path: root/theories
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2019-02-13 20:40:51 -0500
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2019-02-13 20:40:51 -0500
commit2ee22055c510a56c3d040fe023d0884b183bd68c (patch)
tree595eeed2159e90da8284b9e2d545430a61a60d04 /theories
parent7ecbed522b4b4a9829eb9bd7b3f36db53788a77c (diff)
parent8018e923c75eb5504310864f821972f794b7d554 (diff)
Updated version 8.8.0+1.gbp069dc3b from 'upstream/8.8.0+1.gbp069dc3b'
Diffstat (limited to 'theories')
5 files changed, 2196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/theories/AAC.v b/theories/AAC.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7cc7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/AAC.v
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
+(* This is part of aac_tactics, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
+(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2009-2010: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
+(** * Theory file for the aac_rewrite tactic
+ We define several base classes to package associative and possibly
+ commutative operators, and define a data-type for reified (or
+ quoted) expressions (with morphisms).
+ We then define a reflexive decision procedure to decide the
+ equality of reified terms: first normalise reified terms, then
+ compare them. This allows us to close transitivity steps
+ automatically, in the [aac_rewrite] tactic.
+ We restrict ourselves to the case where all symbols operate on a
+ single fixed type. In particular, this means that we cannot handle
+ situations like
+ [H: forall x y, nat_of_pos (pos_of_nat (x) + y) + x = ....]
+ where one occurrence of [+] operates on nat while the other one
+ operates on positive. *)
+Require Import Arith NArith.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import FMapPositive FMapFacts.
+Require Import RelationClasses Equality.
+Require Export Morphisms.
+From AAC_tactics
+Require Import Utils.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+Local Open Scope signature_scope.
+(** * Environments for the reification process: we use positive maps to index elements *)
+Section sigma.
+ Definition sigma := PositiveMap.t.
+ Definition sigma_get A (null : A) (map : sigma A) (n : positive) : A :=
+ match PositiveMap.find n map with
+ | None => null
+ | Some x => x
+ end.
+ Definition sigma_add := @PositiveMap.add.
+ Definition sigma_empty := @PositiveMap.empty.
+End sigma.
+(** * Classes for properties of operators *)
+Class Associative (X:Type) (R:relation X) (dot: X -> X -> X) :=
+ law_assoc : forall x y z, R (dot x (dot y z)) (dot (dot x y) z).
+Class Commutative (X:Type) (R: relation X) (plus: X -> X -> X) :=
+ law_comm: forall x y, R (plus x y) (plus y x).
+Class Unit (X:Type) (R:relation X) (op : X -> X -> X) (unit:X) := {
+ law_neutral_left: forall x, R (op unit x) x;
+ law_neutral_right: forall x, R (op x unit) x
+(** Class used to find the equivalence relation on which operations
+ are A or AC, starting from the relation appearing in the goal *)
+Class AAC_lift X (R: relation X) (E : relation X) := {
+ aac_lift_equivalence : Equivalence E;
+ aac_list_proper : Proper (E ==> E ==> iff) R
+(** simple instances, when we have a subrelation, or an equivalence *)
+Instance aac_lift_subrelation {X} {R} {E} {HE: Equivalence E}
+ {HR: @Transitive X R} {HER: subrelation E R}: AAC_lift R E | 3.
+ constructor; trivial.
+ intros ? ? H ? ? H'. split; intro G.
+ rewrite <- H, G. apply HER, H'.
+ rewrite H, G. apply HER. symmetry. apply H'.
+Instance aac_lift_proper {X} {R : relation X} {E} {HE: Equivalence E}
+ {HR: Proper (E==>E==>iff) R}: AAC_lift R E | 4 := {}.
+Module Internal.
+(** * Utilities for the evaluation function *)
+Section copy.
+ Context {X} {R} {HR: @Equivalence X R} {plus}
+ (op: Associative R plus) (op': Commutative R plus) (po: Proper (R ==> R ==> R) plus).
+ (* copy n x = x+...+x (n times) *)
+ Fixpoint copy' n x := match n with
+ | xH => x
+ | xI n => let xn := copy' n x in plus (plus xn xn) x
+ | xO n => let xn := copy' n x in (plus xn xn)
+ end.
+ Definition copy n x := Prect (fun _ => X) x (fun _ xn => plus x xn) n.
+ Lemma copy_plus : forall n m x, R (copy (n+m) x) (plus (copy n x) (copy m x)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold copy.
+ induction n using Pind; intros m x.
+ rewrite Prect_base. rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l. rewrite Prect_succ. reflexivity.
+ rewrite Pplus_succ_permute_l. rewrite 2Prect_succ. rewrite IHn. apply op.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma copy_xH : forall x, R (copy 1 x) x.
+ Proof. intros; unfold copy; rewrite Prect_base. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma copy_Psucc : forall n x, R (copy (Pos.succ n) x) (plus x (copy n x)).
+ Proof. intros; unfold copy; rewrite Prect_succ. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Global Instance copy_compat n: Proper (R ==> R) (copy n).
+ Proof.
+ unfold copy.
+ induction n using Pind; intros x y H.
+ rewrite 2Prect_base. assumption.
+ rewrite 2Prect_succ. apply po; auto.
+ Qed.
+End copy.
+(** * Packaging structures *)
+(** ** free symbols *)
+Module Sym.
+ Section t.
+ Context {X} {R : relation X} .
+ (** type of an arity *)
+ Fixpoint type_of (n: nat) :=
+ match n with
+ | O => X
+ | S n => X -> type_of n
+ end.
+ (** relation to be preserved at an arity *)
+ Fixpoint rel_of n : relation (type_of n) :=
+ match n with
+ | O => R
+ | S n => respectful R (rel_of n)
+ end.
+ (** a symbol package contains an arity,
+ a value of the corresponding type,
+ and a proof that the value is a proper morphism *)
+ Record pack : Type := mkPack {
+ ar : nat;
+ value :> type_of ar;
+ morph : Proper (rel_of ar) value
+ }.
+ (** helper to build default values, when filling reification environments *)
+ Definition null: pack := mkPack 1 (fun x => x) (fun _ _ H => H).
+ End t.
+End Sym.
+(** ** binary operations *)
+Module Bin.
+ Section t.
+ Context {X} {R: relation X}.
+ Record pack := mk_pack {
+ value:> X -> X -> X;
+ compat: Proper (R ==> R ==> R) value;
+ assoc: Associative R value;
+ comm: option (Commutative R value)
+ }.
+ End t.
+ (* See #<a href="Instances.html">Instances.v</a># for concrete instances of these classes. *)
+End Bin.
+(** * Reification, normalisation, and decision *)
+Section s.
+ Context {X} {R: relation X} {E: @Equivalence X R}.
+ Infix "==" := R (at level 80).
+ (* We use environments to store the various operators and the
+ morphisms.*)
+ Variable e_sym: idx -> @Sym.pack X R.
+ Variable e_bin: idx -> @Bin.pack X R.
+ (** packaging units (depends on e_bin) *)
+ Record unit_of u := mk_unit_for {
+ uf_idx: idx;
+ uf_desc: Unit R (Bin.value (e_bin uf_idx)) u
+ }.
+ Record unit_pack := mk_unit_pack {
+ u_value:> X;
+ u_desc: list (unit_of u_value)
+ }.
+ Variable e_unit: positive -> unit_pack.
+ Hint Resolve e_bin e_unit: typeclass_instances.
+ (** ** Almost normalised syntax
+ a term in [T] is in normal form if:
+ - sums do not contain sums
+ - products do not contain products
+ - there are no unary sums or products
+ - lists and msets are lexicographically sorted according to the order we define below
+ [vT n] denotes the set of term vectors of size [n] (the mutual dependency could be removed),
+ Note that [T] and [vT] depend on the [e_sym] environment (which
+ contains, among other things, the arity of symbols)
+ *)
+ Inductive T: Type :=
+ | sum: idx -> mset T -> T
+ | prd: idx -> nelist T -> T
+ | sym: forall i, vT ( (e_sym i)) -> T
+ | unit : idx -> T
+ with vT: nat -> Type :=
+ | vnil: vT O
+ | vcons: forall n, T -> vT n -> vT (S n).
+ (** lexicographic rpo over the normalised syntax *)
+ Fixpoint compare (u v: T) :=
+ match u,v with
+ | sum i l, sum j vs => lex (idx_compare i j) (mset_compare compare l vs)
+ | prd i l, prd j vs => lex (idx_compare i j) (list_compare compare l vs)
+ | sym i l, sym j vs => lex (idx_compare i j) (vcompare l vs)
+ | unit i , unit j => idx_compare i j
+ | unit _ , _ => Lt
+ | _ , unit _ => Gt
+ | sum _ _, _ => Lt
+ | _ , sum _ _ => Gt
+ | prd _ _, _ => Lt
+ | _ , prd _ _ => Gt
+ end
+ with vcompare i j (us: vT i) (vs: vT j) :=
+ match us,vs with
+ | vnil, vnil => Eq
+ | vnil, _ => Lt
+ | _, vnil => Gt
+ | vcons _ u us, vcons _ v vs => lex (compare u v) (vcompare us vs)
+ end.
+ (** ** Evaluation from syntax to the abstract domain *)
+ Fixpoint eval u: X :=
+ match u with
+ | sum i l => let o := Bin.value (e_bin i) in
+ fold_map (fun un => let '(u,n):=un in @copy _ o n (eval u)) o l
+ | prd i l => fold_map eval (Bin.value (e_bin i)) l
+ | sym i v => eval_aux v (Sym.value (e_sym i))
+ | unit i => e_unit i
+ end
+ with eval_aux i (v: vT i): Sym.type_of i -> X :=
+ match v with
+ | vnil => fun f => f
+ | vcons _ u v => fun f => eval_aux v (f (eval u))
+ end.
+ (** we need to show that compare reflects equality (this is because
+ we work with msets rather than lists with arities) *)
+ Lemma tcompare_weak_spec: forall (u v : T), compare_weak_spec u v (compare u v)
+ with vcompare_reflect_eqdep: forall i us j vs (H: i=j), vcompare us vs = Eq -> cast vT H us = vs.
+ Proof.
+ induction u.
+ destruct v; simpl; try constructor.
