diff options
author | sboehme <unknown> | 2010-08-27 19:11:15 +0000 |
committer | sboehme <unknown> | 2010-08-27 19:11:15 +0000 |
commit | dce6bf46952b5dd470ae841cae03706dbc30bc3b (patch) | |
tree | a40bef391d8805048eff130ebb524aca4d8613d1 | |
parent | 9f8553916fb7a7ed49ea77fe174741e4ddb1edad (diff) |
Dafny: added inlined functions making reads and updates of the heap explicit
-rw-r--r-- | Binaries/DafnyPrelude.bpl | 12 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Source/Dafny/Translator.cs | 75 |
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Binaries/DafnyPrelude.bpl b/Binaries/DafnyPrelude.bpl index 8d89715f..88e45767 100644 --- a/Binaries/DafnyPrelude.bpl +++ b/Binaries/DafnyPrelude.bpl @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ axiom (forall r: ref :: 0 <= Array#Length(r)); procedure UpdateArrayRange(arr: ref, low: int, high: int, rhs: BoxType);
modifies $Heap;
ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap);
- ensures (forall i: int :: { $Heap[arr, IndexField(i)] } low <= i && i < high ==> $Heap[arr, IndexField(i)] == rhs);
- ensures (forall<alpha> o: ref, f: Field alpha :: { $Heap[o,f] } $Heap[o,f] == old($Heap)[o,f] ||
+ ensures (forall i: int :: { read($Heap, arr, IndexField(i)) } low <= i && i < high ==> read($Heap, arr, IndexField(i)) == rhs);
+ ensures (forall<alpha> o: ref, f: Field alpha :: { read($Heap, o, f) } read($Heap, o, f) == read(old($Heap), o, f) ||
(o == arr && FCat(f) == $IndexedField && low <= IndexField_Inverse(f) && IndexField_Inverse(f) < high));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -283,18 +283,20 @@ procedure UpdateArrayRange(arr: ref, low: int, high: int, rhs: BoxType); // ---------------------------------------------------------------
type HeapType = <alpha>[ref,Field alpha]alpha;
+function {:inline true} read<alpha>(H:HeapType, r:ref, f:Field alpha): alpha { H[r, f] }
+function {:inline true} update<alpha>(H:HeapType, r:ref, f:Field alpha, v:alpha): HeapType { H[r,f := v] }
function $IsGoodHeap(HeapType) returns (bool);
var $Heap: HeapType where $IsGoodHeap($Heap) && #cev_var_update(#cev_pc, cev_implicit, #loc.$Heap, $Heap);
const unique #loc.$Heap: $token;
function $HeapSucc(HeapType, HeapType) returns (bool);
-axiom (forall<alpha> h: HeapType, r: ref, f: Field alpha, x: alpha :: { h[r,f:=x] }
- $HeapSucc(h, h[r,f:=x]));
+axiom (forall<alpha> h: HeapType, r: ref, f: Field alpha, x: alpha :: { update(h, r, f, x) }
+ $HeapSucc(h, update(h, r, f, x)));
axiom (forall a,b,c: HeapType :: { $HeapSucc(a,b), $HeapSucc(b,c) }
$HeapSucc(a,b) && $HeapSucc(b,c) ==> $HeapSucc(a,c));
axiom (forall h: HeapType, k: HeapType :: { $HeapSucc(h,k) }
- $HeapSucc(h,k) ==> (forall o: ref :: { k[o,alloc] } h[o,alloc] ==> k[o,alloc]));
+ $HeapSucc(h,k) ==> (forall o: ref :: { read(k, o, alloc) } read(h, o, alloc) ==> read(k, o, alloc)));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Arithmetic -------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs index d9f499fa..bdb436ce 100644 --- a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs +++ b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs @@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.Expr o = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(f.tok, oVar);
// h[o,f]
- Bpl.Expr oDotF = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(f.tok, h, o, new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(f.tok, GetField(f)));
+ Bpl.Expr oDotF = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(f.tok, h, o, new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(f.tok, GetField(f)));
// $IsGoodHeap(h) && o != null && h[o,alloc]
Bpl.Expr ante = Bpl.Expr.And(Bpl.Expr.And(
FunctionCall(f.tok, BuiltinFunction.IsGoodHeap, null, h),
@@ -889,9 +889,9 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.IdentifierExpr o = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(m.tok, oVar);
Bpl.BoundVariable fVar = new Bpl.BoundVariable(m.tok, new Bpl.TypedIdent(m.tok, "$f", predef.FieldName(m.tok, alpha)));
Bpl.IdentifierExpr f = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(m.tok, fVar);
- Bpl.Expr heapOF = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(m.tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, f);
- Bpl.Expr oldHeapOF = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(m.tok, etran.Old.HeapExpr, o, f);
+ Bpl.Expr heapOF = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(m.tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, f);
+ Bpl.Expr oldHeapOF = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(m.tok, etran.Old.HeapExpr, o, f);
Bpl.Expr inEnclosingFrame = Bpl.Expr.Select(etran.Old.TheFrame(m.tok), o, f);
Bpl.Expr body = Bpl.Expr.Or(inEnclosingFrame, Bpl.Expr.Eq(heapOF, oldHeapOF));
Bpl.Trigger tr = new Bpl.Trigger(m.tok, true, new Bpl.ExprSeq(heapOF));
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.Expr field = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(f.tok, fieldVar);
Bpl.Expr oNotNull = Bpl.Expr.Neq(o, predef.Null);
Bpl.Expr oNotNullAlloced = Bpl.Expr.And(oNotNull, Bpl.Expr.And(etran0.IsAlloced(f.tok, o), etran1.IsAlloced(f.tok, o)));
- Bpl.Expr unchanged = Bpl.Expr.Eq(Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(f.tok, h0, o, field), Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(f.tok, h1, o, field));
+ Bpl.Expr unchanged = Bpl.Expr.Eq(ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(f.tok, h0, o, field), ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(f.tok, h1, o, field));
Bpl.Expr heapSucc = FunctionCall(f.tok, BuiltinFunction.HeapSucc, null, h0, h1);
Bpl.Expr r0 = InRWClause(f.tok, o, field, f.Reads, etran0, null, null);
@@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.Expr absVar = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(d.tok, absThis, predef.RefType);
for (int i = 0; i < inv.Refined.Count; i++) {
// TODO: boxing/unboxing?
