diff options
author | Rustan Leino <leino@microsoft.com> | 2011-04-07 18:33:22 -0700 |
committer | Rustan Leino <leino@microsoft.com> | 2011-04-07 18:33:22 -0700 |
commit | 7ae15e4ab4aa4e63257ed2e426fe2a0efa35de21 (patch) | |
tree | 28ce98153ac5b86a07feeaf0488462f43eee83ed | |
parent | 4c4750f967d56c02bb55b2f485ddc466f1b33a58 (diff) |
Jennisys: Parse and print
-rw-r--r-- | Jennisys/Jennisys.sln (renamed from Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.sln) | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Jennisys/Jennisys/Ast.fs | 38 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs | 94 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Jennisys/Jennisys/Lexer.fsl | 57 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Jennisys/Jennisys/Parser.fsy | 152 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Jennisys/Jennisys/Printer.fs | 113 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Test/jennisys0/Answer | 93 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Test/jennisys0/ExtensibleArray.jen | 47 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Test/jennisys0/Prog0.jen | 34 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Test/jennisys0/runtest.bat | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | Util/Emacs/jennisys-mode.el | 113 |
12 files changed, 669 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.sln b/Jennisys/Jennisys.sln index 5f0a0968..77ebb8e2 100644 --- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.sln +++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys.sln @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
-Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Jennisys", "Jennisys.fsproj", "{F2FF4B3A-2FE8-474A-88DF-6950F7D78908}"
+Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Jennisys", "Jennisys\Jennisys.fsproj", "{F2FF4B3A-2FE8-474A-88DF-6950F7D78908}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Ast.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Ast.fs index 746307a4..f527ba55 100644 --- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Ast.fs +++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Ast.fs @@ -1,8 +1,44 @@ namespace Ast
open System
+open System.Numerics
+type Type =
+ | NamedType of string
+ | InstantiatedType of string * Type
+type VarDecl =
+ | Var of string * Type option
type Expr =
+ | IntLiteral of BigInteger
| IdLiteral of string
+ | Star
| Dot of Expr * string
- | BinExpr of string * Expr * Expr
+ | UnaryExpr of string * Expr
+ | BinaryExpr of (int * string) * Expr * Expr
+ | SelectExpr of Expr * Expr
+ | UpdateExpr of Expr * Expr * Expr
+ | SequenceExpr of Expr list
+ | SeqLength of Expr
+ | ForallExpr of VarDecl list * Expr
+type Stmt =
+ | Block of Stmt list
+ | Assign of Expr * Expr
+type Signature =
+ | Sig of VarDecl list * VarDecl list
+type Member =
+ | Field of VarDecl
+ | Constructor of string * Signature * Expr * Stmt list
+ | Method of string * Signature * Expr * Stmt list
+type TopLevelDecl =
+ | Class of string * string list * Member list
+ | Model of string * string list * VarDecl list * Expr list * Expr
+ | Code of string * string list
+type Program =
+ | Program of TopLevelDecl list
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs index 6d060f3b..d266a065 100644 --- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs +++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs @@ -4,60 +4,52 @@ // This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
open System
+open System.IO
open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing
open Ast
open Lexer
open Parser
-/// Evaluate a factor
-let rec evalFactor factor =
- match factor with
- | Float x -> x
- | Integer x -> float x
- | ParenEx x -> evalExpr x
-/// Evaluate a term
-and evalTerm term =
- match term with
- | Times (term, fact) -> (evalTerm term) * (evalFactor fact)
- | Divide (term, fact) -> (evalTerm term) / (evalFactor fact)
- | Factor fact -> evalFactor fact
-/// Evaluate an expression
-and evalExpr expr =
- match expr with
- | Plus (expr, term) -> (evalExpr expr) + (evalTerm term)
- | Minus (expr, term) -> (evalExpr expr) - (evalTerm term)
- | Term term -> evalTerm term
-/// Evaluate an equation
-and evalEquation eq =
- match eq with
- | Equation expr -> evalExpr expr
-printfn "Calculator"
-let rec readAndProcess() =
- printf ":"
- match Console.ReadLine() with
- | "quit" -> ()
- | expr ->
+open Printer
+let readAndProcess tracing (filename: string) =
+ try
+ printfn "Jennisys, Copyright (c) 2011, Microsoft."