+ case (pos_compare_weak_spec p p0); intros; try constructor.
+ case (mset_compare_weak_spec compare tcompare_weak_spec m m0); intros; try constructor.
+ destruct v; simpl; try constructor.
+ case (pos_compare_weak_spec p p0); intros; try constructor.
+ case (list_compare_weak_spec compare tcompare_weak_spec n n0); intros; try constructor.
+ destruct v0; simpl; try constructor.
+ case_eq (idx_compare i i0); intro Hi; try constructor.
+ apply idx_compare_reflect_eq in Hi. symmetry in Hi. subst. (* the [symmetry] is required ! *)
+ case_eq (vcompare v v0); intro Hv; try constructor.
+ rewrite <- (vcompare_reflect_eqdep _ _ _ _ eq_refl Hv). constructor.
+ destruct v; simpl; try constructor.
+ case_eq (idx_compare p p0); intro Hi; try constructor.
+ apply idx_compare_reflect_eq in Hi. symmetry in Hi. subst. constructor.
+ induction us; destruct vs; simpl; intros H Huv; try discriminate.
+ apply cast_eq, eq_nat_dec.
+ injection H; intro Hn.
+ revert Huv; case (tcompare_weak_spec t t0); intros; try discriminate.
+ symmetry in Hn. subst. (* symmetry required *)
+ rewrite <- (IHus _ _ eq_refl Huv).
+ apply cast_eq, eq_nat_dec.
+ Qed.
+ Instance eval_aux_compat i (l: vT i): Proper (@Sym.rel_of X R i ==> R) (eval_aux l).
+ Proof.
+ induction l; simpl; repeat intro.
+ assumption.
+ apply IHl, H. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (* is [i] a unit for [j] ? *)
+ Definition is_unit_of j i :=
+ List.existsb (fun p => eq_idx_bool j (uf_idx p)) (u_desc (e_unit i)).
+ (* is [i] commutative ? *)
+ Definition is_commutative i :=
+ match Bin.comm (e_bin i) with Some _ => true | None => false end.
+ (** ** Normalisation *)
+ Inductive discr {A} : Type :=
+ | Is_op : A -> discr
+ | Is_unit : idx -> discr
+ | Is_nothing : discr .
+ (* This is called sum in the std lib *)
+ Inductive m {A} {B} :=
+ | left : A -> m
+ | right : B -> m.
+ Definition comp A B (merge : B -> B -> B) (l : B) (l' : @m A B) : @m A B :=
+ match l' with
+ | left _ => right l
+ | right l' => right (merge l l')
+ end.
+ (** auxiliary functions, to clean up sums *)
+ Section sums.
+ Variable i : idx.
+ Variable is_unit : idx -> bool.
+ Definition sum' (u: mset T): T :=
+ match u with
+ | nil (u,xH) => u
+ | _ => sum i u
+ end.
+ Definition is_sum (u: T) : @discr (mset T) :=
+ match u with
+ | sum j l => if eq_idx_bool j i then Is_op l else Is_nothing
+ | unit j => if is_unit j then Is_unit j else Is_nothing
+ | u => Is_nothing
+ end.
+ Definition copy_mset n (l: mset T): mset T :=
+ match n with
+ | xH => l
+ | _ => nelist_map (fun vm => let '(v,m):=vm in (v,Pmult n m)) l
+ end.
+ Definition return_sum u n :=
+ match is_sum u with
+ | Is_nothing => right (nil (u,n))
+ | Is_op l' => right (copy_mset n l')
+ | Is_unit j => left j
+ end.
+ Definition add_to_sum u n (l : @m idx (mset T)) :=
+ match is_sum u with
+ | Is_nothing => comp (merge_msets compare) (nil (u,n)) l
+ | Is_op l' => comp (merge_msets compare) (copy_mset n l') l
+ | Is_unit _ => l
+ end.
+ Definition norm_msets_ norm (l: mset T) :=
+ fold_map'
+ (fun un => let '(u,n) := un in return_sum (norm u) n)
+ (fun un l => let '(u,n) := un in add_to_sum (norm u) n l) l.
+ End sums.
+ (** similar functions for products *)
+ Section prds.
+ Variable i : idx.
+ Variable is_unit : idx -> bool.
+ Definition prd' (u: nelist T): T :=
+ match u with
+ | nil u => u
+ | _ => prd i u
+ end.
+ Definition is_prd (u: T) : @discr (nelist T) :=
+ match u with
+ | prd j l => if eq_idx_bool j i then Is_op l else Is_nothing
+ | unit j => if is_unit j then Is_unit j else Is_nothing
+ | u => Is_nothing
+ end.
+ Definition return_prd u :=
+ match is_prd u with
+ | Is_nothing => right (nil (u))
+ | Is_op l' => right (l')
+ | Is_unit j => left j
+ end.
+ Definition add_to_prd u (l : @m idx (nelist T)) :=
+ match is_prd u with
+ | Is_nothing => comp (@appne T) (nil (u)) l
+ | Is_op l' => comp (@appne T) (l') l
+ | Is_unit _ => l
+ end.
+ Definition norm_lists_ norm (l : nelist T) :=
+ fold_map'
+ (fun u => return_prd (norm u))
+ (fun u l => add_to_prd (norm u) l) l.
+ End prds.
+ Definition run_list x := match x with
+ | left n => nil (unit n)
+ | right l => l
+ end.
+ Definition norm_lists norm i l :=
+ let is_unit := is_unit_of i in
+ run_list (norm_lists_ i is_unit norm l).
+ Definition run_msets x := match x with
+ | left n => nil (unit n, xH)
+ | right l => l
+ end.
+ Definition norm_msets norm i l :=
+ let is_unit := is_unit_of i in
+ run_msets (norm_msets_ i is_unit norm l).
+ Fixpoint norm u {struct u}:=
+ match u with
+ | sum i l => if is_commutative i then sum' i (norm_msets norm i l) else u
+ | prd i l => prd' i (norm_lists norm i l)
+ | sym i l => sym i (vnorm l)
+ | unit i => unit i
+ end
+ with vnorm i (l: vT i): vT i :=
+ match l with
+ | vnil => vnil
+ | vcons _ u l => vcons (norm u) (vnorm l)
+ end.
+ (** ** Correctness *)
+ Lemma is_unit_of_Unit : forall i j : idx,
+ is_unit_of i j = true -> Unit R (Bin.value (e_bin i)) (eval (unit j)).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold is_unit_of in H.
+ rewrite existsb_exists in H.
+ destruct H as [x [H H']].
+ revert H' ; case (eq_idx_spec); [intros H' _ ; subst| intros _ H'; discriminate].
+ simpl. destruct x. simpl. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Instance Binvalue_Commutative i (H : is_commutative i = true) : Commutative R (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) ).
+ Proof.
+ unfold is_commutative in H.
+ destruct (Bin.comm (e_bin i)); auto.
+ discriminate.
+ Qed.
+ Instance Binvalue_Associative i :Associative R (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) ).
+ Proof.
+ destruct ((e_bin i)); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Instance Binvalue_Proper i : Proper (R ==> R ==> R) (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) ).
+ Proof.
+ destruct ((e_bin i)); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve Binvalue_Proper Binvalue_Associative Binvalue_Commutative.
+ (** auxiliary lemmas about sums *)
+ Hint Resolve is_unit_of_Unit.
+ Section sum_correctness.
+ Variable i : idx.
+ Variable is_unit : idx -> bool.
+ Hypothesis is_unit_sum_Unit : forall j, is_unit j = true-> @Unit X R (Bin.value (e_bin i)) (eval (unit j)).
+ Inductive is_sum_spec_ind : T -> @discr (mset T) -> Prop :=
+ | is_sum_spec_op : forall j l, j = i -> is_sum_spec_ind (sum j l) (Is_op l)
+ | is_sum_spec_unit : forall j, is_unit j = true -> is_sum_spec_ind (unit j) (Is_unit j)
+ | is_sum_spec_nothing : forall u, is_sum_spec_ind u (Is_nothing).
+ Lemma is_sum_spec u : is_sum_spec_ind u (is_sum i is_unit u).
+ Proof.
+ unfold is_sum; case u; intros; try constructor.
+ case_eq (eq_idx_bool p i); intros; subst; try constructor; auto.
+ revert H. case eq_idx_spec; try discriminate. auto.
+ case_eq (is_unit p); intros; try constructor. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Instance assoc : @Associative X R (Bin.value (e_bin i)).
+ Proof.
+ destruct (e_bin i). simpl. assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Instance proper : Proper (R ==> R ==> R)(Bin.value (e_bin i)).
+ Proof.
+ destruct (e_bin i). simpl. assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Hypothesis comm : @Commutative X R (Bin.value (e_bin i)).
+ Lemma sum'_sum : forall (l: mset T), eval (sum' i l) ==eval (sum i l) .
+ Proof.
+ intros [[a n] | [a n] l]; destruct n; simpl; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_sum_nil x:
+ eval (sum i (nil (x,xH))) == (eval x).
+ Proof. rewrite <- sum'_sum. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma eval_sum_cons : forall n a (l: mset T),
+ (eval (sum i ((a,n)::l))) == (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) (@copy _ (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i)) n (eval a)) (eval (sum i l))).
+ Proof.
+ intros n a [[? ? ]|[b m] l]; simpl; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Inductive compat_sum_unit : @m idx (mset T) -> Prop :=
+ | csu_left : forall x, is_unit x = true-> compat_sum_unit (left x)
+ | csu_right : forall m, compat_sum_unit (right m)
+ .
+ Lemma compat_sum_unit_return x n : compat_sum_unit (return_sum i is_unit x n).
+ Proof.
+ unfold return_sum.
+ case is_sum_spec; intros; try constructor; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma compat_sum_unit_add : forall x n h,
+ compat_sum_unit h
+ ->
+ compat_sum_unit
+ (add_to_sum i (is_unit_of i) x n
+ h).
+ Proof.
+ unfold add_to_sum;intros; inversion H;
+ case_eq (is_sum i (is_unit_of i) x);
+ intros; simpl; try constructor || eauto. apply H0.
+ Qed.
