diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2011-02-21 17:34:07 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2011-02-21 17:34:07 +0100
commit3b5a4caffd5f3d0021ea2716025efc068a0b8968 (patch)
parenta99db68ef72f70cbb59746f14e526e3cd7608ea8 (diff)
parent9216cffaaa1ef137ef5bdb5b290a930cc6198850 (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/0.2.pl2'
6 files changed, 578 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 47ab840..5d738e0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ end
module Debug = AAC_helper.Debug (Control)
open Debug
+module Search = AAC_search_monad (* a handle *)
type symbol = int
type var = int
type units = (symbol * symbol) list (* from AC/A symbols to the unit *)
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ let get_unit units op =
let is_unit units op unit = List.mem (op,unit) units
-open AAC_search_monad
+open Search
type 'a mset = ('a * int) list
let linear p =
@@ -126,7 +128,11 @@ module Terms : sig
| TUnit of symbol
| TVar of var
+ (** {2 Fresh variables: we provide some functions to pick some fresh variables with respect to a term} *)
+ val fresh_var_term : t -> int
+ val fresh_var_nfterm : nf_term -> int
(** {2 Constructors: we ensure that the terms are always
@@ -175,9 +181,31 @@ end
| TUnit of symbol
| TVar of var
+ (** {2 Picking fresh variables} *)
+ (** [fresh_var_term] picks a fresh variable with respect to a term *)
+ let fresh_var_term t =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | Dot (_,t1,t2)
+ | Plus (_,t1,t2) -> max (aux t1) (aux t2)
+ | Sym (_,v) -> Array.fold_left (fun acc x -> max acc (aux x)) 0 v
+ | Var v -> assert (v >= 0); v
+ | Unit _ -> 0
+ in
+ aux t
+ (** [fresh_var_nfterm] picks a fresh_variable with respect to a term *)
+ let fresh_var_nfterm t =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | TAC (_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun acc (x,_) -> max acc (aux x)) 0 l
+ | TA (_,l)
+ | TSym (_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> max acc (aux x)) 0 l
+ | TVar v -> assert (v >= 0); v
+ | TUnit _ -> 0
+ in
+ aux t
(** {2 Constructors: we ensure that the terms are always
normalised} *)
@@ -453,20 +481,6 @@ end
open X
- let nullifiable p =
- let nullable = not strict in
- let has_unit s =
- try let _ = get_unit units s in true
- with NoUnit -> false
- in
- let rec aux = function
- | TA (s,l) -> has_unit s && List.for_all (aux) l
- | TAC (s,l) -> has_unit s && List.for_all (fun (x,n) -> aux x) l
- | TSym _ -> false
- | TVar _ -> nullable
- | TUnit _ -> true
- in aux p
let print_units ()=
List.iter (fun (op,unit) -> Printf.printf "%i %i\t" op unit) units;
Printf.printf "\n%!"
