path: root/Chalice
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authorGravatar Unknown <Alex@Mingus>2012-09-08 21:13:45 +0200
committerGravatar Unknown <Alex@Mingus>2012-09-08 21:13:45 +0200
commit9a4d4f3a1abb990856519d6193a2a70b429dede1 (patch)
tree6771c7a8c5b1a7fa119f2074b0b397dcba9772cf /Chalice
parentcd88d1b8ad812d5731c0bb3a50444e05b4d7a439 (diff)
Chalice: implemented the final cases of the "inside" feature for predicates. At the same time, exhaling an unfolding expression now generates corresponding secondary permission information (this can in principle be useful; with fractional permissions it need not be the case that just because we exhale (part of) a predicate, we don't have any left.
Also added a test case to test the new non-aliasing knowledge the "inside" encoding provides in various situations.
Diffstat (limited to 'Chalice')
3 files changed, 288 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala
index d690a568..f0c00ed1 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala
@@ -1825,145 +1825,235 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(val globals: Globals, preGlobals: Globals, val fpi: F
* the expression and an expression translator as argument). The default
* behaviour is to translate only pure assertions (and throw and error otherwise).
- def Tr(e: Expression): Boogie.Expr = Tr(e, (ee,et) => et.Tr(ee))
- def Tr(e: Expression, trrec: (Expression, ExpressionTranslator) => Expr): Boogie.Expr = {
- def trrecursive(e: Expression): Expr = trrec(e, this)
+ def Tr(e: Expression): Boogie.Expr = (Tr(e,false))._1
+ def Tr(e: Expression, b: Boolean) : (Boogie.Expr, List[Boogie.Stmt]) = (Tr(e, (ee,et) => et.Tr(ee,b)))
+ def Tr(e: Expression, trrec: (Expression, ExpressionTranslator) => (Boogie.Expr, List[Boogie.Stmt])): (Boogie.Expr, List[Boogie.Stmt]) = {
+ def trrecursive(e: Expression): (Boogie.Expr, List[Boogie.Stmt]) = trrec(e, this)
desugar(e) match {
- case IntLiteral(n) => n
- case BoolLiteral(b) => b
- case NullLiteral() => bnull
+ case IntLiteral(n) => (n,Nil)
+ case BoolLiteral(b) => (b,Nil)
+ case NullLiteral() => (bnull,Nil)
case StringLiteral(s) =>
// since there currently are no operations defined on string, except == and !=, just translate
// each string to a unique number
- s.hashCode()
- case BoogieExpr(b) => b
+ (s.hashCode(),Nil)
+ case BoogieExpr(b) => (b,Nil)
case MaxLockLiteral() => throw new InternalErrorException("waitlevel case should be handled in << and == and !=")
- case LockBottomLiteral() => bLockBottom
- case _:ThisExpr => VarExpr("this")
- case _:Result => VarExpr("result")
- case ve : VariableExpr => VarExpr(ve.v.UniqueName)
+ case LockBottomLiteral() => (bLockBottom,Nil)
+ case _:ThisExpr => (VarExpr("this"),Nil)
+ case _:Result => (VarExpr("result"),Nil)
+ case ve : VariableExpr => (VarExpr(ve.v.UniqueName),Nil)
case fs @ MemberAccess(e,_) =>
assert(! fs.isPredicate);
- var r =, fs.f.FullName);
+ var (ee,ll) = trrecursive(e)
+ var r =, fs.f.FullName);
if (fs.f.isInstanceOf[SpecialField] && == "joinable")
- r !=@ 0 // joinable is encoded as an integer
+ (r !=@ 0,ll) // joinable is encoded as an integer
- r
+ (r,ll)
case _:Permission => throw new InternalErrorException("permission unexpected here")
case _:PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("permission expression unexpected here: " + e.pos)
case _:Credit => throw new InternalErrorException("credit expression unexpected here")
case Holds(e) =>
- var ee = trrecursive(e)
- (0 <, "held")) &&
- !, "rdheld")
+ var (ee,ll) = trrecursive(e)
+ ((0 <, "held")) &&
+ !, "rdheld"),ll)
case RdHolds(e) =>
-, "rdheld")
+ var (ee,ll) = trrecursive(e)
+ (, "rdheld"),ll)
case a: Assigned =>
- VarExpr("assigned$" + a.v.UniqueName)
+ (VarExpr("assigned$" + a.v.UniqueName),Nil)
case Old(e) =>
trrec(e, oldEtran)
case IfThenElse(con, then, els) =>