+ (* Hint Resolve copy_plus. : this lags because of the inference of the implicit arguments *)
+ Hint Extern 5 (copy (?n + ?m) (eval ?a) == Bin.value (copy ?n (eval ?a)) (copy ?m (eval ?a))) => apply copy_plus.
+ Hint Extern 5 (?x == ?x) => reflexivity.
+ Hint Extern 5 ( Bin.value ?x ?y == Bin.value ?y ?x) => apply Bin.comm.
+ Lemma eval_merge_bin : forall (h k: mset T),
+ eval (sum i (merge_msets compare h k)) == @Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) (eval (sum i h)) (eval (sum i k)).
+ Proof.
+ induction h as [[a n]|[a n] h IHh]; intro k.
+ simpl.
+ induction k as [[b m]|[b m] k IHk]; simpl.
+ destruct (tcompare_weak_spec a b) as [a|a b|a b]; simpl; auto. apply copy_plus; auto.
+ destruct (tcompare_weak_spec a b) as [a|a b|a b]; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite copy_plus,law_assoc; auto.
+ rewrite IHk; clear IHk. rewrite 2 law_assoc. apply proper. apply law_comm. reflexivity.
+ induction k as [[b m]|[b m] k IHk]; simpl; simpl in IHh.
+ destruct (tcompare_weak_spec a b) as [a|a b|a b]; simpl.
+ rewrite (law_comm _ (copy m (eval a))), law_assoc, <- copy_plus, Pplus_comm; auto.
+ rewrite <- law_assoc, IHh. reflexivity.
+ rewrite law_comm. reflexivity.
+ simpl in IHk.
+ destruct (tcompare_weak_spec a b) as [a|a b|a b]; simpl.
+ rewrite IHh; clear IHh. rewrite 2 law_assoc. rewrite (law_comm _ (copy m (eval a))). rewrite law_assoc, <- copy_plus, Pplus_comm; auto.
+ rewrite IHh; clear IHh. simpl. rewrite law_assoc. reflexivity.
+ rewrite 2 (law_comm (copy m (eval b))). rewrite law_assoc. apply proper; [ | reflexivity].
+ rewrite <- IHk. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma copy_mset' n (l: mset T): copy_mset n l = nelist_map (fun vm => let '(v,m):=vm in (v,Pmult n m)) l.
+ Proof.
+ unfold copy_mset. destruct n; try reflexivity.
+ simpl. induction l as [|[a l] IHl]; simpl; try congruence. destruct a. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma copy_mset_succ n (l: mset T): eval (sum i (copy_mset (Pos.succ n) l)) == @Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) (eval (sum i l)) (eval (sum i (copy_mset n l))).
+ Proof.
+ rewrite 2 copy_mset'.
+ induction l as [[a m]|[a m] l IHl].
+ simpl eval. rewrite <- copy_plus; auto. rewrite Pmult_Sn_m. reflexivity.
+ simpl nelist_map. rewrite ! eval_sum_cons. rewrite IHl. clear IHl.
+ rewrite Pmult_Sn_m. rewrite copy_plus; auto. rewrite <- !law_assoc.
+ apply Binvalue_Proper; try reflexivity.
+ rewrite law_comm . rewrite <- !law_assoc. apply proper; try reflexivity.
+ apply law_comm.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma copy_mset_copy : forall n (m : mset T), eval (sum i (copy_mset n m)) == @copy _ (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i)) n (eval (sum i m)).
+ Proof.
+ induction n using Pind; intros.
+ unfold copy_mset. rewrite copy_xH. reflexivity.
+ rewrite copy_mset_succ. rewrite copy_Psucc. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Instance compat_sum_unit_Unit : forall p, compat_sum_unit (left p) ->
+ @Unit X R (Bin.value (e_bin i)) (eval (unit p)).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ inversion H. subst. auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma copy_n_unit : forall j n, is_unit j = true ->
+ eval (unit j) == @copy _ (Bin.value (e_bin i)) n (eval (unit j)).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ induction n using Prect.
+ rewrite copy_xH. reflexivity.
+ rewrite copy_Psucc. rewrite <- IHn. apply is_unit_sum_Unit in H. rewrite law_neutral_left. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma z0 l r (H : compat_sum_unit r):
+ eval (sum i (run_msets (comp (merge_msets compare) l r))) == eval (sum i ((merge_msets compare) (l) (run_msets r))).
+ Proof.
+ unfold comp. unfold run_msets.
+ case_eq r; intros; subst.
+ rewrite eval_merge_bin; auto.
+ rewrite eval_sum_nil.
+ apply compat_sum_unit_Unit in H. rewrite law_neutral_right. reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma z1 : forall n x,
+ eval (sum i (run_msets (return_sum i (is_unit) x n )))
+ == @copy _ (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i)) n (eval x).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold return_sum. unfold run_msets.
+ case (is_sum_spec); intros; subst.
+ rewrite copy_mset_copy.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite eval_sum_nil. apply copy_n_unit. auto.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma z2 : forall u n x, compat_sum_unit x ->
+ eval (sum i ( run_msets
+ (add_to_sum i (is_unit) u n x)))
+ ==
+ @Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) (@copy _ (@Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i)) n (eval u)) (eval (sum i (run_msets x))).
+ Proof.
+ intros u n x Hix .
+ unfold add_to_sum.
+ case is_sum_spec; intros; subst.
+ rewrite z0 by auto. rewrite eval_merge_bin. rewrite copy_mset_copy. reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- copy_n_unit by assumption.
+ apply is_unit_sum_Unit in H.
+ rewrite law_neutral_left. reflexivity.
+ rewrite z0 by auto. rewrite eval_merge_bin. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End sum_correctness.
+ Lemma eval_norm_msets i norm
+ (Comm : Commutative R (Bin.value (e_bin i)))
+ (Hnorm: forall u, eval (norm u) == eval u) : forall h, eval (sum i (norm_msets norm i h)) == eval (sum i h).
+ Proof.
+ unfold norm_msets.
+ assert (H :
+ forall h : mset T,
+ eval (sum i (run_msets (norm_msets_ i (is_unit_of i) norm h))) == eval (sum i h) /\ compat_sum_unit (is_unit_of i) (norm_msets_ i (is_unit_of i) norm h)).
+ induction h as [[a n] | [a n] h [IHh IHh']]; simpl norm_msets_; split.
+ rewrite z1 by auto. rewrite Hnorm . reflexivity. auto.
+ apply compat_sum_unit_return.
+ rewrite z2 by auto. rewrite IHh.
+ rewrite eval_sum_cons. rewrite Hnorm. reflexivity. apply compat_sum_unit_add, IHh'.
+ apply H.
+ Defined.
+ (** auxiliary lemmas about products *)
+ Section prd_correctness.
+ Variable i : idx.
+ Variable is_unit : idx -> bool.
+ Hypothesis is_unit_prd_Unit : forall j, is_unit j = true-> @Unit X R (Bin.value (e_bin i)) (eval (unit j)).
+ Inductive is_prd_spec_ind : T -> @discr (nelist T) -> Prop :=
+ | is_prd_spec_op :
+ forall j l, j = i -> is_prd_spec_ind (prd j l) (Is_op l)
+ | is_prd_spec_unit :
+ forall j, is_unit j = true -> is_prd_spec_ind (unit j) (Is_unit j)
+ | is_prd_spec_nothing :
+ forall u, is_prd_spec_ind u (Is_nothing).
+ Lemma is_prd_spec u : is_prd_spec_ind u (is_prd i is_unit u).
+ Proof.
+ unfold is_prd; case u; intros; try constructor.
+ case (eq_idx_spec); intros; subst; try constructor; auto.
+ case_eq (is_unit p); intros; try constructor; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma prd'_prd : forall (l: nelist T), eval (prd' i l) == eval (prd i l).
+ Proof.
+ intros [?|? [|? ?]]; simpl; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_prd_nil x: eval (prd i (nil x)) == eval x.
+ Proof.
+ rewrite <- prd'_prd. simpl. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_prd_cons a : forall (l: nelist T), eval (prd i (a::l)) == @Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) (eval a) (eval (prd i l)).
+ Proof.
+ intros [|b l]; simpl; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_prd_app : forall (h k: nelist T), eval (prd i (h++k)) == @Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) (eval (prd i h)) (eval (prd i k)).
+ Proof.
+ induction h; intro k. simpl; try reflexivity.
+ simpl appne. rewrite 2 eval_prd_cons, IHh, law_assoc. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Inductive compat_prd_unit : @m idx (nelist T) -> Prop :=
+ | cpu_left : forall x, is_unit x = true -> compat_prd_unit (left x)
+ | cpu_right : forall m, compat_prd_unit (right m)
+ .
+ Lemma compat_prd_unit_return x: compat_prd_unit (return_prd i is_unit x).
+ Proof.
+ unfold return_prd.
+ case (is_prd_spec); intros; try constructor; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma compat_prd_unit_add : forall x h,
+ compat_prd_unit h
+ ->
+ compat_prd_unit
+ (add_to_prd i is_unit x
+ h).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold add_to_prd.
+ unfold comp.
+ case (is_prd_spec); intros; try constructor; auto.
+ unfold comp; case h; try constructor.
+ unfold comp; case h; try constructor.
+ Qed.
+ Instance compat_prd_Unit : forall p, compat_prd_unit (left p) ->
+ @Unit X R (Bin.value (e_bin i)) (eval (unit p)).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ inversion H; subst. apply is_unit_prd_Unit. assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma z0' : forall l (r: @m idx (nelist T)), compat_prd_unit r ->
+ eval (prd i (run_list (comp (@appne T) l r))) == eval (prd i ((appne (l) (run_list r)))).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold comp. unfold run_list. case_eq r; intros; auto; subst.
+ rewrite eval_prd_app.
+ rewrite eval_prd_nil.
+ apply compat_prd_Unit in H. rewrite law_neutral_right. reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma z1' a : eval (prd i (run_list (return_prd i is_unit a))) == eval (prd i (nil a)).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold return_prd. unfold run_list.
+ case (is_prd_spec); intros; subst; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma z2' : forall u x, compat_prd_unit x ->
+ eval (prd i ( run_list
+ (add_to_prd i is_unit u x))) == @Bin.value _ _ (e_bin i) (eval u) (eval (prd i (run_list x))).
+ Proof.
+ intros u x Hix.
