path: root/src/Codec
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbaren@google.com>2018-09-28 18:33:35 -0400
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbaren@google.com>2018-09-28 18:33:35 -0400
commite74149a7569afd1ea7d67c77f40c37471e7e3e58 (patch)
treed8478e569eade926a72829eee9d3afe0e8f12710 /src/Codec
parent8ac48890e98a4974980b8ca3d5e90a2e52c1a624 (diff)
Begin implementing symmetric encryption
Support RC4. Future commits will add support for more modern algorithms.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Codec')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Codec/Crypto/Encryption.hs b/src/Codec/Crypto/Encryption.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d22ff77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Crypto/Encryption.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+-- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+-- use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+-- the License at
+-- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+-- License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+-- the License.
+module Codec.Crypto.Encryption
+ ( Cipher, blockSize
+ , rc4
+ , doCipher, lazyCipher, CipherParams(..)
+ , CipherDirection(Encrypt, Decrypt)
+ -- * Error handling
+ , Error
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString.Lazy
+import Foreign (ForeignPtr, Ptr, nullPtr)
+import Foreign.C.Types
+import Foreign.Marshal.Unsafe (unsafeLocalState)
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
+import BTLS.BoringSSL.Base (EVPCipher, EVPCipherCtx, noEngine)
+import BTLS.BoringSSL.Cipher
+import BTLS.BoringSSL.Obj (objNID2SN)
+import BTLS.Buffer (onBufferOfMaxSize', unsafeUseAsCBuffer)
+import BTLS.Result (Error, check)
+-- | A cipher.
+newtype Cipher = Cipher (Ptr EVPCipher)
+instance Eq Cipher where
+ Cipher a == Cipher b = evpCipherNID a == evpCipherNID b
+instance Show Cipher where
+ show (Cipher c) = maybe "<cipher>" id (objNID2SN (evpCipherNID c))
+blockSize :: Cipher -> Int
+blockSize (Cipher c) = evpCipherBlockSize c
+rc4 :: Cipher
+rc4 = Cipher evpRC4
+data CipherParams = CipherParams
+ { cipher :: Cipher
+ , secretKey :: ByteString
+ , iv :: ByteString
+ , direction :: CipherDirection
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Performs an encryption or decryption operation.
+doCipher :: CipherParams -> Lazy.ByteString -> Either [Error] ByteString
+doCipher params plaintext = mconcat <$> sequence (lazyCipher params plaintext)
+lazyCipher :: CipherParams -> Lazy.ByteString -> [Either [Error] ByteString]
+lazyCipher params plaintext =
+ unsafeLocalState $ do
+ ctx <- mallocEVPCipherCtx
+ -- TODO(bbaren): Do 'key params' and 'iv params' need to remain live past
+ -- initialization? If not, we could move these 'unsafeUseAsCBuffer's into
+ -- 'initializeCipherCtx'.
+ unsafeUseAsCBuffer (secretKey params) $ \(pKey, keyLen) ->
+ unsafeUseAsCBuffer (iv params) $ \(pIV, _ivLen) -> do
+ -- TODO(bbaren): Validate key and IV length.
+ initializeResult <- runExceptT $
+ initializeCipherCtx ctx params (pKey, keyLen) pIV
+ case initializeResult of
+ Left e -> return [Left e]
+ Right () ->
+ cipherChunks ctx (cipher params) (ByteString.Lazy.toChunks plaintext)
+-- | Initializes a cipher context and sets the key length.
+initializeCipherCtx ::
+ ForeignPtr EVPCipherCtx
+ -> CipherParams
+ -> (Ptr CUChar, Int)
+ -> Ptr CUChar
+ -> ExceptT [Error] IO ()
+initializeCipherCtx ctx params (pKey, keyLen) pIV = do
+ let Cipher pCipher = cipher params
+ engine = noEngine
+ -- This function deals with a catch-22: We can't call
+ -- 'evpCipherCtxSetKeyLength' on an uninitialized 'EVPCipherCtx', but
+ -- 'evpCipherInitEx' requires a key of @keyLength cipher@ in length.
+ -- Fortunately, @EVP_CipherInit_ex@'s documentation says that "If ctx has been
+ -- previously configured with a cipher then cipher, key and iv may be NULL
+ -- [...] to reuse the previous values." So first, we call 'evpCipherInitEx'
+ -- with a dummy key (@NULL@); then, we set the key length; and finally, we
+ -- reload 'ctx' with the actual key.
+ check $ evpCipherInitEx ctx pCipher engine dummyKey pIV (direction params)
+ check $ evpCipherCtxSetKeyLength ctx keyLen
+ check $ evpCipherInitEx ctx reuseCipher engine pKey reuseIV ReuseDirection
+ where dummyKey = nullPtr
+ reuseCipher = nullPtr
+ reuseIV = nullPtr
+-- | Lazily performs a cipher operation on 'chunks'. The operation will stop
+-- when all chunks have been ciphered or at the first error.
+cipherChunks ::
+ ForeignPtr EVPCipherCtx
+ -> Cipher
+ -> [ByteString]
+ -> IO [Either [Error] ByteString]
+cipherChunks ctx cipher = loop
+ where loop (x:xs) = do
+ y <- cipherChunk ctx cipher x
+ case y of
+ e@(Left _) -> return [e] -- Encrypting the chunk failed, so give up.
+ Right _ -> do
+ ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO (loop xs) -- Lazily keep encrypting.
+ return (y : ys)
+ loop [] = do
+ -- Grab any remaining data.
+ y <- onBufferOfMaxSize' (blockSize cipher) $ \pOut pOutLen ->
+ check $ evpCipherFinalEx ctx pOut pOutLen
+ return [y]
+cipherChunk ::
+ ForeignPtr EVPCipherCtx
+ -> Cipher
+ -> ByteString
+ -> IO (Either [Error] ByteString)
+cipherChunk ctx (Cipher pCipher) chunk = do
+ let maxCiphertextLen = ByteString.length chunk + evpCipherBlockSize pCipher
+ onBufferOfMaxSize' maxCiphertextLen $ \pOut pOutLen ->
+ check $ evpCipherUpdate ctx pOut pOutLen chunk