path: root/absl/functional/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Remove ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT in AnyInvocable to avoid performance impact in o...Gravatar Abseil Team2023-05-11
* std::shared_ptr<T>::unique() is deprecated in C++17 and removed in C++20.Gravatar Abseil Team2023-02-16
* Detects accidental multiple invocations of AnyInvocable<R(...)&&>::operator()...Gravatar Abseil Team2022-10-11
* any_invocable_test: Re-enable the two conversion tests that used to fail unde...Gravatar Dino Radakovic2022-07-15
* Release absl::AnyInvocableGravatar Dino Radakovic2022-06-16