+ unfold add_to_prd.
+ case (is_prd_spec); intros; subst.
+ rewrite z0' by auto. rewrite eval_prd_app. reflexivity.
+ apply is_unit_prd_Unit in H. rewrite law_neutral_left. reflexivity.
+ rewrite z0' by auto. rewrite eval_prd_app. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End prd_correctness.
+ Lemma eval_norm_lists i (Hnorm: forall u, eval (norm u) == eval u) : forall h, eval (prd i (norm_lists norm i h)) == eval (prd i h).
+ Proof.
+ unfold norm_lists.
+ assert (H : forall h : nelist T,
+ eval (prd i (run_list (norm_lists_ i (is_unit_of i) norm h))) ==
+ eval (prd i h)
+ /\ compat_prd_unit (is_unit_of i) (norm_lists_ i (is_unit_of i) norm h)).
+ induction h as [a | a h [IHh IHh']]; simpl norm_lists_; split.
+ rewrite z1'. simpl. apply Hnorm.
+ apply compat_prd_unit_return.
+ rewrite z2'. rewrite IHh. rewrite eval_prd_cons. rewrite Hnorm. reflexivity. apply is_unit_of_Unit.
+ auto.
+ apply compat_prd_unit_add. auto.
+ apply H.
+ Defined.
+ (** correctness of the normalisation function *)
+ Theorem eval_norm: forall u, eval (norm u) == eval u
+ with eval_norm_aux: forall i (l: vT i) (f: Sym.type_of i),
+ Proper (@Sym.rel_of X R i) f -> eval_aux (vnorm l) f == eval_aux l f.
+ Proof.
+ induction u as [ p m | p l | ? | ?]; simpl norm.
+ case_eq (is_commutative p); intros.
+ rewrite sum'_sum.
+ apply eval_norm_msets; auto.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite prd'_prd.
+ apply eval_norm_lists; auto.
+ apply eval_norm_aux, Sym.morph.
+ reflexivity.
+ induction l; simpl; intros f Hf. reflexivity.
+ rewrite eval_norm. apply IHl, Hf; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** corollaries, for goal normalisation or decision *)
+ Lemma normalise : forall (u v: T), eval (norm u) == eval (norm v) -> eval u == eval v.
+ Proof. intros u v. rewrite 2 eval_norm. trivial. Qed.
+ Lemma compare_reflect_eq: forall u v, compare u v = Eq -> eval u == eval v.
+ Proof. intros u v. case (tcompare_weak_spec u v); intros; try congruence. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma decide: forall (u v: T), compare (norm u) (norm v) = Eq -> eval u == eval v.
+ Proof. intros u v H. apply normalise. apply compare_reflect_eq. apply H. Qed.
+ Lemma lift_normalise {S} {H : AAC_lift S R}:
+ forall (u v: T), (let x := norm u in let y := norm v in
+ S (eval x) (eval y)) -> S (eval u) (eval v).
+ Proof. destruct H. intros u v; simpl; rewrite 2 eval_norm. trivial. Qed.
+End s.
+End Internal.
+Local Ltac internal_normalize :=
+ let x := fresh in let y := fresh in
+ intro x; intro y; vm_compute in x; vm_compute in y; unfold x; unfold y;
+ compute [Internal.eval Utils.fold_map Internal.copy Prect]; simpl.
+(** * Lemmas for performing transitivity steps
+ given an instance of AAC_lift *)
+Section t.
+ Context `{AAC_lift}.
+ Lemma lift_transitivity_left (y x z : X): E x y -> R y z -> R x z.
+ Proof. destruct H as [Hequiv Hproper]; intros G;rewrite G. trivial. Qed.
+ Lemma lift_transitivity_right (y x z : X): E y z -> R x y -> R x z.
+ Proof. destruct H as [Hequiv Hproper]; intros G. rewrite G. trivial. Qed.
+ Lemma lift_reflexivity {HR :Reflexive R}: forall x y, E x y -> R x y.
+ Proof. destruct H. intros ? ? G. rewrite G. reflexivity. Qed.
+End t.
+Declare ML Module "aac_plugin".
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+(* This is part of aac_tactics, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
+(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2009-2010: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
+(** * Currently known caveats and limitations of the [aac_tactics] library.
+ Depending on your installation, either uncomment the following two
+ lines, or add them to your .coqrc files, replacing "."
+ with the path to the [aac_tactics] library
+Require NArith Minus.
+From AAC_tactics
+Require Import AAC.
+From AAC_tactics
+Require Instances.
+(** ** Limitations *)
+(** *** 1. Dependent parameters
+ The type of the rewriting hypothesis must be of the form
+ [forall (x_1: T_1) ... (x_n: T_n), R l r],
+ where [R] is a relation over some type [T] and such that for all
+ variable [x_i] appearing in the left-hand side ([l]), we actually
+ have [T_i]=[T]. The goal should be of the form [S g d], where [S]
+ is a relation on [T].
+ In other words, we cannot instantiate arguments of an exogeneous
+ type. *)
+Section parameters.
+ Context {X} {R} {E: @Equivalence X R}
+ {plus} {plus_A: Associative R plus} {plus_C: Commutative R plus}
+ {plus_Proper: Proper (R ==> R ==> R) plus}
+ {zero} {Zero: Unit R plus zero}.
+ Notation "x == y" := (R x y) (at level 70).
+ Notation "x + y" := (plus x y) (at level 50, left associativity).
+ Notation "0" := (zero).
+ Variable f: nat -> X -> X.
+ (** in [Hf], the parameter [n] has type [nat], it cannot be instantiated automatically *)
+ Hypothesis Hf: forall n x, f n x + x == x.
+ Hypothesis Hf': forall n, Proper (R ==> R) (f n).
+ Goal forall a b k, a + f k (b+a) + b == a+b.
+ intros.
+ Fail aac_rewrite Hf. (** [aac_rewrite] does not instantiate [n] automatically *)
+ aac_rewrite (Hf k). (** of course, this argument can be given explicitly *)
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** for the same reason, we cannot handle higher-order parameters (here, [g])*)
+ Hypothesis H : forall g x y, g x + g y == g (x + y).
+ Variable g : X -> X.
+ Hypothesis Hg : Proper (R ==> R) g.
+ Goal forall a b c, g a + g b + g c == g (a + b + c).
+ intros.
+ Fail aac_rewrite H.
+ do 2 aac_rewrite (H g). aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End parameters.
+(** *** 2. Exogeneous morphisms
+ We do not handle `exogeneous' morphisms: morphisms that move from
+ type [T] to some other type [T']. *)
+Section morphism.
+ Import NArith Minus.
+ Open Scope nat_scope.
+ (** Typically, although [N_of_nat] is a proper morphism from
+ [@eq nat] to [@eq N], we cannot rewrite under [N_of_nat] *)
+ Goal forall a b: nat, N_of_nat (a+b-(b+a)) = 0%N.
+ intros.
+ Fail aac_rewrite minus_diag.
+ Abort.
+ (* More generally, this prevents us from rewriting under
+ propositional contexts *)
+ Context {P} {HP : Proper (@eq nat ==> iff) P}.
+ Hypothesis H : P 0.
+ Goal forall a b, P (a + b - (b + a)).
+ intros a b.
+ Fail aac_rewrite minus_diag.
+ (** a solution is to introduce an evar to replace the part to be
+ rewritten. This tiresome process should be improved in the
+ future. Here, it can be done using eapply and the morphism. *)
+ eapply HP.
+ aac_rewrite minus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ exact H.
+ Qed.
+ Goal forall a b, a+b-(b+a) = 0 /\ b-b = 0.
+ intros.
+ (** similarly, we need to bring equations to the toplevel before
+ being able to rewrite *)
+ Fail aac_rewrite minus_diag.
+ split; aac_rewrite minus_diag; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End morphism.
+(** *** 3. Treatment of variance with inequations.
+ We do not take variance into account when we compute the set of
+ solutions to a matching problem modulo AC. As a consequence,
+ [aac_instances] may propose solutions for which [aac_rewrite] will
+ fail, due to the lack of adequate morphisms *)
+Section ineq.
+ Import ZArith.
+ Import Instances.Z.
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Instance Zplus_incr: Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le ==> Z.le) Zplus.
+ Proof. intros ? ? H ? ? H'. apply Zplus_le_compat; assumption. Qed.
+ Hypothesis H: forall x, x+x <= x.
+ Goal forall a b c, c + - (a + a) + b + b <= c.
+ intros.
+ (** this fails because the first solution is not valid ([Zopp] is not increasing), *)
+ Fail aac_rewrite H.
+ aac_instances H.
+ (** on the contrary, the second solution is valid: *)
+ aac_rewrite H at 1.
+ (** Currently, we cannot filter out such invalid solutions in an easy way;
+ this should be fixed in the future *)
+ Abort.
+End ineq.
+(** ** Caveats *)
+(** *** 1. Special treatment for units.
+ [S O] is considered as a unit for multiplication whenever a [Peano.mult]
+ appears in the goal. The downside is that [S x] does not match [1],
+ and [1] does not match [S(0+0)] whenever [Peano.mult] appears in
+ the goal. *)
+Section Peano.
+ Import Instances.Peano.
+ Hypothesis H : forall x, x + S x = S (x+x).
+ Goal 1 = 1.
+ (** ok (no multiplication around), [x] is instantiated with [O] *)
+ aacu_rewrite H.
+ Abort.
+ Goal 1*1 = 1.
+ (** fails since 1 is seen as a unit, not the application of the
+ morphism [S] to the constant [O] *)
+ Fail aacu_rewrite H.
+ Abort.
+ Hypothesis H': forall x, x+1 = 1+x.
+ Goal forall a, a+S(0+0) = 1+a.
+ (** ok (no multiplication around), [x] is instantiated with [a]*)
+ intro. aac_rewrite H'.
+ Abort.
+ Goal forall a, a*a+S(0+0) = 1+a*a.
+ (** fails: although [S(0+0)] is understood as the application of
+ the morphism [S] to the constant [O], it is not recognised
+ as the unit [S O] of multiplication *)
+ intro. Fail aac_rewrite H'.
+ Abort.
+ (** More generally, similar counter-intuitive behaviours can appear
+ when declaring an applied morphism as an unit. *)
+End Peano.