- Boogie.Ite(trrecursive(con), trrecursive(then), trrecursive(els)) // of type: VarExpr(TrClass(then.typ))
+ var (conE,conL) = trrecursive(con)
+ var (thenE,thenL) = trrecursive(then)
+ var (elsE,elsL) = trrecursive(els)
+ (Boogie.Ite(conE, thenE, elsE),(conL ::: thenL ::: elsL)) // of type: VarExpr(TrClass(then.typ))
case Not(e) =>
- ! trrecursive(e)
+ var (ee,ll) = trrecursive(e)
+ ((! ee),ll)
case func@FunctionApplication(obj, id, args) => {
- if (!func.f.isStatic) {
- FunctionApp(functionName(func.f), Heap :: (obj :: args map { arg => trrecursive(arg)}))
- } else {
- FunctionApp(functionName(func.f), Heap :: (args map { arg => trrecursive(arg)}))
- }
+ var fullArgs = if (!func.f.isStatic) (obj :: args) else (args)
+ var trArgs = fullArgs map {arg => trrecursive(arg)} // yields a list of (Expr, List[Boogie.Stmt]) pairs
+ var trArgsE = trArgs.foldRight(List[Boogie.Expr]())((el, ll) => el._1 :: ll) // collect list of exprs
+ var trArgsL = trArgs.foldRight(List[Boogie.Stmt]())((x,y) => ((x._2) ::: y)) // concatenate lists of statements
+ (FunctionApp(functionName(func.f), Heap :: trArgsE),trArgsL)
- case uf@Unfolding(_, e) =>
- trrecursive(e)
+ case uf@Unfolding(acc@Access(pred@MemberAccess(obj, f), perm), ufexpr) =>
+ // handle unfolding like the next case, but also record permissions of the predicate
+ // in the secondary mask and track the predicate in the auxilary information
+ val (ee,ll) = trrecursive(ufexpr)
+ val (receiverV, receiver) = Boogie.NewBVar("predRec", tref, true)
+ val (versionV, version) = Boogie.NewBVar("predVer", tint, true)
+ val (flagV, flag) = Boogie.NewBVar("predFlag", tbool, true)
+ val o = TrExpr(obj);
+ val stmts = BLocal(receiverV) :: (receiver := o) ::
+ BLocal(flagV) :: (flag := true) ::
+ functionTrigger(o, pred.predicate) ::
+ BLocal(versionV) :: (version :=, pred.predicate.FullName)) :::
+ // UpdateSecMaskDuringUnfold(pred.predicate, o,, pred.predicate.FullName), perm, currentK) :::
+ TransferPermissionToSecMask(pred.predicate, BoogieExpr(receiver), perm, uf.pos, receiver, pred.predicate.FullName, version)
+ (ee, ll ::: stmts)
case Iff(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) <==> trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((ee0 <==> ee1), l0 ::: l1)
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) ==> trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((ee0 ==> ee1), l0 ::: l1)
case And(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) && trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((ee0 && ee1), l0 ::: l1)
case Or(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) || trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((ee0 || ee1), l0 ::: l1)
case Eq(e0,e1) =>
(ShaveOffOld(e0), ShaveOffOld(e1)) match {
case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o0), (MaxLockLiteral(),o1)) =>
if (o0 == o1)
- true
+ (true, Nil) // in this case, l0 and l1 would be Nil, (and Tr((MaxLockLiteral(),_)) is not defined)
- MaxLockPreserved
- case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o), _) => ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(trrecursive(e1))
- case (_, (MaxLockLiteral(),o)) => ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(trrecursive(e0))
- case _ => if(e0.typ.IsSeq) FunctionApp("Seq#Equal", List(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1))) else (trrecursive(e0) ==@ trrecursive(e1))
+ (MaxLockPreserved, Nil) // in this case, l0 and l1 would be Nil, (and Tr((MaxLockLiteral(),_)) is not defined)
+ case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o), _) =>
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(ee1), l1) // in this case, l0 would be Nil, (and Tr((MaxLockLiteral(),_)) is not defined)
+ case (_, (MaxLockLiteral(),o)) =>
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ (ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(ee0), l0) // in this case, l1 would be Nil, (and Tr((MaxLockLiteral(),_)) is not defined)