@@ -801,7 +815,7 @@ let build_a (current : symbol)
right_pat p >> left_pat >> (fun p -> return p)
-let conts (unit : symbol) (l : symbol list) p : t m =
+let conts (hole : t) (l : symbol list) p : t m =
let p = t_of_term p in
(* - aller chercher les symboles ac et les symboles a
- construire pour chaque
@@ -813,24 +827,23 @@ let conts (unit : symbol) (l : symbol list) p : t m =
let acc = fail () in
let acc = List.fold_left
(fun acc s ->
- acc >>| return (Plus (s,p,Unit unit))
+ acc >>| return (Plus (s,p,hole))
) acc ac in
let acc =
(fun acc s ->
- acc >>| return (Dot (s,p,Unit unit)) >>| return (Dot (s,Unit unit,p))
+ acc >>| return (Dot (s,p,hole)) >>| return (Dot (s,hole,p))
) acc a
in acc
Return the same thing as subterm :
- The size of the context
- The context
- A collection of substitutions (here == return Subst.empty)
-let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) : (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
+let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) (hole : t): (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
let symbols = List.fold_left
(fun acc (ac,u) -> if u = unit then ac :: acc else acc ) [] units
@@ -846,15 +859,15 @@ let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) : (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
match r with
| [p,1] ->
- positions p >>| conts unit symbols' p
+ positions p >>| conts hole symbols' p
| _ ->
- mk_TAC' s r >> conts unit symbols'
+ mk_TAC' s r >> conts hole symbols'
) >> build_ac s l ))
| TA (s,l) ->
let symbols' = List.filter (fun x -> x <> s) symbols in
(* first the other symbols, and then the more simple case of
- this aprticular symbol *)
+ this particular symbol *)
a_nondet_middle l >>
(fun (l,m,r) ->
(* meant to break the symmetry *)
@@ -864,23 +877,23 @@ let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) : (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
match m with
| [p] ->
- positions p >>| conts unit symbols' p
+ positions p >>| conts hole symbols' p
| _ ->
- mk_TA' s m >> conts unit symbols'
+ mk_TA' s m >> conts hole symbols'
) >> build_a s l r ))
if List.mem s symbols then
begin match l with
| [a] -> assert false
- | [a;b] -> build_a s [a] [b] (Unit unit)
+ | [a;b] -> build_a s [a] [b] (hole)
| _ ->
(* on ne construit que les elements interieurs,
d'ou la disymetrie *)
(Positions.a l >>
(fun (left,p,right) ->
if left = [] then fail () else
- (build_a s left right (Dot (s,Unit unit,t_of_term p)))))
+ (build_a s left right (Dot (s,hole,t_of_term p)))))
else fail ()
@@ -894,7 +907,7 @@ let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) : (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
return (Sym (s, Array.of_list (List.rev_append l (p::r)))) ))
- conts unit symbols t >>
+ conts hole symbols t >>
(fun (p) ->
let l = t_of_term l in
let r = t_of_term r in
@@ -903,15 +916,15 @@ let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) : (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
>>| acc
) l (fail())
| TVar x -> assert false
- | TUnit x when x = unit -> return (Unit unit)
- | TUnit x as t -> conts unit symbols t
+ | TUnit x when x = unit -> return (hole)
+ | TUnit x as t -> conts hole symbols t
(positions t
(match t with
- | TSym _ -> conts unit symbols t
- | TAC (s,l) -> conts unit symbols t
- | TA (s,l) -> conts unit symbols t
+ | TSym _ -> conts hole symbols t
+ | TAC (s,l) -> conts hole symbols t
+ | TA (s,l) -> conts hole symbols t
| _ -> fail())
>> fun (p) -> return (Terms.size p,p,return Subst.empty)