- Bpl.Expr result = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(inv.Toks[i], absHeap, absVar, new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(inv.Toks[i], GetField(cce.NonNull(inv.Refined[i]))));
+ Bpl.Expr result = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(inv.Toks[i], absHeap, absVar, new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(inv.Toks[i], GetField(cce.NonNull(inv.Refined[i]))));
map.Add(inv.Formals[i].UniqueName, result);
@@ -2201,9 +2201,9 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.IdentifierExpr o = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, oVar);
Bpl.BoundVariable fVar = new Bpl.BoundVariable(tok, new Bpl.TypedIdent(tok, "$f", predef.FieldName(tok, alpha)));
Bpl.IdentifierExpr f = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, fVar);
- Bpl.Expr heapOF = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, f);
- Bpl.Expr preHeapOF = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, etranPre.HeapExpr, o, f);
+ Bpl.Expr heapOF = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, f);
+ Bpl.Expr preHeapOF = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(tok, etranPre.HeapExpr, o, f);
Bpl.Expr ante = Bpl.Expr.And(Bpl.Expr.Neq(o, predef.Null), etran.Old.IsAlloced(tok, o));
Bpl.Expr consequent = Bpl.Expr.Eq(heapOF, preHeapOF);
@@ -2864,8 +2864,8 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.TypeVariable alpha = new Bpl.TypeVariable(stmt.Tok, "alpha");
Bpl.BoundVariable fVar = new Bpl.BoundVariable(stmt.Tok, new Bpl.TypedIdent(stmt.Tok, "$f", predef.FieldName(stmt.Tok, alpha)));
Bpl.IdentifierExpr f = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(stmt.Tok, fVar);
- Bpl.Expr heapOF = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(stmt.Tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, f);
- Bpl.Expr oldHeapOF = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(stmt.Tok, prevHeap, o, f);
+ Bpl.Expr heapOF = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(stmt.Tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, f);
+ Bpl.Expr oldHeapOF = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(stmt.Tok, prevHeap, o, f);
body = Bpl.Expr.Or(
Bpl.Expr.Eq(heapOF, oldHeapOF),
@@ -2876,7 +2876,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() // Here comes: assume (forall o: ref :: o != null && o in S && Range(o) ==> $Heap[o,F] = RHS[$Heap := oldHeap]);
if (rhsExpr != null) {
- Bpl.Expr heapOField = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(stmt.Tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, GetField((FieldSelectExpr)(s.BodyAssign).Lhs));
+ Bpl.Expr heapOField = ExpressionTranslator.ReadHeap(stmt.Tok, etran.HeapExpr, o, GetField((FieldSelectExpr)(s.BodyAssign).Lhs));
ExpressionTranslator oldEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(this, predef, prevHeap);
body = Bpl.Expr.Imp(oInS, Bpl.Expr.Eq(heapOField, oldEtran.TrExpr(rhsExpr.Expr)));
qq = new Bpl.ForallExpr(stmt.Tok, new Bpl.VariableSeq(oVar), body);
@@ -3286,7 +3286,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.IdentifierExpr h = cce.NonNull((Bpl.IdentifierExpr)etran.HeapExpr); // TODO: is this cast always justified?
bRhs = etran.CondApplyBox(tok, bRhs, cce.NonNull((ExprRhs)rhs).Expr.Type, fse.Field.Type);
- Bpl.Cmd cmd = Bpl.Cmd.MapAssign(tok, h, etran.TrExpr(fse.Obj), new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, GetField(fse.Field)), bRhs);
+ Bpl.Cmd cmd = Bpl.Cmd.SimpleAssign(tok, h, ExpressionTranslator.UpdateHeap(tok, h, etran.TrExpr(fse.Obj), new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, GetField(fse.Field)), bRhs));
// assume $IsGoodHeap($Heap);
builder.Add(AssumeGoodHeap(tok, etran));
@@ -3301,7 +3301,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() builder.Add(Assert(tok, Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, etran.TheFrame(tok), etran.TrExpr(sel.Seq), fieldName), "assignment may update an array not in the enclosing method's modifies clause"));
Bpl.IdentifierExpr h = cce.NonNull((Bpl.IdentifierExpr)etran.HeapExpr); // TODO: is this cast always justified?
