path: root/Chalice/src/Boogie.scala
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authorGravatar mikebarnett <unknown>2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000
committerGravatar mikebarnett <unknown>2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000
commitce1c2de044c91624370411e23acab13b0381949b (patch)
tree592539996fe08050ead5ee210c973801611dde40 /Chalice/src/Boogie.scala
Initial set of files.
Diffstat (limited to 'Chalice/src/Boogie.scala')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/src/Boogie.scala b/Chalice/src/Boogie.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..492e0669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/src/Boogie.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+import scala.util.parsing.input.Position
+import scala.util.parsing.input.NoPosition
+object Boogie {
+ sealed abstract class Decl
+ case class Const(id: String, unique: boolean, t: BType) extends Decl
+ case class Proc(id: String, ins: List[BVar], outs: List[BVar],
+ mod: List[String], PrePost: List[String],
+ body: List[Stmt]) extends Decl
+ case class Function(id: String, ins: List[BVar], out: BVar) extends Decl
+ case class Axiom(expr: Expr) extends Decl
+ sealed abstract class BType
+ case class NamedType(s: String) extends BType
+ case class ClassType(cl: Class) extends BType
+ case class IndexedType(id: String, t: BType) extends BType
+ sealed abstract class Stmt {
+ def Locals = List[BVar]()
+ }
+ case class Comment(comment: String) extends Stmt
+ case class Assert(e: Expr) extends Stmt {
+ def this(e: Expr, p: Position, txt: String) = { this(e); this.pos = p; this.message = txt; this }
+ var pos = NoPosition : Position
+ var message = "" : String
+ }
+ case class Assume(e: Expr) extends Stmt
+ case class Assign(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr) extends Stmt
+ case class AssignMap(lhs: Expr, index: Expr, rhs: Expr) extends Stmt
+ case class Havoc(x: Expr) extends Stmt
+ case class MapUpdate(map: Expr, arg0: Expr, arg1: String, rhs: Expr) extends Stmt {
+ def this(map: Expr, arg0: Expr, rhs: Expr) = this(map, arg0, null, rhs)
+ }
+ case class If(guard: Expr, thn: List[Stmt], els: List[Stmt]) extends Stmt {
+ override def Locals = (thn flatMap (_.Locals)) ::: (els flatMap (_.Locals))
+ }
+ case class LocalVar(x: BVar) extends Stmt {
+ def this(id: String, tp: BType) = this(BVar(id, tp))
+ override def Locals = List(x)
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Expr {
+ def &&(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("&&", this, that)
+ def ||(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("||", this, that)
+ def ==@(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("==", this, that)
+ def !=@(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("!=", this, that)
+ def Equals(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("==", this, that)
+ def ==>(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("==>", this, that)
+ def <==>(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("<==>", this, that)
+ def unary_! = UnaryExpr("!", this)
+ def <=(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("<=", this, that)
+ def <(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("<", this, that)
+ def >=(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr(">=", this, that)
+ def >(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr(">", this, that)
+ def +(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("+", this, that)
+ def -(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("-", this, that)
+ def *(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("*", this, that)
+ def /(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("/", this, that)