@@ -919,7 +932,7 @@ let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) : (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
+ (************)
(* Matching *)
@@ -942,8 +955,8 @@ let unit_subterm (t : nf_term) (unit : symbol) : (int * t * Subst.t m) m =
-let matching =
- let rec matching env (p : nf_term) (t: nf_term) : Subst.t AAC_search_monad.m=
+let matching : Subst.t -> nf_term -> nf_term -> Subst.t Search.m=
+ let rec matching env (p : nf_term) (t: nf_term) : Subst.t Search.m=
match p with
| TAC (s,l) ->
let l = linear l in
@@ -1040,11 +1053,55 @@ let matching =
fun env l r ->
let _ = debug (Printf.sprintf "pattern :%s\nterm :%s\n%!" (Terms.sprint_nf_term l) (Terms.sprint_nf_term r)) in
let m = matching env l r in
- let _ = debug (Printf.sprintf "count %i" (AAC_search_monad.count m)) in
+ let _ = debug (Printf.sprintf "count %i" (Search.count m)) in
+(** [unitifiable p : Subst.t m] *)
+let unitifiable p : (symbol * Subst.t m) m =
+ let m = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (_,unit) -> acc >>|
+ let m = matching Subst.empty p (mk_TUnit unit) in
+ if Search.is_empty m then
+ fail ()
+ else
+ begin
+ return (unit,m)
+ end
+ ) (fail ()) units
+ in
+ m
+let nullifiable p =
+ let nullable = not strict in
+ let has_unit s =
+ try let _ = get_unit units s in true
+ with NoUnit -> false
+ in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | TA (s,l) -> has_unit s && List.for_all (aux) l
+ | TAC (s,l) -> has_unit s && List.for_all (fun (x,n) -> aux x) l
+ | TSym _ -> false
+ | TVar _ -> nullable
+ | TUnit _ -> true
+ in aux p
+let unit_warning p ~nullif ~unitif =
+ assert ((Search.is_empty unitif) || nullif);
+ if not (Search.is_empty unitif)
+ then
+ begin
+ Pp.msg_warning
+ (Pp.str
+ "[aac_tactics] This pattern can be instanciated to match units, some solutions can be missing");
+ end
(* Subterm *)
@@ -1077,101 +1134,131 @@ let matching =
serve as heuristics to return "interesting" matchings
-let return_non_empty raw_p m =
- if is_empty m
- then
- fail ()
- else
- return (raw_p ,m)
-let subterm (raw_p:t) (raw_t:t): (int * t * Subst.t m) m=
- let _ = debug (String.make 40 '=') in
- let p = term_of_t units raw_p in
- let t = term_of_t units raw_t in
- let _ =
- if nullifiable p
+ let return_non_empty raw_p m =
+ if is_empty m
- Pp.msg_warning
- (Pp.str
- "[aac_tactics] This pattern might be nullifiable, some solutions can be missing");
- in
- let _ = debug (Printf.sprintf "%s" (Terms.sprint_nf_term p)) in
- let _ = debug (Printf.sprintf "%s" (Terms.sprint_nf_term t)) in
- let filter_right current right (p,m) =
- if right = []
- then return (p,m)
- else
- mk_TAC' current right >>
- fun t -> return (Plus (current,p,t_of_term t),m)
- in
- let filter_middle current left right (p,m) =
- let right_pat p =
+ fail ()
+ else
+ return (raw_p ,m)
+ let subterm (raw_p:t) (raw_t:t): (int * t * Subst.t m) m=
+ let _ = debug (String.make 40 '=') in
+ let p = term_of_t units raw_p in
+ let t = term_of_t units raw_t in
+ let nullif = nullifiable p in
+ let unitif = unitifiable p in
+ let _ = unit_warning p ~nullif ~unitif in
+ let _ = debug (Printf.sprintf "%s" (Terms.sprint_nf_term p)) in
+ let _ = debug (Printf.sprintf "%s" (Terms.sprint_nf_term t)) in
+ let filter_right current right (p,m) =
if right = []
- then return p
- else
- mk_TA' current right >>
- fun t -> return (Dot (current,p,t_of_term t))
+ then return (p,m)
+ else
+ mk_TAC' current right >>
+ fun t -> return (Plus (current,p,t_of_term t),m)
- let left_pat p=
- if left = []
- then return p
- else
- mk_TA' current left >>