+ // lex
+ let f = if filename = null then Console.In else new StreamReader(filename) :> TextReader
+ let lexbuf = LexBuffer<char>.FromTextReader(f)
+ lexbuf.EndPos <- { pos_bol = 0;
+ pos_fname=if filename = null then "stdin" else filename;
+ pos_cnum=0;
+ pos_lnum=1 }
- printfn "Lexing [%s]" expr
- let lexbuff = LexBuffer<char>.FromString(expr)
- printfn "Parsing..."
- let equation = Parser.start Lexer.tokenize lexbuff
- printfn "Evaluating Equation..."
- let result = evalEquation equation
- printfn "Result: %s" (result.ToString())
- with ex ->
- printfn "Unhandled Exception: %s" ex.Message
- readAndProcess()
\ No newline at end of file + // parse
+ let prog = Parser.start Lexer.tokenize lexbuf
+ // print the given Jennisys program
+ if tracing then
+ printfn "---------- Given Jennisys program ----------"
+ Print prog
+ else ()
+ // that's it
+ if tracing then printfn "----------" else ()
+ with
+ | ex ->
+ let pos = lexbuf.EndPos
+ printfn "%s(%d,%d): %s" pos.FileName pos.Line pos.Column ex.Message
+ with
+ | ex ->
+ printfn "Unhandled Exception: %s" ex.Message
+let rec start n (args: string []) tracing filename =
+ if n < args.Length then
+ let arg = args.[n]
+ if arg = "/break" then ignore (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()) else ()
+ let filename = if arg.StartsWith "/" then filename else arg
+ start (n+1) args (tracing || arg = "/trace") filename
+ else
+ readAndProcess tracing filename
+let args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
+start 1 args false null
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj index 831c56fc..372b8703 100644 --- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj +++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ <ProjectGuid>{f2ff4b3a-2fe8-474a-88df-6950f7d78908}</ProjectGuid>
- <AssemblyName>Language</AssemblyName>
+ <AssemblyName>Jennisys</AssemblyName>
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ <FsLex Include="Lexer.fsl">
+ <Compile Include="Printer.fs" />
<Compile Include="Jennisys.fs" />
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ <Reference Include="FSharp.Core" />
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Numerics" />
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Lexer.fsl b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Lexer.fsl index e3dbf766..9a1cc623 100644 --- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Lexer.fsl +++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Lexer.fsl @@ -10,27 +10,64 @@ let lexeme lexbuf = // These are some regular expression definitions
let digit = ['0'-'9']
+let nondigit = [ 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_' ]
+let idchar = (nondigit | digit)
let whitespace = [' ' '\t' ]
let newline = ('\n' | '\r' '\n')
rule tokenize = parse
-| whitespace { tokenize lexbuf }
-| newline { tokenize lexbuf }
+| whitespace { tokenize lexbuf }
+| newline { lexbuf.EndPos <- lexbuf.EndPos.NextLine; tokenize lexbuf }
+// TODO: | "//"[-newline]* { tokenize lexbuf }
// keywords
| "class" { CLASS }
| "model" { MODEL }
| "code" { CODE }
+| "var" { VAR }
+| "constructor" { CONSTRUCTOR }
+| "method" { METHOD }
+| "frame" { FRAME }
+| "invariant" { INVARIANT }
+| "returns" { RETURNS }
+| "requires" { REQUIRES }
+| "forall" { FORALL }
// Operators
-| "+" { PLUS }
-| "-" { MINUS }
-| "*" { ASTER }
