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authorGravatar akashlal <>2015-06-20 09:19:14 -0700
committerGravatar akashlal <>2015-06-20 09:19:14 -0700
commitc1dd3488ceb70d2b6f2b7970c2c6e5da99ab08a3 (patch)
parentc57ef72622ef4bfd23dd42c656582bf0f778e6ee (diff)
parentd0f2ef8050f0fa2ed6315bc6fd448ee558420d75 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
14 files changed, 3983 insertions, 3711 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Concurrency/MoverCheck.cs b/Source/Concurrency/MoverCheck.cs
index ed069d5d..7c6d4ac4 100644
--- a/Source/Concurrency/MoverCheck.cs
+++ b/Source/Concurrency/MoverCheck.cs
@@ -1,648 +1,673 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie
- public class MoverCheck
- {
- LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker;
- MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
- List<Declaration> decls;
- HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>> commutativityCheckerCache;
- HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>> gatePreservationCheckerCache;
- HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>> failurePreservationCheckerCache;
- private MoverCheck(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, List<Declaration> decls)
- {
- this.linearTypeChecker = linearTypeChecker;
- this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
- this.decls = decls;
- this.commutativityCheckerCache = new HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>>();
- this.gatePreservationCheckerCache = new HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>>();
- this.failurePreservationCheckerCache = new HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>>();
- }
- public static void AddCheckers(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, List<Declaration> decls)
- {
- if (moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.Count == 0)
- return;
- List<ActionInfo> sortedByCreatedLayerNum = new List<ActionInfo>(moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.Values.Where(x => x is AtomicActionInfo && !x.isExtern));
- sortedByCreatedLayerNum.Sort((x, y) => { return (x.createdAtLayerNum == y.createdAtLayerNum) ? 0 : (x.createdAtLayerNum < y.createdAtLayerNum) ? -1 : 1; });
- List<ActionInfo> sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum = new List<ActionInfo>(moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.Values.Where(x => x is AtomicActionInfo && !x.isExtern));
- sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum.Sort((x, y) => { return (x.availableUptoLayerNum == y.availableUptoLayerNum) ? 0 : (x.availableUptoLayerNum < y.availableUptoLayerNum) ? -1 : 1; });
- Dictionary<int, HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>> pools = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>>();
- int indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum = 0;
- int indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum = 0;
- HashSet<AtomicActionInfo> currPool = new HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>();
- while (indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum < sortedByCreatedLayerNum.Count)
- {
- var currLayerNum = sortedByCreatedLayerNum[indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum].createdAtLayerNum;
- pools[currLayerNum] = new HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>(currPool);
- while (indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum < sortedByCreatedLayerNum.Count)
- {
- var actionInfo = sortedByCreatedLayerNum[indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum] as AtomicActionInfo;
- if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum > currLayerNum) break;
- pools[currLayerNum].Add(actionInfo);
- indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum++;
- }
- while (indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum < sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum.Count)
- {
- var actionInfo = sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum[indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum] as AtomicActionInfo;
- if (actionInfo.availableUptoLayerNum > currLayerNum) break;
- pools[currLayerNum].Remove(actionInfo);
- indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum++;
- }
- currPool = pools[currLayerNum];
- }
- Program program = moverTypeChecker.program;
- MoverCheck moverChecking = new MoverCheck(linearTypeChecker, moverTypeChecker, decls);
- foreach (int layerNum in pools.Keys)
- {
- foreach (AtomicActionInfo first in pools[layerNum])
- {
- Debug.Assert(first.moverType != MoverType.Top);
- if (first.moverType == MoverType.Atomic)
- continue;
- foreach (AtomicActionInfo second in pools[layerNum])
- {
- if (first.IsRightMover)
- {
- moverChecking.CreateCommutativityChecker(program, first, second);
- moverChecking.CreateGatePreservationChecker(program, second, first);
- }
- if (first.IsLeftMover)
- {
- moverChecking.CreateCommutativityChecker(program, second, first);
- moverChecking.CreateGatePreservationChecker(program, first, second);
- moverChecking.CreateFailurePreservationChecker(program, second, first);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo in sortedByCreatedLayerNum)
- {
- if (atomicActionInfo.IsLeftMover && atomicActionInfo.hasAssumeCmd)
- {
- moverChecking.CreateNonBlockingChecker(program, atomicActionInfo);
- }
- }
- }
- public sealed class MyDuplicator : Duplicator
- {
- public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node)
- {
- IdentifierExpr ret = (IdentifierExpr) base.VisitIdentifierExpr(node);
- if (ret.Decl is GlobalVariable)
- {
- return new OldExpr(Token.NoToken, ret);
- }
- else
- {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }
- public class TransitionRelationComputation
- {
- private Program program;
- private AtomicActionInfo first; // corresponds to that*
- private AtomicActionInfo second; // corresponds to this*
- private Stack<Cmd> cmdStack;
- private List<PathInfo> paths;
- private HashSet<Variable> frame;
- private HashSet<Variable> postExistVars;
- public TransitionRelationComputation(Program program, AtomicActionInfo second, HashSet<Variable> frame, HashSet<Variable> postExistVars)
- {
- this.postExistVars = postExistVars;
- this.frame = frame;
- TransitionRelationComputationHelper(program, null, second);
- }
- public TransitionRelationComputation(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second, HashSet<Variable> frame, HashSet<Variable> postExistVars)
- {
- this.postExistVars = postExistVars;
- this.frame = frame;
- TransitionRelationComputationHelper(program, first, second);
- }
- private void TransitionRelationComputationHelper(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
- {
- this.program = program;
- this.first = first;
- this.second = second;
- this.cmdStack = new Stack<Cmd>();
- this.paths = new List<PathInfo>();
- List<IdentifierExpr> havocVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- this.second.thisOutParams.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
- this.second.thisAction.LocVars.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
- if (havocVars.Count > 0)
- {
- HavocCmd havocCmd = new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, havocVars);
- cmdStack.Push(havocCmd);
- }
- Search(this.second.thisAction.Blocks[0], false);
- }
- private void Substitute(Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map, ref List<Expr> pathExprs, ref Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr)
- {
- Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
- List<Expr> oldPathExprs = pathExprs;
- pathExprs = new List<Expr>();
- foreach (Expr pathExpr in oldPathExprs)
- {
- pathExprs.Add(Substituter.Apply(subst, pathExpr));
- }
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> oldVarToExpr = varToExpr;
- varToExpr = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- foreach (Variable v in oldVarToExpr.Keys)
- {
- varToExpr[v] = Substituter.Apply(subst, oldVarToExpr[v]);
- }
- }
- struct PathInfo
- {
- public HashSet<Variable> existsVars;
- public Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr;
- public List<Expr> pathExprs;
- public PathInfo(HashSet<Variable> existsVars, Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr, List<Expr> pathExprs)
- {
- this.existsVars = existsVars;
- this.varToExpr = varToExpr;
- this.pathExprs = pathExprs;
- }
- }
- private void FlattenAnd(Expr x, List<Expr> xs)
- {
- NAryExpr naryExpr = x as NAryExpr;
- if (naryExpr != null && naryExpr.Fun.FunctionName == "&&")
- {
- FlattenAnd(naryExpr.Args[0], xs);
- FlattenAnd(naryExpr.Args[1], xs);
- }
- else
- {
- xs.Add(x);
- }
- }
- private void AddPath()
- {
- HashSet<Variable> existsVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- foreach (Variable v in frame)
- {
- varToExpr[v] = Expr.Ident(v);
- }
- if (first != null)
- {
- foreach (Variable v in first.thatOutParams)
- {
- varToExpr[v] = Expr.Ident(v);
- }
- }
- foreach (Variable v in second.thisOutParams)
- {
- varToExpr[v] = Expr.Ident(v);
- }
- List<Expr> pathExprs = new List<Expr>();
- int boundVariableCount = 0;
- foreach (Cmd cmd in cmdStack)
- {
- if (cmd is AssumeCmd)
- {
- AssumeCmd assumeCmd = cmd as AssumeCmd;
- FlattenAnd(assumeCmd.Expr, pathExprs);
- }
- else if (cmd is AssignCmd)
- {
- AssignCmd assignCmd = (cmd as AssignCmd).AsSimpleAssignCmd;
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- for (int k = 0; k < assignCmd.Lhss.Count; k++)
- {
- map[assignCmd.Lhss[k].DeepAssignedVariable] = assignCmd.Rhss[k];
- }
- Substitute(map, ref pathExprs, ref varToExpr);
- }
- else if (cmd is HavocCmd)
- {
- HavocCmd havocCmd = cmd as HavocCmd;
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in havocCmd.Vars)
- {
- BoundVariable bv = new BoundVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "#tmp_" + boundVariableCount++, ie.Decl.TypedIdent.Type));
- map[ie.Decl] = Expr.Ident(bv);
- existsVars.Add(bv);
- }
- Substitute(map, ref pathExprs, ref varToExpr);
- }
- else
- {
- Debug.Assert(false);
- }
- }
- paths.Add(new PathInfo(existsVars, varToExpr, pathExprs));
- }
- private Expr CalculatePathCondition(PathInfo path)
- {
- Expr returnExpr = Expr.True;
- HashSet<Variable> existsVars = path.existsVars;
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> existsMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr = path.varToExpr;
- foreach (Variable v in varToExpr.Keys)
- {
- if (postExistVars.Contains(v)) continue;
- IdentifierExpr ie = varToExpr[v] as IdentifierExpr;
- if (ie != null && !existsMap.ContainsKey(ie.Decl) && existsVars.Contains(ie.Decl))
- {
- existsMap[ie.Decl] = Expr.Ident(v);
- existsVars.Remove(ie.Decl);
- }
- else
- {
- returnExpr = Expr.And(returnExpr, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(v), (new MyDuplicator()).VisitExpr(varToExpr[v])));
- returnExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- }
- }
- List<Expr> pathExprs = new List<Expr>();
- path.pathExprs.ForEach(x => pathExprs.Add((new MyDuplicator()).VisitExpr(x)));
- foreach (Expr x in pathExprs)
- {
- Variable boundVar;
- Expr boundVarExpr;
- if (InferSubstitution(x, out boundVar, out boundVarExpr) && existsVars.Contains(boundVar))
- {
- existsMap[boundVar] = boundVarExpr;
- existsVars.Remove(boundVar);
- }
- else
- {
- returnExpr = Expr.And(returnExpr, x);
- returnExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- }
- }
- returnExpr = Substituter.Apply(Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(existsMap), returnExpr);
- if (existsVars.Count > 0)
- {
- returnExpr = new ExistsExpr(Token.NoToken, new List<Variable>(existsVars), returnExpr);
- }
- return returnExpr;
- }
- bool InferSubstitution(Expr x, out Variable var, out Expr expr)
- {
- var = null;
- expr = null;
- NAryExpr naryExpr = x as NAryExpr;
- if (naryExpr == null || naryExpr.Fun.FunctionName != "==")
- {
- return false;
- }
- IdentifierExpr arg0 = naryExpr.Args[0] as IdentifierExpr;
- if (arg0 != null && arg0.Decl is BoundVariable)
- {
- var = arg0.Decl;
- expr = naryExpr.Args[1];
- return true;
- }
- IdentifierExpr arg1 = naryExpr.Args[1] as IdentifierExpr;
- if (arg1 != null && arg1.Decl is BoundVariable)
- {
- var = arg1.Decl;
- expr = naryExpr.Args[0];
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public Expr TransitionRelationCompute()
- {
- Expr transitionRelation = Expr.False;
- foreach (PathInfo path in paths)
- {
- transitionRelation = Expr.Or(transitionRelation, CalculatePathCondition(path));
- }
- ResolutionContext rc = new ResolutionContext(null);
- rc.StateMode = ResolutionContext.State.Two;
- transitionRelation.Resolve(rc);
- transitionRelation.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
- return transitionRelation;
- }
- private void Search(Block b, bool inFirst)
- {
- int pathSizeAtEntry = cmdStack.Count;
- foreach (Cmd cmd in b.Cmds)
- {
- cmdStack.Push(cmd);
- }
- if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- {
- if (first == null || inFirst)
- {
- AddPath();
- }
- else
- {
- List<IdentifierExpr> havocVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- first.thatOutParams.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
- first.thatAction.LocVars.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
- if (havocVars.Count > 0)
- {
- HavocCmd havocCmd = new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, havocVars);
- cmdStack.Push(havocCmd);
- }
- Search(first.thatAction.Blocks[0], true);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- foreach (Block target in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
- {
- Search(target, inFirst);
- }
- }
- Debug.Assert(cmdStack.Count >= pathSizeAtEntry);
- while (cmdStack.Count > pathSizeAtEntry)
- {
- cmdStack.Pop();
- }
- }
- }
- private static List<Block> CloneBlocks(List<Block> blocks)
- {
- Dictionary<Block, Block> blockMap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
- List<Block> otherBlocks = new List<Block>();
- foreach (Block block in blocks)
- {
- List<Cmd> otherCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
- {
- otherCmds.Add(cmd);
- }
- Block otherBlock = new Block();
- otherBlock.Cmds = otherCmds;
- otherBlock.Label = block.Label;
- otherBlocks.Add(otherBlock);
- blockMap[block] = otherBlock;
- }
- foreach (Block block in blocks)
- {
- if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd) continue;
- List<Block> otherGotoCmdLabelTargets = new List<Block>();
- List<string> otherGotoCmdLabelNames = new List<string>();
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- foreach (Block target in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
- {
- otherGotoCmdLabelTargets.Add(blockMap[target]);
- otherGotoCmdLabelNames.Add(blockMap[target].Label);
- }
- blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok, otherGotoCmdLabelNames, otherGotoCmdLabelTargets);
- }
- return otherBlocks;
- }
- private List<Requires> DisjointnessRequires(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second, HashSet<Variable> frame)
- {
- List<Requires> requires = new List<Requires>();
- Dictionary<string, HashSet<Variable>> domainNameToScope = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<Variable>>();
- foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- domainNameToScope[domainName] = new HashSet<Variable>();
- }
- foreach (Variable v in frame)
- {
- var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
- if (domainName == null) continue;
- if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
- domainNameToScope[domainName].Add(v);
- }
- if (first != null)
- {
- foreach (Variable v in first.thatInParams)
- {
- var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
- if (domainName == null) continue;
- if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
- domainNameToScope[domainName].Add(v);
- }
- }
- foreach (Variable v in second.thisInParams)
- {
- var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
- if (domainName == null) continue;
- if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
- domainNameToScope[domainName].Add(v);
- }
- foreach (string domainName in domainNameToScope.Keys)
- {
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, linearTypeChecker.DisjointnessExpr(domainName, domainNameToScope[domainName])));
- }
- return requires;
- }
- private void CreateCommutativityChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
- {
- if (first == second && first.thatInParams.Count == 0 && first.thatOutParams.Count == 0)
- return;
- if (first.CommutesWith(second))
- return;
- Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo> actionPair = new Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>(first, second);
- if (commutativityCheckerCache.Contains(actionPair))
- return;
- commutativityCheckerCache.Add(actionPair);
- List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
- inputs.AddRange(first.thatInParams);
- inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
- List<Variable> outputs = new List<Variable>();
- outputs.AddRange(first.thatOutParams);
- outputs.AddRange(second.thisOutParams);
- List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
- locals.AddRange(first.thatAction.LocVars);
- locals.AddRange(second.thisAction.LocVars);
- List<Block> firstBlocks = CloneBlocks(first.thatAction.Blocks);
- List<Block> secondBlocks = CloneBlocks(second.thisAction.Blocks);
- foreach (Block b in firstBlocks)
- {
- if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- {
- List<Block> bs = new List<Block>();
- bs.Add(secondBlocks[0]);
- List<string> ls = new List<string>();
- ls.Add(secondBlocks[0].Label);
- b.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, ls, bs);
- }
- }
- List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
- blocks.AddRange(firstBlocks);
- blocks.AddRange(secondBlocks);
- HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
- frame.UnionWith(first.gateUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(first.actionUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
- List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, first, second, frame);
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in first.thatGate)
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
- List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
- Expr transitionRelation = (new TransitionRelationComputation(program, first, second, frame, new HashSet<Variable>())).TransitionRelationCompute();
- Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(false, transitionRelation);
- ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("Commutativity check between {0} and {1} failed", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
- ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
- string checkerName = string.Format("CommutativityChecker_{0}_{1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
- List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
- Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, requires, globalVars, ensures);
- Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, locals, blocks);
- impl.Proc = proc;
- this.decls.Add(impl);
- this.decls.Add(proc);
- }
- private void CreateGatePreservationChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
- {
- if (first.gateUsedGlobalVars.Intersect(second.modifiedGlobalVars).Count() == 0)
- return;
- Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo> actionPair = new Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>(first, second);
- if (gatePreservationCheckerCache.Contains(actionPair))
- return;
- gatePreservationCheckerCache.Add(actionPair);
- List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
- inputs.AddRange(first.thatInParams);
- inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
- List<Variable> outputs = new List<Variable>();
- outputs.AddRange(first.thatOutParams);
- outputs.AddRange(second.thisOutParams);
- List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
- locals.AddRange(second.thisAction.LocVars);
- List<Block> secondBlocks = CloneBlocks(second.thisAction.Blocks);
- HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
- frame.UnionWith(first.gateUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
- List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, first, second, frame);
- List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in first.thatGate)
- {
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
- Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(assertCmd.tok, false, assertCmd.Expr, null);
- ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("Gate not preserved by {0}", second.proc.Name);
- ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
- }
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
- string checkerName = string.Format("GatePreservationChecker_{0}_{1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
- List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
- Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, requires, globalVars, ensures);
- Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, locals, secondBlocks);
- impl.Proc = proc;
- this.decls.Add(impl);
- this.decls.Add(proc);
- }
- private void CreateFailurePreservationChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
- {
- if (first.gateUsedGlobalVars.Intersect(second.modifiedGlobalVars).Count() == 0)
- return;
- Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo> actionPair = new Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>(first, second);
- if (failurePreservationCheckerCache.Contains(actionPair))
- return;
- failurePreservationCheckerCache.Add(actionPair);
- List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
- inputs.AddRange(first.thatInParams);
- inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
- List<Variable> outputs = new List<Variable>();
- outputs.AddRange(first.thatOutParams);
- outputs.AddRange(second.thisOutParams);
- List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
- locals.AddRange(second.thisAction.LocVars);
- List<Block> secondBlocks = CloneBlocks(second.thisAction.Blocks);
- HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
- frame.UnionWith(first.gateUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
- List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, first, second, frame);
- Expr gateExpr = Expr.True;
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in first.thatGate)
- {
- gateExpr = Expr.And(gateExpr, assertCmd.Expr);
- gateExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- }
- gateExpr = Expr.Not(gateExpr);
- gateExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, gateExpr));
- List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
- Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(false, gateExpr);
- ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("Gate failure of {0} not preserved by {1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
- ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
- string checkerName = string.Format("FailurePreservationChecker_{0}_{1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
- List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
- Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, requires, globalVars, ensures);
- Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, locals, secondBlocks);
- impl.Proc = proc;
- this.decls.Add(impl);
- this.decls.Add(proc);
- }
- private void CreateNonBlockingChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo second)
- {
- List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
- inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
- HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
- frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
- frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
- List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, null, second, frame);
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
- {
- requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
- }
- HashSet<Variable> postExistVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
- postExistVars.UnionWith(frame);
- postExistVars.UnionWith(second.thisOutParams);
- Expr ensuresExpr = (new TransitionRelationComputation(program, second, frame, postExistVars)).TransitionRelationCompute();
- List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
- Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(false, ensuresExpr);
- ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("{0} is blocking", second.proc.Name);
- ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
- List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
- blocks.Add(new Block(Token.NoToken, "L", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken)));
- string checkerName = string.Format("NonBlockingChecker_{0}", second.proc.Name);
- List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
- Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), requires, globalVars, ensures);
- Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Variable>(), blocks);
- impl.Proc = proc;
- this.decls.Add(impl);
- this.decls.Add(proc);
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie
+ public class MoverCheck
+ {
+ LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker;
+ MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
+ List<Declaration> decls;
+ HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>> commutativityCheckerCache;
+ HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>> gatePreservationCheckerCache;
+ HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>> failurePreservationCheckerCache;
+ private MoverCheck(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, List<Declaration> decls)
+ {
+ this.linearTypeChecker = linearTypeChecker;
+ this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
+ this.decls = decls;
+ this.commutativityCheckerCache = new HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>>();
+ this.gatePreservationCheckerCache = new HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>>();
+ this.failurePreservationCheckerCache = new HashSet<Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>>();
+ }
+ public static void AddCheckers(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, List<Declaration> decls)
+ {
+ if (moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.Count == 0)
+ return;
+ List<ActionInfo> sortedByCreatedLayerNum = new List<ActionInfo>(moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.Values.Where(x => x is AtomicActionInfo && !x.isExtern));
+ sortedByCreatedLayerNum.Sort((x, y) => { return (x.createdAtLayerNum == y.createdAtLayerNum) ? 0 : (x.createdAtLayerNum < y.createdAtLayerNum) ? -1 : 1; });
+ List<ActionInfo> sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum = new List<ActionInfo>(moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.Values.Where(x => x is AtomicActionInfo && !x.isExtern));
+ sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum.Sort((x, y) => { return (x.availableUptoLayerNum == y.availableUptoLayerNum) ? 0 : (x.availableUptoLayerNum < y.availableUptoLayerNum) ? -1 : 1; });
+ Dictionary<int, HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>> pools = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>>();
+ int indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum = 0;
+ int indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum = 0;
+ HashSet<AtomicActionInfo> currPool = new HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>();
+ while (indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum < sortedByCreatedLayerNum.Count)
+ {
+ var currLayerNum = sortedByCreatedLayerNum[indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum].createdAtLayerNum;
+ pools[currLayerNum] = new HashSet<AtomicActionInfo>(currPool);
+ while (indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum < sortedByCreatedLayerNum.Count)
+ {
+ var actionInfo = sortedByCreatedLayerNum[indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum] as AtomicActionInfo;
+ if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum > currLayerNum) break;
+ pools[currLayerNum].Add(actionInfo);
+ indexIntoSortedByCreatedLayerNum++;
+ }
+ while (indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum < sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum.Count)
+ {
+ var actionInfo = sortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum[indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum] as AtomicActionInfo;
+ if (actionInfo.availableUptoLayerNum > currLayerNum) break;
+ pools[currLayerNum].Remove(actionInfo);
+ indexIntoSortedByAvailableUptoLayerNum++;
+ }
+ currPool = pools[currLayerNum];
+ }
+ Program program = moverTypeChecker.program;
+ MoverCheck moverChecking = new MoverCheck(linearTypeChecker, moverTypeChecker, decls);
+ foreach (int layerNum in pools.Keys)
+ {
+ foreach (AtomicActionInfo first in pools[layerNum])
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(first.moverType != MoverType.Top);
+ if (first.moverType == MoverType.Atomic)
+ continue;
+ foreach (AtomicActionInfo second in pools[layerNum])
+ {
+ if (first.IsRightMover)
+ {
+ moverChecking.CreateCommutativityChecker(program, first, second);
+ moverChecking.CreateGatePreservationChecker(program, second, first);
+ }
+ if (first.IsLeftMover)
+ {
+ moverChecking.CreateCommutativityChecker(program, second, first);
+ moverChecking.CreateGatePreservationChecker(program, first, second);
+ moverChecking.CreateFailurePreservationChecker(program, second, first);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo in sortedByCreatedLayerNum)
+ {
+ if (atomicActionInfo.IsLeftMover && atomicActionInfo.hasAssumeCmd)
+ {
+ moverChecking.CreateNonBlockingChecker(program, atomicActionInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public sealed class MyDuplicator : Duplicator
+ {
+ public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node)
+ {
+ IdentifierExpr ret = (IdentifierExpr) base.VisitIdentifierExpr(node);
+ if (ret.Decl is GlobalVariable)
+ {
+ return new OldExpr(Token.NoToken, ret);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class TransitionRelationComputation
+ {
+ private Program program;
+ private AtomicActionInfo first; // corresponds to that*
+ private AtomicActionInfo second; // corresponds to this*
+ private Stack<Cmd> cmdStack;
+ private List<PathInfo> paths;
+ private HashSet<Variable> frame;
+ private HashSet<Variable> postExistVars;
+ public TransitionRelationComputation(Program program, AtomicActionInfo second, HashSet<Variable> frame, HashSet<Variable> postExistVars)
+ {
+ this.postExistVars = postExistVars;
+ this.frame = frame;
+ TransitionRelationComputationHelper(program, null, second);
+ }
+ public TransitionRelationComputation(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second, HashSet<Variable> frame, HashSet<Variable> postExistVars)
+ {
+ this.postExistVars = postExistVars;
+ this.frame = frame;
+ TransitionRelationComputationHelper(program, first, second);
+ }
+ private void TransitionRelationComputationHelper(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
+ {
+ this.program = program;
+ this.first = first;
+ this.second = second;
+ this.cmdStack = new Stack<Cmd>();
+ this.paths = new List<PathInfo>();
+ List<IdentifierExpr> havocVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ this.second.thisOutParams.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
+ this.second.thisAction.LocVars.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
+ if (havocVars.Count > 0)
+ {
+ HavocCmd havocCmd = new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, havocVars);
+ cmdStack.Push(havocCmd);
+ }
+ Search(this.second.thisAction.Blocks[0], false);
+ }
+ private void Substitute(Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map, ref List<Expr> pathExprs, ref Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr)
+ {
+ Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
+ List<Expr> oldPathExprs = pathExprs;
+ pathExprs = new List<Expr>();
+ foreach (Expr pathExpr in oldPathExprs)
+ {
+ pathExprs.Add(Substituter.Apply(subst, pathExpr));
+ }
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> oldVarToExpr = varToExpr;
+ varToExpr = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (Variable v in oldVarToExpr.Keys)
+ {
+ varToExpr[v] = Substituter.Apply(subst, oldVarToExpr[v]);
+ }
+ }
+ struct PathInfo
+ {
+ public HashSet<Variable> existsVars;
+ public Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr;
+ public List<Expr> pathExprs;
+ public PathInfo(HashSet<Variable> existsVars, Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr, List<Expr> pathExprs)
+ {
+ this.existsVars = existsVars;
+ this.varToExpr = varToExpr;
+ this.pathExprs = pathExprs;
+ }
+ }
+ private void FlattenAnd(Expr x, List<Expr> xs)
+ {
+ NAryExpr naryExpr = x as NAryExpr;
+ if (naryExpr != null && naryExpr.Fun.FunctionName == "&&")
+ {
+ FlattenAnd(naryExpr.Args[0], xs);
+ FlattenAnd(naryExpr.Args[1], xs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xs.Add(x);
+ }
+ }
+ private void AddPath()
+ {
+ HashSet<Variable> existsVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (Variable v in frame)
+ {
+ varToExpr[v] = Expr.Ident(v);
+ }
+ if (first != null)
+ {
+ foreach (Variable v in first.thatOutParams)
+ {
+ varToExpr[v] = Expr.Ident(v);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Variable v in second.thisOutParams)
+ {
+ varToExpr[v] = Expr.Ident(v);
+ }
+ List<Expr> pathExprs = new List<Expr>();
+ int boundVariableCount = 0;