- fun t -> return (Dot (current,t_of_term t,p))
- in
- right_pat p >> left_pat >> (fun p -> return (p,m))
- in
- let rec subterm (t:nf_term) : (t * Subst.t m) m=
- match t with
- | TAC (s,l) ->
- ((ac_nondet_split_raw l) >>
- (fun (left,right) ->
- (subterm_AC s left) >> (filter_right s right)
- ))
- | TA (s,l) ->
- (a_nondet_middle l) >>
- (fun (left, middle, right) ->
- (subterm_A s middle) >>
- (filter_middle s left right)
- )
- | TSym (s, l) ->
- let init =
- return_non_empty raw_p (matching Subst.empty p t)
- in
- tri_fold (fun acc l t r ->
- ((subterm t) >>
- (fun (p,m) ->
- let l = t_of_term l in
- let r = t_of_term r in
- let p = Sym (s, Array.of_list (List.rev_append l (p::r))) in
- return (p,m)
- )) >>| acc
- ) l init
- | TVar x -> assert false
- | TUnit s -> fail ()
- and subterm_AC s tl =
- match tl with
- [x,1] -> subterm x
- | _ ->
- mk_TAC' s tl >> fun t ->
- return_non_empty raw_p (matching Subst.empty p t)
- and subterm_A s tl =
- match tl with
- [x] -> subterm x
- | _ ->
- mk_TA' s tl >>
- fun t ->
+ let filter_middle current left right (p,m) =
+ let right_pat p =
+ if right = []
+ then return p
+ else
+ mk_TA' current right >>
+ fun t -> return (Dot (current,p,t_of_term t))
+ in
+ let left_pat p=
+ if left = []
+ then return p
+ else
+ mk_TA' current left >>
+ fun t -> return (Dot (current,t_of_term t,p))
+ in
+ right_pat p >> left_pat >> (fun p -> return (p,m))
+ in
+ let rec subterm (t:nf_term) : (t * Subst.t m) m=
+ match t with
+ | TAC (s,l) ->
+ ((ac_nondet_split_raw l) >>
+ (fun (left,right) ->
+ (subterm_AC s left) >> (filter_right s right)
+ ))
+ | TA (s,l) ->
+ (a_nondet_middle l) >>
+ (fun (left, middle, right) ->
+ (subterm_A s middle) >>
+ (filter_middle s left right)
+ )
+ | TSym (s, l) ->
+ let init =
return_non_empty raw_p (matching Subst.empty p t)
- in
- match p with
- | TUnit x ->
- unit_subterm t x
- | _ -> (subterm t >> fun (p,m) -> return (Terms.size p,p,m))
+ in
+ tri_fold (fun acc l t r ->
+ ((subterm t) >>
+ (fun (p,m) ->
+ let l = t_of_term l in
+ let r = t_of_term r in
+ let p = Sym (s, Array.of_list (List.rev_append l (p::r))) in
+ return (p,m)
+ )) >>| acc
+ ) l init
+ | TVar x -> assert false
+ (* this case is superseded by the later disjunction *)
+ | TUnit s -> fail ()
+ and subterm_AC s tl =
+ match tl with
+ [x,1] -> subterm x
+ | _ ->
+ mk_TAC' s tl >> fun t ->
+ return_non_empty raw_p (matching Subst.empty p t)
+ and subterm_A s tl =
+ match tl with
+ [x] -> subterm x
+ | _ ->
+ mk_TA' s tl >>
+ fun t ->
+ return_non_empty raw_p (matching Subst.empty p t)
+ in
+ match p with
+ | TUnit unit -> unit_subterm t unit raw_p
+ | _ when not (Search.is_empty unitif) ->
+ let unit_matches =
+ Search.fold
+ (fun (unit,inst) acc ->
+ Search.fold
+ (fun subst acc' ->
+ let m = unit_subterm t unit (Subst.instantiate subst raw_p)
+ in
+ m>>| acc'
+ )
+ inst
+ acc
+ )
+ unitif
+ (fail ())
+ in
+ let nullifies (t : Subst.t) =
+ List.for_all (fun (_,x) ->
+ List.exists (fun (_,y) -> Unit y = x ) units
+ ) (Subst.to_list t)
+ in
+ let nonunit_matches =
+ subterm t >>
+ (
+ fun (p,m) ->
+ let m = Search.filter (fun subst -> not( nullifies subst)) m in
+ if Search.is_empty m
+ then fail ()
+ else return (Terms.size p,p,m)
+ )
+ in
+ unit_matches >>| nonunit_matches
+ | _ -> (subterm t >> fun (p,m) -> return (Terms.size p,p,m))
(* The functions we export, handlers for the previous ones. Some debug
information also *)
let subterm ?(strict = false) units raw t =
@@ -1183,7 +1270,7 @@ let subterm ?(strict = false) units raw t =