-| "/" { SLASH }
+| "." { DOT }
+| "+" { PLUS }
+| "-" { MINUS }
+| "*" { STAR }
+| "div" { DIV }
+| "mod" { MOD }
+| "&&" { AND }
+| "||" { OR }
+| "!" { NOT }
+| "==>" { IMPLIES }
+| "<==>" { IFF }
+| "<" { LESS }
+| "<=" { ATMOST }
+| "=" { EQ }
+| "!=" { NEQ }
+| ">=" { ATLEAST }
+| ">" { GREATER }
+| "in" { IN }
+| "!in" { NOTIN }
// Misc
-| "(" { LPAREN }
-| ")" { RPAREN }
+| ":=" { GETS }
+| "(" { LPAREN }
+| ")" { RPAREN }
+| "[" { LBRACKET }
+| "]" { RBRACKET }
+| "{" { LCURLY }
+| "}" { RCURLY }
+| "|" { VERTBAR }
+| ":" { COLON }
+| "::" { COLONCOLON }
+| "," { COMMA }
// Numberic constants
-| ['-']?digit+ { INT32 (Int32.Parse(lexeme lexbuf)) }
-| ['-']?digit+('.'digit+)?(['e''E']digit+)? { FLOAT (Double.Parse(lexeme lexbuf)) }
+| digit+ { INTEGER (System.Numerics.BigInteger.Parse(lexeme lexbuf)) }
+// identifiers
+| idchar+ { ID (LexBuffer<char>.LexemeString lexbuf) }
// EOF
| eof { EOF }
+| _ { printfn "Unrecognized input character: %s" (lexeme lexbuf) ; EOF }
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Parser.fsy b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Parser.fsy index 279430fe..34d04d76 100644 --- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Parser.fsy +++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Parser.fsy @@ -9,37 +9,141 @@ open Ast // These are the terminal tokens of the grammar along with the types of
// the data carried by each token:
-%token <System.Int32> INT32
-%token <System.Double> FLOAT
+%token <string> ID
+%token <System.Numerics.BigInteger> INTEGER
+%token DOT
+%token NOT
+%token STAR DIV MOD
+%token PLUS MINUS
+%token AND OR
+%token IMPLIES
+%token IFF
%token EOF
// This is the type of the data produced by a successful reduction of the 'start'
// symbol:
-%type < Ast.Equation > start
+%type < Ast.Program > start
// These are the rules of the grammar along with the F# code of the
// actions executed as rules are reduced. In this case the actions
// produce data using F# data construction terms.
-start: Prog { Equation($1) }
- | Expr EOF { $1 }
- | Expr PLUS Term { Plus($1, $3) }
- | Expr MINUS Term { Minus($1, $3) }
- | Term { Term($1) }
- | Term ASTER Factor { Times($1, $3) }
- | Term SLASH Factor { Divide($1, $3) }
- | Factor { Factor($1) }
- | FLOAT { Float($1) }
- | INT32 { Integer($1) }
- | LPAREN Expr RPAREN { ParenEx($2) }
+start: TopLevelDecls EOF { Program($1) }
+ | { [] }
+ | TopLevelDecl TopLevelDecls { $1 :: $2 }
+ | CLASS ID TypeParams LCURLY Members RCURLY { Class($2, $3, $5) }
+ | MODEL ID TypeParams LCURLY ConcreteVars Frame Invariant RCURLY { Model($2, $3, $5, $6, $7) }
+ | CODE ID TypeParams LCURLY RCURLY { Code($2, $3) }
+ | { [] }
+ | ID { [$1] }
+ | ID IdList { $1 :: $2 }
+ | { [] }
+ | Member Members { $1 :: $2 }
+ | LPAREN VarDeclList RPAREN { Sig($2, []) }
+ | LPAREN VarDeclList RPAREN RETURNS LPAREN VarDeclList RPAREN { Sig($2, $6) }
+ | { IdLiteral "true" }
+ | REQUIRES Expr Pre { BinaryExpr((30,"&&"), $2, $3) }
+ | { [] }
+ | Stmt StmtList { $1 :: $2 }
+ | BlockStmt { $1 }
+ | Expr GETS Expr { Assign($1, $3) }
+ | LCURLY StmtList RCURLY { Block $2 }
+ | VAR VarDecl { Field($2) }
+ | CONSTRUCTOR ID Signature Pre StmtList { Constructor($2, $3, $4, $5) }
+ | METHOD ID Signature Pre StmtList { Method($2, $3, $4, $5) }
+ | { [] }
+ | VAR VarDecl ConcreteVars { $2 :: $3 }