+ case _ =>
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((if(e0.typ.IsSeq) FunctionApp("Seq#Equal", List(ee0, ee1)) else (ee0 ==@ ee1)), l0 ::: l1)
case Neq(e0,e1) =>
case Less(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) < trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 < ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case AtMost(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) <= trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 <= ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case AtLeast(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) >= trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 >= ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case Greater(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) > trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 > ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case LockBelow(e0,e1) => {
- def MuValue(b: Expression): Boogie.Expr =
- if (b.typ.IsRef) new Boogie.MapSelect(Heap, trrecursive(b), "mu") else trrecursive(b)
+ def MuValue(b: Expression): (Boogie.Expr, List[Boogie.Stmt]) = (
+ trrecursive(b) match {
+ case (eb, lb) =>
+ ((if (b.typ.IsRef) new Boogie.MapSelect(Heap, eb, "mu") else eb),lb)
+ }
+ )
(ShaveOffOld(e0), ShaveOffOld(e1)) match {
case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o0), (MaxLockLiteral(),o1)) =>
if (o0 == o1)
- false
+ (false,Nil) // in this case, l0 and l1 are guaranteed to be Nil
- TemporalMaxLockComparison(ChooseEtran(o0), ChooseEtran(o1))
- case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o), _) => ChooseEtran(o).MaxLockIsBelowX(MuValue(e1))
- case (_, (MaxLockLiteral(),o)) => ChooseEtran(o).MaxLockIsAboveX(MuValue(e0))
- case _ => new FunctionApp("MuBelow", MuValue(e0), MuValue(e1)) }
+ (TemporalMaxLockComparison(ChooseEtran(o0), ChooseEtran(o1)),Nil) // in this case, l0 and l1 are guaranteed to be Nil
+ case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o), _) =>
+ var (ee1, l1) = MuValue(e1)
+ (ChooseEtran(o).MaxLockIsBelowX(ee1),l1)
+ case (_, (MaxLockLiteral(),o)) =>
+ var (ee0, l0) = MuValue(e0)
+ (ChooseEtran(o).MaxLockIsAboveX(ee0),l0)
+ case _ =>
+ var (ee0, l0) = MuValue(e0)
+ var (ee1, l1) = MuValue(e1)
+ ((new FunctionApp("MuBelow", ee0, ee1)),l0 ::: l1) }
case Plus(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) + trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 + ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case Minus(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) - trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 - ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case Times(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) * trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 * ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case Div(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) / trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 / ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case Mod(e0,e1) =>
- trrecursive(e0) % trrecursive(e1)
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (ee0 % ee1, l0 ::: l1)
case EmptySeq(t) =>
- createEmptySeq
+ (createEmptySeq, Nil)
case ExplicitSeq(es) =>
es match {
- case Nil => createEmptySeq
- case h :: Nil => createSingletonSeq(trrecursive(h))
- case h :: t => createAppendSeq(createSingletonSeq(trrecursive(h)), trrecursive(ExplicitSeq(t)))
+ case Nil => (createEmptySeq, Nil)
+ case h :: Nil =>
+ var (eh,lh) = trrecursive(h)
+ (createSingletonSeq(eh),lh)
+ case h :: t =>
+ var (eh,lh) = trrecursive(h)
+ var (et,lt) = trrecursive(ExplicitSeq(t))
+ ((createAppendSeq(createSingletonSeq(eh), et)), lh ::: lt)
case Range(min, max) =>
- createRange(trrecursive(min), trrecursive(max))
+ var (emin,lmin) = trrecursive(min)
+ var (emax,lmax) = trrecursive(max)
+ ((createRange(emin, emax)), lmin ::: lmax)