+(** *** 2. Existential variables.
+We implemented an algorithm for _matching_ modulo AC, not for
+_unifying_ modulo AC. As a consequence, existential variables
+appearing in a goal are considered as constants, they will not be
+instantiated. *)
+Section evars.
+ Import ZArith.
+ Import Instances.Z.
+ Variable P: Prop.
+ Hypothesis H: forall x y, x+y+x = x -> P.
+ Hypothesis idem: forall x, x+x = x.
+ Goal P.
+ eapply H.
+ aac_rewrite idem. (** this works: [x] is instantiated with an evar *)
+ instantiate (2 := 0).
+ symmetry. aac_reflexivity. (** this does work but there are remaining evars in the end *)
+ Abort.
+ Hypothesis H': forall x, 3+x = x -> P.
+ Goal P.
+ eapply H'.
+ Fail aac_rewrite idem. (** this fails since we do not instantiate evars *)
+ Abort.
+End evars.
+(** *** 3. Distinction between [aac_rewrite] and [aacu_rewrite] *)
+Section U.
+ Context {X} {R} {E: @Equivalence X R}
+ {dot} {dot_A: Associative R dot} {dot_Proper: Proper (R ==> R ==> R) dot}
+ {one} {One: Unit R dot one}.
+ Infix "==" := R (at level 70).
+ Infix "*" := dot.
+ Notation "1" := one.
+ (** In some situations, the [aac_rewrite] tactic allows
+ instantiations of a variable with a unit, when the variable occurs
+ directly under a function symbol: *)
+ Variable f : X -> X.
+ Hypothesis Hf : Proper (R ==> R) f.
+ Hypothesis dot_inv_left : forall x, f x*x == x.
+ Goal f 1 == 1.
+ aac_rewrite dot_inv_left. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** This behaviour seems desirable in most situations: these
+ solutions with units are less peculiar than the other ones, since
+ the unit comes from the goal. However, this policy is not properly
+ enforced for now (hard to do with the current algorithm): *)
+ Hypothesis dot_inv_right : forall x, x*f x == x.
+ Goal f 1 == 1.
+ Fail aac_rewrite dot_inv_right.
+ aacu_rewrite dot_inv_right. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End U.
+(** *** 4. Rewriting units *)
+Section V.
+ Context {X} {R} {E: @Equivalence X R}
+ {dot} {dot_A: Associative R dot} {dot_Proper: Proper (R ==> R ==> R) dot}
+ {one} {One: Unit R dot one}.
+ Infix "==" := R (at level 70).
+ Infix "*" := dot.
+ Notation "1" := one.
+ (** [aac_rewrite] uses the symbols appearing in the goal and the
+ hypothesis to infer the AC and A operations. In the following
+ example, [dot] appears neither in the left-hand-side of the goal,
+ nor in the right-hand side of the hypothesis. Hence, 1 is not
+ recognised as a unit. To circumvent this problem, we can force
+ [aac_rewrite] to take into account a given operation, by giving
+ it an extra argument. This extra argument seems useful only in
+ this peculiar case. *)
+ Lemma inv_unique: forall x y y', x*y == 1 -> y'*x == 1 -> y==y'.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y y' Hxy Hy'x.
+ aac_instances <- Hy'x [dot].
+ aac_rewrite <- Hy'x at 1 [dot].
+ aac_rewrite Hxy. aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End V.
+(** *** 5. Rewriting too much things. *)
+Section W.
+ Variables a b c: nat.
+ Hypothesis H: 0 = c.
+ Goal b*(a+a) <= b*(c+a+a+1).
+ (** [aac_rewrite] finds a pattern modulo AC that matches a given
+ hypothesis, and then makes a call to [setoid_rewrite]. This
+ [setoid_rewrite] can unfortunately make several rewrites (in a
+ non-intuitive way: below, the [1] in the right-hand side is
+ rewritten into [S c]) *)
+ aac_rewrite H.
+ (** To this end, we provide a companion tactic to [aac_rewrite]
+ and [aacu_rewrite], that makes the transitivity step, but not the
+ setoid_rewrite:
+ This allows the user to select the relevant occurrences in which
+ to rewrite. *)
+ aac_pattern H at 2. setoid_rewrite H at 1.
+ Abort.
+End W.
+(** *** 6. Rewriting nullifiable patterns. *)
+Section Z.
+(** If the pattern of the rewritten hypothesis does not contain "hard"
+symbols (like constants, function symbols, AC or A symbols without
+units), there can be infinitely many subterms such that the pattern
+matches: it is possible to build "subterms" modulo ACU that make the
+size of the term increase (by making neutral elements appear in a
+layered fashion). Hence, we settled with heuristics to propose only
+"some" of these solutions. In such cases, the tactic displays a
+(conservative) warning. *)
+Variables a b c: nat.
+Variable f: nat -> nat.
+Hypothesis H0: forall x, 0 = x - x.
+Hypothesis H1: forall x, 1 = x * x.
+Goal a+b*c = c.
+ aac_instances H0.
+ (** In this case, only three solutions are proposed, while there are
+ infinitely many solutions. E.g.
+ - a+b*c*(1+[])
+ - a+b*c*(1+0*(1+ []))
+ - ...
+ *)
+(** **** If the pattern is a unit or can be instantiated to be equal
+ to a unit:
+ The heuristic is to make the unit appear at each possible position
+ in the term, e.g. transforming [a] into [1*a] and [a*1], but this
+ process is not recursive (we will not transform [1*a]) into
+ [(1+0*1)*a] *)
+Goal a+b+c = c.
+ aac_instances H0 [mult].
+ (** 1 solution, we miss solutions like [(a+b+c*(1+0*(1+[])))] and so on *)
+ aac_instances H1 [mult].
+ (** 7 solutions, we miss solutions like [(a+b+c+0*(1+0*[]))]*)
+(** *** Another example of the former case is the following, where the hypothesis can be instantiated to be equal to [1] *)
+Hypothesis H : forall x y, (x+y)*x = x*x + y *x.
+Goal a*a+b*a + c = c.
+ (** Here, only one solution if we use the aac_instance tactic *)
+ aac_instances <- H.
+ (** There are 8 solutions using aacu_instances (but, here,
+ there are infinitely many different solutions). We miss e.g. [a*a +b*a
+ + (x*x + y*x)*c], which seems to be more peculiar. *)
+ aacu_instances <- H.
+ (** The 7 last solutions are the same as if we were matching [1] *)
+ aacu_instances H1. Abort.
+(** The behavior of the tactic is not satisfying in this case. It is
+still unclear how to handle properly this kind of situation : we plan
+to investigate on this in the future *)
+End Z.
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+(* This is part of aac_tactics, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
+(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2009-2010: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
+Require List.
+Require Arith NArith Max Min.
+Require ZArith Zminmax.
+Require QArith Qminmax.
+Require Relations.
+From AAC_tactics
+Require Export AAC.
+(** Instances for aac_rewrite.*)
+(* This one is not declared as an instance: this interferes badly with setoid_rewrite *)
+Lemma eq_subr {X} {R} `{@Reflexive X R}: subrelation eq R.
+Proof. intros x y ->. reflexivity. Qed.
+(* At the moment, all the instances are exported even if they are packaged into modules. Even using LocalInstances in fact*)
+Module Peano.
+ Import Arith NArith Max Min.
+ Instance aac_plus_Assoc : Associative eq plus := plus_assoc.
+ Instance aac_plus_Comm : Commutative eq plus := plus_comm.
+ Instance aac_mult_Comm : Commutative eq mult := mult_comm.
+ Instance aac_mult_Assoc : Associative eq mult := mult_assoc.
+ Instance aac_min_Comm : Commutative eq min := min_comm.
+ Instance aac_min_Assoc : Associative eq min := min_assoc.
+ Instance aac_max_Comm : Commutative eq max := max_comm.
+ Instance aac_max_Assoc : Associative eq max := max_assoc.
+ Instance aac_one : Unit eq mult 1 := Build_Unit eq mult 1 mult_1_l mult_1_r.
+ Instance aac_zero_plus : Unit eq plus O := Build_Unit eq plus (O) plus_0_l plus_0_r.
+ Instance aac_zero_max : Unit eq max O := Build_Unit eq max 0 max_0_l max_0_r.
+ (* We also provide liftings from le to eq *)
+ Instance preorder_le : PreOrder le := Build_PreOrder _ le_refl le_trans.
+ Instance lift_le_eq : AAC_lift le eq := Build_AAC_lift eq_equivalence _.
+End Peano.
+Module Z.
+ Import ZArith Zminmax.
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Instance aac_Zplus_Assoc : Associative eq Zplus := Zplus_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Zplus_Comm : Commutative eq Zplus := Zplus_comm.
+ Instance aac_Zmult_Comm : Commutative eq Zmult := Zmult_comm.
+ Instance aac_Zmult_Assoc : Associative eq Zmult := Zmult_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Zmin_Comm : Commutative eq Z.min := Z.min_comm.
+ Instance aac_Zmin_Assoc : Associative eq Z.min := Z.min_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Zmax_Comm : Commutative eq Z.max := Z.max_comm.
+ Instance aac_Zmax_Assoc : Associative eq Z.max := Z.max_assoc.
+ Instance aac_one : Unit eq Zmult 1 := Build_Unit eq Zmult 1 Zmult_1_l Zmult_1_r.
+ Instance aac_zero_Zplus : Unit eq Zplus 0 := Build_Unit eq Zplus 0 Zplus_0_l Zplus_0_r.
+ (* We also provide liftings from le to eq *)
+ Instance preorder_Zle : PreOrder Z.le := Build_PreOrder _ Z.le_refl Z.le_trans.
+ Instance lift_le_eq : AAC_lift Z.le eq := Build_AAC_lift eq_equivalence _.
+End Z.
+Module Lists.
+ Import List.
+ Instance aac_append_Assoc {A} : Associative eq (@app A) := @app_assoc A.
+ Instance aac_nil_append {A} : @Unit (list A) eq (@app A) (@nil A) := Build_Unit _ (@app A) (@nil A) (@app_nil_l A) (@app_nil_r A).
+ Instance aac_append_Proper {A} : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@app A).
+ Proof.