+ | { [] }
+ | FRAME ExprList { $2 }
+ | { IdLiteral "true" }
+ | INVARIANT ExprList { List.fold (fun x y -> BinaryExpr((30,"&&"),x,y)) (IdLiteral "true") $2 }
+ | { [] }
+ | VarDecl { [$1] }
+ | VarDecl COMMA VarDeclList { $1 :: $3 }
+ | ID { Var($1,None) }
+ | ID COLON Type { Var($1,Some($3)) }
+ | ID { NamedType($1) }
+ | ID LBRACKET Type RBRACKET { InstantiatedType($1, $3) }
+ | { [] }
+ | Expr { [$1] }
+ | Expr ExprList { $1 :: $2 }
+ | INTEGER { IntLiteral($1) }
+ | ID { IdLiteral($1) }
+ | STAR { Star }
+ | Expr DOT ID { Dot($1, $3) }
+ | UnaryOp Expr { UnaryExpr($1, $2) }
+ | Expr BinaryOp Expr { BinaryExpr($2, $1, $3) }
+ | Expr LBRACKET Expr RBRACKET { SelectExpr($1, $3) }
+ | Expr LBRACKET Expr GETS Expr RBRACKET { UpdateExpr($1, $3, $5) }
+ | LPAREN Expr RPAREN { $2 }
+ | LBRACKET ExprList RBRACKET { SequenceExpr($2) }
+ | VERTBAR Expr VERTBAR { SeqLength($2) }
+ | FORALL VarDeclList COLONCOLON Expr { ForallExpr($2, $4) }
+UnaryOp: // unary operators have strength 90
+ | NOT { "!" }
+ | MINUS { "-" }
+ | STAR { 60, "*" }
+ | DIV { 60, "div" }
+ | MOD { 60, "mod" }
+ | PLUS { 50, "+" }
+ | MINUS { 50, "-" }
+ | EQ { 40, "=" }
+ | NEQ { 40, "!=" }
+ | LESS { 40, "<" }
+ | ATMOST { 40, "<=" }
+ | ATLEAST { 40, ">=" }
+ | GREATER { 40, ">" }
+ | IN { 40, "in" }
+ | NOTIN { 40, "!in" }
+ | AND { 30, "&&" } // Note, this one also occurs above
+ | OR { 30, "||" }
+ | IMPLIES { 20, "==>" }
+ | IFF { 10, "<==>" }
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Printer.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Printer.fs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da481176 --- /dev/null +++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Printer.fs @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +module Printer
+open Ast
+let rec PrintSep sep f list =
+ match list with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [a] -> f a
+ | a :: more -> f a ; printf "%s" sep ; PrintSep sep f more
+let rec PrintType ty =
+ match ty with
+ | NamedType(id) -> printf "%s" id
+ | InstantiatedType(id,arg) -> printf "%s[" id ; PrintType arg ; printf "]"
+let PrintVarDecl vd =
+ match vd with
+ | Var(id,None) -> printf "%s" id
+ | Var(id,Some(ty)) -> printf "%s: " id ; PrintType ty
+let rec PrintExpr ctx expr =
+ match expr with
+ | IntLiteral(n) -> printf "%O" n
+ | IdLiteral(id) -> printf "%s" id
+ | Star -> printf "*"
+ | Dot(e,id) -> PrintExpr 100 e ; printf ".%s" id
+ | UnaryExpr(op,e) -> printf "%s" op ; PrintExpr 90 e
+ | BinaryExpr((strength,op),e0,e1) ->
+ let needParens = strength <= ctx
+ if needParens then printf "(" else ()
+ PrintExpr strength e0 ; printf " %s " op ; PrintExpr strength e1
+ if needParens then printf ")" else ()
+ | SelectExpr(e,i) -> PrintExpr 100 e ; printf "[" ; PrintExpr 0 i ; printf "]"
+ | UpdateExpr(e,i,v) -> PrintExpr 100 e ; printf "[" ; PrintExpr 0 i ; printf " := " ; PrintExpr 0 v ; printf "]"
+ | SequenceExpr(ee) -> printf "[" ; ee |> PrintSep ", " (PrintExpr 0) ; printf "]"
+ | SeqLength(e) -> printf "|" ; PrintExpr 0 e ; printf "|"
+ | ForallExpr(vv,e) ->
+ let needParens = ctx <> 0
+ if needParens then printf "(" else ()
+ printf "forall " ; vv |> PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl ; printf " :: " ; PrintExpr 0 e
+ if needParens then printf ")" else ()