case Append(e0, e1) =>
- createAppendSeq(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1))
- case at@At(e0, e1) =>SeqIndex(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1))
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((createAppendSeq(ee0, ee1)), l0 ::: l1)
+ case at@At(e0, e1) =>
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((SeqIndex(ee0, ee1)), l0 ::: l1)
case Drop(e0, e1) =>
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
e1 match {
case IntLiteral(0) =>
- trrecursive(e0)
+ (ee0, l0 ::: l1)
case _ =>
- Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Drop", List(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1)))
+ ((Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Drop", List(ee0, ee1))), l0 ::: l1)
case Take(e0, e1) =>
- Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Take", List(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1)))
- case Length(e) => SeqLength(trrecursive(e))
- case Contains(e0, e1) => SeqContains(trrecursive(e1), trrecursive(e0))
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ ((Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Take", List(ee0, ee1))), l0 ::: l1)
+ case Length(e) =>
+ var (ee,l) = trrecursive(e)
+ (SeqLength(ee), l)
+ case Contains(e0, e1) =>
+ var (ee0,l0) = trrecursive(e0)
+ var (ee1,l1) = trrecursive(e1)
+ (SeqContains(ee1, ee0), l0 ::: l1) // Note: swapping of arguments
case Eval(h, e) =>
val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits, checks, assumptions) = fromEvalState(h);
val evalEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(Globals(evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits), oldEtran.globals, currentClass);
trrec(e, evalEtran)
case _:SeqQuantification => throw new InternalErrorException("should be desugared")
case tq @ TypeQuantification(Forall, _, _, e, _) =>
- Boogie.Forall(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, trrecursive(e))
+ var (ee,l) = trrecursive(e)
+ ((Boogie.Forall(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, ee)),l)
case tq @ TypeQuantification(Exists, _, _, e, _) =>
- Boogie.Exists(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, trrecursive(e))
+ var (ee,l) = trrecursive(e)
+ ((Boogie.Exists(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, ee)),l)
/** translate everything, including permissions and credit expressions */
+ // Since this is only used in axiom generation (so far), the ability to generate "side-effects" from the evaluation of unfolding expressions (as in the list of boogie statements returned from Tr) is not implemented here (in axioms the side-effects are not wanted anyway)
def TrAll(e: Expression): Expr = {
def TrAllHelper(e: Expression, etran: ExpressionTranslator): Expr = e match {
case pred@MemberAccess(e, p) if pred.isPredicate =>
@@ -1977,7 +2067,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(val globals: Globals, preGlobals: Globals, val fpi: F
val memberName = member.f.FullName;
val (refV, ref) = Boogie.NewBVar("ref", tref, true);
(SeqContains(Tr(s), ref) ==> CanRead(ref, memberName)).forall(refV)
- case _ => etran.Tr(e, TrAllHelper)
+ case _ => (etran.Tr(e, (ee : Expression, et : ExpressionTranslator) => (TrAllHelper(ee,et),Nil)))._1 //wrap TrAllHelper to give it the return type needed for Tr.
TrAllHelper(e, this)
@@ -2539,7 +2629,9 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(val globals: Globals, preGlobals: Globals, val fpi: F
bassume(wf(preEtran.Heap, preEtran.Mask, preEtran.SecMask)) ::
bassert(proofOrAssume, p.pos, "Arguments for joinable might not match up.") ::
preEtran.Exhale(List((e, error)), "eval", check, currentK, exactchecking)
- case e if !onlyExactCheckingPermissions => (if(check) isDefined(e)(true) else Nil) ::: List(bassert(Tr(e), error.pos, error.message + " The expression at " + e.pos + " might not evaluate to true."))