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in cmdStack)
+ {
+ if (cmd is AssumeCmd)
+ {
+ AssumeCmd assumeCmd = cmd as AssumeCmd;
+ FlattenAnd(assumeCmd.Expr, pathExprs);
+ }
+ else if (cmd is AssignCmd)
+ {
+ AssignCmd assignCmd = (cmd as AssignCmd).AsSimpleAssignCmd;
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ for (int k = 0; k < assignCmd.Lhss.Count; k++)
+ {
+ map[assignCmd.Lhss[k].DeepAssignedVariable] = assignCmd.Rhss[k];
+ }
+ Substitute(map, ref pathExprs, ref varToExpr);
+ }
+ else if (cmd is HavocCmd)
+ {
+ HavocCmd havocCmd = cmd as HavocCmd;
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in havocCmd.Vars)
+ {
+ BoundVariable bv = new BoundVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "#tmp_" + boundVariableCount++, ie.Decl.TypedIdent.Type));
+ map[ie.Decl] = Expr.Ident(bv);
+ existsVars.Add(bv);
+ }
+ Substitute(map, ref pathExprs, ref varToExpr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ paths.Add(new PathInfo(existsVars, varToExpr, pathExprs));
+ }
+ private Expr CalculatePathCondition(PathInfo path)
+ {
+ Expr returnExpr = Expr.True;
+ HashSet<Variable> existsVars = path.existsVars;
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> existsMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> varToExpr = path.varToExpr;
+ foreach (Variable v in varToExpr.Keys)
+ {
+ if (postExistVars.Contains(v)) continue;
+ IdentifierExpr ie = varToExpr[v] as IdentifierExpr;
+ if (ie != null && !existsMap.ContainsKey(ie.Decl) && existsVars.Contains(ie.Decl))
+ {
+ existsMap[ie.Decl] = Expr.Ident(v);
+ existsVars.Remove(ie.Decl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ returnExpr = Expr.And(returnExpr, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(v), (new MyDuplicator()).VisitExpr(varToExpr[v])));
+ returnExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ }
+ }
+ List<Expr> pathExprs = new List<Expr>();
+ path.pathExprs.ForEach(x => pathExprs.Add((new MyDuplicator()).VisitExpr(x)));
+ foreach (Expr x in pathExprs)
+ {
+ Variable boundVar;
+ Expr boundVarExpr;
+ if (InferSubstitution(x, out boundVar, out boundVarExpr) && existsVars.Contains(boundVar))
+ {
+ existsMap[boundVar] = boundVarExpr;
+ existsVars.Remove(boundVar);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ returnExpr = Expr.And(returnExpr, x);
+ returnExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ }
+ }
+ returnExpr = Substituter.Apply(Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(existsMap), returnExpr);
+ if (existsVars.Count > 0)
+ {
+ returnExpr = new ExistsExpr(Token.NoToken, new List<Variable>(existsVars), returnExpr);
+ }
+ return returnExpr;
+ }
+ bool InferSubstitution(Expr x, out Variable var, out Expr expr)
+ {
+ var = null;
+ expr = null;
+ NAryExpr naryExpr = x as NAryExpr;
+ if (naryExpr == null || naryExpr.Fun.FunctionName != "==")
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ IdentifierExpr arg0 = naryExpr.Args[0] as IdentifierExpr;
+ if (arg0 != null && arg0.Decl is BoundVariable)
+ {
+ var = arg0.Decl;
+ expr = naryExpr.Args[1];
+ return true;
+ }
+ IdentifierExpr arg1 = naryExpr.Args[1] as IdentifierExpr;
+ if (arg1 != null && arg1.Decl is BoundVariable)
+ {
+ var = arg1.Decl;
+ expr = naryExpr.Args[0];
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public Expr TransitionRelationCompute(bool withOriginalInOutVariables = false)
+ {
+ Expr transitionRelation = Expr.False;
+ foreach (PathInfo path in paths)
+ {
+ transitionRelation = Expr.Or(transitionRelation, CalculatePathCondition(path));
+ }
+ ResolutionContext rc = new ResolutionContext(null);
+ rc.StateMode = ResolutionContext.State.Two;
+ transitionRelation.Resolve(rc);
+ transitionRelation.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
+ if (withOriginalInOutVariables)
+ {
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> invertedMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ if (first != null)
+ {
+ foreach (var x in first.thatMap)
+ {
+ invertedMap[((IdentifierExpr)x.Value).Decl] = Expr.Ident(x.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ if (second != null)
+ {
+ foreach (var x in second.thisMap)
+ {
+ invertedMap[((IdentifierExpr)x.Value).Decl] = Expr.Ident(x.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(invertedMap);
+ return Substituter.Apply(subst, transitionRelation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return transitionRelation;
+ }
+ }
+ private void Search(Block b, bool inFirst)
+ {
+ int pathSizeAtEntry = cmdStack.Count;
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in b.Cmds)
+ {
+ cmdStack.Push(cmd);
+ }
+ if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
+ {
+ if (first == null || inFirst)
+ {
+ AddPath();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ List<IdentifierExpr> havocVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ first.thatOutParams.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
+ first.thatAction.LocVars.ForEach(v => havocVars.Add(Expr.Ident(v)));
+ if (havocVars.Count > 0)
+ {
+ HavocCmd havocCmd = new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, havocVars);
+ cmdStack.Push(havocCmd);
+ }
+ Search(first.thatAction.Blocks[0], true);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ foreach (Block target in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
+ {
+ Search(target, inFirst);
+ }
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(cmdStack.Count >= pathSizeAtEntry);
+ while (cmdStack.Count > pathSizeAtEntry)
+ {
+ cmdStack.Pop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static List<Block> CloneBlocks(List<Block> blocks)
+ {
+ Dictionary<Block, Block> blockMap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
+ List<Block> otherBlocks = new List<Block>();
+ foreach (Block block in blocks)
+ {
+ List<Cmd> otherCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
+ {
+ otherCmds.Add(cmd);
+ }
+ Block otherBlock = new Block();
+ otherBlock.Cmds = otherCmds;
+ otherBlock.Label = block.Label;
+ otherBlocks.Add(otherBlock);
+ blockMap[block] = otherBlock;
+ }
+ foreach (Block block in blocks)
+ {
+ if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd) continue;
+ List<Block> otherGotoCmdLabelTargets = new List<Block>();
+ List<string> otherGotoCmdLabelNames = new List<string>();
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ foreach (Block target in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
+ {
+ otherGotoCmdLabelTargets.Add(blockMap[target]);
+ otherGotoCmdLabelNames.Add(blockMap[target].Label);
+ }
+ blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok, otherGotoCmdLabelNames, otherGotoCmdLabelTargets);
+ }
+ return otherBlocks;
+ }
+ private List<Requires> DisjointnessRequires(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second, HashSet<Variable> frame)
+ {
+ List<Requires> requires = new List<Requires>();
+ Dictionary<string, HashSet<Variable>> domainNameToScope = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<Variable>>();
+ foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ domainNameToScope[domainName] = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ }
+ foreach (Variable v in frame)
+ {
+ var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
+ if (domainName == null) continue;
+ if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
+ domainNameToScope[domainName].Add(v);
+ }
+ if (first != null)
+ {
+ foreach (Variable v in first.thatInParams)
+ {
+ var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
+ if (domainName == null) continue;
+ if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
+ domainNameToScope[domainName].Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Variable v in second.thisInParams)
+ {
+ var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
+ if (domainName == null) continue;
+ if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
+ domainNameToScope[domainName].Add(v);
+ }
+ foreach (string domainName in domainNameToScope.Keys)
+ {
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, linearTypeChecker.DisjointnessExpr(domainName, domainNameToScope[domainName])));
+ }
+ return requires;
+ }
+ private void CreateCommutativityChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
+ {
+ if (first == second && first.thatInParams.Count == 0 && first.thatOutParams.Count == 0)
+ return;
+ if (first.CommutesWith(second))
+ return;
+ Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo> actionPair = new Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>(first, second);
+ if (commutativityCheckerCache.Contains(actionPair))
+ return;
+ commutativityCheckerCache.Add(actionPair);
+ List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
+ inputs.AddRange(first.thatInParams);
+ inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
+ List<Variable> outputs = new List<Variable>();
+ outputs.AddRange(first.thatOutParams);
+ outputs.AddRange(second.thisOutParams);
+ List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
+ locals.AddRange(first.thatAction.LocVars);
+ locals.AddRange(second.thisAction.LocVars);
+ List<Block> firstBlocks = CloneBlocks(first.thatAction.Blocks);
+ List<Block> secondBlocks = CloneBlocks(second.thisAction.Blocks);
+ foreach (Block b in firstBlocks)
+ {
+ if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
+ {
+ List<Block> bs = new List<Block>();
+ bs.Add(secondBlocks[0]);
+ List<string> ls = new List<string>();
+ ls.Add(secondBlocks[0].Label);
+ b.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, ls, bs);
+ }
+ }
+ List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
+ blocks.AddRange(firstBlocks);
+ blocks.AddRange(secondBlocks);
+ HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ frame.UnionWith(first.gateUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(first.actionUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
+ List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, first, second, frame);
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in first.thatGate)
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
+ List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
+ Expr transitionRelation = (new TransitionRelationComputation(program, first, second, frame, new HashSet<Variable>())).TransitionRelationCompute();
+ Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(false, transitionRelation);
+ ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("Commutativity check between {0} and {1} failed", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
+ ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
+ string checkerName = string.Format("CommutativityChecker_{0}_{1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
+ List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
+ Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, requires, globalVars, ensures);
+ Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, locals, blocks);
+ impl.Proc = proc;
+ this.decls.Add(impl);
+ this.decls.Add(proc);
+ }
+ private void CreateGatePreservationChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
+ {
+ if (first.gateUsedGlobalVars.Intersect(second.modifiedGlobalVars).Count() == 0)
+ return;
+ Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo> actionPair = new Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>(first, second);
+ if (gatePreservationCheckerCache.Contains(actionPair))
+ return;
+ gatePreservationCheckerCache.Add(actionPair);
+ List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
+ inputs.AddRange(first.thatInParams);
+ inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
+ List<Variable> outputs = new List<Variable>();
+ outputs.AddRange(first.thatOutParams);
+ outputs.AddRange(second.thisOutParams);
+ List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
+ locals.AddRange(second.thisAction.LocVars);
+ List<Block> secondBlocks = CloneBlocks(second.thisAction.Blocks);
+ HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ frame.UnionWith(first.gateUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
+ List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, first, second, frame);
+ List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in first.thatGate)
+ {
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
+ Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(assertCmd.tok, false, assertCmd.Expr, null);
+ ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("Gate not preserved by {0}", second.proc.Name);
+ ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
+ }
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
+ string checkerName = string.Format("GatePreservationChecker_{0}_{1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
+ List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
+ Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, requires, globalVars, ensures);
+ Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, locals, secondBlocks);
+ impl.Proc = proc;
+ this.decls.Add(impl);
+ this.decls.Add(proc);
+ }
+ private void CreateFailurePreservationChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo first, AtomicActionInfo second)
+ {
+ if (first.gateUsedGlobalVars.Intersect(second.modifiedGlobalVars).Count() == 0)
+ return;
+ Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo> actionPair = new Tuple<AtomicActionInfo, AtomicActionInfo>(first, second);
+ if (failurePreservationCheckerCache.Contains(actionPair))
+ return;
+ failurePreservationCheckerCache.Add(actionPair);
+ List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
+ inputs.AddRange(first.thatInParams);
+ inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
+ List<Variable> outputs = new List<Variable>();
+ outputs.AddRange(first.thatOutParams);
+ outputs.AddRange(second.thisOutParams);
+ List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
+ locals.AddRange(second.thisAction.LocVars);
+ List<Block> secondBlocks = CloneBlocks(second.thisAction.Blocks);
+ HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ frame.UnionWith(first.gateUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
+ List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, first, second, frame);
+ Expr gateExpr = Expr.True;
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in first.thatGate)
+ {
+ gateExpr = Expr.And(gateExpr, assertCmd.Expr);
+ gateExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ }
+ gateExpr = Expr.Not(gateExpr);
+ gateExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, gateExpr));
+ List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
+ Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(false, gateExpr);
+ ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("Gate failure of {0} not preserved by {1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
+ ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
+ string checkerName = string.Format("FailurePreservationChecker_{0}_{1}", first.proc.Name, second.proc.Name);
+ List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
+ Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, requires, globalVars, ensures);
+ Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, outputs, locals, secondBlocks);
+ impl.Proc = proc;
+ this.decls.Add(impl);
+ this.decls.Add(proc);
+ }
+ private void CreateNonBlockingChecker(Program program, AtomicActionInfo second)
+ {
+ List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
+ inputs.AddRange(second.thisInParams);
+ HashSet<Variable> frame = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ frame.UnionWith(second.gateUsedGlobalVars);
+ frame.UnionWith(second.actionUsedGlobalVars);
+ List<Requires> requires = DisjointnessRequires(program, null, second, frame);
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in second.thisGate)
+ {
+ requires.Add(new Requires(false, assertCmd.Expr));
+ }
+ HashSet<Variable> postExistVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ postExistVars.UnionWith(frame);
+ postExistVars.UnionWith(second.thisOutParams);
+ Expr ensuresExpr = (new TransitionRelationComputation(program, second, frame, postExistVars)).TransitionRelationCompute();
+ List<Ensures> ensures = new List<Ensures>();
+ Ensures ensureCheck = new Ensures(false, ensuresExpr);
+ ensureCheck.ErrorData = string.Format("{0} is blocking", second.proc.Name);
+ ensures.Add(ensureCheck);
+ List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
+ blocks.Add(new Block(Token.NoToken, "L", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken)));
+ string checkerName = string.Format("NonBlockingChecker_{0}", second.proc.Name);
+ List<IdentifierExpr> globalVars = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => globalVars.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
+ Procedure proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), requires, globalVars, ensures);
+ Implementation impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, checkerName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Variable>(), blocks);
+ impl.Proc = proc;
+ this.decls.Add(impl);
+ this.decls.Add(proc);
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Concurrency/OwickiGries.cs b/Source/Concurrency/OwickiGries.cs
index 626f2c4a..2ad08024 100644
--- a/Source/Concurrency/OwickiGries.cs
+++ b/Source/Concurrency/OwickiGries.cs
@@ -1,1206 +1,1206 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie
- public class MyDuplicator : Duplicator
- {
- MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
- public int layerNum;
- Procedure enclosingProc;
- Implementation enclosingImpl;
- public Dictionary<Procedure, Procedure> procMap; /* Original -> Duplicate */
- public Dictionary<Absy, Absy> absyMap; /* Duplicate -> Original */
- public Dictionary<Implementation, Implementation> implMap; /* Duplicate -> Original */
- public HashSet<Procedure> yieldingProcs;
- public List<Implementation> impls;
- public MyDuplicator(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, int layerNum)
- {
- this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
- this.layerNum = layerNum;
- this.enclosingProc = null;
- this.enclosingImpl = null;
- this.procMap = new Dictionary<Procedure, Procedure>();
- this.absyMap = new Dictionary<Absy, Absy>();
- this.implMap = new Dictionary<Implementation, Implementation>();
- this.yieldingProcs = new HashSet<Procedure>();
- this.impls = new List<Implementation>();
- }
- private void ProcessCallCmd(CallCmd originalCallCmd, CallCmd callCmd, List<Cmd> newCmds)
- {
- int enclosingProcLayerNum = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
- Procedure originalProc = originalCallCmd.Proc;
- if (moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(originalProc))
- {
- AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[originalProc] as AtomicActionInfo;
- if (atomicActionInfo != null && atomicActionInfo.thisGate.Count > 0 && layerNum == enclosingProcLayerNum)
- {
- newCmds.Add(new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<IdentifierExpr>(new IdentifierExpr[] { Expr.Ident(dummyLocalVar) })));
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- for (int i = 0; i < originalProc.InParams.Count; i++)
- {
- map[originalProc.InParams[i]] = callCmd.Ins[i];
- }
- Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in atomicActionInfo.thisGate)
- {
- newCmds.Add(Substituter.Apply(subst, assertCmd));
- }
- }
- }
- newCmds.Add(callCmd);
- }
- private void ProcessParCallCmd(ParCallCmd originalParCallCmd, ParCallCmd parCallCmd, List<Cmd> newCmds)
- {
- int maxCalleeLayerNum = 0;
- foreach (CallCmd iter in originalParCallCmd.CallCmds)
- {
- int calleeLayerNum = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[iter.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
- if (calleeLayerNum > maxCalleeLayerNum)
- maxCalleeLayerNum = calleeLayerNum;
- }
- if (layerNum > maxCalleeLayerNum)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < parCallCmd.CallCmds.Count; i++)
- {
- ProcessCallCmd(originalParCallCmd.CallCmds[i], parCallCmd.CallCmds[i], newCmds);
- absyMap[parCallCmd.CallCmds[i]] = originalParCallCmd;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- newCmds.Add(parCallCmd);
- }
- }
- public override List<Cmd> VisitCmdSeq(List<Cmd> cmdSeq)
- {
- List<Cmd> cmds = base.VisitCmdSeq(cmdSeq);
- List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Count; i++)
- {
- Cmd originalCmd = cmdSeq[i];
- Cmd cmd = cmds[i];
- CallCmd originalCallCmd = originalCmd as CallCmd;
- if (originalCallCmd != null)
- {
- ProcessCallCmd(originalCallCmd, cmd as CallCmd, newCmds);
- continue;
- }
- ParCallCmd originalParCallCmd = originalCmd as ParCallCmd;
- if (originalParCallCmd != null)
- {
- ProcessParCallCmd(originalParCallCmd, cmd as ParCallCmd, newCmds);
- continue;
- }
- newCmds.Add(cmd);
- }
- return newCmds;
- }
- public override YieldCmd VisitYieldCmd(YieldCmd node)
- {
- YieldCmd yieldCmd = base.VisitYieldCmd(node);
- absyMap[yieldCmd] = node;
- return yieldCmd;
- }
- public override Block VisitBlock(Block node)
- {
- Block block = base.VisitBlock(node);
- absyMap[block] = node;
- return block;
- }
- public override Cmd VisitCallCmd(CallCmd node)
- {
- CallCmd callCmd = (CallCmd) base.VisitCallCmd(node);
- callCmd.Proc = VisitProcedure(callCmd.Proc);
- callCmd.callee = callCmd.Proc.Name;
- absyMap[callCmd] = node;
- return callCmd;
- }
- public override Cmd VisitParCallCmd(ParCallCmd node)
- {
- ParCallCmd parCallCmd = (ParCallCmd) base.VisitParCallCmd(node);
- absyMap[parCallCmd] = node;
- return parCallCmd;
- }
- public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
- {
- if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node))
- return node;
- if (!procMap.ContainsKey(node))
- {
- enclosingProc = node;
- Procedure proc = (Procedure)node.Clone();
- proc.Name = string.Format("{0}_{1}", node.Name, layerNum);
- proc.InParams = this.VisitVariableSeq(node.InParams);
- proc.Modifies = this.VisitIdentifierExprSeq(node.Modifies);
- proc.OutParams = this.VisitVariableSeq(node.OutParams);
- ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[node];
- if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum < layerNum)
- {
- proc.Requires = new List<Requires>();
- proc.Ensures = new List<Ensures>();
- Implementation impl;
- AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
- if (atomicActionInfo != null)
- {
- CodeExpr action = (CodeExpr)VisitCodeExpr(atomicActionInfo.thisAction);
- List<Cmd> cmds = new List<Cmd>();
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in atomicActionInfo.thisGate)
- {
- cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, (Expr)Visit(assertCmd.Expr)));
- }
- Block newInitBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "_init", cmds,
- new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<string>(new string[] { action.Blocks[0].Label }),
- new List<Block>(new Block[] { action.Blocks[0] })));
- List<Block> newBlocks = new List<Block>();
- newBlocks.Add(newInitBlock);
- newBlocks.AddRange(action.Blocks);
- impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, proc.Name, node.TypeParameters, node.InParams, node.OutParams, action.LocVars, newBlocks);
- }
- else
- {
- Block newInitBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "_init", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
- List<Block> newBlocks = new List<Block>();
- newBlocks.Add(newInitBlock);
- impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, proc.Name, node.TypeParameters, node.InParams, node.OutParams, new List<Variable>(), newBlocks);
- }
- impl.Proc = proc;
- impl.Proc.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
- impl.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
- impls.Add(impl);
- }
- else
- {
- yieldingProcs.Add(proc);
- proc.Requires = this.VisitRequiresSeq(node.Requires);
- proc.Ensures = this.VisitEnsuresSeq(node.Ensures);
- }
- procMap[node] = proc;
- proc.Modifies = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => proc.Modifies.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
- }
- return procMap[node];
- }
- private Variable dummyLocalVar;
- public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
- {
- enclosingImpl = node;
- dummyLocalVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "og_dummy", Type.Bool));
- Implementation impl = base.VisitImplementation(node);
- implMap[impl] = node;
- impl.LocVars.Add(dummyLocalVar);
- impl.Name = impl.Proc.Name;
- return impl;
- }
- public override Requires VisitRequires(Requires node)
- {
- Requires requires = base.VisitRequires(node);
- if (node.Free)
- return requires;
- if (!moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[node].Contains(layerNum))
- requires.Condition = Expr.True;
- return requires;
- }
- public override Ensures VisitEnsures(Ensures node)
- {
- Ensures ensures = base.VisitEnsures(node);
- if (node.Free)
- return ensures;
- AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[enclosingProc] as AtomicActionInfo;
- bool isAtomicSpecification = atomicActionInfo != null && atomicActionInfo.ensures == node;
- if (isAtomicSpecification || !moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[node].Contains(layerNum))
- {
- ensures.Condition = Expr.True;
- ensures.Attributes = OwickiGries.RemoveMoverAttribute(ensures.Attributes);
- }
- return ensures;
- }
- public override Cmd VisitAssertCmd(AssertCmd node)
- {
- AssertCmd assertCmd = (AssertCmd) base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
- if (!moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[node].Contains(layerNum))
- assertCmd.Expr = Expr.True;
- return assertCmd;
- }
- }
- public class OwickiGries
- {
- LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker;
- MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
- Dictionary<Absy, Absy> absyMap;
- Dictionary<Implementation, Implementation> implMap;
- HashSet<Procedure> yieldingProcs;
- int layerNum;
- List<IdentifierExpr> globalMods;
- Dictionary<string, Procedure> asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings;
- List<Procedure> yieldCheckerProcs;
- List<Implementation> yieldCheckerImpls;
- Procedure yieldProc;
- Variable pc;
- Variable ok;
- Expr alpha;
- Expr beta;
- HashSet<Variable> frame;
- public OwickiGries(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, MyDuplicator duplicator)
- {
- this.linearTypeChecker = linearTypeChecker;
- this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
- this.absyMap = duplicator.absyMap;
- this.layerNum = duplicator.layerNum;
- this.implMap = duplicator.implMap;
- this.yieldingProcs = duplicator.yieldingProcs;
- Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
- globalMods = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- foreach (Variable g in moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables)
- {
- globalMods.Add(Expr.Ident(g));
- }
- asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings = new Dictionary<string, Procedure>();
- yieldCheckerProcs = new List<Procedure>();
- yieldCheckerImpls = new List<Implementation>();
- yieldProc = null;
- }
- private IEnumerable<Variable> AvailableLinearVars(Absy absy)
- {
- return linearTypeChecker.AvailableLinearVars(absyMap[absy]);
- }
- private CallCmd CallToYieldProc(IToken tok, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
- {
- List<Expr> exprSeq = new List<Expr>();
- foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- exprSeq.Add(Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName]));
- }
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
- {
- exprSeq.Add(Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[ie.Decl]));
- }
- if (yieldProc == null)
- {
- List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
- Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "linear_" + domainName + "_in", new MapType(Token.NoToken, new List<TypeVariable>(), new List<Type> { domain.elementType }, Type.Bool)), true);
- inputs.Add(f);
- }
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
- {
- Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", ie.Decl.Name), ie.Decl.TypedIdent.Type), true);
- inputs.Add(f);
- }
- yieldProc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_yield_{0}", layerNum), new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Requires>(), new List<IdentifierExpr>(), new List<Ensures>());
- yieldProc.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
- }
- CallCmd yieldCallCmd = new CallCmd(Token.NoToken, yieldProc.Name, exprSeq, new List<IdentifierExpr>());
- yieldCallCmd.Proc = yieldProc;
- return yieldCallCmd;
- }
- private void AddCallToYieldProc(IToken tok, List<Cmd> newCmds, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
- {
- if (!CommandLineOptions.Clo.TrustNonInterference)
- {
- CallCmd yieldCallCmd = CallToYieldProc(tok, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- newCmds.Add(yieldCallCmd);
- }
- if (pc != null)
- {
- Expr aa = OldEqualityExprForGlobals(ogOldGlobalMap);
- Expr bb = OldEqualityExpr(ogOldGlobalMap);
- // assert pc || g_old == g || beta(i, g_old, o, g);
- Expr assertExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), Expr.Or(aa, beta));
- assertExpr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
- AssertCmd skipOrBetaAssertCmd = new AssertCmd(tok, assertExpr);
- skipOrBetaAssertCmd.ErrorData = "Transition invariant in initial state violated";
- newCmds.Add(skipOrBetaAssertCmd);
- // assert pc ==> o_old == o && g_old == g;
- assertExpr = Expr.Imp(Expr.Ident(pc), bb);
- assertExpr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
- AssertCmd skipAssertCmd = new AssertCmd(tok, assertExpr);
- skipAssertCmd.ErrorData = "Transition invariant in final state violated"; ;
- newCmds.Add(skipAssertCmd);
- // pc, ok := g_old == g ==> pc, ok || beta(i, g_old, o, g);
- List<AssignLhs> pcUpdateLHS = new List<AssignLhs>(
- new AssignLhs[] {
- new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(pc)),
- new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ok))
- });
- List<Expr> pcUpdateRHS = new List<Expr>(
- new Expr[] {
- Expr.Imp(aa, Expr.Ident(pc)),
- Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(ok), beta)
- });
- foreach (Expr e in pcUpdateRHS)
- {
- e.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
- }
- newCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, pcUpdateLHS, pcUpdateRHS));
- }
- }
- private Dictionary<string, Expr> ComputeAvailableExprs(IEnumerable<Variable> availableLinearVars, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar)
- {
- Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = new Dictionary<string, Expr>();
- foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- var expr = Expr.Ident(domainNameToInputVar[domainName]);
- expr.Resolve(new ResolutionContext(null));
- expr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
- domainNameToExpr[domainName] = expr;
- }
- foreach (Variable v in availableLinearVars)
- {
- var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
- if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
- var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
- if (!domain.collectors.ContainsKey(v.TypedIdent.Type)) continue;
- Expr ie = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.collectors[v.TypedIdent.Type]), new List<Expr> { Expr.Ident(v) });
- var expr = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.mapOrBool), new List<Expr> { ie, domainNameToExpr[domainName] });
- expr.Resolve(new ResolutionContext(null));
- expr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
- domainNameToExpr[domainName] = expr;
- }
- return domainNameToExpr;
- }
- private void AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(List<Cmd> newCmds, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr)
- {
- List<AssignLhs> lhss = new List<AssignLhs>();
- List<Expr> rhss = new List<Expr>();
- foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName])));
- rhss.Add(domainNameToExpr[domainName]);
- }
- foreach (Variable g in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
- {
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[g])));
- rhss.Add(Expr.Ident(g));
- }
- if (lhss.Count > 0)
- {
- newCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, lhss, rhss));
- }
- }
- private Expr OldEqualityExpr(Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
- {
- Expr bb = Expr.True;
- foreach (Variable o in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
- {
- if (o is GlobalVariable && !frame.Contains(o)) continue;
- bb = Expr.And(bb, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(o), Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[o])));
- bb.Type = Type.Bool;
- }
- return bb;
- }
- private Expr OldEqualityExprForGlobals(Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
- {
- Expr bb = Expr.True;
- foreach (Variable o in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
- {
- if (o is GlobalVariable && frame.Contains(o))
- {
- bb = Expr.And(bb, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(o), Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[o])));
- bb.Type = Type.Bool;
- }
- }
- return bb;
- }
- private void DesugarYield(YieldCmd yieldCmd, List<Cmd> cmds, List<Cmd> newCmds, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
- {
- AddCallToYieldProc(yieldCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- if (globalMods.Count > 0)
- {
- newCmds.Add(new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, globalMods));
- if (pc != null)
- {
- // assume pc || alpha(i, g);
- Expr assumeExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), alpha);
- assumeExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, assumeExpr));
- }
- }
- Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(AvailableLinearVars(yieldCmd), domainNameToInputVar);
- AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
- for (int j = 0; j < cmds.Count; j++)
- {
- PredicateCmd predCmd = (PredicateCmd)cmds[j];
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, predCmd.Expr));
- }
- }
- public void DesugarParallelCallCmd(List<Cmd> newCmds, ParCallCmd parCallCmd)
- {
- List<string> parallelCalleeNames = new List<string>();
- List<Expr> ins = new List<Expr>();
- List<IdentifierExpr> outs = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- string procName = "og";
- foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
- {
- procName = procName + "_" + callCmd.Proc.Name;
- ins.AddRange(callCmd.Ins);
- outs.AddRange(callCmd.Outs);
- }
- Procedure proc;
- if (asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings.ContainsKey(procName))
- {
- proc = asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[procName];
- }
- else
- {
- List<Variable> inParams = new List<Variable>();
- List<Variable> outParams = new List<Variable>();
- List<Requires> requiresSeq = new List<Requires>();
- List<Ensures> ensuresSeq = new List<Ensures>();
- int count = 0;
- foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
- {
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- foreach (Variable x in callCmd.Proc.InParams)
- {
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_{0}_{1}", count, x.Name), x.TypedIdent.Type), true);
- inParams.Add(y);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
- }
- foreach (Variable x in callCmd.Proc.OutParams)
- {
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_{0}_{1}", count, x.Name), x.TypedIdent.Type), false);
- outParams.Add(y);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
- }
- Contract.Assume(callCmd.Proc.TypeParameters.Count == 0);
- Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
- foreach (Requires req in callCmd.Proc.Requires)
- {
- requiresSeq.Add(new Requires(req.tok, req.Free, Substituter.Apply(subst, req.Condition), null, req.Attributes));
- }
- foreach (Ensures ens in callCmd.Proc.Ensures)
- {
- ensuresSeq.Add(new Ensures(ens.tok, ens.Free, Substituter.Apply(subst, ens.Condition), null, ens.Attributes));
- }
- count++;
- }
- proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, procName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inParams, outParams, requiresSeq, globalMods, ensuresSeq);
- asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[procName] = proc;
- }
- CallCmd dummyCallCmd = new CallCmd(parCallCmd.tok, proc.Name, ins, outs, parCallCmd.Attributes);
- dummyCallCmd.Proc = proc;
- newCmds.Add(dummyCallCmd);
- }
- private void CreateYieldCheckerImpl(Implementation impl, List<List<Cmd>> yields)
- {
- if (yields.Count == 0) return;
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- foreach (Variable local in impl.LocVars)
- {
- var copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, local.Name, local.TypedIdent.Type));
- map[local] = Expr.Ident(copy);
- }
- Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
- List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
- List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in map.Values)
- {
- locals.Add(ie.Decl);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count; i++)
- {
- Variable inParam = impl.InParams[i];
- Variable copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, inParam.Name, inParam.TypedIdent.Type));
- locals.Add(copy);
- map[impl.InParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(copy);
- }
- {
- int i = impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count;
- foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- Variable inParam = impl.InParams[i];
- Variable copy = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, inParam.Name, inParam.TypedIdent.Type), true);
- inputs.Add(copy);
- map[impl.InParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(copy);
- i++;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Count; i++)
- {
- Variable outParam = impl.OutParams[i];
- var copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, outParam.Name, outParam.TypedIdent.Type));
- locals.Add(copy);
- map[impl.OutParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(copy);
- }
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> ogOldLocalMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> assumeMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>(map);
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
- {
- Variable g = ie.Decl;
- var copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_local_old_{0}", g.Name), g.TypedIdent.Type));
- locals.Add(copy);
- ogOldLocalMap[g] = Expr.Ident(copy);
- Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", g.Name), g.TypedIdent.Type), true);
- inputs.Add(f);
- assumeMap[g] = Expr.Ident(f);
- }
- Substitution assumeSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(assumeMap);
- Substitution oldSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(ogOldLocalMap);
- Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
- List<Block> yieldCheckerBlocks = new List<Block>();
- List<String> labels = new List<String>();
- List<Block> labelTargets = new List<Block>();
- Block yieldCheckerBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "exit", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
- labels.Add(yieldCheckerBlock.Label);
- labelTargets.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
- yieldCheckerBlocks.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
- int yieldCount = 0;
- foreach (List<Cmd> cs in yields)
- {
- List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- foreach (Cmd cmd in cs)
- {
- PredicateCmd predCmd = (PredicateCmd)cmd;
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(assumeSubst, oldSubst, predCmd.Expr)));
- }
- foreach (Cmd cmd in cs)
- {
- PredicateCmd predCmd = (PredicateCmd)cmd;
- var newExpr = Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(subst, oldSubst, predCmd.Expr);
- if (predCmd is AssertCmd)
- {
- AssertCmd assertCmd = new AssertCmd(predCmd.tok, newExpr, predCmd.Attributes);
- assertCmd.ErrorData = "Non-interference check failed";
- newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
- }
- else
- {
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, newExpr));
- }
- }
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.False));
- yieldCheckerBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "L" + yieldCount++, newCmds, new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
- labels.Add(yieldCheckerBlock.Label);
- labelTargets.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
- yieldCheckerBlocks.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
- }
- yieldCheckerBlocks.Insert(0, new Block(Token.NoToken, "enter", new List<Cmd>(), new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, labels, labelTargets)));
- // Create the yield checker procedure
- var yieldCheckerName = string.Format("{0}_YieldChecker_{1}", "Impl", impl.Name);
- var yieldCheckerProc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, yieldCheckerName, impl.TypeParameters, inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Requires>(), new List<IdentifierExpr>(), new List<Ensures>());
- yieldCheckerProc.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
- yieldCheckerProcs.Add(yieldCheckerProc);
- // Create the yield checker implementation
- var yieldCheckerImpl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, yieldCheckerName, impl.TypeParameters, inputs, new List<Variable>(), locals, yieldCheckerBlocks);
- yieldCheckerImpl.Proc = yieldCheckerProc;
- yieldCheckerImpl.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
- yieldCheckerImpls.Add(yieldCheckerImpl);
- }
- private bool IsYieldingHeader(Graph<Block> graph, Block header)
- {
- foreach (Block backEdgeNode in graph.BackEdgeNodes(header))
- {
- foreach (Block x in graph.NaturalLoops(header, backEdgeNode))
- {
- foreach (Cmd cmd in x.Cmds)
- {
- if (cmd is YieldCmd)
- return true;
- if (cmd is ParCallCmd)
- return true;
- CallCmd callCmd = cmd as CallCmd;
- if (callCmd == null) continue;
- if (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private Graph<Block> ComputeYieldingLoopHeaders(Implementation impl, out HashSet<Block> yieldingHeaders)
- {
- Graph<Block> graph;
- impl.PruneUnreachableBlocks();
- impl.ComputePredecessorsForBlocks();
- graph = Program.GraphFromImpl(impl);
- graph.ComputeLoops();
- if (!graph.Reducible)
- {
- throw new Exception("Irreducible flow graphs are unsupported.");
- }
- yieldingHeaders = new HashSet<Block>();
- IEnumerable<Block> sortedHeaders = graph.SortHeadersByDominance();
- foreach (Block header in sortedHeaders)
- {
- if (yieldingHeaders.Any(x => graph.DominatorMap.DominatedBy(x, header)))
- {
- yieldingHeaders.Add(header);
- }
- else if (IsYieldingHeader(graph, header))
- {
- yieldingHeaders.Add(header);
- }
- else
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- return graph;
- }
- private void SetupRefinementCheck(Implementation impl,
- out List<Variable> newLocalVars,
- out Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, out Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, out Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
- {
- pc = null;
- ok = null;
- alpha = null;
- beta = null;
- frame = null;
- newLocalVars = new List<Variable>();
- Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
- ogOldGlobalMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Variable>();
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
- {
- Variable g = ie.Decl;
- LocalVariable l = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", g.Name), g.TypedIdent.Type));
- ogOldGlobalMap[g] = l;
- newLocalVars.Add(l);
- }
- Procedure originalProc = implMap[impl].Proc;
- ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[originalProc];
- if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum == this.layerNum)
- {
- pc = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "og_pc", Type.Bool));
- newLocalVars.Add(pc);
- ok = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "og_ok", Type.Bool));
- newLocalVars.Add(ok);
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> alwaysMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- for (int i = 0; i < originalProc.InParams.Count; i++)
- {
- alwaysMap[originalProc.InParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(impl.InParams[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < originalProc.OutParams.Count; i++)
- {
- alwaysMap[originalProc.OutParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(impl.OutParams[i]);
- }
- Substitution always = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(alwaysMap);
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> foroldMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
- {
- foroldMap[ie.Decl] = Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[ie.Decl]);
- }
- Substitution forold = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(foroldMap);
- frame = new HashSet<Variable>(moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables);
- HashSet<Variable> introducedVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
- foreach (Variable v in moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables)
- {
- if (moverTypeChecker.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[v].hideLayerNum <= actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum ||
- moverTypeChecker.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[v].introLayerNum > actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
- {
- frame.Remove(v);
- }
- if (moverTypeChecker.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[v].introLayerNum == actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
- {
- introducedVars.Add(v);
- }
- }
- AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
- if (atomicActionInfo == null)
- {
- beta = Expr.True;
- foreach (var v in frame)
- {
- beta = Expr.And(beta, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(v), foroldMap[v]));
- }
- alpha = Expr.True;
- }
- else
- {
- Expr betaExpr = (new MoverCheck.TransitionRelationComputation(moverTypeChecker.program, atomicActionInfo, frame, introducedVars)).TransitionRelationCompute();
- beta = Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(always, forold, betaExpr);
- Expr alphaExpr = Expr.True;
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in atomicActionInfo.thisGate)
- {
- alphaExpr = Expr.And(alphaExpr, assertCmd.Expr);
- alphaExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- }
- alpha = Substituter.Apply(always, alphaExpr);
- }
- foreach (Variable f in impl.OutParams)
- {
- LocalVariable copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_old_{0}", f.Name), f.TypedIdent.Type));
- newLocalVars.Add(copy);
- ogOldGlobalMap[f] = copy;
- }
- }
- domainNameToInputVar = new Dictionary<string, Variable>();
- domainNameToLocalVar = new Dictionary<string, Variable>();
- {
- int i = impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count;
- foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- Variable inParam = impl.InParams[i];
- domainNameToInputVar[domainName] = inParam;
- Variable l = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, inParam.Name + "_local", inParam.TypedIdent.Type));
- domainNameToLocalVar[domainName] = l;
- newLocalVars.Add(l);
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- private void TransformImpl(Implementation impl)
- {
- HashSet<Block> yieldingHeaders;
- Graph<Block> graph = ComputeYieldingLoopHeaders(impl, out yieldingHeaders);
- List<Variable> newLocalVars;
- Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar;
- Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap;
- SetupRefinementCheck(impl, out newLocalVars, out domainNameToInputVar, out domainNameToLocalVar, out ogOldGlobalMap);
- List<List<Cmd>> yields = CollectAndDesugarYields(impl, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar, ogOldGlobalMap);
- List<Variable> oldPcs, oldOks;
- ProcessLoopHeaders(impl, graph, yieldingHeaders, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar, ogOldGlobalMap, out oldPcs, out oldOks);
- AddInitialBlock(impl, oldPcs, oldOks, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar, ogOldGlobalMap);
- CreateYieldCheckerImpl(impl, yields);
- impl.LocVars.AddRange(newLocalVars);
- impl.LocVars.AddRange(oldPcs);
- impl.LocVars.AddRange(oldOks);
- UnifyCallsToYieldProc(impl, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- }
- private void UnifyCallsToYieldProc(Implementation impl, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
- {
- CallCmd yieldCallCmd = CallToYieldProc(Token.NoToken, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- Block yieldCheckBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "CallToYieldProc", new List<Cmd>(new Cmd[] { yieldCallCmd, new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.False) }), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
- List<Block> newBlocks = new List<Block>();
- foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
- {
- TransferCmd transferCmd = b.TransferCmd;
- List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- for (int i = b.Cmds.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- CallCmd callCmd = b.Cmds[i] as CallCmd;
- if (callCmd == null || callCmd.Proc != yieldProc)
- {
- newCmds.Insert(0, b.Cmds[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- Block newBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, b.Label + i, newCmds, transferCmd);
- newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- transferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<string>(new string[] { newBlock.Label, yieldCheckBlock.Label }),
- new List<Block>(new Block[] { newBlock, yieldCheckBlock }));
- newBlocks.Add(newBlock);
- }
- }
- b.Cmds = newCmds;
- b.TransferCmd = transferCmd;
- }
- impl.Blocks.AddRange(newBlocks);
- impl.Blocks.Add(yieldCheckBlock);
- }
- private List<List<Cmd>> CollectAndDesugarYields(Implementation impl,
- Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
- {
- // Collect the yield predicates and desugar yields
- List<List<Cmd>> yields = new List<List<Cmd>>();
- List<Cmd> cmds = new List<Cmd>();
- foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
- {
- YieldCmd yieldCmd = null;
- List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- for (int i = 0; i < b.Cmds.Count; i++)
- {
- Cmd cmd = b.Cmds[i];
- if (cmd is YieldCmd)
- {
- yieldCmd = (YieldCmd)cmd;
- continue;
- }
- if (yieldCmd != null)
- {
- PredicateCmd pcmd = cmd as PredicateCmd;
- if (pcmd == null)
- {
- DesugarYield(yieldCmd, cmds, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar);
- if (cmds.Count > 0)
- {
- yields.Add(cmds);
- cmds = new List<Cmd>();
- }
- yieldCmd = null;
- }
- else
- {
- cmds.Add(pcmd);
- }
- }
- if (cmd is CallCmd)
- {
- CallCmd callCmd = cmd as CallCmd;
- if (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
- {
- AddCallToYieldProc(callCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- }
- if (callCmd.IsAsync)
- {
- if (!asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings.ContainsKey(callCmd.Proc.Name))
- {
- asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[callCmd.Proc.Name] = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, string.Format("DummyAsyncTarget_{0}", callCmd.Proc.Name), callCmd.Proc.TypeParameters, callCmd.Proc.InParams, callCmd.Proc.OutParams, callCmd.Proc.Requires, new List<IdentifierExpr>(), new List<Ensures>());
- }
- var dummyAsyncTargetProc = asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[callCmd.Proc.Name];
- CallCmd dummyCallCmd = new CallCmd(callCmd.tok, dummyAsyncTargetProc.Name, callCmd.Ins, callCmd.Outs, callCmd.Attributes);
- dummyCallCmd.Proc = dummyAsyncTargetProc;
- newCmds.Add(dummyCallCmd);
- }
- else
- {
- newCmds.Add(callCmd);
- }
- if (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
- {
- HashSet<Variable> availableLinearVars = new HashSet<Variable>(AvailableLinearVars(callCmd));
- linearTypeChecker.AddAvailableVars(callCmd, availableLinearVars);
- if (!callCmd.IsAsync && globalMods.Count > 0 && pc != null)
- {
- // assume pc || alpha(i, g);
- Expr assumeExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), alpha);
- assumeExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, assumeExpr));
- }
- Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(availableLinearVars, domainNameToInputVar);
- AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
- }
- }
- else if (cmd is ParCallCmd)
- {
- ParCallCmd parCallCmd = cmd as ParCallCmd;
- AddCallToYieldProc(parCallCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- DesugarParallelCallCmd(newCmds, parCallCmd);
- HashSet<Variable> availableLinearVars = new HashSet<Variable>(AvailableLinearVars(parCallCmd));
- linearTypeChecker.AddAvailableVars(parCallCmd, availableLinearVars);
- if (globalMods.Count > 0 && pc != null)
- {
- // assume pc || alpha(i, g);
- Expr assumeExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), alpha);
- assumeExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, assumeExpr));
- }
- Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(availableLinearVars, domainNameToInputVar);
- AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
- }
- else
- {
- newCmds.Add(cmd);
- }
- }
- if (yieldCmd != null)
- {
- DesugarYield(yieldCmd, cmds, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar);
- if (cmds.Count > 0)
- {
- yields.Add(cmds);
- cmds = new List<Cmd>();
- }
- }
- if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- {
- AddCallToYieldProc(b.TransferCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- if (pc != null)
- {
- AssertCmd assertCmd = new AssertCmd(b.TransferCmd.tok, Expr.Ident(ok));
- assertCmd.ErrorData = "Failed to execute atomic action before procedure return";
- newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
- }
- }
- b.Cmds = newCmds;
- }
- return yields;
- }
- private void ProcessLoopHeaders(Implementation impl, Graph<Block> graph, HashSet<Block> yieldingHeaders,
- Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap,
- out List<Variable> oldPcs, out List<Variable> oldOks)
- {
- oldPcs = new List<Variable>();
- oldOks = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (Block header in yieldingHeaders)
- {
- LocalVariable oldPc = null;
- LocalVariable oldOk = null;
- if (pc != null)
- {
- oldPc = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("{0}_{1}", pc.Name, header.Label), Type.Bool));
- oldPcs.Add(oldPc);
- oldOk = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("{0}_{1}", ok.Name, header.Label), Type.Bool));
- oldOks.Add(oldOk);
- }
- Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(AvailableLinearVars(header), domainNameToInputVar);
- foreach (Block pred in header.Predecessors)
- {
- AddCallToYieldProc(header.tok, pred.Cmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
- if (pc != null && !graph.BackEdgeNodes(header).Contains(pred))
- {
- pred.Cmds.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<AssignLhs>(
- new AssignLhs[] { new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldPc)), new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldOk)) }),
- new List<Expr>(new Expr[] { Expr.Ident(pc), Expr.Ident(ok) })));
- }
- AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(pred.Cmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
- }
- List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- if (pc != null)
- {
- AssertCmd assertCmd;
- assertCmd = new AssertCmd(header.tok, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(oldPc), Expr.Ident(pc)));
- assertCmd.ErrorData = "Specification state must not change for transitions ending in loop headers";
- newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
- assertCmd = new AssertCmd(header.tok, Expr.Imp(Expr.Ident(oldOk), Expr.Ident(ok)));
- assertCmd.ErrorData = "Specification state must not change for transitions ending in loop headers";
- newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
- }
- foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName]), domainNameToExpr[domainName])));
- }
- foreach (Variable v in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
- {
- newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(v), Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[v]))));
- }
- newCmds.AddRange(header.Cmds);
- header.Cmds = newCmds;
- }
- }
- private void AddInitialBlock(Implementation impl, List<Variable> oldPcs, List<Variable> oldOks,
- Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
- {
- // Add initial block
- List<AssignLhs> lhss = new List<AssignLhs>();
- List<Expr> rhss = new List<Expr>();
- if (pc != null)
- {
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(pc)));
- rhss.Add(Expr.False);
- foreach (Variable oldPc in oldPcs)
- {
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldPc)));
- rhss.Add(Expr.False);
- }
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ok)));
- rhss.Add(Expr.False);
- foreach (Variable oldOk in oldOks)
- {
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldOk)));
- rhss.Add(Expr.False);
- }
- }
- Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = new Dictionary<string, Expr>();
- foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- domainNameToExpr[domainName] = Expr.Ident(domainNameToInputVar[domainName]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count; i++)
- {
- Variable v = impl.InParams[i];
- var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
- if (domainName == null) continue;
- if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
- var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
- if (!domain.collectors.ContainsKey(v.TypedIdent.Type)) continue;
- Expr ie = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.collectors[v.TypedIdent.Type]), new List<Expr> { Expr.Ident(v) });
- domainNameToExpr[domainName] = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.mapOrBool), new List<Expr> { ie, domainNameToExpr[domainName] });
- }
- foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName])));
- rhss.Add(domainNameToExpr[domainName]);
- }
- foreach (Variable g in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
- {
- lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[g])));
- rhss.Add(Expr.Ident(g));
- }
- if (lhss.Count > 0)
- {
- Block initBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "og_init", new List<Cmd> { new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, lhss, rhss) }, new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<String> { impl.Blocks[0].Label }, new List<Block> { impl.Blocks[0] }));
- impl.Blocks.Insert(0, initBlock);
- }
- }
- private void AddYieldProcAndImpl(List<Declaration> decls)
- {
- if (yieldProc == null) return;
- Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
- List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
- {
- var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
- Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "linear_" + domainName + "_in", new MapType(Token.NoToken, new List<TypeVariable>(), new List<Type> { domain.elementType }, Type.Bool)), true);
- inputs.Add(f);
- }
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
- {
- Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", ie.Decl.Name), ie.Decl.TypedIdent.Type), true);
- inputs.Add(f);
- }
- List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
- TransferCmd transferCmd = new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken);
- if (yieldCheckerProcs.Count > 0)
- {
- List<Block> blockTargets = new List<Block>();
- List<String> labelTargets = new List<String>();
- int labelCount = 0;
- foreach (Procedure proc in yieldCheckerProcs)
- {
- List<Expr> exprSeq = new List<Expr>();
- foreach (Variable v in inputs)
- {
- exprSeq.Add(Expr.Ident(v));
- }
- CallCmd callCmd = new CallCmd(Token.NoToken, proc.Name, exprSeq, new List<IdentifierExpr>());
- callCmd.Proc = proc;
- string label = string.Format("L_{0}", labelCount++);
- Block block = new Block(Token.NoToken, label, new List<Cmd> { callCmd }, new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
- labelTargets.Add(label);
- blockTargets.Add(block);
- blocks.Add(block);
- }
- transferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, labelTargets, blockTargets);
- }
- blocks.Insert(0, new Block(Token.NoToken, "enter", new List<Cmd>(), transferCmd));
- var yieldImpl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, yieldProc.Name, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Variable>(), blocks);
- yieldImpl.Proc = yieldProc;
- yieldImpl.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
- decls.Add(yieldProc);
- decls.Add(yieldImpl);
- }
- public static QKeyValue RemoveYieldsAttribute(QKeyValue iter)
- {
- if (iter == null) return null;
- iter.Next = RemoveYieldsAttribute(iter.Next);
- return (iter.Key == "yields") ? iter.Next : iter;
- }
- public static QKeyValue RemoveMoverAttribute(QKeyValue iter)
- {
- if (iter == null) return null;
- iter.Next = RemoveMoverAttribute(iter.Next);
- if (iter.Key == "atomic" || iter.Key == "right" || iter.Key == "left" || iter.Key == "both")
- return iter.Next;
- else
- return iter;
- }
- private List<Declaration> Collect()
- {
- List<Declaration> decls = new List<Declaration>();
- foreach (Procedure proc in yieldCheckerProcs)
- {
- decls.Add(proc);
- }
- foreach (Implementation impl in yieldCheckerImpls)
- {
- decls.Add(impl);
- }
- foreach (Procedure proc in asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings.Values)
- {
- decls.Add(proc);
- }
- AddYieldProcAndImpl(decls);
- return decls;
- }
- public static void AddCheckers(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, List<Declaration> decls)
- {
- Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
- foreach (int layerNum in moverTypeChecker.AllCreatedLayerNums.Except(new int[] { moverTypeChecker.leastUnimplementedLayerNum }))
- {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TrustLayersDownto <= layerNum || layerNum <= CommandLineOptions.Clo.TrustLayersUpto) continue;
- MyDuplicator duplicator = new MyDuplicator(moverTypeChecker, layerNum);
- foreach (var proc in program.Procedures)
- {
- if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc)) continue;
- Procedure duplicateProc = duplicator.VisitProcedure(proc);
- decls.Add(duplicateProc);
- }
- decls.AddRange(duplicator.impls);
- OwickiGries ogTransform = new OwickiGries(linearTypeChecker, moverTypeChecker, duplicator);
- foreach (var impl in program.Implementations)
- {
- if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(impl.Proc) || moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[impl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum < layerNum)
- continue;
- Implementation duplicateImpl = duplicator.VisitImplementation(impl);
- ogTransform.TransformImpl(duplicateImpl);
- decls.Add(duplicateImpl);
- }
- decls.AddRange(ogTransform.Collect());
- }
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie
+ public class MyDuplicator : Duplicator
+ {
+ MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
+ public int layerNum;
+ Procedure enclosingProc;
+ Implementation enclosingImpl;
+ public Dictionary<Procedure, Procedure> procMap; /* Original -> Duplicate */
+ public Dictionary<Absy, Absy> absyMap; /* Duplicate -> Original */
+ public Dictionary<Implementation, Implementation> implMap; /* Duplicate -> Original */
+ public HashSet<Procedure> yieldingProcs;
+ public List<Implementation> impls;
+ public MyDuplicator(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, int layerNum)
+ {
+ this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
+ this.layerNum = layerNum;
+ this.enclosingProc = null;
+ this.enclosingImpl = null;
+ this.procMap = new Dictionary<Procedure, Procedure>();
+ this.absyMap = new Dictionary<Absy, Absy>();
+ this.implMap = new Dictionary<Implementation, Implementation>();
+ this.yieldingProcs = new HashSet<Procedure>();
+ this.impls = new List<Implementation>();
+ }
+ private void ProcessCallCmd(CallCmd originalCallCmd, CallCmd callCmd, List<Cmd> newCmds)
+ {
+ int enclosingProcLayerNum = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
+ Procedure originalProc = originalCallCmd.Proc;
+ if (moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(originalProc))
+ {
+ AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[originalProc] as AtomicActionInfo;
+ if (atomicActionInfo != null && atomicActionInfo.gate.Count > 0 && layerNum == enclosingProcLayerNum)
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<IdentifierExpr>(new IdentifierExpr[] { Expr.Ident(dummyLocalVar) })));
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < originalProc.InParams.Count; i++)
+ {
+ map[originalProc.InParams[i]] = callCmd.Ins[i];
+ }
+ Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in atomicActionInfo.gate)
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(Substituter.Apply(subst, assertCmd));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newCmds.Add(callCmd);
+ }
+ private void ProcessParCallCmd(ParCallCmd originalParCallCmd, ParCallCmd parCallCmd, List<Cmd> newCmds)
+ {
+ int maxCalleeLayerNum = 0;
+ foreach (CallCmd iter in originalParCallCmd.CallCmds)
+ {
+ int calleeLayerNum = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[iter.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
+ if (calleeLayerNum > maxCalleeLayerNum)
+ maxCalleeLayerNum = calleeLayerNum;
+ }
+ if (layerNum > maxCalleeLayerNum)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < parCallCmd.CallCmds.Count; i++)
+ {
+ ProcessCallCmd(originalParCallCmd.CallCmds[i], parCallCmd.CallCmds[i], newCmds);
+ absyMap[parCallCmd.CallCmds[i]] = originalParCallCmd;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(parCallCmd);
+ }
+ }
+ public override List<Cmd> VisitCmdSeq(List<Cmd> cmdSeq)
+ {
+ List<Cmd> cmds = base.VisitCmdSeq(cmdSeq);
+ List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Count; i++)
+ {
+ Cmd originalCmd = cmdSeq[i];
+ Cmd cmd = cmds[i];
+ CallCmd originalCallCmd = originalCmd as CallCmd;
+ if (originalCallCmd != null)
+ {
+ ProcessCallCmd(originalCallCmd, cmd as CallCmd, newCmds);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ParCallCmd originalParCallCmd = originalCmd as ParCallCmd;
+ if (originalParCallCmd != null)
+ {
+ ProcessParCallCmd(originalParCallCmd, cmd as ParCallCmd, newCmds);
+ continue;
+ }
+ newCmds.Add(cmd);
+ }
+ return newCmds;
+ }
+ public override YieldCmd VisitYieldCmd(YieldCmd node)
+ {
+ YieldCmd yieldCmd = base.VisitYieldCmd(node);
+ absyMap[yieldCmd] = node;
+ return yieldCmd;
+ }
+ public override Block VisitBlock(Block node)
+ {
+ Block block = base.VisitBlock(node);
+ absyMap[block] = node;
+ return block;
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitCallCmd(CallCmd node)
+ {
+ CallCmd callCmd = (CallCmd) base.VisitCallCmd(node);
+ callCmd.Proc = VisitProcedure(callCmd.Proc);
+ callCmd.callee = callCmd.Proc.Name;
+ absyMap[callCmd] = node;
+ return callCmd;
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitParCallCmd(ParCallCmd node)
+ {
+ ParCallCmd parCallCmd = (ParCallCmd) base.VisitParCallCmd(node);
+ absyMap[parCallCmd] = node;
+ return parCallCmd;
+ }
+ public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
