, true);
@@ -2321,6 +2479,7 @@ namespace VC
public Dictionary<BoogieCallExpr/*!*/, VCExpr>/*!*/ recordExpr2Var;
public Dictionary<int, VCExprNAry/*!*/>/*!*/ id2Candidate;
public Dictionary<int, VCExprVar/*!*/>/*!*/ id2ControlVar;
+ public Dictionary<int, VCExpr> id2VC;
public Dictionary<string/*!*/, int>/*!*/ label2Id;
// Stores the candidate from which this one originated
public Dictionary<int, int> candidateParent;
@@ -2340,6 +2499,14 @@ namespace VC
// first argument (used for obtaining concrete values in error trace)
public Dictionary<int, VCExpr> argExprMap;
+ // map from candidate to summary candidates
+ public Dictionary<int, List<Tuple<VCExprVar, VCExpr>>> summaryCandidates;
+ private Dictionary<string, List<Tuple<VCExprVar, VCExpr>>> summaryTemp;
+ // set of all boolean guards of summaries
+ public HashSet<VCExprVar> allSummaryConst;
+ // The summary: boolean guards that are true
+ public HashSet<VCExprVar> trueSummaryConst;
public HashSet<int> forcedCandidates;
@@ -2420,6 +2587,11 @@ namespace VC
forcedCandidates = new HashSet<int>();
id2Vars = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<VCExprVar, VCExpr>>();
+ summaryCandidates = new Dictionary<int, List<Tuple<VCExprVar, VCExpr>>>();
+ summaryTemp = new Dictionary<string, List<Tuple<VCExprVar, VCExpr>>>();
+ allSummaryConst = new HashSet<VCExprVar>();
+ trueSummaryConst = new HashSet<VCExprVar>();
+ id2VC = new Dictionary<int, VCExpr>();
public void Clear()
@@ -2711,6 +2883,23 @@ namespace VC
+ // summary candidate
+ if (lop.label.Substring(1).StartsWith("candidate_"))
+ {
+ var pname = lop.label.Substring("candidate_".Length + 1);
+ if (!summaryTemp.ContainsKey(pname))
+ summaryTemp.Add(pname, new List<Tuple<VCExprVar, VCExpr>>());
+ var expr = retnary[0] as VCExprNAry;
+ if (expr == null) return retnary[0];
+ if (expr.Op != VCExpressionGenerator.ImpliesOp) return retnary[0];
+ var tup = Tuple.Create(expr[0] as VCExprVar, expr[1]);
+ summaryTemp[pname].Add(tup);
+ return retnary[0];
+ }
// Else, rename label
string newLabel = RenameAbsyLabel(lop.label);
if (lop.pos)
@@ -2724,8 +2913,84 @@ namespace VC
+ // Upgrades summaryTemp to summaryCandidates by matching ensure clauses with
+ // the appropriate candidate they came from
+ public void matchSummaries()
+ {
+ var id2Set = new Dictionary<string, List<Tuple<int, HashSet<VCExprVar>>>>();
+ foreach (var id in recentlyAddedCandidates)
+ {
+ var collect = new CollectVCVars();
+ var proc = getProc(id);
+ if (!id2Set.ContainsKey(proc)) id2Set.Add(proc, new List<Tuple<int, HashSet<VCExprVar>>>());
+ id2Set[proc].Add(Tuple.Create(id, collect.Collect(id2Candidate[id], true)));
+ }
+ foreach (var kvp in summaryTemp)
+ {
+ Contract.Assert (id2Set.ContainsKey(kvp.Key));
+ var ls = id2Set[kvp.Key];
+ foreach (var tup in kvp.Value)
+ {
+ var collect = new CollectVCVars();
+ var s1 = collect.Collect(tup.Item2, true);
+ var found = false;
+ foreach (var t in ls)
+ {
+ var s2 = t.Item2;
+ if (s1.IsSubsetOf(s2))
+ {
+ if (!summaryCandidates.ContainsKey(t.Item1))
+ summaryCandidates.Add(t.Item1, new List<Tuple<VCExprVar, VCExpr>>());
+ summaryCandidates[t.Item1].Add(tup);
+ allSummaryConst.Add(tup.Item1);
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(found);
+ }
+ }
+ summaryTemp.Clear();
+ }
+ public VCExpr getSummary()
+ {
+ if (allSummaryConst.Count == 0) return null;
+ var ret = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
+ foreach (var c in allSummaryConst)
+ {
+ if (trueSummaryConst.Contains(c))
+ {
+ ret = Gen.And(ret, c);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = Gen.And(ret, Gen.Not(c));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
} // end FCallHandler
+ // Collects the set of all VCExprVar in a given VCExpr
+ class CollectVCVars : CollectingVCExprVisitor<HashSet<VCExprVar>, bool>
+ {
+ public override HashSet<VCExprVar> Visit(VCExprVar node, bool arg)
+ {
+ var ret = new HashSet<VCExprVar>();
+ ret.Add(node);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ protected override HashSet<VCExprVar> CombineResults(List<HashSet<VCExprVar>> results, bool arg)
+ {
+ var ret = new HashSet<VCExprVar>();
+ results.ForEach(s => ret.UnionWith(s));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
public class FCallInliner : MutatingVCExprVisitor<bool>