+ def %(that: Expr) = BinaryExpr("%", this, that)
+ def := (that: Expr) = Assign(this, that)
+ def select(e: Expr, f: Expr) = new MapSelect(this, e, PrintExpr(f))
+ def store(e: Expr, f: Expr, rhs: Expr) = MapUpdate(this, e, PrintExpr(f), rhs)
+ }
+ case class IntLiteral(n: int) extends Expr
+ case class BoolLiteral(b: boolean) extends Expr
+ case class Null extends Expr
+ case class VarExpr(id: String) extends Expr {
+ def this(v: BVar) = this(
+ }
+ case class MapSelect(map: Expr, arg0: Expr, arg1: String) extends Expr {
+ def this(map: Expr, arg0: Expr) = this(map, arg0, null) // for one-dimensional maps
+ def this(map: Expr, arg0: Expr, arg1: String, arg2: String) = // for 3-dimensional maps
+ this(MapSelect(map, arg0, arg1), VarExpr(arg2), null)
+ }
+ case class MapStore(map: Expr, arg0: String, rhs: Expr) extends Expr
+ case class Old(e: Expr) extends Expr
+ case class UnaryExpr(op: String, e: Expr) extends Expr
+ case class BinaryExpr(op: String, e0: Expr, e1: Expr) extends Expr
+ case class FunctionApp(f: String, args: List[Expr]) extends Expr {
+ def this(f: String, a0: Expr) = this(f, List(a0))
+ def this(f: String, a0: Expr, a1: Expr) = this(f, List(a0, a1))
+ def this(f: String, a0: Expr, a1: Expr, a2: Expr) = this(f, List(a0, a1, a2))
+ }
+ case class Forall(ta: List[TVar], xs: List[BVar], triggers: List[Expr], body: Expr) extends Expr {
+ def this(xs: List[BVar], triggers: List[Expr], body: Expr) = this(List(), xs, triggers, body)
+ def this(x: BVar, body: Expr) = this(List(), List(x), List(), body)
+ def this(t: TVar, x: BVar, body: Expr) = this(List(t), List(x), List(), body)
+ }
+ case class Exists(xs: List[BVar], triggers: List[Expr], body: Expr) extends Expr {
+ def this(x: BVar, body: Expr) = this(List(x), List(), body)
+ }
+ case class Ite(con: Expr, then: Expr, els: Expr) extends Expr
+ case class BVar(id: String, t: BType) {
+ def this(id: String, t: BType, uniquifyName: boolean) =
+ this(if (uniquifyName) {
+ val n = S_BVar.VariableCount
+ S_BVar.VariableCount = S_BVar.VariableCount + 1
+ id + "#_" + n
+ } else {
+ id
+ }, t)
+ val where: Expr = null
+ }
+ object S_BVar { var VariableCount = 0 }
+ def NewBVar(id: String, t: BType, uniquifyName: boolean) = {
+ val v = new Boogie.BVar(id, t, uniquifyName)
+ val e = new Boogie.VarExpr(v)
+ (v,e)
+ }
+ case class TVar(id: String) {
+ def this(id: String, uniquifyName: boolean) =
+ this(if (uniquifyName) {
+ val n = S_TVar.VariableCount
+ S_TVar.VariableCount = S_TVar.VariableCount + 1
+ id + "#_" + n
+ } else {
+ id
+ })
+ val where: Expr = null
+ }
+ object S_TVar { var VariableCount = 0 }
+ def NewTVar(id: String) = {
+ val v = new Boogie.TVar(id, true)
+ val e = new Boogie.NamedType(
+ (v,e)
+ }
+ // def out(s: String) = Console.out.print(s)
+ var indentLevel = 1
+ def indent: String = {
+ def doIndent(i: int): String = {
+ if(i==0) { "" } else { " " + doIndent(i-1) }
+ }
+ doIndent(indentLevel);
+ }
+ def IndentMore(what: => String) = {
+ val prev = indentLevel
+ indentLevel = indentLevel + 1
+ val result = what
+ indentLevel = prev
+ result
+ }
+ def nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ def Print[T](list: List[T], sep: String, p: T => String): String = list match {
+ case Nil => ""
+ case x :: Nil => p(x)
+ case x :: xs => p(x) + sep + Print(xs, sep, p)
+ }
+ def PrintType(t: BType): String = t match {
+ case nt@ NamedType(s) =>
+ s
+ case ClassType(cl) =>
+ if (cl.IsRef) "ref" else
+ case IndexedType(id,t) =>
+ id + " (" + PrintType(t) + ")"
+ }
+ def Print(d: Decl): String = d match {
+ case Const(id, u, t) =>
+ "const " + (if (u) "unique " else "" ) + id + ": " + PrintType(t) + ";" + nl
+ case p: Proc =>
+ "procedure " + +