+ {
+ if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node))
+ return node;
+ if (!procMap.ContainsKey(node))
+ {
+ enclosingProc = node;
+ Procedure proc = (Procedure)node.Clone();
+ proc.Name = string.Format("{0}_{1}", node.Name, layerNum);
+ proc.InParams = this.VisitVariableSeq(node.InParams);
+ proc.Modifies = this.VisitIdentifierExprSeq(node.Modifies);
+ proc.OutParams = this.VisitVariableSeq(node.OutParams);
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[node];
+ if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum < layerNum)
+ {
+ proc.Requires = new List<Requires>();
+ proc.Ensures = new List<Ensures>();
+ Implementation impl;
+ AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
+ if (atomicActionInfo != null)
+ {
+ CodeExpr action = (CodeExpr)VisitCodeExpr(atomicActionInfo.action);
+ List<Cmd> cmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in atomicActionInfo.gate)
+ {
+ cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, (Expr)Visit(assertCmd.Expr)));
+ }
+ Block newInitBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "_init", cmds,
+ new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<string>(new string[] { action.Blocks[0].Label }),
+ new List<Block>(new Block[] { action.Blocks[0] })));
+ List<Block> newBlocks = new List<Block>();
+ newBlocks.Add(newInitBlock);
+ newBlocks.AddRange(action.Blocks);
+ impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, proc.Name, node.TypeParameters, node.InParams, node.OutParams, action.LocVars, newBlocks);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Block newInitBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "_init", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ List<Block> newBlocks = new List<Block>();
+ newBlocks.Add(newInitBlock);
+ impl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, proc.Name, node.TypeParameters, node.InParams, node.OutParams, new List<Variable>(), newBlocks);
+ }
+ impl.Proc = proc;
+ impl.Proc.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
+ impl.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
+ impls.Add(impl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yieldingProcs.Add(proc);
+ proc.Requires = this.VisitRequiresSeq(node.Requires);
+ proc.Ensures = this.VisitEnsuresSeq(node.Ensures);
+ }
+ procMap[node] = proc;
+ proc.Modifies = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables.Iter(x => proc.Modifies.Add(Expr.Ident(x)));
+ }
+ return procMap[node];
+ }
+ private Variable dummyLocalVar;
+ public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
+ {
+ enclosingImpl = node;
+ dummyLocalVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "og_dummy", Type.Bool));
+ Implementation impl = base.VisitImplementation(node);
+ implMap[impl] = node;
+ impl.LocVars.Add(dummyLocalVar);
+ impl.Name = impl.Proc.Name;
+ return impl;
+ }
+ public override Requires VisitRequires(Requires node)
+ {
+ Requires requires = base.VisitRequires(node);
+ if (node.Free)
+ return requires;
+ if (!moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[node].Contains(layerNum))
+ requires.Condition = Expr.True;
+ return requires;
+ }
+ public override Ensures VisitEnsures(Ensures node)
+ {
+ Ensures ensures = base.VisitEnsures(node);
+ if (node.Free)
+ return ensures;
+ AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[enclosingProc] as AtomicActionInfo;
+ bool isAtomicSpecification = atomicActionInfo != null && atomicActionInfo.ensures == node;
+ if (isAtomicSpecification || !moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[node].Contains(layerNum))
+ {
+ ensures.Condition = Expr.True;
+ ensures.Attributes = OwickiGries.RemoveMoverAttribute(ensures.Attributes);
+ }
+ return ensures;
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitAssertCmd(AssertCmd node)
+ {
+ AssertCmd assertCmd = (AssertCmd) base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
+ if (!moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[node].Contains(layerNum))
+ assertCmd.Expr = Expr.True;
+ return assertCmd;
+ }
+ }
+ public class OwickiGries
+ {
+ LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker;
+ MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
+ Dictionary<Absy, Absy> absyMap;
+ Dictionary<Implementation, Implementation> implMap;
+ HashSet<Procedure> yieldingProcs;
+ int layerNum;
+ List<IdentifierExpr> globalMods;
+ Dictionary<string, Procedure> asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings;
+ List<Procedure> yieldCheckerProcs;
+ List<Implementation> yieldCheckerImpls;
+ Procedure yieldProc;
+ Variable pc;
+ Variable ok;
+ Expr alpha;
+ Expr beta;
+ HashSet<Variable> frame;
+ public OwickiGries(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, MyDuplicator duplicator)
+ {
+ this.linearTypeChecker = linearTypeChecker;
+ this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
+ this.absyMap = duplicator.absyMap;
+ this.layerNum = duplicator.layerNum;
+ this.implMap = duplicator.implMap;
+ this.yieldingProcs = duplicator.yieldingProcs;
+ Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
+ globalMods = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ foreach (Variable g in moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables)
+ {
+ globalMods.Add(Expr.Ident(g));
+ }
+ asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings = new Dictionary<string, Procedure>();
+ yieldCheckerProcs = new List<Procedure>();
+ yieldCheckerImpls = new List<Implementation>();
+ yieldProc = null;
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<Variable> AvailableLinearVars(Absy absy)
+ {
+ return linearTypeChecker.AvailableLinearVars(absyMap[absy]);
+ }
+ private CallCmd CallToYieldProc(IToken tok, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
+ {
+ List<Expr> exprSeq = new List<Expr>();
+ foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ exprSeq.Add(Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName]));
+ }
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
+ {
+ exprSeq.Add(Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[ie.Decl]));
+ }
+ if (yieldProc == null)
+ {
+ List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
+ Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "linear_" + domainName + "_in", new MapType(Token.NoToken, new List<TypeVariable>(), new List<Type> { domain.elementType }, Type.Bool)), true);
+ inputs.Add(f);
+ }
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
+ {
+ Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", ie.Decl.Name), ie.Decl.TypedIdent.Type), true);
+ inputs.Add(f);
+ }
+ yieldProc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_yield_{0}", layerNum), new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Requires>(), new List<IdentifierExpr>(), new List<Ensures>());
+ yieldProc.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
+ }
+ CallCmd yieldCallCmd = new CallCmd(Token.NoToken, yieldProc.Name, exprSeq, new List<IdentifierExpr>());
+ yieldCallCmd.Proc = yieldProc;
+ return yieldCallCmd;
+ }
+ private void AddCallToYieldProc(IToken tok, List<Cmd> newCmds, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
+ {
+ if (!CommandLineOptions.Clo.TrustNonInterference)
+ {
+ CallCmd yieldCallCmd = CallToYieldProc(tok, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ newCmds.Add(yieldCallCmd);
+ }
+ if (pc != null)
+ {
+ Expr aa = OldEqualityExprForGlobals(ogOldGlobalMap);
+ Expr bb = OldEqualityExpr(ogOldGlobalMap);
+ // assert pc || g_old == g || beta(i, g_old, o, g);
+ Expr assertExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), Expr.Or(aa, beta));
+ assertExpr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
+ AssertCmd skipOrBetaAssertCmd = new AssertCmd(tok, assertExpr);
+ skipOrBetaAssertCmd.ErrorData = "Transition invariant in initial state violated";
+ newCmds.Add(skipOrBetaAssertCmd);
+ // assert pc ==> o_old == o && g_old == g;
+ assertExpr = Expr.Imp(Expr.Ident(pc), bb);
+ assertExpr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
+ AssertCmd skipAssertCmd = new AssertCmd(tok, assertExpr);
+ skipAssertCmd.ErrorData = "Transition invariant in final state violated"; ;
+ newCmds.Add(skipAssertCmd);
+ // pc, ok := g_old == g ==> pc, ok || beta(i, g_old, o, g);
+ List<AssignLhs> pcUpdateLHS = new List<AssignLhs>(
+ new AssignLhs[] {
+ new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(pc)),
+ new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ok))
+ });
+ List<Expr> pcUpdateRHS = new List<Expr>(
+ new Expr[] {
+ Expr.Imp(aa, Expr.Ident(pc)),
+ Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(ok), beta)
+ });
+ foreach (Expr e in pcUpdateRHS)
+ {
+ e.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
+ }
+ newCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, pcUpdateLHS, pcUpdateRHS));
+ }
+ }
+ private Dictionary<string, Expr> ComputeAvailableExprs(IEnumerable<Variable> availableLinearVars, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar)
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = new Dictionary<string, Expr>();
+ foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ var expr = Expr.Ident(domainNameToInputVar[domainName]);
+ expr.Resolve(new ResolutionContext(null));
+ expr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
+ domainNameToExpr[domainName] = expr;
+ }
+ foreach (Variable v in availableLinearVars)
+ {
+ var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
+ if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
+ var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
+ if (!domain.collectors.ContainsKey(v.TypedIdent.Type)) continue;
+ Expr ie = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.collectors[v.TypedIdent.Type]), new List<Expr> { Expr.Ident(v) });
+ var expr = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.mapOrBool), new List<Expr> { ie, domainNameToExpr[domainName] });
+ expr.Resolve(new ResolutionContext(null));
+ expr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
+ domainNameToExpr[domainName] = expr;
+ }
+ return domainNameToExpr;
+ }
+ private void AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(List<Cmd> newCmds, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr)
+ {
+ List<AssignLhs> lhss = new List<AssignLhs>();
+ List<Expr> rhss = new List<Expr>();
+ foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName])));
+ rhss.Add(domainNameToExpr[domainName]);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable g in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
+ {
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[g])));
+ rhss.Add(Expr.Ident(g));
+ }
+ if (lhss.Count > 0)
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, lhss, rhss));
+ }
+ }
+ private Expr OldEqualityExpr(Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
+ {
+ Expr bb = Expr.True;
+ foreach (Variable o in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
+ {
+ if (o is GlobalVariable && !frame.Contains(o)) continue;
+ bb = Expr.And(bb, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(o), Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[o])));
+ bb.Type = Type.Bool;
+ }
+ return bb;
+ }
+ private Expr OldEqualityExprForGlobals(Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
+ {
+ Expr bb = Expr.True;
+ foreach (Variable o in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
+ {
+ if (o is GlobalVariable && frame.Contains(o))
+ {
+ bb = Expr.And(bb, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(o), Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[o])));
+ bb.Type = Type.Bool;
+ }
+ }
+ return bb;
+ }
+ private void DesugarYield(YieldCmd yieldCmd, List<Cmd> cmds, List<Cmd> newCmds, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
+ {
+ AddCallToYieldProc(yieldCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ if (globalMods.Count > 0)
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, globalMods));
+ if (pc != null)
+ {
+ // assume pc || alpha(i, g);
+ Expr assumeExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), alpha);
+ assumeExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, assumeExpr));
+ }
+ }
+ Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(AvailableLinearVars(yieldCmd), domainNameToInputVar);
+ AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
+ for (int j = 0; j < cmds.Count; j++)
+ {
+ PredicateCmd predCmd = (PredicateCmd)cmds[j];
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, predCmd.Expr));
+ }
+ }
+ public void DesugarParallelCallCmd(List<Cmd> newCmds, ParCallCmd parCallCmd)
+ {
+ List<string> parallelCalleeNames = new List<string>();
+ List<Expr> ins = new List<Expr>();
+ List<IdentifierExpr> outs = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ string procName = "og";
+ foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
+ {
+ procName = procName + "_" + callCmd.Proc.Name;
+ ins.AddRange(callCmd.Ins);
+ outs.AddRange(callCmd.Outs);
+ }
+ Procedure proc;
+ if (asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings.ContainsKey(procName))
+ {
+ proc = asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[procName];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ List<Variable> inParams = new List<Variable>();
+ List<Variable> outParams = new List<Variable>();
+ List<Requires> requiresSeq = new List<Requires>();
+ List<Ensures> ensuresSeq = new List<Ensures>();
+ int count = 0;
+ foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
+ {
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (Variable x in callCmd.Proc.InParams)
+ {
+ Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_{0}_{1}", count, x.Name), x.TypedIdent.Type), true);
+ inParams.Add(y);
+ map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable x in callCmd.Proc.OutParams)
+ {
+ Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_{0}_{1}", count, x.Name), x.TypedIdent.Type), false);
+ outParams.Add(y);
+ map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
+ }
+ Contract.Assume(callCmd.Proc.TypeParameters.Count == 0);
+ Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
+ foreach (Requires req in callCmd.Proc.Requires)
+ {
+ requiresSeq.Add(new Requires(req.tok, req.Free, Substituter.Apply(subst, req.Condition), null, req.Attributes));
+ }
+ foreach (Ensures ens in callCmd.Proc.Ensures)
+ {
+ ensuresSeq.Add(new Ensures(ens.tok, ens.Free, Substituter.Apply(subst, ens.Condition), null, ens.Attributes));
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ proc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, procName, new List<TypeVariable>(), inParams, outParams, requiresSeq, globalMods, ensuresSeq);
+ asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[procName] = proc;
+ }
+ CallCmd dummyCallCmd = new CallCmd(parCallCmd.tok, proc.Name, ins, outs, parCallCmd.Attributes);
+ dummyCallCmd.Proc = proc;
+ newCmds.Add(dummyCallCmd);
+ }
+ private void CreateYieldCheckerImpl(Implementation impl, List<List<Cmd>> yields)
+ {
+ if (yields.Count == 0) return;
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (Variable local in impl.LocVars)
+ {
+ var copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, local.Name, local.TypedIdent.Type));
+ map[local] = Expr.Ident(copy);
+ }
+ Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
+ List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
+ List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in map.Values)
+ {
+ locals.Add(ie.Decl);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count; i++)
+ {
+ Variable inParam = impl.InParams[i];
+ Variable copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, inParam.Name, inParam.TypedIdent.Type));
+ locals.Add(copy);
+ map[impl.InParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(copy);
+ }
+ {
+ int i = impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count;
+ foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ Variable inParam = impl.InParams[i];
+ Variable copy = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, inParam.Name, inParam.TypedIdent.Type), true);
+ inputs.Add(copy);
+ map[impl.InParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(copy);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Count; i++)
+ {
+ Variable outParam = impl.OutParams[i];
+ var copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, outParam.Name, outParam.TypedIdent.Type));
+ locals.Add(copy);
+ map[impl.OutParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(copy);
+ }
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> ogOldLocalMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> assumeMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>(map);
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
+ {
+ Variable g = ie.Decl;
+ var copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_local_old_{0}", g.Name), g.TypedIdent.Type));
+ locals.Add(copy);
+ ogOldLocalMap[g] = Expr.Ident(copy);
+ Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", g.Name), g.TypedIdent.Type), true);
+ inputs.Add(f);
+ assumeMap[g] = Expr.Ident(f);
+ }
+ Substitution assumeSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(assumeMap);
+ Substitution oldSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(ogOldLocalMap);
+ Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
+ List<Block> yieldCheckerBlocks = new List<Block>();
+ List<String> labels = new List<String>();
+ List<Block> labelTargets = new List<Block>();
+ Block yieldCheckerBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "exit", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ labels.Add(yieldCheckerBlock.Label);
+ labelTargets.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
+ yieldCheckerBlocks.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
+ int yieldCount = 0;
+ foreach (List<Cmd> cs in yields)
+ {
+ List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in cs)
+ {
+ PredicateCmd predCmd = (PredicateCmd)cmd;
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(assumeSubst, oldSubst, predCmd.Expr)));
+ }
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in cs)
+ {
+ PredicateCmd predCmd = (PredicateCmd)cmd;
+ var newExpr = Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(subst, oldSubst, predCmd.Expr);
+ if (predCmd is AssertCmd)
+ {
+ AssertCmd assertCmd = new AssertCmd(predCmd.tok, newExpr, predCmd.Attributes);
+ assertCmd.ErrorData = "Non-interference check failed";
+ newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, newExpr));
+ }
+ }
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.False));
+ yieldCheckerBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "L" + yieldCount++, newCmds, new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ labels.Add(yieldCheckerBlock.Label);
+ labelTargets.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
+ yieldCheckerBlocks.Add(yieldCheckerBlock);
+ }
+ yieldCheckerBlocks.Insert(0, new Block(Token.NoToken, "enter", new List<Cmd>(), new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, labels, labelTargets)));
+ // Create the yield checker procedure
+ var yieldCheckerName = string.Format("{0}_YieldChecker_{1}", "Impl", impl.Name);
+ var yieldCheckerProc = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, yieldCheckerName, impl.TypeParameters, inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Requires>(), new List<IdentifierExpr>(), new List<Ensures>());
+ yieldCheckerProc.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
+ yieldCheckerProcs.Add(yieldCheckerProc);
+ // Create the yield checker implementation
+ var yieldCheckerImpl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, yieldCheckerName, impl.TypeParameters, inputs, new List<Variable>(), locals, yieldCheckerBlocks);
+ yieldCheckerImpl.Proc = yieldCheckerProc;
+ yieldCheckerImpl.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
+ yieldCheckerImpls.Add(yieldCheckerImpl);
+ }
+ private bool IsYieldingHeader(Graph<Block> graph, Block header)
+ {
+ foreach (Block backEdgeNode in graph.BackEdgeNodes(header))
+ {
+ foreach (Block x in graph.NaturalLoops(header, backEdgeNode))
+ {
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in x.Cmds)
+ {
+ if (cmd is YieldCmd)
+ return true;
+ if (cmd is ParCallCmd)
+ return true;
+ CallCmd callCmd = cmd as CallCmd;
+ if (callCmd == null) continue;
+ if (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private Graph<Block> ComputeYieldingLoopHeaders(Implementation impl, out HashSet<Block> yieldingHeaders)
+ {
+ Graph<Block> graph;
+ impl.PruneUnreachableBlocks();
+ impl.ComputePredecessorsForBlocks();
+ graph = Program.GraphFromImpl(impl);
+ graph.ComputeLoops();
+ if (!graph.Reducible)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Irreducible flow graphs are unsupported.");
+ }
+ yieldingHeaders = new HashSet<Block>();
+ IEnumerable<Block> sortedHeaders = graph.SortHeadersByDominance();
+ foreach (Block header in sortedHeaders)
+ {
+ if (yieldingHeaders.Any(x => graph.DominatorMap.DominatedBy(x, header)))
+ {
+ yieldingHeaders.Add(header);
+ }
+ else if (IsYieldingHeader(graph, header))
+ {
+ yieldingHeaders.Add(header);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return graph;
+ }
+ private void SetupRefinementCheck(Implementation impl,
+ out List<Variable> newLocalVars,
+ out Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, out Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, out Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
+ {
+ pc = null;
+ ok = null;
+ alpha = null;
+ beta = null;
+ frame = null;
+ newLocalVars = new List<Variable>();
+ Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
+ ogOldGlobalMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Variable>();
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
+ {
+ Variable g = ie.Decl;
+ LocalVariable l = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", g.Name), g.TypedIdent.Type));
+ ogOldGlobalMap[g] = l;
+ newLocalVars.Add(l);
+ }
+ Procedure originalProc = implMap[impl].Proc;
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[originalProc];
+ if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum == this.layerNum)
+ {
+ pc = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "og_pc", Type.Bool));
+ newLocalVars.Add(pc);
+ ok = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "og_ok", Type.Bool));
+ newLocalVars.Add(ok);
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> alwaysMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < originalProc.InParams.Count; i++)
+ {
+ alwaysMap[originalProc.InParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(impl.InParams[i]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < originalProc.OutParams.Count; i++)
+ {
+ alwaysMap[originalProc.OutParams[i]] = Expr.Ident(impl.OutParams[i]);
+ }
+ Substitution always = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(alwaysMap);
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> foroldMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
+ {
+ foroldMap[ie.Decl] = Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[ie.Decl]);
+ }
+ Substitution forold = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(foroldMap);
+ frame = new HashSet<Variable>(moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables);
+ HashSet<Variable> introducedVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ foreach (Variable v in moverTypeChecker.SharedVariables)
+ {
+ if (moverTypeChecker.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[v].hideLayerNum <= actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum ||
+ moverTypeChecker.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[v].introLayerNum > actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
+ {
+ frame.Remove(v);
+ }
+ if (moverTypeChecker.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[v].introLayerNum == actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
+ {
+ introducedVars.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
+ if (atomicActionInfo == null)
+ {
+ beta = Expr.True;
+ foreach (var v in frame)
+ {
+ beta = Expr.And(beta, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(v), foroldMap[v]));
+ }
+ alpha = Expr.True;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Expr betaExpr = (new MoverCheck.TransitionRelationComputation(moverTypeChecker.program, atomicActionInfo, frame, introducedVars)).TransitionRelationCompute(true);
+ beta = Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(always, forold, betaExpr);
+ Expr alphaExpr = Expr.True;
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in atomicActionInfo.gate)
+ {
+ alphaExpr = Expr.And(alphaExpr, assertCmd.Expr);
+ alphaExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ }
+ alpha = Substituter.Apply(always, alphaExpr);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable f in impl.OutParams)
+ {
+ LocalVariable copy = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_old_{0}", f.Name), f.TypedIdent.Type));
+ newLocalVars.Add(copy);
+ ogOldGlobalMap[f] = copy;
+ }
+ }
+ domainNameToInputVar = new Dictionary<string, Variable>();
+ domainNameToLocalVar = new Dictionary<string, Variable>();
+ {
+ int i = impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count;
+ foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ Variable inParam = impl.InParams[i];
+ domainNameToInputVar[domainName] = inParam;
+ Variable l = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, inParam.Name + "_local", inParam.TypedIdent.Type));
+ domainNameToLocalVar[domainName] = l;
+ newLocalVars.Add(l);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void TransformImpl(Implementation impl)
+ {
+ HashSet<Block> yieldingHeaders;
+ Graph<Block> graph = ComputeYieldingLoopHeaders(impl, out yieldingHeaders);
+ List<Variable> newLocalVars;
+ Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar;
+ Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap;
+ SetupRefinementCheck(impl, out newLocalVars, out domainNameToInputVar, out domainNameToLocalVar, out ogOldGlobalMap);
+ List<List<Cmd>> yields = CollectAndDesugarYields(impl, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar, ogOldGlobalMap);
+ List<Variable> oldPcs, oldOks;
+ ProcessLoopHeaders(impl, graph, yieldingHeaders, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar, ogOldGlobalMap, out oldPcs, out oldOks);
+ AddInitialBlock(impl, oldPcs, oldOks, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar, ogOldGlobalMap);
+ CreateYieldCheckerImpl(impl, yields);
+ impl.LocVars.AddRange(newLocalVars);
+ impl.LocVars.AddRange(oldPcs);
+ impl.LocVars.AddRange(oldOks);
+ UnifyCallsToYieldProc(impl, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ }
+ private void UnifyCallsToYieldProc(Implementation impl, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar)
+ {
+ CallCmd yieldCallCmd = CallToYieldProc(Token.NoToken, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ Block yieldCheckBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "CallToYieldProc", new List<Cmd>(new Cmd[] { yieldCallCmd, new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.False) }), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ List<Block> newBlocks = new List<Block>();
+ foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
+ {
+ TransferCmd transferCmd = b.TransferCmd;
+ List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ for (int i = b.Cmds.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ CallCmd callCmd = b.Cmds[i] as CallCmd;
+ if (callCmd == null || callCmd.Proc != yieldProc)
+ {
+ newCmds.Insert(0, b.Cmds[i]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Block newBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, b.Label + i, newCmds, transferCmd);
+ newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ transferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<string>(new string[] { newBlock.Label, yieldCheckBlock.Label }),
+ new List<Block>(new Block[] { newBlock, yieldCheckBlock }));
+ newBlocks.Add(newBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ b.Cmds = newCmds;
+ b.TransferCmd = transferCmd;
+ }
+ impl.Blocks.AddRange(newBlocks);
+ impl.Blocks.Add(yieldCheckBlock);
+ }
+ private List<List<Cmd>> CollectAndDesugarYields(Implementation impl,
+ Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
+ {
+ // Collect the yield predicates and desugar yields
+ List<List<Cmd>> yields = new List<List<Cmd>>();
+ List<Cmd> cmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
+ {
+ YieldCmd yieldCmd = null;
+ List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < b.Cmds.Count; i++)
+ {
+ Cmd cmd = b.Cmds[i];
+ if (cmd is YieldCmd)
+ {
+ yieldCmd = (YieldCmd)cmd;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (yieldCmd != null)
+ {
+ PredicateCmd pcmd = cmd as PredicateCmd;
+ if (pcmd == null)
+ {
+ DesugarYield(yieldCmd, cmds, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ if (cmds.Count > 0)
+ {
+ yields.Add(cmds);
+ cmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ }
+ yieldCmd = null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmds.Add(pcmd);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmd is CallCmd)
+ {
+ CallCmd callCmd = cmd as CallCmd;
+ if (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
+ {
+ AddCallToYieldProc(callCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ }
+ if (callCmd.IsAsync)
+ {
+ if (!asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings.ContainsKey(callCmd.Proc.Name))
+ {
+ asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[callCmd.Proc.Name] = new Procedure(Token.NoToken, string.Format("DummyAsyncTarget_{0}", callCmd.Proc.Name), callCmd.Proc.TypeParameters, callCmd.Proc.InParams, callCmd.Proc.OutParams, callCmd.Proc.Requires, new List<IdentifierExpr>(), new List<Ensures>());
+ }
+ var dummyAsyncTargetProc = asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings[callCmd.Proc.Name];
+ CallCmd dummyCallCmd = new CallCmd(callCmd.tok, dummyAsyncTargetProc.Name, callCmd.Ins, callCmd.Outs, callCmd.Attributes);
+ dummyCallCmd.Proc = dummyAsyncTargetProc;
+ newCmds.Add(dummyCallCmd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(callCmd);
+ }
+ if (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
+ {
+ HashSet<Variable> availableLinearVars = new HashSet<Variable>(AvailableLinearVars(callCmd));
+ linearTypeChecker.AddAvailableVars(callCmd, availableLinearVars);
+ if (!callCmd.IsAsync && globalMods.Count > 0 && pc != null)
+ {
+ // assume pc || alpha(i, g);
+ Expr assumeExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), alpha);
+ assumeExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, assumeExpr));
+ }
+ Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(availableLinearVars, domainNameToInputVar);
+ AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cmd is ParCallCmd)
+ {
+ ParCallCmd parCallCmd = cmd as ParCallCmd;
+ AddCallToYieldProc(parCallCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ DesugarParallelCallCmd(newCmds, parCallCmd);
+ HashSet<Variable> availableLinearVars = new HashSet<Variable>(AvailableLinearVars(parCallCmd));
+ linearTypeChecker.AddAvailableVars(parCallCmd, availableLinearVars);
+ if (globalMods.Count > 0 && pc != null)
+ {
+ // assume pc || alpha(i, g);
+ Expr assumeExpr = Expr.Or(Expr.Ident(pc), alpha);
+ assumeExpr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, assumeExpr));
+ }
+ Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(availableLinearVars, domainNameToInputVar);
+ AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ if (yieldCmd != null)
+ {
+ DesugarYield(yieldCmd, cmds, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToInputVar, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ if (cmds.Count > 0)
+ {
+ yields.Add(cmds);
+ cmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ }
+ }
+ if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
+ {
+ AddCallToYieldProc(b.TransferCmd.tok, newCmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ if (pc != null)
+ {
+ AssertCmd assertCmd = new AssertCmd(b.TransferCmd.tok, Expr.Ident(ok));
+ assertCmd.ErrorData = "Failed to execute atomic action before procedure return";
+ newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
+ }
+ }
+ b.Cmds = newCmds;
+ }
+ return yields;
+ }
+ private void ProcessLoopHeaders(Implementation impl, Graph<Block> graph, HashSet<Block> yieldingHeaders,
+ Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap,
+ out List<Variable> oldPcs, out List<Variable> oldOks)
+ {
+ oldPcs = new List<Variable>();
+ oldOks = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (Block header in yieldingHeaders)
+ {
+ LocalVariable oldPc = null;
+ LocalVariable oldOk = null;
+ if (pc != null)
+ {
+ oldPc = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("{0}_{1}", pc.Name, header.Label), Type.Bool));
+ oldPcs.Add(oldPc);
+ oldOk = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("{0}_{1}", ok.Name, header.Label), Type.Bool));
+ oldOks.Add(oldOk);
+ }
+ Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = ComputeAvailableExprs(AvailableLinearVars(header), domainNameToInputVar);
+ foreach (Block pred in header.Predecessors)
+ {
+ AddCallToYieldProc(header.tok, pred.Cmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar);
+ if (pc != null && !graph.BackEdgeNodes(header).Contains(pred))
+ {
+ pred.Cmds.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<AssignLhs>(
+ new AssignLhs[] { new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldPc)), new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldOk)) }),