+ repeat intro.
+ subst.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End Lists.
+Module N.
+ Import NArith.
+ Open Scope N_scope.
+ Instance aac_Nplus_Assoc : Associative eq Nplus := Nplus_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Nplus_Comm : Commutative eq Nplus := Nplus_comm.
+ Instance aac_Nmult_Comm : Commutative eq Nmult := Nmult_comm.
+ Instance aac_Nmult_Assoc : Associative eq Nmult := Nmult_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Nmin_Comm : Commutative eq N.min := N.min_comm.
+ Instance aac_Nmin_Assoc : Associative eq N.min := N.min_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Nmax_Comm : Commutative eq N.max := N.max_comm.
+ Instance aac_Nmax_Assoc : Associative eq N.max := N.max_assoc.
+ Instance aac_one : Unit eq Nmult (1)%N := Build_Unit eq Nmult (1)%N Nmult_1_l Nmult_1_r.
+ Instance aac_zero : Unit eq Nplus (0)%N := Build_Unit eq Nplus (0)%N Nplus_0_l Nplus_0_r.
+ Instance aac_zero_max : Unit eq N.max 0 := Build_Unit eq N.max 0 N.max_0_l N.max_0_r.
+ (* We also provide liftings from le to eq *)
+ Instance preorder_le : PreOrder N.le := Build_PreOrder N.le N.le_refl N.le_trans.
+ Instance lift_le_eq : AAC_lift N.le eq := Build_AAC_lift eq_equivalence _.
+End N.
+Module P.
+ Import NArith.
+ Open Scope positive_scope.
+ Instance aac_Pplus_Assoc : Associative eq Pplus := Pplus_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Pplus_Comm : Commutative eq Pplus := Pplus_comm.
+ Instance aac_Pmult_Comm : Commutative eq Pmult := Pmult_comm.
+ Instance aac_Pmult_Assoc : Associative eq Pmult := Pmult_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Pmin_Comm : Commutative eq Pos.min := Pos.min_comm.
+ Instance aac_Pmin_Assoc : Associative eq Pos.min := Pos.min_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Pmax_Comm : Commutative eq Pos.max := Pos.max_comm.
+ Instance aac_Pmax_Assoc : Associative eq Pos.max := Pos.max_assoc.
+ Instance aac_one : Unit eq Pmult 1 := Build_Unit eq Pmult 1 _ Pmult_1_r.
+ intros; reflexivity. Qed. (* TODO : add this lemma in the stdlib *)
+ Instance aac_one_max : Unit eq Pos.max 1 := Build_Unit eq Pos.max 1 Pos.max_1_l Pos.max_1_r.
+ (* We also provide liftings from le to eq *)
+ Instance preorder_le : PreOrder Pos.le := Build_PreOrder Pos.le Pos.le_refl Pos.le_trans.
+ Instance lift_le_eq : AAC_lift Pos.le eq := Build_AAC_lift eq_equivalence _.
+End P.
+Module Q.
+ Import QArith Qminmax.
+ Instance aac_Qplus_Assoc : Associative Qeq Qplus := Qplus_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Qplus_Comm : Commutative Qeq Qplus := Qplus_comm.
+ Instance aac_Qmult_Comm : Commutative Qeq Qmult := Qmult_comm.
+ Instance aac_Qmult_Assoc : Associative Qeq Qmult := Qmult_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Qmin_Comm : Commutative Qeq Qmin := Q.min_comm.
+ Instance aac_Qmin_Assoc : Associative Qeq Qmin := Q.min_assoc.
+ Instance aac_Qmax_Comm : Commutative Qeq Qmax := Q.max_comm.
+ Instance aac_Qmax_Assoc : Associative Qeq Qmax := Q.max_assoc.
+ Instance aac_one : Unit Qeq Qmult 1 := Build_Unit Qeq Qmult 1 Qmult_1_l Qmult_1_r.
+ Instance aac_zero_Qplus : Unit Qeq Qplus 0 := Build_Unit Qeq Qplus 0 Qplus_0_l Qplus_0_r.
+ (* We also provide liftings from le to eq *)
+ Instance preorder_le : PreOrder Qle := Build_PreOrder Qle Qle_refl Qle_trans.
+ Instance lift_le_eq : AAC_lift Qle Qeq := Build_AAC_lift QOrderedType.QOrder.TO.eq_equiv _.
+End Q.
+Module Prop_ops.
+ Instance aac_or_Assoc : Associative iff or. Proof. unfold Associative; tauto. Qed.
+ Instance aac_or_Comm : Commutative iff or. Proof. unfold Commutative; tauto. Qed.
+ Instance aac_and_Assoc : Associative iff and. Proof. unfold Associative; tauto. Qed.
+ Instance aac_and_Comm : Commutative iff and. Proof. unfold Commutative; tauto. Qed.
+ Instance aac_True : Unit iff or False. Proof. constructor; firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_False : Unit iff and True. Proof. constructor; firstorder. Qed.
+ Program Instance aac_not_compat : Proper (iff ==> iff) not.
+ Solve All Obligations with firstorder.
+ Instance lift_impl_iff : AAC_lift Basics.impl iff := Build_AAC_lift _ _.
+End Prop_ops.
+Module Bool.
+ Instance aac_orb_Assoc : Associative eq orb. Proof. unfold Associative; firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_orb_Comm : Commutative eq orb. Proof. unfold Commutative; firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_andb_Assoc : Associative eq andb. Proof. unfold Associative; firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_andb_Comm : Commutative eq andb. Proof. unfold Commutative; firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_true : Unit eq orb false. Proof. constructor; firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_false : Unit eq andb true. Proof. constructor; intros [|];firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance negb_compat : Proper (eq ==> eq) negb. Proof. intros [|] [|]; auto. Qed.
+End Bool.
+Module Relations.
+ Import Relations.Relations.
+ Section defs.
+ Variable T : Type.
+ Variables R S: relation T.
+ Definition inter : relation T := fun x y => R x y /\ S x y.
+ Definition compo : relation T := fun x y => exists z : T, R x z /\ S z y.
+ Definition negr : relation T := fun x y => ~ R x y.
+ (* union and converse are already defined in the standard library *)
+ Definition bot : relation T := fun _ _ => False.
+ Definition top : relation T := fun _ _ => True.
+ End defs.
+ Instance eq_same_relation T : Equivalence (same_relation T). Proof. firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_union_Comm T : Commutative (same_relation T) (union T). Proof. unfold Commutative; compute; intuition. Qed.
+ Instance aac_union_Assoc T : Associative (same_relation T) (union T). Proof. unfold Associative; compute; intuition. Qed.
+ Instance aac_bot T : Unit (same_relation T) (union T) (bot T). Proof. constructor; compute; intuition. Qed.
+ Instance aac_inter_Comm T : Commutative (same_relation T) (inter T). Proof. unfold Commutative; compute; intuition. Qed.
+ Instance aac_inter_Assoc T : Associative (same_relation T) (inter T). Proof. unfold Associative; compute; intuition. Qed.
+ Instance aac_top T : Unit (same_relation T) (inter T) (top T). Proof. constructor; compute; intuition. Qed.
+ (* note that we use [eq] directly as a neutral element for composition *)
+ Instance aac_compo T : Associative (same_relation T) (compo T). Proof. unfold Associative; compute; firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance aac_eq T : Unit (same_relation T) (compo T) (eq). Proof. compute; firstorder subst; trivial. Qed.
+ Instance negr_compat T : Proper (same_relation T ==> same_relation T) (negr T).
+ Proof. compute. firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance transp_compat T : Proper (same_relation T ==> same_relation T) (transp T).
+ Proof. compute. firstorder. Qed.
+ Instance clos_trans_incr T : Proper (inclusion T ==> inclusion T) (clos_trans T).
+ Proof.
+ intros R S H x y Hxy. induction Hxy.
+ constructor 1. apply H. assumption.
+ econstructor 2; eauto 3.
+ Qed.
+ Instance clos_trans_compat T: Proper (same_relation T ==> same_relation T) (clos_trans T).
+ Proof. intros R S H; split; apply clos_trans_incr, H. Qed.
+ Instance clos_refl_trans_incr T : Proper (inclusion T ==> inclusion T) (clos_refl_trans T).
+ Proof.
+ intros R S H x y Hxy. induction Hxy.
+ constructor 1. apply H. assumption.
+ constructor 2.
+ econstructor 3; eauto 3.
+ Qed.
+ Instance clos_refl_trans_compat T : Proper (same_relation T ==> same_relation T) (clos_refl_trans T).
+ Proof. intros R S H; split; apply clos_refl_trans_incr, H. Qed.
+ Instance preorder_inclusion T : PreOrder (inclusion T).
+ Proof. constructor; unfold Reflexive, Transitive, inclusion; intuition. Qed.
+ Instance lift_inclusion_same_relation T: AAC_lift (inclusion T) (same_relation T) :=
+ Build_AAC_lift (eq_same_relation T) _.
+ Proof. firstorder. Qed.
+End Relations.
+Module All.
+ Export Peano.
+ Export Z.
+ Export P.
+ Export N.
+ Export Prop_ops.
+ Export Bool.
+ Export Relations.
+End All.
+(* Here, we should not see any instance of our classes.
+ Print HintDb typeclass_instances.
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+(* This is part of aac_tactics, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
+(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2009-2010: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
+(** * Tutorial for using the [aac_tactics] library.
+ Depending on your installation, either modify the following two
+ lines, or add them to your .coqrc files, replacing "." with the
+ path to the [aac_tactics] library. *)
+Require Arith ZArith.
+From AAC_tactics
+Require Import AAC.
+From AAC_tactics
+Require Instances.
+(** ** Introductory example
+ Here is a first example with relative numbers ([Z]): one can
+ rewrite an universally quantified hypothesis modulo the
+ associativity and commutativity of [Zplus]. *)
+Section introduction.
+ Import ZArith.
+ Import Instances.Z.
+ Variables a b c : Z.
+ Hypothesis H: forall x, x + Z.opp x = 0.
+ Goal a + b + c + Z.opp (c + a) = b.
+ aac_rewrite H.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Goal a + c + Z.opp (b + a + Z.opp b) = c.
