path: root/theory.mli
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/theory.mli b/theory.mli
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index fe79a11..0000000
--- a/theory.mli
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-(* This is part of aac_tactics, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
-(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2009-2010: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
-(** Bindings for Coq constants that are specific to the plugin;
- reification and translation functions.
- Note: this module is highly correlated with the definitions of {i
- AAC.v}.
- This module interfaces with the above Coq module; it provides
- facilities to interpret a term with arbitrary operators as an
- abstract syntax tree, and to convert an AST into a Coq term
- (either using the Coq "raw" terms, as written in the starting
- goal, or using the reified Coq datatypes we define in {i
- AAC.v}).
-(** Both in OCaml and Coq, we represent finite multisets using
- weighted lists ([('a*int) list]), see {!Matcher.mset}.
- [mk_mset ty l] constructs a Coq multiset from an OCaml multiset
- [l] of Coq terms of type [ty] *)
-val mk_mset:Term.constr -> (Term.constr * int) list ->Term.constr
-(** {2 Packaging modules} *)
-(** Environments *)
-module Sigma:
- (** [add ty n x map] adds the value [x] of type [ty] with key [n] in [map] *)
- val add: Term.constr ->Term.constr ->Term.constr ->Term.constr ->Term.constr
- (** [empty ty] create an empty map of type [ty] *)
- val empty: Term.constr ->Term.constr
- (** [of_list ty null l] translates an OCaml association list into a Coq one *)
- val of_list: Term.constr -> Term.constr -> (int * Term.constr ) list -> Term.constr
- (** [to_fun ty null map] converts a Coq association list into a Coq function (with default value [null]) *)
- val to_fun: Term.constr ->Term.constr ->Term.constr ->Term.constr
-(** Dynamically typed morphisms *)
-module Sym:
- (** mimics the Coq record [Sym.pack] *)
- type pack = {ar: Term.constr; value: Term.constr ; morph: Term.constr}
- val typ: Term.constr lazy_t
- (** [mk_pack rlt (ar,value,morph)] *)
- val mk_pack: Coq.Relation.t -> pack -> Term.constr
- (** [null] builds a dummy (identity) symbol, given an {!Coq.Relation.t} *)
- val null: Coq.Relation.t -> Term.constr
-(** We need to export some Coq stubs out of this module. They are used
- by the main tactic, see {!Rewrite} *)
-module Stubs : sig
- val lift : Term.constr Lazy.t
- val lift_proj_equivalence : Term.constr Lazy.t
- val lift_transitivity_left : Term.constr Lazy.t
- val lift_transitivity_right : Term.constr Lazy.t
- val lift_reflexivity : Term.constr Lazy.t
- (** The evaluation fonction, used to convert a reified coq term to a
- raw coq term *)
- val eval: Term.constr lazy_t
- (** The main lemma of our theory, that is
- [compare (norm u) (norm v) = Eq -> eval u == eval v] *)
- val decide_thm:Term.constr lazy_t
- val lift_normalise_thm : Term.constr lazy_t
-(** {2 Building reified terms}
- We define a bundle of functions to build reified versions of the
- terms (those that will be given to the reflexive decision
- procedure). In particular, each field takes as first argument the
- index of the symbol rather than the symbol itself. *)
-(** Tranlations between Coq and OCaml *)
-module Trans : sig
- (** This module provides facilities to interpret a term with
- arbitrary operators as an instance of an abstract syntax tree
- {!Matcher.Terms.t}.
- For each Coq application [f x_1 ... x_n], this amounts to
- deciding whether one of the partial applications [f x_1
- ... x_i], [i<=n] is a proper morphism, whether the partial
- application with [i=n-2] yields an A or AC binary operator, and
- whether the whole term is the unit for some A or AC operator. We
- use typeclass resolution to test each of these possibilities.
- Note that there are ambiguous terms:
- - a term like [f x y] might yield a unary morphism ([f x]) and a
- binary one ([f]); we select the latter one (unless [f] is A or
- AC, in which case we declare it accordingly);
- - a term like [S O] can be considered as a morphism ([S])
- applied to a unit for [(+)], or as a unit for [( * )]; we
- chose to give priority to units, so that the latter
- interpretation is selected in this case;
- - an element might be the unit for several operations
- *)
- (** To achieve this reification, one need to record informations
- about the collected operators (symbols, binary operators,
- units). We use the following imperative internal data-structure to
- this end. *)
- type envs
- val empty_envs : unit -> envs
- (** {2 Reification: from Coq terms to AST {!Matcher.Terms.t} } *)
- (** [t_of_constr goal rlt envs (left,right)] builds the abstract
- syntax tree of the terms [left] and [right]. We rely on the [goal]
- to perform typeclasses resolutions to find morphisms compatible
- with the relation [rlt]. Doing so, it modifies the reification
- environment [envs]. Moreover, we need to create fresh
- evars; this is why we give back the [goal], accordingly
- updated. *)
- val t_of_constr : Coq.goal_sigma -> Coq.Relation.t -> envs -> (Term.constr * Term.constr) -> Matcher.Terms.t * Matcher.Terms.t * Coq.goal_sigma
- (** [add_symbol] adds a given binary symbol to the environment of
- known stuff. *)
- val add_symbol : Coq.goal_sigma -> Coq.Relation.t -> envs -> Term.constr -> Coq.goal_sigma
- (** {2 Reconstruction: from AST back to Coq terms }
- The next functions allow one to map OCaml abstract syntax trees
- to Coq terms. We need two functions to rebuild different kind of
- terms: first, raw terms, like the one encountered by
- {!t_of_constr}; second, reified Coq terms, that are required for
- the reflexive decision procedure. *)
- type ir
- val ir_of_envs : Coq.goal_sigma -> Coq.Relation.t -> envs -> Coq.goal_sigma * ir
- val ir_to_units : ir -> Matcher.ext_units
- (** {2 Building raw, natural, terms} *)
- (** [raw_constr_of_t] rebuilds a term in the raw representation, and
- reconstruct the named products on top of it. In particular, this
- allow us to print the context put around the left (or right)
- hand side of a pattern. *)
- val raw_constr_of_t : ir -> Coq.Relation.t -> (Context.Rel.t) ->Matcher.Terms.t -> Term.constr
- (** {2 Building reified terms} *)
- (** The reification environments, as Coq constrs *)
- type sigmas = {
- env_sym : Term.constr;
- env_bin : Term.constr;
- env_units : Term.constr; (* the [idx -> X:constr] *)
- }
- (** We need to reify two terms (left and right members of a goal)
- that share the same reification envirnoment. Therefore, we need
- to add letins to the proof context in order to ensure some
- sharing in the proof terms we produce.
- Moreover, in order to have as much sharing as possible, we also
- add letins for various partial applications that are used
- throughout the terms.
- To achieve this, we decompose the reconstruction function into
- two steps: first, we build the reification environment and then
- reify each term successively.*)
- type reifier
- val mk_reifier : Coq.Relation.t -> Term.constr -> ir -> (sigmas * reifier -> Proof_type.tactic) -> Proof_type.tactic
- (** [reif_constr_of_t reifier t] rebuilds the term [t] in the
- reified form. *)
- val reif_constr_of_t : reifier -> Matcher.Terms.t -> Term.constr