+ new List<Expr>(new Expr[] { Expr.Ident(pc), Expr.Ident(ok) })));
+ }
+ AddUpdatesToOldGlobalVars(pred.Cmds, ogOldGlobalMap, domainNameToLocalVar, domainNameToExpr);
+ }
+ List<Cmd> newCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ if (pc != null)
+ {
+ AssertCmd assertCmd;
+ assertCmd = new AssertCmd(header.tok, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(oldPc), Expr.Ident(pc)));
+ assertCmd.ErrorData = "Specification state must not change for transitions ending in loop headers";
+ newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
+ assertCmd = new AssertCmd(header.tok, Expr.Imp(Expr.Ident(oldOk), Expr.Ident(ok)));
+ assertCmd.ErrorData = "Specification state must not change for transitions ending in loop headers";
+ newCmds.Add(assertCmd);
+ }
+ foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName]), domainNameToExpr[domainName])));
+ }
+ foreach (Variable v in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
+ {
+ newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(v), Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[v]))));
+ }
+ newCmds.AddRange(header.Cmds);
+ header.Cmds = newCmds;
+ }
+ }
+ private void AddInitialBlock(Implementation impl, List<Variable> oldPcs, List<Variable> oldOks,
+ Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToInputVar, Dictionary<string, Variable> domainNameToLocalVar, Dictionary<Variable, Variable> ogOldGlobalMap)
+ {
+ // Add initial block
+ List<AssignLhs> lhss = new List<AssignLhs>();
+ List<Expr> rhss = new List<Expr>();
+ if (pc != null)
+ {
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(pc)));
+ rhss.Add(Expr.False);
+ foreach (Variable oldPc in oldPcs)
+ {
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldPc)));
+ rhss.Add(Expr.False);
+ }
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ok)));
+ rhss.Add(Expr.False);
+ foreach (Variable oldOk in oldOks)
+ {
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(oldOk)));
+ rhss.Add(Expr.False);
+ }
+ }
+ Dictionary<string, Expr> domainNameToExpr = new Dictionary<string, Expr>();
+ foreach (var domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ domainNameToExpr[domainName] = Expr.Ident(domainNameToInputVar[domainName]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Count - linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Count; i++)
+ {
+ Variable v = impl.InParams[i];
+ var domainName = linearTypeChecker.FindDomainName(v);
+ if (domainName == null) continue;
+ if (!linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.ContainsKey(domainName)) continue;
+ var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
+ if (!domain.collectors.ContainsKey(v.TypedIdent.Type)) continue;
+ Expr ie = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.collectors[v.TypedIdent.Type]), new List<Expr> { Expr.Ident(v) });
+ domainNameToExpr[domainName] = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(domain.mapOrBool), new List<Expr> { ie, domainNameToExpr[domainName] });
+ }
+ foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(domainNameToLocalVar[domainName])));
+ rhss.Add(domainNameToExpr[domainName]);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable g in ogOldGlobalMap.Keys)
+ {
+ lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(ogOldGlobalMap[g])));
+ rhss.Add(Expr.Ident(g));
+ }
+ if (lhss.Count > 0)
+ {
+ Block initBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, "og_init", new List<Cmd> { new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, lhss, rhss) }, new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<String> { impl.Blocks[0].Label }, new List<Block> { impl.Blocks[0] }));
+ impl.Blocks.Insert(0, initBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ private void AddYieldProcAndImpl(List<Declaration> decls)
+ {
+ if (yieldProc == null) return;
+ Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
+ List<Variable> inputs = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (string domainName in linearTypeChecker.linearDomains.Keys)
+ {
+ var domain = linearTypeChecker.linearDomains[domainName];
+ Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "linear_" + domainName + "_in", new MapType(Token.NoToken, new List<TypeVariable>(), new List<Type> { domain.elementType }, Type.Bool)), true);
+ inputs.Add(f);
+ }
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in globalMods)
+ {
+ Formal f = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, string.Format("og_global_old_{0}", ie.Decl.Name), ie.Decl.TypedIdent.Type), true);
+ inputs.Add(f);
+ }
+ List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
+ TransferCmd transferCmd = new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken);
+ if (yieldCheckerProcs.Count > 0)
+ {
+ List<Block> blockTargets = new List<Block>();
+ List<String> labelTargets = new List<String>();
+ int labelCount = 0;
+ foreach (Procedure proc in yieldCheckerProcs)
+ {
+ List<Expr> exprSeq = new List<Expr>();
+ foreach (Variable v in inputs)
+ {
+ exprSeq.Add(Expr.Ident(v));
+ }
+ CallCmd callCmd = new CallCmd(Token.NoToken, proc.Name, exprSeq, new List<IdentifierExpr>());
+ callCmd.Proc = proc;
+ string label = string.Format("L_{0}", labelCount++);
+ Block block = new Block(Token.NoToken, label, new List<Cmd> { callCmd }, new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ labelTargets.Add(label);
+ blockTargets.Add(block);
+ blocks.Add(block);
+ }
+ transferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, labelTargets, blockTargets);
+ }
+ blocks.Insert(0, new Block(Token.NoToken, "enter", new List<Cmd>(), transferCmd));
+ var yieldImpl = new Implementation(Token.NoToken, yieldProc.Name, new List<TypeVariable>(), inputs, new List<Variable>(), new List<Variable>(), blocks);
+ yieldImpl.Proc = yieldProc;
+ yieldImpl.AddAttribute("inline", new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(1)));
+ decls.Add(yieldProc);
+ decls.Add(yieldImpl);
+ }
+ public static QKeyValue RemoveYieldsAttribute(QKeyValue iter)
+ {
+ if (iter == null) return null;
+ iter.Next = RemoveYieldsAttribute(iter.Next);
+ return (iter.Key == "yields") ? iter.Next : iter;
+ }
+ public static QKeyValue RemoveMoverAttribute(QKeyValue iter)
+ {
+ if (iter == null) return null;
+ iter.Next = RemoveMoverAttribute(iter.Next);
+ if (iter.Key == "atomic" || iter.Key == "right" || iter.Key == "left" || iter.Key == "both")
+ return iter.Next;
+ else
+ return iter;
+ }
+ private List<Declaration> Collect()
+ {
+ List<Declaration> decls = new List<Declaration>();
+ foreach (Procedure proc in yieldCheckerProcs)
+ {
+ decls.Add(proc);
+ }
+ foreach (Implementation impl in yieldCheckerImpls)
+ {
+ decls.Add(impl);
+ }
+ foreach (Procedure proc in asyncAndParallelCallDesugarings.Values)
+ {
+ decls.Add(proc);
+ }
+ AddYieldProcAndImpl(decls);
+ return decls;
+ }
+ public static void AddCheckers(LinearTypeChecker linearTypeChecker, MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, List<Declaration> decls)
+ {
+ Program program = linearTypeChecker.program;
+ foreach (int layerNum in moverTypeChecker.AllCreatedLayerNums.Except(new int[] { moverTypeChecker.leastUnimplementedLayerNum }))
+ {
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TrustLayersDownto <= layerNum || layerNum <= CommandLineOptions.Clo.TrustLayersUpto) continue;
+ MyDuplicator duplicator = new MyDuplicator(moverTypeChecker, layerNum);
+ foreach (var proc in program.Procedures)
+ {
+ if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc)) continue;
+ Procedure duplicateProc = duplicator.VisitProcedure(proc);
+ decls.Add(duplicateProc);
+ }
+ decls.AddRange(duplicator.impls);
+ OwickiGries ogTransform = new OwickiGries(linearTypeChecker, moverTypeChecker, duplicator);
+ foreach (var impl in program.Implementations)
+ {
+ if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(impl.Proc) || moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[impl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum < layerNum)
+ continue;
+ Implementation duplicateImpl = duplicator.VisitImplementation(impl);
+ ogTransform.TransformImpl(duplicateImpl);
+ decls.Add(duplicateImpl);
+ }
+ decls.AddRange(ogTransform.Collect());
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs b/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs
index 542d3515..c821117a 100644
--- a/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs
+++ b/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
public Ensures ensures;
public MoverType moverType;
+ public List<AssertCmd> gate;
+ public CodeExpr action;
public List<AssertCmd> thisGate;
public CodeExpr thisAction;
public List<Variable> thisInParams;
@@ -61,6 +63,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
public HashSet<Variable> modifiedGlobalVars;
public HashSet<Variable> gateUsedGlobalVars;
public bool hasAssumeCmd;
+ public Dictionary<Variable, Expr> thisMap;
+ public Dictionary<Variable, Expr> thatMap;
public bool CommutesWith(AtomicActionInfo actionInfo)
@@ -84,122 +88,137 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
public AtomicActionInfo(Procedure proc, Ensures ensures, MoverType moverType, int layerNum, int availableUptoLayerNum)
: base(proc, layerNum, availableUptoLayerNum)
- CodeExpr codeExpr = ensures.Condition as CodeExpr;
this.ensures = ensures;
this.moverType = moverType;
+ this.gate = new List<AssertCmd>();
+ this.action = ensures.Condition as CodeExpr;
this.thisGate = new List<AssertCmd>();
- this.thisAction = codeExpr;
this.thisInParams = new List<Variable>();
this.thisOutParams = new List<Variable>();
this.thatGate = new List<AssertCmd>();
this.thatInParams = new List<Variable>();
this.thatOutParams = new List<Variable>();
this.hasAssumeCmd = false;
- foreach (Block block in codeExpr.Blocks)
+ this.thisMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ this.thatMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (Block block in this.action.Blocks)
block.Cmds.ForEach(x => this.hasAssumeCmd = this.hasAssumeCmd || x is AssumeCmd);
- var cmds = thisAction.Blocks[0].Cmds;
+ foreach (Block block in this.action.Blocks)
+ {
+ if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnExprCmd)
+ {
+ block.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok);
+ }
+ }
+ var cmds = this.action.Blocks[0].Cmds;
for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Count; i++)
AssertCmd assertCmd = cmds[i] as AssertCmd;
if (assertCmd == null) break;
- thisGate.Add(assertCmd);
+ this.gate.Add(assertCmd);
cmds[i] = new AssumeCmd(assertCmd.tok, Expr.True);
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
foreach (Variable x in proc.InParams)
- this.thisInParams.Add(x);
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), true, x.Attributes);
- this.thatInParams.Add(y);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
+ Variable thisx = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "this_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), true, x.Attributes);
+ this.thisInParams.Add(thisx);
+ this.thisMap[x] = Expr.Ident(thisx);
+ Variable thatx = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), true, x.Attributes);
+ this.thatInParams.Add(thatx);
+ this.thatMap[x] = Expr.Ident(thatx);
foreach (Variable x in proc.OutParams)
- this.thisOutParams.Add(x);
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false, x.Attributes);
- this.thatOutParams.Add(y);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
+ Variable thisx = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "this_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false, x.Attributes);
+ this.thisOutParams.Add(thisx);
+ this.thisMap[x] = Expr.Ident(thisx);
+ Variable thatx = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false, x.Attributes);
+ this.thatOutParams.Add(thatx);
+ this.thatMap[x] = Expr.Ident(thatx);
+ List<Variable> thisLocVars = new List<Variable>();
List<Variable> thatLocVars = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (Variable x in thisAction.LocVars)
+ foreach (Variable x in this.action.LocVars)
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
- thatLocVars.Add(y);
+ Variable thisx = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "this_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false);
+ thisMap[x] = Expr.Ident(thisx);
+ thisLocVars.Add(thisx);
+ Variable thatx = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false);
+ thatMap[x] = Expr.Ident(thatx);
+ thatLocVars.Add(thatx);
Contract.Assume(proc.TypeParameters.Count == 0);
- Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in thisGate)
+ Substitution thisSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(this.thisMap);
+ Substitution thatSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(this.thatMap);
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in this.gate)
+ {
+ this.thisGate.Add((AssertCmd)Substituter.Apply(thisSubst, assertCmd));
+ this.thatGate.Add((AssertCmd)Substituter.Apply(thatSubst, assertCmd));
+ }
+ this.thisAction = new CodeExpr(thisLocVars, SubstituteBlocks(this.action.Blocks, thisSubst, "this_"));
+ this.thatAction = new CodeExpr(thatLocVars, SubstituteBlocks(this.action.Blocks, thatSubst, "that_"));
- thatGate.Add((AssertCmd)Substituter.Apply(subst, assertCmd));
+ VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(this.action);
+ this.actionUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
+ List<Variable> modifiedVars = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (Block block in this.action.Blocks)
+ {
+ block.Cmds.ForEach(cmd => cmd.AddAssignedVariables(modifiedVars));
+ }
+ this.modifiedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(modifiedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
+ {
+ VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
+ this.gate.ForEach(assertCmd => collector.Visit(assertCmd));
+ this.gateUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Block> SubstituteBlocks(List<Block> blocks, Substitution subst, string blockLabelPrefix)
+ {
Dictionary<Block, Block> blockMap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
- List<Block> thatBlocks = new List<Block>();
- foreach (Block block in thisAction.Blocks)
+ List<Block> otherBlocks = new List<Block>();
+ foreach (Block block in blocks)
List<Cmd> otherCmds = new List<Cmd>();
foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
otherCmds.Add(Substituter.Apply(subst, cmd));
- Block thatBlock = new Block();
- thatBlock.Cmds = otherCmds;
- thatBlock.Label = "that_" + block.Label;
- block.Label = "this_" + block.Label;
- thatBlocks.Add(thatBlock);
- blockMap[block] = thatBlock;
- if (block.TransferCmd is GotoCmd)
- {
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- for (int i = 0; i < gotoCmd.labelNames.Count; i++)
- {
- gotoCmd.labelNames[i] = "this_" + gotoCmd.labelNames[i];
- }
- }
+ Block otherBlock = new Block();
+ otherBlock.Cmds = otherCmds;
+ otherBlock.Label = blockLabelPrefix + block.Label;
+ otherBlocks.Add(otherBlock);
+ blockMap[block] = otherBlock;
- foreach (Block block in thisAction.Blocks)
+ foreach (Block block in blocks)
- if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnExprCmd)
+ if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- block.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok);
blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok);
- List<Block> thatGotoCmdLabelTargets = new List<Block>();
- List<string> thatGotoCmdLabelNames = new List<string>();
+ List<Block> otherGotoCmdLabelTargets = new List<Block>();
+ List<string> otherGotoCmdLabelNames = new List<string>();
GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
foreach (Block target in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
- thatGotoCmdLabelTargets.Add(blockMap[target]);
- thatGotoCmdLabelNames.Add(blockMap[target].Label);
+ otherGotoCmdLabelTargets.Add(blockMap[target]);
+ otherGotoCmdLabelNames.Add(blockMap[target].Label);
- blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok, thatGotoCmdLabelNames, thatGotoCmdLabelTargets);
- }
- this.thatAction = new CodeExpr(thatLocVars, thatBlocks);
- {
- VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(codeExpr);
- this.actionUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
- }
- List<Variable> modifiedVars = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (Block block in codeExpr.Blocks)
- {
- block.Cmds.ForEach(cmd => cmd.AddAssignedVariables(modifiedVars));
- }
- this.modifiedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(modifiedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
- {
- VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
- this.thisGate.ForEach(assertCmd => collector.Visit(assertCmd));
- this.gateUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
+ blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok, otherGotoCmdLabelNames, otherGotoCmdLabelTargets);
+ return otherBlocks;
diff --git a/Source/Core/CommandLineOptions.cs b/Source/Core/CommandLineOptions.cs
index b57ea02a..309aab0e 100644
--- a/Source/Core/CommandLineOptions.cs
+++ b/Source/Core/CommandLineOptions.cs
@@ -484,6 +484,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
public bool SimplifyLogFileAppend = false;
public bool SoundnessSmokeTest = false;
public string Z3ExecutablePath = null;
+ public string Z3ExecutableName = null;
public string CVC4ExecutablePath = null;
public int KInductionDepth = -1;
@@ -1551,8 +1552,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
Z3ExecutablePath = args[ps.i];
return true;
+ // This sets name of z3 binary boogie binary directory, not path
+ case "z3name":
+ if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1))
+ {
+ Z3ExecutableName = args[ps.i];
+ }
+ return true;
- case "cvc4exe":
+ case "cvc4exe":
if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
CVC4ExecutablePath = args[ps.i];
diff --git a/Source/Core/DeadVarElim.cs b/Source/Core/DeadVarElim.cs
index 0feb5e35..fc39debb 100644
--- a/Source/Core/DeadVarElim.cs
+++ b/Source/Core/DeadVarElim.cs
@@ -1,1753 +1,1762 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
- public class UnusedVarEliminator : VariableCollector {
- public static void Eliminate(Program program) {
- Contract.Requires(program != null);
- UnusedVarEliminator elim = new UnusedVarEliminator();
- elim.Visit(program);
- }
- private UnusedVarEliminator()
- : base() {
- }
- public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node) {
- //Contract.Requires(node != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Implementation>() != null);
- //Console.WriteLine("Procedure {0}", node.Name);
- Implementation/*!*/ impl = base.VisitImplementation(node);
- Contract.Assert(impl != null);
- //Console.WriteLine("Old number of local variables = {0}", impl.LocVars.Length);
- List<Variable>/*!*/ vars = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ var in impl.LocVars) {
- Contract.Assert(var != null);
- if (_usedVars.Contains(var))
- vars.Add(var);
- }
- impl.LocVars = vars;
- //Console.WriteLine("New number of local variables = {0}", impl.LocVars.Length);
- //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------");
- _usedVars.Clear();
- return impl;
- }
- }
- public class ModSetCollector : ReadOnlyVisitor {
- private Procedure enclosingProc;
- private Dictionary<Procedure/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ modSets;
- private HashSet<Procedure> yieldingProcs;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(modSets));
- Contract.Invariant(Contract.ForAll(modSets.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
- }
- public ModSetCollector() {
- modSets = new Dictionary<Procedure/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- yieldingProcs = new HashSet<Procedure>();
- }
- private bool moreProcessingRequired;
- public void DoModSetAnalysis(Program program) {
- Contract.Requires(program != null);
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace)
- {
-// Console.WriteLine();
-// Console.WriteLine("Running modset analysis ...");
-// int procCount = 0;
-// foreach (Declaration/*!*/ decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations)
-// {
-// Contract.Assert(decl != null);
-// if (decl is Procedure)
-// procCount++;
-// }
-// Console.WriteLine("Number of procedures = {0}", procCount);*/
- }
- HashSet<Procedure/*!*/> implementedProcs = new HashSet<Procedure/*!*/>();
- foreach (var impl in program.Implementations) {
- if (impl.Proc != null)
- implementedProcs.Add(impl.Proc);
- }
- foreach (var proc in program.Procedures) {
- if (!implementedProcs.Contains(proc))
- {
- enclosingProc = proc;
- foreach (var expr in proc.Modifies)
- {
- Contract.Assert(expr != null);
- ProcessVariable(expr.Decl);
- }
- enclosingProc = null;
- }
- else
- {
- modSets.Add(proc, new HashSet<Variable>());
- }
- }
- moreProcessingRequired = true;
- while (moreProcessingRequired) {
- moreProcessingRequired = false;
- this.Visit(program);
- }
- foreach (Procedure x in modSets.Keys)
- {
- x.Modifies = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
- foreach (Variable v in modSets[x])
- {
- x.Modifies.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, v));
- }
- }
- foreach (Procedure x in yieldingProcs)
- {
- if (!QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(x.Attributes, "yields"))
- {
- x.AddAttribute("yields");
- }
- }
- Console.WriteLine("Number of procedures with nonempty modsets = {0}", modSets.Keys.Count);
- foreach (Procedure/*!*/ x in modSets.Keys) {
- Contract.Assert(x != null);
- Console.Write("{0} : ", x.Name);
- bool first = true;
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ y in modSets[x]) {
- Contract.Assert(y != null);
- if (first)
- first = false;
- else
- Console.Write(", ");
- Console.Write("{0}", y.Name);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("");
- }
- }
- public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node) {
- //Contract.Requires(node != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Implementation>() != null);
- enclosingProc = node.Proc;
- Implementation/*!*/ ret = base.VisitImplementation(node);
- Contract.Assert(ret != null);
- enclosingProc = null;
- return ret;
- }
- public override YieldCmd VisitYieldCmd(YieldCmd node)
- {
- if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(enclosingProc))
- {
- yieldingProcs.Add(enclosingProc);
- moreProcessingRequired = true;
- }
- return base.VisitYieldCmd(node);
- }
- public override Cmd VisitAssignCmd(AssignCmd assignCmd) {
- //Contract.Requires(assignCmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
- Cmd ret = base.VisitAssignCmd(assignCmd);
- foreach (AssignLhs/*!*/ lhs in assignCmd.Lhss) {
- Contract.Assert(lhs != null);
- ProcessVariable(lhs.DeepAssignedVariable);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public override Cmd VisitHavocCmd(HavocCmd havocCmd) {
- //Contract.Requires(havocCmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
- Cmd ret = base.VisitHavocCmd(havocCmd);
- foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ expr in havocCmd.Vars) {
- Contract.Assert(expr != null);
- ProcessVariable(expr.Decl);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public override Cmd VisitCallCmd(CallCmd callCmd) {
- //Contract.Requires(callCmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
- Cmd ret = base.VisitCallCmd(callCmd);
- foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in callCmd.Outs)
- {
- if (ie != null) ProcessVariable(ie.Decl);
- }
- Procedure callee = callCmd.Proc;
- if (callee == null)
- return ret;
- if (modSets.ContainsKey(callee)) {
- foreach (Variable var in modSets[callee]) {
- ProcessVariable(var);
- }
- }
- if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(enclosingProc) && (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc) || callCmd.IsAsync))
- {
- yieldingProcs.Add(enclosingProc);
- moreProcessingRequired = true;
- }
- if (callCmd.IsAsync)
- {
- if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
- {
- yieldingProcs.Add(callCmd.Proc);
- moreProcessingRequired = true;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public override Cmd VisitParCallCmd(ParCallCmd node)
- {
- //Contract.Requires(callCmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
- Cmd ret = base.VisitParCallCmd(node);
- if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(enclosingProc))
- {
- yieldingProcs.Add(enclosingProc);
- moreProcessingRequired = true;
- }
- foreach (CallCmd callCmd in node.CallCmds)
- {
- if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
- {
- yieldingProcs.Add(callCmd.Proc);
- moreProcessingRequired = true;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- private void ProcessVariable(Variable var) {
- Procedure/*!*/ localProc = cce.NonNull(enclosingProc);
- if (var == null)
- return;
- if (!(var is GlobalVariable))
- return;
- if (!modSets.ContainsKey(localProc)) {
- modSets[localProc] = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- }
- if (modSets[localProc].Contains(var))
- return;
- moreProcessingRequired = true;
- modSets[localProc].Add(var);
- }
- public override Expr VisitCodeExpr(CodeExpr node) {
- // don't go into the code expression, since it can only modify variables local to the code expression,
- // and the mod-set analysis is interested in global variables
- return node;
- }
- }
- public class MutableVariableCollector : ReadOnlyVisitor
- {
- public HashSet<Variable> UsedVariables = new HashSet<Variable>();
- public void AddUsedVariables(HashSet<Variable> usedVariables)
- {
- Contract.Requires(usedVariables != null);
- foreach (var v in usedVariables)
- {
- UsedVariables.Add(v);
- }
- }
- public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node)
- {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);
- if (node.Decl != null && node.Decl.IsMutable)
- {
- UsedVariables.Add(node.Decl);
- }
- return base.VisitIdentifierExpr(node);
- }
- }
- public class VariableCollector : ReadOnlyVisitor {
- protected HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ _usedVars;
- public IEnumerable<Variable /*!*/>/*!*/ usedVars
- {
- get
- {
- return _usedVars.AsEnumerable();
- }
- }
- protected HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ _oldVarsUsed;
- public IEnumerable<Variable /*!*/>/*!*/ oldVarsUsed
- {
- get
- {
- return _oldVarsUsed.AsEnumerable();
- }
- }
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(_usedVars));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(_oldVarsUsed));
- }
- int insideOldExpr;
- public VariableCollector() {
- _usedVars = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- _oldVarsUsed = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- insideOldExpr = 0;
- }
- public override Expr VisitOldExpr(OldExpr node) {
- //Contract.Requires(node != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);
- insideOldExpr++;
- node.Expr = this.VisitExpr(node.Expr);
- insideOldExpr--;
- return node;
- }
- public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node) {
- //Contract.Requires(node != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);
- if (node.Decl != null) {
- _usedVars.Add(node.Decl);
- if (insideOldExpr > 0) {
- _oldVarsUsed.Add(node.Decl);
- }
- }
- return node;
- }
- }
- public class BlockCoalescer : ReadOnlyVisitor {
- public static void CoalesceBlocks(Program program) {
- Contract.Requires(program != null);
- BlockCoalescer blockCoalescer = new BlockCoalescer();
- blockCoalescer.Visit(program);
- }
- private static HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ ComputeMultiPredecessorBlocks(Implementation/*!*/ impl) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Block>>()));
- HashSet<Block/*!*/> visitedBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
- HashSet<Block/*!*/> multiPredBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
- Stack<Block/*!*/> dfsStack = new Stack<Block/*!*/>();
- dfsStack.Push(impl.Blocks[0]);
- while (dfsStack.Count > 0) {
- Block/*!*/ b = dfsStack.Pop();
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- if (visitedBlocks.Contains(b)) {
- multiPredBlocks.Add(b);
- continue;
- }
- visitedBlocks.Add(b);
- if (b.TransferCmd == null)
- continue;
- if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- continue;
- Contract.Assert(b.TransferCmd is GotoCmd);
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = (GotoCmd)b.TransferCmd;
- if (gotoCmd.labelTargets == null)
- continue;
- foreach (Block/*!*/ succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
- Contract.Assert(succ != null);
- dfsStack.Push(succ);
- }
- }
- return multiPredBlocks;
- }
- public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation impl) {
- //Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Implementation>() != null);
- //Console.WriteLine("Procedure {0}", impl.Name);
- //Console.WriteLine("Initial number of blocks = {0}", impl.Blocks.Count);
- HashSet<Block/*!*/> multiPredBlocks = ComputeMultiPredecessorBlocks(impl);
- Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(multiPredBlocks));
- HashSet<Block/*!*/> visitedBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
- HashSet<Block/*!*/> removedBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
- Stack<Block/*!*/> dfsStack = new Stack<Block/*!*/>();
- dfsStack.Push(impl.Blocks[0]);
- while (dfsStack.Count > 0) {
- Block/*!*/ b = dfsStack.Pop();
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- if (visitedBlocks.Contains(b))
- continue;
- visitedBlocks.Add(b);
- if (b.TransferCmd == null)
- continue;
- if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- continue;
- Contract.Assert(b.TransferCmd is GotoCmd);
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = (GotoCmd)b.TransferCmd;
- if (gotoCmd.labelTargets == null)
- continue;
- if (gotoCmd.labelTargets.Count == 1) {
- Block/*!*/ succ = cce.NonNull(gotoCmd.labelTargets[0]);
- if (!multiPredBlocks.Contains(succ)) {
- foreach (Cmd/*!*/ cmd in succ.Cmds) {
- Contract.Assert(cmd != null);
- b.Cmds.Add(cmd);
- }
- b.TransferCmd = succ.TransferCmd;
- if (!b.tok.IsValid && succ.tok.IsValid) {
- b.tok = succ.tok;
- b.Label = succ.Label;
- }
- removedBlocks.Add(succ);
- dfsStack.Push(b);
- visitedBlocks.Remove(b);
- continue;
- }
- }
- foreach (Block/*!*/ succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
- Contract.Assert(succ != null);
- dfsStack.Push(succ);
- }
- }
- List<Block/*!*/> newBlocks = new List<Block/*!*/>();
- foreach (Block/*!*/ b in impl.Blocks) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- if (visitedBlocks.Contains(b) && !removedBlocks.Contains(b)) {
- newBlocks.Add(b);
- }
- }
- impl.Blocks = newBlocks;
- // Console.WriteLine("Final number of blocks = {0}", impl.Blocks.Count);
- return impl;
- }
- }
- public class LiveVariableAnalysis {
- public static void ClearLiveVariables(Implementation impl) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ block in impl.Blocks) {
- Contract.Assert(block != null);
- block.liveVarsBefore = null;
- }
- }
- public static void ComputeLiveVariables(Implementation impl) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Starting live variable analysis");
- Graph<Block> dag = new Graph<Block>();
- dag.AddSource(cce.NonNull(impl.Blocks[0])); // there is always at least one node in the graph
- foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks) {
- GotoCmd gtc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gtc != null) {
- Contract.Assume(gtc.labelTargets != null);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ dest in gtc.labelTargets) {
- Contract.Assert(dest != null);
- dag.AddEdge(dest, b);
- }
- }
- }
- IEnumerable<Block> sortedNodes;
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ModifyTopologicalSorting) {
- sortedNodes = dag.TopologicalSort(true);
- } else {
- sortedNodes = dag.TopologicalSort();
- }
- foreach (Block/*!*/ block in sortedNodes) {
- Contract.Assert(block != null);
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ liveVarsAfter = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- // The injected assumption variables should always be considered to be live.
- foreach (var v in impl.InjectedAssumptionVariables.Concat(impl.DoomedInjectedAssumptionVariables))
- {
- liveVarsAfter.Add(v);
- }
- if (block.TransferCmd is GotoCmd) {
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = (GotoCmd)block.TransferCmd;
- if (gotoCmd.labelTargets != null) {
- foreach (Block/*!*/ succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
- Contract.Assert(succ != null);
- Contract.Assert(succ.liveVarsBefore != null);
- liveVarsAfter.UnionWith(succ.liveVarsBefore);
- }
- }
- }
- List<Cmd> cmds = block.Cmds;
- int len = cmds.Count;
- for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (cmds[i] is CallCmd) {
- Procedure/*!*/ proc = cce.NonNull(cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmds[i]).Proc);
- if (InterProcGenKill.HasSummary(proc.Name)) {
- liveVarsAfter =
- InterProcGenKill.PropagateLiveVarsAcrossCall(cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmds[i]), liveVarsAfter);
- continue;
- }
- }
- Propagate(cmds[i], liveVarsAfter);
- }
- block.liveVarsBefore = liveVarsAfter;
- }
- }
- // perform in place update of liveSet
- public static void Propagate(Cmd cmd, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ liveSet) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(liveSet));
- if (cmd is AssignCmd) {
- AssignCmd/*!*/ assignCmd = (AssignCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
- // I must first iterate over all the targets and remove the live ones.
