path: root/src/common/common_types.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Move typedefs from kernel.h to more appropriate placesGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2015-05-06
* Common: Move NonCopyable to common_types.hGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2015-05-06
* Asserts: break/crash program, fit to style guide; log.h->assert.hGravatar archshift2015-02-10
| | | | | | | Involves making asserts use printf instead of the log functions (log functions are asynchronous and, as such, the log won't be printed in time) As such, the log type argument was removed (printf obviously can't use it, and it's made obsolete by the file and line printing) Also removed some GEKKO cruft.
* Common: Use std::abs instead of abs, using abs with cmath fails on some systems.Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-01-05
* Common: Remove the unused x86-specific 128-bit float type.Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2015-01-05
* New logging systemGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2014-12-13
* Remove tabs in all files except in skyeye imports and in generated GL codeGravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2014-11-19
* Remove trailing spaces in every file but the ones imported from SkyEye, AOSP ↵Gravatar Emmanuel Gil Peyrot2014-11-19
| | | | or generated
* Use std sized types instead of platform specific typedefsGravatar Yuri Kunde Schlesner2014-10-22
* Moved common_types::Rect from common to Common namespaceGravatar archshift2014-09-08
* Common: Move header guards over to pragma onceGravatar Lioncash2014-08-17
| | | | Also replaced C headers with the C++ equivalent ones
* common_types: Changed BasicRect back to Rect, in the common namespaceGravatar archshift2014-05-19
| | | | Only Rect is in the namespace for now; the rest of common should be added in the future
* Fix complaints about functions that could not be foundGravatar archshift2014-04-27
* Rect to BasicRectGravatar archshift2014-04-27
| | | | Somewhere along the line an OSX header had already taken the name Rect.
* fixed project includes to use new directory structureGravatar bunnei2014-04-08
* got rid of 'src' folders in each sub-projectGravatar bunnei2014-04-08