+ case e if !onlyExactCheckingPermissions =>
+ val (ee,ll) = Tr(e, true) // keep list ll of statements here, in case we are missing effects from unfolding expressions (if we do not call isDefined(e) below, we won't add secondary permissions/"inside" instances)
+ (if(check) isDefined(e)(true) else ll) ::: List(bassert(ee, error.pos, error.message + " The expression at " + e.pos + " might not evaluate to true."))
case _ => Nil
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/nestedPredicates.chalice b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/nestedPredicates.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8afbff5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/nestedPredicates.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* Recursive implementation and specification of a linked list. */
+class Node {
+ var next: Node;
+ var value: int;
+ predicate valid {
+ rd*(next) && rd*(value) && (next!=null ==> next.valid)
+ }
+ method testNestingUnfold()
+ requires acc(this.valid)
+ {
+ unfold this.valid;
+ assert this !=;
+ if( != null) {
+ unfold;
+ assert !=;
+ assert this !=;
+ }
+ }
+ method testNestingFold() // this test shows that we build in the assumption that predicate instances with infinite expansions cannot be exist (in reachable code)
+ requires rd*( && rd*(this.value) && rd*( && rd*( && != null && != null &&
+ {
+ fold;
+ assert !=; // definition of valid "proves" that and cannot be aliases
+ fold this.valid;
+ assert this !=;
+ assert this !=;
+ }
+ method testNestingUnfolding()
+ requires acc(this.valid)
+ {
+ assert this != (unfolding this.valid in;
+ if((unfolding this.valid in != null) {
+ assert (unfolding this.valid in != (unfolding this.valid in (unfolding in;
+ assert this != (unfolding this.valid in (unfolding in;
+ }
+ }
+ predicate p {
+ rd*(next) && rd*(value) && (next!=null ==> next.q)
+ }
+ predicate q {
+ rd*(next) && rd*(value) && (next!=null ==> next.p)
+ }
+ method testNestingUnfoldTwo()
+ requires acc(this.p)
+ {
+ unfold this.p;
+ assert this !=; // should fail
+ if( != null) {
+ unfold;
+ assert !=; // should fail
+ assert this !=; // should succeed
+ }
+ }
+ method testNestingFoldTwo() // this test shows that we build in the assumption that predicate instances with infinite expansions cannot be exist (in reachable code)
+ requires rd*( && rd*(this.value) && rd*( && rd*( && != null && != null &&
+ {
+ fold;
+ assert this !=; // should fail
+ assert !=; // should fail
+ assert this !=; // should fail
+ }
+ method testNestingFoldThree() // this test shows that we build in the assumption that predicate instances with infinite expansions cannot be exist (in reachable code)
+ requires rd*( && rd*(this.value) && rd*( && rd*( && != null && != null &&
+ {
+ fold;
+ fold this.p;
+ assert this !=; // should succeed, since this == ==> this ==
+ assert !=; // should fail - we haven't seen a cycle which would follow from this fact
+ assert this !=; // should succeed
+ }
+ method testNestingUnfoldingTwo()
+ requires acc(this.p)
+ {
+ assert this != (unfolding this.p in; // should fail
+ if((unfolding this.p in != null) {
+ assert (unfolding this.p in != (unfolding this.p in (unfolding in; // should fail
+ assert this != (unfolding this.p in (unfolding in; // should succeed
+ }
+ }
+ method testNestingUnfoldingPrecondition(x: Node)
+ requires acc(this.valid) && (unfolding this.valid in == x);
+ {
+ assert this != x;
+ }
+ function getNext() : Node
+ requires this.valid;
+ {
+ unfolding this.valid in
+ }
+ method testNestingUnfoldingPostcondition(x: Node)
+ requires acc(this.valid);
+ ensures acc(this.valid) && (unfolding this.valid in true) && this != this.getNext()
+ {
+ // nothing
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/nestedPredicates.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/nestedPredicates.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b080c630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/nestedPredicates.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Verification of nestedPredicates.chalice using parameters=""
+ 56.7: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 56.14 might not evaluate to true.
+ 59.9: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 59.16 might not evaluate to true.
+ 69.7: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 69.14 might not evaluate to true.
+ 70.7: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 70.14 might not evaluate to true.
+ 71.7: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 71.14 might not evaluate to true.
+ 81.7: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 81.14 might not evaluate to true.
+ 88.7: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 88.14 might not evaluate to true.
+ 90.9: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 90.16 might not evaluate to true.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 8 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.