+let PrintSig signature =
+ match signature with
+ | Sig(ins, outs) ->
+ printf "("
+ ins |> PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl
+ printf ")"
+ if outs <> [] then
+ printf " returns ("
+ outs |> PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl
+ printf ")"
+ else ()
+let rec ForeachConjunct f expr =
+ match expr with
+ | IdLiteral("true") -> ()
+ | BinaryExpr((_,"&&"),e0,e1) -> ForeachConjunct f e0 ; ForeachConjunct f e1
+ | _ -> f expr
+let rec Indent i =
+ if i = 0 then () else printf " " ; Indent (i-1)
+let rec PrintStmt stmt indent =
+ match stmt with
+ | Block(stmts) ->
+ Indent indent ; printfn "{"
+ PrintStmtList stmts (indent + 2)
+ Indent indent ; printfn "}"
+ | Assign(lhs,rhs) -> Indent indent ; PrintExpr 0 lhs ; printf " := " ; PrintExpr 0 rhs ; printfn ""
+and PrintStmtList stmts indent =
+ stmts |> List.iter (fun s -> PrintStmt s indent)
+let PrintRoutine signature pre body =
+ PrintSig signature
+ printfn ""
+ pre |> ForeachConjunct (fun e -> printf " requires " ; PrintExpr 0 e ; printfn "")
+ PrintStmtList body 2
+let PrintMember m =
+ match m with
+ | Field(vd) -> printf " var " ; PrintVarDecl vd ; printfn ""
+ | Constructor(id,signature,pre,body) -> printf " constructor %s" id ; PrintRoutine signature pre body
+ | Method(id,signature,pre,body) -> printf " method %s" id ; PrintRoutine signature pre body
+let PrintTopLevelDeclHeader kind id typeParams =
+ printf "%s %s" kind id
+ match typeParams with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | _ -> printf "[" ; typeParams |> PrintSep ", " (fun tp -> printf "%s" tp) ; printf "]"
+ printfn " {"
+let PrintDecl d =
+ match d with
+ | Class(id,typeParams,members) ->
+ PrintTopLevelDeclHeader "class" id typeParams
+ List.iter PrintMember members
+ printfn "}"
+ | Model(id,typeParams,vars,frame,inv) ->
+ PrintTopLevelDeclHeader "model" id typeParams
+ vars |> List.iter (fun vd -> printf " var " ; PrintVarDecl vd ; printfn "")
+ printfn " frame"
+ frame |> List.iter (fun fr -> printf " " ; PrintExpr 0 fr ; printfn "")
+ printfn " invariant"
+ inv |> ForeachConjunct (fun e -> printf " " ; PrintExpr 0 e ; printfn "")
+ printfn "}"
+ | Code(id,typeParams) ->
+ PrintTopLevelDeclHeader "code" id typeParams
+ printfn "}"
+let Print prog =
+ match prog with
+ | Program(decls) -> List.iter PrintDecl decls
diff --git a/Test/jennisys0/Answer b/Test/jennisys0/Answer new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64099079 --- /dev/null +++ b/Test/jennisys0/Answer @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +
+-------------------- Prog0.jen --------------------
+Jennisys, Copyright (c) 2011, Microsoft.
+---------- Given Jennisys program ----------
+class C {
+ var a: seq[int]
+ var x: int
+ constructor Init()
+ {
+ }
+ method Update(d)
+ {
+ x := x + 1
+ {
+ nested := statement
+ yes := sirrie
+ }
+ x.f := (12 + true)[8000 := 0 <= n]
+ }
+ method Query() returns (r)
+ requires r
+ requires *
+ requires r.r.s
+ requires a[i]
+ requires a[i := 58]
+ requires hello
+ requires (hello + goodbye) - soonyousoon
+ requires 0 <= r
+ {
+ }
+ method ManyParams(x: bool, y) returns (r, s: set[MyClass], t)
+ {
+ }
+model C {
+ var x: int
+ frame
+ xyz
+ invariant
+ x <= x
+code C {
+-------------------- ExtensibleArray.jen --------------------
+Jennisys, Copyright (c) 2011, Microsoft.