let sols = time (M.subterm raw) t "%fs spent in subterm (including matching)\n" in
(Printf.sprintf "%i possible solution(s)\n"
- (AAC_search_monad.fold (fun (_,_,envm) acc -> count envm + acc) sols 0));
+ (Search.fold (fun (_,_,envm) acc -> count envm + acc) sols 0));
diff --git a/ b/
index b7aabbd..09a6455 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -63,3 +63,8 @@ let to_list m = (fold (fun x acc -> x::acc) m [])
let sort f m =
N ( (fun x -> F x) (List.sort f (to_list m)))
+(* preserve the structure of the heap *)
+let filter f m =
+ fold (fun x acc -> (if f x then return x else fail ()) >>| acc) m (N [])
diff --git a/AAC_search_monad.mli b/AAC_search_monad.mli
index 093f9d9..7e2a910 100644
--- a/AAC_search_monad.mli
+++ b/AAC_search_monad.mli
@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ val choose : 'a m -> 'a option
val to_list : 'a m -> 'a list
val sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a m -> 'a m
val is_empty: 'a m -> bool
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a m -> 'a m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84b2aae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+AAC_tactics 0.2-pl2 :
+- Improved the handling of nullifiable patterns.
+AAC_tactics 0.2.1 :
+- backport of some debian patches (thanks to S. Glondu)
+AAC_tactics 0.2 :
+- Several operators can share a given unit (like max and plus sharing zero)
+- Added some support to rewrite in inequations (using inequations)
+- Better priting functions for aac_instances
+- Overhauled inference of morphisms and operators :
+ * Lift the previous requirement to have at leat one AC and one A operator
+ * Binary operations are infered before morphisms (hence List.assoc can be recognized as being Associative)
+- Should now be able to handle goal with evars (but this is not unification modulo AC)
+- Added several new instances of Associative and Commutative operators
+- The old syntax to declare AC and A operators is no longer supported
+- The tactics do not abstract the proof they built (was troublesome if evars appeared)
+AAC_tactics 0.1 :
+Initial release
diff --git a/Caveats.v b/Caveats.v
index 8cef602..0d0d5ca 100644
--- a/Caveats.v
+++ b/Caveats.v
@@ -335,7 +335,8 @@ Goal a+b*c = c.
-(** **** If the pattern is a unit:
+(** **** If the pattern is a unit or can be instanciated to be equal
+ to a unit:
The heuristic is to make the unit appear at each possible position
in the term, e.g. transforming [a] into [1*a] and [a*1], but this
@@ -351,23 +352,19 @@ Goal a+b+c = c.
(** 7 solutions, we miss solutions like [(a+b+c+0*(1+0*[]))]*)
-(** **** If the pattern is a nullifiable, but not a unit:
- The heuristic is to make units appear around subterms that are
-built with AC or A symbols. Note that this case is relevant only if
-one uses [aacu_rewrite]. *)
-Hypothesis H : forall x y, (x+y)*x = x*x + y*x.
+(** *** Another example of the former case is the following, where the hypothesis can be instanciated to be equal to [1] *)
+Hypothesis H : forall x y, (x+y)*x = x*x + y *x.
Goal a*a+b*a + c = c.
(** Here, only one solution if we use the aac_instance tactic *)
aac_instances <- H.
- (** There are three solutions using aacu_instances (but, here,
+ (** There are 8 solutions using aacu_instances (but, here,
there are infinitely many different solutions). We miss e.g. [a*a +b*a
+ (x*x + y*x)*c], which seems to be more peculiar. *)
- aacu_instances <- H.
+ aacu_instances <- H.
+ (** The 7 last solutions are the same as if we were matching [1] *)
+ aacu_instances H1. Abort.
