path: root/.github
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Merge PR #8054: [dev] Autogenerate OCaml dev files.Gravatar Enrico Tassi2018-07-18
* | Remove fourier pluginGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-07-17
| * [dev] Autogenerate OCaml dev files.Gravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias2018-07-12
* | Introduce a team of code owners for the CI system.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-07-09
* Remove letouzey from CODEOWNERS since he left the Coq organization.Gravatar Gaëtan Gilbert2018-07-04
* Update maintainers for native/VM files in pretypingGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-06-28
* Make Clément the secondary codeowner of doc/tools/coqrst.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-06-20
* Merge PR #7619: Mention test-suite in PR templateGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-06-04
* | Add codeowner for timing python scriptsGravatar Jason Gross2018-05-31
| * Mention test-suite in PR templateGravatar Jason Gross2018-05-28
* Merge PR #7551: Update CODEOWNERS (mostly regarding the test-suite)Gravatar Maxime Dénès2018-05-25
| * Change primary maintainer for the checker.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-05-25
* | Remove dashes from PR templateGravatar Jason Gross2018-05-23
* | Mention warning and error message docs in PR templateGravatar Jason Gross2018-05-22
| * Add myself as a secondary maintainer for the documentation.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-05-22
| * Maitainers for components of the test-suite (closes #7426).Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-05-20
| * [codeowner] Add comment.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-05-20
| * Make Pierre-Marie a secondary maintainer of the kernel and checker.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-05-20
* Merge PR #7504: Define code owners for more CI files.Gravatar Maxime Dénès2018-05-14
* \ Merge PR #7170: Script to identify the code owner for given filesGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-05-14
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| | * Define code owners for more CI files.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-05-14
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* | Try to fix CODEOWNERSGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-05-08
| * Add CODEOWNERS entry for check-owners*.shGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert2018-05-07
* | Merge PR #7371: Propose some updates of the CODEOWNER file.Gravatar Maxime Dénès2018-05-07
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* | | Fix Makefile.ci pattern in CODEOWNERSGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-05-02
* | | Make doc owners also own Makefile.docGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-05-02
| * | Fix the secondary maintainer for Makefile.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-04-29
| * | Change maintainers for universe files in the kernel / engine.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-04-29
* | | [owners] Makefile.ci belongs to the CI category.Gravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias2018-04-26
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* | [api] Relocate `intf` modules according to dependency-order.Gravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias2018-04-23
* | Assign circleci files to @SkySkimmer, @ejgallegoGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert2018-04-17
* | Add myself as the primary maintainer of the warnings systemGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-04-11
* Remove dev/doc/changes.md from files with a code owner.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-03-29
* Add Michael Soegtrop as a code owner for Windows build scripts.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-03-26
* Use Pierre Corbineau GitHub nickname in CODEOWNERS.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-03-26
* Merge PR #7046: Switch maintainers for documentationGravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-03-23
* | Owners for developer toolsGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-03-22
| * Switch maintainers for documentationGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-03-22
* Switching owners for `META.coq`Gravatar Maxime Dénès2018-03-21
* Fix appveyor entry in CODEOWNERS.Gravatar Maxime Dénès2018-03-21
* Refine a bit the decentralized merging process.Gravatar Maxime Dénès2018-03-21
* Update CODEOWNERSGravatar Enrico2018-03-20
* Add CODEOWNERSGravatar Maxime Dénès2018-03-20
* [PR template] Remove the relative link.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2018-01-05
* Create pull request template.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2017-12-24
* Move contributing files to .github/ sub-directory.Gravatar Théo Zimmermann2017-11-13