- // After the removals are done, I must add the variables referred on
- // the right side of the removed targets
- AssignCmd simpleAssignCmd = assignCmd.AsSimpleAssignCmd;
- HashSet<int> indexSet = new HashSet<int>();
- int index = 0;
- foreach (AssignLhs/*!*/ lhs in simpleAssignCmd.Lhss) {
- Contract.Assert(lhs != null);
- SimpleAssignLhs salhs = lhs as SimpleAssignLhs;
- Contract.Assert(salhs != null);
- Variable var = salhs.DeepAssignedVariable;
- if (var != null && liveSet.Contains(var)) {
- indexSet.Add(index);
- liveSet.Remove(var);
- }
- index++;
- }
- index = 0;
- foreach (Expr/*!*/ expr in simpleAssignCmd.Rhss) {
- Contract.Assert(expr != null);
- if (indexSet.Contains(index)) {
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(expr);
- liveSet.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
- }
- index++;
- }
- } else if (cmd is HavocCmd) {
- HavocCmd/*!*/ havocCmd = (HavocCmd)cmd;
- foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ expr in havocCmd.Vars) {
- Contract.Assert(expr != null);
- if (expr.Decl != null && !(QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(expr.Decl.Attributes, "assumption") && expr.Decl.Name.StartsWith("a##cached##"))) {
- liveSet.Remove(expr.Decl);
- }
- }
- } else if (cmd is PredicateCmd) {
- Contract.Assert((cmd is AssertCmd || cmd is AssumeCmd));
- PredicateCmd/*!*/ predicateCmd = (PredicateCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
- if (predicateCmd.Expr is LiteralExpr) {
- LiteralExpr le = (LiteralExpr)predicateCmd.Expr;
- if (le.IsFalse) {
- liveSet.Clear();
- }
- } else {
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(predicateCmd.Expr);
- liveSet.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
- }
- } else if (cmd is CommentCmd) {
- // comments are just for debugging and don't affect verification
- } else if (cmd is SugaredCmd) {
- SugaredCmd/*!*/ sugCmd = (SugaredCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
- Propagate(sugCmd.Desugaring, liveSet);
- } else if (cmd is StateCmd) {
- StateCmd/*!*/ stCmd = (StateCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
- List<Cmd>/*!*/ cmds = cce.NonNull(stCmd.Cmds);
- int len = cmds.Count;
- for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- Propagate(cmds[i], liveSet);
- }
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in stCmd.Locals) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- liveSet.Remove(v);
- }
- } else {
- {
- Contract.Assert(false);
- throw new cce.UnreachableException();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- // An idempotent semiring interface
- abstract public class Weight {
- abstract public Weight! one();
- abstract public Weight! zero();
- abstract public Weight! extend(Weight! w1, Weight! w2);
- abstract public Weight! combine(Weight! w1, Weight! w2);
- abstract public Weight! isEqual(Weight! w);
- abstract public Weight! projectLocals()
- }
- */
- // Weight domain for LiveVariableAnalysis (Gen/Kill)
- public class GenKillWeight {
- // lambda S. (S - kill) union gen
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen;
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(gen));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(kill));
- Contract.Invariant(oneWeight != null);
- Contract.Invariant(zeroWeight != null);
- }
- bool isZero;
- public static GenKillWeight/*!*/ oneWeight = new GenKillWeight(new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>(), new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>());
- public static GenKillWeight/*!*/ zeroWeight = new GenKillWeight();
- // initializes to zero
- public GenKillWeight() {
- this.isZero = true;
- this.gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- this.kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- }
- public GenKillWeight(HashSet<Variable/*!*/> gen, HashSet<Variable/*!*/> kill) {
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(gen));
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(kill));
- Contract.Assert(gen != null);
- Contract.Assert(kill != null);
- this.gen = gen;
- this.kill = kill;
- this.isZero = false;
- }
- public static GenKillWeight one() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- return oneWeight;
- }
- public static GenKillWeight zero() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- return zeroWeight;
- }
- public static GenKillWeight extend(GenKillWeight w1, GenKillWeight w2) {
- Contract.Requires(w2 != null);
- Contract.Requires(w1 != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- if (w1.isZero || w2.isZero)
- return zero();
- HashSet<Variable> t = new HashSet<Variable>(w2.gen);
- t.ExceptWith(w1.kill);
- HashSet<Variable> g = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.gen);
- g.UnionWith(t);
- HashSet<Variable> k = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.kill);
- k.UnionWith(w2.kill);
- return new GenKillWeight(g, k);
- //return new GenKillWeight(w1.gen.Union(w2.gen.Difference(w1.kill)), w1.kill.Union(w2.kill));
- }
- public static GenKillWeight combine(GenKillWeight w1, GenKillWeight w2) {
- Contract.Requires(w2 != null);
- Contract.Requires(w1 != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- if (w1.isZero)
- return w2;
- if (w2.isZero)
- return w1;
- HashSet<Variable> g = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.gen);
- g.UnionWith(w2.gen);
- HashSet<Variable> k = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.kill);
- k.IntersectWith(w2.kill);
- return new GenKillWeight(g, k);
- //return new GenKillWeight(w1.gen.Union(w2.gen), w1.kill.Intersection(w2.kill));
- }
- public static GenKillWeight projectLocals(GenKillWeight w) {
- Contract.Requires(w != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/> gen = new HashSet<Variable>();
- foreach (Variable v in w.gen)
- {
- if (isGlobal(v))
- gen.Add(v);
- }
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/> kill = new HashSet<Variable>();
- foreach (Variable v in w.kill)
- {
- if (isGlobal(v))
- kill.Add(v);
- }
- return new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
- }
- public static bool isEqual(GenKillWeight w1, GenKillWeight w2) {
- Contract.Requires(w2 != null);
- Contract.Requires(w1 != null);
- if (w1.isZero)
- return w2.isZero;
- if (w2.isZero)
- return w1.isZero;
- return (w1.gen.Equals(w2.gen) && w1.kill.Equals(w2.kill));
- }
- private static bool isGlobal(Variable v) {
- Contract.Requires(v != null);
- return (v is GlobalVariable);
- }
- [Pure]
- public override string ToString() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
- return string.Format("({0},{1})", gen.ToString(), kill.ToString());
- }
- public HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ getLiveVars() {
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
- return gen;
- }
- public HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ getLiveVars(HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv) {
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(lv));
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
- HashSet<Variable> temp = new HashSet<Variable>(lv);
- temp.ExceptWith(kill);
- temp.UnionWith(gen);
- return temp;
- }
- }
- public class ICFG {
- public Graph<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ graph;
- // Map from procedure to the list of blocks that call that procedure
- public Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ procsCalled;
- public HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ nodes;
- public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ succEdges;
- public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ predEdges;
- private Dictionary<Block/*!*/, int>/*!*/ priority;
- public HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ srcNodes;
- public HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ exitNodes;
- public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightBefore;
- public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightAfter;
- public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ liveVarsAfter;
- public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ liveVarsBefore;
- public GenKillWeight/*!*/ summary;
- public Implementation/*!*/ impl;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(graph.Nodes));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(procsCalled));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(nodes));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(succEdges));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(predEdges));
- Contract.Invariant(priority != null);
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(srcNodes));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(exitNodes));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightBefore));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightAfter));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(liveVarsAfter));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(liveVarsBefore));
- Contract.Invariant(summary != null);
- Contract.Invariant(impl != null);
- }
- [NotDelayed]
- public ICFG(Implementation impl) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- this.graph = new Graph<Block/*!*/>();
- this.procsCalled = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- this.nodes = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
- this.succEdges = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- this.predEdges = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- this.priority = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, int>();
- this.srcNodes = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
- this.exitNodes = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
- this.weightBefore = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
- this.weightAfter = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
- this.liveVarsAfter = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- this.liveVarsBefore = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- summary =;
- this.impl = impl;
- Initialize(impl);
- }
- private void Initialize(Implementation impl) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- addSource(impl.Blocks[0]);
- graph.AddSource(impl.Blocks[0]);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ b in impl.Blocks) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd) {
- exitNodes.Add(b);
- } else {
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- Contract.Assert(gc != null);
- Contract.Assert(gc.labelTargets != null);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ t in gc.labelTargets) {
- Contract.Assert(t != null);
- addEdge(b, t);
- graph.AddEdge(b, t);
- }
- }
- weightBefore[b] =;
- weightAfter[b] =;
- foreach (Cmd/*!*/ c in b.Cmds) {
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- if (c is CallCmd) {
- CallCmd/*!*/ cc = cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)c);
- Contract.Assert(cc.Proc != null);
- string/*!*/ procName = cc.Proc.Name;
- Contract.Assert(procName != null);
- if (!procsCalled.ContainsKey(procName)) {
- procsCalled.Add(procName, new List<Block/*!*/>());
- }
- procsCalled[procName].Add(b);
- }
- }
- }
- List<Block>/*!*/ sortedNodes;
- bool acyclic;
- graph.TarjanTopSort(out acyclic, out sortedNodes);
- if (!acyclic) {
- Console.WriteLine("Warning: graph is not a dag");
- }
- int num = sortedNodes.Count;
- foreach (Block/*!*/ b in sortedNodes) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- priority.Add(b, num);
- num--;
- }
- }
- public int getPriority(Block b) {
- Contract.Requires(b != null);
- if (priority.ContainsKey(b))
- return priority[b];
- return Int32.MaxValue;
- }
- private void addSource(Block b) {
- Contract.Requires(b != null);
- registerNode(b);
- this.srcNodes.Add(b);
- }
- private void addExit(Block b) {
- Contract.Requires(b != null);
- registerNode(b);
- this.exitNodes.Add(b);
- }
- private void registerNode(Block b) {
- Contract.Requires(b != null);
- if (!succEdges.ContainsKey(b)) {
- succEdges.Add(b, new HashSet<Block/*!*/>());
- }
- if (!predEdges.ContainsKey(b)) {
- predEdges.Add(b, new HashSet<Block/*!*/>());
- }
- nodes.Add(b);
- }
- private void addEdge(Block src, Block tgt) {
- Contract.Requires(tgt != null);
- Contract.Requires(src != null);
- registerNode(src);
- registerNode(tgt);
- succEdges[src].Add(tgt);
- predEdges[tgt].Add(src);
- }
- }
- // Interprocedural Gen/Kill Analysis
- public class InterProcGenKill {
- Program/*!*/ program;
- Dictionary<string/*!*/, ICFG/*!*/>/*!*/ procICFG;
- Dictionary<string/*!*/, Procedure/*!*/>/*!*/ name2Proc;
- Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ callers;
- Graph<string/*!*/>/*!*/ callGraph;
- Dictionary<string/*!*/, int>/*!*/ procPriority;
- int maxBlocksInProc;
- WorkList/*!*/ workList;
- Implementation/*!*/ mainImpl;
- static Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ varsLiveAtExit = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- static Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ varsLiveAtEntry = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- static Dictionary<string/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ varsLiveSummary = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(workList != null);
- Contract.Invariant(mainImpl != null);
- Contract.Invariant(program != null);
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(procICFG));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(name2Proc));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(callers) &&
- Contract.ForAll(callers.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(callGraph.Nodes));
- Contract.Invariant(procPriority != null);
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(varsLiveAtEntry));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(varsLiveAtExit) &&
- Contract.ForAll(varsLiveAtExit.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(varsLiveSummary));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightCacheAfterCall));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightCacheBeforeCall));
- }
- [NotDelayed]
- public InterProcGenKill(Implementation impl, Program program) {
- Contract.Requires(program != null);
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- this.program = program;
- procICFG = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, ICFG/*!*/>();
- name2Proc = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, Procedure/*!*/>();
- workList = new WorkList();
- this.callers = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- this.callGraph = new Graph<string/*!*/>();
- this.procPriority = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, int>();
- this.maxBlocksInProc = 0;
- this.mainImpl = impl;
- Dictionary<string/*!*/, Implementation/*!*/>/*!*/ name2Impl = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, Implementation/*!*/>();
- varsLiveAtExit.Clear();
- varsLiveAtEntry.Clear();
- varsLiveSummary.Clear();
- foreach (var decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations) {
- Contract.Assert(decl != null);
- if (decl is Implementation) {
- Implementation/*!*/ imp = (Implementation/*!*/)cce.NonNull(decl);
- name2Impl[imp.Name] = imp;
- } else if (decl is Procedure) {
- Procedure/*!*/ proc = cce.NonNull(decl as Procedure);
- name2Proc[proc.Name] = proc;
- }
- }
- ICFG/*!*/ mainICFG = new ICFG(mainImpl);
- Contract.Assert(mainICFG != null);
- procICFG.Add(mainICFG.impl.Name, mainICFG);
- callGraph.AddSource(mainICFG.impl.Name);
- List<ICFG/*!*/>/*!*/ procsToConsider = new List<ICFG/*!*/>();
- procsToConsider.Add(mainICFG);
- while (procsToConsider.Count != 0) {
- ICFG/*!*/ p = procsToConsider[0];
- Contract.Assert(p != null);
- procsToConsider.RemoveAt(0);
- foreach (string/*!*/ callee in p.procsCalled.Keys) {
- Contract.Assert(callee != null);
- if (!name2Impl.ContainsKey(callee))
- continue;
- callGraph.AddEdge(p.impl.Name, callee);
- if (maxBlocksInProc < p.nodes.Count) {
- maxBlocksInProc = p.nodes.Count;
- }
- if (!callers.ContainsKey(callee)) {
- callers.Add(callee, new List<WorkItem/*!*/>());
- }
- foreach (Block/*!*/ b in p.procsCalled[callee]) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- callers[callee].Add(new WorkItem(p, b));
- }
- if (procICFG.ContainsKey(callee))
- continue;
- ICFG/*!*/ ncfg = new ICFG(name2Impl[callee]);
- Contract.Assert(ncfg != null);
- procICFG.Add(callee, ncfg);
- procsToConsider.Add(ncfg);
- }
- }
- bool acyclic;
- List<string>/*!*/ sortedNodes;
- callGraph.TarjanTopSort(out acyclic, out sortedNodes);
- Contract.Assert(acyclic);
- int cnt = 0;
- for (int i = sortedNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- string s = sortedNodes[i];
- if (s == null)
- continue;
- procPriority.Add(s, cnt);
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- public static HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ GetVarsLiveAtExit(Implementation impl, Program prog) {
- Contract.Requires(prog != null);
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
- if (varsLiveAtExit.ContainsKey(impl.Name)) {
- return varsLiveAtExit[impl.Name];
- }
- // Return default: all globals and out params
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in prog.GlobalVariables) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- lv.Add(v);
- }
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.OutParams) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- lv.Add(v);
- }
- return lv;
- }
- public static HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ GetVarsLiveAtEntry(Implementation impl, Program prog) {
- Contract.Requires(prog != null);
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
- if (varsLiveAtEntry.ContainsKey(impl.Name)) {
- return varsLiveAtEntry[impl.Name];
- }
- // Return default: all globals and in params
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in prog.GlobalVariables) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- lv.Add(v);
- }
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.InParams) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- lv.Add(v);
- }
- return lv;
- }
- public static bool HasSummary(string name) {
- Contract.Requires(name != null);
- return varsLiveSummary.ContainsKey(name);
- }
- public static HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ PropagateLiveVarsAcrossCall(CallCmd cmd, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lvAfter) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(lvAfter));
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
- Procedure/*!*/ proc = cce.NonNull(cmd.Proc);
- if (varsLiveSummary.ContainsKey(proc.Name)) {
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w1 = getWeightBeforeCall(cmd);
- Contract.Assert(w1 != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w2 = varsLiveSummary[proc.Name];
- Contract.Assert(w2 != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w3 = getWeightAfterCall(cmd);
- Contract.Assert(w3 != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w = GenKillWeight.extend(w1, GenKillWeight.extend(w2, w3));
- Contract.Assert(w != null);
- return w.getLiveVars(lvAfter);
- }
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ ret = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- ret.UnionWith(lvAfter);
- LiveVariableAnalysis.Propagate(cmd, ret);
- return ret;
- }
- class WorkItem {
- public ICFG/*!*/ cfg;
- public Block/*!*/ block;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(cfg != null);
- Contract.Invariant(block != null);
- }
- public WorkItem(ICFG cfg, Block block) {
- Contract.Requires(block != null);
- Contract.Requires(cfg != null);
- this.cfg = cfg;
- this.block = block;
- }
- public GenKillWeight getWeightAfter() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- return cfg.weightAfter[block];
- }
- public bool setWeightBefore(GenKillWeight w) {
- Contract.Requires(w != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ prev = cfg.weightBefore[block];
- Contract.Assert(prev != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ curr = GenKillWeight.combine(w, prev);
- Contract.Assert(curr != null);
- if (GenKillWeight.isEqual(prev, curr))
- return false;
- cfg.weightBefore[block] = curr;
- return true;
- }
- [Pure]
- [Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)]
- public override bool Equals(object other) {
- WorkItem/*!*/ wi = (WorkItem/*!*/)cce.NonNull(other);
- return (wi.cfg == cfg && wi.block == block);
- }
- [Pure]
- public override int GetHashCode() {
- return 0;
- }
- public string getLabel() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
- return cfg.impl.Name + "::" + block.Label;
- }
- }
- private void AddToWorkList(WorkItem wi) {
- Contract.Requires(wi != null);
- int i = procPriority[wi.cfg.impl.Name];
- int j = wi.cfg.getPriority(wi.block);
- int priority = (i * maxBlocksInProc) + j;
- workList.Add(wi, priority);
- }
- private void AddToWorkListReverse(WorkItem wi) {
- Contract.Requires(wi != null);
- int i = procPriority[wi.cfg.impl.Name];
- int j = wi.cfg.getPriority(wi.block);
- int priority = (procPriority.Count - i) * maxBlocksInProc + j;
- workList.Add(wi, priority);
- }
- class WorkList {
- SortedList<int, int>/*!*/ priorities;
- HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/ labels;
- Dictionary<int, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ workList;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(priorities != null);
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(labels));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(workList) &&
- Contract.ForAll(workList.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
- }
- public WorkList() {
- labels = new HashSet<string/*!*/>();
- priorities = new SortedList<int, int>();
- workList = new Dictionary<int, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- }
- public void Add(WorkItem wi, int priority) {
- Contract.Requires(wi != null);
- string/*!*/ lab = wi.getLabel();
- Contract.Assert(lab != null);
- if (labels.Contains(lab)) {
- // Already on worklist
- return;
- }
- labels.Add(lab);
- if (!workList.ContainsKey(priority)) {
- workList.Add(priority, new List<WorkItem/*!*/>());
- }
- workList[priority].Add(wi);
- if (!priorities.ContainsKey(priority)) {
- priorities.Add(priority, 0);
- }
- priorities[priority] = priorities[priority] + 1;
- }
- public WorkItem Get() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<WorkItem>() != null);
- // Get minimum priority
- int p = cce.NonNull(priorities.Keys)[0];
- priorities[p] = priorities[p] - 1;
- if (priorities[p] == 0) {
- priorities.Remove(p);
- }
- // Get a WI with this priority
- WorkItem/*!*/ wi = workList[p][0];
- Contract.Assert(wi != null);
- workList[p].RemoveAt(0);
- // update labels
- labels.Remove(wi.getLabel());
- return wi;
- }
- public int Count {
- get {
- return labels.Count;
- }
- }
- }
- private GenKillWeight getSummary(CallCmd cmd) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- Contract.Assert(cmd.Proc != null);
- string/*!*/ procName = cmd.Proc.Name;
- Contract.Assert(procName != null);
- if (procICFG.ContainsKey(procName)) {
- ICFG/*!*/ cfg = procICFG[procName];
- Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
- return GenKillWeight.projectLocals(cfg.summary);
- }
- {
- Contract.Assert(false);
- throw new cce.UnreachableException();
- }
- }
- public static void ComputeLiveVars(Implementation impl, Program/*!*/ prog) {
- Contract.Requires(prog != null);
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- InterProcGenKill/*!*/ ipgk = new InterProcGenKill(impl, prog);
- Contract.Assert(ipgk != null);
- ipgk.Compute();
- }
- public void Compute() {
- // Put all exit nodes in the worklist
- foreach (ICFG/*!*/ cfg in procICFG.Values) {
- Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in cfg.exitNodes) {
- Contract.Assert(eb != null);
- WorkItem/*!*/ wi = new WorkItem(cfg, eb);
- Contract.Assert(wi != null);
- cfg.weightAfter[eb] =;
- AddToWorkList(wi);
- }
- }
- while (workList.Count != 0) {
- WorkItem/*!*/ wi = workList.Get();
- Contract.Assert(wi != null);
- process(wi);
- }
- // Propagate LV to all procedures
- foreach (ICFG/*!*/ cfg in procICFG.Values) {
- Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ b in cfg.nodes) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- cfg.liveVarsAfter.Add(b, new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>());
- cfg.liveVarsBefore.Add(b, new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>());
- }
- }
- ICFG/*!*/ mainCfg = procICFG[mainImpl.Name];
- Contract.Assert(mainCfg != null);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in mainCfg.exitNodes) {
- Contract.Assert(eb != null);
- WorkItem/*!*/ wi = new WorkItem(mainCfg, eb);
- Contract.Assert(wi != null);
- AddToWorkListReverse(wi);
- }
- while (workList.Count != 0) {
- WorkItem/*!*/ wi = workList.Get();
- Contract.Assert(wi != null);
- processLV(wi);
- }
- // Set live variable info
- foreach (ICFG/*!*/ cfg in procICFG.Values) {
- Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in cfg.exitNodes) {
- Contract.Assert(eb != null);
- lv.UnionWith(cfg.liveVarsAfter[eb]);
- }
- varsLiveAtExit.Add(cfg.impl.Name, lv);
- lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in cfg.srcNodes) {
- Contract.Assert(eb != null);
- lv.UnionWith(cfg.liveVarsBefore[eb]);
- }
- varsLiveAtEntry.Add(cfg.impl.Name, lv);
- varsLiveSummary.Add(cfg.impl.Name, cfg.summary);
- }
- /*
- foreach(Block/*!*/
- /* b in mainImpl.Blocks){
-Contract.Assert(b != null);
-//Set<Variable!> lv = cfg.weightBefore[b].getLiveVars();
-b.liveVarsBefore = procICFG[mainImpl.Name].liveVarsAfter[b];
- /* v in program.GlobalVariables){Contract.Assert(v != null);
-// b.liveVarsBefore.Add(v);
- }
- // Called when summaries have already been computed
- private void processLV(WorkItem wi) {
- Contract.Requires(wi != null);
- ICFG/*!*/ cfg = wi.cfg;
- Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
- Block/*!*/ block = wi.block;
- Contract.Assert(block != null);
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = cfg.liveVarsAfter[block];
- Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(lv));
- // Propagate backwards in the block
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ prop = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- prop.UnionWith(lv);
- for (int i = block.Cmds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- Cmd/*!*/ cmd = block.Cmds[i];
- Contract.Assert(cmd != null);
- if (cmd is CallCmd) {
- string/*!*/ procName = cce.NonNull(cce.NonNull((CallCmd)cmd).Proc).Name;
- Contract.Assert(procName != null);
- if (procICFG.ContainsKey(procName)) {
- ICFG/*!*/ callee = procICFG[procName];
- Contract.Assert(callee != null);
- // Inter propagation
- // Remove local variables; add return variables
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ elv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in prop) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- if (v is GlobalVariable)
- elv.Add(v);
- }
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in callee.impl.OutParams) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- elv.Add(v);
- }
- foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in callee.exitNodes) {
- Contract.Assert(eb != null);
- callee.liveVarsAfter[eb].UnionWith(elv);
- // TODO: check if modified before inserting
- AddToWorkListReverse(new WorkItem(callee, eb));
- }
- // Continue with intra propagation
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ summary = getWeightCall(cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmd));
- prop = summary.getLiveVars(prop);
- } else {
- LiveVariableAnalysis.Propagate(cmd, prop);
- }
- } else {
- LiveVariableAnalysis.Propagate(cmd, prop);
- }
- }
- cfg.liveVarsBefore[block].UnionWith(prop);
- foreach (Block/*!*/ b in cfg.predEdges[block]) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ prev = cfg.liveVarsAfter[b];
- Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(prev));
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ curr = new HashSet<Variable>(prev);
- curr.UnionWith(cfg.liveVarsBefore[block]);
- Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(curr));
- if (curr.Count != prev.Count) {
- cfg.liveVarsAfter[b] = curr;
- AddToWorkListReverse(new WorkItem(cfg, b));
- }
- }
- }
- private void process(WorkItem wi) {
- Contract.Requires(wi != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w = wi.getWeightAfter();
- Contract.Assert(w != null);
- for (int i = wi.block.Cmds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- Cmd/*!*/ c = wi.block.Cmds[i];
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- if (c is CallCmd && procICFG.ContainsKey(cce.NonNull(cce.NonNull((CallCmd)c).Proc).Name)) {
- w = GenKillWeight.extend(getWeightCall(cce.NonNull((CallCmd)c)), w);
- } else {
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ cweight = getWeight(c, wi.cfg.impl, program);
- Contract.Assert(cweight != null);
- w = GenKillWeight.extend(cweight, w);
- }
- }
- bool change = wi.setWeightBefore(w);
- if (change && wi.cfg.srcNodes.Contains(wi.block)) {
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ prev = wi.cfg.summary;
- Contract.Assert(prev != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ curr = GenKillWeight.combine(prev, wi.cfg.weightBefore[wi.block]);
- Contract.Assert(curr != null);
- if (!GenKillWeight.isEqual(prev, curr)) {
- wi.cfg.summary = curr;
- // push callers onto the worklist
- if (callers.ContainsKey(wi.cfg.impl.Name)) {
- foreach (WorkItem/*!*/ caller in callers[wi.cfg.impl.Name]) {
- Contract.Assert(caller != null);
- AddToWorkList(caller);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (Block/*!*/ b in wi.cfg.predEdges[wi.block]) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ prev = wi.cfg.weightAfter[b];
- Contract.Assert(prev != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ curr = GenKillWeight.combine(prev, w);
- Contract.Assert(curr != null);
- if (!GenKillWeight.isEqual(prev, curr)) {
- wi.cfg.weightAfter[b] = curr;
- AddToWorkList(new WorkItem(wi.cfg, b));
- }
- }
- }
- static Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightCache = new Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
- private static GenKillWeight getWeight(Cmd cmd) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- return getWeight(cmd, null, null);
- }
- private GenKillWeight getWeightCall(CallCmd cmd) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w1 = getWeightBeforeCall(cmd);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w2 = getSummary(cmd);
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w3 = getWeightAfterCall(cmd);
- Contract.Assert(w1 != null);
- Contract.Assert(w2 != null);
- Contract.Assert(w3 != null);
- return GenKillWeight.extend(w1, GenKillWeight.extend(w2, w3));
- }
- private static GenKillWeight getWeight(Cmd cmd, Implementation impl, Program prog) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- if (weightCache.ContainsKey(cmd))
- return weightCache[cmd];
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ ret;
- if (cmd is AssignCmd) {
- AssignCmd/*!*/ assignCmd = (AssignCmd)cmd;
- Contract.Assert(cmd != null);
- // I must first iterate over all the targets and remove the live ones.