+ do 2 aac_rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** Notes:
+ - the tactic handles arbitrary function symbols like [Zopp] (as
+ long as they are proper morphisms w.r.t. the considered
+ equivalence relation);
+ - here, ring would have done the job.
+ *)
+End introduction.
+(** ** Usage
+ One can also work in an abstract context, with arbitrary
+ associative and commutative operators. (Note that one can declare
+ several operations of each kind.) *)
+Section base.
+ Context {X} {R} {E: Equivalence R}
+ {plus}
+ {dot}
+ {zero}
+ {one}
+ {dot_A: @Associative X R dot }
+ {plus_A: @Associative X R plus }
+ {plus_C: @Commutative X R plus }
+ {dot_Proper :Proper (R ==> R ==> R) dot}
+ {plus_Proper :Proper (R ==> R ==> R) plus}
+ {Zero : Unit R plus zero}
+ {One : Unit R dot one}
+ .
+ Notation "x == y" := (R x y) (at level 70).
+ Notation "x * y" := (dot x y) (at level 40, left associativity).
+ Notation "1" := (one).
+ Notation "x + y" := (plus x y) (at level 50, left associativity).
+ Notation "0" := (zero).
+ (** In the very first example, [ring] would have solved the
+ goal. Here, since [dot] does not necessarily distribute over [plus],
+ it is not possible to rely on it. *)
+ Section reminder.
+ Hypothesis H : forall x, x * x == x.
+ Variables a b c : X.
+ Goal (a+b+c)*(c+a+b) == a+b+c.
+ aac_rewrite H.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** The tactic starts by normalising terms, so that trailing units
+ are always eliminated. *)
+ Goal ((a+b)+0+c)*((c+a)+b*1) == a+b+c.
+ aac_rewrite H.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End reminder.
+ (** The tactic can deal with "proper" morphisms of arbitrary arity
+ (here [f] and [g], or [Zopp] earlier): it rewrites under such
+ morphisms ([g]), and, more importantly, it is able to reorder
+ terms modulo AC under these morphisms ([f]). *)
+ Section morphisms.
+ Variable f : X -> X -> X.
+ Hypothesis Hf : Proper (R ==> R ==> R) f.
+ Variable g : X -> X.
+ Hypothesis Hg : Proper (R ==> R) g.
+ Variable a b: X.
+ Hypothesis H : forall x y, x+f (b+y) x == y+x.
+ Goal g ((f (a+b) a) + a) == g (a+a).
+ aac_rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End morphisms.
+ (** *** Selecting what and where to rewrite
+ There are sometimes several solutions to the matching problem. We
+ now show how to interact with the tactic to select the desired
+ one. *)
+ Section occurrence.
+ Variable f : X -> X.
+ Variable a : X.
+ Hypothesis Hf : Proper (R ==> R) f.
+ Hypothesis H : forall x, x + x == x.
+ Goal f(a+a)+f(a+a) == f a.
+ (** In case there are several possible solutions, one can print
+ the different solutions using the [aac_instances] tactic (in
+ proof-general, look at buffer *coq* ): *)
+ aac_instances H.
+ (** the default choice is the occurrence with the smallest
+ possible context (number 0), but one can choose the desired
+ one; *)
+ aac_rewrite H at 1.
+ (** now the goal is [f a + f a == f a], there is only one solution. *)
+ aac_rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End occurrence.
+ Section subst.
+ Variables a b c d : X.
+ Hypothesis H: forall x y, a*x*y*b == a*(x+y)*b.
+ Hypothesis H': forall x, x + x == x.
+ Goal a*c*d*c*d*b == a*c*d*b.
+ (** Here, there is only one possible occurrence, but several substitutions; *)
+ aac_instances H.
+ (** one can select them with the proper keyword. *)
+ aac_rewrite H subst 1.
+ aac_rewrite H'.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End subst.
+ (** As expected, one can use both keywords together to select the
+ occurrence and the substitution. We also provide a keyword to
+ specify that the rewrite should be done in the right-hand side of
+ the equation. *)
+ Section both.
+ Variables a b c d : X.
+ Hypothesis H: forall x y, a*x*y*b == a*(x+y)*b.
+ Hypothesis H': forall x, x + x == x.
+ Goal a*c*d*c*d*b*b == a*(c*d*b)*b.
+ aac_instances H.
+ aac_rewrite H at 1 subst 1.
+ aac_instances H.
+ aac_rewrite H.
+ aac_rewrite H'.
+ aac_rewrite H at 0 subst 1 in_right.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End both.
+ (** *** Distinction between [aac_rewrite] and [aacu_rewrite]:
+ [aac_rewrite] rejects solutions in which variables are instantiated
+ by units, while the companion tactic, [aacu_rewrite] allows such
+ solutions. *)
+ Section dealing_with_units.
+ Variables a b c: X.
+ Hypothesis H: forall x, a*x*a == x.
+ Goal a*a == 1.
+ (** Here, [x] must be instantiated with [1], so that the [aac_*]
+ tactics give no solutions; *)
+ try aac_instances H.
+ (** while we get solutions with the [aacu_*] tactics. *)
+ aacu_instances H.
+ aacu_rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** We introduced this distinction because it allows us to rule
+ out dummy cases in common situations: *)
+ Hypothesis H': forall x y z, x*y + x*z == x*(y+z).
+ Goal a*b*c + a*c + a*b == a*(c+b*(1+c)).
+ (** 6 solutions without units, *)
+ aac_instances H'.
+ aac_rewrite H' at 0.
+ (** more than 52 with units. *)
+ aacu_instances H'.
+ Abort.
+ End dealing_with_units.
+End base.
+(** *** Declaring instances
+ To use one's own operations: it suffices to declare them as
+ instances of our classes. (Note that the following instances are
+ already declared in file [Instances.v].) *)
+Section Peano.
+ Import Arith.
+ Instance aac_plus_Assoc : Associative eq plus := plus_assoc.
+ Instance aac_plus_Comm : Commutative eq plus := plus_comm.
+ Instance aac_one : Unit eq mult 1 :=
+ Build_Unit eq mult 1 mult_1_l mult_1_r.
+ Instance aac_zero_plus : Unit eq plus O :=
+ Build_Unit eq plus (O) plus_0_l plus_0_r.
+ (** Two (or more) operations may share the same units: in the
+ following example, [0] is understood as the unit of [max] as well as
+ the unit of [plus]. *)
+ Instance aac_max_Comm : Commutative eq Max.max := Max.max_comm.
+ Instance aac_max_Assoc : Associative eq Max.max := Max.max_assoc.
+ Instance aac_zero_max : Unit eq Max.max O :=
+ Build_Unit eq Max.max 0 Max.max_0_l Max.max_0_r.
+ Variable a b c : nat.
+ Goal Max.max (a + 0) 0 = a.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** Furthermore, several operators can be mixed: *)
+ Hypothesis H : forall x y z, Max.max (x + y) (x + z) = x+ Max.max y z.
+ Goal Max.max (a + b) (c + (a * 1)) = Max.max c b + a.
+ aac_instances H. aac_rewrite H. aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Goal Max.max (a + b) (c + Max.max (a*1+0) 0) = a + Max.max b c.
+ aac_instances H. aac_rewrite H. aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** *** Working with inequations
+ To be able to use the tactics, the goal must be a relation [R]
+ applied to two arguments, and the rewritten hypothesis must end
+ with a relation [Q] applied to two arguments. These relations are
+ not necessarily equivalences, but they should be related
+ according to the occurrence where the rewrite takes place; we
+ leave this check to the underlying call to [setoid_rewrite]. *)
+ (** One can rewrite equations in the left member of inequations, *)
+ Goal (forall x, x + x = x) -> a + b + b + a <= a + b.
+ intro Hx.
+ aac_rewrite Hx.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** or in the right member of inequations, using the [in_right] keyword *)
+ Goal (forall x, x + x = x) -> a + b <= a + b + b + a.
+ intro Hx.
+ aac_rewrite Hx in_right.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** Similarly, one can rewrite inequations in inequations, *)
+ Goal (forall x, x + x <= x) -> a + b + b + a <= a + b.
+ intro Hx.
+ aac_rewrite Hx.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** possibly in the right-hand side. *)
+ Goal (forall x, x <= x + x) -> a + b <= a + b + b + a.
+ intro Hx.
+ aac_rewrite <- Hx in_right.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** [aac_reflexivity] deals with "trivial" inequations too *)
+ Goal Max.max (a + b) (c + a) <= Max.max (b + a) (c + 1*a).
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** In the last three examples, there were no equivalence relation
+ involved in the goal. However, we actually had to guess the
+ equivalence relation with respect to which the operators
+ ([plus,max,0]) were AC. In this case, it was Leibniz equality
+ [eq] so that it was automatically inferred; more generally, one
+ can specify which equivalence relation to use by declaring
+ instances of the [AAC_lift] type class: *)
+ Instance lift_le_eq : AAC_lift le eq := {}.
+ (** (This instance is automatically inferred because [eq] is always a
+ valid candidate, here for [le].) *)
+End Peano.
+(** *** Normalising goals
+ We also provide a tactic to normalise terms modulo AC. This
+ normalisation is the one we use internally. *)
+Section AAC_normalise.
+ Import Instances.Z.
+ Import ZArith.
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Variable a b c d : Z.
+ Goal a + (b + c*c*d) + a + 0 + d*1 = a.
+ aac_normalise.
+ Abort.
+End AAC_normalise.
+(** ** Examples from the web page *)
+Section Examples.
+ Import Instances.Z.
+ Import ZArith.
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ (** *** Reverse triangle inequality *)
+ Lemma Zabs_triangle : forall x y, Z.abs (x + y) <= Z.abs x + Z.abs y .
+ Proof Z.abs_triangle.
+ Lemma Zplus_opp_r : forall x, x + -x = 0.
+ Proof Zplus_opp_r.
+ (** The following morphisms are required to perform the required rewrites *)
+ Instance Zminus_compat : Proper ( ==> Z.le) Z.opp.
+ Proof. intros x y. omega. Qed.
+ Instance Proper_Zplus : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le ==> Z.le) Zplus.
+ Proof. firstorder. Qed.
+ Goal forall a b, Z.abs a - Z.abs b <= Z.abs (a - b).