+---------- Given Jennisys program ----------
+class ExtensibleArray[T] {
+ var Contents: seq[T]
+ constructor Init()
+ {
+ Contents := []
+ }
+ method Get(i) returns (t)
+ requires 0 <= (i && (i < |Contents|))
+ {
+ t := Contents[i]
+ }
+ method Set(i, t)
+ requires 0 <= (i && (i < |Contents|))
+ {
+ Contents := Contents[i := t]
+ }
+ method Append(t)
+ {
+ Contents := Contents + [t]
+ }
+model ExtensibleArray[T] {
+ var elements: array[T]
+ var more: ExtensibleArray[array[T]]
+ var length: int
+ var M: int
+ frame
+ elements
+ *
+ more
+ *
+ more.Contents[*]
+ invariant
+ elements != null
+ elements.Length = 256
+ (more = null) ==> (M = 0)
+ (more != null) ==> ((|more.Contents| != 0) && (M = (256 * |more.Contents|)))
+ 0 <= length
+ length <= (M + 256)
+ (more != null) ==> (M < length)
+ length = |Contents|
+ (forall i :: ((0 <= i) && (i < M)) ==> (Contents[i] = more.Contents[i div 256][i mod 256]))
+ (forall i :: ((M <= i) && (i < length)) ==> (Contents[i] = elements[i - M]))
diff --git a/Test/jennisys0/ExtensibleArray.jen b/Test/jennisys0/ExtensibleArray.jen new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a6b7a6d --- /dev/null +++ b/Test/jennisys0/ExtensibleArray.jen @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +class ExtensibleArray[T] {
+ var Contents: seq[T]
+ constructor Init()
+ {
+ Contents := []
+ }
+ method Get(i) returns (t)
+ requires (0 <= i) && i < |Contents|
+ {
+ t := Contents[i]
+ }
+ method Set(i, t)
+ requires (0 <= i) && i < |Contents|
+ {
+ Contents := Contents[i := t]
+ }
+ method Append(t)
+ {
+ Contents := Contents + [t]
+ }
+model ExtensibleArray[T] {
+ var elements: array[T]
+ var more: ExtensibleArray[array[T]]
+ var length: int
+ var M: int
+ frame
+ elements * more * more.Contents[*]
+ invariant
+ elements != null
+ elements.Length = 256
+ ((more = null) ==> M = 0)
+ ((more != null) ==> (|more.Contents| != 0) && M = 256 * |more.Contents|)
+ (0 <= length) && (length <= M + 256)
+ ((more != null) ==> M < length)
+ length = |Contents|
+ (forall i :: ((0 <= i) && (i < M)) ==> Contents[i] = more.Contents[i div 256][i mod 256])
+ (forall i :: ((M <= i) && (i < length)) ==> Contents[i] = elements[i - M])
diff --git a/Test/jennisys0/Prog0.jen b/Test/jennisys0/Prog0.jen new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd847846 --- /dev/null +++ b/Test/jennisys0/Prog0.jen @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +class C {
+ var a: seq[int]
+ var x: int
+ constructor Init()
+ { }
+ method Update(d)
+ {
+ x := x + 1
+ { nested := statement yes := sirrie }
+ x.f := (12 + true)[8000 := 0 <= n]
+ }
+ method Query() returns (r)
+ requires r
+ requires true
+ requires *
+ requires r.r.s
+ requires a[i]
+ requires a[i := 58]
+ requires (((hello)))
+ requires (((hello) + (goodbye)) - soonyousoon)
+ requires 0 <= r
+ { }
+ method ManyParams(x:bool,y) returns (r,s:set[MyClass],t)
+ { }
+model C {
+ var x: int
+ frame xyz
+ invariant x <= x
+code C {
diff --git a/Test/jennisys0/runtest.bat b/Test/jennisys0/runtest.bat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..419c8891 --- /dev/null +++ b/Test/jennisys0/runtest.bat @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +@echo off
+set JENNISYS_EXE=..\..\Jennisys\Jennisys\bin\Debug\Jennisys.exe
+for %%f in (Prog0.jen ExtensibleArray.jen) do (
+ echo.