- // After the removals are done, I must add the variables referred on
- // the right side of the removed targets
- foreach (AssignLhs/*!*/ lhs in assignCmd.Lhss) {
- Contract.Assert(lhs != null);
- Variable var = lhs.DeepAssignedVariable;
- if (var != null) {
- if (lhs is SimpleAssignLhs) {
- // we should only remove non-map target variables because there is an implicit
- // read of a map variable in an assignment to it
- kill.Add(var);
- }
- }
- }
- int index = 0;
- foreach (Expr/*!*/ expr in assignCmd.Rhss) {
- Contract.Assert(expr != null);
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(expr);
- gen.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
- AssignLhs lhs = assignCmd.Lhss[index];
- if (lhs is MapAssignLhs) {
- // If the target is a map, then all indices are also read
- MapAssignLhs malhs = (MapAssignLhs)lhs;
- foreach (Expr e in malhs.Indexes) {
- VariableCollector/*!*/ c = new VariableCollector();
- c.Visit(e);
- gen.UnionWith(c.usedVars);
- }
- }
- index++;
- }
- ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
- } else if (cmd is HavocCmd) {
- HavocCmd/*!*/ havocCmd = (HavocCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
- foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ expr in havocCmd.Vars) {
- Contract.Assert(expr != null);
- if (expr.Decl != null) {
- kill.Add(expr.Decl);
- }
- }
- ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
- } else if (cmd is PredicateCmd) {
- Contract.Assert((cmd is AssertCmd || cmd is AssumeCmd));
- PredicateCmd/*!*/ predicateCmd = (PredicateCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
- if (predicateCmd.Expr is LiteralExpr && prog != null && impl != null) {
- LiteralExpr le = (LiteralExpr)predicateCmd.Expr;
- if (le.IsFalse) {
- var globals = prog.GlobalVariables;
- Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(globals));
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in globals) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- kill.Add(v);
- }
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.LocVars) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- kill.Add(v);
- }
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.OutParams) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- kill.Add(v);
- }
- }
- } else {
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(predicateCmd.Expr);
- gen.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
- }
- ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
- } else if (cmd is CommentCmd) {
- ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
- // comments are just for debugging and don't affect verification
- } else if (cmd is SugaredCmd) {
- SugaredCmd/*!*/ sugCmd = (SugaredCmd)cmd;
- Contract.Assert(sugCmd != null);
- ret = getWeight(sugCmd.Desugaring, impl, prog);
- } else if (cmd is StateCmd) {
- StateCmd/*!*/ stCmd = (StateCmd)cmd;
- Contract.Assert(stCmd != null);
- List<Cmd>/*!*/ cmds = stCmd.Cmds;
- Contract.Assert(cmds != null);
- int len = cmds.Count;
- ret =;
- for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ w = getWeight(cmds[i], impl, prog);
- Contract.Assert(w != null);
- ret = GenKillWeight.extend(w, ret);
- }
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in stCmd.Locals) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- kill.Add(v);
- }
- ret = GenKillWeight.extend(new GenKillWeight(gen, kill), ret);
- } else {
- {
- Contract.Assert(false);
- throw new cce.UnreachableException();
- }
- }
- weightCache[cmd] = ret;
- return ret;
- }
- static Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightCacheAfterCall = new Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
- static Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightCacheBeforeCall = new Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
- private static GenKillWeight getWeightAfterCall(Cmd cmd) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- if (weightCacheAfterCall.ContainsKey(cmd))
- return weightCacheAfterCall[cmd];
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- Contract.Assert(cmd is CallCmd);
- CallCmd/*!*/ ccmd = cce.NonNull((CallCmd)cmd);
- foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ ie in ccmd.Outs) {
- Contract.Assert(ie != null);
- if (ie.Decl != null)
- kill.Add(ie.Decl);
- }
- // Variables in ensures are considered as "read"
- foreach (Ensures/*!*/ re in cce.NonNull(ccmd.Proc).Ensures) {
- Contract.Assert(re != null);
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(re.Condition);
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in collector.usedVars) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- if (v is GlobalVariable) {
- gen.Add(v);
- }
- }
- }
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
- Contract.Assert(ret != null);
- weightCacheAfterCall[cmd] = ret;
- return ret;
- }
- private static GenKillWeight getWeightBeforeCall(Cmd cmd) {
- Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
- Contract.Assert((cmd is CallCmd));
- if (weightCacheBeforeCall.ContainsKey(cmd))
- return weightCacheBeforeCall[cmd];
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
- CallCmd/*!*/ ccmd = cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmd);
- foreach (Expr/*!*/ expr in ccmd.Ins) {
- Contract.Assert(expr != null);
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(expr);
- gen.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
- }
- Contract.Assert(ccmd.Proc != null);
- // Variables in requires are considered as "read"
- foreach (Requires/*!*/ re in ccmd.Proc.Requires) {
- Contract.Assert(re != null);
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(re.Condition);
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in collector.usedVars) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- if (v is GlobalVariable) {
- gen.Add(v);
- }
- }
- }
- // Old variables in ensures are considered as "read"
- foreach (Ensures/*!*/ re in ccmd.Proc.Ensures) {
- Contract.Assert(re != null);
- VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(re.Condition);
- foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in collector.oldVarsUsed) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- if (v is GlobalVariable) {
- gen.Add(v);
- }
- }
- }
- GenKillWeight/*!*/ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
- Contract.Assert(ret != null);
- weightCacheAfterCall[cmd] = ret;
- return ret;
- }
- }
- public class TokenEliminator : ReadOnlyVisitor
- {
- public int TokenCount = 0;
- public override Expr VisitExpr(Expr node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitExpr(node);
- }
- public override Variable VisitVariable(Variable node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitVariable(node);
- }
- public override Function VisitFunction(Function node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitFunction(node);
- }
- public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitImplementation(node);
- }
- public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitProcedure(node);
- }
- public override Axiom VisitAxiom(Axiom node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitAxiom(node);
- }
- public override Cmd VisitAssignCmd(AssignCmd node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitAssignCmd(node);
- }
- public override Cmd VisitAssumeCmd(AssumeCmd node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitAssumeCmd(node);
- }
- public override Cmd VisitHavocCmd(HavocCmd node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitHavocCmd(node);
- }
- public override Constant VisitConstant(Constant node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitConstant(node);
- }
- public override TransferCmd VisitTransferCmd(TransferCmd node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitTransferCmd(node);
- }
- public override Block VisitBlock(Block node)
- {
- node.tok = Token.NoToken;
- TokenCount++;
- return base.VisitBlock(node);
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
+ public class UnusedVarEliminator : VariableCollector {
+ public static void Eliminate(Program program) {
+ Contract.Requires(program != null);
+ UnusedVarEliminator elim = new UnusedVarEliminator();
+ elim.Visit(program);
+ }
+ private UnusedVarEliminator()
+ : base() {
+ }
+ public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node) {
+ //Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Implementation>() != null);
+ //Console.WriteLine("Procedure {0}", node.Name);
+ Implementation/*!*/ impl = base.VisitImplementation(node);
+ Contract.Assert(impl != null);
+ //Console.WriteLine("Old number of local variables = {0}", impl.LocVars.Length);
+ List<Variable>/*!*/ vars = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ var in impl.LocVars) {
+ Contract.Assert(var != null);
+ if (_usedVars.Contains(var))
+ vars.Add(var);
+ }
+ impl.LocVars = vars;
+ //Console.WriteLine("New number of local variables = {0}", impl.LocVars.Length);
+ //Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------");
+ _usedVars.Clear();
+ return impl;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ModSetCollector : ReadOnlyVisitor {
+ private Procedure enclosingProc;
+ private Dictionary<Procedure/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ modSets;
+ private HashSet<Procedure> yieldingProcs;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(modSets));
+ Contract.Invariant(Contract.ForAll(modSets.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
+ }
+ public ModSetCollector() {
+ modSets = new Dictionary<Procedure/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ yieldingProcs = new HashSet<Procedure>();
+ }
+ private bool moreProcessingRequired;
+ public void DoModSetAnalysis(Program program) {
+ Contract.Requires(program != null);
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace)
+ {
+// Console.WriteLine();
+// Console.WriteLine("Running modset analysis ...");
+// int procCount = 0;
+// foreach (Declaration/*!*/ decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations)
+// {
+// Contract.Assert(decl != null);
+// if (decl is Procedure)
+// procCount++;
+// }
+// Console.WriteLine("Number of procedures = {0}", procCount);*/
+ }
+ HashSet<Procedure/*!*/> implementedProcs = new HashSet<Procedure/*!*/>();
+ foreach (var impl in program.Implementations) {
+ if (impl.Proc != null)
+ implementedProcs.Add(impl.Proc);
+ }
+ foreach (var proc in program.Procedures) {
+ if (!implementedProcs.Contains(proc))
+ {
+ enclosingProc = proc;
+ foreach (var expr in proc.Modifies)
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(expr != null);
+ ProcessVariable(expr.Decl);
+ }
+ enclosingProc = null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ modSets.Add(proc, new HashSet<Variable>());
+ }
+ }
+ moreProcessingRequired = true;
+ while (moreProcessingRequired) {
+ moreProcessingRequired = false;
+ this.Visit(program);
+ }
+ foreach (Procedure x in modSets.Keys)
+ {
+ x.Modifies = new List<IdentifierExpr>();
+ foreach (Variable v in modSets[x])
+ {
+ x.Modifies.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, v));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Procedure x in yieldingProcs)
+ {
+ if (!QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(x.Attributes, "yields"))
+ {
+ x.AddAttribute("yields");
+ }
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("Number of procedures with nonempty modsets = {0}", modSets.Keys.Count);
+ foreach (Procedure/*!*/ x in modSets.Keys) {
+ Contract.Assert(x != null);
+ Console.Write("{0} : ", x.Name);
+ bool first = true;
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ y in modSets[x]) {
+ Contract.Assert(y != null);
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ Console.Write(", ");
+ Console.Write("{0}", y.Name);
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("");
+ }
+ }
+ public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node) {
+ //Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Implementation>() != null);
+ enclosingProc = node.Proc;
+ Implementation/*!*/ ret = base.VisitImplementation(node);
+ Contract.Assert(ret != null);
+ enclosingProc = null;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public override YieldCmd VisitYieldCmd(YieldCmd node)
+ {
+ if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(enclosingProc))
+ {
+ yieldingProcs.Add(enclosingProc);
+ moreProcessingRequired = true;
+ }
+ return base.VisitYieldCmd(node);
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitAssignCmd(AssignCmd assignCmd) {
+ //Contract.Requires(assignCmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
+ Cmd ret = base.VisitAssignCmd(assignCmd);
+ foreach (AssignLhs/*!*/ lhs in assignCmd.Lhss) {
+ Contract.Assert(lhs != null);
+ ProcessVariable(lhs.DeepAssignedVariable);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitHavocCmd(HavocCmd havocCmd) {
+ //Contract.Requires(havocCmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
+ Cmd ret = base.VisitHavocCmd(havocCmd);
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ expr in havocCmd.Vars) {
+ Contract.Assert(expr != null);
+ ProcessVariable(expr.Decl);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitCallCmd(CallCmd callCmd) {
+ //Contract.Requires(callCmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
+ Cmd ret = base.VisitCallCmd(callCmd);
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in callCmd.Outs)
+ {
+ if (ie != null) ProcessVariable(ie.Decl);
+ }
+ Procedure callee = callCmd.Proc;
+ if (callee == null)
+ return ret;
+ if (modSets.ContainsKey(callee)) {
+ foreach (Variable var in modSets[callee]) {
+ ProcessVariable(var);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(enclosingProc) && (yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc) || callCmd.IsAsync))
+ {
+ yieldingProcs.Add(enclosingProc);
+ moreProcessingRequired = true;
+ }
+ if (callCmd.IsAsync)
+ {
+ if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
+ {
+ yieldingProcs.Add(callCmd.Proc);
+ moreProcessingRequired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitParCallCmd(ParCallCmd node)
+ {
+ //Contract.Requires(callCmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() != null);
+ Cmd ret = base.VisitParCallCmd(node);
+ if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(enclosingProc))
+ {
+ yieldingProcs.Add(enclosingProc);
+ moreProcessingRequired = true;
+ }
+ foreach (CallCmd callCmd in node.CallCmds)
+ {
+ if (!yieldingProcs.Contains(callCmd.Proc))
+ {
+ yieldingProcs.Add(callCmd.Proc);
+ moreProcessingRequired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void ProcessVariable(Variable var) {
+ Procedure/*!*/ localProc = cce.NonNull(enclosingProc);
+ if (var == null)
+ return;
+ if (!(var is GlobalVariable))
+ return;
+ if (!modSets.ContainsKey(localProc)) {
+ modSets[localProc] = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ }
+ if (modSets[localProc].Contains(var))
+ return;
+ moreProcessingRequired = true;
+ modSets[localProc].Add(var);
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitCodeExpr(CodeExpr node) {
+ // don't go into the code expression, since it can only modify variables local to the code expression,
+ // and the mod-set analysis is interested in global variables
+ return node;
+ }
+ }
+ public class MutableVariableCollector : ReadOnlyVisitor
+ {
+ public HashSet<Variable> UsedVariables = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ public void AddUsedVariables(HashSet<Variable> usedVariables)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(usedVariables != null);
+ foreach (var v in usedVariables)
+ {
+ UsedVariables.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node)
+ {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);
+ if (node.Decl != null && node.Decl.IsMutable)
+ {
+ UsedVariables.Add(node.Decl);
+ }
+ return base.VisitIdentifierExpr(node);
+ }
+ }
+ public class VariableCollector : ReadOnlyVisitor {
+ protected HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ _usedVars;
+ public IEnumerable<Variable /*!*/>/*!*/ usedVars
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _usedVars.AsEnumerable();
+ }
+ }
+ protected HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ _oldVarsUsed;
+ public IEnumerable<Variable /*!*/>/*!*/ oldVarsUsed
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _oldVarsUsed.AsEnumerable();
+ }
+ }
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(_usedVars));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(_oldVarsUsed));
+ }
+ int insideOldExpr;
+ public VariableCollector() {
+ _usedVars = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ _oldVarsUsed = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ insideOldExpr = 0;
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitOldExpr(OldExpr node) {
+ //Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);
+ insideOldExpr++;
+ node.Expr = this.VisitExpr(node.Expr);
+ insideOldExpr--;
+ return node;
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node) {
+ //Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Expr>() != null);
+ if (node.Decl != null) {
+ _usedVars.Add(node.Decl);
+ if (insideOldExpr > 0) {
+ _oldVarsUsed.Add(node.Decl);
+ }
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ }
+ public class BlockCoalescer : ReadOnlyVisitor {
+ public static void CoalesceBlocks(Program program) {
+ Contract.Requires(program != null);
+ BlockCoalescer blockCoalescer = new BlockCoalescer();
+ blockCoalescer.Visit(program);
+ }
+ private static HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ ComputeMultiPredecessorBlocks(Implementation/*!*/ impl) {
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Block>>()));
+ HashSet<Block/*!*/> visitedBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
+ HashSet<Block/*!*/> multiPredBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
+ Stack<Block/*!*/> dfsStack = new Stack<Block/*!*/>();
+ dfsStack.Push(impl.Blocks[0]);
+ while (dfsStack.Count > 0) {
+ Block/*!*/ b = dfsStack.Pop();
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ if (visitedBlocks.Contains(b)) {
+ multiPredBlocks.Add(b);
+ continue;
+ }
+ visitedBlocks.Add(b);
+ if (b.TransferCmd == null)
+ continue;
+ if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
+ continue;
+ Contract.Assert(b.TransferCmd is GotoCmd);
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = (GotoCmd)b.TransferCmd;
+ if (gotoCmd.labelTargets == null)
+ continue;
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
+ Contract.Assert(succ != null);
+ dfsStack.Push(succ);
+ }
+ }
+ return multiPredBlocks;
+ }
+ public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation impl) {
+ //Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Implementation>() != null);
+ //Console.WriteLine("Procedure {0}", impl.Name);
+ //Console.WriteLine("Initial number of blocks = {0}", impl.Blocks.Count);
+ HashSet<Block/*!*/> multiPredBlocks = ComputeMultiPredecessorBlocks(impl);
+ Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(multiPredBlocks));
+ HashSet<Block/*!*/> visitedBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
+ HashSet<Block/*!*/> removedBlocks = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
+ Stack<Block/*!*/> dfsStack = new Stack<Block/*!*/>();
+ dfsStack.Push(impl.Blocks[0]);
+ while (dfsStack.Count > 0) {
+ Block/*!*/ b = dfsStack.Pop();
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ if (visitedBlocks.Contains(b))
+ continue;
+ visitedBlocks.Add(b);
+ if (b.TransferCmd == null)
+ continue;
+ if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
+ continue;
+ Contract.Assert(b.TransferCmd is GotoCmd);
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = (GotoCmd)b.TransferCmd;
+ if (gotoCmd.labelTargets == null)
+ continue;
+ if (gotoCmd.labelTargets.Count == 1) {
+ Block/*!*/ succ = cce.NonNull(gotoCmd.labelTargets[0]);
+ if (!multiPredBlocks.Contains(succ)) {
+ foreach (Cmd/*!*/ cmd in succ.Cmds) {
+ Contract.Assert(cmd != null);
+ b.Cmds.Add(cmd);
+ }
+ b.TransferCmd = succ.TransferCmd;
+ if (!b.tok.IsValid && succ.tok.IsValid) {
+ b.tok = succ.tok;
+ b.Label = succ.Label;
+ }
+ removedBlocks.Add(succ);
+ dfsStack.Push(b);
+ visitedBlocks.Remove(b);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
+ Contract.Assert(succ != null);
+ dfsStack.Push(succ);
+ }
+ }
+ List<Block/*!*/> newBlocks = new List<Block/*!*/>();
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ b in impl.Blocks) {
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ if (visitedBlocks.Contains(b) && !removedBlocks.Contains(b)) {
+ newBlocks.Add(b);
+ }
+ }
+ impl.Blocks = newBlocks;
+ foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
+ {
+ if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd) continue;
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ gotoCmd.labelNames = new List<string>();
+ foreach (Block succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
+ {
+ gotoCmd.labelNames.Add(succ.Label);
+ }
+ }
+ // Console.WriteLine("Final number of blocks = {0}", impl.Blocks.Count);
+ return impl;
+ }
+ }
+ public class LiveVariableAnalysis {
+ public static void ClearLiveVariables(Implementation impl) {
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ block in impl.Blocks) {
+ Contract.Assert(block != null);
+ block.liveVarsBefore = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void ComputeLiveVariables(Implementation impl) {
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Starting live variable analysis");
+ Graph<Block> dag = new Graph<Block>();
+ dag.AddSource(cce.NonNull(impl.Blocks[0])); // there is always at least one node in the graph
+ foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks) {
+ GotoCmd gtc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ if (gtc != null) {
+ Contract.Assume(gtc.labelTargets != null);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ dest in gtc.labelTargets) {
+ Contract.Assert(dest != null);
+ dag.AddEdge(dest, b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ IEnumerable<Block> sortedNodes;
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ModifyTopologicalSorting) {
+ sortedNodes = dag.TopologicalSort(true);
+ } else {
+ sortedNodes = dag.TopologicalSort();
+ }
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ block in sortedNodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(block != null);
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ liveVarsAfter = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ // The injected assumption variables should always be considered to be live.
+ foreach (var v in impl.InjectedAssumptionVariables.Concat(impl.DoomedInjectedAssumptionVariables))
+ {
+ liveVarsAfter.Add(v);
+ }
+ if (block.TransferCmd is GotoCmd) {
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = (GotoCmd)block.TransferCmd;
+ if (gotoCmd.labelTargets != null) {
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
+ Contract.Assert(succ != null);
+ Contract.Assert(succ.liveVarsBefore != null);
+ liveVarsAfter.UnionWith(succ.liveVarsBefore);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ List<Cmd> cmds = block.Cmds;
+ int len = cmds.Count;
+ for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (cmds[i] is CallCmd) {
+ Procedure/*!*/ proc = cce.NonNull(cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmds[i]).Proc);
+ if (InterProcGenKill.HasSummary(proc.Name)) {
+ liveVarsAfter =
+ InterProcGenKill.PropagateLiveVarsAcrossCall(cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmds[i]), liveVarsAfter);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ Propagate(cmds[i], liveVarsAfter);
+ }
+ block.liveVarsBefore = liveVarsAfter;
+ }
+ }
+ // perform in place update of liveSet
+ public static void Propagate(Cmd cmd, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ liveSet) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(liveSet));
+ if (cmd is AssignCmd) {
+ AssignCmd/*!*/ assignCmd = (AssignCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
+ // I must first iterate over all the targets and remove the live ones.
+ // After the removals are done, I must add the variables referred on
+ // the right side of the removed targets
+ AssignCmd simpleAssignCmd = assignCmd.AsSimpleAssignCmd;
+ HashSet<int> indexSet = new HashSet<int>();
+ int index = 0;
+ foreach (AssignLhs/*!*/ lhs in simpleAssignCmd.Lhss) {
+ Contract.Assert(lhs != null);
+ SimpleAssignLhs salhs = lhs as SimpleAssignLhs;
+ Contract.Assert(salhs != null);
+ Variable var = salhs.DeepAssignedVariable;
+ if (var != null && liveSet.Contains(var)) {
+ indexSet.Add(index);
+ liveSet.Remove(var);
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ index = 0;
+ foreach (Expr/*!*/ expr in simpleAssignCmd.Rhss) {
+ Contract.Assert(expr != null);
+ if (indexSet.Contains(index)) {
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(expr);
+ liveSet.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ } else if (cmd is HavocCmd) {
+ HavocCmd/*!*/ havocCmd = (HavocCmd)cmd;
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ expr in havocCmd.Vars) {
+ Contract.Assert(expr != null);
+ if (expr.Decl != null && !(QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(expr.Decl.Attributes, "assumption") && expr.Decl.Name.StartsWith("a##cached##"))) {
+ liveSet.Remove(expr.Decl);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (cmd is PredicateCmd) {
+ Contract.Assert((cmd is AssertCmd || cmd is AssumeCmd));
+ PredicateCmd/*!*/ predicateCmd = (PredicateCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
+ if (predicateCmd.Expr is LiteralExpr) {
+ LiteralExpr le = (LiteralExpr)predicateCmd.Expr;
+ if (le.IsFalse) {
+ liveSet.Clear();
+ }
+ } else {
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(predicateCmd.Expr);
+ liveSet.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
+ }
+ } else if (cmd is CommentCmd) {
+ // comments are just for debugging and don't affect verification
+ } else if (cmd is SugaredCmd) {
+ SugaredCmd/*!*/ sugCmd = (SugaredCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
+ Propagate(sugCmd.Desugaring, liveSet);
+ } else if (cmd is StateCmd) {
+ StateCmd/*!*/ stCmd = (StateCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
+ List<Cmd>/*!*/ cmds = cce.NonNull(stCmd.Cmds);
+ int len = cmds.Count;
+ for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ Propagate(cmds[i], liveSet);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in stCmd.Locals) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ liveSet.Remove(v);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(false);
+ throw new cce.UnreachableException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ // An idempotent semiring interface
+ abstract public class Weight {
+ abstract public Weight! one();
+ abstract public Weight! zero();
+ abstract public Weight! extend(Weight! w1, Weight! w2);
+ abstract public Weight! combine(Weight! w1, Weight! w2);
+ abstract public Weight! isEqual(Weight! w);
+ abstract public Weight! projectLocals()
+ }
+ */
+ // Weight domain for LiveVariableAnalysis (Gen/Kill)
+ public class GenKillWeight {
+ // lambda S. (S - kill) union gen
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen;
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(gen));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(kill));
+ Contract.Invariant(oneWeight != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(zeroWeight != null);
+ }
+ bool isZero;
+ public static GenKillWeight/*!*/ oneWeight = new GenKillWeight(new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>(), new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>());
+ public static GenKillWeight/*!*/ zeroWeight = new GenKillWeight();
+ // initializes to zero
+ public GenKillWeight() {
+ this.isZero = true;
+ this.gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ this.kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ }
+ public GenKillWeight(HashSet<Variable/*!*/> gen, HashSet<Variable/*!*/> kill) {
+ Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(gen));
+ Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(kill));
+ Contract.Assert(gen != null);
+ Contract.Assert(kill != null);
+ this.gen = gen;
+ this.kill = kill;
+ this.isZero = false;
+ }
+ public static GenKillWeight one() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ return oneWeight;
+ }
+ public static GenKillWeight zero() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ return zeroWeight;
+ }
+ public static GenKillWeight extend(GenKillWeight w1, GenKillWeight w2) {
+ Contract.Requires(w2 != null);
+ Contract.Requires(w1 != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ if (w1.isZero || w2.isZero)
+ return zero();
+ HashSet<Variable> t = new HashSet<Variable>(w2.gen);
+ t.ExceptWith(w1.kill);
+ HashSet<Variable> g = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.gen);
+ g.UnionWith(t);
+ HashSet<Variable> k = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.kill);
+ k.UnionWith(w2.kill);
+ return new GenKillWeight(g, k);
+ //return new GenKillWeight(w1.gen.Union(w2.gen.Difference(w1.kill)), w1.kill.Union(w2.kill));
+ }
+ public static GenKillWeight combine(GenKillWeight w1, GenKillWeight w2) {
+ Contract.Requires(w2 != null);
+ Contract.Requires(w1 != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ if (w1.isZero)
+ return w2;
+ if (w2.isZero)
+ return w1;
+ HashSet<Variable> g = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.gen);
+ g.UnionWith(w2.gen);
+ HashSet<Variable> k = new HashSet<Variable>(w1.kill);
+ k.IntersectWith(w2.kill);
+ return new GenKillWeight(g, k);
+ //return new GenKillWeight(w1.gen.Union(w2.gen), w1.kill.Intersection(w2.kill));
+ }
+ public static GenKillWeight projectLocals(GenKillWeight w) {
+ Contract.Requires(w != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/> gen = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ foreach (Variable v in w.gen)
+ {
+ if (isGlobal(v))
+ gen.Add(v);
+ }
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/> kill = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ foreach (Variable v in w.kill)
+ {
+ if (isGlobal(v))
+ kill.Add(v);
+ }
+ return new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
+ }
+ public static bool isEqual(GenKillWeight w1, GenKillWeight w2) {
+ Contract.Requires(w2 != null);
+ Contract.Requires(w1 != null);
+ if (w1.isZero)
+ return w2.isZero;
+ if (w2.isZero)
+ return w1.isZero;
+ return (w1.gen.Equals(w2.gen) && w1.kill.Equals(w2.kill));
+ }
+ private static bool isGlobal(Variable v) {
+ Contract.Requires(v != null);
+ return (v is GlobalVariable);
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ public override string ToString() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
+ return string.Format("({0},{1})", gen.ToString(), kill.ToString());
+ }
+ public HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ getLiveVars() {
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
+ return gen;
+ }
+ public HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ getLiveVars(HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv) {
+ Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(lv));
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
+ HashSet<Variable> temp = new HashSet<Variable>(lv);
+ temp.ExceptWith(kill);
+ temp.UnionWith(gen);
+ return temp;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ICFG {
+ public Graph<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ graph;
+ // Map from procedure to the list of blocks that call that procedure
+ public Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ procsCalled;
+ public HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ nodes;
+ public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ succEdges;
+ public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ predEdges;
+ private Dictionary<Block/*!*/, int>/*!*/ priority;
+ public HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ srcNodes;
+ public HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/ exitNodes;
+ public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightBefore;
+ public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightAfter;
+ public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ liveVarsAfter;
+ public Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ liveVarsBefore;
+ public GenKillWeight/*!*/ summary;
+ public Implementation/*!*/ impl;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(graph.Nodes));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(procsCalled));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(nodes));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(succEdges));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(predEdges));
+ Contract.Invariant(priority != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(srcNodes));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(exitNodes));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightBefore));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightAfter));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(liveVarsAfter));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(liveVarsBefore));
+ Contract.Invariant(summary != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(impl != null);
+ }
+ [NotDelayed]
+ public ICFG(Implementation impl) {
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ this.graph = new Graph<Block/*!*/>();
+ this.procsCalled = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ this.nodes = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
+ this.succEdges = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ this.predEdges = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ this.priority = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, int>();
+ this.srcNodes = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
+ this.exitNodes = new HashSet<Block/*!*/>();
+ this.weightBefore = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
+ this.weightAfter = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
+ this.liveVarsAfter = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ this.liveVarsBefore = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ summary =;
+ this.impl = impl;
+ Initialize(impl);
+ }
+ private void Initialize(Implementation impl) {
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ addSource(impl.Blocks[0]);
+ graph.AddSource(impl.Blocks[0]);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ b in impl.Blocks) {
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd) {
+ exitNodes.Add(b);
+ } else {
+ GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ Contract.Assert(gc != null);
+ Contract.Assert(gc.labelTargets != null);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ t in gc.labelTargets) {
+ Contract.Assert(t != null);
+ addEdge(b, t);
+ graph.AddEdge(b, t);
+ }
+ }
+ weightBefore[b] =;
+ weightAfter[b] =;
+ foreach (Cmd/*!*/ c in b.Cmds) {
+ Contract.Assert(c != null);
+ if (c is CallCmd) {
+ CallCmd/*!*/ cc = cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)c);
+ Contract.Assert(cc.Proc != null);
+ string/*!*/ procName = cc.Proc.Name;
+ Contract.Assert(procName != null);
+ if (!procsCalled.ContainsKey(procName)) {
+ procsCalled.Add(procName, new List<Block/*!*/>());
+ }
+ procsCalled[procName].Add(b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ List<Block>/*!*/ sortedNodes;
+ bool acyclic;
+ graph.TarjanTopSort(out acyclic, out sortedNodes);
+ if (!acyclic) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Warning: graph is not a dag");
+ }
+ int num = sortedNodes.Count;
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ b in sortedNodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ priority.Add(b, num);
+ num--;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getPriority(Block b) {
+ Contract.Requires(b != null);
+ if (priority.ContainsKey(b))
+ return priority[b];
+ return Int32.MaxValue;
+ }
+ private void addSource(Block b) {
+ Contract.Requires(b != null);
+ registerNode(b);
+ this.srcNodes.Add(b);
+ }
+ private void addExit(Block b) {
+ Contract.Requires(b != null);
+ registerNode(b);
+ this.exitNodes.Add(b);
+ }
+ private void registerNode(Block b) {
+ Contract.Requires(b != null);
+ if (!succEdges.ContainsKey(b)) {
+ succEdges.Add(b, new HashSet<Block/*!*/>());
+ }
+ if (!predEdges.ContainsKey(b)) {
+ predEdges.Add(b, new HashSet<Block/*!*/>());
+ }
+ nodes.Add(b);
+ }
+ private void addEdge(Block src, Block tgt) {
+ Contract.Requires(tgt != null);
+ Contract.Requires(src != null);
+ registerNode(src);
+ registerNode(tgt);
+ succEdges[src].Add(tgt);
+ predEdges[tgt].Add(src);
+ }
+ }
+ // Interprocedural Gen/Kill Analysis
+ public class InterProcGenKill {
+ Program/*!*/ program;
+ Dictionary<string/*!*/, ICFG/*!*/>/*!*/ procICFG;
+ Dictionary<string/*!*/, Procedure/*!*/>/*!*/ name2Proc;
+ Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ callers;
+ Graph<string/*!*/>/*!*/ callGraph;
+ Dictionary<string/*!*/, int>/*!*/ procPriority;
+ int maxBlocksInProc;
+ WorkList/*!*/ workList;
+ Implementation/*!*/ mainImpl;
+ static Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ varsLiveAtExit = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ static Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ varsLiveAtEntry = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ static Dictionary<string/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ varsLiveSummary = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(workList != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(mainImpl != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(program != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(procICFG));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(name2Proc));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(callers) &&
+ Contract.ForAll(callers.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(callGraph.Nodes));
+ Contract.Invariant(procPriority != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(varsLiveAtEntry));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(varsLiveAtExit) &&
+ Contract.ForAll(varsLiveAtExit.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(varsLiveSummary));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightCacheAfterCall));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(weightCacheBeforeCall));
+ }
+ [NotDelayed]
+ public InterProcGenKill(Implementation impl, Program program) {
+ Contract.Requires(program != null);
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ this.program = program;
+ procICFG = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, ICFG/*!*/>();
+ name2Proc = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, Procedure/*!*/>();
