path: root/absl/strings/internal/escaping_test_common.h
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authorGravatar Abseil Team <>2018-05-31 12:26:35 -0700
committerGravatar Mark Barolak <>2018-05-31 15:58:36 -0400
commit7aacab8ae05d7115049923da9cfbf584dc1f8338 (patch)
tree4394fc5eeed08a356d02ccfef33d1201f21b0dc3 /absl/strings/internal/escaping_test_common.h
parent99477fa9f1e89a7d8253c8aeee331864710d080c (diff)
- e2f6b8ac647271815b4fed2991f405524dd762c3 Release cctz microbenchmarks. by Alex Strelnikov <>
- 924ba2a3f9fca695d73c6bf491d20669e2b96b8e Changed RawPtr to use std::addressof() instead of operato... by Abseil Team <> - e8cf67f9fa74d4c5632da35547025ad2301c6819 Import of CCTZ from GitHub. by Alex Strelnikov <> - 2ece8a96611afcddd7b91e0197dadb896248250c Abandon ".inc" files in favor of ".h" headers. by Jorg Brown <> - 37f5ed5da4058f90fb3e6a2733fce5b1fd0aaedf Add exception safety tests for absl::optional<T> by Abseil Team <> - 337f995a866b8f905f64ca6b271b5fec8f248a60 Update WORKSPACE to grab specific commits of dependencies... by Alex Strelnikov <> - 93e5b134607a554993387ad913e6c1621606004b Release Charmap microbenchmark. by Alex Strelnikov <> - 95c2e29b6d93ec1334484ee37d91f63101c45307 Release OStringStream microbenchmarks. by Alex Strelnikov <> - 250f51839ed26dd1e6b658d35aa291413e5f4825 Internal change by Greg Falcon <> - ce34900fa3d1a95a8446bc943cdd801fac95be25 Improve compatibility of cctz cc_test targets for portabl... by Shaindel Schwartz <> - ce7e31dbf2c1ee93c79aae5b7dc7c603cb4babcf Improve portability of cc_tests. (Mark more tests that ca... by Abseil Team <> - dfcd4e455923703c1a1dcd523c5f915f7990fa2a Accept strings with custom allocators as arguments to abs... by Greg Falcon <> - 2946b41ed3d5b8b5a8dc11182e443cf1ab6e3bde Link against benchmark_main instead of using BENCHMARK_MA... by Alex Strelnikov <> - f09de9e03bf8edd363069c4b352d8009423f531c Adds link to doc about the formats allowed by SimpleAtof(... by Greg Miller <> - 59b0977e7a308e0800277886cf60226b2cc426a1 Simplify the HideMask() calculation so that it doesn't us... by Jorg Brown <> GitOrigin-RevId: e2f6b8ac647271815b4fed2991f405524dd762c3 Change-Id: Ib9c8547ed7fe217fad6cb3ab1362e96181aa5cfa
Diffstat (limited to 'absl/strings/internal/escaping_test_common.h')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/absl/strings/internal/escaping_test_common.h b/absl/strings/internal/escaping_test_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc41f431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/strings/internal/escaping_test_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This test contains common things needed by both and
+#include <array>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+namespace absl {
+namespace strings_internal {
+struct base64_testcase {
+ absl::string_view plaintext;
+ absl::string_view cyphertext;
+inline const std::array<base64_testcase, 5>& base64_strings() {
+ static const std::array<base64_testcase, 5> testcase{{
+ // Some google quotes
+ // Cyphertext created with "uuencode (GNU sharutils) 4.6.3"
+ // (Note that we're testing the websafe encoding, though, so if
+ // you add messages, be sure to run "tr -- '+/' '-_'" on the output)
+ { "I was always good at math and science, and I never realized "
+ "that was unusual or somehow undesirable. So one of the things "
+ "I care a lot about is helping to remove that stigma, "
+ "to show girls that you can be feminine, you can like the things "
+ "that girls like, but you can also be really good at technology. "
+ "You can be really good at building things."
+ " - Marissa Meyer, Newsweek, 2010-12-22" "\n",
+ "SSB3YXMgYWx3YXlzIGdvb2QgYXQgbWF0aCBhbmQgc2NpZW5jZSwgYW5kIEkg"
+ "bmV2ZXIgcmVhbGl6ZWQgdGhhdCB3YXMgdW51c3VhbCBvciBzb21laG93IHVu"
+ "ZGVzaXJhYmxlLiBTbyBvbmUgb2YgdGhlIHRoaW5ncyBJIGNhcmUgYSBsb3Qg"
+ "YWJvdXQgaXMgaGVscGluZyB0byByZW1vdmUgdGhhdCBzdGlnbWEsIHRvIHNo"
+ "b3cgZ2lybHMgdGhhdCB5b3UgY2FuIGJlIGZlbWluaW5lLCB5b3UgY2FuIGxp"
+ "a2UgdGhlIHRoaW5ncyB0aGF0IGdpcmxzIGxpa2UsIGJ1dCB5b3UgY2FuIGFs"
+ "c28gYmUgcmVhbGx5IGdvb2QgYXQgdGVjaG5vbG9neS4gWW91IGNhbiBiZSBy"
+ "ZWFsbHkgZ29vZCBhdCBidWlsZGluZyB0aGluZ3MuIC0gTWFyaXNzYSBNZXll"
+ "ciwgTmV3c3dlZWssIDIwMTAtMTItMjIK" },
+ { "Typical first year for a new cluster: "
+ "~0.5 overheating "
+ "~1 PDU failure "
+ "~1 rack-move "
+ "~1 network rewiring "
+ "~20 rack failures "
+ "~5 racks go wonky "
+ "~8 network maintenances "
+ "~12 router reloads "
+ "~3 router failures "
+ "~dozens of minor 30-second blips for dns "
+ "~1000 individual machine failures "
+ "~thousands of hard drive failures "
+ "slow disks, bad memory, misconfigured machines, flaky machines, etc."