+ "(" + Print(p.ins, ", ", PrintVar) + ")" +
+ " returns (" + Print(p.outs, ", ", PrintVar) + ")" + nl +
+ (p.mod match {
+ case Nil => ""
+ case x :: xs =>
+ indent + "modifies " +
+ Print(p.mod, ", ", { s: String => s }) +
+ ";" + nl
+ }) +
+ Print(p.PrePost, nl, { spec: String => indent + spec }) + nl +
+ "{" + nl +
+ Print(p.body flatMap (_.Locals), "", { v:BVar => indent + "var " + PrintVar(v) + ";" + nl}) +
+ Print(p.body, "", PrintStmt) +
+ "}" + nl
+ case Function(id, ins, out) =>
+ "function " + id + "(" + Print(ins, ", ", PrintVar) + ") returns (" + PrintVar(out) + ");" + nl
+ case Axiom(e) =>
+ "axiom " + PrintExpr(e) + ";" + nl
+ }
+ def PrintVar(v: BVar): String = {
+ + ": " + PrintType(v.t) +
+ (if (v.where != null) {" where " + PrintExpr(v.where) } else { "" })
+ }
+ def PrintStmt(s: Stmt): String = s match {
+ case Comment(msg) => indent + "// " + msg + nl
+ case assert@Assert(e) => indent + "assert " + "{:msg \" " + assert.pos + ": " + assert.message + "\"}" + " " + PrintExpr(e) + ";" + nl
+ case Assume(e) => indent + "assume " + PrintExpr(e) + ";" + nl
+ case If(guard, thn, els) =>
+ indent + "if (" +
+ (if (guard == null) "*" else PrintExpr(guard)) +
+ ") {" + nl +
+ IndentMore { Print(thn, "", PrintStmt) } +
+ indent + "} else {" + nl +
+ IndentMore { Print(els, "", PrintStmt) } +
+ indent + "}" + nl
+ case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
+ indent + PrintExpr(lhs) + " := " + PrintExpr(rhs) + ";" + nl
+ case AssignMap(lhs, index, rhs) =>
+ indent + PrintExpr(lhs) + "[" + PrintExpr(index) + "] := " + PrintExpr(rhs) + ";" + nl
+ case Havoc(lhs) =>
+ indent + "havoc " + PrintExpr(lhs) + ";" + nl
+ case MapUpdate(map, a0, a1, rhs) =>
+ indent + PrintExpr(map) + "[" +
+ PrintExpr(a0) +
+ (if (a1 != null) { ", " + a1 } else { "" }) +
+ "] := " +
+ PrintExpr(rhs) + ";" + nl
+ case _:LocalVar => "" /* print nothing */
+ }
+ def PrintExpr(e: Expr): String = {
+ PrintExpr(e, false)
+ }
+ def PrintExpr(e: Expr, useParens: boolean): String = e match {
+ case IntLiteral(n) => n.toString
+ case BoolLiteral(b) => b.toString
+ case Null() => "null"
+ case VarExpr(id) => id
+ case MapSelect(map, arg0, arg1) =>
+ PrintExpr(map) + "[" + PrintExpr(arg0, false) +
+ (if (arg1 != null) { ", " + arg1 } else { "" }) +
+ "]"
+ case MapStore(map, arg0, rhs) =>
+ PrintExpr(map) + "[" + arg0 + " := " + PrintExpr(rhs, false) + "]"
+ case Old(e) => "old(" + PrintExpr(e, false) + ")"
+ case UnaryExpr(op, e) =>
+ (if (useParens) { "(" } else "") +
+ op + PrintExpr(e, true) +
+ (if (useParens) ")" else "" )
+ case BinaryExpr(op, e0, e1) =>
+ // reduce parentheses in a special common case:
+ val binIsAndImpIff = op=="&&" || op=="==>" || op=="<==>";
+ def IsAnd(e: Expr) = e match { case BinaryExpr(op,_,_) if op=="&&" => true case _ => false }
+ (if (useParens) "(" else "") + PrintExpr(e0, !(binIsAndImpIff && IsAnd(e0))) +
+ " " + op + " " +
+ PrintExpr(e1, !(binIsAndImpIff && IsAnd(e1))) +
+ (if (useParens) ")" else "")
+ case FunctionApp(f, args) =>
+ f + "(" +
+ Print(args, ", ", { e: Expr => PrintExpr(e, false) }) +
+ ")"
+ case Ite(con, then, els) =>
+ "ite(" + PrintExpr(con) + ", " + PrintExpr(then) + ", " + PrintExpr(els) + ")"
+ case Forall(ts, xs, triggers, body) =>
+ "(forall" +
+ (if (ts.length == 0) " " else "<" + Print(ts, ", ", { x: TVar => }) + "> ") +
+ Print(xs, ", ", { x: BVar => + ": " + PrintType(x.t) }) +
+ " :: " +
+ Print(triggers , "", { s: Expr => "{" + PrintExpr(s) + "} " }) +
+ PrintExpr(body) +
+ ")"
+ case Exists(xs, triggers, body) =>
+ "(exists " +
+ Print(xs, ", ", { x: BVar => + ": " + PrintType(x.t) }) +
+ " :: " +
+ Print(triggers , "", { s: Expr => "{" + PrintExpr(s) + "} " }) +
+ PrintExpr(body) +
+ ")"
+ }