+ workList = new WorkList();
+ this.callers = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ this.callGraph = new Graph<string/*!*/>();
+ this.procPriority = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, int>();
+ this.maxBlocksInProc = 0;
+ this.mainImpl = impl;
+ Dictionary<string/*!*/, Implementation/*!*/>/*!*/ name2Impl = new Dictionary<string/*!*/, Implementation/*!*/>();
+ varsLiveAtExit.Clear();
+ varsLiveAtEntry.Clear();
+ varsLiveSummary.Clear();
+ foreach (var decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations) {
+ Contract.Assert(decl != null);
+ if (decl is Implementation) {
+ Implementation/*!*/ imp = (Implementation/*!*/)cce.NonNull(decl);
+ name2Impl[imp.Name] = imp;
+ } else if (decl is Procedure) {
+ Procedure/*!*/ proc = cce.NonNull(decl as Procedure);
+ name2Proc[proc.Name] = proc;
+ }
+ }
+ ICFG/*!*/ mainICFG = new ICFG(mainImpl);
+ Contract.Assert(mainICFG != null);
+ procICFG.Add(mainICFG.impl.Name, mainICFG);
+ callGraph.AddSource(mainICFG.impl.Name);
+ List<ICFG/*!*/>/*!*/ procsToConsider = new List<ICFG/*!*/>();
+ procsToConsider.Add(mainICFG);
+ while (procsToConsider.Count != 0) {
+ ICFG/*!*/ p = procsToConsider[0];
+ Contract.Assert(p != null);
+ procsToConsider.RemoveAt(0);
+ foreach (string/*!*/ callee in p.procsCalled.Keys) {
+ Contract.Assert(callee != null);
+ if (!name2Impl.ContainsKey(callee))
+ continue;
+ callGraph.AddEdge(p.impl.Name, callee);
+ if (maxBlocksInProc < p.nodes.Count) {
+ maxBlocksInProc = p.nodes.Count;
+ }
+ if (!callers.ContainsKey(callee)) {
+ callers.Add(callee, new List<WorkItem/*!*/>());
+ }
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ b in p.procsCalled[callee]) {
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ callers[callee].Add(new WorkItem(p, b));
+ }
+ if (procICFG.ContainsKey(callee))
+ continue;
+ ICFG/*!*/ ncfg = new ICFG(name2Impl[callee]);
+ Contract.Assert(ncfg != null);
+ procICFG.Add(callee, ncfg);
+ procsToConsider.Add(ncfg);
+ }
+ }
+ bool acyclic;
+ List<string>/*!*/ sortedNodes;
+ callGraph.TarjanTopSort(out acyclic, out sortedNodes);
+ Contract.Assert(acyclic);
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for (int i = sortedNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ string s = sortedNodes[i];
+ if (s == null)
+ continue;
+ procPriority.Add(s, cnt);
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ public static HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ GetVarsLiveAtExit(Implementation impl, Program prog) {
+ Contract.Requires(prog != null);
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
+ if (varsLiveAtExit.ContainsKey(impl.Name)) {
+ return varsLiveAtExit[impl.Name];
+ }
+ // Return default: all globals and out params
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in prog.GlobalVariables) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ lv.Add(v);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.OutParams) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ lv.Add(v);
+ }
+ return lv;
+ }
+ public static HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ GetVarsLiveAtEntry(Implementation impl, Program prog) {
+ Contract.Requires(prog != null);
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
+ if (varsLiveAtEntry.ContainsKey(impl.Name)) {
+ return varsLiveAtEntry[impl.Name];
+ }
+ // Return default: all globals and in params
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in prog.GlobalVariables) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ lv.Add(v);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.InParams) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ lv.Add(v);
+ }
+ return lv;
+ }
+ public static bool HasSummary(string name) {
+ Contract.Requires(name != null);
+ return varsLiveSummary.ContainsKey(name);
+ }
+ public static HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ PropagateLiveVarsAcrossCall(CallCmd cmd, HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lvAfter) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(lvAfter));
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<HashSet<Variable>>()));
+ Procedure/*!*/ proc = cce.NonNull(cmd.Proc);
+ if (varsLiveSummary.ContainsKey(proc.Name)) {
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w1 = getWeightBeforeCall(cmd);
+ Contract.Assert(w1 != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w2 = varsLiveSummary[proc.Name];
+ Contract.Assert(w2 != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w3 = getWeightAfterCall(cmd);
+ Contract.Assert(w3 != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w = GenKillWeight.extend(w1, GenKillWeight.extend(w2, w3));
+ Contract.Assert(w != null);
+ return w.getLiveVars(lvAfter);
+ }
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ ret = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ ret.UnionWith(lvAfter);
+ LiveVariableAnalysis.Propagate(cmd, ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ class WorkItem {
+ public ICFG/*!*/ cfg;
+ public Block/*!*/ block;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(cfg != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(block != null);
+ }
+ public WorkItem(ICFG cfg, Block block) {
+ Contract.Requires(block != null);
+ Contract.Requires(cfg != null);
+ this.cfg = cfg;
+ this.block = block;
+ }
+ public GenKillWeight getWeightAfter() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ return cfg.weightAfter[block];
+ }
+ public bool setWeightBefore(GenKillWeight w) {
+ Contract.Requires(w != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ prev = cfg.weightBefore[block];
+ Contract.Assert(prev != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ curr = GenKillWeight.combine(w, prev);
+ Contract.Assert(curr != null);
+ if (GenKillWeight.isEqual(prev, curr))
+ return false;
+ cfg.weightBefore[block] = curr;
+ return true;
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ [Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)]
+ public override bool Equals(object other) {
+ WorkItem/*!*/ wi = (WorkItem/*!*/)cce.NonNull(other);
+ return (wi.cfg == cfg && wi.block == block);
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ public override int GetHashCode() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public string getLabel() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
+ return cfg.impl.Name + "::" + block.Label;
+ }
+ }
+ private void AddToWorkList(WorkItem wi) {
+ Contract.Requires(wi != null);
+ int i = procPriority[wi.cfg.impl.Name];
+ int j = wi.cfg.getPriority(wi.block);
+ int priority = (i * maxBlocksInProc) + j;
+ workList.Add(wi, priority);
+ }
+ private void AddToWorkListReverse(WorkItem wi) {
+ Contract.Requires(wi != null);
+ int i = procPriority[wi.cfg.impl.Name];
+ int j = wi.cfg.getPriority(wi.block);
+ int priority = (procPriority.Count - i) * maxBlocksInProc + j;
+ workList.Add(wi, priority);
+ }
+ class WorkList {
+ SortedList<int, int>/*!*/ priorities;
+ HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/ labels;
+ Dictionary<int, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ workList;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(priorities != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(labels));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(workList) &&
+ Contract.ForAll(workList.Values, v => cce.NonNullElements(v)));
+ }
+ public WorkList() {
+ labels = new HashSet<string/*!*/>();
+ priorities = new SortedList<int, int>();
+ workList = new Dictionary<int, List<WorkItem/*!*/>/*!*/>();
+ }
+ public void Add(WorkItem wi, int priority) {
+ Contract.Requires(wi != null);
+ string/*!*/ lab = wi.getLabel();
+ Contract.Assert(lab != null);
+ if (labels.Contains(lab)) {
+ // Already on worklist
+ return;
+ }
+ labels.Add(lab);
+ if (!workList.ContainsKey(priority)) {
+ workList.Add(priority, new List<WorkItem/*!*/>());
+ }
+ workList[priority].Add(wi);
+ if (!priorities.ContainsKey(priority)) {
+ priorities.Add(priority, 0);
+ }
+ priorities[priority] = priorities[priority] + 1;
+ }
+ public WorkItem Get() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<WorkItem>() != null);
+ // Get minimum priority
+ int p = cce.NonNull(priorities.Keys)[0];
+ priorities[p] = priorities[p] - 1;
+ if (priorities[p] == 0) {
+ priorities.Remove(p);
+ }
+ // Get a WI with this priority
+ WorkItem/*!*/ wi = workList[p][0];
+ Contract.Assert(wi != null);
+ workList[p].RemoveAt(0);
+ // update labels
+ labels.Remove(wi.getLabel());
+ return wi;
+ }
+ public int Count {
+ get {
+ return labels.Count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private GenKillWeight getSummary(CallCmd cmd) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ Contract.Assert(cmd.Proc != null);
+ string/*!*/ procName = cmd.Proc.Name;
+ Contract.Assert(procName != null);
+ if (procICFG.ContainsKey(procName)) {
+ ICFG/*!*/ cfg = procICFG[procName];
+ Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
+ return GenKillWeight.projectLocals(cfg.summary);
+ }
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(false);
+ throw new cce.UnreachableException();
+ }
+ }
+ public static void ComputeLiveVars(Implementation impl, Program/*!*/ prog) {
+ Contract.Requires(prog != null);
+ Contract.Requires(impl != null);
+ InterProcGenKill/*!*/ ipgk = new InterProcGenKill(impl, prog);
+ Contract.Assert(ipgk != null);
+ ipgk.Compute();
+ }
+ public void Compute() {
+ // Put all exit nodes in the worklist
+ foreach (ICFG/*!*/ cfg in procICFG.Values) {
+ Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in cfg.exitNodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(eb != null);
+ WorkItem/*!*/ wi = new WorkItem(cfg, eb);
+ Contract.Assert(wi != null);
+ cfg.weightAfter[eb] =;
+ AddToWorkList(wi);
+ }
+ }
+ while (workList.Count != 0) {
+ WorkItem/*!*/ wi = workList.Get();
+ Contract.Assert(wi != null);
+ process(wi);
+ }
+ // Propagate LV to all procedures
+ foreach (ICFG/*!*/ cfg in procICFG.Values) {
+ Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ b in cfg.nodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ cfg.liveVarsAfter.Add(b, new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>());
+ cfg.liveVarsBefore.Add(b, new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>());
+ }
+ }
+ ICFG/*!*/ mainCfg = procICFG[mainImpl.Name];
+ Contract.Assert(mainCfg != null);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in mainCfg.exitNodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(eb != null);
+ WorkItem/*!*/ wi = new WorkItem(mainCfg, eb);
+ Contract.Assert(wi != null);
+ AddToWorkListReverse(wi);
+ }
+ while (workList.Count != 0) {
+ WorkItem/*!*/ wi = workList.Get();
+ Contract.Assert(wi != null);
+ processLV(wi);
+ }
+ // Set live variable info
+ foreach (ICFG/*!*/ cfg in procICFG.Values) {
+ Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in cfg.exitNodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(eb != null);
+ lv.UnionWith(cfg.liveVarsAfter[eb]);
+ }
+ varsLiveAtExit.Add(cfg.impl.Name, lv);
+ lv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in cfg.srcNodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(eb != null);
+ lv.UnionWith(cfg.liveVarsBefore[eb]);
+ }
+ varsLiveAtEntry.Add(cfg.impl.Name, lv);
+ varsLiveSummary.Add(cfg.impl.Name, cfg.summary);
+ }
+ /*
+ foreach(Block/*!*/
+ /* b in mainImpl.Blocks){
+Contract.Assert(b != null);
+//Set<Variable!> lv = cfg.weightBefore[b].getLiveVars();
+b.liveVarsBefore = procICFG[mainImpl.Name].liveVarsAfter[b];
+ /* v in program.GlobalVariables){Contract.Assert(v != null);
+// b.liveVarsBefore.Add(v);
+ }
+ // Called when summaries have already been computed
+ private void processLV(WorkItem wi) {
+ Contract.Requires(wi != null);
+ ICFG/*!*/ cfg = wi.cfg;
+ Contract.Assert(cfg != null);
+ Block/*!*/ block = wi.block;
+ Contract.Assert(block != null);
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ lv = cfg.liveVarsAfter[block];
+ Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(lv));
+ // Propagate backwards in the block
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ prop = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ prop.UnionWith(lv);
+ for (int i = block.Cmds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ Cmd/*!*/ cmd = block.Cmds[i];
+ Contract.Assert(cmd != null);
+ if (cmd is CallCmd) {
+ string/*!*/ procName = cce.NonNull(cce.NonNull((CallCmd)cmd).Proc).Name;
+ Contract.Assert(procName != null);
+ if (procICFG.ContainsKey(procName)) {
+ ICFG/*!*/ callee = procICFG[procName];
+ Contract.Assert(callee != null);
+ // Inter propagation
+ // Remove local variables; add return variables
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ elv = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in prop) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ if (v is GlobalVariable)
+ elv.Add(v);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in callee.impl.OutParams) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ elv.Add(v);
+ }
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ eb in callee.exitNodes) {
+ Contract.Assert(eb != null);
+ callee.liveVarsAfter[eb].UnionWith(elv);
+ // TODO: check if modified before inserting
+ AddToWorkListReverse(new WorkItem(callee, eb));
+ }
+ // Continue with intra propagation
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ summary = getWeightCall(cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmd));
+ prop = summary.getLiveVars(prop);
+ } else {
+ LiveVariableAnalysis.Propagate(cmd, prop);
+ }
+ } else {
+ LiveVariableAnalysis.Propagate(cmd, prop);
+ }
+ }
+ cfg.liveVarsBefore[block].UnionWith(prop);
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ b in cfg.predEdges[block]) {
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ prev = cfg.liveVarsAfter[b];
+ Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(prev));
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ curr = new HashSet<Variable>(prev);
+ curr.UnionWith(cfg.liveVarsBefore[block]);
+ Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(curr));
+ if (curr.Count != prev.Count) {
+ cfg.liveVarsAfter[b] = curr;
+ AddToWorkListReverse(new WorkItem(cfg, b));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void process(WorkItem wi) {
+ Contract.Requires(wi != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w = wi.getWeightAfter();
+ Contract.Assert(w != null);
+ for (int i = wi.block.Cmds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ Cmd/*!*/ c = wi.block.Cmds[i];
+ Contract.Assert(c != null);
+ if (c is CallCmd && procICFG.ContainsKey(cce.NonNull(cce.NonNull((CallCmd)c).Proc).Name)) {
+ w = GenKillWeight.extend(getWeightCall(cce.NonNull((CallCmd)c)), w);
+ } else {
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ cweight = getWeight(c, wi.cfg.impl, program);
+ Contract.Assert(cweight != null);
+ w = GenKillWeight.extend(cweight, w);
+ }
+ }
+ bool change = wi.setWeightBefore(w);
+ if (change && wi.cfg.srcNodes.Contains(wi.block)) {
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ prev = wi.cfg.summary;
+ Contract.Assert(prev != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ curr = GenKillWeight.combine(prev, wi.cfg.weightBefore[wi.block]);
+ Contract.Assert(curr != null);
+ if (!GenKillWeight.isEqual(prev, curr)) {
+ wi.cfg.summary = curr;
+ // push callers onto the worklist
+ if (callers.ContainsKey(wi.cfg.impl.Name)) {
+ foreach (WorkItem/*!*/ caller in callers[wi.cfg.impl.Name]) {
+ Contract.Assert(caller != null);
+ AddToWorkList(caller);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Block/*!*/ b in wi.cfg.predEdges[wi.block]) {
+ Contract.Assert(b != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ prev = wi.cfg.weightAfter[b];
+ Contract.Assert(prev != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ curr = GenKillWeight.combine(prev, w);
+ Contract.Assert(curr != null);
+ if (!GenKillWeight.isEqual(prev, curr)) {
+ wi.cfg.weightAfter[b] = curr;
+ AddToWorkList(new WorkItem(wi.cfg, b));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightCache = new Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
+ private static GenKillWeight getWeight(Cmd cmd) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ return getWeight(cmd, null, null);
+ }
+ private GenKillWeight getWeightCall(CallCmd cmd) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w1 = getWeightBeforeCall(cmd);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w2 = getSummary(cmd);
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w3 = getWeightAfterCall(cmd);
+ Contract.Assert(w1 != null);
+ Contract.Assert(w2 != null);
+ Contract.Assert(w3 != null);
+ return GenKillWeight.extend(w1, GenKillWeight.extend(w2, w3));
+ }
+ private static GenKillWeight getWeight(Cmd cmd, Implementation impl, Program prog) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ if (weightCache.ContainsKey(cmd))
+ return weightCache[cmd];
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ ret;
+ if (cmd is AssignCmd) {
+ AssignCmd/*!*/ assignCmd = (AssignCmd)cmd;
+ Contract.Assert(cmd != null);
+ // I must first iterate over all the targets and remove the live ones.
+ // After the removals are done, I must add the variables referred on
+ // the right side of the removed targets
+ foreach (AssignLhs/*!*/ lhs in assignCmd.Lhss) {
+ Contract.Assert(lhs != null);
+ Variable var = lhs.DeepAssignedVariable;
+ if (var != null) {
+ if (lhs is SimpleAssignLhs) {
+ // we should only remove non-map target variables because there is an implicit
+ // read of a map variable in an assignment to it
+ kill.Add(var);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int index = 0;
+ foreach (Expr/*!*/ expr in assignCmd.Rhss) {
+ Contract.Assert(expr != null);
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(expr);
+ gen.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
+ AssignLhs lhs = assignCmd.Lhss[index];
+ if (lhs is MapAssignLhs) {
+ // If the target is a map, then all indices are also read
+ MapAssignLhs malhs = (MapAssignLhs)lhs;
+ foreach (Expr e in malhs.Indexes) {
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ c = new VariableCollector();
+ c.Visit(e);
+ gen.UnionWith(c.usedVars);
+ }
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
+ } else if (cmd is HavocCmd) {
+ HavocCmd/*!*/ havocCmd = (HavocCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ expr in havocCmd.Vars) {
+ Contract.Assert(expr != null);
+ if (expr.Decl != null) {
+ kill.Add(expr.Decl);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
+ } else if (cmd is PredicateCmd) {
+ Contract.Assert((cmd is AssertCmd || cmd is AssumeCmd));
+ PredicateCmd/*!*/ predicateCmd = (PredicateCmd)cce.NonNull(cmd);
+ if (predicateCmd.Expr is LiteralExpr && prog != null && impl != null) {
+ LiteralExpr le = (LiteralExpr)predicateCmd.Expr;
+ if (le.IsFalse) {
+ var globals = prog.GlobalVariables;
+ Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(globals));
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in globals) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ kill.Add(v);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.LocVars) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ kill.Add(v);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in impl.OutParams) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ kill.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(predicateCmd.Expr);
+ gen.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
+ }
+ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
+ } else if (cmd is CommentCmd) {
+ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
+ // comments are just for debugging and don't affect verification
+ } else if (cmd is SugaredCmd) {
+ SugaredCmd/*!*/ sugCmd = (SugaredCmd)cmd;
+ Contract.Assert(sugCmd != null);
+ ret = getWeight(sugCmd.Desugaring, impl, prog);
+ } else if (cmd is StateCmd) {
+ StateCmd/*!*/ stCmd = (StateCmd)cmd;
+ Contract.Assert(stCmd != null);
+ List<Cmd>/*!*/ cmds = stCmd.Cmds;
+ Contract.Assert(cmds != null);
+ int len = cmds.Count;
+ ret =;
+ for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ w = getWeight(cmds[i], impl, prog);
+ Contract.Assert(w != null);
+ ret = GenKillWeight.extend(w, ret);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in stCmd.Locals) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ kill.Add(v);
+ }
+ ret = GenKillWeight.extend(new GenKillWeight(gen, kill), ret);
+ } else {
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(false);
+ throw new cce.UnreachableException();
+ }
+ }
+ weightCache[cmd] = ret;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ static Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightCacheAfterCall = new Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
+ static Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>/*!*/ weightCacheBeforeCall = new Dictionary<Cmd/*!*/, GenKillWeight/*!*/>();
+ private static GenKillWeight getWeightAfterCall(Cmd cmd) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ if (weightCacheAfterCall.ContainsKey(cmd))
+ return weightCacheAfterCall[cmd];
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ Contract.Assert(cmd is CallCmd);
+ CallCmd/*!*/ ccmd = cce.NonNull((CallCmd)cmd);
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ ie in ccmd.Outs) {
+ Contract.Assert(ie != null);
+ if (ie.Decl != null)
+ kill.Add(ie.Decl);
+ }
+ // Variables in ensures are considered as "read"
+ foreach (Ensures/*!*/ re in cce.NonNull(ccmd.Proc).Ensures) {
+ Contract.Assert(re != null);
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(re.Condition);
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in collector.usedVars) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ if (v is GlobalVariable) {
+ gen.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
+ Contract.Assert(ret != null);
+ weightCacheAfterCall[cmd] = ret;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private static GenKillWeight getWeightBeforeCall(Cmd cmd) {
+ Contract.Requires(cmd != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenKillWeight>() != null);
+ Contract.Assert((cmd is CallCmd));
+ if (weightCacheBeforeCall.ContainsKey(cmd))
+ return weightCacheBeforeCall[cmd];
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ gen = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ HashSet<Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ kill = new HashSet<Variable/*!*/>();
+ CallCmd/*!*/ ccmd = cce.NonNull((CallCmd/*!*/)cmd);
+ foreach (Expr/*!*/ expr in ccmd.Ins) {
+ Contract.Assert(expr != null);
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(expr);
+ gen.UnionWith(collector.usedVars);
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(ccmd.Proc != null);
+ // Variables in requires are considered as "read"
+ foreach (Requires/*!*/ re in ccmd.Proc.Requires) {
+ Contract.Assert(re != null);
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(re.Condition);
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in collector.usedVars) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ if (v is GlobalVariable) {
+ gen.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Old variables in ensures are considered as "read"
+ foreach (Ensures/*!*/ re in ccmd.Proc.Ensures) {
+ Contract.Assert(re != null);
+ VariableCollector/*!*/ collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(re.Condition);
+ foreach (Variable/*!*/ v in collector.oldVarsUsed) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ if (v is GlobalVariable) {
+ gen.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GenKillWeight/*!*/ ret = new GenKillWeight(gen, kill);
+ Contract.Assert(ret != null);
+ weightCacheAfterCall[cmd] = ret;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ public class TokenEliminator : ReadOnlyVisitor
+ {
+ public int TokenCount = 0;
+ public override Expr VisitExpr(Expr node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitExpr(node);
+ }
+ public override Variable VisitVariable(Variable node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitVariable(node);
+ }
+ public override Function VisitFunction(Function node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitFunction(node);
+ }
+ public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitImplementation(node);
+ }
+ public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitProcedure(node);
+ }
+ public override Axiom VisitAxiom(Axiom node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitAxiom(node);
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitAssignCmd(AssignCmd node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitAssignCmd(node);
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitAssumeCmd(AssumeCmd node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitAssumeCmd(node);
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitHavocCmd(HavocCmd node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitHavocCmd(node);
+ }
+ public override Constant VisitConstant(Constant node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitConstant(node);
+ }
+ public override TransferCmd VisitTransferCmd(TransferCmd node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitTransferCmd(node);
+ }
+ public override Block VisitBlock(Block node)
+ {
+ node.tok = Token.NoToken;
+ TokenCount++;
+ return base.VisitBlock(node);
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Provers/SMTLib/Z3.cs b/Source/Provers/SMTLib/Z3.cs
index ffa4e0cb..bbc23917 100644
--- a/Source/Provers/SMTLib/Z3.cs
+++ b/Source/Provers/SMTLib/Z3.cs
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib
- var proverExe = "z3.exe";
+ var proverExe = CommandLineOptions.Clo.Z3ExecutableName;
+ proverExe = proverExe == null ? "z3.exe" : proverExe;
if (_proverPath == null)
diff --git a/Test/civl/StoreBuffer.bpl b/Test/civl/StoreBuffer.bpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2d27ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/civl/StoreBuffer.bpl
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// RUN: %boogie -noinfer -typeEncoding:m -useArrayTheory "%s" > "%t"
+// RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t"
+function {:builtin "MapConst"} MapConstBool(bool) : [int]bool;
+function {:inline} {:linear "tid"} TidCollector(x: int) : [int]bool
+ MapConstBool(false)[x := true]
+function {:inline} {:linear "addr"} AddrCollector(x: int) : [int]bool
+ MapConstBool(false)[x := true]
+const numMutators: int;
+axiom 0 < numMutators;
+function {:inline} mutatorTid(i: int) : bool { 1 <= i && i <= numMutators }
+const GcTid: int;
+axiom numMutators < GcTid;
+function {:inline} mutatorOrGcTid(i: int) : bool { (1 <= i && i <= numMutators) || i == GcTid }
+const lockAddr: int;
+axiom 0 < lockAddr;
+const collectorPhaseAddr: int;
+axiom lockAddr < collectorPhaseAddr;
+var {:layer 0,1} Mem: [int]int;
+var {:layer 0,1} StoreBufferVal: [int][int]int;
+var {:layer 0,1} StoreBufferPresent: [int][int]bool;
+var {:layer 0} lock: int;
+var {:layer 0} collectorPhase: int;
+var {:layer 0} collectorPhaseDelayed: int;
+function {:inline} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent:[int][int]bool, StoreBufferVal:[int][int]int, Mem:[int]int, lock:int, collectorPhase:int, collectorPhaseDelayed:int): bool
+ (Mem[lockAddr] == 0 <==> lock == 0) &&
+ (forall i:int :: mutatorOrGcTid(i) && StoreBufferPresent[i][lockAddr] ==> StoreBufferVal[i][lockAddr] == 0) &&
+ (forall i:int :: mutatorOrGcTid(i) ==> lock == i || StoreBufferPresent[i] == MapConstBool(false)) &&
+ (Mem[collectorPhaseAddr] == collectorPhase || (exists i:int :: mutatorOrGcTid(i) && StoreBufferPresent[i][collectorPhaseAddr])) &&
+ (forall i:int :: mutatorOrGcTid(i) && StoreBufferPresent[i][collectorPhaseAddr] ==> StoreBufferVal[i][collectorPhaseAddr] == collectorPhase) &&
+ collectorPhaseDelayed == Mem[collectorPhaseAddr]
+// Layer 1
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} YieldLock()
+requires {:expand} {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} YieldStoreBufferLockAddrPresent({:linear "tid"} tid:int)
+requires {:layer 1} StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+ensures {:layer 1} StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} YieldStoreBufferLockAddrAbsent({:linear "tid"} tid:int)
+requires {:layer 1} !StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+ensures {:layer 1} !StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+ yield;
+ assert {:layer 1} !StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} LockAcquire({:linear "tid"} tid: int)
+requires {:layer 1} mutatorOrGcTid(tid);
+requires {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:right} |{ A: assert mutatorOrGcTid(tid); assume lock == 0; lock := tid; return true; }|;
+ var status:bool;
+ call YieldLock();
+ while (true)
+ invariant {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ {
+ call status := LockCAS(tid);
+ if (status)
+ {
+ call YieldLock();
+ return;
+ }
+ call YieldLock();
+ }
+ call YieldLock();
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} LockRelease({:linear "tid"} tid:int)
+requires {:layer 1} mutatorOrGcTid(tid);
+requires {:layer 1} !StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+requires {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} !StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr];
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert mutatorOrGcTid(tid); assert lock == tid; lock := 0; return true; }|;
+ par YieldLock() | YieldStoreBufferLockAddrAbsent(tid);
+ call LockZero(tid);
+ par YieldLock() | YieldStoreBufferLockAddrPresent(tid);
+ call FlushStoreBufferEntryForLock(tid);
+ par YieldLock() | YieldStoreBufferLockAddrAbsent(tid);
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} ReadCollectorPhaseLocked({:linear "tid"} tid: int) returns (phase: int)
+requires {:layer 1} mutatorOrGcTid(tid);
+requires {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert mutatorOrGcTid(tid); assert lock == tid; phase := collectorPhase; return true; }|;
+ call YieldLock();
+ call phase := PrimitiveRead(tid, collectorPhaseAddr);
+ call YieldLock();
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} ReadCollectorPhaseUnlocked({:linear "tid"} tid: int) returns (phase: int)
+requires {:layer 1} mutatorOrGcTid(tid);
+requires {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert mutatorOrGcTid(tid); assert lock != tid; phase := collectorPhaseDelayed; return true; }|;
+ call YieldLock();
+ call phase := PrimitiveRead(tid, collectorPhaseAddr);
+ call YieldLock();
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} SetCollectorPhase({:linear "tid"} tid: int, phase: int)
+requires {:layer 1} mutatorOrGcTid(tid);
+requires {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert mutatorOrGcTid(tid); assert lock == tid; assert collectorPhase == collectorPhaseDelayed; collectorPhase := phase; return true; }|;
+ call YieldLock();
+ call PrimitiveSetCollectorPhase(tid, phase);
+ call YieldLock();
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} SyncCollectorPhase({:linear "tid"} tid: int)
+requires {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: collectorPhaseDelayed := collectorPhase; return true; }|;
+ call YieldLock();
+ call FlushStoreBufferEntryForCollectorPhase();
+ call YieldLock();
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 1} Barrier({:linear "tid"} tid: int)
+requires {:layer 1} mutatorOrGcTid(tid);
+requires {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:layer 1} LockInv(StoreBufferPresent, StoreBufferVal, Mem, lock, collectorPhase, collectorPhaseDelayed);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert mutatorOrGcTid(tid); assert lock == tid; assume collectorPhase == collectorPhaseDelayed; return true; }|;
+ call YieldLock();
+ call WaitForFlush(tid);
+ call YieldLock();
+// Layer 0
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} LockCAS(tid: int) returns (status: bool);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: goto B, C;
+ B: assume Mem[lockAddr] == 0; Mem[lockAddr] := 1; lock := tid; status := true; return true;
+ C: status := false; return true;
+ }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} LockZero(tid: int);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert !StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr]; StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr] := true; StoreBufferVal[tid][lockAddr] := 0; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} FlushStoreBufferEntryForLock(tid: int);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assert StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr]; assume StoreBufferPresent[tid] == MapConstBool(false)[lockAddr := true]; Mem[lockAddr] := StoreBufferVal[tid][lockAddr]; StoreBufferPresent[tid][lockAddr] := false; lock := 0; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} PrimitiveRead(tid: int, addr: int) returns (val: int);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: goto B, C;
+ B: assume StoreBufferPresent[tid][addr]; val := StoreBufferVal[tid][addr]; return true;
+ C: assume !StoreBufferPresent[tid][addr]; val := Mem[addr]; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} PrimitiveSetCollectorPhase(tid: int, phase:int);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: StoreBufferPresent[tid][collectorPhaseAddr] := true; StoreBufferVal[tid][collectorPhaseAddr] := phase; collectorPhase := phase; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} FlushStoreBufferEntryForCollectorPhase();
+ensures {:atomic} |{ var tid:int; A: assume mutatorOrGcTid(tid) && StoreBufferPresent[tid][collectorPhaseAddr]; Mem[collectorPhaseAddr] := StoreBufferVal[tid][collectorPhaseAddr]; StoreBufferPresent[tid][collectorPhaseAddr] := false; collectorPhaseDelayed := Mem[collectorPhaseAddr]; return true; }|;
+procedure {:yields} {:layer 0,1} WaitForFlush(tid: int);
+ensures {:atomic} |{ A: assume StoreBufferPresent[tid] == MapConstBool(false); return true; }|;
diff --git a/Test/civl/StoreBuffer.bpl.expect b/Test/civl/StoreBuffer.bpl.expect
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c74fe2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/civl/StoreBuffer.bpl.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Boogie program verifier finished with 17 verified, 0 errors
diff --git a/Test/civl/bar.bpl.expect b/Test/civl/bar.bpl.expect
index 8999ae7f..810c93bf 100644
--- a/Test/civl/bar.bpl.expect
+++ b/Test/civl/bar.bpl.expect
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-bar.bpl(28,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
-Execution trace:
- bar.bpl(7,3): anon0
- (0,0): anon00
- bar.bpl(14,3): inline$Incr_1$0$this_A
- (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
-bar.bpl(28,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
-Execution trace:
- bar.bpl(38,3): anon0
- (0,0): anon00
- (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
-Boogie program verifier finished with 3 verified, 2 errors
+bar.bpl(28,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
+Execution trace:
+ bar.bpl(7,3): anon0
+ (0,0): anon00
+ bar.bpl(14,3): inline$Incr_1$0$A
+ (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
+bar.bpl(28,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
+Execution trace:
+ bar.bpl(38,3): anon0
+ (0,0): anon00
+ (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
+Boogie program verifier finished with 3 verified, 2 errors
diff --git a/Test/civl/chris4.bpl b/Test/civl/chris4.bpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a19f975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/civl/chris4.bpl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// RUN: %boogie -noinfer -typeEncoding:m -useArrayTheory "%s" > "%t"
+// RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t"
+procedure{:yields}{:layer 94,95} Test()
+ yield;
+ L:
+ yield;
+procedure{:yields}{:layer 94,95} Test2()
+ yield;
+ assert{:layer 94} 2 + 2 == 3;
+ L:
+ yield;
diff --git a/Test/civl/chris4.bpl.expect b/Test/civl/chris4.bpl.expect
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3d00979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/civl/chris4.bpl.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+chris4.bpl(13,3): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold.
+Execution trace:
+ chris4.bpl(12,3): anon0
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 1 error
diff --git a/Test/civl/foo.bpl.expect b/Test/civl/foo.bpl.expect
index 0d9de9db..41e30691 100644
--- a/Test/civl/foo.bpl.expect
+++ b/Test/civl/foo.bpl.expect
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-foo.bpl(30,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
-Execution trace:
- foo.bpl(7,3): anon0
- (0,0): anon00
- foo.bpl(14,3): inline$Incr_1$0$this_A
- (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
-Boogie program verifier finished with 4 verified, 1 error
+foo.bpl(30,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
+Execution trace:
+ foo.bpl(7,3): anon0
+ (0,0): anon00
+ foo.bpl(14,3): inline$Incr_1$0$A
+ (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
+Boogie program verifier finished with 4 verified, 1 error
diff --git a/Test/civl/parallel1.bpl.expect b/Test/civl/parallel1.bpl.expect
index 588c9c5b..889ee4f2 100644
--- a/Test/civl/parallel1.bpl.expect
+++ b/Test/civl/parallel1.bpl.expect
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-parallel1.bpl(30,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
-Execution trace:
- parallel1.bpl(7,3): anon0
- (0,0): anon00
- parallel1.bpl(14,3): inline$Incr_1$0$this_A
- (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
-Boogie program verifier finished with 3 verified, 1 error
+parallel1.bpl(30,3): Error: Non-interference check failed
+Execution trace:
+ parallel1.bpl(7,3): anon0
+ (0,0): anon00
+ parallel1.bpl(14,3): inline$Incr_1$0$A
+ (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_PC_1$0$L0
+Boogie program verifier finished with 3 verified, 1 error
diff --git a/Test/civl/t1.bpl.expect b/Test/civl/t1.bpl.expect
index 0b0c936e..fcef7e58 100644
--- a/Test/civl/t1.bpl.expect
+++ b/Test/civl/t1.bpl.expect
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-t1.bpl(65,5): Error: Non-interference check failed
-Execution trace:
- t1.bpl(84,13): anon0
- (0,0): anon05
- (0,0): inline$SetG_1$0$Entry
- t1.bpl(25,21): inline$SetG_1$0$this_A
- (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_A_1$0$L1
-Boogie program verifier finished with 4 verified, 1 error
+t1.bpl(65,5): Error: Non-interference check failed
+Execution trace:
+ t1.bpl(84,13): anon0
+ (0,0): anon05
+ (0,0): inline$SetG_1$0$Entry
+ t1.bpl(25,21): inline$SetG_1$0$A
+ (0,0): inline$Impl_YieldChecker_A_1$0$L1
+Boogie program verifier finished with 4 verified, 1 error