(** The behavior of the tactic is not satisfying in this case. It is
still unclear how to handle properly this kind of situation : we plan
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56d4b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+## v # The Coq Proof Assistant ##
+## <O___,, # INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS ##
+## \VV/ # ##
+## // # Makefile automagically generated by coq_makefile V8.3 ##
+# This Makefile has been automagically generated
+# Edit at your own risks !
+# This Makefile was generated by the command line :
+# coq_makefile -R . AAC_tactics -opt MLIFILES = $( AAC.v Instances.v Tutorial.v Caveats.v -f magic.txt
+# This Makefile may take 3 arguments passed as environment variables:
+# - COQBIN to specify the directory where Coq binaries resides;
+# - CAMLBIN and CAMLP4BIN to give the path for the OCaml and Camlp4/5 binaries.
+COQLIB:=$(shell $(COQBIN)coqtop -where | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g')
+CAMLP4:="$(shell $(COQBIN)coqtop -config | awk -F = '/CAMLP4=/{print $$2}')"
+ifndef CAMLP4BIN
+CAMLP4LIB:=$(shell $(CAMLP4BIN)$(CAMLP4) -where)
+# #
+# Libraries definitions. #
+# #
+COQSRCLIBS:=-I $(COQLIB)/kernel -I $(COQLIB)/lib \
+ -I $(COQLIB)/library -I $(COQLIB)/parsing \
+ -I $(COQLIB)/pretyping -I $(COQLIB)/interp \
+ -I $(COQLIB)/proofs -I $(COQLIB)/tactics \
+ -I $(COQLIB)/toplevel \
+COQLIBS:= -R . AAC_tactics
+COQDOCLIBS:=-R . AAC_tactics
+# #
+# Variables definitions. #
+# #
+ifdef CAMLBIN
+ COQMKTOPFLAGS:=-camlbin $(CAMLBIN) -camlp4bin $(CAMLP4BIN)
+COQDEP:=$(COQBIN)coqdep -c
+CAMLLIB:=$(shell $(CAMLBIN)ocamlc -where)
+CAMLC:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlc -c -rectypes
+CAMLOPTC:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlopt -c -rectypes
+CAMLLINK:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlc -rectypes
+CAMLOPTLINK:=$(CAMLBIN)ocamlopt -rectypes
+CAMLP4EXTEND:=pa_extend.cmo pa_macro.cmo q_MLast.cmo
+# #
+# Definition of the "all" target. #
+# #
+ Instances.v\
+ Tutorial.v\
+ Caveats.v
+ aac_tactics.cmxs\
+ aac_tactics.cmxa\
+ aac_tactics.cma\
+ .depend
+spec: $(VIFILES)
+gallina: $(GFILES)
+ - mkdir -p html
+ $(COQDOC) -toc -html $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
+gallinahtml: $(GLOBFILES) $(VFILES)
+ - mkdir -p html
+ $(COQDOC) -toc -html -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
+ $(COQDOC) -toc -ps $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`
+ $(COQDOC) -toc -ps -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`
+all.pdf: $(VFILES)
+ $(COQDOC) -toc -pdf $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`
+all-gal.pdf: $(VFILES)
+ $(COQDOC) -toc -pdf -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`
+# #
+# Custom targets. #
+# #
+doc: $(MLIFILES)
+ mkdir -p doc; $(CAMLBIN)ocamldoc -html -rectypes -d doc -m A $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $^ && touch doc
+aac_tactics.cmxs: $(CMXFILES)
+ $(CAMLOPTLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -shared -linkall -o aac_tactics.cmxs $(CMXFILES)
+aac_tactics.cmxa: $(CMXFILES)
+ $(CAMLOPTLINK) -g -a -o aac_tactics.cmxa $(CMXFILES)
+aac_tactics.cma: $(CMOFILES)
+ $(CAMLLINK) -g -a -o aac_tactics.cma $(CMOFILES)
+.depend: $(MLIFILES)
+ $(CAMLBIN)ocamldep -slash $(OCAMLLIBS) $^ > .depend
+# #
+# Special targets. #
+# #
+.PHONY: all opt byte archclean clean install depend html