+ " - Jeff Dean, The Joys of Real Hardware" "\n",
+ "VHlwaWNhbCBmaXJzdCB5ZWFyIGZvciBhIG5ldyBjbHVzdGVyOiB-MC41IG92"
+ "b3JrIHJld2lyaW5nIH4yMCByYWNrIGZhaWx1cmVzIH41IHJhY2tzIGdvIHdv"
+ "bmt5IH44IG5ldHdvcmsgbWFpbnRlbmFuY2VzIH4xMiByb3V0ZXIgcmVsb2Fk"
+ "cyB-MyByb3V0ZXIgZmFpbHVyZXMgfmRvemVucyBvZiBtaW5vciAzMC1zZWNv"
+ "bmQgYmxpcHMgZm9yIGRucyB-MTAwMCBpbmRpdmlkdWFsIG1hY2hpbmUgZmFp"
+ "bHVyZXMgfnRob3VzYW5kcyBvZiBoYXJkIGRyaXZlIGZhaWx1cmVzIHNsb3cg"
+ "ZGlza3MsIGJhZCBtZW1vcnksIG1pc2NvbmZpZ3VyZWQgbWFjaGluZXMsIGZs"
+ "YWt5IG1hY2hpbmVzLCBldGMuIC0gSmVmZiBEZWFuLCBUaGUgSm95cyBvZiBS"
+ "ZWFsIEhhcmR3YXJlCg" },
+ { "I'm the head of the webspam team at Google. "
+ "That means that if you type your name into Google and get porn back, "
+ "it's my fault. Unless you're a porn star, in which case porn is a "
+ "completely reasonable response."
+ " - Matt Cutts, Google Plus" "\n",
+ "VGhhdCBtZWFucyB0aGF0IGlmIHlvdSB0eXBlIHlvdXIgbmFtZSBpbnRvIEdv"
+ "b2dsZSBhbmQgZ2V0IHBvcm4gYmFjaywgaXQncyBteSBmYXVsdC4gVW5sZXNz"
+ "IHlvdSdyZSBhIHBvcm4gc3RhciwgaW4gd2hpY2ggY2FzZSBwb3JuIGlzIGEg"
+ "Y29tcGxldGVseSByZWFzb25hYmxlIHJlc3BvbnNlLiAtIE1hdHQgQ3V0dHMs"
+ "IEdvb2dsZSBQbHVzCg" },
+ { "It will still be a long time before machines approach human "
+ "intelligence. "
+ "But luckily, machines don't actually have to be intelligent; "
+ "they just have to fake it. Access to a wealth of information, "
+ "combined with a rudimentary decision-making capacity, "
+ "can often be almost as useful. Of course, the results are better yet "
+ "when coupled with intelligence. A reference librarian with access to "
+ "a good search engine is a formidable tool."
+ " - Craig Silverstein, Siemens Pictures of the Future, Spring 2004"
+ "\n",
+ "SXQgd2lsbCBzdGlsbCBiZSBhIGxvbmcgdGltZSBiZWZvcmUgbWFjaGluZXMg"
+ "YXBwcm9hY2ggaHVtYW4gaW50ZWxsaWdlbmNlLiBCdXQgbHVja2lseSwgbWFj"
+ "aGluZXMgZG9uJ3QgYWN0dWFsbHkgaGF2ZSB0byBiZSBpbnRlbGxpZ2VudDsg"
+ "dGhleSBqdXN0IGhhdmUgdG8gZmFrZSBpdC4gQWNjZXNzIHRvIGEgd2VhbHRo"
+ "IG9mIGluZm9ybWF0aW9uLCBjb21iaW5lZCB3aXRoIGEgcnVkaW1lbnRhcnkg"
+ "ZGVjaXNpb24tbWFraW5nIGNhcGFjaXR5LCBjYW4gb2Z0ZW4gYmUgYWxtb3N0"
+ "IGFzIHVzZWZ1bC4gT2YgY291cnNlLCB0aGUgcmVzdWx0cyBhcmUgYmV0dGVy"
+ "IHlldCB3aGVuIGNvdXBsZWQgd2l0aCBpbnRlbGxpZ2VuY2UuIEEgcmVmZXJl"
+ "bmNlIGxpYnJhcmlhbiB3aXRoIGFjY2VzcyB0byBhIGdvb2Qgc2VhcmNoIGVu"
+ "Z2luZSBpcyBhIGZvcm1pZGFibGUgdG9vbC4gLSBDcmFpZyBTaWx2ZXJzdGVp"
+ "biwgU2llbWVucyBQaWN0dXJlcyBvZiB0aGUgRnV0dXJlLCBTcHJpbmcgMjAw"
+ "NAo" },
+ // Degenerate edge case
+ { "",
+ "" },
+ }};
+ return testcase;
+} // namespace strings_internal
+} // namespace absl