- Bpl.Cmd cmd = Bpl.Cmd.MapAssign(tok, h, etran.TrExpr(sel.Seq), fieldName, bRhs);
+ Bpl.Cmd cmd = Bpl.Cmd.SimpleAssign(tok, h, ExpressionTranslator.UpdateHeap(tok, h, etran.TrExpr(sel.Seq), fieldName, bRhs));
// assume $IsGoodHeap($Heap);
builder.Add(AssumeGoodHeap(tok, etran));
@@ -3362,7 +3362,8 @@ void ObjectInvariant() }
// $Heap[$nw, alloc] := true;
Bpl.Expr alloc = predef.Alloc(tok);
- Bpl.Cmd cmd = Bpl.Cmd.MapAssign(tok, (Bpl.IdentifierExpr/*TODO: this cast is dubious*/)etran.HeapExpr, nw, alloc, Bpl.Expr.True);
+ Bpl.IdentifierExpr heap = (Bpl.IdentifierExpr/*TODO: this cast is dubious*/)etran.HeapExpr;
+ Bpl.Cmd cmd = Bpl.Cmd.SimpleAssign(tok, heap, ExpressionTranslator.UpdateHeap(tok, heap, nw, alloc, Bpl.Expr.True));
// x := $nw;
Bpl.IdentifierExpr x = (Bpl.IdentifierExpr)etran.TrExpr(lhs); // TODO: is this cast always justified?
@@ -3535,7 +3536,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() } else if (expr is FieldSelectExpr) {
FieldSelectExpr e = (FieldSelectExpr)expr;
- Bpl.Expr result = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(expr.tok, HeapExpr, TrExpr(e.Obj), new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(expr.tok, translator.GetField(cce.NonNull(e.Field))));
+ Bpl.Expr result = ReadHeap(expr.tok, HeapExpr, TrExpr(e.Obj), new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(expr.tok, translator.GetField(cce.NonNull(e.Field))));
return CondApplyUnbox(expr.tok, result, e.Field.Type, cce.NonNull(expr.Type));
} else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) {
@@ -3557,7 +3558,7 @@ void ObjectInvariant() Bpl.Expr x;
if (e.Seq.Type.IsArrayType) {
Bpl.Expr fieldName = translator.FunctionCall(expr.tok, BuiltinFunction.IndexField, null, e0);
- x = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(expr.tok, HeapExpr, TrExpr(e.Seq), fieldName);
+ x = ReadHeap(expr.tok, HeapExpr, TrExpr(e.Seq), fieldName);
} else {
x = translator.FunctionCall(expr.tok, BuiltinFunction.SeqIndex, predef.BoxType, seq, e0);
@@ -3932,7 +3933,43 @@ Contract.Requires(tok != null); return new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, var.UniqueName, translator.TrType(var.Type));
+ public static Bpl.NAryExpr ReadHeap(IToken tok, Expr heap, Expr r, Expr f)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(tok != null);
+ Contract.Requires(heap != null);
+ Contract.Requires(r != null);
+ Contract.Requires(f != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Bpl.NAryExpr>() != null);
+ Bpl.ExprSeq args = new Bpl.ExprSeq();
+ args.Add(heap);
+ args.Add(r);
+ args.Add(f);
+ return new Bpl.NAryExpr(tok,
+ new Bpl.FunctionCall(new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, "read", f.Type.AsCtor.Arguments[0])),
+ args);
+ }
+ public static Bpl.NAryExpr UpdateHeap(IToken tok, Expr heap, Expr r, Expr f, Expr v)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(tok != null);
+ Contract.Requires(heap != null);
+ Contract.Requires(r != null);
+ Contract.Requires(f != null);
+ Contract.Requires(v != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Bpl.NAryExpr>() != null);
+ Bpl.ExprSeq args = new Bpl.ExprSeq();
+ args.Add(heap);
+ args.Add(r);
+ args.Add(f);
+ args.Add(v);
+ return new Bpl.NAryExpr(tok,
+ new Bpl.FunctionCall(new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, "update", heap.Type)),
+ args);
+ }
/// <summary>
/// Translate like s[Box(elmt)], but try to avoid as many set functions as possible in the
/// translation, because such functions can mess up triggering.
@@ -4010,7 +4047,7 @@ Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(heap != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Bpl.Expr>() != null);
- return Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, heap, e, predef.Alloc(tok));
+ return ReadHeap(tok, heap, e, predef.Alloc(tok));
public Bpl.Expr GoodRef(IToken tok, Bpl.Expr e, Type type) {