+%.cmi: %.mli
+ $(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) $<
+ $(CAMLOPTLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $(PP) $<
+%.cmo: %.ml4
+ $(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) -impl $<
+%.cmx: %.ml4
+ $(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $(PP) -impl $<
+%.cmxs: %.ml4
+ $(CAMLOPTLINK) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $(PP) -impl $<
+ $(CAMLBIN)ocamldep -slash $(OCAMLLIBS) $(PP) "$<" > "$@"
+%.vo %.glob: %.v
+ %.v
+%.g: %.v
+ $(GALLINA) $<
+%.tex: %.v
+ $(COQDOC) -latex $< -o $@
+%.html: %.v %.glob
+ $(COQDOC) -html $< -o $@
+%.g.tex: %.v
+ $(COQDOC) -latex -g $< -o $@
+%.g.html: %.v %.glob
+ $(COQDOC) -html -g $< -o $@
+%.v.d: %.v
+ $(COQDEP) -slash $(COQLIBS) "$<" > "$@" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f "$@"; exit $${RV} )
+ $(MAKE) all "OPT:=-byte"
+ $(MAKE) all "OPT:=-opt"
+ mkdir -p $(COQLIB)/user-contrib
+ (for i in $(VOFILES); do \
+ install -d `dirname $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i`; \
+ install $$i $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i; \
+ done)
+ (for i in $(CMOFILES); do \
+ install -d `dirname $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i`; \
+ install $$i $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i; \
+ done)
+ (for i in $(CMIFILES); do \
+ install -d `dirname $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i`; \
+ install $$i $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i; \
+ done)
+ (for i in $(CMXSFILES); do \
+ install -d `dirname $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i`; \
+ install $$i $(COQLIB)/user-contrib/AAC_tactics/$$i; \
+ done)
+ rm -f all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob $(VFILES:.v=.glob) $(HTMLFILES) $(GHTMLFILES) $(VFILES:.v=.tex) $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex) $(VFILES:.v=.v.d)
+ rm -f $(CMOFILES) $( $( $( $(
+ - rm -rf html
+ - rm -rf doc
+ - rm -f aac_tactics.cmxs
+ - rm -f aac_tactics.cmxa
+ - rm -f aac_tactics.cma
+ - rm -f .depend
+ rm -f *.cmx *.o
+ @echo CAMLC = $(CAMLC)
+ @echo CAMLP4LIB = $(CAMLP4LIB)
+.dummy: magic.txt
+ mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
+ $(COQBIN)coq_makefile -f magic.txt -o Makefile
+-include $(VFILES:.v=.v.d)
+.SECONDARY: $(VFILES:.v=.v.d)
+-include $(
+# This Makefile has been automagically generated
+# Edit at your own risks !
+# override inadequate coq_makefile auto-regeneration
+Makefile: make_makefile magic.txt files.txt
+ ./make_makefile
+# We want to keep the proofs in Caveats and the Tutorial
+world: $(VOFILES) doc
+ - mkdir -p html
+ $(COQDOC) -toc -utf8 -html -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
+ $(COQDOC) --no-index --no-externals -s -utf8 -html $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html Tutorial.v
+ $(COQDOC) --no-index --no-externals -s -utf8 -html $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html Caveats.v
+# additional dependencies for AAC (since aac_tactics.cmxs/cma are not
+# around the first time we run make, coqdep issues a warning and
+# ignores this dependency)
+# (one can safely select one of theses dependencies according to
+# coq' compilation mode--bytecode or native)
+AAC.vo: aac_tactics.cmxa aac_tactics.cmxs aac_tactics.cma
+# .depend contains dependencies for .mli files
+-include .depend
+.SECONDARY: .depend