+ echo -------------------- %%f --------------------
+ %JENNISYS_EXE% %* /trace %%f
diff --git a/Util/Emacs/jennisys-mode.el b/Util/Emacs/jennisys-mode.el new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89bb2767 --- /dev/null +++ b/Util/Emacs/jennisys-mode.el @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +;; jennisys-mode.el - GNU Emacs mode for Jennisys
+;; Adapted by Rustan Leino from Jean-Christophe FILLIATRE's GNU Emancs mode for Why
+(defvar jennisys-mode-hook nil)
+(defvar jennisys-mode-map nil
+ "Keymap for Jennisys major mode")
+(if jennisys-mode-map nil
+ (setq jennisys-mode-map (make-keymap))
+ (define-key jennisys-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'jennisys-run-boogie)
+ (define-key jennisys-mode-map [(control return)] 'font-lock-fontify-buffer))
+(setq auto-mode-alist
+ (append
+ '(("\\.jen" . jennisys-mode))
+ auto-mode-alist))
+;; font-lock
+(defun jennisys-regexp-opt (l)
+ (concat "\\<" (concat (regexp-opt l t) "\\>")))
+(defconst jennisys-font-lock-keywords-1
+ (list
+ ; comments have the form /* ... */
+ '("/\\*\\([^*]\\|\\*[^/]\\)*\\*/" . font-lock-comment-face)
+ ; or // ...
+ '("//\\([^
+]\\)*" . font-lock-comment-face)
+ `(,(jennisys-regexp-opt '(
+ "class" "model" "code"
+ "var" "constructor" "method"
+ "frame" "invariant" "returns" "requires"
+ )) . font-lock-builtin-face)
+ `(,(jennisys-regexp-opt '(
+ "if" "then" "else"
+ "forall" "exists"
+ "this" "in"
+ "false" "true" "null")) . font-lock-keyword-face)
+ `(,(jennisys-regexp-opt '("array" "bool" "int" "set" "seq")) . font-lock-type-face)
+ )
+ "Minimal highlighting for Jennisys mode")
+(defvar jennisys-font-lock-keywords jennisys-font-lock-keywords-1
+ "Default highlighting for Jennisys mode")
+;; syntax
+(defvar jennisys-mode-syntax-table nil
+ "Syntax table for jennisys-mode")
+(defun jennisys-create-syntax-table ()
+ (if jennisys-mode-syntax-table
+ ()
+ (setq jennisys-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
+ (set-syntax-table jennisys-mode-syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w" jennisys-mode-syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" jennisys-mode-syntax-table)))
+;; menu
+(require 'easymenu)
+(defun jennisys-menu ()
+ (easy-menu-define
+ jennisys-mode-menu (list jennisys-mode-map)
+ "Jennisys Mode Menu."
+ '("Jennisys"
+ ["Run Boogie" jennisys-run-boogie t]
+ "---"
+ ["Recolor buffer" font-lock-fontify-buffer t]
+ "---"
+ ))
+ (easy-menu-add jennisys-mode-menu))
+;; commands
+(defun jennisys-command-line (file)
+ (concat "boogie " file))
+(defun jennisys-run-boogie ()
+ "run Boogie to check the Jennisys program"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((f (buffer-name)))
+ (compile (jennisys-command-line f))))
+;; setting the mode
+(defun jennisys-mode ()
+ "Major mode for editing Jennisys programs.
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (jennisys-create-syntax-table)
+ ; hilight
+ (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+ (setq font-lock-defaults '(jennisys-font-lock-keywords))
+ ; indentation
+ ; (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
+ ; (setq indent-line-function 'jennisys-indent-line)
+ ; menu
+ ; providing the mode
+ (setq major-mode 'jennisys-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "Jennisys")
+ (use-local-map jennisys-mode-map)
+ (font-lock-mode 1)
+ (jennisys-menu)
+ (run-hooks 'jennisys-mode-hook))
+(provide 'jennisys-mode)