+ intros. unfold Zminus.
+ aac_instances <- (Zminus_diag b).
+ aac_rewrite <- (Zminus_diag b) at 3.
+ unfold Zminus.
+ aac_rewrite Z.abs_triangle.
+ aac_rewrite Zplus_opp_r.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** *** Pythagorean triples *)
+ Notation "x ^2" := (x*x) (at level 40).
+ Notation "2 ⋅ x" := (x+x) (at level 41).
+ Lemma Hbin1: forall x y, (x+y)^2 = x^2 + y^2 + 2⋅x*y. Proof. intros; ring. Qed.
+ Lemma Hbin2: forall x y, x^2 + y^2 = (x+y)^2 + -(2⋅x*y). Proof. intros; ring. Qed.
+ Lemma Hopp : forall x, x + -x = 0. Proof Zplus_opp_r.
+ Variables a b c : Z.
+ Hypothesis H : c^2 + 2⋅(a+1)*b = (a+1+b)^2.
+ Goal a^2 + b^2 + 2⋅a + 1 = c^2.
+ aacu_rewrite <- Hbin1.
+ rewrite Hbin2.
+ aac_rewrite <- H.
+ aac_rewrite Hopp.
+ aac_reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** Note: after the [aac_rewrite <- H], one could use [ring] to close the proof.*)
+End Examples.
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+(* This is part of aac_tactics, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
+(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2009-2010: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
+Require Import Arith NArith.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import FMapPositive FMapFacts.
+Require Import RelationClasses Equality.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+(** * Utilities for positive numbers
+ which we use as:
+ - indices for morphisms and symbols
+ - multiplicity of terms in sums *)
+Notation idx := positive.
+Fixpoint eq_idx_bool i j :=
+ match i,j with
+ | xH, xH => true
+ | xO i, xO j => eq_idx_bool i j
+ | xI i, xI j => eq_idx_bool i j
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+Fixpoint idx_compare i j :=
+ match i,j with
+ | xH, xH => Eq
+ | xH, _ => Lt
+ | _, xH => Gt
+ | xO i, xO j => idx_compare i j
+ | xI i, xI j => idx_compare i j
+ | xI _, xO _ => Gt
+ | xO _, xI _ => Lt
+ end.
+Notation pos_compare := idx_compare (only parsing).
+(** Specification predicate for boolean binary functions *)
+Inductive decide_spec {A} {B} (R : A -> B -> Prop) (x : A) (y : B) : bool -> Prop :=
+| decide_true : R x y -> decide_spec R x y true
+| decide_false : ~(R x y) -> decide_spec R x y false.
+Lemma eq_idx_spec : forall i j, decide_spec (@eq _) i j (eq_idx_bool i j).
+ induction i; destruct j; simpl; try (constructor; congruence).
+ case (IHi j); constructor; congruence.
+ case (IHi j); constructor; congruence.
+(** weak specification predicate for comparison functions: only the 'Eq' case is specified *)
+Inductive compare_weak_spec A: A -> A -> comparison -> Prop :=
+| pcws_eq: forall i, compare_weak_spec i i Eq
+| pcws_lt: forall i j, compare_weak_spec i j Lt
+| pcws_gt: forall i j, compare_weak_spec i j Gt.
+Lemma pos_compare_weak_spec: forall i j, compare_weak_spec i j (pos_compare i j).
+Proof. induction i; destruct j; simpl; try constructor; case (IHi j); intros; constructor. Qed.
+Lemma idx_compare_reflect_eq: forall i j, idx_compare i j = Eq -> i=j.
+Proof. intros i j. case (pos_compare_weak_spec i j); intros; congruence. Qed.
+(** * Dependent types utilities *)
+Notation cast T H u := (eq_rect _ T u _ H).
+Section dep.
+ Variable U: Type.
+ Variable T: U -> Type.
+ Lemma cast_eq: (forall u v: U, {u=v}+{u<>v}) ->
+ forall A (H: A=A) (u: T A), cast T H u = u.
+ Proof. intros. rewrite <- Eqdep_dec.eq_rect_eq_dec; trivial. Qed.
+ Variable f: forall A B, T A -> T B -> comparison.
+ Definition reflect_eqdep := forall A u B v (H: A=B), @f A B u v = Eq -> cast T H u = v.
+ (* these lemmas have to remain transparent to get structural recursion
+ in the lemma [tcompare_weak_spec] below *)
+ Lemma reflect_eqdep_eq: reflect_eqdep ->
+ forall A u v, @f A A u v = Eq -> u = v.
+ Proof. intros H A u v He. apply (H _ _ _ _ eq_refl He). Defined.
+ Lemma reflect_eqdep_weak_spec: reflect_eqdep ->
+ forall A u v, compare_weak_spec u v (@f A A u v).
+ Proof.
+ intros. case_eq (f u v); try constructor.
+ intro H'. apply reflect_eqdep_eq in H'. subst. constructor. assumption.
+ Defined.
+End dep.
+(** * Utilities about (non-empty) lists and multisets *)
+Inductive nelist (A : Type) : Type :=
+| nil : A -> nelist A
+| cons : A -> nelist A -> nelist A.
+Notation "x :: y" := (cons x y).
+Fixpoint nelist_map (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) l :=
+ match l with
+ | nil x => nil ( f x)
+ | cons x l => cons ( f x) (nelist_map f l)
+ end.
+Fixpoint appne A l l' : nelist A :=
+ match l with
+ nil x => cons x l'
+ | cons t q => cons t (appne A q l')
+ end.
+Notation "x ++ y" := (appne x y).
+(** finite multisets are represented with ordered lists with multiplicities *)
+Definition mset A := nelist (A*positive).
+(** lexicographic composition of comparisons (this is a notation to keep it lazy) *)
+Notation lex e f := (match e with Eq => f | _ => e end).
+Section lists.
+ (** comparison functions *)
+ Section c.
+ Variables A B: Type.
+ Variable compare: A -> B -> comparison.
+ Fixpoint list_compare h k :=
+ match h,k with
+ | nil x, nil y => compare x y
+ | nil x, _ => Lt
+ | _, nil x => Gt
+ | u::h, v::k => lex (compare u v) (list_compare h k)
+ end.
+ End c.
+ Definition mset_compare A B compare: mset A -> mset B -> comparison :=
+ list_compare (fun un vm =>
+ let '(u,n) := un in
+ let '(v,m) := vm in
+ lex (compare u v) (pos_compare n m)).
+ Section list_compare_weak_spec.
+ Variable A: Type.
+ Variable compare: A -> A -> comparison.
+ Hypothesis Hcompare: forall u v, compare_weak_spec u v (compare u v).
+ (* this lemma has to remain transparent to get structural recursion
+ in the lemma [tcompare_weak_spec] below *)
+ Lemma list_compare_weak_spec: forall h k,
+ compare_weak_spec h k (list_compare compare h k).
+ Proof.
+ induction h as [|u h IHh]; destruct k as [|v k]; simpl; try constructor.
+ case (Hcompare a a0 ); try constructor.
+ case (Hcompare u v ); try constructor.
+ case (IHh k); intros; constructor.
+ Defined.
+ End list_compare_weak_spec.
+ Section mset_compare_weak_spec.
+ Variable A: Type.
+ Variable compare: A -> A -> comparison.
+ Hypothesis Hcompare: forall u v, compare_weak_spec u v (compare u v).
+ (* this lemma has to remain transparent to get structural recursion
+ in the lemma [tcompare_weak_spec] below *)
+ Lemma mset_compare_weak_spec: forall h k,
+ compare_weak_spec h k (mset_compare compare h k).
+ Proof.
+ apply list_compare_weak_spec.
+ intros [u n] [v m].
+ case (Hcompare u v); try constructor.
+ case (pos_compare_weak_spec n m); try constructor.
+ Defined.
+ End mset_compare_weak_spec.
+ (** (sorted) merging functions *)
+ Section m.
+ Variable A: Type.
+ Variable compare: A -> A -> comparison.
+ Definition insert n1 h1 :=
+ let fix insert_aux l2 :=
+ match l2 with
+ | nil (h2,n2) =>
+ match compare h1 h2 with
+ | Eq => nil (h1,Pplus n1 n2)
+ | Lt => (h1,n1):: nil (h2,n2)
+ | Gt => (h2,n2):: nil (h1,n1)
+ end
+ | (h2,n2)::t2 =>
+ match compare h1 h2 with
+ | Eq => (h1,Pplus n1 n2):: t2
+ | Lt => (h1,n1)::l2
+ | Gt => (h2,n2)::insert_aux t2
+ end
+ end
+ in insert_aux.
+ Fixpoint merge_msets l1 :=
+ match l1 with
+ | nil (h1,n1) => fun l2 => insert n1 h1 l2
+ | (h1,n1)::t1 =>
+ let fix merge_aux l2 :=
+ match l2 with
+ | nil (h2,n2) =>
+ match compare h1 h2 with
+ | Eq => (h1,Pplus n1 n2) :: t1
+ | Lt => (h1,n1):: merge_msets t1 l2
+ | Gt => (h2,n2):: l1
+ end
+ | (h2,n2)::t2 =>
+ match compare h1 h2 with
+ | Eq => (h1,Pplus n1 n2)::merge_msets t1 t2
+ | Lt => (h1,n1)::merge_msets t1 l2
+ | Gt => (h2,n2)::merge_aux t2
+ end
+ end
+ in merge_aux
+ end.
+ (** interpretation of a list with a constant and a binary operation *)
+ Variable B: Type.
+ Variable map: A -> B.
+ Variable b2: B -> B -> B.
+ Fixpoint fold_map l :=
+ match l with
+ | nil x => map x
+ | u::l => b2 (map u) (fold_map l)
+ end.
+ (** mapping and merging *)
+ Variable merge: A -> nelist B -> nelist B.
+ Fixpoint merge_map (l: nelist A): nelist B :=
+ match l with
+ | nil x => nil (map x)
+ | u::l => merge u (merge_map l)
+ end.
+ Variable ret : A -> B.
+ Variable bind : A -> B -> B.
+ Fixpoint fold_map' (l : nelist A) : B :=
+ match l with
+ | nil x => ret x
+ | u::l => bind u (fold_map' l)
+ end.
+ End m.
+End lists.